Before I try the upgrade I just wanted to get a couple of clarifications. It is simply a "one click" process of running the executable? Of course I assume the phone needs to be connected.
I downloaded a file from the FTP site that I believe is the latest and greatest but I would really rather not fry my phone. <G>
Also, assuming everything goes okay will I loose any of my programs, and contacts?
From the folks that have had trouble, is there any kind of consensus of what cuased their problems? In other words should I avoid doing it if I've seen what with my 8125?
Thanks all,
Make absolutely sure you unlock your CID and sim using Lokiwiz before you upgrade to any ROM.
There's a couple of different ROMs out there as well, so make sure you read their respective threads and see what other people's experiences are with them. Summiter's ROMs are top notch, but make sure you grab the one with the features you are looking for.
In general, AKU2 ROMs are much more stable than your stock 8125's ROM. Most importantly, test all the important functionality (WiFi, Bluetooth, GPRS, etc.) before you start loading apps on your device.
GliTCH82 said:
Make absolutely sure you unlock your CID and sim using Lokiwiz before you upgrade to any ROM.
There's a couple of different ROMs out there as well, so make sure you read their respective threads and see what other people's experiences are with them. Summiter's ROMs are top notch, but make sure you grab the one with the features you are looking for.
In general, AKU2 ROMs are much more stable than your stock 8125's ROM. Most importantly, test all the important functionality (WiFi, Bluetooth, GPRS, etc.) before you start loading apps on your device.
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I'm thinking I might just ought to wait until the "official ROM" comes out. Seeing as how I have no idea what you mean by "unlocking your CID" means. <G>
I'm sure it's here in the threads but all this makes me a little nervous. I'm no stranger to all this tech stuff but should I fry my phone it would be hard to justify to the wife that I need to spend $500.00 on another one.
Absolutely. If you don't feel comfortable with the process, then it's best to wait until an official update is released so that you can go right back to the store and get a replacement if something goes wrong.
I just upgraded my 8125 and I don't know what CID means nor did I unlocc it. Its was very simple, just a few cliccs (I think about 4). It only took about 5mins and wow so many more features and better stability then how I recieve my 8125. I used one of the official Roms myself.
Hey I am about to do the update myself. I was wondering if someone could answer a few questions for me.
1.) I see it says when you do the update all the programs need to be reinstalled. Does that mean even the programs that originally came with the phone? Like the calc, and excel? Or just the programs that you installed on your own.
2.) I am mainly interested in the overclocking, and having push email work, and stereo bluetooth. Which rom should i use? there are so many out there now, it can get a bit confusing, and i dont want to use the wrong one. Is there a place you can go to look at the features of each one?
3.) what is the best push email client to use? i am using express mail now, but i am not liking it at all.
Thanks in advance i am loving this forum, and i hope to get my phone up and running soone
1. No. Everything you started with should be there again. Just updated software.
2. As far as OC and Stereo BT. The are specificied on the installer files. Not sure about the Push Email.
3. Haven't used this feature yet.
I did the AKU2 upgrade ROM for the 8125 and I do not see what all the new features are.
Can someone delineate all of the upgraded features for me?
I do notice the new screen for the Connection Manager, but all of the choices seem to be the same.
[email protected]
I saw a new screen when just doing the rom. I have no idea what the Extended Rom thing does. I would like to know aswell
Zaiaku said:
I saw a new screen when just doing the rom. I have no idea what the Extended Rom thing does. I would like to know aswell
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The basic 2.17 ROM is just a simple AKU 2 ROM customized for Cingular users. Think of an AKU as a service pack. Microsoft updated some core OS files, and in the case of AKU 2 also included Direct Push and the remote wipe features. Cingular has been dragging their feet in getting an AKU 2 ROM out, hence the homegrown ROMs available here.
The other 2.17 ROMs are built on the basic version, but have additional features as indicated in the file name.
CF2 is Compact Framework 2 and is essentially some .Net components shrunk for mobile devices. Some applications require CF2. CF1 was already included in WIndows Mobile 5, I added CF2 so folks wouldn't need to install it into the limited program storage space.
Themes and ringers are obvious - I added more of them.
A2DP/AVRCP is stereo over Bluetooth, and remote control over Bluetooth. It's used for wireless stereo headphones.
OmapClock is a CPU overclocking utility that allows for specifying a higher or lower clock speed for the CPU. It can help in situations where an application requires more horespower. I added shortcut links with 3 common clock speeds to make overclocking easier. The shortcuts can be assigned to hardware buttons.
Hope this helps.
I'm referring to this thread:
(Cingular 8125 users: 2 custom RUU upgraders available on ftp)
What's the benefit of using that over the stock cingular rom? It still has goodlink and expressmail installed so it's not really saving any space. Does it just offer a better OS with less errors and more speed?
Also, referring to this thread:
(Cingular 8125 users: 217 ROM w/ fonts, themes, oclock on ftp)
I can see some improvements. Themes, ringtones, and omapclock have been installed while goodlink and expressmail have been removed. I don't need the themes, ringtones, or omapclock.exe... but since this version doesn't have goodlink or expressmail this would be better for me then the first ROM I listed correct?
I can't test myself yet because my 8125 doesn't get here for another 12 hours or so. But I'm trying to prepare so when I get it I know exactly what to install to get it up and running ASAP. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In the first case, there were two ROMs listed for download - one is the stock Cingular 1.8 ROM and one was upgraded to the MSFP/AKU2 ROM with the Cingular customizations. When this was first posted, neither HTC America, nor Cingular, made the original ROM version available for download - so if you upgraded to one of the other ROM's, it was virtually impossible to go back to the stock Cingular ROM.
In the other case, a lot of the ringers and themes are now stored in ROM, in lieu of taking up memory. It is a personal preference.
I upgraded to the AKU2 update ROM from the first thread so I could get Push Mail. Plus it is significantly faster than the original Cingular ROM.
Is there a post about all the versions of ROM?
Excuse my lack of knowledge, but I'm just a baby beginner when it comes to Wizards... just switched from HP 6515. I don't even know what AKU2 means, nor which update would be best for my needs.
I'd like to learn about it. But don't want people to write what has already been written, so could you provide me some links to the "history" of ROMs?
MargaL said:
Is there a post about all the versions of ROM?
Excuse my lack of knowledge, but I'm just a baby beginner when it comes to Wizards... just switched from HP 6515. I don't even know what AKU2 means, nor which update would be best for my needs.
I'd like to learn about it. But don't want people to write what has already been written, so could you provide me some links to the "history" of ROMs?
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Browse this forum and you'll learn plenty. AKU2 is essentially like a service pack. It inludes OS fixes, and in the case of AKU2, it adds support for Microsoft's Direct Push, which requires an Exchange (service pack 2) account to function.
There's really only three major ROM types for the Wizard: the shipping version which came on your device, modified 2.0X ROMs which include Direct Push and support for bluetooth stereo, and 2.X ROMs which include Direct Push but NOT bluetooth stereo. The various 2.X ROMs you see are just various AKU2 releases from different vendors like QTek or Imate, as well as custom variations of those ROMs.
You're most likely to run across custom ROMs US carriers T-Mobile and Cingular, because they have yet to release official AKU2 ROMs.
What are your needs and who's your carrier?
Thank you for your explanation. This is actually where my journey to the world of Wizards begin
My provider is Cingular...
My needs? Hmm... tough one ;-)
Up till now I've been using HP 6515. Mostly for listening to music (not via BT) and ocasionally playing Microsoft's Cubicle Chaos. (Sometimes both at the same time)
I use some Today Screen plugins...
I'm a pretty heavy phone user (1-2 hours talk time per day) and messaging person (about 800 per month). I don't use GPRS, since Cingular's prices on it simply SUCK!
And I'm always looking for some new uses for my phone...
MargaL said:
My provider is Cingular...
My needs? Hmm... tough one ;-)
Up till now I've been using HP 6515. Mostly for listening to music (not via BT) and ocasionally playing Microsoft's Cubicle Chaos. (Sometimes both at the same time)
I use some Today Screen plugins...
I'm a pretty heavy phone user (1-2 hours talk time per day) and messaging person (about 800 per month). I don't use GPRS, since Cingular's prices on it simply SUCK!
And I'm always looking for some new uses for my phone...
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OK then, I think the custom 2.17 Cingular ROM is appropriate for you. It has push mail, but since you won't be using that, you'll at least gain the benefits of improved stability and performance.
Check out the thread I started about 2 custom ROMs for CIngular users being available on the ftp. There's a link directly to the 2.17 installer.
Be aware that you will lose anything you've installed, so you'll have to reinstall everything to your liking as you did when the device was new.
Thanks a lot, Summiter.
You've given me a lot of explanation and I'm grateful to you.
I'll sure check out that thread.
Hi there summiter.
I want to download/install the ROM you are mentioning, but the FTP link in your post is broken...may you offer some help as to where I can find it?
I have a Cingular 8125 that I'd like to update with the 2.17 ROM you mention.
Nevermind, I found a working link in another post.
Going to try the 2.17 with AKU2, Ringers, and oclock. I'll see how it goes!
How to -exactly
I too am new in the HTC world having come from years of Blackberrries. The info on the ROM upgrades is clear and it seems an upgrade to the 2.17 would be good for me, but I need to know *how* to flash and upgrade and haven't found any step-by-step's in this forum for those basic items. I have no problem finding the files, downlaoding the files from the FTP sites, etc- I just need to know what the difference between "flash" and "update" are - and how to execute those two tasks.
Re: How to -exactly
mokla40 said:
I too am new in the HTC world having come from years of Blackberrries. The info on the ROM upgrades is clear and it seems an upgrade to the 2.17 would be good for me, but I need to know *how* to flash and upgrade and haven't found any step-by-step's in this forum for those basic items. I have no problem finding the files, downlaoding the files from the FTP sites, etc- I just need to know what the difference between "flash" and "update" are - and how to execute those two tasks.
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Flash and update are used interchangeably. When you update, you are flashing a new ROM onto your device.
As far as step-by-step goes, I've posted several, but..
establish an activesync connection
CID unlock with aWizard
device reset
establish an activesync connection
run the ROM isntaller of choice
mpaolo said:
Hi there summiter.
I want to download/install the ROM you are mentioning, but the FTP link in your post is broken...may you offer some help as to where I can find it?
I have a Cingular 8125 that I'd like to update with the 2.17 ROM you mention.
Nevermind, I found a working link in another post.
Going to try the 2.17 with AKU2, Ringers, and oclock. I'll see how it goes!
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Sorry about that..I fixed the links
Does anyone have any screen shots of what the upgraded cingular rom looks like?
Does it have the looks and feel of the original rom?
redrover said:
Does anyone have any screen shots of what the upgraded cingular rom looks like?
Does it have the looks and feel of the original rom?
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Unless you decide to use one of the added themes, then yep it looks exactly the same. As far as feel, well that's relative, but most folks report it feels a bit snappier. It retains the Cingular splash screen at startup.
Here she is folks..... Keep in mind this is *BETA*.. there are still some things that i have to clean up... So go ahead and give it a whirl... This has only been tested on the 8125 G3 unlocked phones, i dont know if it will work on anything else outside of that!!!! So install at your own risk... Dr Puttingham seems to love it, and i think its pretty good. Dr Puttingham is also working on the stripped down version..
Major thanks goes to Molski for providing the core rom and his tweaks, and Dr Puttingham for his input and advice! And everyone else who made cabs for various things found on this board!
So install and give me your comments and suggestions.. and i will better prepare the final version :wink:
oh yeah, you need the link
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Other_Unknown/Shogun_A_La_Carte_Cingular_WWE_2.exe
And for the N00bs.. d/l the exe, choose to unpack it to its own folder, then run ROMUpdateUtility_Wizard_NoID
Myself and faria have been working very hard on a future release.. it is currently in a private beta testing phase.. Anyone that is interesting in checking its current status feel free to check our blog
Just so's everyone knows ... the install appears to "stall" or "hang" at 94, 98 and 100% so don't be alarmed! DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR DEVICE NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES! Sorry to shout but I'm expecting somebody to think that their computer's locked up and "brick" their phone! (And one really shouldn't be running any apps like Outlook or such while upgrading...)
Look around in the Programs group for folders called WIFI, Tools and 800Message.
Wow, that's great to get a new rom - Awesome! But sorry, not to sound ignorant... can you please explain what the G3 unlock is. I'm running a 64k SIM in my phone, not 3G.
Is the 8125 capable of running at 3G speeds, or are earlier models limited? Is this a hardware or software limitation... I would like to get my card swapped out with Cingular if possible. Thanks for your help.
when i mention G3 and G4 its the difference in chips in the wizard, if you boot your phone and get .001 at the end of the ipl and spl numbers then you have a G4 and i dont recommend using my new rom, although i might be able to make an identical rom for the G4 (i just dont have a phone with G4 to test it) And the wizard does not do UMTS only Edge, so no its not capable of 3G speeds... wait till cingular offers the 8525 and you can get 3g
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he is talking about the 3rd Generation 8125 not the 3rd Generation wireless protocol.. Anyone try this ROM yet.. I'm still on Summiter's 2.17 and am not in a situation where I can experiment with my device no matter how much I want to..
Shogunmark, what advantages does this ROM offer up over my 2.17?
Dr Puttingham said:
Just so's everyone knows ... the install appears to "stall" or "hang" at 94, 98 and 100% so don't be alarmed! DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR DEVICE NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES! Sorry to shout but I'm expecting somebody to think that their computer's locked up and "brick" their phone! (And one really shouldn't be running any apps like Outlook or such while upgrading...)
Look around in the Programs group for folders called WIFI, Tools and 800Message.
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Thanks for mentioning the hang... i knew i forgot to mention something.. it was 2am when i finally posted it all
Few Suggestions and Comments
1. I was able to install this rom on a non G3 or G4 chipset and it works beutifully.
2. I would not include Pocket Controller since many people, including myself, don't have that software and thus its useless to me at least.
3. I don't know what program you installed to fully close applications but its a little annoying and puts a red dot in the X. I would recommend instead Smartsky.
4. Nice job including Omap and Omap plus. Very very nice.
5. Amazing job and keep up the good work.
Running it now. All I can say is IMPRESSIVE. This is the best custom rom for the 8125 yet. Thanks!
Re: Few Suggestions and Comments
Yagi said:
1. I was able to install this rom on a non G3 or G4 chipset and it works beutifully.
2. I would not include Pocket Controller since many people, including myself, don't have that software and thus its useless to me at least.
3. I don't know what program you installed to fully close applications but its a little annoying and puts a red dot in the X. I would recommend instead Smartsky.
4. Nice job including Omap and Omap plus. Very very nice.
5. Amazing job and keep up the good work.
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oh yeah, pocket controller will be left out of the final.. i forgot that it was in the beta.. i just got tired of having to re-install it when i was trying out different cabs and such..
i havent used wclose before, which is the program that fully closes the program.. it is kinda growing on me though
anyway, thanks for your input, i will keep a list of all suggestions for the final. The input is greatly appreciated!
How is this new ROM with dropping calls? I'm using summiter's most recent ROM. The reception is great, but I drop calls like Jenna Jamesson drops panties.
DeathBySnuggles said:
How is this new ROM with dropping calls? I'm using summiter's most recent ROM. The reception is great, but I drop calls like Jenna Jamesson drops panties.
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i havent fully tested that aspect.. I mean who makes calls with a phone anyway :shock: ... but this is built of the molski 2.26 rom with the good 2.25.11 radio which i ran prior to this and cant think of where i ever dropped a call with it
Cool. My dropped calls might be the fault of weather panel and flexmail2007. but i've gotten extremely irritated with my dropped calls. I'll give your ROM a shot once you release the final.
Oh and I second the "no need for the app closer software" movement as i'm a wisbar guy anyway.
cant wait for the final of this.... keep up the good work
A little of topic but anyone know when the 8525 will be available in the states.. Is there any link with info on this device.
On your pervious thread you mentioned that you would look into a stripped down version of this. I would like to try it but really dont want all the add ons. Are they removable via the remove programs thing in the settings? Also could you put together a complete list of all the features of this rom...or somewhere that list all the features?
Thanks for all the work!
DeathBySnuggles said:
Cool. My dropped calls might be the fault of weather panel and flexmail2007. but i've gotten extremely irritated with my dropped calls. I'll give your ROM a shot once you release the final.
Oh and I second the "no need for the app closer software" movement as i'm a wisbar guy anyway.
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im an Xbar kinda guy, not free, but used it alot when i use to run smartphones, its a cool little program. But i did like how appcloser will actually close the program from just clicking the x instead of just minimizing.. but at any rate, this rom is for everyone and will be built accordingly to whats popular by use, so if the general population dont want it then i will exclude, or maybe make a cab so it will be easy to install/uninstall.. who knows, just keep up the suggestions!
guyver2077 said:
cant wait for the final of this.... keep up the good work
A little of topic but anyone know when the 8525 will be available in the states.. Is there any link with info on this device.
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there is a thread somewhere for this.. according to it the 8525 was suppose to be released this week, but got pushed back due to a bug..
thankins said:
On your pervious thread you mentioned that you would look into a stripped down version of this. I would like to try it but really dont want all the add ons. Are they removable via the remove programs thing in the settings? Also could you put together a complete list of all the features of this rom...or somewhere that list all the features?
Thanks for all the work!
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Dr. puttingham has decided to work on the stripped down version so i can focus on this one.. right now only some of the features are removable from remove programs.. in an effort limit the massive amount of cabs it took to install this i had combined some..
i will compile a full list later today, right now i gotta hit the shower and get to work..
here is the list of what i included:
BT_COM_PORT (did not install) (did not install) ~ soti pocket controller
fp7_ppc_en (flash) (did not install)
there is a couple that either did not install or didnt install correctly.. will be a quick fix.. and there will be a MAJOR change coming to this...
Mark, what tools are you using to make your ROM's? I've been trying to use mamaich's (think I got the name right), and although I can extract everything fine, I can't seem to turn it back into the binary file..
Looking to see if you might have any ideas.. I've searched the forums more times than I can count..
Well... nothing personal but I'm staying on with shogunmark's Cingular experiment. Lot's to do here but it's geared more for me. (gee I wonder why!)
OK, let it all hang out!
wclose should be left out of startup (my add in, kinda like it - install by user
smartskey - fantastic - install by user
omap - again fantastic -install by user, perhaps with smartskey
CF2 in ROM - get to it Mark!
I'm with the leaner, meaner ROM myself. This one faster, even with omap left out. molski's tweaks and my additions I think help.
And I like the idea of a Cingular ROM as ... that's my ROM...
Lot's of hard work being done here... respect to all!
First off, I think it would be prudent to have a copy of the original Cingular 8125 ROM lying around, just in case anything goes wrong.
Since it's been removed from the HTC site (and is unavailable...I asked HTC tech support), I would like to ask if anyone on this site has the original WM5 Cingular ROM for the 8125?
Second, I have been researching ROMs, and like what I see. It never ceases to amaze me, the effort that is put in by the volunteers here in the XDA community. My sincerest thanks to you all, for keeping these wonderful devices alive and kicking!
In fact, I saw one that I really like the looks of. It has a "drop dead gorgeous" today screen that is inspired by WM7...and then there's the unadorned one that includes the Office suite.
Is there a ROM that combines both? I would cook it myself, but have *no* idea how to do that, yet. I do know that I'd probably run out of space, if I even tried.
My requirements for this phone are simple. I don't do MMS or any of that multimedia crap...I will use it for business and contacts management, and to diagnose/access wi-fi networks. The ability to use the Office suite would also be nice...otherwise a viewer suite. Is there any ROM that would work better for me, than any other?
First,you can download the official cingular wm5 rom from this link:-
Secondly,all the cooks build roms to the best of their efforts and include applications/programs they like and are commonly required and used,so if you want a clean rom,then simply flash a vanilla rom and install programs/applications of your own wish and requirement or you can always remove any program which you don't use or desire to have,after you flash an upgraded custom build rom
Well, thank you! I found the official ROM last night, with a bit of searching (always search before asking a question...) but wasn't sure about which ROM to start with.
I did the unlocking, flashed to the TMobile ROM, then chose one of the TouchFlo ROM images. VERY nice. Only significant bug (so far) is that the camera button doesn't work...have to go in through the album and activate it from there.
WM6.1 looks NICE! I'm genuinely impressed with the progress we've made in just a few years, and on the identical hardware! I just wish Microsoft was half as talented as the volunteers here, on this site. It's amazing what y'all have managed to do.
Thank you for such a quick reply.
You are most welcome,glade you liked the efforts of cooks here
Grrrrrrrr8! kick ass cookers.....
Hi Chuck,
when you did the unlocking did you downgrade to the button rom first to unlock it? I am having so much trouble trying to get activesync to connect after i downgrade.
Activesync 4.5 on XP Pro. 8125, G3 device.
I downgraded to the Button ROM, then unlocked it. I then reupgraded it to my original Cingular WM5 ROM. (hadn't downloaded the TMo ROM yet). Then, I upgraded to the first of my WM6.1 ROM choices. It worked perfectly.
The instructions are all online...found them all on a single page last night, but I can't find it right now. Didn't bookmark it.
Check out this guide:- Windows Mobile 6 for newbies
That's the guide I used to do the downgrade/upgrade. They work perfectly, if you follow them. The only thing I didn't do was use the TMo ROM when I reupgraded to WM5, because I didn't yet have it...I used the Cingular WM5 ROM.
Worked perfectly.
What problem are you having with yours? Perhaps, if you were a little more specific, someone here could help you figure it out...details are always welcome.
Get yourself an xda-developers account so you can ask questions and become part of the community.
I know when I started looking into all this it just seemed like such a daunting task. There was so much information I just didn't know where to start. I looked and looked for a guide that would explain it all to me in one go but just couldn't find one. I had to read around for days trying to get all the information and tools needed to do it, then I had to experiment with lots of failures and swearing before I got the technique right.
It was only when a friend asked if I'd help him flash his M700 that I started to write a pretty detailed email for him. I then decided I'd post it here for you guys who are struggling because I know a few days ago I would have killed for something like this.
Right, we're gonna do the following:
1. Unlock the phone so you can use any SIM and any ROM even though it's locked to orange.
2. Upgrade the HARD SPL to OliPro 1.20
3. Upgrade the Radio version to
4. Upgrade the ROM to WinMo 6.5
5. Install a couple of little extras
First off make sure you have the latest ActiveSync 4.5 installed.
1. OK, first lets unlock it:
Go to and download
You just have to plug the phone in so it connects and run the Auto_unlock_v1.bat and follow the prompts.
It'll put your phone into bootloader (the tri colour screen) then flash it with a new radio. It's a really early version of the radio (1.16...) but it doesn't matter cos we'll upgrade that later.
It'll turn itself off when it's done so you need to turn it back on but leave it plugged in.
Keep following the prompts and eventually, it'll ask you on the phone screen if you want to unlock it. Say yes to both.
There we go, now you have an unlocked phone. But the old radio has probably made it so your satnav won't work.
2. Next let's get a new Hard SLP on there so you can flash other ROMs and Radios. This is the bit that took me ages cos finding the right one isn't too easy. I tried a couple but they wouldn't flash the radio then I heard about Olipro 1.20. I could only get hold of the latest version Olipro 1.30 and it took a while to track down an earlier copy. The latest 1.30 version doesn't work when flashing the 1.56 Radio so you need to have the 1.20 version.
Download the Olipro Hard SPL 1.2 from here post #196
This is basically just another bit of software that will replace the SPL on your phone so you can flash Radio's and ROMs at your leisure.
Again, make sure the phone is plugged in and connected and run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe. It'll stick your phone in bootloader and do a little update that won't take long at all.
3. Now we're ready to flash the Radio. This is basically the drivers and settings of the phone that are there regardless of the actual version of windows you have. So once you flashed this radio (which is the most up to date) you can stick any version of windows mobile on the top and this will still be here at version 1.56.
Download the Radio from here post #44
Don't worry that it's all in Chinese. It still does the business on the phone and it's all still in english afterwards. You just have to remember which buttons you clicked on and which boxes you ticked from when you used the ROMUpdateUtility before.
WARNING! This will hard reset your phone right back to factory defaults after it's done, You need to ensure you've backed up all your numbers and files etc. You have been warned.
Connect your phone again and run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe from the 1.56 radio folder.
This will take a little bit longer, it took about 5 mins to do the update on mine.
Once it's complete you will need to turn your phone on again. It will first of all display the version of ROM then for a brief moment it will flash the Radio version on the screen, if it says then you've got it right, if not then you'll have to try another HARDSPL tool. Don't worry if you miss it cos you can always check it on the 'Settings | System | Device Information' tab.
4. Ok now this is the bit where the choice is entirly up to you and you really do have to do what everyone says and experiment. There is no 'One ROM to rule them all...' Everyone wants different things from their operating system and you just have to play around until you get one you like. Some people want all the fancy bells and whistles of Manila2D (Touchflo) from 6.1 or the fancy honey cone start menu that comes with 6.5. I personally wanted a fast and stable operating system with has lots of free RAM and not too much rubbish that will slow the phone down. Remember our beloved Trinity's are getting a bit long in the tooth these days and even the most modern handsets (eg Touch HD) have trouble with WinMo 6.5 in some of it's forms. If you just want to get it upgraded then try this one out to start with, then when you realise how easy it is you can flash away til your hearts content.
Download Tomme45i's brilliant 6.5 ROM from here You'll struggle to find a faster ROM out there. This is the 27017v2 which is one of the latest releases of WinMo6.5 out htere.
Connect the phone and run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe from the folder. Follow the prompts as usual and after about 5 mins it should have finished.
Turn your phone back on and hey presto! you're up and running with WinMo6.5.
All you have to do is re-sync you phone and all your numbers are back then you're away.
See that wasn't too bad was it. All it took was a few days researching on the XDA forums and endless head scratching when things didn't work. I think most of that time was just because I was unsure exactly what to do and in what order. if I'd just had a guide like this to at least get me through once I'd have found it a lot easier. You should still go away and do the research into any software or ROM/Radio you want to use because the threads contain a lot of useful information.
NEVER post a questions until you've read the whole thread cos chances are it's already been answered.
5. Just a couple of pointers about the ROM.
It was made by a Polish guy so there are a couple of things set to Polish. You will have to change the regional settings in 'Settings | System | Regional Settings' back to the country of your origin.
Also the finger keyboard is set to Polish and he hasn't included any other languages. You'll have to go here to post #30. Download the skin set and copy it to your Windows\Skins folder on your device. This will allow you to select other languages for the keyboard.
It is quite a bare ROM so for that added little bit of BLING I added the S2U2 screen locking application. It basically gives you that little unlocking slider thingy from the iPhone (spit). Go to somewhere like to download the CAB and install it as normal.
I also hate IE6 on these tiny screens. For a much better browsing experience I recommend Opera from You can scroll around the page and double click to zoom in. The tool bars also disappear when your browsing to give you more screen to play with. It works for me, you may not like it.
So that about wraps it up for this guide. I hope some of you total newbies find it a bit less daunting this way and will not be too scared to give other ROMs a try in the future, It's all about what you like and what you want out of your phone at the end of the day.
Please don't forget to donate some money to the chefs (especially Tomme45i) for all thier hard work if you appreciate their product. It doesn't have to be loads even if its only a pound or two. If everyone does it it mounts up. A happy chef is a chef who gets paid and releases lots of fixes/upgrades.
Do I have to take out memory card during this proccess?
Others have said you have to. but I must admit, I forgot at least once when i was flashing a ROM and it didn't seem to make any difference.
Best to take it out I guess as one of the other steps might rely on it not being in there.
Let me know how it goes.
Only question-do you have P3600 or P3600i?
I have VPA compact GPS (P3600) and it seems to be different ROMs for them?
As far as I know the P3600 is exactly the same as the M700 except it has different casing. I'm currently using a different WinMo6.5 ROM with Manila that was made for a P3600 with no problems.
The P3600i has twice as much RAM memory and does require different ROM's to run.
I did it all that you said and everything is working fine, thanks for great info.
But I dont like installed ROM that you suggested and I want to flash with other one. My question is what I should flash, only ROM or I have to flash radio, olipro...?
The Radio and OliPro are now on your device until you decide to change them and overwrite them with something else. You only need to download a new ROM and install that on your phone as in the last stage of the tutorial.
This ROM by Tomme45i is very quick and very stable but it is quite simple too. Most people want something a bit more flashy. The problem with that is, with our old phones, the more bling you add the slower and more unstable they become.
I have recently put a good ROM on my phone. It is by Narshorn. It has the 23016 build of Windows 6.5 and a nice Manila2D front end (as well as the CHome front end where all the items are stacked top to bottom but I don't like that. I much prefer Manila2D). I think he is about to release a new version of it with some bug fixes in today (09/09/09) so it might be worth waiting for that.
Here is the link:
It's well worth reading the thread to get a feel for the limitations the ROM has, but so far I've found it to be very fast and stable.
Don't forget to donate to Narshorn for all his hard work. You only have to give him a few pounds and it all adds up. He had over 200 people download his last build and only 2 donated.
The best thing to do at this point is to head over to the ROM development thread and just READ READ READ.
Choosing a ROM is a very personal thing. Some will be perfect for someone and horrible for his friend. It just depends what you're looking for.
I only wrote this guide to get people started, the rest of the adventure is up to you to discover.
Good luck
I install tryniti 6.1. OS ultimate edition and for now I am satisfied.
Glad to hear it. Stick a link in to that ROM so others can try it out if they want.
Of course for me, I'd always try and find a 6.5 build because it has lots of finger friendly additions that mean you never have to get your stylus out to press any fiddly little menus.
Congrats ! Very GOOD Guide for new starters !
Hi chimpsinties,
I am reading since three days all the Trinity section here at the forum, each days three hours at least. I could say, this guide is quite actual, complete enough, and pointed very well, for one to start flashing an HTC P3600.
As myself.
Well, I am not a total newbie, I have flashed some months ago another device- FSCT830. But concerning Trinity- I have had no idea about until read here.
The device data up to the moment are:
ROM Version: 1.23.405.2
ROM date: 03/11/07
Radio Version:
Protocol Version: 32.71.7020.12H
ExtROM Version: 1.23.405.103
I assume the device is HTC P3600, but not HTC P3600i. Right ?
And before start asking details: is there any difference in your guide for G3 and G4 devices? How to determine what is it?
So I would to ask you some questions regarding the procedure and the availability of all original applications and devices in the new ROMs.
Please find below right inbetween your sentences, but IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
I am eager to test a new ROM !
Thank you in advance for reply.
chimpsinties said:
Get yourself an xda-developers account so you can ask questions and become part of the community.
Right, we're gonna do the following:
1. Unlock the phone so you can use any SIM and any ROM even though it's locked to orange.
2. Upgrade the HARD SPL to OliPro 1.20
3. Upgrade the Radio version to
4. Upgrade the ROM to WinMo 6.5
5. Install a couple of little extras
First off make sure you have the latest ActiveSync 4.5 installed.
1. OK, first lets unlock it:
Go to..........................
There we go, now you have an unlocked phone. But the old radio has probably made it so your satnav won't work.
2. Next let's get a new Hard SLP on there so you can flash other ROMs and Radios. ..............................................
This is basically just another bit of software that will replace the SPL on your phone so you can flash Radio's and ROMs at your leisure.
3. Now we're ready to flash the Radio. This is basically the drivers and settings of the phone that are there regardless of the actual version of windows you have. So once you flashed this radio (which is the most up to date) you can stick any version of windows mobile on the top and this will still be here at version 1.56.
Download the Radio from here post #44
Don't worry that it's all in Chinese. It still does the business on the phone and it's all still in english afterwards. You just have to remember which buttons you clicked on and which boxes you ticked from when you used the ROMUpdateUtility before.
...................................................................................Connect your phone again and run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe from the 1.56 radio folder.
4. Ok now this is the bit where the choice is entirly up to you and you really do have to do what everyone says and experiment. ----------------------- I personally wanted a fast and stable operating system with has lots of free RAM and not too much rubbish that will slow the phone down. Remember our beloved Trinity's are getting a bit long in the tooth these days and even the most modern handsets (eg Touch HD) have trouble with WinMo 6.5 in some of it's forms. I AGREE TOTALLY WITH YOU HERE. I PREFER WM6.1 AS IT IS MORE ADAPTED TO THE HARDWARE OF P3600. BTW, ISN'T TOMME45i'S ROM FOR THE NEXT MODEL (3600i) ONLY? MY DEVICE HAS 128MB RAM, SO I ASSUME IS THE MODEL WITHOUT "i" .
Download Tomme45i's brilliant 6.5 ROM from here --------------------------.
5. Just a couple of pointers about the ROM.
I also hate IE6 on these tiny screens. For a much better browsing experience I recommend Opera from You can scroll around the page and double click to zoom in. The tool bars also disappear when your browsing to give you more screen to play with. It works for me, you may not like it.
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Wow, that's a big post. I'll try and answer it all as best I can.
To start with, it's very important to know if you have a P3600 or P3600i. The P3600 has 64MB RAM and 128MB Flash, the P3600i has 128MB RAM and 256MB Flash. The upgrade ROMS are designed to work specifically with each version of the phone.
Tomme45i's ROM I link to in the tutorial is definitely for the P3600 (SPV M700) because I had it on my handset for weeks and it worked perfectly.
I don't know what a G3 or G4 device is? Sorry
Your radio version looks very old. I would get that upgraded to the
Regarding unlocking. It is probably worth doing the 1st step anyway. Even though you're phone might be SIM unlocked to use any provider, it might still be CID locked, which means it can only use the stock ROM that came with the device. You might need to CID unlock it to allow you to change your ROM.
That way, if you do the first step, you will get used to the ROM Update Utility screens and it won't matter that they are in Chinese for the 3rd step.
I would recommend OliPro's v1.20 of HardSPL. It is virtually impossible to brick you're phone using this and you will really struggle to get the Radio on there if you use anything else. It's the only one I found that would allow me to upgrade the Radio.
As mentioned above, I've tried lots of combinations of software and the steps in the guide were the best way to get it all to work perfectly for me.
Windows Mobile 6.5 is much better for finger friendly use. Windows 6.1 still uses a lot of the old menu styles which you usually need a stylus for. I hate Windows Mobile 6.1 now and would always look for a 6.5 ROM. When I say that these devices are not made for 6.5, I only refer to all the extra really fancy bits of the software like TouchFlo3D, CHome etc etc
Some of the 6.5 ROMs are very fast and very clean (no extra fancy bits) especially Tomme45i's. I would strongly recommend you go for a 6.5 ROM and not a 6.1. Even the 6.5 by Nashorn I recommend in a later post is very fast and looks great with the Manila2D. I use it now instead of the more plain Tomme45i ROM. You also get the gestures support so you can sweep your finger across the screen to move menus (like the iPhone) which is very cool.
Regarding the technique used to flash the ROM, I can't comment. I've never used the SD card technique. I have flashed my phone over 20 times using the USB cable and never had a problem. What could be easier than plugging it in to the PC and double clicking a program.
I like the way with Opera you can scroll around a bigger page by dragging you finger and zoom by double clicking, however I found that Opera does not support online streaming video. I now use IE8 which is included in the Nashorn ROM. It's very nice. You can even choose to browse as a desktop device (so you get all the pages rendered normally) or a mobile device ( so you get the reduced size pages) which is a very nice feature. As you experiment with the software, you find what you like and what you don't like. It's all personal choice, what is good for me won't be good for everyone. It's just a guide after all
Of all the ROMs I've tested I've never found any of the basic things that come with Windows Mobile missing. They all usually have Office, Windows messenger, Media player etc etc. I've never found myself having to sacrifice anything to run a new ROM, you usually just find extra things you didn't know you needed
I would say, a finger keyboard is very important, the combination of a 6.5 ROM and finger keyboard means you never have to get your stylus out any more. Both the ROM's I recommend come with a Finger Keyboard included.
It's just a case of finding Cabs for the things you want extra, S2U2, GAlarm, TomTom etc.
I hope I've been able to answer all your questions. Most of what you're asking is just a question of what you like. This is why they always say, 'Just try things until you find what you like'. I wrote this guide so that people who didn't really know what they were doing could get a feel for it and then experiment on their own.
Best of luck, and don't forget to donate to a chef if you like his cooking. That way they will continue to cook for us on this old hardware.
Nice thread - very informative. When I think of the fun and games I had when I first found XDA Developers and downloaded what I needed to unlock my Orange SPV M700 (had several screens open and several downloads on the go)
I have the Narshorn WM6.5 build with Manilla 2D and it has given my phone a whole new lease of life (I was getting bored of WM6 and was looking to buy a new WM6.5 device)
Stuck in Tri-Color screen
Thanks for composing all the steps here in an easy to follow manner.
My phone is in super CID mode.
I'm running Vista ultimate.
Whenever I try any of the steps you've specified, they phone goes to the boot loader and remains in tri-color mode. The connection with vista mobile device center is cut off, but the phone itself is not stuck. If you disconnect the USB it says "serial" and if you connect it, it goes back to "usb".
Nothing more happens.
I tried SD flashing as well (renamed the file as specified), but it doesn't do anything. I can start the boot loader, but it doesn't do anything.
I've searched the forums for the error 260, but found nothing useful for flashing with vista.
I also tried unchecking the "allow USB connections" in the mobile device center, but then the device just doesn't connect.
What step am I missing?
Unfortunately I don't use Vista so I haven't researched any problems associated with it. I know people suggest downgrading the USB drivers or if possible using an XP machine to do the flashing. There is no reason why the SD card technique shouldn't work although I haven't tried it myself.
It might be worth posting on the main board with your problems. I wrote this guide with nothing more than my own experiences in mind and unfortunately haven't had a vast amount of experience at this myself. Maybe I was just lucky to have got it right first time.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help and I hope you get it sorted soon. It's well worth persisting because getting WM6.5 on the old Trinity will transform it and give your years (or at least months) more life out of it. Unitl you get bored and want more power to play with all the cool new features like Touchflo 3D etc
Thanks anyway. I'll start my quest for an XP machine.
Great ! It works !
chimpsinties said:
Wow, that's a big post. I'll try and answer it all as best I can.
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Great ! It works !
I decided to follow exactly all your advices. And now I have a pretty good WM6.5 on this HTC 3600.
I am missing now the Video call and the (other than English) finger keyboard.
I think you have mentioned as finger keyboard, the one that appears when you are trying the write somewhere in the programs. You have not had in mind a special program, right ?
A per video cal- I have followed the developer's advice at: (post 21), but when I press the green key, still no 'video call' button. Am I missing something ?
I can also report the following navi progs are working just with clicking on the respective .exe on the memory card available with the old, original WM5.0:
Garmin XT5.020, TT7.915, MN7.4.3; iGo8.32, Navitel 3.2.6.
AxxlPPC said:
and the (other than English) finger keyboard.
I think you have mentioned as finger keyboard, the one that appears when you are trying the write somewhere in the programs. You have not had in mind a special program, right ?
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The FingerKeyboard is actually cooked into the ROM, but is missing the extra languages to save on space. You need to add the ones you want separately.
As I said in the first post:
Chimpsinties said:
You'll have to go here to post #30. Download the skin set and copy it to your Windows\Skins folder on your device. This will allow you to select other languages for the keyboard.
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This means you will have access to all the other languages for the finger keyboard. The FingerKeyboard is actually cooked into the ROM, but is missing the extra languages to save on space. You need to add the ones you want separately.
AxxlPPC said:
A per video cal- I have followed the developer's advice at: (post 21), but when I press the green key, still no 'video call' button. Am I missing something ?
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Don't you have to enable the video calling in advanced options? or maybe download a small fix .cab file that will enable it? I can't remember right now. I've only ever used video calling once and that was just to see what it was like.
I'm glad yo got it to work anyway
Now you can try other ROMs and see which one you like most. I'm still loving nashorns rom with Manila2D but I think he's been having problems with it recently.
It can be tempting to stick with one ROM just because you have got it working. Soon you'll be so good at reflashing it'll only take you about an hour to do it and get all your programs and settings back exactly how they were.
AxxlPPC said:
Great ! It works !
I decided to follow exactly all your advices. And now I have a pretty good WM6.5 on this HTC 3600.
I am missing now the Video call and the (other than English) finger keyboard.
I think you have mentioned as finger keyboard, the one that appears when you are trying the write somewhere in the programs. You have not had in mind a special program, right ?
A per video cal- I have followed the developer's advice at: (post 21), but when I press the green key, still no 'video call' button. Am I missing something ?
I can also report the following navi progs are working just with clicking on the respective .exe on the memory card available with the old, original WM5.0:
Garmin XT5.020, TT7.915, MN7.4.3; iGo8.32, Navitel 3.2.6.
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Question, did you do this in Vista?
Correction !
orenroot said:
Question, did you do this in Vista?
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No, on an XP netbook (LenovoS10e).
there were several reports in the thread Vista has to be updated with some drivers before being capable to do the flash on Trinity.
I want to correct myself in a point:
MN7.43 starts, but crashes under WM6.5 I am still trying to find a workaround about that.
I've made all the changes to my Orange Spv M700 according to Your great guide!
It looks great!
Can anyone tell me which IGO8 runs on this ROM?
How can I change the default ringtone please? It gives me three choices without being able to browse to other ringtones....
I've got about 600 contacts I don't want to change them one by one....
Thank You!
There needs to be a dummies guide to this. I can't make sense of it all. I find literally hundreds of ROMs and then find dozens of builds for each one. I can't take it anymore! All I want is something that removes the bloatware, runs faster than the stock Tilt 2 ROM, doesn't lose any capabilities such as keyboards, etc, lets SPB MS 3.5 run faster, and lets me tether.
Why don't the chef's at least provide a simple list of their ROMs and what they do, what works better and what doesn't work with that particular ROM? I've been digging through this site for two weeks now and I'm not even any closer to knowing what to flash now than when I started. I know from other searches that the Mods tend to close requests like this, but I'm really stumped and I really have tried. I'm not an idiot by any means. I do understand that these are being provided for free and that I should be appreciative....and I am. But it seems to me that even the devs themselves would benefit from this so they wouldn't duplicate each others work and would be able to better track what they are doing.
Anyways, any suggestions for the ROM to do what I want?
kfreels said:
There needs to be a dummies guide to this. I can't make sense of it all. I find literally hundreds of ROMs and then find dozens of builds for each one. I can't take it anymore! All I want is something that removes the bloatware, runs faster than the stock Tilt 2 ROM, doesn't lose any capabilities such as keyboards, etc, lets SPB MS 3.5 run faster, and lets me tether.
Why don't the chef's at least provide a simple list of their ROMs and what they do, what works better and what doesn't work with that particular ROM? I've been digging through this site for two weeks now and I'm not even any closer to knowing what to flash now than when I started. I know from other searches that the Mods tend to close requests like this, but I'm really stumped and I really have tried. I'm not an idiot by any means. I do understand that these are being provided for free and that I should be appreciative....and I am. But it seems to me that even the devs themselves would benefit from this so they wouldn't duplicate each others work and would be able to better track what they are doing.
Anyways, any suggestions for the ROM to do what I want?
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What you do is flash one and see if you like it. If not, it is quite simple to flash another.
Try the Titanium 2 Jun NRG ROM and see what you think. It has no Sense version at all, which increases the storage memory size.
EDIT: I am assuming that you have read the "Flashing for NOOB" and the "Hard SPL" threads, you need both to be able to flash a custom ROM.
I have pretty much tried all of the ROMs but I reallly like only 2 ROMs. The best one for me is Cell Evo V7 (23541) (the link to thread. I have just flashed Josh's ROM. n i havent had any problem yet. I use the Sense 2.1. (its in my sig) I think 2.5 is still very buggy. so that maybe somethin u may wanna try out. I think the evo one is the most stable! but this is all just my own opinion. u may or may not like them!
Thanks for the tips. I have read the pages you mentioned and I understand that flashing in itself is a simple process. But for me, it's not just the flashing. I have to flash, install SPB MS and all of my apps, setup my weather, my exchange server and sync my contacts, configure active-sync, apply all my tweaks and then the phone is ready to use. Then if I don't like a ROM because it is slow or buggy, I'll have to do it all again......
At least that's how I picture it. Now if you are telling me that I don't have to go through all that each time, then I'll be a happy camper, but I suspect I am right on this.
What is a "sense" version that you are referring to?
Also, if you could explain the difference between a light, full and normal build that would be nice.
And what the deal is with finding matching "radios" whatever that is about.
And what is a "manila"?
And the problem with keyboards???? Do most ROMS have trouble using the keyboard? What other issues might I encounter while trying to use the normal functions of the device?
There's a lot of jargon here and I just don't see a single place that explains it all.
kfreels said:
Thanks for the tips. I have read the pages you mentioned and I understand that flashing in itself is a simple process. But for me, it's not just the flashing. I have to flash, install SPB MS and all of my apps, setup my weather, my exchange server and sync my contacts, configure active-sync, apply all my tweaks and then the phone is ready to use. Then if I don't like a ROM because it is slow or buggy, I'll have to do it all again......
At least that's how I picture it. Now if you are telling me that I don't have to go through all that each time, then I'll be a happy camper, but I suspect I am right on this.
What is a "sense" version that you are referring to?
Also, if you could explain the difference between a light, full and normal build that would be nice.
And what the deal is with finding matching "radios" whatever that is about.
And what is a "manila"?
And the problem with keyboards???? Do most ROMS have trouble using the keyboard? What other issues might I encounter while trying to use the normal functions of the device?
There's a lot of jargon here and I just don't see a single place that explains it all.
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Manilla = Sense. "Sense" is the name that HTC uses for their UI. There are two major versions, 2.1 and 2.5 (newest). There is also an older UI called TF3D (TouchFlo 3D).
Matching radios refers to flashing your radio with different firmware. The device has ROM versions, which is what everyone is referring to, and the Radio has a different version. Some people prefer a certain radio, some ROMs recommend a certain radio. I'm using NRG, and have never updated my radio version.
Keyboards. Most ROMS will not automatically map your keyboard (AT&T and T-Mobile have different mappings - the exception is a ROM built for a specific carrier). The reason is simple - the Chef doesn't know what carrier you are using! On the NRG ROMs, there is a tool included to "provision" your device for your carrier; this fixes the keyboard. Or you can do a search and find the right keyboard .cab file for your device.
- Light, medium, and full. I personally don't use these terms, but my definition would be as follows. Light is a ROM that has very little added functionality other than what Microsoft provided with the operating system. Full is a ROM (like NRG) that has lots of custom stuff baked into the ROM - extra utilities and etc., which are useful to you (in the Chef's opinion). A medium would be somewhere in between.
I would include the stock ROM as a "Full" ROM, except that in their case a lot of their software is "bloatware", which means stuff they added because they could, or they had some kind of deal with a particular company, etc. It is called "bloatware" because it seems to serve only the purpose of making the ROM harder to use and cluttering up the menu system with lots of useless stuff - bloated.
Are you a happier camper?
two of your best bets are gonna be the
e2 rom and the nrg version of your choise
e2 rom is almost exatly like the att stock but a lot sexier
jdm_labrat said:
two of your best bets are gonna be the
e2 rom and the nrg version of your choise
e2 rom is almost exatly like the att stock but a lot sexier
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Umm, speaking personally, I'm not sure I want a "sexy" TP2!
Ah. That explains a lot. Thanks for the info. Maybe one day when I'm no longer a dummy I'll write a dummies guide. Until then, thanks for the tips.
I had the same problem as you, I just wanted a stock rom without all the extra stuff that htc provides, I wanted to be simple, fast and stable, after flashing a lot of ROM I decided to take the problem in my own hands so I started learning how to cook my own ROM, you have a very good guide about how to do that here.
After reading and understanding this guide you can create your own ROMs just the way you like it.
Maybe just like me you will not succeed for the first time, but in the end you will have a ROM cooked by you and will suite all your needs.
Good luck!