I have done this so many times before without running into this problem. I enabled OEM unlocking through developer options and enabled USB debugging. I use CMD on Windows 10 as "PowerShell" confuses me and won't run "fastboot" commands at all.
I have entered the standard "fastboot oem get_unlock_data" command and the entire command prompt just sits there not doing anything or giving me the code. I have the Motorola G7+ "LAKE" international version which came in spanish/brazil.
My Motorola G6 had no problem with this yet here I am stuck not able to ask the phone to give me the unlock data. Please help me as I have never ran into this problem before so maybe it is a Windows 10 thing?
All the things I have done in an attempt to get this command to output the unlocking data string:
1)Yes, I have enabled OEM unlocking, developer settings as well as USB debugging.
2) Yes, I tried using CMD and the newer POWERSHELL -> Which seems to force me to use "./fastboot" because "fastboot is not recognized without adding the ./ infront of the fastboot command.
3) Yes, I have tried running CMD "as an administrator" which did not work and after entering the unlock code command just hangs on command.
4) Yes, I have tried rebooting the phone, turning those developer settings on/off multiple times.
5) Yes, "Fastboot Devices" does register my phone as actively connected.
6) Yes, the bootloader Log shows that I attempted to use the "Fastboot oem get_unlock_data" command yet nothing happens despite multiple entries in the bootloader log.
7) Yes, I have the proper drivers installed since the device is recognized by Fastboot & ADB.
I honestly have no idea what is making the command prompt hang instead of outputting the get_unlock_data response.
Additional Note:
This is the console output when using the Minimal ADB & Fastboot I downloaded in addition to the "Platform-Tools" folder I placed on C:/platform-tools/
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.508]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot devices
ZY226TDKCT fastboot
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixes: not found
(bootloader) 'get_unlock_datas' is not a supported oem command
(bootloader) See 'fastboot oem help'
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.016s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
(bootloader) slot-countta: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found
(bootloader) 'get_unlock_datas' is not a supported oem command
(bootloader) See 'fastboot oem help'
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.000s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem help
(bootloader) slot-counttas: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixe: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: -0.000s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>
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AndroidGeekCA said:
I have done this so many times before without running into this problem. I enabled OEM unlocking through developer options and enabled USB debugging. I use CMD on Windows 10 as "PowerShell" confuses me and won't run "fastboot" commands at all.
I have entered the standard "fastboot oem get_unlock_data" command and the entire command prompt just sits there not doing anything or giving me the code. I have the Motorola G7+ "LAKE" international version which came in spanish/brazil.
My Motorola G6 had no problem with this yet here I am stuck not able to ask the phone to give me the unlock data. Please help me as I have never ran into this problem before so maybe it is a Windows 10 thing?
All the things I have done in an attempt to get this command to output the unlocking data string:
1)Yes, I have enabled OEM unlocking, developer settings as well as USB debugging.
2) Yes, I tried using CMD and the newer POWERSHELL -> Which seems to force me to use "./fastboot" because "fastboot is not recognized without adding the ./ infront of the fastboot command.
3) Yes, I have tried running CMD "as an administrator" which did not work and after entering the unlock code command just hangs on command.
4) Yes, I have tried rebooting the phone, turning those developer settings on/off multiple times.
5) Yes, "Fastboot Devices" does register my phone as actively connected.
6) Yes, the bootloader Log shows that I attempted to use the "Fastboot oem get_unlock_data" command yet nothing happens despite multiple entries in the bootloader log.
7) Yes, I have the proper drivers installed since the device is recognized by Fastboot & ADB.
I honestly have no idea what is making the command prompt hang instead of outputting the get_unlock_data response.
Additional Note:
This is the console output when using the Minimal ADB & Fastboot I downloaded in addition to the "Platform-Tools" folder I placed on C:/platform-tools/
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What does getvar all say?
fastboot getvar all
Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
sd_shadow said:
What does getvar all say?
fastboot getvar all
Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
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Thank you for responding. I appreciate it.
I don't understand what that command did with my phone because it only showed one line about "unlock-data."
Note: When using "Mininmal ADB and Fastboot" the result is nothing happens when using "fastboot getvar all" It just sits there dead in the water. I also tried running it again w/o admin on CMD and it does nothing at all.
The model number is (Lake)XT1965-2 64GB PVT.
This is the output when using CMD(As Admin):
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19041.508]
(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:/platform-tools/
C:\platform-tools>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) Unlock data:
AndroidGeekCA said:
What does getvar all say?
Thank you for responding. I appreciate it.
I don't understand what that command did with my phone because it only showed one line about "unlock-data."
Note: When using "Mininmal ADB and Fastboot" the result is nothing happens when using "fastboot getvar all" It just sits there dead in the water :/
This is the output when using CMD(As Admin):
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There are some examples of what getvar all should show in my thread.
Sent from my ocean using XDA Labs
sd_shadow said:
There are some examples of what getvar all should show in my thread.
Sent from my ocean using XDA Labs
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Then why would my device just be sitting there looking like a moron whenever I run these commands? It's bought from Amazon but is NOT an "Amazon Branded Device." It actually came in Brazillan/Spanish packaging. I got the exact same item when I bought my G6 from the same place on Amazon.
I cannot figure out why this device doesn't want to run these commands or why it just sits there looking stupid....
Is my device just broken or something?
I added a picture of my powershell trying to use the right commands. it is attached to this thread.
Update: getvar all worked finally![/B] The problem is now it doesn't work again. It only worked once and now when I try again it just sits there -.- so I don't get why it works one time but not again...
PS C:\platform-tools> ./fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) kernel: uefi
(bootloader) version-bootloader: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-38523c9489-200728
(bootloader) product: lake
(bootloader) board: lake
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: PVT
(bootloader) radio: LATAM
(bootloader) storage-type: eMMC
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB MICRON S0J9K8 RV=08 PV=10 FV=0000000000000004
(bootloader) ufs: N/A
(bootloader) ram: 4GB MICRON LP4 DIE=16Gb M5=FF M6=04 M7=10 M8=10
(bootloader) cpu: SDM636 1.0 (1)
(bootloader) serialno: ZY226TDKCT
(bootloader) cid: 0x0032
(bootloader) channelid: 0x1b
(bootloader) uid: 2967F2D2
And when I finally got it to run a second time using "mfastboto" and CMD this is all it sent. It's like it inst running the commands properly...
C:\mfastboot>mfastboot getvar all
(bootloader) kernel: uefi
(bootloader) version-bootloader: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-38523c9489-200728
(bootloader) product: lake
(bootloader) board: lake
(bootloader) secure: yes
(bootloader) hwrev: PVT
(bootloader) radio: LATAM
(bootloader) storage-type: eMMC
(bootloader) emmc: 64GB MICRON S0J9K8 RV=08 PV=10 FV=0000000000000004
(bootloader) ufs: N/A
(bootloader) ram: 4GB MICRON LP4 DIE=16Gb M5=FF M6=04 M7=10 M8=10
(bootloader) cpu: SDM636 1.0 (1)
(bootloader) serialno: ZY226TDKCT
This is the link to the product I purchased: https://www.amazon.ca/Motorola-Unlo...ywords=Motorola+g7+plus&qid=1602083208&sr=8-5
AndroidGeekCA said:
Then why would my device just be sitting there looking like a moron whenever I run these commands? It's bought from Amazon but is NOT an "Amazon Branded Device." It actually came in Brazillan/Spanish packaging. I got the exact same item when I bought my G6 from the same place on Amazon.
