Okay, I know this question has been asked quite a few times, but I'm really stuck here.
I was running CM10.2 on my KFHD, when I wanted to revert back to Stock OS for a while so I could test something I was working on. I created a full backup in TWRP so that once I was done I could go back. I then proceeded to wipe (factory reset) and flash the 7.4.3. I then rebooted. My Kindle won't get past the 2nd bootloader. It only show's the blue logo. I thought, "Okay, something's not right, I'll just restore from a backup. So I rebooted into TWRP, and proceeded to restore, only to be graced by big red letters that said, "Restore Failed." I rebooted the bootloader, putting it into fastboot mode, and tried to restore from some boot, recovery, and system images I had lying around on my hard drive somewhere. Still no dice. My Kindle just sits there, refusing to boot past the 2nd boot loader.
Any ideas out there?
Ph0enix_216 said:
Okay, I know this question has been asked quite a few times, but I'm really stuck here.
I was running CM10.2 on my KFHD, when I wanted to revert back to Stock OS for a while so I could test something I was working on. I created a full backup in TWRP so that once I was done I could go back. I then proceeded to wipe (factory reset) and flash the 7.4.3. I then rebooted. My Kindle won't get past the 2nd bootloader. It only show's the blue logo. I thought, "Okay, something's not right, I'll just restore from a backup. So I rebooted into TWRP, and proceeded to restore, only to be graced by big red letters that said, "Restore Failed." I rebooted the bootloader, putting it into fastboot mode, and tried to restore from some boot, recovery, and system images I had lying around on my hard drive somewhere. Still no dice. My Kindle just sits there, refusing to boot past the 2nd boot loader.
Any ideas out there?
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You can try to adb sideload a factory image in TWRP if you have not tried that. Otherwise it's a factory reset.
Seems the flashing of the images did not take or you would not have the 2nd bootloader anymore. So first, check your drivers and make sure they are installed right. Also make sure you have adb.exe and fastboot.exe in the folder you are CD'ing from.
What I would do is download this tool and CD from inside that folder and push those images. I know that process will/should work.
Double check and make sure you have fastboot communication with your computer fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar
then from inside the folder hold shift and right click on mouse choosing open a command prompt here
Then type these commands
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash boot "image name here" include .img at end"
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash recovery "recovery name here" include .img at end
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash system "system image name here" include .img at end
Now give some time as the system image is quite large
when done, type fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
LinearEquation said:
You can try to adb sideload a factory image in TWRP if you have not tried that. Otherwise it's a factory reset.
Seems the flashing of the images did not take or you would not have the 2nd bootloader anymore. So first, check your drivers and make sure they are installed right. Also make sure you have adb.exe and fastboot.exe in the folder you are CD'ing from.
What I would do is download this tool and CD from inside that folder and push those images. I know that process will/should work.
Double check and make sure you have fastboot communication with your computer fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar
then from inside the folder hold shift and right click on mouse choosing open a command prompt here
Then type these commands
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash boot "image name here" include .img at end"
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash recovery "recovery name here" include .img at end
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash system "system image name here" include .img at end
Now give some time as the system image is quite large
when done, type fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
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I've got the correct drivers. I've had them for a couple of months--they're the ones from @stunts513. And Windows driver enforcement has been disabled for a while now, because signature enforcement is pretty annoying.
And I can't use the system restore tool. The download is just too big. My internet is just one step above dialup, just enough to watch videos on YouTube and "Doctor Who." A 1.1 GB file is just too big, and the script without the images is no longer available.
Still, thank you for responding.
The recoveries I post are and tested for Lenovo Z2 Zuk Z2 Pro ONLY!
Unlocked phone bootloader
and your phone booted in fastboot mode, otherwise it will not work.
