Have anyone experience problems after February update?
After update battery drain extremely fast in both ways standby and while in use.
Also i lost network all the time,got overheating and also bottom speakers doesn't work.
I wrote with google support and they want me to send them phone to repair,that mean that phone is damaged with sofware how i understand.
There's a few things you can try.
Back up your data and see if a factory reset works.
Try sideloading the OTA. I doubt this will help much.
If your bootloader is unlocked, you can try a complete clean flash with the Android Flash Tool.
Thanks for answer.I already try to worh factory reset but it's the same.I didn't unlock bootloader.I buyed this phone week ago.I dont know will i lose warranty if i flash something and unlock bootloader?Also can i downgrade to january update?
Varga666 said:
Thanks for answer.I already try to worh factory reset but it's the same.I didn't unlock bootloader.I buyed this phone week ago.I dont know will i lose warranty if i flash something and unlock bootloader?Also can i downgrade to january update?
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Did you turned off 5g? That can help sometimes.
I took the February update and haven't had any problems. The battery life on this phone is just stunning. I don't play games or do things that are particularly energy consuming, but still I think 5-6 days of charge is very impressive. For my use I would be happier with a smaller battery in a smaller phone as I have no need for that battery life.
CarinaPDX said:
I took the February update and haven't had any problems. The battery life on this phone is just stunning. I don't play games or do things that are particularly energy consuming, but still I think 5-6 days of charge is very impressive. For my use I would be happier with a smaller battery in a smaller phone as I have no need for that battery life.
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Agreed. Have no issues with the battery here. I've been reading about Pixel 6 have bad battery problems, but this 5a has been rocking and rolling.
Well i return the phone because of speakers not working and losing service constantly.
Now i received same model from another seller and i tap to install february update.I hope it will work well.
I have Japan version,maybe that's problem,which one you guys have,maybe US?
I have a US version. The version shouldn't affect the speakers - I suspect it was defective. There are just too many things that can affect service to know what is happening with that. If you have any doubts I would check which bands your carrier is using (Wikipedia is a good source) and which bands are supported on the 5a (see https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=6504 ). Even in the US not all carriers are well supported - T-Mobile is the best. It does not appear that there are different versions (as far as supported bands) of the 5a for the US and Japan. Which country and carrier are you using?
But how can speakers work normaly and after update they not working anymore?I notice that because all calls and other notification go through bottom speakers and after update i didn't have sound when someone calling me or i receive messages per Whatsapp or Email.
I live in Germany and i use O2 carrier,with the bands is fine.Now work good.
But there is now another problem,green tint,i just don't have luck with this device.
I updated to the February update and it was fine until it wasn't. The EDL bug is back. It killed my phone last night when I opened the camera app.
I just got my droid turbo about a week ago, and I've since Been hearing about all the battery drainage issues and charging issues, all of the apps I use are compatible with 4.4 KitKat, so I'm a little leery of upgrading because I use my phone a ton and the massive battery was the main reason I got it over an S6, and so if that is negated, is there any reason to upgrade?
Jordaneer said:
I just got my droid turbo about a week ago, and I've since Been hearing about all the battery drainage issues and charging issues, all of the apps I use are compatible with 4.4 KitKat, so I'm a little leery of upgrading because I use my phone a ton and the massive battery was the main reason I got it over an S6, and so if that is negated, is there any reason to upgrade?
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My Turbo never had any of the issues others had. Easily get over a day with moderate to heavy use; 2 days with light usage. I'm still on 4.4.4. If you're worried about it, head over to the development section and follow the steps to flash 5.1 without eliminating your option to go back to KitKat.
As is all too common in these forums, those who experience problems go out of their way to publish them, giving the impression that everyone has issues when most, like I, experience none of them. If you are comfortable with the rather detailed (but manageable) process for getting rooted and reversible 5.1, then by all means go that route.
Otherwise, if you are happy with KitKat, don't feel pressured to go to Lollipop. On the other hand, most users (but by no means ever all users) that have taken the OTA upgrade are just fine with the results, with comparable battery life and improved performance in some functions.
Most users have reported that wiping cache solves their performance and battery issues. In your case, I would recommend a full wipe after the upgrade, ask around and you'll find that full wipe after update has almost 99.9% success rate.