I cannot figure out why this device doesn't want to run these commands or why it just sits there looking stupid....
Is my device just broken or something?
I added a picture of my powershell trying to use the right commands. it is attached to this thread.
Update: getvar all worked finally![/B] The problem is now it doesn't work again. It only worked once and now when I try again it just sits there -.- so I don't get why it works one time but not again...
And when I finally got it to run a second time using "mfastboto" and CMD this is all it sent. It's like it inst running the commands properly...
This is the link to the product I purchased: https://www.amazon.ca/Motorola-Unlo...ywords=Motorola+g7+plus&qid=1602083208&sr=8-5
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You could try reflashing firmware with LMSA
See link in my thread.
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
sd_shadow said:
You could try reflashing firmware with LMSA
See link in my thread.
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
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I did not find that folder on my computer. Why would the firmware have a problem when this phone is retail? I am bout ready to just give up and accept that I will be stuck with a locked bootloader. Is there any other reason this would be happen? Such as having Windows 10? I tried hooking up my old computer but it's a nightmare to get working.
Factory reset did not work. Still the same problems. I guess I just have to accept that I bought a phone that cannot unlock bootloader even though I skipped getting the G8+ ONLY BECAUSE G7+ HAD ROMS....
I have never seen this kind of problem before and would love to see if Windows 10 is the problem but I don't have another computer to test it on so....
Update: I just checked the CID given by my phone when getvar worked and it is indeed "unlockable" according to Motorola:
My CID was 0x0032 which is on the left hand side claiming it can be done.
I really have no idea why this is happening other than it's a Windows 10 problem or that my android updated all the way from 9.0 to 10.0 the moment I got it(through a number of updates.)
AndroidGeekCA said:
I did not find that folder on my computer. .)
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Just let LMSA flash firmware.
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
sd_shadow said:
Just let LMSA flash firmware.
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
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Downloaded LSMA. There must be a major problem because the app tells me this:
"Unable to match the appropriate firmware. Some key information cannot be read from the device."
I am figuring that this is confirmation that someone ****ed this phone's firmware up from the manufacturer or something?
I am trying to force it to use the firrmware I think it needs as my getvar returned "RETLA" as software channel.
What a mess I have never seen this much difficulty in a simple bootloader unlock....I addd a picture of the app screen to attachments.
Update: From what I can see it is now downloading my current firmware. The problem is I noticed the software chanell "RETLA" listed on the phone's hardware information. It looks like it is trying to use the "RETAIL" firmware for some reason whereas I can download the RETLA. So, which one should I be using? The same exact one as on the phone now OR the RETLA downloaded from the mirrorsite from your thread?
I am trying to rescue it now but it is stuck at 41% after it rebooted to fastboot mode.. I upkoaded an image of that as well.
AndroidGeekCA said:
Downloaded LSMA. There must be a major problem because the app tells me this:
"Unable to match the appropriate firmware. Some key information cannot be read from the device."
I am figuring that this is confirmation that someone ****ed this phone's firmware up from the manufacturer or something?
I am trying to force it to use the firrmware I think it needs as my getvar returned "RETLA" as software channel.
What a mess I have never seen this much difficulty in a simple bootloader unlock....I addd a picture of the app screen to attachments.
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My guess is the android 10 update fail to flash the bootloader correct, I don't know if there is a fix.
You could try flashing firmware with RSD Lite but you will need a Windows 7 pc.
You could try a usb bootable Linux system.
You tried different usb ports and cables?
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
sd_shadow said:
My guess is the android 10 update fail to flash the bootloader correct, I don't know if there is a fix.
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UPDATE: I tried fastboot using Fedora Live with the same result. I tried different ports and cables. I fear that what you said must be true or there is some other software/hardware problem. I am honestly very disappointed because it looks like I am locked out of custom flashing completly as well as having to resetup my phone since factory reset didnt help.
If you know anyone who has a similar problem, or someone who could look into this regarding a fix I would appreciate it. Thank you for your help so much. I will still eventually load win7 on my old computer and try but using virtualbox I couldnt get it to accept fastboot devices. Who knows. This sucks very very hard.
You could try flashing firmware with RSD Lite but you will need a Windows 7 pc.
You could try a usb bootable Linux system.
You tried different usb ports and cables?
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs[/QUOTE]
Could I not just try flashing the bootloader myself using CMD or PowerShell?
I have a second computer but it has to use a HDD I have literally outside the case. I would also need to get Win7 unto a USB. I do have Fedora on USB.
What would I need if I used Fedora bootable usb? How would I flash the bootloader using bootable linux?
Also: Could I use VirtualBox to run win7 for this purpose? rather than another computer?
By the way the version of BL on my fastboot screen is: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-38523c9489-200728 while the firmware that the LMSA downloaded is MBM Version: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-efaf0cccb-200728
Here is the whole information from the firmware file. This firmware looks like it might be the right one considering that it says my model name properly and such and the QPWSxxxxxx is identical to what is there now.
When my phone booted for the first time I was on 9,0 and then the phone updated at least like 7 times until it reached 10.0 and I had not tried to unlock bootloader before than.
SW Version: lake-user 10 QPWS30.61-21-14 a5a6c release-keysM636_13.45.02.60R
Modem Version: M636_13.45.02.60R
FSG Version: FSG-660-10.98
MBM Version: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-efaf0cccb-200728
Build Fingerprint: motorola/lake/lake:10/QPWS30.61-21-14/a5a6c:user/release-keys
System Version: 30.201.22.lake.retail.en.US
Model Number: moto g(7) plus
Android Version: 10
Build Id: QPWS30.61-21-14
SW Display Build ID: QPWS30.61-21-14
Build Date: Tue Jul 28 06:56:18 CDT 2020
Subsidy Lock Config: slcf_rev_d_default_v1.0.nvm
Regulatory Info (eLabel): regulatory_info_xt1965_2_sutel_ds.png
Blur Version: Blur_Version.30.201.22.lake.retail.en.US
Version when read from CPV: lake-user 10 QPWS30.61-21-14 a5a6c release-keys
AndroidGeekCA said:
Could I not just try flashing the bootloader myself using CMD or PowerShell?
I have a second computer but it has to use a HDD I have literally outside the case. I would also need to get Win7 unto a USB. I do have Fedora on USB.
What would I need if I used Fedora bootable usb? How would I flash the bootloader using bootable linux?
Also: Could I use VirtualBox to run win7 for this purpose? rather than another computer?
By the way the version of BL on my fastboot screen is: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-38523c9489-200728 while the firmware that the LMSA downloaded is MBM Version: MBM-3.0-lake_retail-efaf0cccb-200728
Here is the whole information from the firmware file. This firmware looks like it might be the right one considering that it says my model name properly and such and the QPWSxxxxxx is identical to what is there now.
When my phone booted for the first time I was on 9,0 and then the phone updated at least like 7 times until it reached 10.0 and I had not tried to unlock bootloader before than.
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I would think the firmware file name should look like this
You can try flashing firmware with fastboot.exe or mfastboot but it seems like trying to manually flash newer moto devices with a locked bootloader just results in errors.
In Settings/about phone/model and hardware
Does it say ?
Model number (sku):XT-1965-2
And you found the software channel in ?
Settings/ about phone
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
sd_shadow said:
I would think the firmware file name should look like this
You can try flashing firmware with fastboot.exe or mfastboot but it seems like trying to manually flash newer moto devices with a locked bootloader just results in errors.
In Settings/about phone/model and hardware
Does it say ?
