Looking For a teacher!! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario Software Upgrading

Im looking for someone to teach me how to fully use my 8125 to it fullest extent. Im getiing very frustrated with my own progress and would like to really learn what this thing can do. As for the teacher, possibly one of the all knowing moderaters would be winning to help. I would also be willing to make a monetary contribution to the site. Please pm me if interested.

where r u located? I have an 8125 myself. Might b interested depending on amount of time required, hours, etc.

I live in new jersey and work in nyc. I'm even interested in maybe just talkin over the phone or email. I'm getting alittle more confident as I mess around with the phone. let me know. thanks

my advice would be just keep reading the forums and bit by bit you'll get the hang of it. Also go to software distributor sites like pocketgear.com or handango.com and search for apps in your field of work/study and you'll find some things that will make your life easier (thats what these things were designed to do btw, although sometimes they just cause a headache!)


Cacheinjection leaving the Android Theming world

Hello everyone..
This I thought was something important that I decided to put in the theme thread since the above mentioned developer has had such an impact in the theming world.
So I was talking to cacheinjection just a few minutes ago on gtalk, and he unfortunately told me to let the xda community know that he will be leaving the android theming for a while.
He gave the reason as he was getting very busy with his job, and so does not have that much time right now(which i'm sure is true for most android developers since we can't be on xda all day every day), and also he expressed his discontent at people's lack of appreciation for all that he did/has been doing. He has been quite a revolutionary themer and most people would agree with me that the new things that he brought to the android scene, along with the help of other great developers: freekyfrogy and djosiah, made us love our g1's/mytouch 3g's all over again. With my time being on xda, I have seen this too many times where some ppl on xda actually end up pushing developers away because they do not realize that all developers have lives apart from the work they do for free for the xda community. I think it goes without saying that we as an xda community should show our appreciation to developers, as our way of saying thank you for taking time out of their day.
Excerpts from Conversation:
Cacheinjection: I feel pretty s*** about Android atm...People always want stuff, and never give anything back, not even thanks really. So I think I might give it up. I had a good run.
Cacheinjection: I think it might be very soon cos I don't see people caring anymore.
Cacheinjection: All people do is moan cos I haven't [done a specific thing]. F*** it. I'll just make my own fone pretty.
Cacheinjection: I have a pretty awesome job, I just like people to appreciate that I put my heart and soul into the stuff
Cacheinjection: It seems to me that if you need to tell people to appreciate what you do, they don't appreciate it
Cacheinjection: Let ppl know that I am taking a bit of time off of theme development. Things will get updated as and when..and I'll continue my work with Super D with Ben.
So there it is guys. If I were you, I would go over to his page, and to the pages of as many developers as you can find, and let them know how much you appreciate them. A donation never hurts either, if they have it on their page. So that's it. Just letting people know. Don't let any more developers make this decision also. Let them know you care. Thanks.
Shouldn't be to much of a surprise though, the things he say are pretty true though.
Ace42 said:
Shouldn't be to much of a surprise though, the things he say are pretty true though.
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Very true. Also, I feel even worse for the Devs, they aren't that much more appreciated either! They make wonderful Roms and include awesome instructions yet people ask questions that are already answered and demand more and more and more. I don't know how some of them (including themers) put up with everything. Reading the posts people make in Rom threads make me go They want this, that, etc etc etc!
If only people took some more effort into doing some stuff themselves or even learning the basics, it would probably reduce a lot of these issues. I love when I see a theme release and people just ask for different stuff when they can do it themselves lol, I wonder if they even know how much time this stuff takes. I also don't think most of the people understand or know a thing about the Roms, other then flashing it! Which leads to more demands and devs that have to deal with it!
