Gr33nH0b0 - Introductions

I'll keep it short, sweet, and honest for you tech xxxxx. I'm a homeless junkie from the 931 area code. I've always had a knack for finding stuff free what ain't supposed to be. I've wanted to learn more for a while and just decided, since I have a decent tablet, to dive right the **** on in. I hope to make many friends here. I'm most interested in learning all I can about game emulators. Fair warning, I'm easily distracted and will ask what may seem to be stupid questions.
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Rant about stupid people

WDF is up with retarded people moving on from small nokia's to the fuze and other ppc phones? They have no idea what they're doing! I mean come the fk on! One guy doesn't know how to transfer ringtones from his storage card to his /windows folder! I was just on the aee tee n tee forums. I mean FFS! Don't buy something you are not capable of handing! Is the world full of that many retarded/stupid people? They buy something that they are not fully capable of understand/using and then they complain about how bad it is. People are such idiots..
LOL! I've been thinking the same thing. I always thought I had the best of the best, which included all the extras I've got on it. But, when I see a f'n 12 year old girl T-X-T'n her mutha f***'n BFF on her brand new Touch Pro, I say WTF!!!!
I will make a general statement here....
People should be tested and then licensed before they are allowed to breed.
I HATE seeing people with expensive electronics... THAT THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE!
Whether it be a Diamond, or even a Touch, it just isn't right. Especially like MacBooks, MacBook Pros, Vaios... ugh. "How do I install an app???" GAH!
an old wize man once said, "Never Believe a noob when he says "it didnt work !" "
derekwilkinson said:
I HATE seeing people with expensive electronics... THAT THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE!
Whether it be a Diamond, or even a Touch, it just isn't right. Especially like MacBooks, MacBook Pros, Vaios... ugh. "How do I install an app???" GAH!
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Completly agree mate!!
Kraize said:
WDF is up with retarded people moving on from small nokia's to the fuze and other ppc phones? They have no idea what they're doing! I mean come the fk on! One guy doesn't know how to transfer ringtones from his storage card to his /windows folder! I was just on the aee tee n tee forums. I mean FFS! Don't buy something you are not capable of handing! Is the world full of that many retarded/stupid people? They buy something that they are not fully capable of understand/using and then they complain about how bad it is. People are such idiots..
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I don't agree with you and think that really you are just fed up with the noobs asking (in our opinion) questions that have rather simple answers just because they didn't take the time to search for the answer themselves. We have all been NOOBS at one time and had to figure out how to use our devices ourselves one way or the other. I myself only moved to a WM device a year ago (Previously had a Nokia 6620). The biggest difference was that I did tons of reading, research and soon discovered that there was so much more my device could do and learned how to customize by device. The point is, Everyone who gets a new device has to learn how to use it somehow. We just have to have some patience and try to help them learn how to use these forums so that they can teach themselves. It doesn't serve any purpose to be rude and call all these new WM device owners "retards" "Stupid" "Idiots", or to assume that they don't know how to handle these devices. They are still learning as we all did at one point.
Really if you are that annoyed with them then don't help them out. Just ignore the posts. Starting a thread like this doesn't serve to help this community. Isn't the purpose of this community suppose to be to help each other out though cooperation, sharing what we know about out devices with others, so that they can later help out other noobs themselves. It kind of defeats the purpose of this forum to constantly flame the noobs whenever they have a question and really if we don't try to help them by pointing them in the right direction, we are not being productive members of this community ourselves.
I'm not a programmer and will never pretend to be one or even understand anything about programming, so I can't contribute to this community that way; however, I can still contribute by helping other people understand the basics of their devices, solve / work around some of the quirks of their devices. You never know who you might be helping - one of these noobs my be a great programmer who after learning how to use their device and work around the devices short-commings, figure out how to improve on things themselves and share with the rest of us or write a really cool new app to share with the rest of us.
if you check out point # 8 and #9 by Administrator Peter Poelman here
this basically says it all.