Model number (sku):XT-1965-2
And you found the software channel in ?
Settings/ about phone
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
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Yes, I found the software channel in the About section. Yes, the model number indeed says the correct model number(xt1965-2.) Everything seems like it is set properly but it just doesnt work. I guess I will attempt to flash the bootloader from the RETLA package.
AndroidGeekCA said:
Yes, I found the software channel in the About section. Yes, the model number indeed says the correct model number(xt1965-2.) Everything seems like it is set properly but it just doesnt work. I guess I will attempt to flash the bootloader from the RETLA package.
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Try using this first before flash firmware with locked bootloader.
fastboot getvar max-sparse-size
fastboot oem fb_mode_set
fastboot reboot
Then flash normally
When done use
fastboot oem fb_mode_clear
Sent from my payton_sprout using XDA Labs
AndroidGeekCA said:
I have done this so many times before without running into this problem. I enabled OEM unlocking through developer options and enabled USB debugging. I use CMD on Windows 10 as "PowerShell" confuses me and won't run "fastboot" commands at all.
I have entered the standard "fastboot oem get_unlock_data" command and the entire command prompt just sits there not doing anything or giving me the code. I have the Motorola G7+ "LAKE" international version which came in spanish/brazil.
My Motorola G6 had no problem with this yet here I am stuck not able to ask the phone to give me the unlock data. Please help me as I have never ran into this problem before so maybe it is a Windows 10 thing?
All the things I have done in an attempt to get this command to output the unlocking data string:
1)Yes, I have enabled OEM unlocking, developer settings as well as USB debugging.
2) Yes, I tried using CMD and the newer POWERSHELL -> Which seems to force me to use "./fastboot" because "fastboot is not recognized without adding the ./ infront of the fastboot command.
3) Yes, I have tried running CMD "as an administrator" which did not work and after entering the unlock code command just hangs on command.
4) Yes, I have tried rebooting the phone, turning those developer settings on/off multiple times.
5) Yes, "Fastboot Devices" does register my phone as actively connected.
6) Yes, the bootloader Log shows that I attempted to use the "Fastboot oem get_unlock_data" command yet nothing happens despite multiple entries in the bootloader log.
7) Yes, I have the proper drivers installed since the device is recognized by Fastboot & ADB.
I honestly have no idea what is making the command prompt hang instead of outputting the get_unlock_data response.
Additional Note:
This is the console output when using the Minimal ADB & Fastboot I downloaded in addition to the "Platform-Tools" folder I placed on C:/platform-tools/
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same problem here, with my moto g7 plus,
fastboot is showing the device, but the phone does not respond on any command like getvar, oem, and so on (but reboot works).
For me, it seems the phone does not like the usb ports on my lenovo-laptop (running with mint 20).
So I connected the phone to my Raspi.
At the Raspi, the phone responded to any fastboot command and i was able to get the unlock data.
But my Moto G5 and Mi A1 are working fine with my laptop and fastboot. Strange !?!
waldbox said:
same problem here, with my moto g7 plus,
fastboot is showing the device, but the phone does not respond on any command like getvar, oem, and so on (but reboot works).
For me, it seems the phone does not like the usb ports on my lenovo-laptop (running with mint 20).
So I connected the phone to my Raspi.
At the Raspi, the phone responded to any fastboot command and i was able to get the unlock data.
But my Moto G5 and Mi A1 are working fine with my laptop and fastboot. Strange !?!
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I found if you are running other terminals besides cmd prompt in windows such as ubuntu or powershell there is a cache file that records device info and connections to usbs which basicallly its just a log but when you get about 50 or so different flashes it slows the processes down.... i sat idle on ubuntu waiting on fastboot get vars to respond 8 mins... also if web browser open at same time there maybe security command preventing
For this problem, it also confused me for a long time.
The solution is very simple, change to another computer!
when i move from DELL G7 to Tower 5810, it ok!
youzi0335 said:
For this problem, it also confused me for a long time.
The solution is very simple, change to another computer!
when i move from DELL G7 to Tower 5810, it ok!
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Really? I suppose I could give this a go since I am out of ideas and gave up until recently. I have now decided to try and get ths done now that it has finished a couple of security updates. Someone mentioned an update may have failed to complete correctly so now that it has updated twice maybe that problem is gone.
UPDATE: Here is where I am at and where I need help. I am prepared to attempt to reflash the stock rom's bootloader.img as I think someone mentioned that I should try doing that incase the bootloader is ****ed.
The current build version/number/ID is: QPWS30.61-21-18-7
That build number does not seem to match any of the firmware files I find through a google search. Why is it? The closest I can find appears to a Brazillian rom??
I have gotten so confused at this point with these different build numbers and firmware files. Which firmware file should I be using? Does it matter if it is an older build number?
I am ready to attempt flashing the bootloader.img but want to make sure I am using the correct firmware.
I am having the exact same problem. I purchased a Moto G7 plus (XT1965-T) from amazon a month ago and went through the process (documenting my actual steps taken in exact detail) to install Lineage. I had no issues. I ordered a second exact same phone and started the process. When I get to the fastboot oem get_unlock_data nothing happens. Just nothing. The previous commands worked just fine (adb reboot bootloader and fastboot devices). I am using the same computer I used last time. Just to confirm I am issuing the fastboot oem get_unlock_data when the phone is showing the bootloader screen (after issuing adb reboot bootloader). One interesting thing I noticed though on this screen is the the fine print on the phone actually says 'oem locked' even thought I definitely have it unlocked via the developer options. I wonder if that is indicating a problem of some sort?
Anyways, have you found a solution for yourself? I am getting very frustrated as well given that I was able to do this a month ago.
I just got my problem resolved. I switched where my usb cable was plugged into my laptop. I did have it plugged in at the side (and actually tried 2 outlets there) which did not work. As soon as I plugged my usb cable into the back of my laptop it worked. Perhaps you could try the same. I have been trying get this working for hours and now it was as simple as plugging in elsewhere. I hope this helps you find a solution for yourself.
Hello there! First: Thanks for every answer in return - I'm currently a little bit in a pitch...and appreciate any help.
My problem is: my HTC One is currently stuck in a bootloop, due do some (my own) failures, when I tried to use a ROM.
In my own idioty I didnt made any backups or anything else.
Long story short - I would like to try to install a RUU for my version, but there is absolutely noone.
I'm on version-main with the CID T-MOB101 and HBoot 1.44. I tried to search everywhere possible for a download,
even tried to personal message a few people who maybe could have the needed RUU, but so far no answers / no luck.
Tried to get S-OFF and use another RUU, but whatever I do, I cannot see my device under "adb devices". Tried everything /latest driver, cables and so on) so far but it absolutely wont show under adb and so I cannot see any other way to get S- OFF. Thats why I rely on the RUU for my version. So im here to ask, if someone else could give me a hint on where to find this RUU...or any tips on getting my ONE S-off. But like I said, I guess I tried almost everything I have read about (countless hours on google and xda- forum).
I know, I may write complete and utter nonsense - toying with my precious phone was like the biggest failure in my last few months and I regret it. :l
Thanks in advance!
Linte said:
Hello there! First: Thanks for every answer in return - I'm currently a little bit in a pitch...and appreciate any help.
My problem is: my HTC One is currently stuck in a bootloop, due do some (my own) failures, when I tried to use a ROM.
In my own idioty I didnt made any backups or anything else.
Long story short - I would like to try to install a RUU for my version, but there is absolutely noone.
