Does anyone know how to retrieve items accidentally deleted from a SD Card because of a hard reset? I had so many photos and I would like to see if I can get them back.
You'll hav to get a 3rd party application to do it and you're not promised to get them back. It scans the whole card and just takes forever.
Dreashines said:
Does anyone know how to retrieve items accidentally deleted from a SD Card because of a hard reset? I had so many photos and I would like to see if I can get them back.
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a Hard reset would not delete files on your SD card. You must have had the photos saved to your phone memory.
AllTheWay said:
a Hard reset would not delete files on your SD card. You must have had the photos saved to your phone memory.
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I thought that it wouldn't erase them either. I have done hard resets before and my items were never erased before. I made sure everything I wanted to keep was on the memory card for this reason. But for some reason this time it erased everything. I guess this was one of those freak accidents. This is why I am asking for help.
I appreciate any help on this issue.
You did something wrong then because there's no logical way they could've erased that way. On the other side, you should have followed flashing procedures by removing the memory card and sim
Your so right, kareem9nba. I should have known better. Thank you for your help.
This is why every week, I copy all the contents of my SD card (where I keep everything) To my Desktop PC in a folder I call "SDBackup" I've working with Computer long enough to know, if you don't have a backup, you are asking for trouble.
People call this Murphy's Law.
I had an issue similar to this that scared the crap out of me.
I took my SD card out of my phone, powered off beforehand, and then loaded it into my speedy microSD adapter so I could copy lots of data from my computer to it. Upon inserting the card into my monitor's SD reader, Vista gave me to "You must format this card before it can be used" message.
It took 3 removals and reinsertions to get my PC and my Tilt to see the files again. I promptly backed up my files and did a full format on my storage card. Everything's been fine since.
Im a little more paranoid and do it at least once every couple of days, just because Im on the forum alot and frequently see horror stories where people end up losing alot of their stuff.
Active File Recovery 7.3 Build 101
Very Interesting Question that made me perform a new expirement
to answer your question directly best thing is to use a 3rd party application called Active File Recovery 7.3 Build 101 it will recover data even after format or delete by mistake.
but in your case its not necessary - hard reset only delete internal storge (sd card data is intact)
i did an expirement ( i stored photos and documents in my phone) and i performed a hard reset... i used Active File Recovery 7.3 Build 101 and guess what i managed to retrieve the TOC of my INTERNAL STOREAGE but not the files... but i guess if i looked for a more powerful application i could retrieve the files themselves
i flashed new rom and used Active File Recovery 7.3 Build 101 (resulting 0 files or 0 TOC to retrieve)
conclusion of my experiment that may not relate 100% with your question is if you hard rest (some of your data can be retireved) if you flash new rom or reflash a rom (0 data can be accessed) using commercial softwares
best luck and look for our experts comments
Dreashines said:
Does anyone know how to retrieve items accidentally deleted from a SD Card because of a hard reset? I had so many photos and I would like to see if I can get them back.
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all undelete programs which works on pc's harddisks works just the same on a sdcard in a sdcard reader connected to a pc
there are plenty and many free
google is the answer
is there any way to recover deleted photos or any other item
welshyboii said:
is there any way to recover deleted photos or any other item
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It seems it is possible on flash memory, see here.
Depends where the photo were saved.....main memory or memory card? there are many programs available that can recover *deleted* files from memory cards. I can recommend tis one: "Zero Assumption Recovery" which allows you to recover only 4 files per run in the trial version but completely recover all files for the full version. If you have more than 4 files to recover then u have to re run the program everytime after recovering the last 4 files but it still works. I have used this program to recover a complete 8GB memorycard after it crashed.
Deleted Photo Recovery
Recovery of deleted photos depends on few factors such as the storage media that is in use, and the time that has passed after the photo loss has occurred. If overwriting has not taken place, then is definitely possible, as there are innumerable number of photo recovery utilities available online.
