Mobile Reception in UK - Samsung Galaxy S20 FE Questions & Answers

Anyone finding reception poor with this phone? Trying to help someone else by comparing my S10+ to their S20 FE. At the problem location my S10+ has a solid 2 bars, which is enough to make a quality call. The FE moves between mostly no signal & one bar using the same SIM. FE is fully up to date software wise.


Note 5 weak LTE signal issues?

Is anyone experiencing weak LTE reception on this phone, and is there any work around?
I sat my Note 5 directly next to my iPhone 6+ last night. Both Sprint network phones. The iPhone 6+ was at -88 dBm while the Note 5 was at -114 dBm. Pretty drastic difference that is causing a noticeable drop in performance.
I don't want to get rid of this phone but I also need it to work at least as well as my last one.
Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
Very possible that I am experiencing this, I don't have a good way to measure though because my S6 is on ATT and my Note5 on Verizon, this is the first time I have had Verizon so I was just thinking that maybe they lacked coverage at my house.. Either way, full bars on my S6 and 1-2 on my Note5.
I am the exact opposite, had my Moto X on AT&T and now have the note 5 on T-Mobile. At my desk I had little to no signal with AT&T but the note 5 has four to five bars. Supposedly they both use the same towers. It's hard to compare different carriers, but I love the signal on this phone.
Last week I lost reception where I normally have great reception. Called technical support, changed out SIM, reset phone, changed settings, and still poor reception. No insurance but tech support willing to ship out a new black 64 gig note 5 to my doorstep.
I am with T-Mobile and I had great reception on the phone when I first purchased it. Never been dropped.
I've noticed that I receive text messages as much as an hour late when I have 1-3 bars. My Note 3 did not have this problem when faced with the same conditions.
I've noticed it with Samsung in general....every model I've owned had weak signal compared to other brands.
Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
Yeah I drop where I shouldn't be dropping. My S6 got a better signal. I have to use WiFi more now.
Just for european users: I just updated my 920CD dual with latest fw/11 sept. N920CXXU1AOI3 (baseband N920CXXU1AOI3) for Caucasus Countries/Kazakhstan/Russia etc. and phone seems working better (no FDD bands missed B3/B7/B20), especially on LTE/4g compared to previous fw N920CXXU1AOH2/N920CXXU1AOH4/N920CXXU1AOH6 (baseband N920CXXU1HOH3 and N920CXXU1AOH2);
3/4 dBm more with exactly same position/repeater (LTE/4G) tested in 3 different locations; of course we are talking of 920C/920CD models
My speeds have been amazing in AT&T. I use an international model (N920i) on their network and I'm getting the fastest speeds I've ever had in my area - even when compared to older carrier branded phones I've owned.
My brother just got the 6s Plus and we were at my house trying to one up each other on features and my Note 5 beat his speeds on WiFi and LTE.
That doesn't prove anything really, too many variables in that situation.
It was still funny to see the disbelief in his eyes nonetheless.
Hi Alec,
I have 920CD and the signal bar on SIM 1 is very poor while I am on LTE. Could you please tell me how it was before flashing the CAC and after?
Thank You
Did you gave a 32gb before the replacement?
Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
This has been a Sammy issue as far back as the galaxy least for verizon. I have had the galaxy nexus, s3, s4, s5, note 2, note 3, edge+, and note 5.....they have all had weaker signals and slower dl speeds than any iPhone or other android devices I have owned. Just my personal experience and YMMV.
Agree. In lte or 4g normally only 1 bar. Samsung issue for long.
Sent from my SM-N920C
alec66 said:
Just for european users: I just updated my 920CD dual with latest fw/11 sept. N920CXXU1AOI3 (baseband N920CXXU1AOI3) for Caucasus Countries/Kazakhstan/Russia etc. and phone seems working better (no FDD bands missed B3/B7/B20), especially on LTE/4g compared to previous fw N920CXXU1AOH2/N920CXXU1AOH4/N920CXXU1AOH6 (baseband N920CXXU1HOH3 and N920CXXU1AOH2);
3/4 dBm more with exactly same position/repeater (LTE/4G) tested in 3 different locations; of course we are talking of 920C/920CD models
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Hey,I live in Europe too and just bought a N920C.don't know how to update to this new firmware,which region of update,and how? any tips?
Same here for me. I am on VZW. Sammy always sucks for reception but eh.
My Moto X and iPhone 6s Plus have much better reception than my Note 5.
I own the 920c (european version) and I have noticed that the LTE reception is 10-15dbm (even 20) weaker than my friend's Galaxy S6 Edge plus. HSDPA (3g) seems to be fine, as well as the wifi. the LTE, however, seems to be on the poor side. This might be a radio issue, but I tend to believe that this is hardware related. Me and my friend are both using the same cellular provider and tested the reception on both devices on the same locations. Each time his device was 10-15dbm stronger than mine.
My Baseband version is N920CXXU2AOJ5.
No issues on my unit, in fact I found it to smoke the G2 and Moto X in a network speedtest, by a large margin at that, on the same carrier.
Side by side Sprint Note 5 and sprint Note 3, Note 3 is strong signal, whereas the Note 5 is very weak.
Same here N9208 duos.. bought 2 unit last year.. blue colour sent to samsung center 3x bcoz of network issue, then line stable enough for me.. gold colour quite ok reception compare to blue. Now warranty expired and sell it. Really missed note 5 as daily driver, get another one 64gb but same problem.. line drop suddently compare to note 3, A8, j7 prime & A9 pro. Really sad with note 5 quality.
920CD both wifi and dual sims have terrible strength but worse on Sim 1. I think its manufacturing fault in most note 5s. So sad !