So today was my first day being on rooted 5.1.
I unplugged at about 11am, and am now hitting 10% battery 9 hours later. That should suck right?
Well I also wanted to drain my battery today so I just let my phone stream video (plex library ftw) at max brightness.. 8 hours of straight screen on time...
I think in a normal usage day (where Im not trying to kill the battery) I clock 2-3 hours of on screen time...
So if we extrapolate that out, I'm just guessing... I would've made it 20-30 hours of battery at my normal usage.
Is that good? Dunno. No worse than when I was on rooted KK.. perhaps, I think, even better?
I also dirty flashed 5.1 over my 4.4.4.. never wiped cache or FDR.
Hearing that, its up to you to decide what to do, for me I'm sticking with rooted 5.1 and couldn't be happier.
I didn't know you could root 5.1 on droid turbo
Kiwironic said:
I didn't know you could root 5.1 on droid turbo
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The breakthrough came from this thread yesterday: FrankenPop
Which then lead to this thread late last night: Instructions and first released image
Computerfreek released his image early this morning: Thread
Working from home has its benefits.
EDIT: I am surprised Droid-life or no other outlet has really picked up on this yet.
Well, if you can root 5.1, then there's are no cons to upgrading really. You can have customisation as well as the new user experience.
Kiwironic said:
Well, if you can root 5.1, then there's are no cons to upgrading really. You can have customisation as well as the new user experience.
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You can't root from the ota so do not update that way!!!!
Kiwironic said:
Well, if you can root 5.1, then there's are no cons to upgrading really. You can have customisation as well as the new user experience.
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Well if you go to the threads you'll see the root method requires 4..4.4 boatloader.. so taking the official update overwrites the bootloader to 5.1 and at that point there is no going back.
So for the average user, taking the upgrade is a major deal.. for those that don't mind some adb/fastboot work.. absolutely, go back and forth from KK to LP everyday! Just dont touch that 4.4.4 bootloader.
Thanks for the update. It makes sense now. We not talking upgrade vs staying on 4.4.4 we are talking upgrade path.
I see, I am still looking forward to finding a way to upgrade my xt1225 to 5.1 without data wipe, but so far there is nothing for us, no OTA or images yet. No upgrade path in sight
No. You would going from best to OK.
I upgraded to 5.1 and for me it was a mistake. My most valuable app (Record My Call) doesn't work with 5.1 and no other similar app will work either. I'm going to buy another another Droid Turbo on KitKat and sell my 5.1.
I updated both my and my wife's DT via the OTA. We didn't have root before and I simply haven't needed it, so I figured I'd just go ahead (if anything went wrong, I would have to harass Verizon, but so be it). In the end, both phones are working well (knock on wood)... and I didn't do the cache or factory reset either. Battery life is fine, even with some gaming... so it might be better than KK was, but it's certainly not worse for me.
emgo said:
I upgraded to 5.1 and for me it was a mistake. My most valuable app (Record My Call) doesn't work with 5.1 and no other similar app will work either. I'm going to buy another another Droid Turbo on KitKat and sell my 5.1.
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Google Voice does this without needing an app.... that might get you a solution for free?
Seems like there are plenty of updated apps that can work in LP as well: https://www.androidpit.com/forum/632761/best-call-recorder-app-for-android-5-lollipop
schwinn8 said:
I updated both my and my wife's DT via the OTA. We didn't have root before and I simply haven't needed it, so I figured I'd just go ahead (if anything went wrong, I would have to harass Verizon, but so be it). In the end, both phones are working well (knock on wood)... and I didn't do the cache or factory reset either. Battery life is fine, even with some gaming... so it might be better than KK was, but it's certainly not worse for me.
Google Voice does this without needing an app.... that might get you a solution for free?
Seems like there are plenty of updated apps that can work in LP as well: https://www.androidpit.com/forum/632761/best-call-recorder-app-for-android-5-lollipop
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This is from google Voice help.
"It's not currently possible to record outbound calls made through your Google number at this time."
Tried many recommend apps, none work. Found this information in a couple of places.
"Motorola has stopped 2 way call recording support with Android 5. This is not our fault. Try any other call recording app you'll see that none works.