I'm on version-main with the CID T-MOB101 and HBoot 1.44. I tried to search everywhere possible for a download,
even tried to personal message a few people who maybe could have the needed RUU, but so far no answers / no luck.
Tried to get S-OFF and use another RUU, but whatever I do, I cannot see my device under "adb devices". Tried everything /latest driver, cables and so on) so far but it absolutely wont show under adb and so I cannot see any other way to get S- OFF. Thats why I rely on the RUU for my version. So im here to ask, if someone else could give me a hint on where to find this RUU...or any tips on getting my ONE S-off. But like I said, I guess I tried almost everything I have read about (countless hours on google and xda- forum).
I know, I may write complete and utter nonsense - toying with my precious phone was like the biggest failure in my last few months and I regret it. :l
Thanks in advance!
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There is a Guru reset here
Read the instructions on how to flash
Sent from my HTC One using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the fast reply.
The problem is: I cannot get into recovery. I tried to flash the the recovery and the boot via fastboot from the corrospending
Guru, but I'll only get an "signature verify fail" error. I hoped for the fitting RUU- version for my, because it seems
to me that it may be the easiest solution for my problem.
Hi. Can you post your actual command and output?
SaHiLzZ said:
Hi. Can you post your actual command and output?
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Hey! Sorry for the delayed anwser (was on a short holiday trip),
I tired almost everything possible, as far as I know. So far I tried to flash allmost everything, from the .img (recovery/boot/) inside the Guru, wich bored_stupid sent me in his post, aswell as the whole .zip.
C:\adb>adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
C:\adb>fastboot flash recovery rec.zip
error: cannot open 'rec.zip'
C:\adb>fastboot flash recovery rec.img
sending 'recovery' (9136 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.121s]
writing 'recovery'...
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED (remote: signature verify fail)
finished. total time: 2.062s
C:\adb>fastboot flash rom Guru.zip
sending 'rom' (1056149 KB)...
OKAY [ 41.443s]
writing 'rom'...
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED (remote: signature verify fail)
finished. total time: 1174.768s
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No matter what I try, I always get this "signature verify fail"- error. Thats why I was hoping for someone with the mentioned RUU, because they seem to work so far - except my HTC says something similiar: "RUU Error [132]: Signature error."
Btw, here's my getvar, in case it's needed:
C:\adb>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.44.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: 4D.14.3250.26
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main:
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_ul
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0710000
(bootloader) cidnum: T-MOB101
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4252mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
getvar:all FAILED (status read failed (Too many links))
finished. total time: 0.043s
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First of all, your drivers are missing or outdated, download HTC sync manager from the HTC site and install, then remove HTC sync from your computer, just leaving the drivers.
Next question is do you have usb debugging enabled on the phone in developer options ?
If you can't see developer options then goto menu, settings, about, software information, more, then tap build number 7 times, it should say you are now a developer and you will have a new menu in settings called developer options where you can enable usb debugging.
When you type adb devices it should list your phone's serial number not just say list of devices attached.
It could also be that you need to update your adb and fastboot, I had to do it recently after getting this phone, after using the same fastboot and adb for years.
Seanie280672 said:
First of all, your drivers are missing or outdated, download HTC sync manager from the HTC site and install, then remove HTC sync from your computer, just leaving the drivers.
Next question is do you have usb debugging enabled on the phone in developer options ?
If you can't see developer options then goto menu, settings, about, software information, more, then tap build number 7 times, it should say you are now a developer and you will have a new menu in settings called developer options where you can enable usb debugging.
When you type adb devices it should list your phone's serial number not just say list of devices attached.
It could also be that you need to update your adb and fastboot, I had to do it recently after getting this phone, after using the same fastboot and adb for years.
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Again sorry for the late reply, business struck again. :l
To your points: Already installed the latest HTC drivers from their homepage more than four times so far. Im pretty sure I have the latest version and after installing, I deinstalled the Sync Manager, like you told me to do. Still no changes.
I cannot see any developer options, simply because I can't get any further than the bootscreen. Im stuck within a bootloop.
Also I got the latest fastboot and adb from the (SDK- Manager) Android Developer Tools- Bundle. That's why I am so clueless about my phone not getting recognized by my PC with "adb devices". Strange thing is, I get the ID of my phone in "fastboot devices"...
Later this da I will try to connect my phone to my new, clean Laptop, with the lastest HTC Drivers and adb/fastboot. Maybe this will help.
Thanks so far!
Edit: tried it with a clean Laptop, latest ADB, latest HTC Sync (installed and deinstalled) and different USB- slots. No success. Adb sill only says
C:\adb>adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
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Absoluteley no clue where I go wrong here... :l
Linte said:
Hey! Sorry for the delayed anwser (was on a short holiday trip),
I tired almost everything possible, as far as I know. So far I tried to flash allmost everything, from the .img (recovery/boot/) inside the Guru, wich bored_stupid sent me in his post, aswell as the whole .zip.
No matter what I try, I always get this "signature verify fail"- error. Thats why I was hoping for someone with the mentioned RUU, because they seem to work so far - except my HTC says something similiar: "RUU Error [132]: Signature error."
Btw, here's my getvar, in case it's needed:
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I'm assuming your using Windows 8 or 8.1. They have an issue with hboot 1.44. Can you use a PC with Windows 7 or read here to make a Ubuntu USB live OS
Sent from my HTC One using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
bored_stupid said:
I'm assuming your using Windows 8 or 8.1. They have an issue with hboot 1.44. Can you use a PC with Windows 7 or read here to make a Ubuntu USB live OS
Sent from my HTC One using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
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Hmm...nope. So far I have only used Windows 7. But like I said, no progress at all. Everythings updated, even on a freshly installed system. Different USB- Ports and so on. No success... :l
Tried to get S-OFF and use another RUU
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You need a working rom to s-off the phone.
simply because I can't get any further than the bootscreen. Im stuck within a bootloop.
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Linte said:
C:\adb>[B][COLOR="Red"]adb devices[/COLOR][/B]
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
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ADB commands only works from a booted OS with usb debugging ON or from custom recovery. So ADB will never output your device is connected if you are not in the OS or in custom recovery. From bootloader, use FASTBOOT commands
fastboot devices
C:\adb>fastboot flash recovery rec.img
sending 'recovery' (9136 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.121s]
writing 'recovery'...
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED[B][COLOR="Red"] (remote: signature verify fail)[/COLOR][/B]
finished. total time: 2.062s
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Looks like your bootloader is locked, you need an unlocked bootloader to flash the recovery partition
[COLOR="Red"][B]C:\adb>fastboot flash rom Guru.zip[/B][/COLOR]
sending 'rom' (1056149 KB)...
OKAY [ 41.443s]
writing 'rom'...
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED (remote: signature verify fail)
finished. total time: 1174.768s
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This one is a custom rom (reset rom). You can't flash custom rom from fastboot. You can only flash custom rom from custom recovery.
from fastboot, all you can do is
flashing a custom recovery (with bootloader unlocked)
flashing a RUU.zip in ruu mode
flashing a firmware.zip in ruu mode
all roms (except RUUs) are flashed from custom recovery, including guru reset roms.
btw, there is no RUU for your phone.
unlock bootloader
flash twrp recovery
download and save this file to the same folder you have adb and fastboot in
open a cmd prompt from you fastboot/adb folder and boot your phone in bootloader mode (fastboot usb)
fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-
fastboot erase cache
fastboot reboot-bootloader
adb push the guru reset rom to your /sdcard/ from twrp recovery
download this guru reset rom: http://www.htc1guru.com/dld/guru_reset_m7_2-24-111-3-zip/ and save it to your adb/fastboot folder
boot phone in twrp recovery
open a cmd prompt form your adb/fastboot folder
adb push guru_reset_m7_2.24.111.3.zip /sdcard/
wait for the file to transfer (5-10 min, there is no progress bar, just wait until adb says it complete)
install the reset rom using twrp
Wow! Thanks a lot!
