Increments in Tasker volume control - Tasker Tips & Tricks

I'm on a Galaxy S10 Plus and have over 15 increments in all my sound controls. Tasker only has 15 increments. I've got Tasker set to lower my notification volume at work but Tasker's "1" step isn't low enough. My phone sound has the ability to go many steps lower than Tasker's "1".
How can I address this in Tasker to get the volume lower than 1 or to increase the sound increments in Tasker? Thank you!

A couple of thoughts...
If you use a variable entry set to 0, does it go lower? If you're not yet aware, tap the double arrow button to get to an input field.
Or, see if a custom settings action will give you fine grained control.

I'm not sure how to use a variable entry to adjust the sound. Can you please elaborate?
Thank you!
ktmom said:
A couple of thoughts...
If you use a variable entry set to 0, does it go lower? If you're not yet aware, tap the double arrow button to get to an input field.
Or, see if a custom settings action will give you fine grained control.
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I'm sorry but I don't see how to use a variable to set sound increments. Can you help? Thank you!
ktmom said:
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I don't know what more to tell you. Create a variable, set it to a value (see the link that was posted) and use that variable in the action you are using to control the notification volume (tapping the crossed arrows to get the input field as mentioned in my first reply)

Hi - I tried using a variable with settings of 0.5 and it just takes the volume down to zero. I also tried setting the media volume to the lowest setting and recording what value that was in a variable and it just came up as "1" despite a value of 1 not getting me the lowest volume level. Has anyone figured out how to do this?

I have not figured out how to do this through Tasker.

It's clanky, but what I've done for the moment is to use Tasker to set Media Volume to zero, then in a simple loop I mimic pressing the "Volume Up" hardware button as many times as requested.
Task: Adjust Volume
A1: Media Volume [
Level: 0 ]
A2: Variable Set [
Name: %max
To: 17
Max Rounding Digits: 3
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A3: Variable Set [
Name: %num
To: 1
Max Rounding Digits: 3
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A4: If [ %num < %max | %num = %max ]
A5: Button [
Button: Volume Up ]
A6: Variable Set [
Name: %num
To: %num + 1
Do Maths: On
Max Rounding Digits: 3
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]
A7: Goto [
Type: Action Label
Label: loop ]
A8: End If
A9: Flash [
Text: %VOLM
Continue Task Immediately: On
Dismiss On Click: On ]
I have the final Flash in there just to check out what Tasker is calling my required volume; I'll clearly be taking it out when I put the task into implementation, if I decide it works at least well enough for me.
For the record, I have a Samsung Galaxy S10e, on which I have used Sound Assistant to increase my volume rocker steps to 30.