Just another example of a great developer being pushed away by unappreciative idiots on this forum. It's kind of sad really, alot of people have nothing better to do but to refresh the page every 5 seconds waiting for a new update (usually for a minor bug) even though an update was released just a few days prior. Better yet, the same people will b*tch and moan if a Dev hasn't put anything out for a week, while completely disregarding the fact that people like Cache work for free despite the fact they have actual lives outside of xda. This applies for ROMS and themes.
Xda should be a pay site and I'm serious. Either subscription based or download based. If not then this site will slowly die, do you think devs will continually put up with this crap over and over again? I have no problem paying a mandatory fee for an amazing theme or ROM. Nothing major, just a few dollars but at least the devs will get some guaranteed compensation.
Hope to see you back here Cache because despite the idiots, I do know there are alot of posters that appreciate your work.
jasrups said:
Just another example of a great developer being pushed away by unappreciative idiots on this forum. It's kind of sad really, alot of people have nothing better to do but to refresh the page every 5 seconds waiting for a new update (usually for a minor bug) even though an update was released just a few days prior. Better yet, the same people will b*tch and moan if a Dev hasn't put anything out for a week, while completely disregarding the fact that people like Cache work for free despite the fact they have actual lives outside of xda. This applies for ROMS and themes.
Xda should be a pay site and I'm serious. Either subscription based or download based. If not then this site will slowly die, do you think devs will continually put up with this crap over and over again? I have no problem paying a mandatory fee for an amazing theme or ROM. Nothing major, just a few dollars but at least the devs will get some guaranteed compensation.
Hope to see you back here Cache because despite the idiots, I do know there are alot of posters that appreciate your work.
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Something like the membership @ modaco. People get angry when a new update doesn't come out which is ridiculous.
Cacheinjection Keep Your Head Up And I Also Want You To Know That You Are Appreciated By Me. Take As Much Time As You Need. Your Themes Are The Best And Will Always And Forever Be. Your A Tremendous Developer. Continue On Doing What You Do And Trust Me: You Will Be Missed A LOT!
Until Then...Keep Up The Marvelous Work
It seems people want things on there schedule and how they want it.. A dev developes for him/herself and then share with the community.. We shouldn't expect anything from them we should be happy that they took there time to make something for us (community)....
Appreciate you and your revolutionary designs for the Android Community... You will be missed a lot
Ace42 said:
Something like the membership @ modaco. People get angry when a new update doesn't come out which is ridiculous.
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Ah I'd be totally down for some kind of membership/subscription here (As long as it isn't too much! Just some membership thing would be nice)
And now that you guys mention people constantly wanting updates, that reminds me of how ppl appear to go crazy when Cyanogen doesn't release an update and think he's left the project to die cause of nexus one lmao. I personally think most of us will just keep wanting updates (flashaholics!), even at the point where updates are almost no longer possible!
It's terrible how all the complainers ruin it for all the people who truly do appreciate the devs work. The lurkers like me far outnumber the haters but the fact that we lurk is probably part of the problem. We'll miss him cache's work has definitely been some of the best.....the Darkstar theme is the best thing on any cellular device to date imho.
Sorry to see him leave, he will be missed.
eessel said:
F*** it. I'll just make my own fone pretty.
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this made me laugh lol...
but that fact aside...
u do amazing work...
ive been part of the android community since day 1 of the g1 being released...
i wasnt a linux geek or themeing master but i patiently waited...learned the tricks and began helping others...
it was fun to give people tips and tricks on how to do things
help run their roms on their phone when they cant anymore...
and i feel what ur saying
its hard to keep up with a community thats so young and wants everything quick...some people just dont realize the time that goes into it...
well i hope u do come back and if u keep ur themes for a select few i understand that...for peopel who donate and what not i would be more than willing to pitch in...everyone deserves payment for their work...nothing in this world is free
Sad, sad, sad...
Hope HE will be fine. It doesn't matter those people whose won't be getting his stuff, only HE matters.
So, if HE is allright, i'll be fine!
Good luck Mr.Cacheinjection!
