Please Help Me to Find xda3nbftool File . I Need it to Upgrade Blue Angel Rom
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I have a serious problem with my pda2k (blue angel) it was working quite fine until i got greedy & decided to upgrade, so i downloaded the wm6 upgrade for it, it got nowhere before it went dead n stuck in some weird mode, all that appeared on the screen was USB/Serial v2.07 i googled the problem and some kind person was instructing another dummy like myself about this software called "mtty1.42.rar" i downloaded it and followed instructions carefully, since then my pda has revived but not without new problems.
first of all the bluetooth has stopped working, claiming license has expired, it's griping about not enough memory to run certain programs it used to run and it's not playing certain audio i used to play on there
what can I do to get back even my old pda? I have done hard reset too many times to count.
I've stuggled on with the unreliable ROM that my PDA2K came with because I have been unsuccessful at upgrading using my Mac and Virtual PC 7 (Windows XP).
I don't have access to a PC, and wondered whether anyone could give me any guidance.
Is it possible to upgrade the rom directly from the device itself, or are there ROM installers for other Blue Angel phones that would work via Virtual PC?
Any help very welcome - but please give as much detail as possible if telling me to install or change things manually. I've read posts about 'extended roms' and taking bits from here and there and I've no idea what this is about.
hello fellow mac user
What exactly is the problem?
ANy error messages? are you trying via BT or USB ?
When I tried to upgrade previously the PDA2K's screen showed USB but I got an error (sorry I cant remember the number code; radio upgrade error or something).
Recently, and I don't know what's changed, I just get Error 101: Connection Failure. When I try to run the upgrade the device does a soft reset at the beginning, then there is a long pause then I get the error. It seemed to manage more previously (may be that was an earlier from upgrade, but it never worked anyway!).
Have you been successful from your Mac?
Just looked back at my old posts on the howard forums, and discovered it was Error 114 I was getting previously (with the first ROM upgrade). I presume I'm getting the 101 connection error now that I'm trying to use the latest ROM upgrade.
One thing I'm about to try myself is to switch off both the windows and Mac OS X firewalls just in case they are interfering with the process.
Just to be more specific:
It comes up with the info from the phone and the upgrade, then I click next to start the upgrade; the device does a soft reset then repeatedly the device says it's connecting to host, the PC says reading info from device; then after a while I get error 101. As soon as the ROM upgrade installer quits, then Activesync reconnects the device (as guest).
Are the ERK files supposed to be run from the device? Will this help me? I've just downloaded one, and downloaded a thing called WinRAR but the resulting files say they aren't Win32 applications; and most of the contents of the folder are .rar files even after I extracted it. Wierd. Please can someone help!
Oh well, it's getting late here in the UK, I will just have to try again another time. Going to have to reinstall everything again now (as I have after every failed attempted at a ROM upgrade over the past few months). This is the last time I buy anything with a Microsoft operating system!!!!
Can anyone help?
Sorry but I don't think I am going to be much help.
I too am a Mac user with VPC and happily ActiveSync every day using VPC 7.01.
HOWEVER I would never try and use VPC to do something as basic as a ROM upgrade.
I managed to borrow a PC from someone at work and used that for the upgrade. I went on the basis that a ROM upgrade is so basic to the device and would likely need real PC hardware that I would not risk it.
Is there no colleagure, friend or workmate that can help you out?
Thanks for replying. I had bought Virtual PC because I just couldn't find any other way of getting a lot of the software onto the iMate. Having made this investment I hoped it would work with the ROM upgrade too.
I did manage to get use of a PC yesterday, but unfortunately it didn't work either. The PDA2K reset itself at the start, then after a delay the updater gave error 101 connection error, exactly the same as with Virtual PC.
Later, I managed to get someone really helpful at i-mate on the live support (and for once it didn't time out) and I went through a few things, including pressing power-reset-record (so that USB is displpayed) and trying from there. It still didn't work, I got Error 114 after the updater sat at 0% for several minutes.
This leads me to the exact reason I didn't want to have to rely on someone elses PC: having access to it for a limited time I tried repeatedly the ROM upgrade yesterday with no success. Later, at home, I got help from iMate and some ideas that will be trying again with a PC, but now I've got to wait for another opportunity to use a PC. What concerns me, is if I ever get a major problem the phone may be unusable until I next get access to a PC. Worse still - if the phone locks up when I'm using the PC and I don't have the time/knowledge to resolve it, I could end up with a non-functioning phone. It's much easier to tinker with these things in the comfort of my own home when time is less of an issue.