New Note 5 Same poor wifi and cell reception

Went to a few shops today here in Taipei,Taiwan where they are selling the Dual sim card Note 5 and sure enough just like my Galaxy S6 Edge the Note 5 has poor wifi reception and poor cell reception signal. I went to 3 carriers shops right next to each other and all Samsung Note 5 displayed on Demo in the store had poor wifi connection issues while there smartphones had no problem connecting and had better signal strength on their wifi reception. The 4G LTE signal band was also weaker on the new Note 5.
The speaker Volume though was quite good for a bottom speaker. Screen was good and camera was great. If you are about connections though you may end up hating this phone. Tried out new Galaxy S6 Edge + too and it had the the same problems as well. Samsung should address the poor wifi and cell signal issue.
Does not look too good.
desiregeek said:
Went to a few shops today here in Taipei,Taiwan
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Software and modems vary by region. For example, the HK Note 12 can't use ROM's from other regions even though it's multi-CSC because the modem fails the device check in Odin. My Singapore Note 12 works fine with Euro ROMs. That's probably why the person using a HK Note in South Africa is having issues. My carrier Note in the U.S. blows my previous carrier Note 4 away in Wi-Fi, LTE, and HSPA. So people’s individual experiences are a big YMMV.
I wonder if the antenna on the Dual SIM Note 5 is bigger n the inside of the Note 5 compared to the single SIM antenna. Perhaps the dual sim may have better reception due to bigger antenna. Could not find any picture or tear downs comparing the antenna of the single sim Note 5 to the dual sim antenna of the Note 5.
Agreed! I upgraded from the Note 4 on launch. Reception is horrible! So frustrated...
I have the TW dual SIM gold version and absolutely no problem. Same reception like my s6 edge and iPhone 6 plus.
I use China Unicom SIM card and a European SIM. No problem at all and same goes for WIFI.
Sent from my SM-N9208 using XDA Premium HD app

