[SCRIPT] Build Lineage OS EASY - Google Pixel 3a XL ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Ot

If you are interested in building LineageOS for Bonito or Sargo you can use my script on Github to compile for either device. The script I link in this post will build my daily driver ROM. To consider running this script you will need the following:
- A PC running Ubuntu 18.04 or a distro based off Ubuntu 18.04 (I use ZorinOS)
- This PC needs at least 8gb RAM, a quad core processor and 300GB of available space on a drive (preferably SSD)
- Patience
* These are the instructions for running the script:
Open a terminal and run the following commands
git clone https://github.com/stevn4127/scripts
(This clones my scripts to a directory called scripts)
cd scripts
(This navigates you to the scripts directory)
bash lineage.sh
(This runs the script)
You will need to enter your root password to update the OS and install build tools. You may also need to run the following command with your Github credentials following the text:
git config --global user.email
git config --global user.name
Here is a direct link to my scripts repository on Github:
Join my Telegram chat for help: NugTowers HQ
Test builds, and a ton of OT. We are mainly Pixel/Pixel 3a users but everyone is welcome! Just don't be a POS Please... No nudity. DONT be a pervert. (Mod Edit: Certain descriptions removed)
Good Luck!


On-device C#compiler. Help me build it properly...

Hello xDevs
I'm trying these days to port the DotGNU .Net compiler toolchain for the pocket-pc. There was a port in the past (that even has an IDE! Pocket C#), but seems quite outdated and probably abandoned. I want to revive the effort.
Up to now, I have been successful in building (using CeGCC) and running the c# compiler on the Kaiser, but does not seem to be able to compile even the simplest program. So I'm calling out for help from this great community
The compiled toolchain can be downloaded from my site here: http://hypest.org/pnet_0.8.0_wince.zip
Problematic usage through the PocketC# IDE, so you have to use it directly from a command shell. (grab it from here). Even through the console, the usage is "unconfortable" as the compiler spawns a new process and its output is only shown momentarily.
See post #2 for a walkthrough of how to build the toolchain on an Ubuntu 7.10 linux machine (so to reach the point I am up to now).
Thank you,
This is a walkthrough executed in a console window on an Ubuntu 7.10 linux distro.
0.1 Make sure Flex, Bison and Alien are installed
sudo apt-get install flex bison alien
0.2 Make a directory to work in
mkdir /tmp/pnet_port
cd /tmp/pnet_port
1.1 Get and install CeGCC
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/cegcc/cegcc-cegcc-0.51.0-1.i586.rpm
sudo alien -i cegcc-cegcc-0.51.0-1.i586.rpm
2.1 Get and unpack treecc
wget http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/dotgnu-pnet/treecc-0.3.10.tar.gz
tar xzvf treecc-0.3.10.tar.gz
2.2 Build treecc
cd treecc-0.3.10
sudo make install
cd ..
3.1 Get and unpack DotGNU Portable.NET
wget http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/dotgnu-pnet/pnet-0.8.0.tar.gz
tar xzvf pnet-0.8.0.tar.gz
cd pnet-0.8.0
3.2 Setup proper path
export PATH=/opt/cegcc/arm-wince-cegcc/bin:$PATH
3.3 Get, unpack and apply my patch file
wget http://hypest.org/hypest_pnet.patch.zip
unzip hypest_pnet.zip
patch -p1 < hypest_pnet.patch
3.4 Build pnet
4.0 Finished
What benefits will this give a developer above what Pocket C# will do?
I actually did a repackage of Pocket C# a while back so that it would work on a WM5 device.
I've not used it for a while but someone may be interested in using it to compile on the newer devices.
Here is the link:
markvan said:
What benefits will this give a developer above what Pocket C# will do?
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No extra features are to be expected for now I suppose. My goal is to make the toolchain "just work most of the time":
- Pocket C# includes an outdated version of the pnet compiler and perhaps that's the reason it doesn't compile some of my codes (rather simple ones, I should say). So I wanted to try to use the latest possible pnet version.
- the source code Mr Vitaliy Pronkin gave out, is not directly compilable as it seems to include only the files that he modified. I couldn't find the pnet version he used to be able to recompile Pocket C#, so I had to do it "from the beginning".
- I would also like to bugfix the IDE itself (make it landscape-friendly for starters).
A nice bonus of recompiling the pnet toolchain is that it makes other languages available too (java, c...)
markvan said:
I actually did a repackage of Pocket C# a while back so that it would work on a WM5 device.
I've not used it for a while but someone may be interested in using it to compile on the newer devices.
Here is the link:
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Thanks for the link Mark.

[TUTORIAL] The Step-By-Step guide to build Cyanogenmod7 for the LG Optimus 2X

aMpeX proudly presents:
The Step-By-Step guide for building CM7
for the Optimus 2X​
I'm taking no responsibility for any damage that might occur to your phone or your PC
This guide illustrates how to setup an UBUNTU 11.04 equipped PC to build CM7 from source
It does not provide any support beyond that operating system, so if you insist on using other
Linux distributions, either adapt the guide yourself or look elsewhere.
Moreover I'm not providing any support for any problems that might occur during the course
of this guide, if they are not introduced by faults within the guide itself. I will only
troubleshoot the activities that this guide is based upon and won't be able to help with your
general linux problems. Feedback however is greatly appreciated.
Reposting this on other forums:
Feel free to post this guide on other forums. I'd like to be given credit though. Thanks
I am new to this myself, but I thought I'd share my findings after successfully building my first kang.
News & changelog:
v0.92 2011/06/01 Fix:
Added "change directory" before init repository (thanks to peewster)
v0.91 2011/05/31 Fix:
Fixed PATH exports (thanks to bhanvadia)
v0.9 2011/05/31 Initial release:
Still much formatting to be done, typos possible. Leave me some feedback if you encounter them.
Alright, so you want to build your own CM7 KANG's ?
Step 0: The starting point + info
When you start this guide, I assume that you just installed your Ubuntu 11.04 copy to your PC and set up all the drivers to your hearts content.
All commands are supplied, as they would be typed in from a USER ACCOUNT, if you operate from the root account, you will
have to add /home/<yourusername> to the most commands. I suggest, after performing the actions required by root, that you log out by typing
What you need:
A working copy of Cyanogenmod7 installed on your phone
A PC with Ubuntu 11.04 installed (NOTE: If you're about to install Ubuntu from scratch, use the 64Bit version.
I can build CM7 on a 32Bit OS just fine. But AOSP for example won't build beyond Froyo on 32Bit.
At least 20GB of free space (including space required for the operating system itself)
A considerably fast internet connection (syncing the repo takes everal Gbs)
At least 3 hours of time.
All done? Then let's get started:
Step 1: Install the Java JDK
Go to System → Administration → Synaptics Package Manager
Here, we have to enable the partner repositories.
Go to Settings → Repositories → Other Software → Tick Canonical Partners and hit Close
Now push the „Reload“ button, and use the Search button to find the sun-java6-jdk package
tick the box in front of it and choose „Mark for installation“ and accept the following dialogue.
Click the „Apply“ button. Accept the dialogues, you now have the Java JDK installed.
Step 2: Install the Android SDK
Go here and download this.
Extract the archive to a directory of your choice.
Open a Terminal, navigate to the „tools“ subfolder and run the AVD Manager using ./android
In the new Window hit „Available Packages“ tick the „Android Repository“ and select „Install selected“
Once thats done, close everything up, time for step 3.
Step 3: Set up udev
The description from the CyanogenMod wiki struck me as being a slightly bit overkill, and, while it might be necessary for other devices, for LG phones this works just fine:
Create a new file on your desktop named
and fill them with the following content:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1004", MODE="0666"
This will enable the debugging for LG devices, if you have time, it won#t hurt to add the other vendors. Just add another line
like above and replace the „1004“ with the appropriate vendor ID from http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html (scroll to the bottom)
Log in as root using
sudo su
and paste our file to
using the terminal (cp)
Set permissions for the file using
chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/99-android.rules
Now would probably be a good time to check if adb is working correctly.
But first, lets update the PATH so we can type „adb“ anywhere on the file system.
Navigate to your user home directory, press CTRL+H to show hidden files and edit the
file by adding the following
export PATH="/home/<yourusername>/<path to the android SDK >/platform-tools/:${PATH}"
export PATH="/home/<yourusername>/bin/:${PATH}"
(The 2nd line is necessary for later)
NOTE:This only enable the use of adb everywhere when logged in with your username. When working as root, you'll have
to add a separate line with /home/<yourusername> in front of the path above.