You can download the software using the link given below,
i don't get it
Try Kernel for FAT and NTFS data recovery software which can efficiently and instantly recovers all your pics on a single mouse click.
welshyboii said:
is there any way to recover deleted photos or any other item
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i have a SGS II and i have accidentaly deleted pictures from my trip... i know how to recover files froom memory card, but in this case, the files were deleted from the phone memory, annd the software doesn't reconigze SGS II. Is there solution for this?
Well, it's a general idea but i would backup the phone rom to a file on your hard disk and then would try a program called photorec on that file.
A FreeWare Recovery Program
Free Data Recovery Software can get your lost data back and recover files and folders that previously deleted.
Securely recovers deleted content from NTFS, FAT or FAT32 partitions.
Retains folder structure where possible in an organized matter.
Uses a familiar explorer like interface for easy overview and retrieval of lost data.
Fast. Recovery information's are retrieved per user action.
High data recovery success rate. Compare the data retrieval success with most commercial programs - in most cases the percentage of data recovered is actually higher with FDRS. Why pay then?
Very easy to use. Click to scan drive, find lost file, click to recover them.
Free Data Recovery Software is portable. That means it does not require installation, there is only one stand alone executable (.exe) that can be run from removable drives, CD or DVD drives, memory cards, flash memory etc.
FDRC cost nothing, it is free and it will remain free.
Oliniusz said:
Well, it's a general idea but i would backup the phone rom to a file on your hard disk and then would try a program called photorec on that file.
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hey thanks!
can you tell me if to back up the phone rom, is root necessary? thx
Nice software, ill use for my memory cards!
but for SGS II didn't work, the software didnt recognize the phone, only shows drive C: and D:
Well thanks anyway bro.. ill keep searching.
Senax said:
Free Data Recovery Software can get your lost data back and recover files and folders that previously deleted.
Securely recovers deleted content from NTFS, FAT or FAT32 partitions.
Retains folder structure where possible in an organized matter.
Uses a familiar explorer like interface for easy overview and retrieval of lost data.
Fast. Recovery information's are retrieved per user action.
High data recovery success rate. Compare the data retrieval success with most commercial programs - in most cases the percentage of data recovered is actually higher with FDRS. Why pay then?
Very easy to use. Click to scan drive, find lost file, click to recover them.
Free Data Recovery Software is portable. That means it does not require installation, there is only one stand alone executable (.exe) that can be run from removable drives, CD or DVD drives, memory cards, flash memory etc.
FDRC cost nothing, it is free and it will remain free.
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dyl666 said:
Unplug the cable, Menu > Settings > Applications > Development > Tick "Enable USB Debugging"
Plug the cable back in, pull down the notification tray and click on USB storage. Then you'll have it normal USB mode.
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it worked! i was able to recover the files after this!
Unfortunately, i could not open the files recovered, the jpg are listed, but they dont open. I tried at least 3 softwares. Windows say the file format isnt supported... tried to sent the recovered files to the phone, but impossible to visualize too.. well.. at least i tried.
recover and backup
i can recommend data recover wizard to recover the deleted photos. it can recover photos, files, videos...
backing up your photo is the safest way to protect them. some tool can be backup them to a image file. when disaster comes you can recover it from image file.
there are so many backup tool on the market. i used free one todo backup to backup them.
I have used best digital media recovery tool to recover lost digital data from my memory card.This tool recovers data from hard disks, iPods, external USB drives efficiently. You can estimate recovery chances of the tool when you download demo version that allows to preview recovered data before saving it.
Well most of the times i have recovered my lost images with the help of a photo recovery application, no matter what digital device it was stored into. With the help of a effective and easy to use UI it have become simple for the user to recover their images and other files as well.
You can recover deleted photos by using "Remo Recover (Windows) - Media" Edition software. I have done photo file recovery from memory card when I deleted JPEG files accidentally and this software works excellently. This software supports to recover all types of photos. So you can download this software from internet and start to recover deleted photos.
The data in the memory card can get corrupted or damaged due to accidental deletion, frequent disk formats, software virus and many others. When memory card corrupts, data stored inside it becomes completely inaccessible and users cannot search the required result. For this, memory card recovery algorithms should be used.
