Hey guys !
For my part, i love Sony Xperia UI. So, what do you think about porting it ?
I found this rom : Xperia Z2 stock, Zipaligned and Deodexed, and rooted.
I open this thread, so we can chat about this. I'm not the best guy to mod kernel, so any help is very apreciated.
I know Lollipop is released few days ago and you're still in love on it
Good night, and good luck
dekefake said:
Hey guys !
For my part, i love Sony Xperia UI. So, what do you think about porting it ?
I found this rom : Xperia Z2 stock, Zipaligned and Deodexed, and rooted.
I open this thread, so we can chat about this. I'm not the best guy to mod kernel, so any help is very apreciated.
I know Lollipop is released few days ago and you're still in love on it
Good night, and good luck
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while the idea of a nexus running the finest OEM UI on the market does intrigue me,
The thought of this thread turning into a troll fest and off topic discussion is screaming in my face.
I am going to allow this thread on the basis that it is a thread for the development work of porting Sony UI to the phone.
If I find unneeded posts or off topic chit-chat this thread will be closed. I have subscribed to this thread for observations
If you have any issues with this just PM me.
Please stay on -topic of development ONLY.
Thanks for the cooperation,
Link is broken.
kidrobot52 said:
Link is broken.
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Yep for me too.
He gave the link to his in-progress download, not a shareable link
Sent from my Sony Xperia ION
Toledo_JAB said:
while the idea of a nexus running the finest OEM UI on the market does intrigue me,
The thought of this thread turning into a troll fest and off topic discussion is screaming in my face.
I am going to allow this thread on the basis that it is a thread for the development work of porting Sony UI to the phone.
If I find unneeded posts or off topic chit-chat this thread will be closed. I have subscribed to this thread for observations
If you have any issues with this just PM me.
Please stay on -topic of development ONLY.
Thanks for the cooperation,
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I opened this thread to have help and discussion to port it because i'm in love on Sony UI and it would be awesome to see it running on Nexus 5. It's not a troll.
kidrobot52 said:
Link is broken.
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You're right. Link fixed to OP
I think the most difficult thing is porting the UI, because other things only require to copy the apk, for example the launcher, sony apps...
Sony widgets only work with sony launcher at least on my old xperia arc. Good luck
We've been through this before, people have tried porting ROM's from other devices and it's always been a dead end. Proprietary libs will always be the one road block unless we know any devs with exceptional knowledge in decompiling and patching libs. Don't want to be a downer but that's the truth
jlmcr87 said:
I think the most difficult thing is porting the UI, because other things only require to copy the apk, for example the launcher, sony apps...
Sony widgets only work with sony launcher at least on my old xperia arc. Good luck
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No. The apk copy is useless if you dont copy the entire framework folder with apk's. For my part, i started, and can't see the bootanimation. The phone reboots.
topgeardave said:
We've been through this before, people have tried porting ROM's from other devices and it's always been a dead end. Proprietary libs will always be the one road block unless we know any devs with exceptional knowledge in decompiling and patching libs. Don't want to be a downer but that's the truth
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Know that. Porting is hardcore. For now, i didn't obtained anything nice.
Have some news :
Flashed a Xperia Z2 kernel to my phone (Attempting to get working my port as secondary rom) on Multirom.
After it, flashed Uber kernel. Now, the phone still stuck to Google logo, but 5 seconds after, i've got a little vibration. I remember my old Xperia X10 did a vibration when it boots, indicating you can access the recovery pressing back button.
If somebody has skills on editing kernel, and want to contribute to this project, thanks to contact me.
dekefake said:
Have some news :
Flashed a Xperia Z2 kernel to my phone (Attempting to get working my port as secondary rom) on Multirom.
After it, flashed Uber kernel. Now, the phone still stuck to Google logo, but 5 seconds after, i've got a little vibration. I remember my old Xperia X10 did a vibration when it boots, indicating you can access the recovery pressing back button.
If somebody has skills on editing kernel, and want to contribute to this project, thanks to contact me.
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That's dangerous mate, you're lucky you didn't brick your phone as the Z2 has different mount points
dekefake said:
Have some news :
Flashed a Xperia Z2 kernel to my phone (Attempting to get working my port as secondary rom) on Multirom.