You have to log out and in again for the changes to take effect.
Now check if you can see your phone with
adb devices
Alright, still awake? Good, because now it gets interesting
Step 4: Install build packages and create directories
Since we already installed the JDK this command differs a bit from the Cyanogen Wiki:
For 32 and 64 Bit
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev pngcrush schedtool
For 64 Bit only
sudo apt-get install g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline5-dev gcc-4.4-multilib g++-4.4-multilib
Now we need 2 directories
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/android/system
Almost there ….
Step 5: Install the repository
Now we need our repo binary:
curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
(credits to p.valenta for notifying me of the adress change)
NOTE: You may need to reboot now
Change to your previously created directory:
cd ~/android/system/
Initialize the repository:
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b gingerbread
Enter your Name, eMail adress and select if you want colors or not.
repo sync -j16
Get yourself a BIG coffee, because this is going to take MUCH MUCH time, because basically you are now checking out all there is to CyanogenMod.
But wait, we're not done yet. Hang on
Step 6: Getting proprietary files for the Optimus 2X
For this step, you need an O2X with a running Cyanogenmod build, so if you're still on stock, this is the time to flash Cyanogenmod for the first time.
Connect your phone to your PC via USB and
navigate to the device tree in your repo folder:
cd ~/android/system/device/lge/p990/
and run
This will extract some libs from your device. But sadly, not all of them (build will still fail) but we will fix this now.
Go to
and click the download button on the right.
Extract the „p990“ folder located in the subfolder
in the archive to
Step 7: Get latest ROMManager
I know I must be annoying the sh** out of you by now, but hang in there
Now this is what you've been waiting for huh?
Sync the repository again:
cd ~/android/system/
repo sync
Build the ROM
. build/envsetup.sh && brunch p990
When everything is finished, your KANG will be stored in
Congratulations, you have just built your own CM7 KANG, don't forget to share it to other nightly testers
Cheers aMpeX
Useful stuff and tools:
SH script by bhanvadia, tailored to the directories introduced by this tutorial:
Download here
Extract anywhere and make it executable by typing
chmod +x kang.sh
Create shortcut to the output directory of your KANGs
ln -s ~/android/system/out/target/product/p990/ <your desired shortcut location>
nice guide, really liked it.
too bad there were none when I started making my kangs.
btw: I use mac it is bit different for mac. but nothing its missing.
Here is file you keep on you desktop to make it work without any typing of commands after you setup your computer working directory as per guide by aMpeX.
and check post #2 for making that file executable.....
bhanvadia said:
nice guide, really liked it.
too bad there were none when I started making my kangs.
btw: I use mac it is bit different for mac. but nothing its missing.
add "~/android/bin/" to path too so you can "repo sync" from anywhere.
just a suggestion... can upload build.sh file on here to make it easy.
something like
1. for clean and build
2. for repo sync
open file and press your options.
thats what I use...
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That's why the guide states its for ubuntu. I found that even the Cyanogenmod Wiki entries don't work completely for the latest ubuntu (with g++ and gcc 4.3 not being available anymore, also hat huge problems with the java jdk at first)
I'll add the additional PATH variables as you suggested. Thank you.
aMpeX said:
That's why the guide states its for ubuntu. I found that even the Cyanogenmod Wiki entries don't work completely for the latest ubuntu (with g++ and gcc 4.3 not being available anymore, also hat huge problems with the java jdk at first)
I'll add the additional PATH variables as you suggested. Thank you.
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Here is file you keep on you desktop to make it work without any typing of commands after you setup your computer working directory as per guide by aMpeX.
PS: aMpeX can you just test that file??? just repo sync or rom manager update options.
awesome guide !!! thanks aMpeX !
seems to be working, after you chmod+x the sh file that is. My Repo Sync is stuck at 1%, but I doubt its related to your file.
I'll add it to the 2nd post
aMpeX said:
seems to be working, after you chmod+x the sh file that is. My Repo Sync is stuck at 1%, but I doubt its related to your file.
I'll add it to the 2nd post
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modified my mac file i use to fit to your setup of directories, just changed directories. ...
yeah then it would work, hope it make it more easy
GET the KANGs flowing...........
aMpeX said:
Useful stuff and tools:
SH script by bhanvadia, tailored to the directories introduced by this tutorial:
Download here
Extract anywhere and make it executable by typing
chmod +x kang.sh
Create shortcut to the output directory of your KANGs
ln -s ~/android/system/out/target/product/p990/
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Download link is sending to wrong post still....
now it should work like this....
Can you please also state that it only works on 64bit builds of ubuntu and not 32bit...
Renegade_Rulez said:
Can you please also state that it only works on 64bit builds of ubuntu and not 32bit...
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Aside from what you can read on the net, my KANGs build perfectly fine on Ubuntu 32Bit
No reason to not install 64Bit though. I'll add a remark in the first post.
Edit: After some asking and digging, read this:
So while standard Gingerbread cannot be built by 32Bit, the CyanogenMod7 repository can.
is this meant to download a lot of stuff for different phones? mine is downloading a lot of stuff at step 5 and it's taking forever..
Imperticus said:
is this meant to download a lot of stuff for different phones? mine is downloading a lot of stuff at step 5 and it's taking forever..
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It will download files for each and every phones supported by CyanogenMod, thats why its called cyanogen repo, not just P990 repo, but mostly you will use stuff thats required by your phone.
and its suggested to have 15 - 20 GB free, as it takes a lot....
3.5 GB is just "out" folder when it compiles for one device (P990)......
bit of a noob.. done everything..when I try to make the build using build/envsetup.sh i get permission denied
Any help please?
copy/paste the command from the tutorial
there is a leading dot and space before "build
. build/envsetup,sh && brunch p990
Thank's for the tutorial but i allways get no gsm function build
logcat -b radio
RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
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Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout
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What baseband are you using? Make sure that the lge-ril.so is in your proprietary files
aMpeX said:
What baseband are you using? Make sure that the lge-ril.so is in your proprietary files
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Thank's for repy.
lge-ril.so is in and generally i flash my build coming from cyano #31 (405) and mcr18 (405)
Possibly (if you synced the proprietary repository by koush AFTER you ran extract-files.sh) your ROM still includes the lge-ril for 0218.
Try reflashing the ril with the methods provided in this forum.
Other than that, I have no idea what might be causing your problems.
old ril file from koush files do work on 405 baseband too, but you feel better performance with new ril. with old ril you may loose signals sometime.
delete your vendor/lge/p990 folder, and download again from koush's files and put it back there. make sure your directories are in order
example: for lib-ril.so in as below
like ~/android/system/vendor/lge/p990/proprietery/lib/

[Q] Build instruction for Xdandroid for the X1

I am working on the Kovsky kernel at the moment, but would really like to be able to make changes to the Andoid part of the system as well. Does anyone have build instructions for the XDAndroid system?
I have done cross compiling to various platforms before, so the part I need is:
*What sources to download
*What commands to run
As I didn't get any feedback I have decided to figure it out for myself and publish as I go along:
To get the sources follow the instructions at:
mkdir ~/xdandroid
cd ~/xdandroid
repo init -u git://gitorious.org/xdandroid/manifest.git -b gingerbread
repo sync
Now I have lots of code, and the next step is found at:
What I need is a "buildspec.mk" file. If anyone has one that has been used for NAND compiles feel free to share
I have now realized that all the ROMS have been compiled based on CyanogenMod7 source that have separate repositories from xdandroid.
Sp3dev created a repo for some of the kovsky files he used in november last year at: https://github.com/astarasikov/device_kovsky
Next up is integrating them into the cyanogen tree and creating vendor files based on leo/dream
I am starting to piece everything together now. I am still not able to compile it, but I am getting closer:
Here are some steps that have only been tested on an Ubuntu system:
1. Follow the steps here http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/HTC_Dream_&_Magic:_Compile_CyanogenMod_(Linux) down to "Install the Repository"
# 2. Install repository by running (This will take several hours):
cd ~/android/system/
repo init -u git://github.com/CoolRunnerII/android.git -b gb-release-7.2
repo sync
# 3. get the propriatary files from a running phone connected by usb by running. You may need root to do this:
cd ~/android/system/device/htc/kovsky/
# 4. copy vendor file to correct place by running:
cp device/htc/kovsky/cyanogen_kovsky.mk vendor/cyanogen/products
# 5. Get Rom-manager by running
# 6. sync repo again by running:
cd ~/android/system/
repo sync
# 7. get ready for compile with:
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch cyanogen_kovsky-eng
# 8. Start compile with:
Great news.Hope you can finish it!