[GUIDE][Difficulty: intermediate] alternative way to set alarm based on calendar

The task is triggered by a time based profile, every day at 11:59 pm.
Set alarm (94)
A1: For [ Variable:%count Items:2:12 ] If [ %tit1 !~ shift ]
#a for-loop with up to 11 cycles, if condition to stop the loop, once an entry with the proper title is found. Since the "Test App" action checks at a certain point in time for an entry, we have to check every hour seperatly. 1st cycle will check for an calendar event starting at 2am, 2nd cycle will check at 3am and so forth. Last cycle will check for events starting at 2pm, because i expect myself to be woken up till then without an alarm clock.
A2: Variable Set [ Name:%times To:3600*%count+%TIMES Do Mathsn Appendff ]
#the "Test App" action requires the time of when to check for an entry so we prepare a variable by adding one hour in seconds, multiplied by the cycle item (2-12), to the device time. If ur calendar event duration (start to end) is less than one hour u have to double the amount of cycle items (2-24) and multiply it by 1800 in order to check for an entry every 30min.
A3: Test App [ Type:Calendar Start (Seconds) Data:%times Store Result In:%res Continue Task After Errorn ]
#if an calendar event is found at %times, it will write its starting time into the array %res
A4: Test App [ Type:Calendar Title Data:%times Store Result In:%tit ]
#this will write the events title into %tit.
A5: End For
#self expaining
A6: Stop [ With Errorff Task: ] If [ %tit1 !~ shift ]
#the task stops, if all cycles are executed and no calendar entry is found.
A7: Variable Convert [ Name:%res1 Function:Seconds to Medium Date Time Store Result In:%dat ]
#if u dont have overlapping calendar events, %res (still an array!) will have only one entry. So we convert it into a human readable format and save it inside %dat
A8: Variable Split [ Name:%dat Splitter: Delete Baseff ]
#we want only the time and not the whole date so we split at every whitespace
A9: Variable Split [ Name:%dat4 Splitter:: Delete Baseff ]
#now we have %dat4 in the format hh:mm but the "Set Alarm" action requires the providing of hours and minutes seperatly. So we split once again, this time ofc at the ":"
A10: Variable Subtract [ Name:%dat41 Value:2 Wrap Around:0 ]
#reducing the hours by 2 to have the alarm ring 2 hours before the event starts.
A11: Set Alarm [ Hours:%dat41 Minutes:%dat42 Message: Confirmff ]
#self explaining
Iam going make this guide more fancy (screen shots and more explaination) later.
Best regards, Chillmann
Screen-shot would have been useful. Thanks anyway.
this is actually UNBELIEVABLE!
I have the mostly same thing and was thinking of writing a similar guide like this the other day.
My version has some minor difference, of course, but the concept is mostly the same.
Again, unbelievable!
Don't forget to share the task/project xml.
I finaly found what I was looking for.
I am a starter with Tasker.
I entered the task but I get a error
Variable convert: %res1: no value.
What did I do wrong?