8. Stay cool
Think of this as a on-line temple. A sacred place, dedicated to collaboration, learning and collective wisdom. Don't shout and try not to get angry. Maybe the world should adhere more to the basic filosofy of Internet protocol design: "Be strict about what you send, and liberal about what you receive". This forum has people from all countries, cultures and levels of mental maturity. This means that no matter what you're like, you'll have to adjust to people that are most definitely not like you. But on the other hand, try to be gentle with people, even in the event they're not gentle with you. It will gain you many reputation points if you help to keep the peace.
9. Help others if you can
OK, you can post that message now. If you see posts from others where you can help out, please do. This place exists because people are helping eachother, and even if you are relatively new to the matter, there's probably already quite a few people newer than you that would benefit from what you've learned. Don't be shy.
Take Care
No. Not really. I'm cool. I know we were all noobs at one time or the other, but I myself do not remember asking questions such as those. It could be some are naturally talented in technology. But I'm just saying, don't buy things that you don't know about. I tend to know things inside out before I even buy it.
i think what kraize is saying is bull at the end of the day we slag off noobs because they dont kno how to use the devices and wish they knew how to but because no one will tell them how theyll never become wiser if this goes on then the next generation of ppc user will be screwed because they been treat with contempt and told they shouldnt use these devices these people could be the next rom and software developers if they have the passion and apply them selves
so really they are not idiots theyve just been let down by a bunch of eletists who used to love teaching new things, but have lost the passion due to snootines or whatever
Kraize said:
No. Not really. I'm cool. I know we were all noobs at one time or the other, but I myself do not remember asking questions such as those. It could be some are naturally talented in technology. But I'm just saying, don't buy things that you don't know about. I tend to know things inside out before I even buy it.
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Hi Kraize. I fully agree with you that it is best to learn as much about a device before you buy it. Everyone should do this for anything they buy - Car, TV, Stereo, Computer, etc... I don't buy anyting until I have done some thorough research on the item - read reviews etc... to make sure it is a good device. I admit that I still didn't know much about WM devices when I purchased mine, only read reviews and certain web sites and asked lots of questions at the store where I purchased it. (but even the Rogers store clerks can't tell you about the full potential of these devices**They just don't know the devices they sell that well). I have to say though that if it wasn't for this forum, I wouldn't have learned as much about my device as I had. Keep in mind, I didn't start any NOOB threads asking silly questions. I joined in March 2008, but had been visiting this site since December 2007 after I purchased my device and learned as much as I could just searching, reading, searching more, reading and reading and reading and experimenting. I origianally only joined this community so that I could download some of the cool apps that have been developped by the other members here, but then found out that I can actually help others with what I had learned. To this date, I still have not started a single thread asking a question. I only PM'd one individual with one NOOB type question (asking about the difference between the touch Elf and touch Vogue ROM's ) as I could not find this information in my searches. (thanks to TheChampJT for answering this for me).
With this said - I won't say for sure that I won't ever feel the need to start a new thread asking a question, and I hope that if the time comes, people are understanding and either offer constructive answers or point me in the right direction.
What I would undertand ranting about, would be ranting about the ones who join this community and don't even try to find the answers for themselves or they do one search and don't dig deep enough to find their answers. Most answers are already out there but they just don't want to bother. I have spent many hours searching and finding my own answers, so I know it is possible and to see others not even try really burns me. I understand why they have questions, I had them myself, but for goodness sakes, if you have a new device and don't understand how to use it to it's full potential, then you have to do some reading and learn how to use it. Don't just immediately expect others to give you step by step instructions on what to do. Even if someone did do this, you wouldn't even understand how to use the device still since you didn't do it yourself.
It's all part of the adventure - learning how to maximize your device and understanding it and everyone deserves a chance to have this. Those who want an immediatlely easy to use and set up device - should get an IPhone
@ Everyone.
