[Q] Anyone like Sci-fi? - Off-topic

im writing my own sci fi book, and im looking for some opinions from professionals. ive looked for professional help myself, but it is ungodly expensive. so im wondering if there are any science fiction fans on this site, and/or editors. i have very little money, but if you dont edit for free, i will be getting a job soon. by the way, you might want to make sure you have a decent amount of time to devote to reading, because as of this post, my story is a little more than 26,000 words (itll be three weeks tomorrow since i started!). my goal is to get 100,000 words by thanksgiving, but with school and a job, we'll have to see about that. anyways, if youd like to help me out, please post below.


Looking For a teacher!!

Im looking for someone to teach me how to fully use my 8125 to it fullest extent. Im getiing very frustrated with my own progress and would like to really learn what this thing can do. As for the teacher, possibly one of the all knowing moderaters would be winning to help. I would also be willing to make a monetary contribution to the site. Please pm me if interested.
where r u located? I have an 8125 myself. Might b interested depending on amount of time required, hours, etc.
I live in new jersey and work in nyc. I'm even interested in maybe just talkin over the phone or email. I'm getting alittle more confident as I mess around with the phone. let me know. thanks
my advice would be just keep reading the forums and bit by bit you'll get the hang of it. Also go to software distributor sites like pocketgear.com or handango.com and search for apps in your field of work/study and you'll find some things that will make your life easier (thats what these things were designed to do btw, although sometimes they just cause a headache!)

arogs is New to the Boards

Hello, my name is Benjamin, currently a undergraduate student that has gotten very interested in electronics the past couple of months. 21 years of age.
I don't have excessive amounts of money to buy nice toys with or to experiment with, but I was hoping that I could gather wealth and buy an unlocked smart-phone, cheap.
I don't have extensive experience, but I really want to learn from this awesome community. I have been skimming threads and reading, researching and, finally I decided to stop lurking and come out in the clear and introduce myself. I admire the hard work of the seniors, veterans, juniors, semi-pros and other awesome people that think around problems on this board. Thank you already.
I have started hobby-programing python and perl, I have an unreasonable fear of Java, but will hopefully be able to start playing with it if I eventually do get that smart-phone.
So my problem right now is that I don't have a fun little device to play with, could anyone recommend a device that is:
Not crazy expensive
Will be able to connect to Wi-fi network
Will be able to run GV to be used as a VOIP phone
Unlocked and ready to be changed
Easy to access and play around with
Simply, I don't necessarily need it to keep a constant connectivity, just a small computer to toy with.
There are many approaches to the smart-phone idea right now, and your board has been very helpful, I just need a last nudge.
Sorry for the lengthy post, just wanted to introduce myself, and not be lurking anymore. I will try to keep annoying questions to a minimum.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
cheap smartphone(thats actually worth somthing) translates to hd2 on xda ... they go from $200-220 on ebay , good cond . anything lesser of a price ull only get 600mhz , non-cortex phones(garbage) it has wp7 android ubuntu one day maybe meego for it

Looking for Advice about an internship

hello everyone on xda. Ok so heres my storry, there's a internship near by here thats basically a chance of a life time and i would really like to go for it but i want to make sure my resume and cover letter is spot on and professional so seeing that i had no father growing up, my mother is foreign as hell and no one close to me is really techy at all. i have no choice but to turn to the only website that has helped me the most in my life.
i would like to be able to send the link to my drive on my cover letter and resume along witht he link to the internship but i would rather not have my personal info all over the forums so just pm me if your would like to give your 2 cents. please mind that i am 21 and have no real professional experience in the it field... thats why i need this internship. but ive been on xda hacking away at phones since i was 16 and would really love to blog about how the developers over at xda helped hacked my resume.
thanks for reading you guys
im just super helpless is all.
yes i googled.

Do you want to change my life?