damn this guy was my partner in crime lol. to be honest without cache here updates for elegance and darkstar will be very slow. he was the one who mostly updated these themes. its sad to see him go because he has taught me a lot and if it wasnt for his initial darkstar concept i wouldnt have gotten into themeing. hopefully he will be back sooner than we think.
@shadowch31 syaing that he 'bit off more then he chew' isnt a very fair statement to make. he chose to try and do all these things to help the community and when the community dont show appreciation they are just throwing it back in his face. im not having a go at you or anything, just thought it needed to be said.
I feel sorry about it, but I understand him, everyone who make themes/roms, would understand it too. Actually people, who never made anything, don't realize how hard is it, and how many hours we expend on it.
I also hate when people post negative comments like: "you should post concepts, or w.i.p, ...
I hope he doesn't leave forever, or even long, becuase we need him. He's one of the best, and always a good help for people like me.
I just want to thank him for everything he has made so far.
shadowch31 said:
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I would say though, shadowch31, that from all the conversations that i've had with cache, money is not his main thing for theming. The guy has a love for theming and he seems he just has a heart to share the ideas with people. Just to clear that up. What's wrong with donations anyway? More so to him? The guy has really been revolutionary with bringing new ideas to the table, and you're right..not everyone can donate, but those who can, it never hurts to send a dev some monetary thank yous. i've done so myself when i could cuz i know the time and effort it takes to make anything, from the smallest thing to the grandest. but yeah..i was just letting you know that that's not what cache is about here.
eessel said:
I would say though, shadowch31, that from all the conversations that i've had with cache, money is not his main thing for theming. The guy has a love for theming and he seems he just has a heart to share the ideas with people. Just to clear that up. What's wrong with donations anyway? More so to him? The guy has really been revolutionary with bringing new ideas to the table, and you're right..not everyone can donate, but those who can, it never hurts to send a dev some monetary thank yous. i've done so myself when i could cuz i know the time and effort it takes to make anything, from the smallest thing to the grandest. but yeah..i was just letting you know that that's not what cache is about here.
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I agree, developers can sell their software in the market, themers share it here. Donations is a good way to push creators to keep working and creating.
And I think 1$ is not a big deal for anybody here, but together, it would be a nice reward for every developer.
But it's just my opinion
hey guys,
im just gonna chime in quick,
first off i wana say to shadowch31 none of this is aimed at you, you are awsome, and i dont think i would have done as much good worth without your enthusiasm.
And yeah i totaly love your british sense of humor, gtalk em if ya wana chat
yeah, this is most definitely not about money, I have a job, and that keeps me in beer and a roof over the head, in fact i was a little hesitant about adding donate links, cos i dont want people to give if they dont wana. its just about people appreciating work, also people letting us know they are still interested with what were doing, helps us know if we should continue to work on it for the comunity.
Anyway thanks for all the support, and i will be back, just having a breather.
Thanks for coming in Cache and clearing things up, I understand your words of enthusiasm a lot more than 'appreciated' but see how the two tie in.
Your right the community had somwhat abandonded Darkstar besides me and my motivational nagging and Elegance was getting the same besides the odd 'Can we have...' brigade. Gonna be sad to see you go fella but it is a well deserved break and one I understand, just looking at getting into theming myself and know it ain't gonna be a walk in the park and is gonna take a lot of time and effort. Was just gutted and upset to see such an asset to the themeing community leave and for what seemed like weak excuses but now you have explained I fully understand your decision.
I, like everyone else will miss ya fella and look forward to the day you feel like coming back and treating us all to your amazing work. Thanks for everything Cache, been a hell of a ride.
I too would like to say thanks Cache for what you've done for the community, and of course especially DarkStar.
To this date I still haven't abandoned the last update of DS that had Stericson's lockscreen lol. In fact, I'm actually keeping the theme for quite some time since SD 1.8 is stable and fast enough.
But yeah have fun with your break dude, and I look forward to your return.

