Is there any way to increase status bar height to 36px? Super status bar creates it's own status bar and let's you set height but without transparent backgrounds I don't want to use it.
Is there anyway to move the centered nav bar to the left. I used the tablet ui mod but that removed top notification bar and setting toggle. Is there a setting I'm over looking or a universal mod?
Is there any way to move the status bar to the bottom like in CM?
Changing the navigation bar color in settings does not affect the color of the navigation bar when using the keyboard. Is there any way to change navigation bar color when keyboard is in use?
EDIT: nevermimd, found the answer in another thread
Is there a simple way to enlarge Icons in status bar (battery, clock ...) ? They are too small,
PS: I have rooted phone.
Specifially I'm looking to shrink the status bar size on Oreo to zero height. I do this using GravityBox to make the Nav bar disappear altogether. Is there anything similar available for the Statusbar on Oreo?