Recovery.img is the same recovery found on Lenovo forums (link below)
Download from MEGA
Images are in thumbnails, click on them to enlarge
Short guide:
1) Simply extract the zip
2) Open cmd.exe and cd to the directory you extracted
3) Put your phone in fastboot mode by shutting down your phone, if you have unlocked your phone, you will get the following boot message
"Your phone cannot be checked for file corruption...etc", press Volume Down, hightlight "Fastboot" option, press Power Button
4) Paste the following commands:
fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot -i 0x2b4c boot recovery.img
You should get the same results I got:
Long guide for newbies with Windows 10 [the same might be for Windows 7/8]:
1) Download the zip I have uploaded and extract it to a folder with your favorite archive manager [I use WinRAR] and open it
2) Hold Shift and Right Click on empty space in the folder
3) Left click on Open command window here or open command prompt here
4) Put your phone in fastboot mode by shutting down your phone, power it on and if you have unlocked your phone, you will get the following boot message
"Your phone cannot be checked for file corruption...etc", press Volume Down, hightlight "Fastboot" option, press Power Button
5) Paste the following commands by copying one line each time
fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot -i 0x2b4c boot recovery.img
Contents of Uploaded RAR/Zip Archive:
adb.exe & fastboot.exe taken from adb-setup-1.4.3 zip/rar file, which was found on Google, don't have a source link
drivers where taken from ZUK_UsbDriver_1.0.6 zip/rar from a guide which was found on google, don't have a source link
recovery images where taken from the sources below
Sources & Thanks:
Recovery 3.0.8 was taken from:
credits go to @raimondomartire
Recovery 3.1 was found on official Lenovo Forums:
Google translated Lenovo Forum Page:
Q: I do the same steps you did, in command prompt after pasting your commands I get the following: "< waiting for device >
or I wait for long periods of time or I get a [ERROR] message
A: Chances are 100%, you have the wrong drivers or not drivers installed, most devices use their own drivers for fastboot mode or adb/fastboot commands
If you have a Lenovo Zuk Z2 Pro like me, your device needs to be identified as "ShenQi Composite ADB Interface" in device manager.
Not "Android" or "Android ADB Interface" and because of that fastboot does not identify your device at all
Q: Why do you use 2 commands (fastboot flash and fastboot flash) instead of one?
A: I am not 100% sure but I think fastboot flash recovery, flashes the recovery image you have selected [permanently, until you flash a different one] in your device and you can boot into it anytime you want without using a PC
and the second boots your phone with the recovery image but does not flash it, meaning you keep the stock or the one you have flashed in the past.
So I use the first commmand to permanently flash the recovery and the second to boot the phone in recovery mode without using any phone button combinations to boot into, saves me the time and hassle.
Q: Why use Chinese Custom Recovery instead of an English one?
A: This recovery has Chinese and English Language support. However, if you go to the translated google forum link which I have posted below, the thread's title is: Z2 pro Brush] [zuk z2Pro] Twrp Recovery 3.10 update, support Andrews 7.0 7.1 7.1.2ROM
So I think, Recoveries need to also support the custom ROMS you want to flash, also it is taken from official lenovo forums and chances are they have added more features and fixes.
For example using 3.0.8 recovery I couldn't install LineageOS 14.1 custom rom, I was getting Error 7 when I was trying to flash
Q: I get Error 7 when I try to Flash a Custom ROM:
A: Flash 3.1 TWRP Recovery, the custom recovery you have flashed, does not support the custom ROM you want to flash.
Q: I no longer have open command prompt here after intalling Windows 10 Creators update, I have Open Powershell instead, help?
A: Read the following webpage:
It provides a registry fix which adds/restores "open command window here" in Windows 10 Context Menu
Q: Custom Recovery 3.1 is in Chinese, how do I change it to English?
A: See the following images
Tested on Windows 10 x64 Pro with Creators Update, should work for Windows 7/8 as well.
If this guide helped you, please buy me a beer, thanks!
MariosFFX said:
The recoveries I post are and tested for Lenovo Z2 Zuk Z2 Pro ONLY!
Unlocked phone bootloader
and your phone booted in fastboot mode, otherwise it will not work.
