Hi everybody!
I have a question!
How to use Magisk with it's modules in safe mode?
I understand that I can catch bootloop but I still need this feature.
Change the code and build your own version of Magisk that has that feature disabled.
Didgeridoohan said:
Change the code and build your own version of Magisk that has that feature disabled.
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I have commented code block which detect safe mode and rebuilt the project, but it does not have any affect.
/*if (getprop("persist.sys.safemode", true) == "1" || check_key_combo()) {
//safe_mode = true;
// Disable all modules and magiskhide so next boot will be clean
// stop_magiskhide();
Any ideas/suggestions?
None... Even though I'm quite heavily involved in the Magisk project, I have very little knowledge of the nitty-gritty of the code.
I guess you're just gonna have to dig deeper.
Alexandrxxxxx said:
I have commented code block which detect safe mode and rebuilt the project, but it does not have any affect.
/*if (getprop("persist.sys.safemode", true) == "1" || check_key_combo()) {
//safe_mode = true;
// Disable all modules and magiskhide so next boot will be clean
// stop_magiskhide();
Any ideas/suggestions?
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Any updates on this? I am interested in this as well...
I'm trying to create a Xposed Module which will replace some internal strings, but I can't find any way to do it.
The strings I want to replace are "com.android.internal.R.string.am" and "com.android.internal.R.string.pm".
Can somebody give me any advice?
XResources.setSystemWideReplacement("android", "string", "am", "AM");
Above code doesn't have any effect
XResources.setSystemWideReplacement(com.android.internal.R.string.am, "AM");
Above code doesn't even compile
Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("am", "string", "android")
Above code always returns 0 (zero).
Did you try "com.android.internal" (quotes included – as a string)?
GermainZ said:
Did you try "com.android.internal" (quotes included – as a string)?
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Yes, I did
XResources.setSystemWideReplacement("com.android.internal", "string", "am", "AM");
NotFoundException: com.android.internal:string/am
"android" works for me. I'm not sure how/where you're using that code, though. Could you please paste all of it?
GermainZ said:
"android" works for me. I'm not sure how/where you're using that code, though. Could you please paste all of it?
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public class AmPmFixer implements IXposedHookZygoteInit{
public void initZygote(IXposedHookZygoteInit.StartupParam startupParam) throws Throwable {
XResources.setSystemWideReplacement("com.android.internal", "string", "am", "AM");
XResources.setSystemWideReplacement("com.android.internal", "string", "pm", "PM");
change com.android.internal to android
pyler said:
change com.android.internal to android
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NotFoundException: android:string/am
So now with GDR1 we have all the API for smartwatches, but MS decided to block this API from regular developers. Only for OEMs.
Still is there any way I can use methods from this class? When I'm trying I always get System.UnauthorizedAccessException exception.
Any ideas? Should I add some compatibility declarations to the manifest?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageDialog d = new MessageDialog(ex.ToString(),"Exception ");
I have not had experience with the WP8.1/WP8.1 Update 1 yet but it could be related to how you have to ask the user for permission in the new API. It looks like the process is not straight forward but I would research that.
How to access to that libraries
I just want to ask, how did you access to that libraries, i already installed GDR1 update, but I cant access to that libraries.
as anyone got the access to this api?? how??
to the point How to findAndHookMethod this method:
public static ujiCoba(String[] string) {
i've tried with code bellow, but didnt work
findAndHookMethod(findClass, classLoader, String.class, hook);
You're not passing the method's name to findAndHookMethod. Also, the argument's class should be String[].class.
GermainZ said:
You're not passing the method's name to findAndHookMethod. Also, the argument's class should be String[].class.
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i'm typo.
its work
hi @GermainZ. last qustion..
private static void getDetail(Context context, long l1, Info info, int i, long l2) {
Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(context, context.getContentResolver(), Uri.parser(Prefs.PARSER), new String[] {"status","sent","date"}, "group_id=", l1, null, null);
method like that make me confuse. i want change sent to received, how can i do this?
riskey95 said:
hi @GermainZ. last qustion..
private static void getDetail(Context context, long l1, Info info, int i, long l2) {
Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(context, context.getContentResolver(), Uri.parser(Prefs.PARSER), new String[] {"status","sent","date"}, "group_id=", l1, null, null);
method like that make me confuse. i want change sent to received, how can i do this?
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You can replace the method and replicate these two lines, doing whatever modifications you want.
XC_MethodReplacement to replace the method,
findClass to get the SqliteWrapper class,
callStaticMethod to call SqliteWrapper.query.