Gear S2 send voice text from watch to phone and run tasker tasks

Send voice commands that you speak into the Gear S2 and have them transmit to your phone to run tasker tasks!
I made a youtube video of how it works :
I recently switched from a Pebble Time Round to a Gear S2. Pebble was very easy to run tasker apps from the watch including voice commands. Now with the Gear S2 it's a different story with the Tizen OS - not much support for this. I've seen some requests made to joaomgcd as he's done some amazing stuff for Tasker but the Tizen watches are too expensive for him to develop on.
I was trying to find a way to send voice commands that I spoke into the Gear S2 and have them transmit to my phone to run tasker tasks. I searched high and low and see that there are may others trying to so the same thing. There is the TaskS2 that lets you press the screen on the phone to run tasker apps which is good but doesn't capture text. So I came up with a work-around to be able to speak into the watch and have it run tasker tasks on the phone using the text that I spoke into the watch
**How it works once you have everything setup:**
1) The Gear S2 with the command "text" will send text info to a contact. So to get our text we will create a dummy contact.
2) Define a wake up command on the Gear S2 such as "OK Google". With your screen ready say to the watch "OK Google"
3) When the prompt comes up, say to the watch something like "Text Samsung task to deposit cheque at bank"
What this does is it recognizes the 'Text' command as sending a SMS text message to a contact called "Samsung" (which is a dummy contact). When the confirmation then it shows you the text on the watch, say "OK"
4) It then will send your phone an outgoing text message to the contact "Samsung" with the text as "task to deposit cheque at bank". The word "text" gets dropped as it's the command and "Samsung" gets dropped as it's the dummy contact it sends the message to
5) Now the contact on your phone "Samsung" has one text message with the message "Text Samsung task to deposit cheque at bank" - Yay! we now have useable text that we spoke into our Gear S2 and through the magic of bluetooth is now on our phone and we can use as a cliboard variable in tasker!
6) Macro Droid is then triggered by the fact that an outgoing sms event occurred that you told it to monitor the specific contact "Samsung". From here an action in MacroDroid is used to call a tasker task (Macro driod can use LOCALE/Tasker plugins - I used Secure settings - tasker shortcut). The tasker task then extracts the text from the Samsung contact, copies it to clipboard, deletes the outgoing text message so it's fresh for another new message, and can then other tasker steps with the text now in the clipboard.
The hardest thing I found was trying to capture the outgoing sms event as a trigger as tasker only deals with it's own "SMS sent successful" - it doesn't capture any broadcast receiver intent or ContentObserver from the SMS application on the phone and therefore no trigger once the text has been sent out. That's where after trial and error with some apps, I stumbled upon MacroDroid. This is what closed the loop on the solution - where it monitors that text being sent out by the dummy contact and it works very well for this.
-AutoInput tasker plugin - to simulate screen clicks and type in info)
-Macro Droid - to capture the event of sms sent when a dummy contact is used and trigger the tasker tasks
-Secure settings tasker plugin - for 'clear password' to turn screen on if you want, also for Macro Droid to run a tasker shortcut
1) Create a dummy contact. I used "Samsung" as my contact name. Give it a dummy 10 digit phone number with a valid area code. I used (416)000-0000
2) Create your tasker tasks
Task 1: using Autoinput: launch contacts, lookup contact samsung, press the sms icon, long click on the message that the Gear S2 sent, copy to clipboard, delete the message - task done - you now have the text in a variable called %CLIP. At the end of this task call the next task
Task 2: now that you have the text the %CLIP variable, you can set a new variable and copy to say %CLIP1 and search and replace and remove any text you don't need. For example: "task to deposit cheque at bank" can be massaged using variable search and replace to something like "to deposit cheque at bank". In this task you can create if, else, then statements. For example:
a) "Text Samsung task to deposit cheque at bank" - if %CLIP matches reggex keyword .*task*. then run a task such as a reminder application like DGT
b) "Text Samsung drive to work" if %CLIP = keyword "drive to work" then run a task such as launching a shortcut for google maps or waze
Task 3: if needed, you can then run some clean up tasks like to close the contact & message app so it's not open in the back ground. I use 1) Go Home 2) Run Shell input keyevent 187 3) wait 1 second 4) AutoInput Action: Close all Action
3) Create a Macro in Macro droid 1) Trigger "SMS Sent to Contact" - specify contact as "Samsung" and SMS text "Any" . 2) action Locale/ Tasker plugin - Secure Settings - Execute Shortcut - choose the tasker task that you want to then run from step 2
**Here are the 2 tasker tasks:**
**1st) to deal with the capturing text on dummy contact:**
A1: Secure Settings [ Configuration:Clear Password Timeout (Seconds):0 ]
A2: Launch App [ App:Contacts Data: Exclude From Recent Appsff Always Start New Copyff ]
A3: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Search
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A4: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Search
Text to Write : samsung
Action : Write
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A5: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Id
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A6: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:2 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
A7: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Send message
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A8: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:2 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
A9: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Point
Value: 1292,582
Action : Long Click
Is Tasker Action: true
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A10: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Copy text
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A11: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: More
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A12: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Delete
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A13: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: All
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A14: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Delete
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A15: AutoInput Action [ Configuration:Type: Text
Value: Delete
Action : Click
Is Tasker Action: false
Check Screen State: false Timeout (Seconds):20 ]
A16: Variable Set [ Name:%CLIP1 To:%CLIP Recurse Variablesff Do Mathsff Appendff ]
A17: Perform Task [ Name:GR If Cond Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1): Parameter 2 (%par2): Return Value Variable: Stopff ]
**2nd) task to run IF statements based on keyword**
A1: Flash [ Text:%CLIP Longff ]
A2: If [ %CLIP ~R .*tomorrow.*Task.*|.*Task.*tomorrow.* ]
A3: Perform Task [ Name:TV GTD remindr tomor Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1): Parameter 2 (%par2): Return Value Variable: Stopff ]
A4: Else If [ %CLIP ~R .*Task.* ]
A5: Perform Task [ Name:TV GTD remindr Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1): Parameter 2 (%par2): Return Value Variable: Stopff ]
A6: Else If [ %CLIP eq Drive to work ]
A7: Perform Task [ Name:Wazewk Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1): Parameter 2 (%par2): Return Value Variable: Stopff ]
A8: Else If [ %CLIP eq Drive to home ]
A9: Perform Task [ Name:Wazehm Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1): Parameter 2 (%par2): Return Value Variable: Stopff ]
A10: Else If [ %CLIP ~R .*Text.* ]
A11: Perform Task [ Name:TV Type Priority:%priority Parameter 1 (%par1): Parameter 2 (%par2): Return Value Variable: Stopff ]
A12: End If

Switch on/off based on 2 conditions?