I'm trying to say here that I'm not dissing those who want to learn about the devices. I'm dissing those who are lazy and non-appreciative about it. Like a lot of other people, I've been a lurker for this site for a very long time. A couple years in fact. But those people that just ask things and wonder things without even reading the manual or typing it up on google dissappoint me. Btw. I've never really said anything about this site. I meant like on the AT&T forums. Too many people don't know a thing. I feel that CS and reps in stores feel the same way when retards come in asking how to turn on the phone (Beleive me, it has happened. In front me my eyes when I was buying the fuze).
hotrod pming is fine i have asked question by opening thread got flamed and understood but at the same time i was overjoyed with the few users who helped these peole dont need flaming they need teaching and its our right as winmo users to help them
I have a dream that one day this communtiy will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all mobiles are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former mokia owners and the sons of former motorola owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that my three little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the OS on there mobiles or there ability to flash a rom but by being able to ask a question this wonderful of all sites and not get flames
I have a dream that one day, down in XDA, with its vicious Senior members, with its policy having its lips dripping with the words of "NOOB" and "READ THE WIKI" in such a nasty way. that this will all end and we can teach so they to can teach the ways on winmo
Or when you check the comments on freewarepocketpc before downloading and see tons of idiots asking for installation instructions. On the other hand WM phones are being marketed more and more as entertainment devices. It's not a f'n iPhone!
But a cab file? Google dammit! It's so damn simple!
Here's my rant (not quite sure if it's off topic, but it's ranting about stupid people):
Context: Our router failed. After a week of saying I was wrong and trying every random solution from the internet, my father finally admitted (claimed he knew it all along) that the router was broken and got us a new 110$ b/g/n router. We are 3 in the house and we only surf the web, no BitTorrent or anything fancy.
-Your father got a new router and it's working perfectly
-It's an N router
-But our computers don't support n, what's the point? There are 40$ routers that do the job
-Ours do, it's going to be way faster.
-Actually, I doubt so. Our router is already faster than the internet connection itself, there's a bottleneck.
-Yes but it's an n router, it's faster
-No, it can't be faster, we already topped the possible speed with our previous router. It's not like we were a dozen using the same connection to share file accross a football field. Another D-Link 524 would have done the job.
-You don't understand, it's faster, it's the new technology.
*goes back to work*
This thread is not going any where.. It's going to cause some flaming and such
ather90 said:
an old wize man once said, "Never Believe a noob when he says "it didnt work !" "
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this is probably one of my favorite quotes if ever read
you just have to look at the diamond threads
how many " phone bricked" threads are started
i will always try to help
but its suprised me how many are try to do thing that they haven't a clue about what they are "trying" to do
....or won't even take 5 mins to read a 1st post on a tread telling them what to do.
Mmmmm Its a shame, maybe a MOD wanna be here
I think that here are many **** people that dont read his own post... this Thread is embarrasing and ****s up all the forum... SENIORS and... saying this kind of things... its a real shame fellows, that needs to read again the threads many people pm me by msn real lost mens telling me men! I brick my phone... and i just help them... thats all!
Expensive, cheaps, guys, old men, are the same just need to have experience but y'all screw up that hope.
GOD you are so Tough and I think the champ must be some more quite.
+ Que PPC said:
I think that here are many **** people that dont read his own post... this Thread is embarrasing and ****s up all the forum... SENIORS and... saying this kind of things... its a real shame fellows, that needs to read again the threads many people pm me by msn real lost mens telling me men! I brick my phone... and i just help them... thats all!
Expensive, cheaps, guys, old men, are the same just need to have experience but y'all screw up that hope.
GOD you are so Tough and I think the champ must be some more quite.
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I keep reading this line over,
+ Que PPC said:
I think the champ must be some more quite.
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and over,
+ Que PPC said:
I think the champ must be some more quite.
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and over again!
Maybe I'm the only lost one, but WTF are you saying, and further more, about me?
Easy men easy...
WTF what? I saw your post numbers... your star (ten EUR donate) your Avatar and I saw a Guy that likes to help people... but nop he is tire about helping idiots.... but.... Does it makes any sense? is not my problem man!... just be a little more relax... with that tongue men! be cool... flamming threads arent welcome anywhere, well in you can post your fury about XDA n00bs.