The rest should be covered in the development tutorial/wiki.
GermainZ said:
You can replace the method and replicate these two lines, doing whatever modifications you want.
XC_MethodReplacement to replace the method,
findClass to get the SqliteWrapper class,
callStaticMethod to call SqliteWrapper.query.
The rest should be covered in the development tutorial/wiki.
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that method very long and i dont have full of source code. so i can't replace method.
riskey95 said:
that method very long and i dont have full of source code. so i can't replace method.
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Next best thing I can think of:
in beforeHookedMethod for getDetail, hook SqliteWrapper.query.
In that hook, check if the third argument is equal to the string array you want. If so, change it.
In afterHookedMethod for getDetail, unhook SqliteWrapper.query.
Build Base: Security Update 1-1-2018 or 3/1/2018 or 4/1/2018
incremental= 1-1-2018-G928TUVS5ERA1 Still #1 in TOP Performance Top Speed Top Stability Top Battery
incremental= 3-1-2018-G928TUVS5ERC1
incremental= 4-1-2018-G928TUVS5ERD1
Android Operating System: EVIE-ROM / AOS 7.0 Final Build SUD 1-1-2018 or 3-1-2018 or 4/1/2018
Cleaned up and a bit slimmer on all builds
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
After Heavy Load Testing and Downloads and Uploads on all my builds these have the best Performance/Stability/Speed with everything working and for now will be MY FINAL BUILD(s) until the next major security update or I finalize a WORTHY port For the OREO 8.0.0
These ROM'S are based on the EVIE Launcher Experience which has proven to have the best Performance/Speeds/Stability and 0 no advertising with major credits to: EVIE Launcher Home Page: https://evie.com/ I like it better than TWiz and uses less resources to operate.
Credit also go to SamMobile https://www.sammobile.com/ for the FIRMWARE
XDA DEVELOPERS: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ for the OPEN PLATFORM
New Build Compiled: Thur May 17th 2018 at 8:45pm PST
Files Removed From This Rom
file1 = system\app\Knox*\*
file2 = system\container\Knox*\*
file3 = system\app\Allshare*\*
file4 = system\app\Amazon*\*
file5 = system\priv-app\AppSource_TMO\*
file6 = system\app\BBCAgent\*
file7 = system\app\BeaconManager\*
file8 = system\app\BriefingPanel\*
file9 = system\priv-app\Excel_SamsungStub\*
file10 = system\priv-app\SamsungPayApp\*
file11 = system\priv-app\SimLock_TMO\*
file12 = system\priv-app\ASKSManager\*
file13 = system\priv-1pp\SmartManager_v*\*
file14 = system\app\SamsungCalendar_Stable\*
file15 = system\app\CloudGateway2017\*
file16 = system\priv-app\GalaxyApps_3xh\*
file17 = system\app\YahooEdgeFinance\*
file18 = system\priv-app\SFinder_v6\*
file19 = system\priv-app\Lookout_TMO\*
file20 = system\app\Videos\*
file21 = system\priv-app\HealthService\*
file22 = system\priv-app\SHealth5\*
file23 = system\app\HighlightPlayer_Grace_N\*
file24 = system\priv-app\SamsungMagnifier3\*
file25 = system\priv-app\SecMyFiles2017\*
file26 = system\app\YahooEdgeNews\*
file27 = system\priv-app\OneDrive_Samsung_v2\*
file28 = system\app\OneNote\*
file29 = system\priv-app\PeopleStripe\*
file30 = system\app\Photos\*
file31 = system\priv-app\PowerPoint_SamsungStub\*
file32 = system\priv-app\Svoic*\*
file33 = system\priv-app\SamsungAccount_Dream\*
file34 = system\priv-app\SamsungBilling\*
file35 = system\priv-app\SamsungCloud\*
file36 = system\priv-app\SNS_v2_N\*
file37 = system\priv-app\GearManag*\*
file38 = system\priv-app\SMusi*\*
file39 = system\app\SecurityLogAgent\*
file40 = system\app\MSSkype_stub\*
file41 = system\app\YahooEdgeSports\*
file42 = system\priv-app\AccessTmobile_TMO\*
file43 = system\priv-app\AxelSpringer\*
file44 = system\app\VideoCollage_Grace_N\*
file45 = system\app\VideoTrimmer_Dream\*
file46 = system\priv-app\SamsungVideoPlayer2016\*
file47 = system\app\withTV\*
file48 = system\priv-app\Word_SamsungStub\*
file49 = system\app\YouTube\*
file50 = system\app\SamsungTTS\*
file51 = system\app\AndroidPay\*
file52 = system\priv-app\SecEmail_N\*
file53 = system\priv-app\SAMSUNG_PLUS\*
file54 = system\app\AmazonShopping_TMO\*
file55 = system\app\TmobileTv_TMO\*
file56 = system\priv-app\WhitePagesNameId-release_TMO\*
file57 = system\app\GearManag*\*
file58 = system\app\SecCalendarProvider_NOTSTICKER\*
file59 = system\app\SamsungCalendar_Stable\*
file60 = system\app\CalendarDataMigrator\*
file61 = system\app\FlipboardBriefing\*
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::EXAMPLE OF CAMERA PICTURE QUALITY
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::EXAMPLE OF CAMERA PICTURE QUALITY
Files Included in this ROM
Adaway ::: Credits XDA DEVELOPERS
Astro FIle Manager ::: Credits Astro File Manager Developers
Chrome Browser
Samsung Internet
Facebook Messenger
Play Music
Play Store
Power Menu BOOT to all modes without pressing BUTTONS
Mobile Hotspot
Root Booster
Tmobile Visual VoiceMail
Voice Recorder
Voice Search
* First Thing You Want To Do Is Reboot Into TWRP Recovery And Backup Your Device! (Boot, Data, System, etc...)