Hi guys, I'm trying to reply something I had done with another task app (llama), but idk why, isn't working properly. Basically, I wanna airplane mode set on or off under not 1 but 2 conditions:
if time is between x and y (first condition)
if screen is on (second condition)
do nothing
but if screen is off, turn on airplane mode
this imply that when, between x and y, I will turn on the phone (for example during night, to check something), it will turn automatically plane mode off, and again on when screen turns off.
Any ideas to get this working? Thank you!
I think the most reliable way to do this is with three simple profiles.
The first is for the time context. The enter task would set a variable (e.g. %SleepTime) to "true".
The second profile has 2 contexts. The first is to check the previous variable (%SleepTime) is set to "true". The second context is screen off. The task would set a different variable (e.g. %ScreenOff) to true.
The third context checks for (%ScreenOff) is true. The enter task turns on airplane mode. The exit task turns off airplane mode.
The exit task for the first 2 profiles clears the variables.
This could be all handled in one profile using loops and tests for state. IMHO, using 3 profiles is more responsive.
i use a variable %Night, which is set to "yes" with a profile with the time condition and screen off condition ("if %SCREEN is off") without exit task.
%Night is set to "no" with other profile and all conditions you like. In your case i think it's only the time condition.
The airplane mode profile has as a condition "if %Night is true". Enter task: airplane on. Exit task: airplane off.
ktmom said:
I think the most reliable way to do this is with three simple profiles.
The first is for the time context. The enter task would set a variable (e.g. %SleepTime) to "true".
The second profile has 2 contexts. The first is to check the previous variable (%SleepTime) is set to "true". The second context is screen off. The task would set a different variable (e.g. %ScreenOff) to true.
The third context checks for (%ScreenOff) is true. The enter task turns on airplane mode. The exit task turns off airplane mode.
The exit task for the first 2 profiles clears the variables.
This could be all handled in one profile using loops and tests for state. IMHO, using 3 profiles is more responsive.
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Hi guys, first thank you in Advance. Im trying this method, every condition seems ok but screen check, which remain black even if I test it on, and so airplane isnt set. I wonder why? Screenshot attached (notice Ive tried screen on just to check and it was still black as I guess means not working properly...)
There are things to remember.
The non-active state (black as you are saying) for screen off is always going to be the case when the screen is on.
When setting up and testing tasks that include variables, it is very easy to get into a non-defined state with the variables not setting/unsetting correctly. This subtle issue can cause all sorts of headaches because the variable isn't cleared (or set).
Here is the description of a working set of profiles. This variant sets a notification on screen off and screen on to affirm the task ran. The screen off task also vibrates as a tactile assurance the screen off task ran.
Profile: Airplane Mode Time (86)
Time: From 2:30PM Till 4:30PM
Enter: Airplane Mode Time Variable (87)
A1: Variable Set [
To: true
Recurse Variables: Off
Do Maths: Off
Append: Off ]
Exit: Airplane Mode Time Exit (126)
A1: Variable Clear [
Pattern Matching:eek:ff
Local Variables Only: Off ]
Profile: Airplane Mode Screen Off (88)
Priority: 1
State: Variable Value [ %AirplaneModeSleepTime ~ true ]
State: Display State [ Is: Off ]
Enter: Airplane Mode Screen Off (94)
A1: Variable Set [
Name: %AirplaneModeScreenOff
To: true
Recurse Variables: Off
Do Maths: Off
Append: Off ]
Exit: Airplane Mode Display On (11)
A1: Variable Clear [
Pattern Matching:eek:ff
Local Variables Only: Off ]
Profile: Airplane Mode Set (118)
Priority: 1
State: Variable Value [ %AirplaneModeScreenOff ~ true ]
Enter: Airplane Mode Action (120)
A1: Notify [
Title:Airplane Mode On
Number: 0
Permanent: Off
Priority: 3 ]
A2: Airplane Mode [ Set: On ]
A3: Vibrate Pattern [
Pattern: 0,500,100,500,100,500,100,500,100,500,100,500,100,500 ]
Exit: Airplane Mode Exit (125)
A1: Notify [
Title:Airplane Mode Off
Number: 0
Permanent: Off
Priority: 3 ]
A2: Airplane Mode [
Set: Off ]
A3: Variable Clear [
Pattern Matching: Off
Local Variables Only: Off ]
Hmm thx but Im confused a little, is possible to past this text somewhere?
No. But it sounds like you are really new to tasker. Maybe you should work through some tutorials to get some practice.
I used tasker long time ago, but what Im trying to do is quite simple, yet it doesnt work....for example Ive tried this simpler way:
Profile 1) Display on -> var set %Screenon to true
Profile 2) Display off -> var set %Screenon to false