Your only option is to set audio source to MIC and set loudspeaker on.
I hope you understand and increase your star rating"
I'm currently looking for a used Turbo still on KitKat
emgo said:
This is from google Voice help.
"It's not currently possible to record outbound calls made through your Google number at this time."
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Thanks for the info on Google voice not supporting outgoing calls. I didn't need it, so I never tested it.
emgo said:
Tried many recommend apps, none work.
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I did a quick search and the recommended app was BoldBeast Recorder. I just tried it with a standard voice call (not GV) I had with my wife (outgoing if it matters) and it worked just fine in Mode 1. After the install, it defaulted to Mode 4 and didn't work, so i was going to start with Mode 1 and go from there... but it just worked there, so i didn't have to go further. To recap, I'm on the OTA updated Lollipop... no factory reset and no cache wipe.
schwinn8 said:
Thanks for the info on Google voice not supporting outgoing calls. I didn't need it, so I never tested it.
I did a quick search and the recommended app was BoldBeast Recorder. I just tried it with a standard voice call (not GV) I had with my wife (outgoing if it matters) and it worked just fine in Mode 1. After the install, it defaulted to Mode 4 and didn't work, so i was going to start with Mode 1 and go from there... but it just worked there, so i didn't have to go further. To recap, I'm on the OTA updated Lollipop... no factory reset and no cache wipe.
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In mode 1 it records the call but like every app I've tried after the update to Lollipop it's using the microphone to record the call. My voice is loud and clear but the other person's voice is very faint or not heard at all. Did you get different results? Before the update "Record My Call" worked perfectly, it recorded the actually conversation somehow without using the mic.
emgo said:
In mode 1 it records the call but like every app I've tried after the update to Lollipop it's using the microphone to record the call. My voice is loud and clear but the other person's voice is very faint or not heard at all. Did you get different results? Before the update "Record My Call" worked perfectly, it recorded the actually conversation somehow without using the mic.
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I did find my voice was a little louder, but my wife's was perfectly audible. Both required me to turn the volume up, but they worked fine and both were clear...
Maybe another mode would work better, but this was fine for my limited usage.
So I read these complaints and have decided to opt out of the upgrade to Lollipop on my Droid Turbo. When the upgrade notification screen came up, I just put no, and I haven't gotten a notification since. It's been a few weeks for me. A few other people in my family have the same phone. Unfortunately when they click "no" they seems to get the upgrade prompt again a few days later. I'm not sure why the prompt hasn't come up for me again.
Is there a way to stop the upgrade notification prompt for showing up repeatedly without root? I know that there are apps on a rooted system that can prevent the notification. I'm hoping there's a way to prevent it without root. Thanks for any info!
schwinn8 said:
I did find my voice was a little louder, but my wife's was perfectly audible. Both required me to turn the volume up, but they worked fine and both were clear...
Maybe another mode would work better, but this was fine for my limited usage.
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I tried all modes and mode 1 seems best. I tried many apps that use the microphone and they are all about the same. They work OK if you are in a quite area but a noisy environment or step outside when the wind is blowing and the microphone recorders don't work well at all, not for me. I'm watching Ebay and Craigslist for one still on Lollipop. 64GB models are bringing around $400 no matter which OS they are on. Mine should bring about the same amount that I pay for one with KitKat so hopefully it won't cost much to correct my mistake of upgrading.
After updating to June Security Patch , I have some problems
First The Camera ,
When I open camera after a few seconds Phone will got restart , it doesnt matter its Nokia Pro camera or Google Camera app
I tested both
and another problem is Sound , when the media volume is high playing in musics or videos sound will be laggy (it will be mute for a bit and playing , and this will repeat)
I tried Factory Reset , anyone else has this problems?
or Solution to fix
A guide for Downgrade will be great
mygamers said:
After updating to June Security Patch , I have some problems
First The Camera ,
When I open camera after a few seconds Phone will got restart , it doesnt matter its Nokia Pro camera or Google Camera app
I tested both
and another problem is Sound , when the media volume is high playing in musics or videos sound will be laggy (it will be mute for a bit and playing , and this will repeat)
I tried Factory Reset , anyone else has this problems?
or Solution to fix
A guide for Downgrade will be great
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Well I have same problem right now... Did you solve it somehow?