Compile now runs to the end
On my system the compile runs to the end when doing the steps above. I have not started packageing it yet, but everything seems to compile correctly.
The other guides recoment running "make bacon" witch are supposed to create a "over the air" OTA package. This crashes when I try it. If anyone has some good information as to how the final packages is supposed to be please share. all the other CM7 roms have folder in the zip fil called META-INF that contain the update script. The .zip-file created by running make does not.
I just added Alex's fork of the gps library from xdandroid to the manifest.
If someone could try the steps above and report to me wether it works on their system or not I would be very thankfull. My goal is to create a streamlined rom build directly from source. That way getting the last issues out of the way should be possible even without guys like Alex working on it.
CoolrunnerII said:
I just added Alex's fork of the gps library from xdandroid to the manifest.
If someone could try the steps above and report to me wether it works on their system or not I would be very thankfull. My goal is to create a streamlined rom build directly from source. That way getting the last issues out of the way should be possible even without guys like Alex working on it.
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very very nice job!!!!!! currently downloading kovsky repos to check if i can build but it will take hours with slow connection and i've little time cause of exams...
btw: if someone has problems with syncing cause of slow internet repo sync -f is a nice option
in time i'm going to improve cwm recovery (currently porting cwm-touch to another device...)
EDIT2: any chance to add wpa repo to existing working directory?
btw: you could also use a local_manifest.xml for the additional repos... (just if you don't already know ) (would be more official???)
i can't test cause i don't know how to add wpa repo
this should be in android development section... you posted here cause of limited posts right? btw thanks a lot for missed call fix
Yes I posted here due to limited rigths.
I'll start a new thread in the developer section now that I can
Cool runner the rhodium android development forum has a 7.2 build but I don't know how to make work for our device. I pm the maker he said I can use his rom

[GUIDE]Development for GalaxyTab 7.7 and Plus. How hard could it be?

Planning this for sometimes. So much work ahead. Just studying the new code cause me a lot of time. I think I have to rush it out so that someone may share my burden. Don't have much time to polish it. I'm trying to provide all commands, files and links. Please correct me if something is wrong or missing. Hoping this could be a stepping stone for those interested. If you like challenge, it'll be fun!
1. Introduction
If you have watched "Top Gear", you would have heard Jeremy Clarkson said "How hard could it be?". Why is it so hard to build a rom for our tab?
When I first play with rom building, it was quite straightforward. I recuilt my retired PC (Celeron 1.2G with 3G RAM, 40G HD) and follow the guild for building PA. Installing Ubuntu 12.04 and then the necessary packages. Everything is ready in a few hours. It was really challenging your patience to repo sync the source. After a few retries, I finally completed the download in two days! After two hours, my harddisk is full! Then I collected another retired 80G HD from a friend. Re-install everything and build again. Building requried 7 hours on my antique PC. With only a few minor errors to correct, my first rom pa2.55 was out. So how hard could it be? It was our predecessors ( @ohanar, @locerra, etc.) :good: who had already done lots of hardwork on device trees and kernel! If Samsung has really released the hardware related sources, there will not be so much troubles for us. At the time Android 4.2 launch, we have a new problem. Our tab's CSR chip doesn't support Bluedroid. See the Nexus family, everything is ready. Rom building will never be so pain in the ass as us.
1.1 What's wrong with our hardware
GT-7.7 and Plus use the exynos4 smdk4210 board with Mali-400 GPU. Quite a number of devices have similar hardware. The main problem we have would be:
1.1.1 CSR bluetooth chip.
CSR chip doesn't support bluedroid which become standard after Android 4.2. Bluez.org has provide a solution for 4.2 early this year but porting to 4.3 and 4.4 may take some time.Working on it now. Anyone has experience on bluetooth are welcome to help.. Bluez working now. See my Thread How to port Bluez to Android 4.4. Cheers!:highfive:
1.1.2 Athero wifi chip.
Samusng's wifi driver has issues on 5G support and SOD. I'm using the modified kernel driver from Samsung's 4.1.2 source. Athero provide drivers for 3.1 to 3.10 linux kernels but they have no wakelock support. I also wrote a drive base on Athero's source and add wakelock support but have no time to polish it now. Athero's chip doesn't have firmware for AP as Boardcom. Which is also the way Android platform providing wifi tethering in framework. To support wifi tethering we have to change the framework and the driver. Anyone has experience in linux HostAP are welcome to help. Wifi tethering is ok now! Tutorial will be in Post#2 soon.
1.1.3 modem chip (xm6260).
RIL stand for (radio interface library). Most of the phone manufacturer would provide their own vendor lib. The only working blob now is Samsung's ICS propietry libsec-ril.so which is obselete now. The one from stock 4.1.2 not working but no time to trace. It also don't seems to have much difference. This library handle the AT commands issuing to the (baseband to) modem chip. xm6260 has a complete set of command manual. It should not be too hard to rewrite if we can hack the ports. However it is not worth to splend too much time on this. Those has experience in AT commands are welcome to help.
RIL details: http://www.kandroid.org/online-pdk/guide/telephony.html
1.2 Where to get the source?
1.2.1 Samsung's source for our tab
The best source would be from Samsung http://opensource.samsung.com/. Sadly, the source from Samsung only cover the kernel. Our tab only have source up to 4.1.2 and kernel source 3.0.31 from Samsung.
1.2.2 Samsung's source for other devices
Luckly, we have similar architecture to some newer Samsung models. Their source is our major source now. eg. We can use the Mali driver from Note8 and/or i9300.
1.2.3 Manufacturere's web site.
The other source would be from the chip manufacturer. eg. Athero has source for linux.
1.3 What is going on at boot?
1.3.1 Power ON
a) When power button is long pressed (should be released after the logo shows otherwise it will reboot again every 6 seconds). The manufacturer's bootloader would show the vendor's logo. At that moment, bootloader would sense if there are key being pressed. Standard Android will go to boot menu when pwr + vol- is pressed. Samsung would go to download mode (something like fastboot) and accept pwr + vol+ to start recovery mode. If no other key is pressed, it would be a normal boot.
b) When USB is plug in (PC usb port or charger) at power off, the tab will be turn on silently. It is in the LPM (low power mode). According to lpm.rc (executed by Init, will be explained in 1.3.3), CPU will be set to POWERSAVING and the program charger is running. It should only handle simple tasks like Detecting the pwr button to show the charging images. If the pwr is long press when showing the charging image, it will reboot as in a).
3) Lollipop LPM: charger is link to the program /sbin/healthd. The process is similar to b) but lpm.rc is merged to init.rc.
1.3.2 Boot image
For our tab, there are two parts for a boot.img or a recovery.img. kernel binary and initramfs. As the name imply, Init-Ram-FS is the initial file system loaded into ram when the devices boot. Kernel binary provide the hardware drivers libraies which communicate with the hardware and baseband. At normal boot or recovery mode, the image (in /boot or /recovery partition) will be decompressed and loaded to memory. Initramfs will be loaded in root(/). It would consume a few hundreds MB of RAM and that's why our free ram is only 7xxM.
In LPM, it would depends on the last boot state. If it was powered off from recovery, recovery.img will be loaded and handle the LPM. If it was powered off from platform, boot.img will be loaded and handle LPM. That's why It might show different charging images if the charging images for reovery.img and boot.img are different.
Stock cook roms can unpack and modified the initramfs from the existing zImage. It is created in system/core if we build it from source. Here is a tool which can unpack/repack our boot.img or recovery.img.
1.3.3 Init
There is the Init program in every initramfs. This is the first program to run according to the sequence in the init.rc (or lpm.rc when in LPM). Partitions will be mounted and symlinked, default values and permissions are assigned, services will be started, etc. The source of Init is in system/core. The last thing Init do would be the continuous eventloop to process events.
2. Getting Start
To start building, we need the building environment. Many tutorials have alreay covered the details so I just list my suggestions. The guide from Google is a bit outdated but really helpful. http://source.android.com/source/building.html
Basic knowledge of linux is required. All commands are run in a terminal.
2.1 Hardware
A decent PC with as much ram as possible. Thanks for the donations, I can upgrade to a better i5 notebook with 4G ram and a 500G partition only for building. It would take 3+hrs. for a clean build. RAM and Harddisk speed are essential. A desktop PC with same configuration will be faster since notebook harddisk is slower. I plan to add more RAM when the price drop (seems to be a long wait )
RAM: 4G or above is recommended.