After unlocking my bootloader again I was able to get into recovery. From there it was easy going to install the Guru.zip via sideload ("Install zip" didnt work for some reason, said something similiar to "Couldn't mount /sdcard/". But sideload worked fine.). Updated everything and my phone runs now like it always had!
Again: really, really thanks a bunch! Thought I somehow ruined my phone, but thanks to you all I got it done. I really appreciate your effort in helping me! You guys are awesome.
PS: I won't do anything stupid with my phone again, learnd this the hard way.
Hello there ,
So just so you know I've looked hours in other threads to check answers before posting my own.
I have an HTC One M7 who was stuck on bootloop , I entered the fastbood mode now it is stuck on it.
the HTC is "Locked" "S-ON" and on official rom.
the probleme is USB Debogging is OFF so I can't use ADB
But Fastboot is working fine
Recovery is not working (nothing loads just restarts)
so there is nothing I can do now (can't flash recovery , can't unlock bootloader) , I tried the HTCDev method but nothing prompt After I send the bin file.
Here informations you might need
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.54.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: N/A
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 2.24.401.8
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) serialno: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) imei: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m7_ul
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: PN0710000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__203
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 4138mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-d959c75800
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
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I know that everybody's request is important , but I realy can't handle losing this smartphone , only had it for a couple of months and it's a disaster if it ever happens to be lost.
Rave201 said:
Hello there ,
So just so you know I've looked hours in other threads to check answers before posting my own.
I have an HTC One M7 who was stuck on bootloop , I entered the fastbood mode now it is stuck on it.
the HTC is "Locked" "S-ON" and on official rom.
the probleme is USB Debogging is OFF so I can't use ADB
But Fastboot is working fine
Recovery is not working (nothing loads just restarts)
so there is nothing I can do now (can't flash recovery , can't unlock bootloader) , I tried the HTCDev method but nothing prompt After I send the bin file.
Here informations you might need
I know that everybody's request is important , but I realy can't handle losing this smartphone , only had it for a couple of months and it's a disaster if it ever happens to be lost.
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usb debugging has nothing to do with the bootloader, adb or fastboot, it is only required to be on when you want to mod something or control your phone using adb commands inside a booted rom, as you cant boot, then that's not an option.
if your bootloader is locked and you have warranty, send it back, because if you unlock your bootloader then your warranty will be void and you'll have to pay for repairs.
Hi there & thnx for your concern,
The warranty is not an option , cause I bought it in another country and have no service support here.
For the usb debugging mode , as far as I know , it needs to be "on" so the smartphone can be connected to adb.
I looked on the net how to turn it on without having access to android I got some command but I need an android command-line shell to make it work , wich is not an option right now.
I'm all open for suggestions.
Is there a way to get out of fastboot and try load the android again ?
I tried turn power down but it opens fastboot automaticly,
I tried
fastboot reboot
same result as above .
Rave201 said:
Is there a way to get out of fastboot and try load the android again ?
I tried turn power down but it opens fastboot automaticly,
I tried
fastboot reboot
same result as above .
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only thing you can do is unlock your bootloader, try again, get a new unlock token from HTC Dev.
by the way, adb commands are only for in a rom or in recovery, use fastboot commands only in the bootloader, if you cant unlock the bootloader then theres not a lot you can do.
could you post your fastboot getvar all please, remove imei and serial number information before posting, maybe there is an RUU we can run.
Rave201 said:
Hello there ,
So just so you know I've looked hours in other threads to check answers before posting my own.
I have an HTC One M7 who was stuck on bootloop , I entered the fastbood mode now it is stuck on it.
the HTC is "Locked" "S-ON" and on official rom.
the probleme is USB Debogging is OFF so I can't use ADB
But Fastboot is working fine
Recovery is not working (nothing loads just restarts)
so there is nothing I can do now (can't flash recovery , can't unlock bootloader) , I tried the HTCDev method but nothing prompt After I send the bin file.
I know that everybody's request is important , but I realy can't handle losing this smartphone , only had it for a couple of months and it's a disaster if it ever happens to be lost.
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boot the phone to the bootloader / Fastboot USB
plug the phone to the PC and Flash this RUU >> http://www.androidruu.com/getdownlo...10.38r.1157.04L_release_353069_signed_2-1.exe
If you get an Error flashing 155 etc)
flash this firmware first >> http://xda7.androidrevolution.org/db_mirror/Firmware/HTC/HTC_One/401/4.19.401.8.zip
place the file in your fastboot folder on your PC and rename it firmware.zip and flash it with a command prompt
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip firmware.zip
fastboot flash zip firmware.zip
fastboot reboot
Now try the RUU again
clsA said:
boot the phone to the bootloader / Fastboot USB
plug the phone to the PC and Flash this RUU >> http://www.androidruu.com/getdownlo...10.38r.1157.04L_release_353069_signed_2-1.exe
If you get an Error flashing 155 etc)
flash this firmware first >> http://xda7.androidrevolution.org/db_mirror/Firmware/HTC/HTC_One/401/4.19.401.8.zip
place the file in your fastboot folder on your PC and rename it firmware.zip and flash it with a command prompt
fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip firmware.zip
fastboot flash zip firmware.zip
fastboot reboot
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lol how I missed that I don't know
Thanks ! : downloading , I'll leave answer after I test.
Hi again ;
So I downloaded and followed the steps I got errors :/
on the RUU flash I got Error 171 at "Bootloader waiting" and later saying that it couldn't connect to the device . It did connect to it in the first place though and device rebooted and so .
So I followed the second parts and I got errors aswell :
c:\mini-sdk>fastboot oem rebootRUU
(bootloader) [ERR] Cmd18 polling status timed out, MCI_STATUS: 0x4C2000
(bootloader) [ERR] sdcc_command: sdcc_poll_status error, rc: 2
(bootloader) [SD_HW_ERR] read data fail in CMD18
(bootloader) CMD18: cmd failed
(bootloader) [SD_HW_ERR] SD: Read data fail..
(bootloader) [ERR] partition_read_emmc(862): error 2
(bootloader) Start Verify: 3
(bootloader) [ERR] Cmd25 polling status timed out, MCI_STATUS: 0x4C0000
(bootloader) [ERR] sdcc_command: sdcc_poll_status error, rc: 2
OKAY [ 0.016s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
c:\mini-sdk>fastboot flash zip firmware.zip
sending 'zip' (43508 KB)...
OKAY [ 2.870s]
writing 'zip'...
(bootloader) adopting the signature contained in this image...
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED (remote: not allowed)
finished. total time: 6.538s
Any help please
anyone ?
Rave201 said:
anyone ?
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bootloader needs to be locked / relocked to flash the RUU or firmware as your s-on.
"fastboot oem lock" is the command without quotes.
Hi there, I did it already , it says device already locked.
Rave201 said:
Hi there, I did it already , it says device already locked.
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soz about that, just realised, had a read back through the whole thread to catch up, right, 171 is a USB connection error, so when your phone is in the bootloader, plugged into the computer with fastboot usb showing, have a look in device manager and make sure your computer can see your phone and that you dont have anything like "One" with a yellow exclamation mark.
sounds like a driver problem to me, but are you using the original HTC cable too ?