Thats all.
+ Que PPC said:
WTF what? I saw your post numbers... your star (ten EUR donate) your Avatar and I saw a Guy that likes to help people... but nop he is tire about helping idiots.... but.... Does it makes any sense? is not my problem man!... just be a little more relax... with that tongue men! be cool... flamming threads arent welcome anywhere, well in you can post your fury about XDA n00bs.
Thats all.
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I understood your post, but am confused at the take on me referring to a REAL LIFE person. I think you should read my post again. No mention of xda users in it, in fact I've found myself to be helpful here, and hope there are some that would say the same.

Who is haykuro?

Hei there, i'm a ****ing man who has an android website..
Yesterday i had a very nice conversation with haykuro. I wanted to suggest him to not be so bad with other developers writing publically that everything belong from haykuro..
After other sentences the conversation gone ahead and i discovered that haykuro thinks to be the best developers here ( I think jf is the best ) , even when i tried to explain that i made some roms and i know people sometimes is frustrating he remarked me that he is ahead of everything and withouth him i could not post every rom.. ( this is not true because i released dream roms for italian users learning from JF )
Haykuro released publically some logs withouth explicit authorization, so i did (with his authorization) and i would like to share it with you all..
Link here:
....Wrong section? Should this even be in Dream?!
alritewhadeva probably there is no section ok for this topic ...
But as haykuro is an android developer , i think that this section will match more than others.
The internet is serious business.
What is the point of this thread? I think that Haykuro has made a great deal of effort to contribute to this community and should be rightfully acknowledged.
Okay then. Maybe you should stop bashing him...He's done so much and yes he has a high ego. Too high for his good I agree, but after all he's done? I agree JF is better than him. Without Haykuro we wouldn't have the Magic Rooted or the Rogers Dream rooted...we wouldn't have gotten an early taste of hero. The kid has done so much and he just asks for a little credit. Lots of people on this forum are not giving credit where credit is due and it's completely understandable why he doesn't like the XDA forums and why he's asking for credit. He's a good guy.
Actually, it's not.
In fact, I don't think any section "will match more than others".
*off to look for the "I have to pick petty internet fights to compensate for the fact that I'm a guy named Andrea" section on XDA*
double post!
I shouldn't even feed into this. But before its locked... let haykuro have his ego. At 17 look what hels provided the community with. And even after he "left" xda he still made major accomplishments. Your poking him with a stick and wondering why he's not being nice. Let the man work.
Quick! Someone repossess his android device!!
- in before the lock.
alritewhadeva said:
Okay then. Maybe you should stop bashing him...He's done so much and yes he has a high ego. Too high for his good I agree, but after all he's done? I agree JF is better than him. Without Haykuro we wouldn't have the Magic Rooted or the Rogers Dream rooted...we wouldn't have gotten an early taste of hero. The kid has done so much and he just asks for a little credit. Lots of people on this forum are not giving credit where credit is due and it's completely understandable why he doesn't like the XDA forums and why he's asking for credit. He's a good guy.
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I'm not stating he hasn't done good things i'm thankfull he done a lot of things..
you are forgetting he is taking a lot of greetings for things not done.. Furthermore he did tweets for other developers telling the world that thoose developers didn't thanked him...
I think this is not a good way to communicate
BTW haykuro is a good developer (i stated it a lot of times here and on my post ) But should try to think before posting..
discredit good developers is not the right way ... if i was on fatal1ty and nk02 i would be a little angry with him :
First because haykuro offended them
Second because haykuro didn't helped them
Third because haykuro twitted to the world the work was from him
If you find this post ridicolous or can't say anything more thant ( this is not the right section ) please don't post below
Please Close
MODS, please close this useless thread and send it to the trash.
As a new member I have learned that XDA is a place where everyone can come to learn about pretty much whatever they want. What I have also learned is that XDA is not a place to post about general, non-technical, topics where users are bashing other members and phishing for things that are irrelevant.
I think people are blowing this out of proportion, it isn't like hes asking for money hes just asking for a simple one word acknowledgement which in most cases he deserves.