Harddisk space: 30G+ for system, 60G+ per rom, size of ccache (50G-100G), Roughly, a partition with at least 120G for one rom. Bigger is better.
A decent internet connection is essential. It will take days to sync the source if you only have bandwidth of 2M or less .
2.2 OS
64bit Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 or above. Recommend 13.04 or above. I'm using the latest 14.04.
2.3 Install the required packages
These packages are required during building and packing. (eg. gzip is required to compress the kernel binary)
type command: (have a beer or coffee. It will take a while)
[I][COLOR="Green"]For Ubuntu 12.x and 13.x:[/COLOR][/I]
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dev:i386 \
libc6-dev lib32ncurses5-dev ia32-libs x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev:i386 libreadline6-dev:i386 lib32z-dev \
libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 tofrodos python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc \
readline-common libreadline6-dev libreadline6 bzip2 libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 libncurses5-dev lib32readline5 \
lib32readline-gplv2-dev lib32readline6 libreadline-dev libreadline6-dev:i386 libreadline6:i386 pngcrush \
libghc-bzlib-dev lib32bz2-dev libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev squashfs-tools schedtool libwxgtk2.8-dev python
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so
[I][COLOR="Green"]For Ubuntu 14.x and 15.x:[/COLOR][/I]
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev squashfs-tools \
build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev pngcrush schedtool libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc lzop \
libc6-dev schedtool g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev gcc-multilib
2.4 Insatll android-sdk
Download (for Linux 64-bit of course): http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Extract the file to a directory (eg. ~/android-sdk)
Add the path to ~/.bashrc
type command:
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
at the bottom add the path
export PATH=~/bin:~/android-sdk/tools:~/android-sdk/platform-tools:$PATH
Quit and restart terminal to commit the changes.
Verify the path and update the SDK
type command:
2.5 Install java
If you have installed eclipse, openJAVA is ready. Some say it is not suitable for android development.
I've tried both and I found no appearing difference.
To install SUN JAVA (Ubuntu 13.04 or above)
type command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer
For Lollipop: openjdk 7 is required
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
2.6 Install repo
type command:
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
2.7 Add usb dev rules
Which are required for adb and fastboot, eg. View attachment 51-android.zip
type command:
sudo cp 51-android.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
2.8 Enable ccache
type command:
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
add lines for CCACHE
export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_DIR=~/android/.ccache
Quit and launch the terminal again to commit the changes
ccache will cache the object files of gcc for next build, it would increase the speed of subsequent builds alot.
After source is sync in 2.11 and before build, we can set the size of ccache first.
type command:
~/android/rom/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache -M<size>
2.9 Init the source
Make a new working driectory for your rom
type command: (eg. ~/android/rom)
mkdir -p ~/android/rom
Each rom has its own manifest.xml listing all the required projects.
It is usually in the project android (manifest for PA). The readme of this project would provide the command to init.
eg. CM11.0: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android/tree/cm-11.0
type command:
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-11.0
It will fetch the manifest.xml and put it into a hidden directory .repo in the current directory (~/android/rom/.repo)
2.10 preparing local_manifest.xml
It is not a good pratice to change the manifest.xml directly. If the ROM has change its manifest, you would require to init again. The right way is putting everything your device needed in a seperate file .repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml. The device trees and kernel source for GalaxyTab 7.7 and Plus : https://github.com/danielhk?tab=repositories
eg. cm11.0 for p6800
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="danielhk/android_hardware_atheros_wlan" path="hardware/atheros/wlan" />
<project name="danielhk/android_device_samsung_p6800" path="device/samsung/p6800" />
<project name="danielhk/android_device_samsung_smdk4210-tab" path="device/samsung/smdk4210-tab" />
<project name="danielhk/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210" path="kernel/samsung/smdk4210" />
<project name="danielhk/proprietary_vendor_samsung_smdk4210" path="vendor/samsung" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" />
Note: Settings will follow manifest.xml. cm-11.0's manifest has default remote="github" and revision="refs/heads/cm-11.0" so we can omit the same entries here. For other roms, see the defined names in manifest.xml and change accordingly. You can also add other devices trees here if you want to build them for the same rom.
2.11 sync and build
To fetch the source (specified in manifest.xml and local_manifest.xml) to working directory (~/android/rom)
type command:
repo sync -j32
-J specify the no. of threads to download. I have a few trials. Seems 32 works for me.
When it is done. You will find that ~/android/rom is not empty now.
You may set the ccache size now:
type command: (eg. 50G)
~/android/rom/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache -M50G
Only if you want to change size, otherwise it only requires once.
To build a rom, change to the rom directory. Usual commands: (eg. for CM roms)
cd ~/android/rom
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch cm_p6800-userdebug
mka bacon
CM need to download a prebuilt (Termianl.apk). To simplify this routines, I modified the build script from PA to cm View attachment rom-build.zip.
Copy it to the rom directory, type command:
cd ~/android/rom
./rom-build.sh p6800
After building is complete with no error, the rom will be output to ~/android/rom/out/target/product/p6800.
3. What can we do? :laugh:
3.1 Kernel
Since Samsung provide the complete kernel source, working on kernel would be comparatively speaking much easier.
When we say kernel, we mean the boot.img or zImage which already include the initramfs. This image will be flash to the /kernel (/dev/block/mmcblk0p5)
Hardware and flags are defined in defconfig inside <kernel dir>/arch/arm/config. It is the Linux standard.
3.1.1 difference between stock kernel and the kernel in custom rom
The main difference between the two kernels is the location of kernel library modules. Libray modules are mainly for network and storage drivers. By building them as modules, they can be stoped and restarted in case of critical errors.
Stock kernel put it in /lib which is part of the initramfs. We need to do extra steps to manually copy them to the initramfs after the first build and rebuild again. If you want to build the stock kernel, there is a very good tutorial.
Custom rom put the kernel library modules in /system/lib. Thus boot.img need to match those modules, otherwise they will not work properly.
For custom roms, which defconfig to be used is defined in device tree.
eg. For p6800, in the file device/samsung/p6800/BoardConfig.mk. There is the line:
TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG := cyanogenmod_p6800_defconfig
It specify which defconfig file for the kernel
I wrote a View attachment build-k.zip scirpt to simplify the building of kernel alone. Copy it to the rom working directory (~/android/rom)
eg. For p6800, type command:
./build-k p6800
New boot.img will be output to the same directory as rom if no error.
3.1.2 Add/modify O/C, U/V, GOVERNORS, hardware drivers, etc.
As mentioned in 1.2, we can copy/modified the source from i9100 and n7000 kernels. For example, Dorimanx and Slyahkernel provide many useful code for us. The source of i9300 from Samsung may also provide some drivers update (eg. Mali)
Ref: Exynos4210 cpu menu., Mirror download
3.1.3 Default Orientation
Why the incall screen always landscape?
Many apks assume the default orientation is portrait but our tab's default orientation is landscape. It is a kernel behaviour so that recoveries (including the stock 3e recovery) are all in landscape.
To avoid this odd behaviour of apks like inCall screen, changing the default orientation in kernel is the ultimate solution.
It is already in my do list for a long time but trying to keep up with the android plaftform already occupy all my spare time...
I already have some idea how to do. Anyone interested to help on this can PM me. Already fixed in the platform
3.1.4 Update the kernel source
The existing kernel is base on Linux 3.0.x. It is outdated but I don't think Samsung would bother to update it. I had tried starting with the 3.4 source from Google but don't have enough time to carry on. I have filled some drivers already. Will take another shot later if I have time...
Anyone have experience in Linux kernel are welcome to help. No more guides are there, this would be a great challenge but fun!
3.2 device tree
Every device requires a device tree which:
a) Specify the hardware
b) define some overrided library. (eg. sensor, camera)
c) provide the extra files to be put in the initramfs. (init.<device>.rc, fstab.<device>, etc.)
If there are a few models variants, common parts would be put in a seperate common device tree (eg. smdk4210-tab for our tab). In this way, changing can be made once for all variants.
Most of the work on porting for a specific ROM would be on the device tree. Same as the kernel, we can get some update by modifying from other devices. CM's device tree for i9100, n7000 and i9300, etc. With a good device tree, we can port to any ROM.