Deleted Photo recovery is not a very big task. Recovery is possible but for the same you have to take help of third party photo recovery (Recupero Foto) software. There are several software available in the market, you can choose anyone of them. However before making any choice it is highly advisable to check the demo version of that particular software. This will give idea about it.
How to recover photos if deleted or lost
Hi There,
The Lost photos or files can be recovered easily as you have lost your photo its nothing to worry about. The deleted photos are seems to be deleted but they are still there in the memory and you can retrieve them. So to recover deleted photo is not a big task but only the condition is that you should not save anything on you storage media after you deleted you photos. If its attempted then the files will be overwritten and cannot be recovered.
this link helped me a lot:
please exceed www before
You need to download HTC data recovery software to retrieve back deleted photos and other items, take a look at this guide:
how to recover data from HTC phone
hope this helps.
I know before I start that this is a dumb question, but are there any utilities for Android/Galaxy S for Data Recovery?
I have just had a difficult time flashing a new ROM, and at the end of it the system has been wiped, including all data on the internal SD card, in the past when flashing new ROMs only the internal memory was affected, but like I said, this time I had a few issues.
What I'm most concerned about are my photos and videos, I know in a Windows environment recovery tools work well, I'm just hoping Android is the same, but I think I'm wrong.
eeney said:
I know before I start that this is a dumb question, but are there any utilities for Android/Galaxy S for Data Recovery?
I have just had a difficult time flashing a new ROM, and at the end of it the system has been wiped, including all data on the internal SD card, in the past when flashing new ROMs only the internal memory was affected, but like I said, this time I had a few issues.
What I'm most concerned about are my photos and videos, I know in a Windows environment recovery tools work well, I'm just hoping Android is the same, but I think I'm wrong.
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I have seen it suggested that once you can mount the internal SD to your PC, you can use the same tools you would use to recover data from any SD card. I can't confirm that however.
I would imagine that the main problem will be having data overwritten when you installed the new ROM. However, you can't lose anything by trying.
I try to save all such things on the external SD as much as possible, out of fear of just this sort of issue. Also it is a good idea to backup to your PC or to Dropbox any pictures or videos on your phone you couldn't bear to lose if someone swipes your phone...or if the SD is formatted.
Google Recuva and try what you can recover .
But wipe means wipe even under windows .
Thanks guys, I did try a standard windows based data recovery on the mounted SD, which found a lot of data, however I am unable to locate my photos and videos.
I can find a lot of the photos by searching for jpegs, however all the ones I retriever are very small, much smaller than the original resolution. I'm starting to wonder where the full size images are stored and if they are stored as jpgs.
Seems odd that I can find the small image files but not the originals, the smalls ones are between 40 and 100kb each.
any more ideas?
eeney said:
Thanks guys, I did try a standard windows based data recovery on the mounted SD, which found a lot of data, however I am unable to locate my photos and videos.
I can find a lot of the photos by searching for jpegs, however all the ones I retriever are very small, much smaller than the original resolution. I'm starting to wonder where the full size images are stored and if they are stored as jpgs.
Seems odd that I can find the small image files but not the originals, the smalls ones are between 40 and 100kb each.
any more ideas?
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This is a strange question, but are you SURE the photos themselves were stored on the internal SD? I often store things on the external card and forget I set it up that way. You may want to check through all the folders on the external SD and see what is hiding there.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
Data recovery froom Android/Galaxy S
Sorry to hear of your difficulty. You are absolutely correct you can use any of the data recovery software to recover your lost data.
Stellar Phoenix Solutions
[email protected]
"trusted data recovery solutions"
eeney said:
I know before I start that this is a dumb question, but are there any utilities for Android/Galaxy S for Data Recovery?
I have just had a difficult time flashing a new ROM, and at the end of it the system has been wiped, including all data on the internal SD card, in the past when flashing new ROMs only the internal memory was affected, but like I said, this time I had a few issues.
What I'm most concerned about are my photos and videos, I know in a Windows environment recovery tools work well, I'm just hoping Android is the same, but I think I'm wrong.
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I'm hoping someone can help me.