Profile 3) from x to y -> 2 conditions) airplane mode set on if %Screenon is false; 2nd condition: airplane mode set off if %Screen on is true
I wanted to try like this to see but it works only when I press the play button under the actions. Otherwise if i turn on or off the screen nothing change...
takui said:
I used tasker long time ago, but what Im trying to do is quite simple, yet it doesnt work....for example Ive tried this simpler way:
Profile 1) Display on -> var set %Screenon to true
Profile 2) Display off -> var set %Screenon to false
Profile 3) from x to y -> 2 conditions) airplane mode set on if %Screenon is false; 2nd condition: airplane mode set off if %Screen on is true
I wanted to try like this to see but it works only when I press the play button under the actions. Otherwise if i turn on or off the screen nothing change...
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I would suggest trying to turn screen on and off, check the Tasker log to see if the variable is set properly.
- If it does, trying manually set it to false, and then true in your time range x-y to see if 2nd profile reacts to that.
- If it does not, check 1st profile again, maybe you are using screen on and unlocked? or whatever... anyways, that should narrow down the possibilities at least
Ty, Reading the log Ive noticed that the variable is set correctly (see attach) but the 3rd profile doesnt set airplane...hmm
takui said:
Ty, Reading the log Ive noticed that the variable is set correctly (see attach) but the 3rd profile doesnt set airplane...hmm
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so what does the log say when you manually run 3rd profile? just so we know the profile does not correctly start or not correctly run...
If I run it manually it works in both ways (on and off) otherwise no. Logs attacched. Its just that it doesnt check alone the variable and doesnt start alone
ok to clear things up:
- your display profiles can be combined into 1 with exit task
- have you tried to manually set %ScreenOn to each value to see if the profiles reacts to that - I doubt it would
- try using equal instead of match for the variable
- maybe post your profiles and tasks
Hello. I had them combined before, ive tried splitting but mothing changed... Log show that the variable is set correctly, what doesnt change is the airplane mode, as it doesnt care the variables at all (time frame condition btw works, as it is showed green...)
takui said:
Hello. I had them combined before, ive tried splitting but mothing changed... Log show that the variable is set correctly, what doesnt change is the airplane mode, as it doesnt care the variables at all (time frame condition btw works, as it is showed green...)
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ok I think I know what the problem is: your timed profile is triggered by state and not event, which means during the time frame, profile is triggered and finishes, it will test your variable during this time only, and will not recheck if this variable changes, when task is finished.
I hope I made it somehow clear....
anyways, try this, put the variable in the condition part as well.
Hm ok maybe Ive understood what you mean but so, what kind of profile Ive to make? Everyone is triggered from something, state, event, app, UI...isnt "free", so Ive choosed time...
add condition variable set
Hmm Im closer to a solution, still I cant get the timeframe works. In this new adapation, airplane is set correctly on and off when I turn on and off the screem but, it doesnt consider the timeframe so, if I turn off the screen in the morning, it sets airplane mode on anyway. In attach the new setup...
Edit: if Im not wrong, the red bar on the right means that the conditions are not reached, right? So why even if the bar is red in the airplane on mode, it turns on when the display turns off? ....
here you go, try this on your device at night time. if you have a heart attack, I'm not responsible...
ktmom said:
I think the most reliable way to do this is with three simple profiles.
The first is for the time context. The enter task would set a variable (e.g. %SleepTime) to "true".
The second profile has 2 contexts. The first is to check the previous variable (%SleepTime) is set to "true". The second context is screen off. The task would set a different variable (e.g. %ScreenOff) to true.
The third context checks for (%ScreenOff) is true. The enter task turns on airplane mode. The exit task turns off airplane mode.
The exit task for the first 2 profiles clears the variables.
This could be all handled in one profile using loops and tests for state. IMHO, using 3 profiles is more responsive.
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alienyd said:
here you go, try this on your device at night time. if you have a heart attack, I'm not responsible...
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? This just speech... I dont need it Im confused