Well haykuro has gone crazy lately, he now shows he is 17 immature little boy who needs to grow up. I've been following him on Twitter and reading post he has made on des, and he is becoming a tucking asshole. Now. Example:
Mike makes a Rom and thanks haykuro for his help, and then most members thank mike
Haykuro doesn't like this and wants all credit to him while all he did was. Help a little.
And the above example is actually true. Which happened not so long ago.
Dladu said:
I think people are blowing this out of proportion, it isn't like hes asking for money hes just asking for a simple one word acknowledgement which in most cases he deserves.
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again .. It's ok i say thank to haykuro for what he did..
But please haykuro stop stress other people.. Not everyone is stealing your work..
Dladu, i agree with you.. But the way he asks the word is wrong..
Where are the mods? I miss them. =(
Hey, let's go continue this conversation on that one really popular high-profile Android-related site - you know,!
Oh wait, the comments there are moderated, much like Communism. *sigh*
Haykuro is one of the best. He has contributed so much in so little time that it's amazing. If he wants proper credit, for sure. If he wants some credit for things he only had a helping hand in, why not? If he wants credit for making the sun rise, hell I'd give him that too!!
The only reason theres been any conflict is because some of the other devs have an ego just as big, or bigger, than him, thus preventing them from being able to give credit unless they feel they should.
Does it hurt you all more, to give a little credit (even if you think its not deserved), than it hurts for haykuro to feel like people take his work and don't aknowledge it?
Everyone else should temper their egos because Haykuro is an asset we should try to keep.
Maybe it's just me, but even after reading all of that, I still don't care.
Haykuro wants credit he feels is due from other developers. That's between those developers and himself.
I'm not a party to whatever events led to all of this, but I'm comfortable saying that if he contributed to the efforts of others, he deserves some modicum of credit. The reason people put in countless hours working on this stuff for free is to further the community, and if their only compensation is community recognition and they get slighted -- that's a problem for everyone. I'm not just talking about Haykuro here, either, it applies to anyone and everyone whose contributions have any value.
Without Haykuro, we wouldn't be as far along as we are today. MODS PLEASE CLOSE THIS BASH THREAD.
Haykuro has done a hell of a lot for this forum, i know that, but is he the best developer here? i'd say so.
But i've said it before and i'll say it again, his attitude is terrible.
I'm all for him getting all the credit he deserves, i'd actively go out of my way to make sure he gets his credit, and i know he's only 17, but he needs to sort out his attitude now. If he leaves it any longer it could 'stick' with him and no one wants to ascociate themselves with someone that egotistical.
I know he's done a hell of a lot for XDA, but think of everything XDA has done for HIM! With all the donations we gave him, we even bought him a phone for christs sake! Then one day some of his work gets leaked and thats it, he runs off, never to return. I know it must be frustrating, but **** happens and you need to deal with it.
I respect Haykuro immensely as a developer, but his attitude towards his work needs to change.
most of you probably wont agree with me, but thats just my thoughts on the subject

[Q] Anyone like Sci-fi?

im writing my own sci fi book, and im looking for some opinions from professionals. ive looked for professional help myself, but it is ungodly expensive. so im wondering if there are any science fiction fans on this site, and/or editors. i have very little money, but if you dont edit for free, i will be getting a job soon. by the way, you might want to make sure you have a decent amount of time to devote to reading, because as of this post, my story is a little more than 26,000 words (itll be three weeks tomorrow since i started!). my goal is to get 100,000 words by thanksgiving, but with school and a job, we'll have to see about that. anyways, if youd like to help me out, please post below.

Does going to college mean success?

So im starting my third year of university this semester (going for a degree in CIS) and lately i've been really feeling like i dont want to continue. Some of the classes im taking are completely irrelevant (but are required) to what i want to know in life and i just dont feel like its what i really want anymore. Im not sure what to do because i know dropping college would be a huge decision and i just dont want to make the wrong one. I feel like i could be out there right now learning business and other things im interested in and be having a good time while learning the stuff i want to learn.