3.3 Bluetooth support after 4.2.
In 4.2.2, I changed the source of framework, system_core, phone apk and device tree to work with bluez. It was a huge job! Hundreds of lines had been changed. Many files are replaced. It was quite clumsy but was the only way then. This way may not work for 4.3 onward.
Here are the details of both stack:
Bluedriod : http://source.android.com/devices/bluetooth.html
Bluez : http://www.kandroid.org/online-pdk/guide/bluetooth.html
3.3.1 We may modify the bluedroid to support our chip.
3.3.2 Working on the bluez support. I'm trying now.
  Bluez5 is OK now. See my thread: How to port Bluez to Android 4.4
3.4 Recoveries
With the device tree and kernel, we can build the recovery from source. CWM would be a side product of CM roms and TWRP has a tutorial.
The same View attachment build-k.zip script can be used to build recovery alone. In the rom working direcotry, to build recovery only
type command:
./build-k p6800 recovery
With no error, recovery.img will be at the same output directory as rom.
Local manifest
All model share the same local_manifest.xml
daniel_hk, Check and commit to your tree my patches for PAC-4.2.2
Vaka2 said:
daniel_hk, Check and commit to your tree my patches for PAC-4.2.2
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It nice to see someone interested in our development!
I have look into your changes briefly.
1. Some changes in media which I'll leave the user to decide. I rather keep the builds as genuie as possible.
2. Some of them are new commit of the original source which will automatically updated in a sync.
3. I forgot to upload a few minor projects to github.
One of which was android_build which will include the files like hciattach building from source. If you study the source of exteranl/bluetooth/bluez, they are there. That means it might have update later. No need to add as a blob.
Actually the best way is including them in PROJECT_PACKAGES section of the device.mk. It would have the same result without touching the original source. Less touch to the original source means fewer conflict later. I was caught up and did't have time to tidy up everything so I leave it there. Also, files from bluetooth should be put in the smdk4210-tab device tree. All model share the same source.
vendor_pac should be upload to official PAC's git. They already gave me an account but they use Google+ which I have trouble to login here. I was working on a job and I hadn't follow up. Now I'm working on 4.4 which PAC haven't release yet. So I put aside first.
You probably didn't have to waste you time if you PM me first.
Everytime I upload to github is a challenge, it always break before complete. I have to monitor it from time to time. Annoying! So I can only upload once a while when everything is ready...
To be honest, I really don't have time to keep up with the old source. The new ports already occupy all my spare times. With limited resource, I can only focus on major issues. Bluetooth after 4.3 is my first priorty. If it can be done, means we can go much further.
If you are interested, you may pick one of the thing I mentioned in this thread to start. Wifi-tethering or the vendor ril library is needed too. You may try it in 4.2.2 first. See what you are good at and interested to. PM me or post again if you have any questions and/or suggestion.
Thanks again for your effort.
daniel_hk said:
It nice to see someone interested in our development!
I have look into your changes briefly.
1. Some changes in media which I'll leave the user to decide. I rather keep the builds as genuie as possible.
2. Some of them are new commit of the original source which will automatically updated in a sync.
3. I forgot to upload a few minor projects to github.
One of which was android_build which will include the files like hciattach building from source. If you study the source of exteranl/bluetooth/bluez, they are there. That means it might have update later. No need to add as a blob.
Actually the best way is including them in PROJECT_PACKAGES section of the device.mk. It would have the same result without touching the original source. Less touch to the original source means fewer conflict later. I was caught up and did't have time to tidy up everything so I leave it there. Also, files from bluetooth should be put in the smdk4210-tab device tree. All model share the same source.
vendor_pac should be upload to official PAC's git. They already gave me an account but they use Google+ which I have trouble to login here. I was working on a job and I hadn't follow up. Now I'm working on 4.4 which PAC haven't release yet. So I put aside first.
You probably didn't have to waste you time if you PM me first.
Everytime I upload to github is a challenge, it always break before complete. I have to monitor it from time to time. Annoying! So I can only upload once a while when everything is ready...
To be honest, I really don't have time to keep up with the old source. The new ports already occupy all my spare times. With limited resource, I can only focus on major issues. Bluetooth after 4.3 is my first priorty. If it can be done, means we can go much further.
If you are interested, you may pick one of the thing I mentioned in this thread to start. Wifi-tethering or the vendor ril library is needed too. You may try it in 4.2.2 first. See what you are good at and interested to. PM me or post again if you have any questions and/or suggestion.
Thanks again for your effort.
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Thanks to you Daniel for your immense effort on detailing all this! I'm far from a dev status like you and @UpInTheAir. But my support will always go to you developers. Both of you has done an impressive work for an outdated hardware and keep us happy with your Rom and Kernel. Again, thanks a lot.
Thanks, all hail daniel_hk for this!
I can only thank you for all the work he is having to keep our equipment (62xx, 68xx, TXX) alive and really Kitkat will give a new breath, for even in an experimental state already see how the device works smoother. A feather can not help, but I'm looking forward to seeing this in functional status.
As a suggestion, I honestly do not know the procedures, but it would be interesting to ask an official support OmniROM (ROM promising, others liked) and CM. The Galaxy SII has the same hardware, in which the use OmniROM and this magnifies the ROM. Maybe they (Team OmniROM) may offer official support or at least help in these matters!
I'm almost begging for support OmniROM, and Entropy512 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=591147&nocache=1&z=3487892739940434) Kindly reply me: "Someone who is working with one of Those devices and has it working needs to submit it. "
Sorry for my english
Hi Daniel,
Whe I try to repo sync, I was stopped by the error:
"fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/cm-10.2"
"Cannot fetch danielhk/proprietary_vendor_samsung_smdk4210."
I was trying to build a cm-10.2 version.
I checked your repository and the folder was right there.
I am new to building android rom. There must be something obvious that I missed.
11nn93n9 said:
Hi Daniel,
Whe I try to repo sync, I was stopped by the error:
"fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/cm-10.2"
"Cannot fetch danielhk/proprietary_vendor_samsung_smdk4210."
I was trying to build a cm-10.2 version.
I checked your repository and the folder was right there.
I am new to building android rom. There must be something obvious that I missed.
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I think you get this line from my PAC manifest.
That was base on cm-10.1, default is cm-10.1. If you take a look of the project danielhk/proprietary_vendor_samsung_smdk4210 on github, you will find only one tree cm-10.1. cm-10.2 can use the same tree. I'll find time to update it later.
When you build cm-10.2, default tree is cm-10.2. The line without a revision will assume the default. That's why you can find it.
Your solution: Add the revision=cm-10.1 at the end of the project.
.... danielhk/proprietary_vendor_samsung_smdk4210" revision="cm-10.1" />
Good luck!
daniel_hk said:
I think you get this line from my PAC manifest.
That was base on cm-10.1, default is cm-10.1. If you take a look of the project danielhk/proprietary_vendor_samsung_smdk4210 on github, you will find only one tree cm-10.1. cm-10.2 can use the same tree. I'll find time to update it later.
When you build cm-10.2, default tree is cm-10.2. The line without a revision will assume the default. That's why you can find it.
Your solution: Add the revision=cm-10.1 at the end of the project.
.... danielhk/proprietary_vendor_samsung_smdk4210" revision="cm-10.1" />
Good luck!
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Thank you for your help. Working on it. Its a big learning curve for me.
I made up to now the most progress with Ubuntu 13.04 64bit version building the cm 10.1 version.
With Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.10, I have been stopped much earlier than on 13.04.
Now I encountered the error below when running build-k p6800:
target thumb C++: libstagefright <= frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/ACodec.cpp
frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/ACodec.cpp:53:24: fatal error: sec_format.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [/home/lgeng/android/rom/out/target/product/p6800/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_intermediates/ACodec.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
I downloaded the folder that contains the sec_format.h file from https://android.googlesource.com/device/samsung/crespo/. But It is not clear to me where to place the folder.
11nn93n9 said:
I made up to now the most progress with Ubuntu 13.04 64bit version building the cm 10.1 version.
With Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.10, I have been stopped much earlier than on 13.04.
Now I encountered the error below when running build-k p6800:
target thumb C++: libstagefright <= frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/ACodec.cpp
frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/ACodec.cpp:53:24: fatal error: sec_format.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [/home/lgeng/android/rom/out/target/product/p6800/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libstagefright_intermediates/ACodec.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
I downloaded the folder that contains the sec_format.h file from https://android.googlesource.com/device/samsung/crespo/. But It is not clear to me where to place the folder.