Tasker Mute call if unknown Contact

Is there a way to use Tasker to mute calls from numbers not in my contacts?
Yes, I end the call if not in my contacts which effectively just seems them to voice mail. The end call action is not guaranteed to work on all devices, but you could exchange it for a action to lower the audio -> ringer volume.
In the following profile, I use a variable %CallBusy, to prevent disconnecting if I'm actively in a call. This variable is set in a separate profile that just looks if the phone is off hook.
Profile: Unknown Caller Disconnect
Event: Phone Ringing [ Caller:!C:ANY ]
State: Variable Value [ %CallBusy !~ true ]
Enter: End Call
A1: End Call
A2: Variable Set [
Recurse Variables: Off
Do Maths: Off
Append: Off
Max Rounding Digits:0 ]
A3: Flash [
Text:Just blocked caller %CallerEnded
Long: On ]


I wish to be able to take multiple photos with touching the phone or talking to it or smiling at it I want it to take photos after setting it, until I stop it
Can tasker be my answer and do this somehow?
Would be great if someone could assist me with this
Thanks in advance
You can create a task that takes a picture, waits however long you want them loops back using a "go to" action to take a picture again. Putting an if statement to check a variable (maybe "takePhoto") in the "go to" action and execute the "go to" only if the "takePhoto" variable is true.
I would have a profile that calls this task if that "takePhoto" variable is true.
To start the process of taking pictures, use a Tasker shortcut/widget to call a task that sets the "takePhoto" variable to true. The next time that Tasker shortcut/widget is run, clear the "takePhoto" variable which will stop the task that is actually taking photos. You can toggle the "takePhoto" variable using logic like:
A1: If [ %takePhoto ~ true ]
A2: Variable Clear [
Pattern Matching: Off
Local Variables Only: Off
A3: Else
A4: Variable Set [
To: true
Recurse Variables: Off
Do Maths: Off
Append: Off
Max Rounding Digits:0
A5: End If
ktmom said:
You can create a task that takes a picture, waits however long you want them loops back using a "go to" action to take a picture again. Putting an if statement to check a variable (maybe "takePhoto") in the "go to" action and execute the "go to" only if the "takePhoto" variable is true.
I would have a profile that calls this task if that "takePhoto" variable is true.
To start the process of taking pictures, use a Tasker shortcut/widget to call a task that sets the "takePhoto" variable to true. The next time that Tasker shortcut/widget is run, clear the "takePhoto" variable which will stop the task that is actually taking photos. You can toggle the "takePhoto" variable using logic like:
A1: If [ %takePhoto ~ true ]
A2: Variable Clear [
Pattern Matching: Off
Local Variables Only: Off
A3: Else
A4: Variable Set [
To: true
Recurse Variables: Off
Do Maths: Off
Append: Off
Max Rounding Digits:0
A5: End If
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sorry but istruggling to get the hang of this, is there a way you can create the profile and I can load it to my tasker?
I could, but I'm not interested in writing other people's tasks for them [emoji846]. There are apps in the play store that won't require Tasker.
If you post your current attempt (see the sticky post in this forum for help with that), I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot or tweak.