I just received my K700i yesterday. I decided enough was enough. I'm going to sell the PDA2K as soon as I've got the ROM sorted out. I really did try to get on with this device but it's caused me more grief than I have ever had with an electronic device before. I learned a lot, setting up GPRS, wifi, bluetooth, found all sorts of useful software, used VNC to control my Mac remotely etc etc, but at the end of the day I just couldn't rely on it. Some days I could get email, some days I couldn't. Some days people would receive the SMS I sent, some days they didn't. Sometimes the people I was calling could hear me, sometimes they couldn't. Sometimes the phone would stay switched off, sometimes it turned itself on and drained the battery. The list of problems I had with this phone were endless. Hence why I was trying to get the ROM upgraded.
I understand your concenr and problem.
I actually have the latest ROM installed on mine and I STILL get someof the problems you describe.
Only Microsoft could get away with writing such a crap operating system to run a phone.
And i-mates issues just compund the Windows issues.
Good luck.
ive never bothered even trying to run activesync thru vpc. It was a bit hit and miss on my XDA1 so as soon as my xda2i arrived i just bought missing sync from mark space. Hassle free syncing and installing, plus the ppc gets mounted like a mass storage device too.
Trouble is I use Outlook at work and need to sync it to my PDA.
I cannot even use Entourage as we are a) running to old a version of Outlook server and b) Missing Sync will not sync with Entourage.
I am stuffed both ways.
Me again!
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I did indeed succeed first time on a PC today (having pressed power-reset-record to go into bootloader mode first).
So, as everyone told me, it was necessary to use a PC, and Virtual PC on a Mac just wont work.
I'm getting on ok with my K700i, although the email seems a bit limiting (doesn't seem to have message titles displayed, and a short limit to the length of the email).
My plan: use the K700i for a few weeks and see how I get on, then perhaps I might try the newly upgraded PDA2K for a few weeks, and see which I prefer.
The other complicating factor is that the SIM free Treo 650 has just become available, but I'm going to hold fire on that for now. Perhaps if I'm not happy with either the K700i or the upgraded PDA2K then I might consider it...
I'm having problems running the ROM upgrade by iMate. I keep getting Error 101 connection error, and I had grown to assume this was a problem relating to running from Virtual PC on a Mac rather than a real PC.
Today I at last managed to get access to a PC running Windows XP, activesync 3.7.1, and got exactly the same problem. I tried it several times.
I'm beginning to wonder if any of my past failed attempts on my mac have done something to the phone that is preventing it from being controlled properly by the ROM upgrade software?
Is there anything more than a hard reset to take the device back to factory settings?
Please - if anyone can help me get this sorted I'd be really grateful. The device is just too unreliable in it's current state, and I just cannot manage to get the ROM upgrade working. It's just unbelievably frustrating!
A hard reset will take the device to the last rom upgrade.
Now in your case this could be the failed rom upgrade which you did over the mac. You would have to look at the device info to check that.
If I was you I would do a rom upgrade of a PC and not off a mac, not that I have anything agaist macs (apart from ...) Its just that I know it works of a pc.
I tried a ROM upgrade from a PC this morning and it didn't work. It kept reseting the device, then said Error 101 connection error (even though it was connnecting fine to Activesync 3.7.1).
I've made a little progress since then. I've pressed power-reset-record to put it into the 'bootloader'? and this allows the installer to go one step further and says installing the radio rom (but never gets beyond 0%). I now get the error 114.
Now that I've got this far, I will have another go with a PC on Monday and see if that makes any difference.
I've just bought the SE K700i which I hope will be a little more reliable. I really just want to get the PDA2K upgraded so it's in a fit state to sell, and perhaps I might even consider keeping it if the ROM makes a radical difference to reliability. It's so nice to go back to just using iSync with the K700i without go-between software and Virtual PC and all that hassle. My plan is to use the K700i until something comes along that catches my attention (I'm still not convinced by the Treo 650 or P910, and I wont forget my experience of Pocket PC for a while!).