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Not much I can tell. You have to provide the manifest.xml and local_manifest.xml if exist. And device tree changes if exist.
1. build-k is for kernel building only. frameworks_av seems not relevant.
2. crespo is another device. Not the right way to get missing file there.
3. With proper settings and manifest, Ubuntu 12.04 to 13.10 (which I'm using) have no apparent different for building.
If you are building cm-10.1, it is mature. No way there is missing file.
With no other info., I guest there is something wrong with your manifest or device tree. Mixing version projects, wrong flags in device tree, etc.
You might need more reading on what is device tree and manifest first.
Good luck!
can you help me with integrating device to manifest.xml? I think there's the problem because everything runs fine until I write luch cm_p6200-userdebug, becuase it shows me that the device isn't found and in /android/rom/device, there isn't any folder called /samsung/p6200. I did everything by the guide, I only changed the local_manifest device info to p6200, because I own it. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04. Thanks for your help.
tom411 said:
can you help me with integrating device to manifest.xml? I think there's the problem because everything runs fine until I write luch cm_p6200-userdebug, becuase it shows me that the device isn't found and in /android/rom/device, there isn't any folder called /samsung/p6200. I did everything by the guide, I only changed the local_manifest device info to p6200, because I own it. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04. Thanks for your help.
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Not much details. next time provide detail. At least, send me your local_manifest.xml. It is definitely the source of your problem. You haven't tell which cm you built too.
I don't know what's wrong because I can't see anything in your side.
But I can tell you that device tree of p6200 didn't download. Check the typings of your local_manifest.xml. It should match the one in github.
Good luck!
I really don't have time to guess. You have to forgive me if I ignor your post.
From Nexus 7 上的 Tapatalk
Okay, sorry for it, I didn't know you need it. I want to build a Cm-11. I looked at my local_manifest and I think it's correct. Here is it
edify question for our 815's
Taken from one of your script's
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p9", "/system");
Installing a .txt into sdcard0/data through .zip in recovery.
I used linux command to find paths for each of the memblocks - but didnt know which path, partition, I am looking for here. /system /userdata etc UHHHH
so to mount to the "sdcard0 /data"directory to install a plain .txt file would be ???
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "??????????????", "/data");
also can I call "/data" anything - like "/datadog" - since this is just a reference to a mount point and is temporary?
One other quicky
First I found this in an edify tutorial -
"/system partition is automatically mounted. this command is needed when you need to mount another partition beside /system or in any condition when recovery mode failed to mount your system partition. the system's location is /dev/stl9, cache /dev/stl10, and data /dev/stl11 (all partition type commonly rfs, will be differ if you have custom kernel or rom)."
since this is a custom rom does /system still auto mount - meaning in ref to to your code above - was it unnecessary but probably good practice or because this is a custom rom there are changes that move the location for /system. I noticed that " the system's location is /dev/stl9, cache /dev/stl10, and data /dev/stl11" was not in the memblock paths??
Start my intro to kernels tomorrow - Oh boy
Off subject - I knew Brazil - tough break with the injury though. Next wins - Argentina and Costa(CoastBaby)!! Going to bed now 6:00 AM WHAT.
Lt.col.johncross said:
Taken from one of your script's
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p9", "/system");
Installing a .txt into sdcard0/data through .zip in recovery.
I used linux command to find paths for each of the memblocks - but didnt know which path, partition, I am looking for here. /system /userdata etc UHHHH
so to mount to the "sdcard0 /data"directory to install a plain .txt file would be ???
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "??????????????", "/data");
also can I call "/data" anything - like "/datadog" - since this is just a reference to a mount point and is temporary?
One other quicky
First I found this in an edify tutorial -
"/system partition is automatically mounted. this command is needed when you need to mount another partition beside /system or in any condition when recovery mode failed to mount your system partition. the system's location is /dev/stl9, cache /dev/stl10, and data /dev/stl11 (all partition type commonly rfs, will be differ if you have custom kernel or rom)."
since this is a custom rom does /system still auto mount - meaning in ref to to your code above - was it unnecessary but probably good practice or because this is a custom rom there are changes that move the location for /system. I noticed that " the system's location is /dev/stl9, cache /dev/stl10, and data /dev/stl11" was not in the memblock paths??
Start my intro to kernels tomorrow - Oh boy
Off subject - I knew Brazil - tough break with the injury though. Next wins - Argentina and Costa(CoastBaby)!! Going to bed now 6:00 AM WHAT.
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I don't know what's your objective.
Some points to note:
1. command in updater-script use the function defined in updater-binary. Which are not necessarily a Linux executable command. These commands only valid in the updater-script.
2. You can only mount to an existing directory (mount point) which has not been mounted before. The mount command in Linux is a shell command which is executed by /bin/bash.
3. /system is mount by init following the sequence in .rc files. In recovery, a program is running to provide the interface for I/O. It doesn't require /system partition.
4. No matter which rom (stock or custom), the content of /dev are defined in kernel. Partitions info. is read from the PIT (partition info. table). Kernel will initialize the device at boot accordingly. They are similar to a harddisk partition.
5. our tab has emulated int. sdcard. It is part of the /data, at /data/media.
Hope these might help
earlier question simplified
My problem is with the mount command in a zip file to be used on our Carbon ROM partitions.
My goal is to make 4 different .zip files that can be installed with the recovery software. Each zip places one (the same) simple.txt file into a different folder then the previous zip did.
After I install the 4 zips I should be able to use my file manager app to view the simple.txt in each of the following folders
/sdcard0/data so the ????????? in => mount("ext4", "EMMC", "????????????", "/NAMEOFMOUNT"); would be ==>
/sdcard0/Download so the ????????? in => mount("ext4", "EMMC", "????????????", "/NAMEOFMOUNT"); would be ==>
/Root/data so the ????????? in => mount("ext4", "EMMC", "????????????", "/NAMEOFMOUNT"); would be ==>
/Root/system so the ????????? in => mount("ext4", "EMMC", "????????????", "/NAMEOFMOUNT"); would be ==>
This should give me what i need to fill in what I am missing on understanding this.
Thanks - I hope that this understandable
Off subject - Argentina taken care of biz - Costa is dead to me - Next winners Argentina and Germany
Just about there
6GB with intel I5 -1TB- is now setup as a dual boot with Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.4. All the packages are installed etc.
My linux flavor is ARCH or Manjaro (arch based) - Not a big fan of unity, but since I did not want any pitfalls for support reasons I will use Ubuntu for now.
I now have a descent grasp on GIT and repo, as well as installing cyanogen on one supported device. It would appear that to install on our device any of the custom roms I would just need to provide a local manifest with the proper projects.
I am a little fuzzy on a few things but I think if you could please post two (i815's) local manifest's for two of our newer kitkat roms say Omni & Slim I should be able to figure out my answers or at least narrow down my misunderstandings to exact questions.
All Hail GERMANY - - that final game was a real snooze fest.
daniel_hk said:
I don't know what's your objective.
Some points to note:
1. command in updater-script use the function defined in updater-binary. Which are not necessarily a Linux executable command. These commands only valid in the updater-script.
2. You can only mount to an existing directory (mount point) which has not been mounted before. The mount command in Linux is a shell command which is executed by /bin/bash.
3. /system is mount by init following the sequence in .rc files. In recovery, a program is running to provide the interface for I/O. It doesn't require /system partition.
4. No matter which rom (stock or custom), the content of /dev are defined in kernel. Partitions info. is read from the PIT (partition info. table). Kernel will initialize the device at boot accordingly. They are similar to a harddisk partition.
5. our tab has emulated int. sdcard. It is part of the /data, at /data/media.
Hope these might help
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I'm going to see my mom for 2 days. I'll see if anything missing when return.

[ROM][10.0][Xiaomi Mi 9][UNOFFICIAL]LineageOS 17.1 CLEAN, STOCK [2020-07-10]

** Standard Disclaimer: Unlocking your Bootloader will Void your Warranty. I take no responsibility for this or for any bricked devices. These thing should go without saying at this point, but there they are. If you are here, I assume you are familiar with LineageOS, TWRP, and moving from MIUI to AOSP-based ROMs**
**Download Link Updated to build 2020-07-10**
This is a Clean, Stock LineageOS Build for Xiaomi Mi 9 (cepheus) that does NOT include any GApps, MicroG, or Signature Spoofing.
What you choose to add/modify after installing this ROM is entirely up to you.
I wanted to distance myself from Google as much as possible, so I decided to build LineageOS from the source.