After it, flashed Uber kernel. Now, the phone still stuck to Google logo, but 5 seconds after, i've got a little vibration. I remember my old Xperia X10 did a vibration when it boots, indicating you can access the recovery pressing back button.
If somebody has skills on editing kernel, and want to contribute to this project, thanks to contact me.
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That little vibration was most likely the boot loop recycling after the boot failed. My S3 would do that too when stuck in a boot loop
DigitalUnderground said:
That little vibration was most likely the boot loop recycling after the boot failed. My S3 would do that too when stuck in a boot loop
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Yeah, it was like a start up vibrate. Common on my GT-i9300
topgeardave said:
That's dangerous mate, you're lucky you didn't brick your phone as the Z2 has different mount points
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Know it, it's why i did it on Multirom, and edited updater-script
rootSU said:
Yeah, it was like a start up vibrate. Common on my GT-i9300
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I think so.. 10 seconds after that, it reboots. I'm sure the reboot loop it's related to kernel. I think i must contact somebody to help me with the kernel.
Cheers guys.
OMG found something awesome will try to build 19.2.A.0.344 for hammerhead right now guys
dekefake said:
OMG found something awesome will try to build 19.2.A.0.344 for hammerhead right now guys
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Best of luck! Continuing to watch this thread. This one is the only OEM skin I wouldn't mind having ported over to our N5. Thanks for your continued development, keep us posted!
RoyJ said:
Best of luck! Continuing to watch this thread. This one is the only OEM skin I wouldn't mind having ported over to our N5. Thanks for your continued development, keep us posted!
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Yes i think i can yes ! Look here
Launched repo init -u ... android-4.4.4_r2 branch of AOSP. once repo init finished, downloaded it and unziped to root of my android source tree. Created .repo/local_manifests/shinano.xml like Sony says, and now running repo sync. After, will build, but for hammerhead. Hope it will work
That is only for AOSP. Sony releases the bits and pieces for their devices. This is going to only get you an aosp build, nothing more.
The got repo you listed is only the device information for building. It is not going to net you anything.
Dameon87 said:
That is only for AOSP. Sony releases the bits and pieces for their devices. This is going to only get you an aosp build, nothing more.
The got repo you listed is only the device information for building. It is not going to net you anything.
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Are you sure ? repo sync already has downloaded 35Go.. and no i don't think it's normal.
Very much so. And 35GB is normal for a repo sync. I believe my sync for 5.0 was like 40GB.
But back to your question. Just look at the files that are in the bits you linked. Sony's OEM skin and enhancements are not open source. Most OEMs release source for the modified items related to the kernel, and some software. Sony is rare in that they actually release enough to build an actual aosp build. The files you are using are going to net you nothing more than an AOSP build.
Dameon87 said:
Very much so. And 35GB is normal for a repo sync. I believe my sync for 5.0 was like 40GB.
But back to your question. Just look at the files that are in the bits you linked. Sony's OEM skin and enhancements are not open source. Most OEMs release source for the modified items related to the kernel, and some software. Sony is rare in that they actually release enough to build an actual aosp build. The files you are using are going to net you nothing more than an AOSP build.
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Ok thanks so much. I don't want to build AOSP so i'll search a little more
Awaiting for thread deletion.
Thanks...Nice work after your miui 5 ROM
Help please..
Need someone who can risk his device by testing this ROM......
Happy holi.....
Happy holi my friends...
May this holi bring lots of Colors in your life!! and in mine too.
Kunal Gautam said:
Need someone who can risk his device by testing this ROM......
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I tried to install but it gives error 7 i think update.script should be rechecked.
Deep_dhimaan said:
I tried to install but it gives error 7 i think update.script should be rechecked.
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Thank you very much, i've understood whats the problem( as a pm by ashkineeeeee).
New update coming soon. Stay tuned.
Hey bros...
so there were some problem with permissions, it seems that it is fixed now..
Flash the ROM and review here....
----------------------edit 1---------------------
dont flash the rom now!!!
Some files are missing in boot.img
how stupid i am!!
------------------------edit 2-----------------------
Flash it now!
Last build not installed,error 7.
mels01 said:
Last build not installed,error 7.
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Try installing from internal storage... Or update your recovery to the latest one by android andi...
Hey, I would like to help out, can I have the link to the ROM?
theportal2 said:
Hey, I would like to help out, can I have the link to the ROM?