Mitoush said:
Well I have same problem right now... Did you solve it somehow?
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unfortunately No
I sent device to guaranty and they couldn't do anything with problem
at least I bought Nokia 7 Plus
mygamers said:
unfortunately No
I sent device to guaranty and they couldn't do anything with problem
at least I bought Nokia 7 Plus
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Well now even my speaker is beginning to have problems with high sounds. Dream phone ? I will try to send it on warranty and I will see...
I also have this problem, noticed it after i updated to october security patch, tried reformatting multiple times but to no avail.
In my case not only the camera app force reboots my phone.
Speakers also have the same problem, at a certain volume level the sound breaks /lags.
Hopefully this is just a software problem, my phone doesn't have warranty anymore...
Did you try factory reset? Did it help? I am going to try it cause I need my phone for work and I don't want to be 30 days without phone.
No factory reset did not work, but I noticed that keeping the phone plugged into a charger keeps it from restarting.
Yes I have it same... It can be only problem with battery maybe.
Yeah, best to have the battery checked and replaced, hopefully I can find a service center here in the Philippines
markleoibo1994 said:
I also have this problem, noticed it after i updated to october security patch, tried reformatting multiple times but to no avail.
In my case not only the camera app force reboots my phone.
Speakers also have the same problem, at a certain volume level the sound breaks /lags.
Hopefully this is just a software problem, my phone doesn't have warranty anymore...
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i too have the same problem, did you get it fixed???
Same problem here
Hi I am from India I am also getting same problem s
1)when I open the camera phone is restarting
2) when I try to play music in his volume it's breaking.
And I done hard reset also still it's not resolved, can you show me way to fix it?
Hello, I brought mine to the service center and they replaced the battery and now its fixed, good thing i was under warranty so it was free of charge
mygamers said:
After updating to June Security Patch , I have some problems
First The Camera ,
When I open camera after a few seconds Phone will got restart , it doesnt matter its Nokia Pro camera or Google Camera app
I tested both
and another problem is Sound , when the media volume is high playing in musics or videos sound will be laggy (it will be mute for a bit and playing , and this will repeat)
I tried Factory Reset , anyone else has this problems?
or Solution to fix
A guide for Downgrade will be great
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I try to fix it from the care center.
They need to replace the mainboard, battery, and the loudspeaker. South Borneo, Indonesia needs approx 3 weeks for the indent parts. Fortunately, i still have the guarantee. Tomorrow i will give the device to them to fix the problems. Hopefully it works best result.
Just FYI, from my experience.
Yeah, same problem here. Phone restarting on opening camera, and when while watching video with volume above 66%
I've tried factory reset, and even reflash stock room but still doesn't work. Maybe it only happened with android pie? Anyone try downgrade to oreo?
ghostwalkergamma said:
Yeah, same problem here. Phone restarting on opening camera, and when while watching video with volume above 66%
I've tried factory reset, and even reflash stock room but still doesn't work. Maybe it only happened with android pie? Anyone try downgrade to oreo?
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I did every possibilities, did not work.
Downgrade too, manually by my self.
Downgrade by the care center also did not fix it.
Sorry to say it.
Its the hardware, dont know what cause it. Best possible its caused by the update. May the software cause the hardware broken..? ??
HMD, please... R u serious 2 produce a flagship phone?
Same problems here. HMD is crap!
I purchased this device in October 2017 and the problems have just amplified like crazy.
After the April update, random reboots, distorted audio, ultra slow charging.
A lot of money down the drain as this phone has NO RESALE VALUE either.
This is not a flagship. This is a phone made of all the leftover reject cheap hardware materials and hence it sounds good on paper.
The only credibility it has is because of Google and Qualcomm.
Honestly, after 20 months of use, I can say I've never used such a horrible device ever. This phone is pure headache.
what a disappointing phones by Nokia, disaster, disgraceful to users. I think this i s my last Nokia phone (at least last by HMD)
Guess what..?
Ive been waiting for 3 weeks for the repair.
The care center said rhat i must wait for 2 more weeks and then they will tell me the approx time to wait for more.