If I may add my experience on similar situation, I got a device which was upgraded using a wrong ROM file, and now it ended up with no radio and no operator ID :shock: ... and can't accept "standard" ROM upgrade ... I managed to be able to upgrade the ROM or Ext ROM individually by using null operator ID ... but when it comes to Radio upgrade it doesn't start at all giving failure.
So what is the story if you let the device drain down and then take out the battery. Would a Normal offical update not work then.
I have yet to read anything about were on the device the Opid is coded in the hardware. What I know is that the ndf have the opcode in the header and this is checked against the getdevicedata.
I have had check for the opcode in regedit with no luck. (this I some what expected as I did not feel that it is part of the OS).
anybody have a better understanding on that issue?
when I run getdevicedata.exe I get nothing except "PH20B" ... so I used NULL opid to upgrade ROM and Ext ROM ... but this trick didn't work with the Radio part ... more over, I tried the trick of draining the battery down ... it worked only once and the radio is back (I don't know how!!) however, with the last reset after the upgrade the Radio is gone again!!
My suggestion so far is that the Radio part is there but it's inactive due to a problem with the charging circute ... and since the Radio is the 1st stage of the upgrade, it holds the whole process failed.
maybe someone with solid experience with the device design itself can shed more light on this issue.
Well what I know about the radio is that it is Lang independent, which means what ever check is run on the upgrade it does not look for the lan code.
Further it must check against the radio type as this is part of the config file that is in the upgrade.
I know that a hardreset will load what ever file is around (so it must be stored in the orignal format on the device, then loaded on hardreset). This seems not to be true for the EXTrom as this seems to be extracted as files on the device (thus you can flush it).
So we have a hardcored opid somewere on the device that now shows zero for you. What was the shipped version of it. Have you tried a ship.exe from your original device without using the xda-tools.
Can you tried a radio only upgrade and used your shipped opid in the fix.bat (maybe after a battery drain again)
Seems a shame to have a paper wheight and not a phone.
Crossing my fingers, but now it worked!! :lol:
The only additional action I took this time is to take the battery out and close the bottome notch which I believe has something to do with the backup battery.
When the device restarted, the Radio part is back with the original version, IMEI and call durations which confirms my idea that the Radio part was always there but blocked by a power charging issue.
Update [27/2/2005 6:40 pm GMT +2]:
I checked the devicedata.txt file and it has nothing except "PH20B" ... this means for me that this device will never accept any official ROM upgrade in the future ... and doing a hard reset is a potential risk to loose the Radio again :?
Basically I have an O2 UK XDA IIs that I was trying to upgrade to the 1.40 ROM. It started fine but once it said it was starting the upgrade nothing happened and nothing changed on either screens except the device changed into bootloader mode which I understand is normal.
Now I cannot get it out of bootloader and I cannot upgrade. I've read the posts on fixing this but they do not work for me.
The main problem seems to be that while Windows sees a USB device connected it does not know what type it is so I cannot get a connection to ActiveSync. All of the tools I have found on this site require a connection to ActiveSync so I am stuck!!!
Please help ASAP!!!
It's now working - see my solution...
I just got it to work - YAAAH.
Yes, I had read all of wiki but could not find the solution for me. Then while I was reading some other posts this morning I came across someone that said they had removed their battery and then held the hard reset sequence for over 1 minute and then replaced the battery. Since I was desperate I thought it couldn't hurt so I tried it.
Strangely enough, that was the solution!!!!
I'm now successfully upgraded!!!!
By mistake installed WWE_QTEK_Sonofon_11100_165_10400_Ship
on QTEK2020i during the installation the pocket crashed
and what do i have to do now to bring it back Please Help
May Be u reccomend utilites for repairing my qtek ?
download at here:-
this with O2 stuff
ftp://xda:[email protected]_XDA_IIi_Upgrade_v1.11.162_Radio_1.04.rar
this without O2 stuff
ftp://xda:[email protected]_Ext-1.11.162_Radio-1.04_O2stuffstripped.rar
checkout here for information about it....
please read about it if you want to know the different between the O2 stuff....
my qtek is busy....
ERROR 101 : Connection Error
And red emergency lamp is on ! on qtek
before that during switching on showed the picture saying "Loading ..."
and busyyyyy.......