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I agree this message is a bit long but it is worth reading.
- Thanks, but sorry. Even if I give you the links and even if spend your precious time you would only be able to fix the error 7.
- Actually I've already fixed that(or know what's the issue atleast). There are files that are missing from the directories that are listed in the updater script. They cannot be deleted as the original base ROM I compiled was from UA(unlegacy android) that are based on the newer sources.
- Some files that are required for MIUI are also missing.
- Boot.img is incomplete. Which will result in bootloop even if I upload the error 7 fixed ROM.
- I am giving my board exams that are one of the biggest exams in India. And I cannot afford to score less in these.
- All I need is a older base ROM ,CyanogenMod 11 made around may of 2016. And also it must support init.d because the port ROM requires that.
- I've taken permissions from the maker of the port ROM. He has allowed me to proceed.
- All I need is permission from Android-Andi, as only he has older CM ROMs.
- I cannot compile because older sources are not available or maybe I am not known to them
Hope you understand. Thank you.
P.S. - Android-Andi if you read this please reply. You are the only one who can help me(by providing me permissions to use your ROM as a base).
With best regards,
Kunal Gautam
Kunal Gautam said:
I agree this message is a bit long but it is worth reading.
- Thanks, but sorry. Even if I give you the links and even if spend your precious time you would only be able to fix the error 7.
- Actually I've already fixed that(or know what's the issue atleast). There are files that are missing from the directories that are listed in the updater script. They cannot be deleted as the original base ROM I compiled was from UA(unlegacy android) that are based on the newer sources.
- Some files that are required for MIUI are also missing.
- Boot.img is incomplete. Which will result in bootloop even if I upload the error 7 fixed ROM.
- I am giving my board exams that are one of the biggest exams in India. And I cannot afford to score less in these.
- All I need is a older base ROM ,CyanogenMod 11 made around may of 2016. And also it must support init.d because the port ROM requires that.
- I've taken permissions from the maker of the port ROM. He has allowed me to proceed.
- All I need is permission from Android-Andi, as only he has older CM ROMs.
- I cannot compile because older sources are not available or maybe I am not known to them
Hope you understand. Thank you.
P.S. - Android-Andi if you read this please reply. You are the only one who can help me(by providing me permissions to use your ROM as a base).
With best regards,
Kunal Gautam
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Have you seen this CM 11?
Just made last month by @Deltadroid
Links are removed because *the ROM is not complete yet*.
Thanks, but I need to confirm a few things before I could use a ROM(includes init.d support and a bunch of other things). Also, it is very important that deltadroid provide me permission to use his ROM.
Thank you!
I just saw deltadroid's thread, the title clearly says that the ROM is for p3110. I want to make a unified one. I need a ROM made with unified device tree.
If I do port, it will only work on p3110 and maybe on every 7" device. I don't want do this.
Sorry, but yeah thanks!
Just wait till 3 april 2018. Most probably I will upload.
Edit 2
Or I must say it an update. 75 percent of the work is done. Somehow I managed to get a base ROM(only I know how). Only build.prop editing and Updater script editing work left(these are the most difficult BTW).
Update coming soon. Stay tuned.
I've updated the links. I've uploaded the new ROM. I've done with porting(i guess). I've used a lot of time.
Flash and review!
Kunal Gautam said:
I've updated the links. I've uploaded the new ROM. I've done with porting(i guess). I've used a lot of time.
Flash and review!
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No wonder the ROM doesn't work.... Security patch is in a wrong format.
It should be, ""
And this, hardly doubt this will work, but idk.
EDIT**** Build id should be the app id: example lets say the id is 678, on build.prop, it would say 678.
you have, ""
secretwolf98 said:
No wonder the ROM doesn't work.... Security patch is in a wrong format.
It should be, ""
And this, hardly doubt this will work, but idk.
EDIT**** Build id should be the app id: example lets say the id is 678, on build.prop, it would say 678.
you have, ""
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You, sir, definitely have a lot to offer. I am afraid that this is not the actual problem. By now, I surely understand the importance of logs. Would be very helpful if someone could arrange me them.
And about your post it seemed really rude, raw, insulting and manipulating to me. But however, helpful. It makes it really hard to continue developing for a 6 years old Tab, with hardware that has nothing to offer in 2018. At least, I am trying.