My wife has a Note 8 (N950U) and she accidentally deleted her entire camera folder. I thought she was backing up to GPhotos but she wasn't. She had no cloud back up, and the photos were saved to internal memory not an SD. She has some photos that she is desperate to try to recover (including the last photos of her mother before she passed away). I'm fairly technically savvy, but I haven't messed under the hood of Android before. From what I've read, the only way to try to recover deleted files in this scenario is to be able to run a utility like DiskDigger as root (and I'm aware that there is only a small chance that the photos can be recovered).
So I think I need to root the phone and I don't plan to leave it rooted, just need to root it long enough to run the recovery utility and then put it back.
I see there is the SamFAIL method to root but... do I understand correctly that it will only work on Android 7? (her phone is on Oreo firmware version N950USQS5CRID)
So I read that if you are on Oreo and want to use SamFAIL, you could downgrade to Nougat first and then follow the SamFAIL process. But I have had zero success with getting a downgrade to work. Is this a possible path or does the firmware loaded on this phone completely prevent any process to get to root?
Any help would be appreciated!
No root for Snapdragon Oreo and you can't downgrade. And do check this Q&A section, threads like this already exist.
Once you upgrade to any firmware version that has a higher bootloader version, you can never go back to anything with a lower bootloader, even if it is the same (nougatt,, oreo) so,, any oreo firmware will always have higher bootloader versions than a nougatt one, besides,, once you root, samsung pay and secure folder will be gone forever,, there is no way to get them back, no workaround, no trick,, nothing will do
Try running Data Recovery software on it. If she has written over the sectors, which contain the photo's data then you won't be able to recover it.
iceepyon said:
Try running Data Recovery software on it. If she has written over the sectors, which contain the photo's data then you won't be able to recover it.
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Would that be possible even without root? I thought root would be required for recovery to work.
rjdmail said:
Would that be possible even without root? I thought root would be required for recovery to work.
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You don't need root access. If you connect the device to a computer and run the recovery software via that. You should be able to recover all the deleted data from your device that way. Using a data recovery app on your device requires root access.
iceepyon said:
You don't need root access. If you connect the device to a computer and run the recovery software via that. You should be able to recover all the deleted data from your device that way. Using a data recovery app on your device requires root access.
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There are a lot of scammy looking software out there when I search for this. Is there a recommended program for Windows that works for this type of recovery?
rjdmail said:
I'm hoping someone can help me.
My wife has a Note 8 (N950U) and she accidentally deleted her entire camera folder. I thought she was backing up to GPhotos but she wasn't. She had no cloud back up, and the photos were saved to internal memory not an SD.
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Its not possible to recover photos from android internal storage by using any kind of methods. There are various reasons for this.
The internal storage is encrypted and no third party software knows about the process. Even TWRP cant mount the storage with encryption.
The MTP protocol prohibits windows recovery tools to access the internal storage directly.
By now, the physical area might have been overwritten and data would have been lost already.
Sorry, but still, i suggest you to go to files, turn on show hidden files, navigate to dcim/.thumbnail. there might be some photos available either in internal or sdcard.
Good luck.
rjdmail said:
I'm hoping someone can help me.
My wife has a Note 8 (N950U) and she accidentally deleted her entire camera folder. I thought she was backing up to GPhotos but she wasn't. She had no cloud back up, and the photos were saved to internal memory not an SD. She has some photos that she is desperate to try to recover (including the last photos of her mother before she passed away). I'm fairly technically savvy, but I haven't messed under the hood of Android before. From what I've read, the only way to try to recover deleted files in this scenario is to be able to run a utility like DiskDigger as root (and I'm aware that there is only a small chance that the photos can be recovered).
... snip ...
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Firstly, rooting the device you will need to format the internal storage, anyway, to get rid of the encryption, so doing that your wife will lose everything on her device, anyway. This includes apps, music, videos, and anything else she might have on it. It's like doing a factory reset. So that wouldn't have helped your cause.
Second, apps like DiskDigger doesn't actually recover anything, either. I tried it before when I lost some photos. All it does is scour your device for thumbnails of images. Some apps save low resolution thumbnails, some save slightly higher resolution, but even if it finds thumbnails of the images you want to recover, it'll never be the same quality as the original ones. This is from my own experience of using this app and one or two others like it.