I had the same problem
I have Qtek 2020i and I had like your problem before and while installing the same ROM from sonofon, but be happy, it is not a big deal, I just removed the battery until it erased everything left at the device (backup battery was completly empty) then I replaced the battery and reconnected the device to sync while power cable is plugged in and I tried to reinstall the same ROm and it is working find and perfect with me, I like the sonofon rom, it is really nice!!!
if you had further trouble dont hesitate to ask !
I hope that you solve your problem soon.
Hi, I have a working sonofon ROM for my Qtek 2020i. If you haven't sorted your issue out yet I'd be happy to send it you on CD. It works even on a previously failed installation.
Hi, I have a working sonofon ROM for my Qtek 2020i. If you haven't sorted your issue out yet I'd be happy to send it you on CD. It works even on a previously failed installation.
I am assuming that Arrival has sorted the problem out by now but for future reference of others there is a simple way out.
Press and hold the following 3 buttons at the same time for about 3 seconds: Power, Action (D-Pad) and reset.
This puts the device into bootloader mode which is basically like DOS for the Alpine.
If that doesn't work, remove the battery until the backup battery runs out, place it back and put the device into bootlader mode as described above. The device can then be upgraded by connecting to the computer and running the update program.
Less crashing problems are likely if the device is connected to the mains at the same time.
Hello everyone.
1st of all, i'm so tired of searching in this whole forum regarding my issue. 2 days so far and no luck, so please if i missed some posts that would be unexpected.
If this post is not in the right place please mods relocate it because i couldn't get the main forum for my kind of phone.
I'm from Latin america, I got a HTC HERA110. I don't know if it's unlocked or not.
The main issue is that the phone is totally dead. The only thing i get is, i think is like a bootloader, it has RED, GREEN, BLUE screen and prompts and nothing more. I tried several key combinations with camera key, soft key, power key, even that little reset dot above SD slot. Nothing works. Only information i can get is this
IPL 4.24.0002
SPL 4.24.0000
I brought my ph to my local service provider tech support but they said there is no luck for my phone and i can't just leave it like this. But i know XDA-Devs are even better than those idiots. I got another HTC Juno (T-Mobile Shadow) and here i found several useful info and i started learning related to Windows Mobile based phones.
I read something regarding HardSPL and that stuff and since my IPL,SPL is greater than 1xxxx several posts explained i can go ahead and reflash the OS.
I tried that HardSPL stuff but most of them required to have the phone alive to store some cabs on it and install them so since my phone is dead, that's not gonna work.
So far i realized my ph is hardware similar to T-Mobile Wing, HTC P4350, HTC P4351, HTC P4350, HTC HERALD. So i decided to re-flash the whole OS...
So i tried to get some NHB files. I got the Original on T-Mobile Website and some others for HTC HERALD and HTC P4350. I actually tried with another one called HTC ATLAS.
My Ph is been connected to my laptop via USB. I got Windows 7 x64, i don't know if that is a problem. So i started trying all those RUU flashers.
Before 4%-5% of the proccess the screen on my ph prompted a progress bar and somehow it goes blank and i got some errors such like INVALID VENDER ID (with HTC ATLAS and T-MOBILE WING), INVALID MODEL ID (with HTC P4350), UPDATE ERRROR (with HTC HERALD).
I tried with that NHB tool to extract the NHB files ( this is, supposly, to fix INVALID MODEL ID) but it didn't work, after tried that one i got UPDATE ERROR. I even try with that GoldenCard stuff with an SD card but i couldn't even export the .img file, i got an error on the cmd lines and inside the Pearl Manager i can't fine XdaDevelopers packages.
At this time i'm really frustrated and so tired. I don't know if my ph is branded to any company here such like Movistar or whatever. The only thing i know is that every single thing i tried promptes errors.
I would really appreciate some help here. Thank you and the best lucks for you.
If you have a memory card, try to grab the rom you downloaded (the .nbh-file) and put it on the card. It should be renamed as heraimg.nbh.
I think the card has to be smaller than 2 GB.
Power on the phone with the camera button depressed until you see the rainbow screen.
If there's enough brain left in the phone it should find the rom image and ask you if you want to flash by pressing volume down. You have about 10 seconds before it tries to boot normally.
Follow my GUIDE to get things right again..