Recovery.img is the same recovery found on Lenovo forums (link below)
Download from MEGA!zJhFCKRa!7FDyDKkqEL3bgz-lYBMf_Lj0RoMyzubg9tiZC3z9ttg
Images are in thumbnails, click on them to enlarge
Short guide:
1) Simply extract the zip
2) Open cmd.exe and cd to the directory you extracted
3) Put your phone in fastboot mode by shutting down your phone, if you have unlocked your phone, you will get the following boot message
"Your phone cannot be checked for file corruption...etc", press Volume Down, hightlight "Fastboot" option, press Power Button
4) Paste the following commands:
fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot -i 0x2b4c boot recovery.img
You should get the same results I got:
Long guide for newbies with Windows 10 [the same might be for Windows 7/8]:
1) Download the zip I have uploaded and extract it to a folder with your favorite archive manager [I use WinRAR] and open it
2) Hold Shift and Right Click on empty space in the folder
3) Left click on Open command window here or open command prompt here
4) Put your phone in fastboot mode by shutting down your phone, power it on and if you have unlocked your phone, you will get the following boot message
"Your phone cannot be checked for file corruption...etc", press Volume Down, hightlight "Fastboot" option, press Power Button
5) Paste the following commands by copying one line each time
fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot -i 0x2b4c boot recovery.img
Contents of Uploaded RAR/Zip Archive:
adb.exe & fastboot.exe taken from adb-setup-1.4.3 zip/rar file, which was found on Google, don't have a source link
drivers where taken from ZUK_UsbDriver_1.0.6 zip/rar from a guide which was found on google, don't have a source link
recovery images where taken from the sources below
Sources & Thanks:
Recovery 3.0.8 was taken from:
credits go to @raimondomartire
Recovery 3.1 was found on official Lenovo Forums:
Google translated Lenovo Forum Page:
Q: I do the same steps you did, in command prompt after pasting your commands I get the following: "< waiting for device >
or I wait for long periods of time or I get a [ERROR] message
A: Chances are 100%, you have the wrong drivers or not drivers installed, most devices use their own drivers for fastboot mode or adb/fastboot commands
If you have a Lenovo Zuk Z2 Pro like me, your device needs to be identified as "ShenQi Composite ADB Interface" in device manager.
Not "Android" or "Android ADB Interface" and because of that fastboot does not identify your device at all
Q: Why do you use 2 commands (fastboot flash and fastboot flash) instead of one?
A: I am not 100% sure but I think fastboot flash recovery, flashes the recovery image you have selected [permanently, until you flash a different one] in your device and you can boot into it anytime you want without using a PC
and the second boots your phone with the recovery image but does not flash it, meaning you keep the stock or the one you have flashed in the past.
So I use the first commmand to permanently flash the recovery and the second to boot the phone in recovery mode without using any phone button combinations to boot into, saves me the time and hassle.
Q: Why use Chinese Custom Recovery instead of an English one?
A: This recovery has Chinese and English Language support. However, if you go to the translated google forum link which I have posted below, the thread's title is: Z2 pro Brush] [zuk z2Pro] Twrp Recovery 3.10 update, support Andrews 7.0 7.1 7.1.2ROM
So I think, Recoveries need to also support the custom ROMS you want to flash, also it is taken from official lenovo forums and chances are they have added more features and fixes.
For example using 3.0.8 recovery I couldn't install LineageOS 14.1 custom rom, I was getting Error 7 when I was trying to flash
Q: I get Error 7 when I try to Flash a Custom ROM:
A: Flash 3.1 TWRP Recovery, the custom recovery you have flashed, does not support the custom ROM you want to flash.
Q: I no longer have open command prompt here after intalling Windows 10 Creators update, I have Open Powershell instead, help?
A: Read the following webpage:
It provides a registry fix which adds/restores "open command window here" in Windows 10 Context Menu
Q: Custom Recovery 3.1 is in Chinese, how do I change it to English?
A: See the following images
Tested on Windows 10 x64 Pro with Creators Update, should work for Windows 7/8 as well.
If this guide helped you, please buy me a beer, thanks!
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Thanks for this.
I'm waiting for delivery of a Z2 Pro and getting necessary stuff ready.
The Mega link wants a Decrypt key.
bluegrass55 said:
Thanks for this.
I'm waiting for delivery of a Z2 Pro and getting necessary stuff ready.
The Mega link wants a Decrypt key.
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check again, the link is with decryption key.
I have double checked and made sure it was with the key.
I've tried again on Chrome,IE and Firefox but still get Decrypt message.
Do you copy and paste the link or you click on it?
Seems to me you copy and paste it.
Because the link is way too big, xda forums shorten it (notice the dots).
Click the link don't copy and paste iit
Finally managed to download it.
I clicked on the link in Chrome & it worked. Firefox didn't like it.
Thanks for the help.
fastboot claims to work, but doesn't
[email protected] ~/Downloads> fastboot -i 0x2b4c flash recovery twrp.img
target reported max download size of 1610612736 bytes
sending 'recovery' (18372 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.525s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.145s]
finished. total time: 0.670s
[email protected] ~/Downloads> fastboot -i 0x2b4c reboot
finished. total time: 0.071s
Yet it goes back stock recovery. I've tried many variations of these commands, and always get the same results.
Philo.Phineas said:
Yet it goes back stock recovery. I've tried many variations of these commands, and always get the same results.
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I am having problems with this Chinese twrp why not get fixed in the bootloader nor accept after even running without installing the program supersu via twrp
Hello All,
So originally I had TWRP 3.0 on my Z2 pro, and i attempted to just install the 3.1 img file from it(per another instructional video from the 7.1 mokee thread), and after installing the recovery file, my phone restarted, however now when I attempt to go into Recovery mode from the boot menu, my phone just goes to a blank screen.
I've tried to flash the image from CMD to see if i could essentially "re flash" 3.1 TWRP, but I always get this message(see attached image). What am i typing in wrong in CMD? As you can see, the directory name is right, as well as the fastboot code. I'm also IN fastboot mode on my phone already. I changed the file name of the folder containing the recovery from it's orginal name to make it shorter, but that should not matter at all. It seems as if CMD can't find the folder though?
Well XDA won't let me post a damn picture(how am i supposed to ask for help if i can't show people what im doing), so I guess if someone would PM me i can post the image.
People do you try to flash the recoveries right after unlocking your bootloader?
Because if you can't flash the recovery and it goes back to stock, it means you haven't fully unloxked your bootloader.
Make sure you run the last following command when you unlock your bootloader
fastboot -i 0x2b4c oem unlock-go
Then follow my guide here.
Also bootloader unlock tutorial here:
Its for Zuk Z2, but the instructions are also for Z2 Pro.
MariosFFX said:
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Any idea about what's happening with the situation in my post by chance? When I try to flash from CMD i get this text. "Z2 is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
"Z2" is the name of the folder that contains the recovery image, so it seems like it's not finding it.
which files about phone mobile data at a TWRP BACKUP ? i see a lot of files inside of a twrp backup . i need to learn that . thanks.
jsto69 said:
Any idea about what's happening with the situation in my post by chance? When I try to flash from CMD i get this text. "Z2 is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
"Z2" is the name of the folder that contains the recovery image, so it seems like it's not finding it.
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Use directory names without spaces. Like c:\zuk and perform all operations from there.
Hello, this works fine very thx, but you have recent/new mix version?
When i try to boot into fastboot mode using power key and volume - key, it shows me a blank screen :crying::crying: . there is no bunny with fastboot logo. only black screen.anyone help me please.
Note: I am on pie with march update.
feroz mahmud said:
...there is no bunny with fastboot logo. only black screen....Note: I am on pie with march update.
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Maybe you still get into fastboot mode, but screen is black due to corrupted splash partition? You can check that subj is in bootloader mode using "fastboot devices -l" from PC. If yes, you can reflash splash.img from fastboot image.
Aerobatic said:
Maybe you still get into fastboot mode, but screen is black due to corrupted splash partition? You can check that subj is in bootloader mode using "fastboot devices -l" from PC. If yes, you can reflash splash.img from fastboot image.
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Will you please tell me the process of flashing splash? And where do i get this file?
feroz mahmud said:
Will you please tell me the process of flashing splash? And where do i get this file?
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Same as all other flashing via fastboot.
The only official fastboot image for Mi A2 AO Pie available yet is v10.0.2.0 PDIMIFJ and can be found at or Here in forum you can find hand-made variants of images for, but all these contain same image of splash partition as in official ROM (if any).
.TGZ and .TAR archives can be unpacked by 7z and many other programs.
Inside archive is directory called smth like "jasmine_global_images_V10.0.2.0.PDIMIFJ_9.0" containing the ready ROM image for fastboot flash.
Inside this directory there are several batch files, containing the same line for flashing splash partition:
fastboot flash splash %~dp0images\splash.img
Note that "splash.img" is foind in " \Images" subdirectory.
So, you will need:
1. Mi A2 with unlocked bootloader and critical partitions (search this forum on how to unlock) in bootloader mode, connected to USB 2.0 port in PC;
2. Working drivers and / ADB / fastboot installation.
3. "splash.img" copied into directory of working ADB / fastboot installation.
To check that requirement (1) and (2) are fulfilled, run CMD shell in directory of working ADB / fastboot installation and type
fastboot devices
If output list contains the only 1 string with ID of device (same as shown by "ADB devices -l" command in normal MTP file transfer mode), you are ready to type in commands:
fastboot flash splash .\splash.img
fastboot reboot bootloader
You are supposed to see the 'bunny' after phone reboots to bootloader mode once again. To reboot back to system just use "fastboot reboot"
If above is not helpful, bring phone to service
Aerobatic said:
Same as all other flashing via fastboot.