Since, this was an Alpha build(because I moved sources) these problems are sure to arise. I did the same(build.prop things) with my kinda successful ROM MIUI 5(see it in the 7" forums).
I guess you haven't tasted port ROMs yet. They are hard to build. Alike your compiling ones, you have source, type some commands, turn your computer on for about 5 hours, when done upload it.
I am sure you must have did trail and error (in chemistry and math) porting ROMs is just the same. I am sure, that as a developer, you must know what logs actually mean.
But whatever, thank you for you review(insult I guess).
Kunal Gautam said:
You, sir, definitely have a lot to offer. I am afraid that this is not the actual problem. By now, I surely understand the importance of logs. Would be very helpful if someone could arrange me them.
And about your post it seemed really rude, raw, insulting and manipulating to me. But however, helpful. It makes it really hard to continue developing for a 6 years old Tab, with hardware that has nothing to offer in 2018. At least, I am trying.
Since, this was an Alpha build(because I moved sources) these problems are sure to arise. I did the same(build.prop things) with my kinda successful ROM MIUI 5(see it in the 7" forums).
I guess you haven't tasted port ROMs yet. They are hard to build. Alike your compiling ones, you have source, type some commands, turn your computer on for about 5 hours, when done upload it.
I am sure you must have did trail and error (in chemistry and math) porting ROMs is just the same. I am sure, that as a developer, you must know what logs actually mean.
But whatever, thank you for you review(insult I guess).
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FYI, I port ROMs. It was pointers what to fix, if you wanted to get this ROM better, than it is already.
Kunal Gautam said:
P.S. - Android-Andi if you read this please reply. You are the only one who can help me(by providing me permissions to use your ROM as a base).
With best regards,
Kunal Gautam
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Sorry, I won't give permissions after different people used my ROMs as base in the past without permissions. Hope there is a learning affect....
Since i love OpenSource: Sources are available on every official GitHub (slim, Omni, Lineage, UA) and up to date (note: I wouldn't have to do this, I could keep all device trees private but I am updating them for everyone - always). You'll have to compile your own base ROM to use for such port ROMs (I am not a fan of).
Android-Andi said:
Sorry, I won't give permissions after different people used my ROMs as base in the past without permissions. Hope there is a learning affect....
Since i love OpenSource: Sources are available on every official GitHub (slim, Omni, Lineage, UA) and up to date (note: I wouldn't have to do this, I could keep all device trees private but I am updating them for everyone - always). You'll have to compile your own base ROM to use for such port ROMs (I am not a fan of).
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Thank you. For at least replying. You works will always be appreciated. Now, I am gonna close this thread. Thanks again!
Not even a year old and I feel like there is nothing going on with this phone not even from Motorola themselves, haven't had any updates since April 1st, and no custom roms or anything really.
I know Josh has worked very hard at getting TWRP on this phone and credit to him, just a shame the community is almost non existent
tigsandmitch said:
Not even a year old and I feel like there is nothing going on with this phone not even from Motorola themselves, haven't had any updates since April 1st, and no custom roms or anything really.
I know Josh has worked very hard at getting TWRP on this phone and credit to him, just a shame the community is almost non existent
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Seeing as how this phone already has TWRP, and can be rooted. I'm downloading the source code for Lineage OS 16 right now. I'll be building it for the G7 Plus when it's finished downloading. However, I'm on my laptop which isn't exactly powerful, so it will take a while.
Never has been anything going on with this device! That's why I got myself a Poco F1 for messing about with :+) (and this device is just too slow in any case)
Sent from my POCOPHONE F1 using Tapatalk
lmulli said:
Never has been anything going on with this device! That's why I got myself a Poco F1 for messing about with :+) (and this device is just too slow in any case)
Sent from my POCOPHONE F1 using Tapatalk
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Which is why I'm building Lineage OS for the phone. Give me about a week or 2 and I'l have lineage OS 16 working.
Thanks! I'm eager to try it out!
serris-chan said:
Which is why I'm building Lineage OS for the phone. Give me about a week or 2 and I'l have lineage OS 16 working.
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Can't wait to try Lineage on this phone.
tigsandmitch said:
Not even a year old and I feel like there is nothing going on with this phone not even from Motorola themselves, haven't had any updates since April 1st, and no custom roms or anything really.
I know Josh has worked very hard at getting TWRP on this phone and credit to him, just a shame the community is almost non existent
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Check out our new G7 - River Development & Discussion Group. Most if not ALL Custom work will be released for testing : @MotoG7RiverDiscussion
In my last Group I created for the Essential PH-1 took off and is still running strong with over 500 members.
Don't forget, this device is still very new and let's say Un-Developed, but give it a little time...
---------- Post added at 02:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------
serris-chan said:
Which is why I'm building Lineage OS for the phone. Give me about a week or 2 and I'l have lineage OS 16 working.
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Don't forget to Join our TG Group!
HUEguy said:
Thanks! I'm eager to try it out!
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Andolss said:
Can't wait to try Lineage on this phone.
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Thanks! I'm waiting on the kernel to be finished. It only compiles to about 99%, then it fails. I'm waiting on someone to finish! Then I'll have lineage compiled within a day or so after they're done.
serris-chan said:
Seeing as how this phone already has TWRP, and can be rooted. I'm downloading the source code for Lineage OS 16 right now. I'll be building it for the G7 Plus when it's finished downloading. However, I'm on my laptop which isn't exactly powerful, so it will take a while.
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Do you have any guides for building or porting a ROM? All the ones I found are at least 3 years old.
I want to try building ROM's for the 2017 Galaxy A3 though.
If anyone wants to build a custom rom possibly lineage i have found the trees hopefully this does help, lineage is the easiest so yeah
Current lead Dev is @Inkypen, if anyone else has any idea or wants to contribute here is the group chat
How I can help with this?
ZigmaInvader said:
How I can help with this?
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honestly edit the respitory because so far they dont work i have made few files but keep in mind i literally borrowed them all from the perseus device tree since our device is pretty much identical apart from battery, if you do wanna make changes please know what your doing because i have no clue lol , and hopefully we can get this to boot ONLY edit files in the lineage path because the other paths need to be untouched okay thank you
Quantumkk123 said:
honestly edit the respitory because so far they dont work i have made few files but keep in mind i literally borrowed them all from the perseus device tree since our device is pretty much identical apart from battery, if you do wanna make changes please know what your doing because i have no clue lol , and hopefully we can get this to boot ONLY edit files in the lineage path because the other paths need to be untouched okay thank you
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there also another difference is processor
Sorry guys I can't lie I think it's a complete mess I will be building a device tree for this device I just need A LOT of time and then I will try building some ROMs for this device reason why it will take so long is because I am learning myself and this will be the first time I am doing it hope it goes successfully for me
Hi guys! I've being making ROMs for the original Mi Mix and decided to take the plunge and get a Mix 3 5G. I've built up these skeleton trees and made LineageOS, but I haven't received my new device yet so I can't test it. It's horribly unoptimised and still has a lot of bloat from unnecessary drivers (hence the 1gb size) and I have no idea if this will even boot but here is the initial build if anyone is brave enough to install it.
This is an engineering build to help track down bugs so ADB debugging is enabled as standard. Any logs would be appreciated.
Inkypen said:
Hi guys! I've being making ROMs for the original Mi Mix and decided to take the plunge and get a Mix 3 5G. I've built up these skeleton trees and made LineageOS, but I haven't received my new device yet so I can't test it. It's horribly unoptimised and still has a lot of bloat from unnecessary drivers (hence the 1gb size) and I have no idea if this will even boot but here is the initial build if anyone is brave enough to install it.
This is an engineering build to help track down bugs so ADB debugging is enabled as standard. Any logs would be appreciated.
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Ok I will try it aha can you send me these please because it will save me time from building another lineage device tree lol, my email is [email protected] please accept as I have ubuntu running on my pc now and I will try to fix a few things if that's okay?
Quantumkk123 said:
Ok I will try it aha can you send me these please because it will save me time from building another lineage device tree lol, my email is [email protected] please accept as I have ubuntu running on my pc now and I will try to fix a few things if that's okay?
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I didn't realise that I didn't have link sharing on, should be ok to download now. I haven't uploaded my tree to GitHub yet, but once I do it will be available at
Inkypen said:
I didn't realise that I didn't have link sharing on, should be ok to download now. I haven't uploaded my tree to GitHub yet, but once I do it will be available at
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Oh aha that's fine man , didn't realise this was android 10 good job man
Quantumkk123 said:
Oh aha that's fine man , didn't realise this was android 10 good job man
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Don't get too excited yet lol. This LineageOS build is pie, once I know that's stable then I can move to ten. I brought up the original Mi Mix to ten so I have an idea of what's required.