Thirdly, flash memory works a little different to hard drives and Android also works different to Windows. When you delete something off flash memory, it doesn't necessarily just mark the file as deleted or keep remnants or something, like Windows does. You can test this yourself by copying something onto an SD card, then deleting it and sticking the SD card in a computer or laptop and running data recovery software on that. Chances are high it won't pick up the deleted content.
Sadly, like sandeepkumar0153 said, your best and likely only bet is to look in the thumbnails directory to see if there's thumbnails of the images, but be prepared that those images will be very low resolution. It might really be worth it.
My advice is to make peace with what happened and start getting into the habit up backing up important files like that. I've lost many, many photos and other stuff due to the same issues or situations where I couldn't boot the device and had to do factory resets. It's sad and painful, but it happens.
I have a non rooted note 8 that I am trying to backup before factory reset and then unlocking the bootloader.
I have a lot of data there. Around 55 gb spread around various folders.
I am trying for the past few days to backup and didn't find any way to backup everything on my phone to my pc.
What I have tried so far:
1. Searching for various softwares and guides. Most of them talk about cloud which I don't use or have. I also want a local backup.
I will add that there is no reliable software that backup everything including apps, media, etc.
2. Tried regular ADB pull command. Every time I tried that, instead of the 55gb of storage I have on my phone I get a folder with less then 20gb on my pc.
That means a lot of stuff are missing. I then kept searching and found out ADB doesn't work best from the android OS so its better to use custom recovery in order to perfom ADB pull comnmands.
3. I installed twrp on my note 8 and tried to ADB pull. I get "0 files pulled". Further checking the problem it seems I need to "mount" from twrp.
Tried mounting but I get internal storage 0mb. Trying to select the "data' in mount options doesn't work. I get no error but it doesn't get selected.
Now my note 8 is stuck on twrp and I can't get back to my android OS. When I try to restart in either get bootloop or returning to TWRP.
I am looking for a way to backup everything in my phone. Ideally with all the filesystem and directory intact. So finding my pictures and music would be easy in the future when I need them.
I am not sure how to proceed from here. I did a lot of research and digging on my end but didn't found any solution to this.
Thank you for your time.
You backup critical data and apps like Poweramp that allow backup files.
Form a complete plan for backing up all critical data redundantly to at least 2 hdds that are physically and electronically isolated from each other and the PC.
Mind what needs to be backed up before you need it like contacts, bookmarks and so on, develop a plan that works.
Copy/paste folders to the PC. Check folder count and data size against original. Check that the data is readable. Never compress or clone media files/databases and never encrypt backup data drives. Backup often or risk losing the new data.
Never really on SmartSwitch or any app as a stand alone solution to backup critical data!!!
They can fail miserably.
Lol, my N10+'s backup is close to 400gb, I use the SD card as a data drive then redundantly back it up. My N10's can be fully reloaded using the SD card.
ColorNote can open hyperlinks directly from the app, can auto backup to the SD card or cloud; I use it for bookmarks and more.
Use ApkExport to make installable copies of all apps, updates and as backups. Install directly from those copies, no Playstore needed.
smart switch is probably the best you can get plus they do local backups
luridphantom said:
smart switch is probably the best you can get plus they do local backups
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Not suitable for stand alone critical data backup.
Once you lose or corrupt a database, it's gone forever... can you handle that?
blackhawk said:
Not suitable for stand alone critical data backup.
Once you lose or corrupt a database, it's gone forever... can you handle that?
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his phone is screwed cuz twrp cant see his encrypted data and he cant boot into android as of now due to dm-verity
only way is to reflash the build through odin without a data wipe by using home csc and backup from there
luridphantom said:
his phone is screwed cuz twrp cant see his encrypted data and he cant boot into android as of now due to dm-verity
only way is to reflash the build through odin without a data wipe by using home csc and backup from there
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Be nice if that works... could that help this person?
luridphantom said:
his phone is screwed cuz twrp cant see his encrypted data and he cant boot into android as of now due to dm-verity
only way is to reflash the build through odin without a data wipe by using home csc and backup from there
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blackhawk said:
You backup critical data and apps like Poweramp that allow backup files.