The only official fastboot image for Mi A2 AO Pie available yet is v10.0.2.0 PDIMIFJ and can be found at or Here in forum you can find hand-made variants of images for, but all these contain same image of splash partition as in official ROM (if any).
.TGZ and .TAR archives can be unpacked by 7z and many other programs.
Inside archive is directory called smth like "jasmine_global_images_V10.0.2.0.PDIMIFJ_9.0" containing the ready ROM image for fastboot flash.
Inside this directory there are several batch files, containing the same line for flashing splash partition:
fastboot flash splash %~dp0images\splash.img
Note that "splash.img" is foind in " \Images" subdirectory.
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thanks for you information. my device is locked. when i try to peform fastboot devices , it shows me a error saying application was unable to start correctly.
1. Search for guides how to install ADB drivers and use fastboot, and study these
2. Search here for guides how to unlock bootloader and critical of Mi A2
Nobody will move your fingers except you.
Aerobatic said:
1. Search for guides how to install ADB drivers and use fastboot, and study these
2. Search here for guides how to unlock bootloader and critical of Mi A2
Nobody will move your fingers except you.
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thanks for your information.
My devices is locked(bootloader). and fastboot isn't showing up. now tell me how do i flash spalsh file?
1. Is phone working and the only problem is black screen in fastboot mode?
If phone is bricked, just bring it to service or somebody who knows what to do.
Following is what you could have already found in guides I was suggesting to find and study
2. Prepare everything for unlocking in phone:
2.1. Get "developer rights"
2.2 Allow "USB debugging" and "OEM unlocking" in developer options
3. Have you get acquainted with ADB drivers installation and ADB commands and fastboot commands?
Can you see result of "adb devices -l" command in CMD shell when phone is attached to USB-2.0 port with MTP file transfer enabled?
If no, just bring it to service or somebody who knows what to do.
4. Can you see result of "fastboot devices -l" command in CMD shell when phone is attached to USB-2.0 port in what is supposed to be bootloader mode with black screen?
If no, just bring it to service or somebody who knows what to do.
5.. If yes, and device ID is the same as in result of "adb devices -l" command
6. Unlock bootloader and critical (see guides here in Mi A2 threads), it takes 2 commands and 2 reboots
7. Reflash splash.img as stated above in my 1st message
Nobody here can repair your phone, - only you or service. So I won't write more here.
Aerobatic said:
1. Is phone working and the only problem is black screen in fastboot mode?
If phone is bricked, just bring it to service or somebody who knows what to do.
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Can you help me with this? my phone is ok, when i run fastboot command it shows me "??????????? fastboot"
Restart pc or update adb and drivers.
Hi everyone ,
I tried flashing android 11 on my pixel 4xl today and I did the exact same procedures when I used to flash my pixel 2 but I don't know what went wrong and I am stuck on Fastbood Mode where it says :
Boot slot: b
enter reason: no valid slot to boot.
What I did was , I downloaded platformtols and pixel 4xl factory image. Then , I unzipped all contents into one folder. I ran cmd command and execute the following commands :
Before running the commands I enabled OEM Unlock and USB debugging .
In the command Prompt I executed :
adb devices
then it showed the list of devices attached
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flashing unlock
and then
And now I am stuck on fastboot mode and my phone is not rooted if you are concerned . I contact google support and he thought its a hardware issue which I am damn sure it's not . He told me to send my phone to the repair center but I can not because I am not in US anymore and where I am living there is no Google Service Center. Can someone please help me I just want to run my phone again. Please !
blackbomb1991 said:
Hi everyone ,
I tried flashing android 11 on my pixel 4xl today and I did the exact same procedures when I used to flash my pixel 2 but I don't know what went wrong and I am stuck on Fastbood Mode where it says :
Boot slot: b
enter reason: no valid slot to boot.
What I did was , I downloaded platformtols and pixel 4xl factory image. Then , I unzipped all contents into one folder. I ran cmd command and execute the following commands :
Before running the commands I enabled OEM Unlock and USB debugging .
In the command Prompt I executed :
adb devices
then it showed the list of devices attached
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flashing unlock
and then
And now I am stuck on fastboot mode and my phone is not rooted if you are concerned . I contact google support and he thought its a hardware issue which I am damn sure it's not . He told me to send my phone to the repair center but I can not because I am not in US anymore and where I am living there is no Google Service Center. Can someone please help me I just want to run my phone again. Please !