Inkypen said:
Don't get too excited yet lol. This LineageOS build is pie, once I know that's stable then I can move to ten. I brought up the original Mi Mix to ten so I have an idea of what's required.
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Lmao I realized when it said 16.0 aha that's fine tho still a lot more progress than me
I keep getting this error when trying to flash...the suggestion was to update twrp but 3.3.1-0 is the only one we have available ....
E: String resource 'zip_compatible_err' not found.
Using default value
Zip Treble compatibility error!
Invalid zip file format!
Any suggestions?
i think its my fault lemme just factory reset my phone install stock and see what happens. Yep our twrp is broken as after install it bricks whole device , and I know this isn't from the ROM because basically twrp bricked my phone from reloading to fastboot, it's very broken , but no one has been able to test that out because there hasn't been much to flash recently. Therefore @Inkypen will build some twrps for me to try and flash and see if his builds do work , fingers crossed they will
Quantumkk123 said:
i think its my fault lemme just factory reset my phone install stock and see what happens. Yep our twrp is broken as after install it bricks whole device , and I know this isn't from the ROM because basically twrp bricked my phone from reloading to fastboot, it's very broken , but no one has been able to test that out because there hasn't been much to flash recently. Therefore @Inkypen will build some twrps for me to try and flash and see if his builds do work , fingers crossed they will
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Seems interesting. I have got mi mix 3 5g, just waiting on unlocking and will sure help it
ptlsajan said:
Seems interesting. I have got mi mix 3 5g, just waiting on unlocking and will sure help it
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Sure there's a group chat where more info is posted there...updates etc
I also have a mi mix 3 5g on the way, will be happy to test once i get it, thx alot for you work!
So far I have built a working version of Orange Fox recovery. Still waiting for my device to arrive, then some real work can start
I should be getting my Mix 3 5G this week, the parcel is allegedly with my local post office already. I'd love to help out to get LineageOS working on it. I have minimum experience having flashed custom ROMs onto my current phone (Mi Max helium) as well as that of my Mrs (Mi 6 sagit), but I'd love to get more involved if possible. I don't need it to be my daily driver immediately, so I just need enough confidence in what we'll be doing here so as not to turn it into an expensive, cute brick The chassis being ceramic, it's already half way there right off the bat, but let's not get any closer please
Please generate LineageOS android 10 from Mi Mix Andromeda
ZigmaInvader said:
Please generate LineageOS android 10 from Mi Mix Andromeda
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Join the telegram chat if you want any requests
Hey there interweb!
This thread is meant as a general area to organise the mess of files scattered across the internet for the original Wi-Fi version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4.
This Google Drive folder contains the following:
Stock Odin TAR/MD5 firmware files
ROMs, and their accompanying files + install instructions that have been confirmed to boot,
Kernels that have been confirmed to boot,
Useful mods which are confirmed to work and add genuine capability to your device;
and anything else which I think is useful to those wishing to mod their Tab S.
androiddev - Google Drive
If you know of any files which you think should be included, and are not already here, please feel free to either reply to this thread or DM me. If you want any assistance at all, please feel free to do the same, and I will try to assist you to the best of my ability.
All the best,
I must reiterate, as always, that although I have tested each of these mods, I am not responsible for bricks, loss of data, or permanent damage to your device. You yourself are choosing to make these modifications, and although they have my quality assurance, I can not guarantee their 100% safety. Just because they worked on my device, does not necessarily mean they will work on yours.
CessnaBroon said:
Hey there interweb!
This thread is meant as a general area to organise the mess of files scattered across the internet for the original Wi-Fi version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4.
This Google Drive folder contains the following:
Stock Odin TAR/MD5 firmware files
ROMs, and their accompanying files + install instructions that have been confirmed to boot,
Kernels that have been confirmed to boot,
Useful mods which are confirmed to work and add genuine capability to your device;
and anything else which I think is useful to those wishing to mod their Tab S.
klimtwifi - Google Drive
If you know of any files which you think should be included, and are not already here, please feel free to either reply to this thread or DM me. If you want any assistance at all, please feel free to do the same, and I will try to assist you to the best of my ability.