Seanie280672 said:
soz about that, just realised, had a read back through the whole thread to catch up, right, 171 is a USB connection error, so when your phone is in the bootloader, plugged into the computer with fastboot usb showing, have a look in device manager and make sure your computer can see your phone and that you dont have anything like "One" with a yellow exclamation mark.
sounds like a driver problem to me, but are you using the original HTC cable too ?
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Yeah , well I tried like 4 drivers already , fastboot usb is indeed showing, and the RUU does restart the device , but when waiting for bootloader nothing shows =/
Tried with different pc too with different compatiblities.
Only thing left to try is another cable.
Thnx for following up
Rave201 said:
Yeah , well I tried like 4 drivers already , fastboot usb is indeed showing, and the RUU does restart the device , but when waiting for bootloader nothing shows =/
Tried with different pc too with different compatiblities.
Only thing left to try is another cable.
Thnx for following up
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what I meant was when fastboot usb is showing, have a look in windows device manager and make sure it see's your phone, should say MyHTC.
only drivers you need which have never let me down, even on Windows 10 is HTC sync manager, just download and install the latest version from the HTC site, I would uninstall all current phone drivers first, then run a cleaner like CCleaner to remove old files, reboot computer then install HTC sync manager, after the install, un-install HTC sync, just leaving HTC driver package above it alone.
make sure your phone is unplugged when doing the above, leave your phone in the bootloader, and when you have finished the last step of un-installing HTC sync, then plug your phone into the computer and let it load the fastboot driver, thats the main one you need right now.
Hi again , So I tried everything above and nothing , took the device to a guy who's good in repairing and flashing devices and couldn't flash it neither.
for a radical solution , should I change the whole mainboard or there is a specific part ?
Rave201 said:
Hi again , So I tried everything above and nothing , took the device to a guy who's good in repairing and flashing devices and couldn't flash it neither.
for a radical solution , should I change the whole mainboard or there is a specific part ?
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It's a 2 year old phone, it's really only worth fixing if you already have the parts for free.
This phone sells for $149 New in the US, and even cheaper used on eBay.
Thanks for the advice , but more objectively Motherboard or a specific part ?
Parts here are pretty cheap compared. And I can't afford a new one actually.
Rave201 said:
Thanks for the advice , but more objectively Motherboard or a specific part ?
Parts here are pretty cheap compared. And I can't afford a new one actually.
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SD_HW_ERROR = probably a defective emmc. You can't replace the emmc chip, its soldered directly on the Motherboard so you will indeed need to replace the motherboard but like clsA said it really doesnt worth it. You can get a new M7 for 150$. HTC sells their Motherboard around 100$ + you'll probably need to replace the body like many users who tried to open the phone themselves (very fragile around the volume rockers). Even if I love my M7, I wouldn't spent 100$ to replace the MB.
And buying a used motherboard is not a good idea. You don't know if its working good + you don't know if the IMEI is blacklisted.
Thanks for the explanation alray, I excpected the fail in the emmc too cause read_mmc emmc didn't work.
Anway I don't live in the us . Here though, a new one cost roughly 300 $ and the motherboard is about 80$ or less.
Thanks again
With my Htc One M7 802w, I tried to flash the stock google edition using this tutorial but I think i've bricked my device - it's almost completely dead - only fastboot is working but it also seems to be unrecognized :
F:\Android\ADB>fastboot devices
???????????? fastboot
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Not able to go to "fastboot oem rebootRUU" ... the device is not found when sending this command.
Is there anyway to flash the stock ROM without fastboot mode - like some software or brushtool or whatever.
F:\Android\ADB>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader: 1.54.0000
(bootloader) version-baseband: N/A
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main:
(bootloader) version-misc: UNKNOWN
(bootloader) serialno:
(bootloader) imei: 3551*********10 (hide for security)
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product:
(bootloader) platform: HBOOT-8064
(bootloader) modelid: *********
(bootloader) cidnum:
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 3385mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: UNKNOWN
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: dirty-e135dbf9
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
all: Done!
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F:\Android\ADB>fastboot flash hboot hboot_signedbyaa.img
target reported max download size of 452980736 bytes
sending 'hboot' (2047 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.109s]
writing 'hboot'...
FAILED (remote: not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.109s
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F:\Android\ADB>fastboot oem lock
(bootloader) Device was already locked!
OKAY [ 0.000s]
finished. total time: 0.000s
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NEED HELP!!!:silly:
hruaiapunte said:
With my Htc One M7 802w, I tried to flash the stock google edition using this tutorial but I think i've bricked my device - it's almost completely dead - only fastboot is working but it also seems to be unrecognized :
Not able to go to "fastboot oem rebootRUU" ... the device is not found when sending this command.
Is there anyway to flash the stock ROM without fastboot mode - like some software or brushtool or whatever.
NEED HELP!!!:silly:
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omg looks like you did everything possible to brick your phone. Yuu can't use RUU for the M7_UL on a dual sim phone. Now you have the wrong bootloader, an incorrect MID and a missing CID. You must restore your original MID and CID and flas the correct dual sim RUU.
btw it looks like you missed the last step of your guide:
Step 8: Enjoy S-OFF! But Be Careful...
Having S-OFF will let you trick your HTC One into installing other phones' RUU files. As long as you only install compatible RUUs, you should be fine, but make sure to double check. This is how real bricks happen.
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alray said:
omg looks like you did everything possible to brick your phone. Yuu can't use RUU for the M7_UL on a dual sim phone. Now you have the wrong bootloader, an incorrect MID and a missing CID. You must restore your orinial MID and CID and flas the correct dual sim RUU.
btw it looks like you missed the last step of your guide:
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How to flash those original MID and CID? Is there a way to flash via software like ODIN or whatever...not just a fastboot mode? Thanks for your reply
hruaiapunte said:
How to flash those original MID and CID? Is there a way to flash via software like ODIN or whatever...not just a fastboot mode? Thanks for your reply
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Odin is for samsung not htc. The corrupted CID/MID is probably caused by having the wrong bootloader on the phone. Normally you can change the CID using "fastboot oem writecid" command. The MID can be modified using a custom recovery. The MID might not be a problem for now since its all * but you'll definitively need to access RUU mode to flash the correct RUU
alray said:
Odin is for samsung not htc. corrupted CID/MID is probably caused by having the wrong bootloader on the phone. Normally you can change the CID using "fastboot oem writecid" command. The MID can be modified using a custom recovery. The MID might not be a problem for now since its all * but you'll definitively need to access RUU mode to flash the correct RUU
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Yes, i know odin is for samsung, what i tried to say is that are there any flash tool, not through fastboot because as i already mentioned, computer cannot detect the device when
fastboot oem rebootRUU
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command was given. It says
<waiting for device>
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and i have to disconnect the USB cable. And then press a volume down+power button to enter fastboot mode again (when i perform this, the device does not power up, it for l goes directly to fastboot mode when pressing the key combination). And after plugin, the result was
*i didn't remember some* remote not allowed something like that
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Anyway thanks for your response. Please give solution.
hruaiapunte said:
Yes, i know odin is for samsung, what i tried to say is that are there any flash tool, not through fastboot because as i already mentioned, computer cannot detect the device when
command was given. It says
and i have to disconnect the USB cable. And then press a volume down+power button to enter fastboot mode again (when i perform this, the device does not power up, it for l goes directly to fastboot mode when pressing the key combination). And after plugin, the result was
Anyway thanks for your response. Please give solution.