5G variant question

I currently have a Galaxy S5. Due to cost of phones, I only buy them when I NEED a new one. Anyways… Now is time for a new phone. I’ve been looking at the S10 and figured I would wait for the 5g variant as it will be better down the road than buying a 4G version.
I read that the 5G variant does not have a SD card slot. How do I move files between phones? PC to phone without one? I’m used to having my files on the card and simply moving the SD card from phone to phone…
Does anyone know if this is a direction that Samsung will be going with other phones as well? I like Samsung and want to stay with the brand, but want an SD card Slot. What do folks recommend I get if not the S10 5G. Maybe the 4G since it will be some time before 5G makes it to the east coast? When 5G goes nationwide, get a 5G phone?
beavermjr said:
I currently have a Galaxy S5. Due to cost of phones, I only buy them when I NEED a new one. Anyways… Now is time for a new phone. I’ve been looking at the S10 and figured I would wait for the 5g variant as it will be better down the road than buying a 4G version.
I read that the 5G variant does not have a SD card slot. How do I move files between phones? PC to phone without one? I’m used to having my files on the card and simply moving the SD card from phone to phone…
Does anyone know if this is a direction that Samsung will be going with other phones as well? I like Samsung and want to stay with the brand, but want an SD card Slot. What do folks recommend I get if not the S10 5G. Maybe the 4G since it will be some time before 5G makes it to the east coast? When 5G goes nationwide, get a 5G phone?
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There's always Dropbox or Google Drive.i use Dropbox quite often for moving files.
That's not exactly what I was looking for. I will not buy a phone without the SD card Slot.
My first thought was to upgrade the S5 I have to android 6 with root so apps work again. Some need Android 6 at a minimum. This would give me time to keep searching an hopefully elevate the lag and bugs that have found their way into my phone. This way I keep my phone until more 5G phones hit the market. Best of all, It costs me nothing.
I then thought of getting a 4G S10 but when 5G hits, I'm then gonna have to buy a new phone in order to take advantages of faster speeds. That might not be such a bad thing as it will be a while before 5G hits and in that time hopefully some phones with better specs than the S10 5G are released. Part of me thinks its a bit early to jump on 5G since the network is not yet available and even when it is, there may not be many apps or services that NEED 5G.
I guess I'm kind of talking my self into a 4G S10 and holding off on 5G until it been out for a while and there is a need to make the switch. What do you folks think?
beavermjr said:
That's not exactly what I was looking for. I will not buy a phone without the SD card Slot.
My first thought was to upgrade the S5 I have to android 6 with root so apps work again. Some need Android 6 at a minimum. This would give me time to keep searching an hopefully elevate the lag and bugs that have found their way into my phone. This way I keep my phone until more 5G phones hit the market. Best of all, It costs me nothing.
I then thought of getting a 4G S10 but when 5G hits, I'm then gonna have to buy a new phone in order to take advantages of faster speeds. That might not be such a bad thing as it will be a while before 5G hits and in that time hopefully some phones with better specs than the S10 5G are released. Part of me thinks its a bit early to jump on 5G since the network is not yet available and even when it is, there may not be many apps or services that NEED 5G.
I guess I'm kind of talking my self into a 4G S10 and holding off on 5G until it been out for a while and there is a need to make the switch. What do you folks think?
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the real question you have to ask yourself is will 5G make any really inroads in the next 3 years where you live just because the technologies are ratified and carriers are making some noises I would not expect to see significant roll outs in anywhere outside of major cities for a good couple of years at least,
Thanks. I didn't know that 5G is that far away. I'm in Albany, NY and not a major city. Knowing that, I will go with a 4G variant. Now to decide which size and processor I want.
I am in a similar boat, but I am now considering waiting to see whether the note 10 pro's 5g variant has an sd card or not.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
You can easily transfer files from your phone by plugging it in with the cable provided to your PC, or use AirDroid. I was concerned about 5G at the very beginning and realized it's not going to be fully developed for another few years and from what I've been reading it's only going to be in densely populated areas.

Question Cant get 5g in 5g area with Eir Mobile, Someone said updating the carrier policy document on the phone would help

Hi guys. Came here as im having problems with my Redmi Note 10 5g. I was with Three Ireland and was able to get 5g but the signal in my home wasnt the best, Someone told me that Eir 5G had much better reception so i switched my network to them, However now i cant get 5g at all with Eir. Im on a 5g plan and my area is covered for 5G. I seen posts about the Oneplus 8 pro 5g having same kind of problems with Eir and users said that by update the carrier policy document on the phone with Eir 5g settings enabled fixed it for them. However i cant find anything like this for the Redmi Note 5g.
I was just wondering if anyone here could maybe point me to a guide or in the right direction to do this for my phone?.

Question Issue With Low Cellular Signal Strength On My Redmi Note 10 5G (Global Version) Phone

I recently purchased a brand new xiaomi redmi note 10 5g global version phone, it's model # M2103K19G, so far the single biggest issue I'm having with my new phone is the mobile data connection signal strength. My previous phone was a LG V30 that utilized the at&t network, my new redmi note 10 5g is not able to use the at&t network, so my current cellular service provider (red pocket mobile) had to send me a new gsmt sim card that utilizes the t-mobile network. While looking at the t-mobile coverage map, I should be receiving great signal strength on my phone @ my house. I've been communicating with both red pocket mobile & t-mobile help via direct message on their social medial portals in So far my signal strength issue is yet to truly be addressed, the business where I purchased my phone is a reputable online store, they seem to be a well respected business. I'm trying my best not to have to return my purchase for a refund, I have a 30 day period in which to do so. I'm really @ my wits end because I seemingly like my new phone except for the mobile date signal strength issue. I just thought I would post a question concerning my issue to see if you could possibly offer me any suggestion's about my issue. I know that xiaomi phones are really catching on lately that's why I bought the phone that I did. Thanks in advance for any & all help you might provide, I think what's concerning me the most is the fact that I really don't know what's causing my issue ??
same pb ....
Wirebrush to downgrade Android 11
MIUI 12.5.**
i'm in miui 13 global and 5g work fine without issues