* Download THE ROM
* Place The Rom Into Your Internal Storage.
* Now Reboot Into TWRP Recovery.
* While In TWRP Recovery, Press "Wipe" And Then "Swipe To Factory Reset".
* Now Press "Back" And Then Press "Advanced Wipe".
* Now Select "Cache", "Dalvik Cache", "Data", And "System" And Then "Swipe To Wipe".
* Now Install The Rom Until Its Finished.
* Reboot Your Device.
* Enjoy!
It will take a few minutes maybe 5 minutes on the first boot HAVE SOME PATIENCE
100% Everything Working What you see is what you get ENJOY
Love the rom very fluent. but im not getting lte i have the phone unlocked using it on straight talk. apn settings are good. mobile data is on. still no data.
btw your rom [ROM]-AFFAFXP-T-Mobile-AOS-70-Nougat-Yandex works fine no issues with the data or lte
Realityinhim316 said:
Love the rom very fluent. but im not getting lte i have the phone unlocked using it on straight talk. apn settings are good. mobile data is on. still no data.
btw your rom [ROM]-AFFAFXP-T-Mobile-AOS-70-Nougat-Yandex works fine no issues with the data or lte
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Thanks but I do not have any issues with SM-G928T This is a T-Mobile Build SO I CAN NOT quote or suggest on you StraightTalk are you doing a DIRTY FLASH as that might cause that ???? ALSO try disabling the data REBOOT THE DEVICE and turn data back on, THAT may work for you. One more thing on this build and all of them its 4g on display not lte ITS THE SAME THING EITHER WAY it displays
Thanks but I do not have any issues with SM-G928T This is a T-Mobile Build SO I CAN NOT quote or suggest on you StraightTalk are you doing a DIRTY FLASH as that might cause that ???? ALSO try disabling the data REBOOT THE DEVICE and turn data back on, THAT may work for you.
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no its a clean flash followed step by step as your post states to install. seems the service is stronger on your other build as i stated. i was able to get service but it was real weak. thank you so much for responding quickly.
Screen Shots have been ADDED ENJOY
Realityinhim316 said:
no its a clean flash followed step by step as your post states to install. seems the service is stronger on your other build as i stated. i was able to get service but it was real weak. thank you so much for responding quickly.
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one can get a better INSTANT Signal on wifi if one gives it a assigned local ip set so it does not have to look for it and assign it... EXAMPLE ::::: ::::: not sure it this might help the DATA receive but whenever a device does not have to look for the IP on local network and assign it it usually runs twice as fast and responsive
@Realityinhim316 you inspired me so I have rebuilt a SUD= Security Updates for this rom you can choose from 1/1/2018, 3/1/2018 and 4/1/2018 all now pass the SAFETY NET CHECK's with Magisk Root option and now from the test all issues have been resolved I am going to rebuild the 1/1/2018 one last time n tweak it a bit. I have tested both the 3/1 and 4/1 SUD builds and they are SOLID.