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Theres no such tool for HTC phones, you must use fastboot. <waiting for device> when using fastboot commands means the computer doesn't detect the phone so even if there was a tool like Odin for HTC phones, it wouldn't work without being able to detect the phone. (there are actually some custom tools but they are only doing the fastboot commands for you by clicking a button instead of writing the commands yourself, they won't work if your phone isn't detected)
Usually, these fastboot connectivity issues are caused by using the wrong drivers, a bad usb cable, bad usb port etc. But i'm afraid that in your particular situation, your connectivity issue might be related to having the wrong bootloader installed on your phone variant. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do yourself. It might be recoverable using Jtag/ riffbox.
Still worth trying the usual troubleshooting (drivers, cables, ports(use only usb 2.0 btw). If you can get fastboot connectivity back, there are some (slim) chances to recover the phone, but without fastboot connectivity, like I said, there is nothing we can do.
alray said:
There no such tool for HTC phones, you must use fastboot. <waiting for device> when using fastboot commands means the computer doesn't detect the phone so even if there were a tool like Odin for HTC phones, it wouldn't work without being able to detect the phone. (there are actually some custom tools but they are only doing the fastboot commands for you by clicking a button instead of writing the commands yourself, they won't work if your phone isn't detected)
Usually, these fastboot connectivity issues are caused by using the wrong drivers, a bad usb cable, bad usb port etc. But i'm afraid that in your particular situation, your connectivity issue might be related to having the wrong bootloader installed on your phone variant. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do yourself. It might be recoverable using Jtag/ riffbox.
Still worth trying the usual troubleshooting (drivers, cables, ports(use only usb 2.0 btw). If you can get fastboot connectivity back, there are some (slim) chances to recover the phone, but without fastboot connectivity, like I said, there is nothing we can do.
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Thanks for the clarification. I now have only one choice that is to send to the service center.
I'm new to this all so before giving up I wanted to ask around.
I've went through the steps and got my unlock data, when I enter it. It says that that the bootloader is unlockable. But every where I've read says the XT1900-1 is definitely unlockable but none of them seem to post their methods in doing so. I wanted to see if i'm doing something wrong or if anyone has any information.
I've got USB Debugging turned on as well as OEM unlocking in the Developers options.
The only thing I could think that might be useful info is when i'm trying to get the unlock data in cmd I have to use the command "fastboot oem get_unlock_data" a few times because it gives me error messages each time.
Here is a list of messages right before it gives me the bootloader data and thanks for your time in advance.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.002s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
(bootloader) slot-countta: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found
(bootloader) 'get_unlock_datas' is not a supported oem command
(bootloader) See 'fastboot oem help'
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.004s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
(bootloader) slot-counttas: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixe: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.002s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
(bootloader) slot-counttas: not found
(bootloader) Unlock data:"
Follow Motorola's steps: https://support.motorola.com/ca/en/bootloader/unlockyourdeviceb
Forgot to add, ensure you have latest drivers and adb/fastboot packages. Also, try a different USB slot.
gourry30 said:
I'm new to this all so before giving up I wanted to ask around.
I've went through the steps and got my unlock data, when I enter it. It says that that the bootloader is unlockable. But every where I've read says the XT1900-1 is definitely unlockable but none of them seem to post their methods in doing so. I wanted to see if i'm doing something wrong or if anyone has any information.
I've got USB Debugging turned on as well as OEM unlocking in the Developers options.
The only thing I could think that might be useful info is when i'm trying to get the unlock data in cmd I have to use the command "fastboot oem get_unlock_data" a few times because it gives me error messages each time.
Here is a list of messages right before it gives me the bootloader data and thanks for your time in advance.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.002s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
(bootloader) slot-countta: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffi: not found
(bootloader) 'get_unlock_datas' is not a supported oem command
(bootloader) See 'fastboot oem help'
FAILED (remote failure)
finished. total time: 0.004s
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
(bootloader) slot-counttas: not found
(bootloader) slot-suffixe: not found
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Yep. Same thing happened to me.
I think its something to do with the usb controller. fwiw i have an Intel eXtensible host controller. I had tried both the 2.0 and 3.0 slots, and another OS. didnt matter, same result. see this link, and this one. No fix. ended up using another computer. worked fine.
Neffy27 said:
Forgot to add, ensure you have latest drivers and adb/fastboot packages. Also, try a different USB slot.
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Already followed the sites steps, that's the way I found out that it said it was not unlockable.
As well as I got the latest USB drivers for my phone and the abd fastboot program.
mchamb said:
Yep. Same thing happened to me.
I think its something to do with the usb controller. fwiw i have an Intel eXtensible host controller. I had tried both the 2.0 and 3.0 slots, and another OS. didnt matter, same result. see this link, and this one. No fix. ended up using another computer. worked fine.
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I have a spare laptop I can give it an attempt from that, I'll update you and thanks for the idea.
mchamb said:
Yep. Same thing happened to me.
I think its something to do with the usb controller. fwiw i have an Intel eXtensible host controller. I had tried both the 2.0 and 3.0 slots, and another OS. didnt matter, same result. see this link, and this one. No fix. ended up using another computer. worked fine.
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Just attempted it on my laptop I only had to enter it once into abd fastboot this time but it still came up with the "Your device does not qualify for bootloader unlocking. I'm starting to think it's not a possibility for the XT1900-1
Try mfastboot instead fastboot.
Copy mfastboot.exe to fastboot folder and run mfastboot.exe.
gourry30 said:
Just attempted it on my laptop I only had to enter it once into abd fastboot this time but it still came up with the "Your device does not qualify for bootloader unlocking. I'm starting to think it's not a possibility for the XT1900-1
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Do you have the Amazon version? Project fi (A1) and us retail are unlockable, but I think Amazon is not.
It also sounds like you have USB issues so keep trying different drivers/computers. Older hardware might be better.
gourry30 said:
Just attempted it on my laptop I only had to enter it once into abd fastboot this time but it still came up with the "Your device does not qualify for bootloader unlocking. I'm starting to think it's not a possibility for the XT1900-1
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I was able to unlock the project fi version of the 1900-1, Sounds like you have the Amazon version. which is not unlockable.
Comby_sk said:
Try mfastboot instead fastboot.
Copy mfastboot.exe to fastboot folder and run mfastboot.exe.
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I'll give that a shot, thanks for the info.
mchamb said:
I was able to unlock the project fi version of the 1900-1, Sounds like you have the Amazon version. which is not unlockable.
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From the research I did on the phone, the XT1900-1 is the Project-fi version and the XT1900-7 is the amazon version.
gourry30 said:
From the research I did on the phone, the XT1900-1 is the Project-fi version and the XT1900-7 is the amazon version.
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No, XT1900-7 is EMEA version (Europe, Middle East, Africa).
I also just got the androidone moto x4 and am trying to get the one button nav to work but I am stuck unlocking the bootloader. When i type fastboot oem get_unlock_data it returns one line that looks like this INFO4c5647006 and it keeps going. It does not return anything like this (bootloader) 0A40040192024205#4C4D3556313230
(bootloader) 30373731363031303332323239#BD00
(bootloader) 8A672BA4746C2CE02328A2AC0C39F95
(bootloader) 1A3E5#1F53280002000000000000000
(bootloader) 0000000
how do i get this?
Again, I haven't done this yet but based on my current phone, you need to use the oem unlocking option under developer options first.