I used the LineageOS source they provide via GitHub, available here.
I also use the Proprietary Blobs for the Cepheus Device Tree from Demon000's GitHub, available here.
To get current version to build, I also needed to add the LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi source to my local manifest and use the repopicks Cozzymy13 includes in the OP of his ROM's thread. [Thanks k1l for and Cozzymy13 for pointing out these additions!]
The result is a stock build of LineageOS 17.1 for the Cepheus device. In the spirit of LineageOS, this does not include Signature Spoofing. You will need to use Xposed or some other method if you desire that functionality.
This also does not include MicroG or any other additional applications. This is pure LineageOS, built on 2020-07-10.
NanoDroid patcher works well for anyone who wants to add MicroG support. You will still need to use Xposed or similar if you want Signature Spoofing as NanoDroid does not offer a patch for Android 10 as of this build.
Feel free to provide download mirrors.
What Works:
Pretty much everything from what I can tell
Fingerprint Sensor it working like a champ so far.
NFC Seems to be working but I don't have a device to test against
Known Issues:
You tell me...
From TWRP:
1) Wipe Date (standard wipe)
2) Flash lineage-17.1-20200710-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus.zip
3) Format Data (Wipe -> Format Data -> type "yes"
3b) - OPTIONAL - Flash Magisk Zip for Root
4) Reboot to system
Alternate Install Steps for Full MicroG with Signature Spoofing:
From TWRP:
1) Wipe Date (standard wipe)
2) Flash lineage-17.1-20200710-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus.zip
3) Format Data (Wipe -> Format Data -> type "yes"
3b) - OPTIONAL - Flash Magisk Zip for Root
4) Reboot to system (ignore any errors about missing Google Services)
5) Reboot to TWRP
6) Flash NanoDroid Patcher (either the Full package or you can customize per the instructions in the NanoIx link below)
7) Reboot
8) Install the Magisk Module for Xposed Framework and the EDXposed.ZIP as per the instructions in the Xposed link below)
9) Reboot to activate the new Module
10) Within the EDXposed App, Install the FakeGApps Module
11) Reboot to activate the new Module
As everything I really care about is working in this build, I do not plan to devote much, if any, time to "supporting" this release. I just thought I'd share my clean 17.1 LineageOS in case anyone else is interested.
LineageOS 17.1 Unofficial (Built: 2020-07-10) md5sum: 1c340fc16a6fbc7586d0a856acb9c600
NanoDroid Patcher (optional): NanoIx
Magisk Root (optional): Magisk
XPosed for Android 10 - Magisk Module (optional): Xposed
Just found a new bug:
Wireless Hotspot will not start.
Can anyone confirm if this is an issue with other LineageOS build for this device?
Messed around too much and had to re-flash. Afterwards, I could not get apps to register with MicroG Cloud Messaging, so some notifications were not working.
If anyone runs into this issue, just get a root shell and run this command:
adb shell
am broadcast -a android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE -d android_secret_code://2432546 --receiver-include-background
This will register the current user with Cloud Messaging. You can verify this works with the "Push Notification Tester" app in the Aurora Store.
This knowledge comes to you courtesy of lxp over on the MicroG Github
Using for 3 days now, and is working good, i don't use MicroG and no google apps. Nice work
Using it for second day, and everything seems fine, hotspot working too.
Only problem is with Revolut app which say it's incompatible app, are there any workaround?
Btw. Good job, thanks!
Simonell said:
Using it for second day, and everything seems fine, hotspot working too.
Only problem is with Revolut app which say it's incompatible app, are there any workaround?
Btw. Good job, thanks!
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I'm not familiar with that App. Is it working on other AOSP-based ROMS?
It looks like Mobile Banking app. I don't have an account to really test; nor do I have the energy to try and troubleshoot individual apps.
Are you by chance running it on a rooted install? If you have rooted this ROM, that could be why you are having trouble with that Banking App. I know they tend to not like rooted phones.
I have been happy with this build since I compiled it on the 25th, but I may update and compile from current source. It I do, I can make it available for you to try.
Of course, if it is broken on other LineageOS builds, or if you are rooted, I would expect it to still complain on this build, too.
If you rooted with Magisk, there is a Magisk Hide option in the Magisk Manager app that may let you hide your root from that specific banking app.
photonmedia said:
I'm not familiar with that App. Is it working on other AOSP-based ROMS?
It looks like Mobile Banking app. I don't have an account to really test; nor do I have the energy to try and troubleshoot individual apps.
Are you by chance running it on a rooted install? If you have rooted this ROM, that could be why you are having trouble with that Banking App. I know they tend to not like rooted phones.
I have been happy with this build since I compiled it on the 25th, but I may update and compile from current source. It I do, I can make it available for you to try.
Of course, if it is broken on other LineageOS builds, or if you are rooted, I would expect it to still complain on this build, too.
If you rooted with Magisk, there is a Magisk Hide option in the Magisk Manager app that may let you hide your root from that specific banking app.
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It's working after root and Hide in Magisk Manager. I was confused because it was showing up as "Incomaptible with device" in google play store, after rooting it's installed. Thanks!
Could you send commands which you used to compile ROM? I have some free space on my home server, maybe I could set up Jenkins with auto building. Is it possible to get auto update working?
Simonell said:
It's working after root and Hide in Magisk Manager. I was confused because it was showing up as "Incomaptible with device" in google play store, after rooting it's installed. Thanks!
Could you send commands which you used to compile ROM? I have some free space on my home server, maybe I could set up Jenkins with auto building. Is it possible to get auto update working?
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ThePiGuy already has a great overview of building for unsupported/unofficial devices here
You'll need to install all the base requirements on your build distro before you proceed. This includes the adb and fastboot tools, the build packages, and the java versions as mentioned in this LineageOS build guide for one of their other Xiaomi "supported" devices.
What I post here is basically my method of pulling the relevant info from the two build guides above to get a successful build for the Xiaomi Mi 9 (cepheus).
I will say as for the Requirements, it really needs to be 16GB of RAM. I tried building in a VM with 8GB multiple times and it failed due to running out of memory. This could just be because I run on SSDs and do not use SWAP space/files...
When it comes to your Proprietary Blobs, I pulled mine from Demon000's Github Source
You will need these repos, and we will cover these steps further down:
When performing the "ccache -M $G" command I used:
ccache -M 50G
Now let's create your base folder where you want to make all the magic happen. Be sure to have plenty of storage available. In my case, I needed about 200GB.
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage
cd ~/android/lineage
When performing your repo init commands, reference branch 17.1:
repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-17.1
Sync the repo to your current working directory, in this case the lineage folder you created above (which should still be your working directory):
repo sync
This will pull down 100+GB of files, so this takes quite some time.
Following along, you should be in your folder called "lineage" where you ran your repo init and repo sync commands. In my case this is:
Attached is my manifest file called "cepheus.xml" that references the Demon000 github source.
Place this cepheus.xml file here:
(creating the local_manifests folder if necessary)
Now you need to complete the build of your device tree.
You will clone each of the four repositories above into their respective locations in the device tree:
vendor_xiaomi -> ~/android/lineage/vendor/xiaomi/
kernel_xiaomi_sm8150 -> ~/android/lineage/kernel/xiaomi/sm8150
device_xiaomi_cepheus -> ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/cepheus
device_xiaomi_sm8150_common -> ~/android/lineage/device/sm8150_common
Note: Be sure to check each of those four locations and make sure the contents of the repository are in those folders, not, for example: ~/android/lineage/device/sm8150_common/device_xiaomi_sm8150_common. You don't want the repo contents within that extra subfolder...
In my case, I created the necessary directory structure and changed to that directory, then cloned the repo and moved the contents from the subfolder created by the clone operation into the correct location.