All the best,
I must reiterate, as always, that although I have tested each of these mods, I am not responsible for bricks, loss of data, or permanent damage to your device. You yourself are choosing to make these modifications, and although they have my quality assurance, I can not guarantee their 100% safety. Just because they worked on my device, does not necessarily mean they will work on yours.
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Good idea to gather everything on one place and make the mess a bit easier to handle..
I helped myself with the TWRP and the LOS17, much obliged. Don't really need help otherwise.
That is, unless you know why my t705 (i have one of those too) keeps messing with me and losing charge even when switched off...
prkfsz said:
Good idea to gather everything on one place and make the mess a bit easier to handle..
I helped myself with the TWRP and the LOS17, much obliged. Don't really need help otherwise.
That is, unless you know why my t705 (i have one of those too) keeps messing with me and losing charge even when switched off...
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I'll be honest, my Tab s battery has decreased to about 2100 mAh from 4900 so it's probably just age I'm afraid. If you use it more, you could do a battery transplant, but I don't have ROMs for klimtlte. Thanks for using my mirror
CessnaBroon said:
I'll be honest, my Tab s battery has decreased to about 2100 mAh from 4900 so it's probably just age I'm afraid. If you use it more, you could do a battery transplant, but I don't have ROMs for klimtlte. Thanks for using my mirror
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Not battery. Changed it. And the same battery works fine on T700 and does not lose charge when off. Tried flashing other ROM as well, but i can't find solution.
prkfsz said:
Not battery. Changed it. And the same battery works fine on T700 and does not lose charge when off. Tried flashing other ROM as well, but i can't find solution.
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That's odd. Have you tried flashing a custom kernel in TWRP? If not, I'll upload one to the Google Drive in the /androiddev/klimtlte folder. Will create it soon, along with instructions.
CessnaBroon said:
That's odd. Have you tried flashing a custom kernel in TWRP? If not, I'll upload one to the Google Drive in the /androiddev/klimtlte folder. Will create it soon, along with instructions.
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Odd indeed. And really frustrating. :-/
Have not tried with custom kernel but can of course do that, if it's simple. But, like i said - it's a T705, you mean there is one already made or are you just going to make one on a coffee break?
prkfsz said:
Odd indeed. And really frustrating. :-/
Have not tried with custom kernel but can of course do that, if it's simple. But, like i said - it's a T705, you mean there is one already made or are you just going to make one on a coffee break?
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There's one already made I think. I'll see if I can find one and alert you when it's up. Obvs I can't do a check for safety without the hardware so make a full backup of the boot partition just in case. I'll make sure to find one with good reviews
CessnaBroon said:
There's one already made I think. I'll see if I can find one and alert you when it's up. Obvs I can't do a check for safety without the hardware so make a full backup of the boot partition just in case. I'll make sure to find one with good reviews
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Not sure if i have the time to do it tonight or this weekend, but i will try as soon as i get the chance.
Very gratefull for all the help. I actually have two of them, with the same behaviour and i almost written them off, so..
prkfsz said:
Not sure if i have the time to do it tonight or this weekend, but i will try as soon as i get the chance.
Very gratefull for all the help. I actually have two of them, with the same behaviour and i almost written them off, so..
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kernel - Google Drive
Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Good luck!
CessnaBroon said:
kernel - Google Drive
Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Good luck!
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Thank you kindly, sir.
Will try right away, but can't really see if had any effect untill morning.
I thought first to ask you if it is possible to use this on stock too, but then it struck me how stupid idea that is, since it's not the same Android version. Because one of them is on stock and behaving the same way. Which basically leads me to believe that it actually is a hardware fault...
prkfsz said:
Thank you kindly, sir.
Will try right away, but can't really see if had any effect untill morning.
I thought first to ask you if it is possible to use this on stock too, but then it struck me how stupid idea that is, since it's not the same Android version. Because one of them is on stock and behaving the same way. Which basically leads me to believe that it actually is a hardware fault...
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This should work on stock marshmallow too. I will give it a go and get back to you.
Thank you kindly!
lafinjack said:
Thank you kindly!
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You're very welcome!
CessnaBroon said:
This should work on stock marshmallow too. I will give it a go and get back to you.
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Sorry for delay in answering..
Unfortunatelly the error is still present. Like i said, probably a software issue.
Bit thanx anuway!