Which, is supposedly messing up another person since they broke their device, ended with a locked bootloader and couldn't boot to the system to flip that switch.
Point in short, be careful and make sure you read all of the instructions first.
Also, if that doesn't work, there are some YouTube videos for the X4 that might help.
I bought a 1900-1 from Amazon (the Amazon Prime version). It is not unlockable. Confirmed that with Motorola and Amazon after not being able to get an unlock code from the Motorola site
I then bought a 1900-1 Android One version from Best Buy. It is unlockable and I've already rooted it.
Hello, I'm trying to follow This guide and This one to unlock the bootloader with no luck.
This is what I get:
C:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot devices
ZY322MF6XP fastboot
C:\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot oem get_unlock_data
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.000s
I updated drivers and adb and fastboot with no luck.
Any help?
Edit: I have a Moto G6 Plus in RETLA channel with the march security patch.
I'd double check that Allow OEM Unlock in dev options is actually on
ZeroPoke said:
I'd double check that Allow OEM Unlock in dev options is actually on
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Tried it with it on and off twice!
Angelelz said:
Tried it with it on and off twice!
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Same thing happened to me. When you get your unique identifier find an online generator and then paste that into the Motorola website, worked for me.
H0LT3R said:
Same thing happened to me. When you get your unique identifier find an online generator and then paste that into the Motorola website, worked for me.
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Yeah, can't get the unique identifier though, that particular command is not working for me. Anyone have any idea why?
For Working this command "Fastboot oem get_unlock_data"
First you need to remove or delete your phone's SCREEN LOCKS like your fingerprint, face-unlock, pattern or password etc... And keep on NONE option in lock screen. After all above procedure done than, You run that commend "Fastboot oem get_unlock_data". After runing thant command, You will not get "FAILED (remote: unknown command)"
It will work 200%.
It will work 200%.
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no. it doesnt.
It depends on your fastboot version. Please check "fastboot --version" and post it here.
---------- Post added at 03:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 AM ----------
...or try "fastboot oem help". This option will show you whether this command is available.
i have same problem.
product: Lenovo TB-7504x
fastboot getvar info:
warranty: yes
unlocked: no
secure: yes
kernel: lk
product: WT98997_LTEROW
version-preloader: 0.1.00
version: 0.5
PS: Allow OEM Unlock in developer options is actually on
Also having this issue trying to root my LG G6; I successfully set up adb, fastboot, and started up into bootloader, but it keeps returning the failed/unknown command error when I try to do any further steps. "fastboot devices" shows up correctly but "fastboot oem device-info", device-id, "fastboot flash recovery twrp.img", all keep failing
renforrest-EX said:
Also having this issue trying to root my LG G6; I successfully set up adb, fastboot, and started up into bootloader, but it keeps returning the failed/unknown command error when I try to do any further steps. "fastboot devices" shows up correctly but "fastboot oem device-info", device-id, "fastboot flash recovery twrp.img", all keep failing
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Did you try another USB port? Some users reported that USB 3.0 did not work but 2.0.
I would be willing to bet this is happening on devices that are not allowed to be unlocked. Like those purchased from a phone company.
its been a week since i'm trying on my htc 10, but getting the same error, i tried,
- delete the drivers and re-install
- delete sync manager
- enabled debug & oem unlock
- done reset factory for the phone
- change USB ports and cables
- tried 3 latops
nothing works, sometimes i'll just the error "waiting for any phone" and other times "FAILED (remote: unknown command)"
Angelelz said:
Hello, I'm trying to follow This guide and This one to unlock the bootloader with no luck.
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 0.000s[/CODE]
I updated drivers and adb and fastboot with no luck.
Try fastboot oem unlock first, then fastboot oem get_unlock_data
Any help?
Edit: I have a Moto G6 Plus in RETLA channel with the march security patch.
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Try fastboot oem unlock first then fastboot oem get_unlock_data
I'm following a tutorial and obviously got stuck and the very same step as you did. And presumably you are following a tutorial, too.
1. Go to Security Settings and remove device lock (PIN, fingerprint, whatever you are using) and set it to NONE.
2. Go to Developer Settings and Unlock Bootloader. (If you skip step 1., you'll be asked to unlock your device here, but find that the Unlocking failed afterwards. Hence, go to step 1. and remove the lock first.)
3. fastboot oem unlock
Done. (Bootloader is unlocked now. Confirm via boot to fastboot mode (Volume down + Power button))
fastboot oem get_unlock_data is probably removed (deprecated) and maybe you don't even need a key from the manufacturer to unlock anymore.
gelignite said:
maybe you don't even need a key from the manufacturer to unlock anymore.
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You still need a key to unlock the bootloader for the first time! When it's locked with status "flashing_locked" you don't need a key for it.
Is it a brand new device...?
WoKoschekk said:
You still need a key to unlock the bootloader for the first time! When it's locked with status "flashing_locked" you don't need a key for it.
Is it a brand new device...?
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If that question refers to my post: I have a Moto E4 (XT1762). Bought it like half a year ago to tinker around with. I started it, ran all updates available and set a device lock (here: PIN).
Today I finally found the time to get started with lineageos and followed the guide at: rootmygalaxy.net (download-and-install-lineage-os-16-on-motorola-moto-e4-android-9-0-pie)
I got stuck at the error the OP had. (This lead me here.)
In my case I got past the error by doing the steps mentioned in my first post, i.e.
1. started the device (normal boot) and got rid of the device lock (PIN in my case), enabled USB debugging, enabled bootloader unlocking
2. powered off the device and started it again in fast boot mode (volume down + power button)
3. On computer / in terminal: fastboot oem unlock (without any key from the manufacturer)
The device showed a confirmation dialog. (Volume up: Yes, Volume down: No)
[email protected]:~/downloads/lineageos/Android_SDK_platform_tools/platform-tools$ ./fastboot oem unlock
(bootloader) Start unlock flow
OKAY [ 9.657s]
Finished. Total time: 9.667s
Now in fast boot screen I see Device Status: unlocked
I just wanted to share my experiences from today's struggles and maybe it'll help the OP.
gelignite said:
If that question refers to my post: I have a Moto E4 (XT1762). Bought it like half a year ago to tinker around with. I started it, ran all updates available and set a device lock (here: PIN).
Today I finally found the time to get started with lineageos and followed the guide at: rootmygalaxy.net (download-and-install-lineage-os-16-on-motorola-moto-e4-android-9-0-pie)
I got stuck at the error the OP had. (This lead me here.)
In my case I got past the error by doing the steps mentioned in my first post, i.e.
1. started the device (normal boot) and got rid of the device lock (PIN in my case), enabled USB debugging, enabled bootloader unlocking
2. powered off the device and started it again in fast boot mode (volume down + power button)
3. On computer / in terminal: fastboot oem unlock (without any key from the manufacturer)
The device showed a confirmation dialog. (Volume up: Yes, Volume down: No)
[email protected]:~/downloads/lineageos/Android_SDK_platform_tools/platform-tools$ ./fastboot oem unlock
(bootloader) Start unlock flow
OKAY [ 9.657s]
Finished. Total time: 9.667s
Now in fast boot screen I see Device Status: unlocked
I just wanted to share my experiences from today's struggles and maybe it'll help the OP.
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Moto E4 is a developer's device without a locked bootloader. I thought you were talking about a Moto G6.
Baronstragen said:
Try fastboot oem unlock first then fastboot oem get_unlock_data
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fastboot oem unlock worked for me