3 weeks passed,
2 weeks more to wait an info,
Dont know if that after the 5th week the device is ready for use or not.
Wasting much money to buy this one.
I feel sick at once
Nothing like this. HMD is the only one who did this ever.
I too facing this problem for the past 3 weeks or so. Random restarts especially when starting the banners camera. Someimes 2or 3 such episodes. The problem with the sound cracking at high volumes I've been having for 2 months now. The problem increases when the battery guess below 40%. And decreases when it is being charged. ?? A battery issue. Maybe not because otherwise I've a decent battery life.
My phone has been on (has not turned off or restarted) in 80+ days. Nothing much else to share. Still working great! The only issue I have noticed is that my battery is dying a lot faster than before. May be related to not restarting, but I'm not sure.
What about during OTA updates?
t020608 said:
What about during OTA updates?
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Hey! That is the downfall. I had not received an OTA update since I flashed to a UK version (for the fingerprint scanner).
I ended up restarting the phone after 100 days. Phone did a great job. Also, I recently flashed another custom firmware so that I could acquire the September 2018 update. The battery life on this phone is incredible (after the September update).
Was about to put it as a [Question] but decided to place it as possible troubleshoot and experience for anyone with same problem.
Damn, was not expecting this and out of the blue.
I used my mi11ultra normally today, on Xiaomi.eu
I order from Uber, while i waited, was playing asphalt 9. Then poof, lost my wifi connection. Could use mobile data.
At 30% battery remaining.
Couldn't connect to wifi and decided to reboot my phone.
For a few tries turning on wifi reboots my phone after freezing for a few seconds.
Sometimes it doesnt even turn on(no blue icon)
Turn off phone and let the heat dissipate. it's not hot today, and im using FHD res at 120hz, also haven't been playing for a long time, maybe 30minutes.
Tried restart i wiped daivilk and art cache on twrp.
Tried updating just now to , nothing.
Tried Reset Wifi, bluetooth and mobile, nothing.
It lets me, sometimes, enable wifi, search for networks, connect and the wifi shuts down after about 5 seconds.
Right now as i was writing this and decide charged the phone so i could factory wipe. Im at 60% battery and the issue is gone for now.
I posting BOLD on battery comment because i found it that that was the issue oddly enough.
I'm charging the phone till 100% and will let you know if it happens again. "i hope i don't jinx it."
My greatest fear is that i would have to send it to repairs which takes time.
I Jinxed it . Going to Factory reset.
Watched abit of Netflix and then suddenly it freezed the phone and rebooted automatically.
EDIT: It's a faulty wifi module... Have to send it for repairs
xwonic said:
I Jinxed it . Going to Factory reset.
Watched abit of Netflix and then suddenly it freezed the phone and rebooted automatically.
EDIT: It's a faulty wifi module... Have to send it for repairs
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Was it a Chinese version or global originally?
speedtripler said:
Was it a Chinese version or global originally?
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Chinese version. I even flashed original stock Chinese rom and locked bootloader and it freezes and reboots itself when using wifi or bluetooth.
xwonic said:
Chinese version. I even flashed original stock Chinese rom and locked bootloader and it freezes and reboots itself when using wifi or bluetooth.
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Sounds like it might be a hardware issue if it persists across all ROMs
Do you have a warranty to get a free fix ?
speedtripler said:
Sounds like it might be a hardware issue if it persists across all ROMs
Do you have a warranty to get a free fix ?
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It had warranty, yes, and it was the Wifi module but ultimately i decided to get a refund.
Curiously i read it's a Mi 11 Series issue, if you decide to search in google "mi 11 wifi issue".
So i have to say farewell to Mi 11 Ultra Community.
My decision was done with several annoyances from Xiaomi and not for the hardware itself, all the crazy features and camera are badass.
Lack of optimization,
Missing gestures navigation with different launchers(which other manufactures already fixed long time ago in android 11...)
Generic updates(same changelog for all devices) and lack of transparency.
I still advise my friends and family to get a Xiaomi device for what they get for the price and i keep getting impressed by the hardware in these devices.
Also love the ecosystem and new features being added every MIUI version.
I got a POCO M3 with Android 10 Xiaomi.eu, that works gesture navigation and doesn't need third party apps.