Thanks for creating a section specifically for the SM-T700! I hope that I can get some practical help on moving forward
On my post here ( I describe my attempt to install a variation of LineageOS 17.1 on my device -- always running into 'E1001'. I eventually settled on an older Resurrection Remix, since someone mentioned that it would ultimately make it possible to move to LineageOS (I have not tried that yet).
Here are some of my questions:
1) In a much larger/older thread ( the first step is "Flash latest official Samsung Firmware with ODIN". Is this even relevant to me?
2) In preparation for successfully installing LineageOS, what TWRP clearing/formatting options should I be using? On a completely different device, the instructions were to delete *everything*. Could my wrong choices when doing this for my SM-T700 have contributed to my failures?
3) Now that I (currently) have Resurrection Remix on my SM-T700, can I expect -- with the binaries mentioned in this new subgroup -- to be able to install LineageOS 17.1 *without* running into the 'E1001' problem?
Thanks for any help!
darethehair said:
Thanks for creating a section specifically for the SM-T700! I hope that I can get some practical help on moving forward
On my post here ( I describe my attempt to install a variation of LineageOS 17.1 on my device -- always running into 'E1001'. I eventually settled on an older Resurrection Remix, since someone mentioned that it would ultimately make it possible to move to LineageOS (I have not tried that yet).
Here are some of my questions:
1) In a much larger/older thread ( the first step is "Flash latest official Samsung Firmware with ODIN". Is this even relevant to me?
2) In preparation for successfully installing LineageOS, what TWRP clearing/formatting options should I be using? On a completely different device, the instructions were to delete *everything*. Could my wrong choices when doing this for my SM-T700 have contributed to my failures?
3) Now that I (currently) have Resurrection Remix on my SM-T700, can I expect -- with the binaries mentioned in this new subgroup -- to be able to install LineageOS 17.1 *without* running into the 'E1001' problem?
Thanks for any help!
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Hey there! I'll take a closer look once I'm home. Speak to you then
darethehair said:
Thanks for creating a section specifically for the SM-T700! I hope that I can get some practical help on moving forward
On my post here ( I describe my attempt to install a variation of LineageOS 17.1 on my device -- always running into 'E1001'. I eventually settled on an older Resurrection Remix, since someone mentioned that it would ultimately make it possible to move to LineageOS (I have not tried that yet).
Here are some of my questions:
1) In a much larger/older thread ( the first step is "Flash latest official Samsung Firmware with ODIN". Is this even relevant to me?
2) In preparation for successfully installing LineageOS, what TWRP clearing/formatting options should I be using? On a completely different device, the instructions were to delete *everything*. Could my wrong choices when doing this for my SM-T700 have contributed to my failures?
3) Now that I (currently) have Resurrection Remix on my SM-T700, can I expect -- with the binaries mentioned in this new subgroup -- to be able to install LineageOS 17.1 *without* running into the 'E1001' problem?
Thanks for any help!
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Hey! Sorry for the delay. You should flash the latest firmware (it's on Using Odin, and then twrp with Odin, and then the custom ROM from twrp, wiping data dalvik and cache before rebooting. Other two are in the mirror.
CessnaBroon said:
Hey! Sorry for the delay. You should flash the latest firmware (it's on Using Odin, and then twrp with Odin, and then the custom ROM from twrp, wiping data dalvik and cache before rebooting. Other two are in the mirror.
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Just an FYI...I was reluctant to start everything over again with Odin and latest Samsung firmware, so I opted to take a chance and merely 'adb push' the LineageOS and GApps that you have on your Google drive (along with some cache erasures as you suggested) and everything seemed to upgrade properly from Resurrection Remix to LineageOS 17.1
A few minor problems so far: camera doesn't work, and initial signon to the tablet with a PIN doesn't work so well (seems to take multiple attempts). In any case, now running Android 10!
These were issues that I faced too - I never found a way to fix them. Neither did the original Dev, but apparently updating to the latest webview fixes chrome crashes. PIN you need to wait 30seconds after boot. Camera works only with clean install and even then sometimes doesn't work.
Hope this helps,
I was trying to install TWRP but after reboot when I go to the Recovery mode there is no TWRP. I installed the LOS on my Tab Pro 8.4 and wanted to install LOS on Tab S 8.4 but can't flash the TWRP. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?