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Go to and flash manually it's work with me
Sent from my BASIC using Tapatalk
When you run the flash all in fastboot, what messages/errors does it show?
I once ran into a similar problem, the fact that you have unlocked the bootloader is good as you can flash the factory image and boot it up.
Usually once in fastboot I check the devices with "fastboot devices", if it shows up, I close the adb window, copy the factory image files to the adb folder, and doublec click the flash all bat. It should do everything by itself and reboot now.
TENN3R said:
When you run the flash all in fastboot, what messages/errors does it show?
I once ran into a similar problem, the fact that you have unlocked the bootloader is good as you can flash the factory image and boot it up.
Usually once in fastboot I check the devices with "fastboot devices", if it shows up, I close the adb window, copy the factory image files to the adb folder, and doublec click the flash all bat. It should do everything by itself and reboot now.
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Just to add to this, make sure you left the image-coral-[buildnumber].[builddate].zip ZIPPED. Your folder should look something like this one, although you might also have your platform-tools in that same directory, which is perfectly fine, but not necessary if you have them added to your path.
Just try redoing the flash-all.bat again. This time, though, do it from powershell. Here's what to do. Right click in the folder, not on any item, just in the folder, and you should see "open powershell" (or command prompt, if this is the case, then just type powershell into the cmd window), click that. Then, type or copy and paste into the powershell prompt while in that directory:
.\flash-all.bat | Tee xda-flash-attempt.log
and if it still doesn't work and you're stuck in fastboot, just upload that .log file, so we can see what happened. If you're curious, what Tee does is it simultaneously takes standard input (i.e. what you see on the screen, the output of programs) and shows it to you, as well as sends it to a file, in this case, the xda-flash-attempt.log If you really don't want to use powershell, you can accomplish what's needed by typing flash-all.bat > xda-flash-attempt.log, but you will not see any of the output, as it will all be piped into that file. The | key is the one directly below backspace, which is the same key as \, but with shift held down.
Also, if it's not working, it might be worth checking that the checksum of the zip file you downloaded is correct, possibly redownloading it, and also checking what the flash-all.bat contents are. There are two files named flash-all in the folder, one a .sh for *nix systems, and a .bat for windows. While it should automatically assume you meant the .bat, it's best to be explicit. The .sh really wouldn't do anything different, if it worked, so it's a minor issue that really wouldn't make a difference, but still.
Edit: when you do type flash-all, the cmd prompt was in the directory with the flash-all.bat file as well as all of the other necessary files, yes? Seems obvious, perhaps, but just based on the "cd\pp\p" command you ran, which doesn't do anything, you should be changing directory to the directory that holds the flash-all.bat as well as the firmware.
blackbomb1991 said:
Hi everyone ,
I tried flashing android 11 on my pixel 4xl today ...
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Like others have said, you need to extract the Google image which has a nested zip file (which you leave alone unless you need something in there). Since you apparently are stuck and cannot boot, I suggest you extract the boot.img from that nested zip file into your tools folder and fastboot flash the boot.img to be able to boot the phone to system. You may need to do the vol-down button press to enter fastboot mode. Once you have your phone back and running, boot into fastboot mode and run the flash-all again. If you extracted the Google image completely, now the script can finish. Not sure if you want to wipe the phone while doing this, so you can also "dirty flash" . If you would like to retain all your apps and app data, edit the flash-all script with notepad and remove the wipe flag (-w) from the script and SAVE it before running. Best of luck. :good:
blackbomb1991 said:
Hi everyone ,
I tried flashing android 11 on my pixel 4xl today and I did the exact same procedures when I used to flash my pixel 2 but I don't know what went wrong and I am stuck on Fastbood Mode where it says :
Boot slot: b
enter reason: no valid slot to boot.
What I did was , I downloaded platformtols and pixel 4xl factory image. Then , I unzipped all contents into one folder. I ran cmd command and execute the following commands :
Before running the commands I enabled OEM Unlock and USB debugging .
In the command Prompt I executed :
adb devices
then it showed the list of devices attached
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flashing unlock
and then
And now I am stuck on fastboot mode and my phone is not rooted if you are concerned . I contact google support and he thought its a hardware issue which I am damn sure it's not . He told me to send my phone to the repair center but I can not because I am not in US anymore and where I am living there is no Google Service Center. Can someone please help me I just want to run my phone again. Please !