Form a complete plan for backing up all critical data redundantly to at least 2 hdds that are physically and electronically isolated from each other and the PC.
Mind what needs to be backed up before you need it like contacts, bookmarks and so on, develop a plan that works.
Copy/paste folders to the PC. Check folder count and data size against original. Check that the data is readable. Never compress or clone media files/databases and never encrypt backup data drives. Backup often or risk losing the new data.
Never really on SmartSwitch or any app as a stand alone solution to backup critical data!!!
They can fail miserably.
Lol, my N10+'s backup is close to 400gb, I use the SD card as a data drive then redundantly back it up. My N10's can be fully reloaded using the SD card.
ColorNote can open hyperlinks directly from the app, can auto backup to the SD card or cloud; I use it for bookmarks and more.
Use ApkExport to make installable copies of all apps, updates and as backups. Install directly from those copies, no Playstore needed.
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Thank you very much guys. I will try those things.+
Before I do that tho. I need to fix the TWRP probem.
Can you elaborate on the problem with the dm-verity? I didn't changed the bootloader or tried flashing roms or anything.
I need to access the phone for the backup. But I don't know what to look for.
Looking dm-verity online gives me weird solutions such as flashing Magisk or unlocking the bootloader which obviously doesn't help because I don't want a root and need the data.
Creep Crusher said:
Thank you very much guys. I will try those things.+
Before I do that tho. I need to fix the TWRP probem.
Can you elaborate on the problem with the dm-verity? I didn't changed the bootloader or tried flashing roms or anything.
I need to access the phone for the backup. But I don't know what to look for.
Looking dm-verity online gives me weird solutions such as flashing Magisk or unlocking the bootloader which obviously doesn't help because I don't want a root and need the data.
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you dont have to do any more than restore your phone to the original version without erasing all your data. once thats done you can do whatever you want to backup. look up odin, download mode, and see if you can find out what build your phone is
blackhawk said:
You backup critical data and apps like Poweramp that allow backup files.
Form a complete plan for backing up all critical data redundantly to at least 2 hdds that are physically and electronically isolated from each other and the PC.
Mind what needs to be backed up before you need it like contacts, bookmarks and so on, develop a plan that works.
Copy/paste folders to the PC. Check folder count and data size against original. Check that the data is readable. Never compress or clone media files/databases and never encrypt backup data drives. Backup often or risk losing the new data.
Never really on SmartSwitch or any app as a stand alone solution to backup critical data!!!
They can fail miserably.
Lol, my N10+'s backup is close to 400gb, I use the SD card as a data drive then redundantly back it up. My N10's can be fully reloaded using the SD card.
ColorNote can open hyperlinks directly from the app, can auto backup to the SD card or cloud; I use it for bookmarks and more.
Use ApkExport to make installable copies of all apps, updates and as backups. Install directly from those copies, no Playstore needed.
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luridphantom said:
his phone is screwed cuz twrp cant see his encrypted data and he cant boot into android as of now due to dm-verity
only way is to reflash the build through odin without a data wipe by using home csc and backup from there
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luridphantom said:
you dont have to do any more than restore your phone to the original version without erasing all your data. once thats done you can do whatever you want to backup. look up odin, download mode, and see if you can find out what build your phone is
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Thank you very much guys!
I was able to restore my phone by flashing the stock rom with Frija and Odin.
I even downloaded the newest version with Frija because I couldn't manage to find my exact current version. And it worked very well.
For the backup I did as you said and used APK Export for the apps. Its such a great app, I wish I knew about it sooner.
To transfer all the files and media to my PC I used a micro sd card reader for my sd card contents.
For the internal storage I tried using FTP and it was much better then I expected. It is kinda sad that using Wifi to transfer so much files is so much faster and stable then a direct USB connection. Its really baffling. But anyway.
Transferring the data was pretty smooth. Worked much better then ADB pull.
Thanks you again guys and I hope people having trouble would be able to find this thread helpful.