Are there any people in here that didnt go to college or dropped out and have had a successful life and are happy with their decision? A cousin of mine dropped out and he is having the worst time right now because its so hard for him to get a job. I just dont want to have the same fate as he did.
Just curious as to what others have to say, thanks!
I know a lot of college grads that are complete morons. Usually working in middle management but don't contribute anything to the company.
Stick with it pal. College doesn't ensure success but it sure improves your chances!
If you're not happy with your courses, change them! If i could do it over i'd go to college and stay there until i was 30!
Not necessarily BUT having said that, college is well worth the time and effort. I've owned my own business and NEVER finished college....but I'm just that awesome.
It's a tablet dammit! Not a BIG phone....
A college degree doesn't give you success. Success comes from the potential you have with in to be successful. If you can achieve what YOU want doesn't that make you successful because you achieved what you want? I'm a freshman and to me, ill be successful once I get my PhD in pharmacy.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
I think most of the time those who succeed without finishing college knows what they really want to do and they know how to do it.
If what's really bothering you is the classes that aren't necessary for your major, then IMO you should still go for it.

[Q] Self taught or not?

Just wondering how all you experienced developers on here started out. I know you have probably been asked many times before but I am genuinely interested.
I am by no means any sort of developer. I first came to this site about two years ago when I first learned of rooting. Prior to that I had no knowledge whatsoever of developing or programming.
However I cant keep off here. Is it something that can be self taught. I would really love to delve into this so that I can start to have a little input into what goes on here and even if its just testing at least I could maybe be of help to someone. I have picked up little bits on how things work but my main question is where would be a good place to start self teaching??? It is becoming somewhat of an interest for me.
Any pointers would be hugely appreciated.
If it's apps your interested in then AdamOutler has recently done a great video/article combo which would get you started. Check the portal / youtube channel....
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.....
I suppose anything really just to get a basic understanding to start with. I would love eventually to be able to create/modify custom roms ect, but yeah thanks for the pointer.
hammoliam said:
I suppose anything really just to get a basic understanding to start with. I would love eventually to be able to create/modify custom roms ect, but yeah thanks for the pointer.
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Well for roms, check if your device is supported by Dsixdas kitchen, if so that's a great place to start tinkering...
If you want to really start making changes to things though your going to need to learn to code to some extent...
Read and search, read and search...
Good luck
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.....
If you want a great beginning developer environment, wp7 is the easiest and most user friendly one to dive into.
I taught myself python with old boxed up books from the back rooms of my high school library. Didn't have a computer and did all my work on notebook paper. My first language. So, yeah, you can teach yourself anything.
I'm reading this right now.
Has tons of practical applications.
Might get a kick out of what I'm reading right now:
Communications, Radar and Electronic Warfare
Frontiers in Antennas: Next Generation Design and Engineering
Advances in Cryptology 2011
Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools
Philosophy and Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason
boborone said:
I taught myself python with old boxed up books from the back rooms of my high school library. Didn't have a computer and did all my work on notebook paper. My first language. So, yeah, you can teach yourself anything.
I'm reading this right now.
Has tons of practical applications.
Might get a kick out of what I'm reading right now:
Communications, Radar and Electronic Warfare
Frontiers in Antennas: Next Generation Design and Engineering
Advances in Cryptology 2011
Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools
Philosophy and Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason
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Well i'm done with the list and ready to take over local frequencies with my own propaganda. read, play good music on pirated radio
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Nowhere near an experienced developer, but with a couple of apps and a ROM WIP, the only thing that taught me was xda-tv
Learning to me is just when somebody puts a puzzle in front of you with no clues or guidelines. But you are surrounded by 50k people that you may ask questions (xda).
I just keep trying to solve the puzzle and if I really don't get something I just ask xda.
That's just how I learn. Its how I've always learn. Just dive into it and rip it apart. Think as logically as possible and listen to some cool dub step while doing so for extra learning points.
Sent from my Wildfire S A510e using xda premium