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Put the unzipped factory image files (should be 6 of them) in your platform tools folder and then open up the command prompt in the platform tools folder and execute the flash-all command. Make sure all remnants of previous factory images, etc. are removed from the platform tools folder beforehand as well so you just have the platform tools default files in there as well as the 6 files from the factory image.
The latest version of platform tools is 30.0.4 I believe so make sure you have that version.
I just switched from a Pixel 2 xl and ran into the exact same problem with the no valid slot to boot error yesterday. It turned out I was not using the latest platform tools when flashing the factory image. I upgraded my platform tools to 30.04 and everything flashed and booted as expected.
Make sure you're using an A to C and not the C to C that comes with the phone when flashing. Yes, it matters.
Hi everyone,
Thank you so much guys for your quick responses . Well , I finally resolved my issue by the following commands so I'm just gonna post it for whomever may run into the same problem as I did .
First thing I did, was to download the latest Platform tools as well as USB Drivers and then I executed the following commands :
fastboot --slot=all flash bootloader ( Drag bootloader image ) By dragging I mean , you should unzip the flash factory image into a folder and then drag bootloader image into command prompt .
fastboot reboot bootloader
fastboot --slot=all flash radio ( Drag radio image )
fastboot reboot bootloader
fastboot --skip-reboot --slot=all update ( Drag Image file )
Boommmmm, my phone back on running again with no issue.
blackbomb1991 said:
Hi everyone,
Thank you so much guys for your quick responses . Well , I finally resolved my issue by the following commands so I'm just gonna post it for whomever may run into the same problem as I did .
First thing I did, was to download the latest Platform tools as well as USB Drivers and then I executed the following commands :
fastboot --slot=all flash bootloader ( Drag bootloader image ) By dragging I mean , you should unzip the flash factory image into a folder and then drag bootloader image into command prompt .
fastboot reboot bootloader
fastboot --slot=all flash radio ( Drag radio image )
fastboot reboot bootloader
fastboot --skip-reboot --slot=all update ( Drag Image file )
Boommmmm, my phone back on running again with no issue.
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Woohoo! This worked perfectly. Thanks for following up with the instructions.
miflash error: not catch checkpoint (\$fastboot -s .*lock), flash not done -> HELP?!
I unlocked my Mi8 and successfully installed Lineage on it.
After trying to install Magisk, my phone only boots into fastboot (and mi recovery, but that's not very helpful).
fastboot boot twrp.img results in error :
FAILED (remote: Failed to load/authenticate boot image: 00000050)
I tried MIFLASH by
1) downloading, dezipping and starting newest miflash (2020.3.14.0)
2) installing drivers
3) downloading and dezipping MIUI-fastboot-ROM
4) entering path* into miflash, refresh and flash (already tried all options "clean all" to "clean all and lock")
*) path to the folder that includes among others flash_all.bat
all this results in error:
not catch checkpoint (\$fastboot -s .*lock), flash not done
Nothing changed with the phone, still the same error.
While wanting to review the logs, I clicked in miflash on log/flash log. The log did not say anything helpful, but the error code of fastboot boot twrp.img changed to command write failed (Unknown error). Nothing else changed.
UPDATE: changed back to previous error (remote: Failed to load/authenticate boot image: 00000050)
If you have any idea or need any more information, please tell me!
I need that phone and cannot afford to terminally brink it!!
I did not find much online, did no one else had this problem??
PS: Using lenovo-laptop with quite vanilla win10 (and not so vanilla kubuntu dualboot, but miflash only supports windows)
MIFLASH-log says:
[14:37:14]:lsusb path:"C:\Users\<>\Downloads\MiFlash20200314\MiFlash20200314\Source\ThirdParty\Qualcomm\fh_loader\lsusb.exe"
[14:37:14]:Specified cast is not valid.: at XiaoMiFlash.code.Utility.TreeViewUsbItem.AddPortNode(String HubPath, Int32 NumberOfPorts)
[14:37:14]:Specified cast is not valid.: at XiaoMiFlash.code.Utility.TreeViewUsbItem.AddPortNode(String HubPath, Int32 NumberOfPorts)
[14:37:14]:Specified cast is not valid.: at XiaoMiFlash.code.Utility.TreeViewUsbItem.AddPortNode(String HubPath, Int32 NumberOfPorts)
[14:37:15]:FlashingDevice.flashDeviceList.Remove ab6ee6a0
[14:37:15]:add device ab6ee6a0 index 1
[14:37:15]:Thread start,thread id 5,thread name ab6ee6a0
[14:37:15]:start process id 2524 name cmd
[14:37:15]:Thread stopped, thread id 5, thread name ab6ee6a0
what would the world be without mysteries. Though I cannot really accept them in the IT sector, I cannot really explain, why "everything" works now.