[Q] Anyone like Sci-fi?

im writing my own sci fi book, and im looking for some opinions from professionals. ive looked for professional help myself, but it is ungodly expensive. so im wondering if there are any science fiction fans on this site, and/or editors. i have very little money, but if you dont edit for free, i will be getting a job soon. by the way, you might want to make sure you have a decent amount of time to devote to reading, because as of this post, my story is a little more than 26,000 words (itll be three weeks tomorrow since i started!). my goal is to get 100,000 words by thanksgiving, but with school and a job, we'll have to see about that. anyways, if youd like to help me out, please post below.

Giving back to the community

Back when I had my Fuze and got started in scene of modifying my phones XDA proved to be a stellar resource. I tossed donations out to those that helped me. Oli and cmonex for HardSPL, Doug for blownfuze.org (I have my tilt2 now you bastard, update your frickin' site! j/k - I know you've had a hell of a lot on your plate), That dude whose name I can't remember that makes the RRE ROMs, the first one I flashed to my Fuze and loved. Maybe a couple of others along the way.
Granted it wasn't much. $5, $10, $20...whatever. But you all helped make an otherwise "Meeeh" phone into something that I really enjoyed, and that made all the difference!
At any rate, to get on with the point of the thread. This past year has been a bit of a financial struggle for me, and will continue to be I'm sure. I still flash new ROMs regularly but I do so with a tincture of guilt knowing that I'm not really in a position to give back to those that are giving their time and knowledge for the benefit of others.
One thing that I am able to offer, though, is FTP through my domain. I've got unlimited diskspace and unlimited bandwidth. I can set you up with a subdomain on my domain which is e-nanigans.com....so it'd be whateveryouwant.e-nanigans.com. Upload files. Make a webpage if you want, I don't care.
I know most people go through sites that some folks might deem a bit of a hassle. Waiting 60 seconds, throttled downloads. ads.....etc.
I'd like to extend this offer to folks that are actually going to use it, though. So if you're a chef that's developing things for XDA on a regular basis and want somewhere that's hassle free to put your files drop me a line.
A big thanks to all of you that make this community what it is.
Cheers gang,

arogs is New to the Boards

Hello, my name is Benjamin, currently a undergraduate student that has gotten very interested in electronics the past couple of months. 21 years of age.
I don't have excessive amounts of money to buy nice toys with or to experiment with, but I was hoping that I could gather wealth and buy an unlocked smart-phone, cheap.
I don't have extensive experience, but I really want to learn from this awesome community. I have been skimming threads and reading, researching and, finally I decided to stop lurking and come out in the clear and introduce myself. I admire the hard work of the seniors, veterans, juniors, semi-pros and other awesome people that think around problems on this board. Thank you already.
I have started hobby-programing python and perl, I have an unreasonable fear of Java, but will hopefully be able to start playing with it if I eventually do get that smart-phone.
So my problem right now is that I don't have a fun little device to play with, could anyone recommend a device that is:
Not crazy expensive
Will be able to connect to Wi-fi network
Will be able to run GV to be used as a VOIP phone
Unlocked and ready to be changed
Easy to access and play around with
Simply, I don't necessarily need it to keep a constant connectivity, just a small computer to toy with.
There are many approaches to the smart-phone idea right now, and your board has been very helpful, I just need a last nudge.
Sorry for the lengthy post, just wanted to introduce myself, and not be lurking anymore. I will try to keep annoying questions to a minimum.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
cheap smartphone(thats actually worth somthing) translates to hd2 on xda ... they go from $200-220 on ebay , good cond . anything lesser of a price ull only get 600mhz , non-cortex phones(garbage) it has wp7 android ubuntu one day maybe meego for it


Hello guys, recently I have joined the community , im very pleased to find a place like this to get as many useful information as possible, thanks to all for that, although I really need some piece of advice from a professional developers around the world, if it is not a place for that I will remove my post asap. Im living in UK at the moment and this year i will apply to university for a computer science degree , which i believe is the best possible option for me. I am constantly improving my english to pass an ielts exam and basically I have almost a year from now on till I start my course, during that time I am willing to develop my skillset to become a part time developer which I see is the best option so far to support myself during my studies in UK (no , I dont want to work as a bartender, I already did that...) . I would like to get an advice from a professional, what kind of industry should i get myself into, in the list below a have some specifications that needs to be checked:
1. Part time work
2. Easiest to get into the industry
3. A year would be enough to get the right skill set.
At the moment im learning web development at udemy.com, currently in the javascript section. I was wondering if I am going the right way to get what I need, because I still have enough time to switch to app development, c# or cloud etc. Which area of work would give me the most when I will be looking for a part time job? I dont need a lot of money, minimum salary of part time is more than enough for me, please give a future student an advice, I would appreciate any kind of information, opinions, cause god damn I am lost at the moment... Thank you for reading this and as I have said before I am constantly improving my english so please do not judge me bad if your see a grammar error or anything else. Thank you so much for your time.
Sent from my HTC_A9u using Tapatalk
How About Free Knowledge!
I can't yet posts links ... however.. copy & paste this in your browser and take out the @ symbol
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) offers Open Courseware.. in other words, free knowledge.
Their supply of courses span a vast number of subject matter and it is all free. I am quite certain that you can find a number of courses in regard to the subject you mention in your OP and likely then some.
Heres the link (remove the @ symbol): https:/@/ocw.mit.edu/courses/
...and good luck

