what languages ​​does the Bold N1 smartphone have in the settings? - Blu Bold N1 Questions & Answers

what languages ​​does the Bold N1 smartphone have in the settings?


Enlarge font size (calendar) input.

My father is using a MDA (the kaiser; aka TytnII) for a while now. When reading text he needs glasses.
I was able to change the font size of the menu's (via register settings) and the today screen(via the regular screen screen settings -> largest font & clear type).
Only some things do not get bigger and I think they are related:
-/ input font size (calendar, messaging)
-/ notifications
-/ explorer (internet explorer is ok)
Can someone help my father to enlarge this font too, so he won't need glasses?
Thank you very much in advance,
Kind regards Jan-Willem (Belgium)

How to make my Keyboard letters not bold?

I have seen the Keyboard letters are bold in some ROMs and normal in others. Is it possible to change it to not bold. I personally like the Non-Bold letters KB keys.

Fonts for the HTC Imagio

Is there anyway to change the font on the phone? I saw that there is an ability to change the font on other windows mobile devices. How about this one. I am an idiot when it comes to all this computer stuff....so if you know and could explain in layman's terms that would be appreciated!
there are fonts called sarcy's fonts. They work well on the imagio. They are posted under tilt 2 themes and apps. Post # 1.

Full Unicode font?

I'm noticing that one quite prominent set of Unicode characters missing from the built in Droid Sans font is the International Phonetic Alphabet. For example look at the article:
and look at the IPA for the English pronunciation: /uːˈruːmtʃi/
On my N1 and Milestone, the symbol between : and r is a box, and the symbol between t and i is also a box. I have a linguistics background so these symbols actually have meaning to me and I'd like to be able to read them on the go.
You'll see that there are some other symbols on that same page which appear as boxes. The same page viewed on my iPod Touch displays *all* of the Unicode characters. In particular the Arabic-derived symbols in the Uyghur language look awful on Android.
Is there anything I can do my rooted N1 to get full Unicode in IPA and all imaginable languages? Has anyone had any success with this?

Tilt II Home Screen Fix Needed

OK Folks;
I am running the latest ENergyROM from NRGZ28 and noticed a little problem that I would like to fix concerning the look of the Calendar and Appointments "FONT" setting..
With the font set to the normal install rom setting, the calenday and appointments font needs to be in BOLD instead of normal.
I have installed the same font that I downloaded off XDA and it makes the Calendar "BOLD" but yet I don't want to have to install another font to get the Cal. letters to be bold.
I am looking for a way to just change the font to bold in the registry?
Can anyong help on this?
Thanks foks!
Col. L.A. Hutcheson
aka Automan
this should really be asked in the thread for the rom