I think it all comes down to software, because in the hardware department there isn't any complain from me.
I might even get a Poco X3 Pro for 170€ for a secondary device and install some AOSP rom there.
This decision might change in the future since Xiaomi said they are implementing a team dedicated for software issues, but not to this device.
Until then goodbye
Just my opinion,
seems like all hardware issues are happening to people who flashed non stock rom's.
Fingerprints before, and now wifi and Bluetooth.
Glad I am with global version and stock rom (tried .eu for a while and found it garbage). fingers crossed to stay happy
today i've bought my new zenfone 8, i was leaving a xiaomi mi 10 because of proximity sensor problems and miui instability.
read lots of reviews about zenfone 8 and all were enthusiasts... today after buying it i found a first post about ramdump, since today afternoon i've read lots of posts....
i've seen my phone is 04/21 MFD....
will it die? are there people wich had this phone (04/21 batch) without problems? searching around in forums seems that anyone sooner or later had the problem... so the phone is in the box and i don't know if i will return it or keep it... give me a little trust in this phone
Do you like to play Russian Roulette?
If you open the box you will have to.
I have phone of same batch 04/2021 and had ramdump once. But I easilly quit it with keys combo. I do not know why it works for some but not for others.
so there are people who never had problems?
cause i could see 30 people having problems, but i'd like to know if are 30 people on 50 or 30 people on 1000, it would be a big difference
Mine is mfd 04/2021 and I still have no problems
There is 35 confirmed cases of this issue and it might not be the same issue as Ramdump is just something zenfone 8 falls back to when there is a problem with the phone. Who knows how many (tens of thousands) people are there without any issues.
I would say relax and enjoy your phone. Don't unlock the bootloader so you don't lose the warranty, but other than that just use it normally.
I just checked and I also have MFD 04.2021. I never had any problems (not that I am aware of) so I never bothered to check before. Does the problem only happen on certain devices? I have the basic version with 8 GB RAM and 128 GB ROM. Happy customer so far.
EDIT: I am running stock firmware, if that matters. Haven't altered anything (yet).
Used it for more than 4 months without problems (bootloader unlocked).
With Lineage 18.1, it worked great for a day, maybe even less. Now I get at least a couple ramdumps every day.
How do one check MFD?
[email protected] said:
How do one check MFD?
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It is written on the box
Undead_Son said:
Used it for more than 4 months without problems (bootloader unlocked).
With Lineage 18.1, it worked great for a day, maybe even less. Now I get at least a couple ramdumps every day.
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The problem in the official forum is a "one time" thing, if you get the "waiting for flashing full ramdump", its bricked and you can't do a thing, beside sending it in.
On my brand new ZenPhone 8 running Lineage for Microg 8.1 October 7th version I'm getting the ramdump screen, but only under specific circumstances:
1. not connected to wifi/wifi off
2. on a call
3. have headphones plugged in to the jack
it almost always crashes within 20 seconds. If any of those conditions are not met it works fine (or at least appears to so far). I've tested this ~8 times in a row with all other (known) variables remaining constant.
When it crashes, pressing power for ~15 seconds shuts it down, and it can then be started normally. I hope this helps anyone else e countering the same problem.
Someone had this ramdump issue on unlocked bl but on stock rom? Especially with at least some magisk mods?
MasterWoju said:
Someone had this ramdump issue on unlocked bl but on stock rom? Especially with at least some magisk mods?
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Yes! My first time with this issue. Never before.
I'm on the lastest Android 12 stock rom (UL-ASUS_I006D-ASUS-31.1010.0410.72-1.1.25-2204-user).
- Unlocked BL
- Rooted with Magisk 23
- Kirisakura_Sake_S_2.0.1 flashed with EXKM
- Only one Magisk module (Font_Manager-v5_6_4-117)
I was playing a game (Zombie Tsunami ). I got my screen freezing, ... dark screen and ramdump issue.
Edit: My MFD is 05.2021
I have too MF 4.2021 - using since 5-2021. I'm very happy with this phone. For all this time I'v got only landscape bug on video - fixed with OTA update.
I'm using stock soft - Android 12 31.1010.0410.72