The error of miflash still exists, but fastboot works.
I tried booting and flashing the lineage boot.img instead of twrp.img as well as miflash about every five minutes. I do not think it was the latter, though.
I am still curious on that matter, but having everything working is more important.
Thank you anyway.
Never encountered that error however, if you have Lineage installed i have to wonder how or why your phone is able to boot into mi recovery ? You should have a custom recovery installed (twrp, orangefox .. something)
If you have a ryzen laptop - see the thread about ryzen cpu - they have some issues with recognising properly devices via usb - solved by using a hub.
There is no need to use miflash to flash the fastboot miui rom - you can do it from command line in both windows and linux. Once you decompress the fastboot tar.gz, you have .bat and .sh files in the folder - miflash runs those exact files. Just install adb and fastboot on kubuntu and run your choice of script (flash_all, flash_all_lock, etc.) this has the added benefit of not needing odd drivers in windows (last time i used miflash it complained about some .net stuff that i had to manually install).
Since normally you would install twrp i have to wonder if by any chance mi-recovery is not checking the boot image before flashing it ... not sure, or maybe it had something to do with the FBE of lineage since there was no recovery in place to decrypt the partitions, if i remember correctly, the boot image needs to be signed with the verity key. The log snippet you provided doesn't tell anything as it has no error messages or anything.
Either way, not sure how what you brutforced to get it working but glad it solved itself, however, if you still have mi-recovery instead of a custom one, i would suggest you backup the device, flash MIUI without locking the bootloader, installing twrp (not just booting it) and reinstalling lineage from there. (all this can be done from your kubuntu install so you avoid driver and other windows shenanigans)
to install adb and fastboot it's just a question of sudo apt install adb fastboot
either tar -xvzf the archive of the fastboot image or just extract it from the file manager
open a terminal in the extracted folder (where the bat and sh files are)
put the phone in fastboot mode, connect via usb and do a "fastboot devices" just to make sure the device shows up
./ (this does the exact same thing as the clean option in miflash - just open the script and take a look through it)
Once the flash is done and the phone reboots, skip through all the setup steps just so miui loads up then reboot to fastboot
get twrp from their website, open terminal where it is downloaded and "fastboot flash recovery <name_of_file>.img"
once the command finishes do a "fastboot boot <name_of_file>.img" and once you are in twrp, go yo wipe, do a factory reset, back, advanced wipe and select the caches, back, format data, type yes, back to the main menu of twrp and reboot recovery, this should boot you back into twrp but this time the one that is flashed on the device.
from here on install rom of choice and magisk as usual (use the install option in twrp tho, don't unpack the zip)
Had the phone for 2 years and i flashed different roms on it almost weekly since the wait time to unlock the bootloader expired and never had an issue with this workflow and it saves you from having to use windows. Even for unlocking the bootloader, in case you ever lock it back up, you can use (worked like a charm on linux)
sorfat said:
Never encountered that error however, if you have Lineage installed i have to wonder how or why your phone is able to boot into mi recovery ? You should have a custom recovery installed (twrp, orangefox .. something)
If you have a ryzen laptop - see the thread about ryzen cpu - they have some issues with recognising properly devices via usb - solved by using a hub....
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Thank you for your detailed reply!
Of cause, in order to install lineage, I used TWRP. But I somehow did not install it, but used fastboot boot twrp.img in order to manually temporary boot twrp every time I need it. It was not intentionally at first (did do
"fastboot flash recovery <name_of_file>.img"
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) but I learned to like the mi recovery for it's wiping and being able to use with the keys (not touch, since I managed to disable touch once before that). Mi recovery does not allow flashing at all, so no worries there^^
I have read the ryzen thread before posting, that's why I included my hardware. Not sure, if Lenovo has ryzen, mine does not.
Why I did not think of just running the script in kubuntu instead of hassling with windows, I do not know. Guess it does have something to do with the wood in front of all the trees.
I have the phone for about one and a half week and flashed it at least once a day :laugh:
But I hope to neither lock it again (twice is sweaty enough) nor have to flash it every week.
Thank you very much, if I ever lock myself out again or get another phone to set up, I will defintely reread this post!
btw: is there no way in xda to close a thread?