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage/vendor/xiaomi/
cd ~/android/lineage/vendor/xiaomi
git clone https://github.com/Demon000/vendor_xiaomi.git
mv vendor_xiaomi/* .
rm -r vendor_xiaomi
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage/kernel/xiaomi/sm8150
cd ~/android/lineage/kernel/xiaomi/sm8150
git clone https://github.com/Demon000/kernel_xiaomi_sm8150.git
mv kernel_xiaomi_sm8150/* .
rm -r kernel_xiaomi_sm8150
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/cepheus
cd ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/cepheus
git clone https://github.com/Demon000/device_xiaomi_cepheus.git
mv device_xiaomi_cepheus/* .
rm -r device_xiaomi_cepheus
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/sm8150_common
cd ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/sm8150_common
git clone https://github.com/Demon000/device_xiaomi_sm8150_common.git
mv device_xiaomi_sm8150_common/* .
rm -r device_xiaomi_sm8150_common
Now return to your base lineage folder:
cd ~/android/lineage
Now that you have init'd and synced your repo and pulled your proprietary blobs into their respective folders, you are ready to build with the brunch command:
export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
export USE_CCACHE=1
ccache -M 50G
source build/envsetup.sh
brunch lineage_cepheus-userdebug
For me, I have no idea how long this took to complete as I left it running overnight. I would imaging at least 4 hours on my i5 device. Once it's done, you should have a TWRP-flashable zip and an OTA zip in the ~/android/lineage/out folder.
Note: If after compiling for some time, the process fails with errors, it should provide you with information on how to track down the error. In my case, I ended up with it stopping with a failure a couple times, but I just re-ran the above brunch command and it picked up where it left off, eventually completing successfully. YMMV
I'm sure there are cleaner, simpler ways of going about this, but I'm just getting my feet wet with current Android source. I haven't really done any sort of Android "development" since the days of KitKat...
photonmedia said:
ThePiGuy already has a great overview of building for unsupported/unofficial devices here
You'll need to install all the base requirements on your build distro before you proceed. This includes the adb and fastboot tools, the build packages, and the java versions as mentioned in this LineageOS build guide for one of their other Xiaomi "supported" devices.
What I post here is basically my method of pulling the relevant info from the two build guides above to get a successful build for the Xiaomi Mi 9 (cepheus).
I will say as for the Requirements, it really needs to be 16GB of RAM. I tried building in a VM with 8GB multiple times and it failed due to running out of memory. This could just be because I run on SSDs and do not use SWAP space/files...
When it comes to your Proprietary Blobs, I pulled mine from Demon000's Github Source
You will need these repos, and we will cover these steps further down:
When performing the "ccache -M $G" command I used:
ccache -M 50G
Now let's create your base folder where you want to make all the magic happen. Be sure to have plenty of storage available. In my case, I needed about 200GB.
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage
cd ~/android/lineage
When performing your repo init commands, reference branch 17.1:
repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-17.1
Sync the repo to your current working directory, in this case the lineage folder you created above (which should still be your working directory):
repo sync
This will pull down 100+GB of files, so this takes quite some time.
Following along, you should be in your folder called "lineage" where you ran your repo init and repo sync commands. In my case this is:
Attached is my manifest file called "cepheus.xml" that references the Demon000 github source.
Place this cepheus.xml file here:
(creating the local_manifests folder if necessary)
Now you need to complete the build of your device tree.
You will clone each of the four repositories above into their respective locations in the device tree:
vendor_xiaomi -> ~/android/lineage/vendor/xiaomi/
kernel_xiaomi_sm8150 -> ~/android/lineage/kernel/xiaomi/sm8150
device_xiaomi_cepheus -> ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/cepheus
device_xiaomi_sm8150_common -> ~/android/lineage/device/sm8150_common
Note: Be sure to check each of those four locations and make sure the contents of the repository are in those folders, not, for example: ~/android/lineage/device/sm8150_common/device_xiaomi_sm8150_common. You don't want the repo contents within that extra subfolder...
In my case, I created the necessary directory structure and changed to that directory, then cloned the repo and moved the contents from the subfolder created by the clone operation into the correct location.
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage/vendor/xiaomi/
cd ~/android/lineage/vendor/xiaomi
git clone https://github.com/Demon000/vendor_xiaomi.git
mv vendor_xiaomi/* .
rm -r vendor_xiaomi
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage/kernel/xiaomi/sm8150
cd ~/android/lineage/kernel/xiaomi/sm8150
git clone https://github.com/Demon000/kernel_xiaomi_sm8150.git
mv kernel_xiaomi_sm8150/* .
rm -r kernel_xiaomi_sm8150
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/cepheus
cd ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/cepheus
git clone https://github.com/Demon000/device_xiaomi_cepheus.git
mv device_xiaomi_cepheus/* .
rm -r device_xiaomi_cepheus
mkdir -p ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/sm8150_common
cd ~/android/lineage/device/xiaomi/sm8150_common
git clone https://github.com/Demon000/device_xiaomi_sm8150_common.git
mv device_xiaomi_sm8150_common/* .
rm -r device_xiaomi_sm8150_common
Now return to your base lineage folder:
cd ~/android/lineage
Now that you have init'd and synced your repo and pulled your proprietary blobs into their respective folders, you are ready to build with the brunch command:
export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
export USE_CCACHE=1
ccache -M 50G
source build/envsetup.sh
brunch lineage_cepheus-userdebug
For me, I have no idea how long this took to complete as I left it running overnight. I would imaging at least 4 hours on my i5 device. Once it's done, you should have a TWRP-flashable zip and an OTA zip in the ~/android/lineage/out folder.
Note: If after compiling for some time, the process fails with errors, it should provide you with information on how to track down the error. In my case, I ended up with it stopping with a failure a couple times, but I just re-ran the above brunch command and it picked up where it left off, eventually completing successfully. YMMV
I'm sure there are cleaner, simpler ways of going about this, but I'm just getting my feet wet with current Android source. I haven't really done any sort of Android "development" since the days of KitKat...
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Thanks! I will try this guide at the weekend, and post results
Simonell said:
Thanks! I will try this guide at the weekend, and post results
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For what it's worth, I just successfully compiled an updated build today, but it fails to boot after flashing. Had to go back and flash my 2020-01-25 build from the OP.
stock mi 9 camera works or not on this rom? because i don't raelly like gcam.
ahmadharith said:
stock mi 9 camera works or not on this rom? because i don't raelly like gcam.
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I was able to install ANXCamera and their ANXCustLibsQ_160.DisloyalInnocentVelvetworm.zip Libraries and it works fine for me. Sometimes Portrait mode freezes, but I never use that anyway...
us23heep said:
Hello friends!
Sorry my poor english. I am stuck 5 days with this error. Google cant answer. Please can you tell me if what I am doing wrong?
Error always say ... depends on undefined module
Try 1: pastebin.com/33nmpQLU
Try 2: pastebin.com/n3gxTXgY
Try 3: pastebin.com/7Lre4ZiF
Standard manifests:
repo init -u https://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-17.1
Thank you :good:
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It seems like maybe it is not seeing some or all of the device tree files it needs. You may try manually downloading those device files an putting them in the appropriate folders as I mentioned I did in the steps I posted.
I built this yesterday using the instructions above... thanks a lot for those photonmedia!
Some of the instructions were wrong, ie a _ instead of a - in a dir name, but easy fixed.
After that, the entire build completed with 0 errors.
I didnt end up with a ZIP file though, just a approx 400MB "build-lineage_cepheus.ninja" file?
MWPau said:
I built this yesterday using the instructions above... thanks a lot for those photonmedia!
Some of the instructions were wrong, ie a _ instead of a - in a dir name, but easy fixed.
After that, the entire build completed with 0 errors.
I didnt end up with a ZIP file though, just a approx 400MB "build-lineage_cepheus.ninja" file?
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did you first
breakfast cepheus
and then
brunch cepheus
the .zip is actually in the
/out/target/product/cepheus/ folder.
I did *exactly* as was instructed above...
cd ~/android/lineage
export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
export USE_CCACHE=1
ccache -M 50G
source build/envsetup.sh
brunch lineage_cepheus-userdebug
MWPau said:
I did *exactly* as was instructed above...
cd ~/android/lineage
export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
export USE_CCACHE=1
ccache -M 50G
source build/envsetup.sh
brunch lineage_cepheus-userdebug
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My understanding is that the breakfast command is not necessary when you are building for unofficial devices and manually populating the necessary device tree files; you skip to the brunch step.
That is per the other guide I referenced in my instructions and how I was able to build this release.
I have not tried to pull and build an updated version as of this time.
k1l said:
the .zip is actually in the
/out/target/product/cepheus/ folder.
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I missed this at the end of your reply :/
Yup, it's in there. Thanks
838M -rw-r--r-- 2 root root 838M Feb 25 01:31 lineage-17.1-20200224-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus.zip
photonmedia said:
For what it's worth, I just successfully compiled an updated build today, but it fails to boot after flashing. Had to go back and flash my 2020-01-25 build from the OP.
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Same for me. Have been trying to get it sorted the last few days, i dont know whats going on.
Original OP build works ok.