Hello everyone,
my name is Henri and I want you to gift me five thousand three hundred and eighty-nine dollars.
5437$ or about 4800€. (Rates May 13,2015 GMT)
If you have not clicked away yet, let me explain:
I live in Berlin, Germany and I am 21 years old.
When I was about 16 years old I was moderate to severe depressed. Thought about killing myself, cried myself to sleep et cetera. I don't want to go into detail with this, because you have all heard those heartbreaking stories before.
Anyway, I got over it. I did not go into therapy. Instead I decided to fix the problems which depressed me. Those were mostly that I did not have a social life at all and had a good amount of social anxiety.
I wasn't able to ask an elderly woman for the time on the streets, started sweating when people I didn't know talked to me in school and so on.
And obviously, I didn't have any female contact besides my mother and sister.
In 2011 I had a breakdown and decided that I had to change or I would eventually kill myself in a weaker moment.
I went out to fix my social life and become happy. And I succeeded.
Long story short: I pushed myself into social interactions, pushed myself to talk to girls. On this journey I found awesome friends, two especially which could not be closer to me. One of them had the same goals as I, wanted to overcome all social borders there are.
I also met a lot of great girls, eventually other guys asked me for advice.
I was the happiest person I knew.
This is when I and and the friend mentioned above decided that we could actually teach other guys to get to where we are.
We are currently building a German website where we want to give advice for young guys on talking to girls, fitness, having great sex, fashion, hygiene, motivation, discipline, managing happy relationships and ironically living a happy life.
Ironically, because right now I am depressed as f**k again. This is because I don't have money, my parents don't have enough to support me. I got a job, but I literally started crying there because I felt so miserable. At home I feel miserable because I have no money. I am working in sales without base salary.
My expenses are about 600€ a month. In Germany, parents get some money for their „childs“ as long as they study, so I get close to 200€ a month from them. 400€ left.
My options right now are :
1) „Manning up“ and work and hope that therapy fixes this.
2) Getting student loans and go to university in a field with which I will be able to pay back the roughly 20.000€ in loans, just so that I do not have to work right now and can put my energy into the website.
3) Moving back into my parent's place on the other side of the country and everything on hold. They live in small village, so I won't be able to meet and advice people, talk to girls, network etc.
I would give up everything I built here.
Yesterday I decided to give another idea a shot. The idea you are reading right now.
I figured if I could get 4800 people to give me 1€ each, I could live one year without stress.
12 months times 400€ is 4800€.
I am convinced that my website and other projects will make enough money for me after this year.
If not, and this is a very small if, I will be where I am right now again, hopefully with more valuable lessons learned, happy and therefore able to work a normal job if I have to.
You see, I am basically asking you for time. I realize that 1$/1€ isn't much, but if you gave it to everyone you'd be dead broke. I do not know how I can convince you that I deserve this money more than anyone else, but I know that all I need right now is this money to handle this situation and put all my energy into the website and hopefully helping others.
I am asking you to gift me your next coffee, ice cream cone or burger.
If just 1% of the people reading this decides to help me out with one dollar, I have to show this to 543,700 people.
This is why I actually looked up the biggest online communities and I am posting this to every single one that can somehow relate to my situation or the subjects of our site. Some just seem to have cool people in them.
As you will see, there isn't any content up yet. We already have a lot but want to publish about ten good articles for the start. And yes, this is a working-title
If this post gets removed because it violated any specific rule I understand that and want you to know that it wasn't on purpose. I also tried to post into Off-Topic or similar.
If you have any questions, I will answer them as soon as I can.
Please don't give us advice on the design or that wordpress „is bad“. I appreciate it, but I want to answer questions about the content, our goals and whatnot instead of discussing webdesign. So far we have been working on content only.
The site as it stands is just a vehicle for the donate page, since sites like „fundme“ take 30cents per donation plus fees.
Again, all I am asking for is 1$ to solve all my problems for one year.
Thank you for your time.
Mod edit: Link removed
Perhaps you should be reading the forum rules before posting stuff like this, as you were clearly aware that those exist.
CoolApps said:
Perhaps you should be reading the forum rules before posting stuff like this, as you were clearly aware that those exist.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
While many of us, myself included, sympathize with your issue, this site is not the place for raising funds for yourself. This is against forum rules and is simply not allowed.
Thread closed.


I'll keep it short, sweet, and honest for you tech xxxxx. I'm a homeless junkie from the 931 area code. I've always had a knack for finding stuff free what ain't supposed to be. I've wanted to learn more for a while and just decided, since I have a decent tablet, to dive right the **** on in. I hope to make many friends here. I'm most interested in learning all I can about game emulators. Fair warning, I'm easily distracted and will ask what may seem to be stupid questions.
Mod Edit: Post edited