THEY ARE CURRENTLY being recompiled all 3 from SCRATCH I will edit the reply when they are UP FOR USE
let me explain recompiled. First I have to get the system folder from each SUD from a md5 to a ext4 then dump the system folder, then I have to edit the prop update-script, then edit the Aroma accordingly, add the apps Adaway, Astro File Manager, Power Menu=Boot to all modes with no BUTTON Pressing, Calendar, FBMessenger, Root Booster, On-Click-Installer-and-backup=install all your apps in 1 click, and then remove all the apps that are not required or break with root. Now the average person will take about 4 hours to build a rom, but this old coot can do it in under a hour
all builds SUD-1-1-2018 SUD-3/1/2018 and SUD-4-1-2018 have been rebuilt from the ground up and are transferring to the server now... Transferring takes longer than building/compiling 3 builds Each Security Update Build is approximately 1.5gigs...... I will ad the links when its all DONE.
FYI just finished a fresh test install of each BUILD and its all quite impressive for ROM Builds YEP EVERYTHINK is working in all 3 builds, I have confirmed they ALL pass security and safety net checks and are GREAT DAILY options for the GREAT S6 Edge+
NONE of your Roms support ClearView cover.
Number 8 said:
NONE of your Roms support ClearView cover.
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Honestly I have not tried I never used it have you by any chance tried it from my roms ???
I use my ROMS exactly as they ARE and usually if it does not work it EITHER WIL NOT or has been REMOVED
Honestly I have not tried I never used it have you by any chance tried it from my roms ???
I use my ROMS exactly as they ARE and usually if it does not work it EITHER WIL NOT or has been REMOVED
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It's a shame that it doesn't work with that case 'cause it is very popular. It works with every other rom I've tried. At the moment am on Smokkies Rom, don't know what you should add or change to your roms to make it work? I guess it's not much work...
Realityinhim316 said:
no its a clean flash followed step by step as your post states to install. seems the service is stronger on your other build as i stated. i was able to get service but it was real weak. thank you so much for responding quickly.
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The ROMS COME direct from the dump system folder originally UNTOUCHED, I them remove was WILL NOT WORK remove TakeAWiz launcher = touchwiz Easy Launcher Zero, and the REMOVED APPS stated in the post. SO UNLESS it comes with a different MODEM and Data receive it is Exactly THE SAME but take a peek I rebuilt them all ..... Just today....
Number 8 said:
It's a shame that it doesn't work with that case 'cause it is very popular. It works with every other rom I've tried. At the moment am on Smokkies Rom, don't know what you should add or change to your roms to make it work? I guess it's not much work...
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The it should only require that you INSTALL it again honestly I do not show it was removed in my files removed if it works in other roms then it can be added,,,, AGAIN have you tried my roms ??? with this feature ????
ALL NEW BUILDS are up on can be DOWNLOADED all 3 are full passes on security and safety net checks AND Super Slim ALL STABLE and all 1.5g ROM BUILDS IF YOU EXPERIENCE A ISSUE REPORT IT so I can check, ON the SM-G928T EVRYTHING working flawless on this device.
@Number 8 what device do you have and AGAIN HAVE YOU TESTED 1 of my ROMS and the feature you have questioned ?????
@Number 8 what device do you have and AGAIN HAVE YOU TESTED 1 of my ROMS and the feature you have questioned ?????
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As I said I've tried ALL your Roms and none of them support ClearView cover, no big deal I'll stay with my old rom.
Number 8 said:
As I said I've tried ALL your Roms and none of them support ClearView cover, no big deal I'll stay with my old rom.
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Point me to this APP... as I have no such record.... I do see http://www.gadgetnutz.com/2015/05/14/galaxy-s6-edge-clear-view-cover-review/ I WILL BET YOU HAVE NO APP TO SUPLY this should put some light on it https://forum.xda-developers.com/note-7/help/view-cover-display-t3449238
Does is support casting?
Can anyone tell me if this supports casting to TV? I am coming from another ROM that doesn't, and I absolutely must have it for teaching. Thanks!
Duane500 said:
Can anyone tell me if this supports casting to TV? I am coming from another ROM that doesn't, and I absolutely must have it for teaching. Thanks!
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They Should
I finding a correct way to start some app when started Android or restared
I have something like
public void startSomeApp() {
Intent launchIntent = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("xxx.xxx.xxx");
if (launchIntent != null) {
But was wonder a correct way where should I put?
I try to push to
public void initZygote(StartupParam startupParam) throws Throwable {
But problem with context, any trick please?
1001z said:
I finding a correct way to start some app when started Android or restared
I have something like
But was wonder a correct way where should I put?
I try to push to
But problem with context, any trick please?
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The correct way is without Xposed! Use the Android BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast.