looking for info! - PDA2, XDA IIi, 2020i General

hello, iv got an xda2i and iv had it for about a year, i think its a a cracking pda, i removed the o2 active software when i first got it, by clicking no on the intial startup of the phone, iv installed various few other apps, including tom tom sat nav, iv seen on another thread about if i update my rom i cud increase the infra red capability, but what i want to know is, if i update my rom will i loose the prgrams which are installed on my pda? (as i dont think i have the paperwork for my tom tom anymore) and also what benefits will i get by updating my rom?? any information on 'modding' my xda wud be greatly appreciated

...If you upgrade everything you installed on the xda2i is lost because your register settings are also lost. Only programs installed on SDCARD will work afterwards, allthough you've got to re-register them afterwards (the system will automatically ask you for it)...
...about increased capabilities, i don't know, but there're a lot of people who can help you further, but therefor, you've got to tell what kind of ROM you've got and which one you want to use to upgrade...

ok, well i have
ROM version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date 12/24/04
Radio version 1.00.00
Protocol version 1337.39
ExtROM version 1.10.124 WWE
all of my programs are installed in storage on the phone, i think i have the serials for everything but my tom tom, i think iv still got the program but i dont have the serial number for it anymore, will i loose my tom tom if i dont have this or can i get it some how??
Whats a good rom and what will i do! (sorry im a newb!!)

...almost every program shows registerkey in the 'about menu'. So you just have to look for it.
About upgrading you can find a lot of info around these posts...


T Mobile UK official update

I'm new round here, but just received a T Mobile update. The file is MDA3_TMUK_v106160_SHIP0307.exe I've put it in the root of the ftp server, since wasn't allowed to put it in a more appropriate place. Hope that's OK.
BTW it does seem to have improved my audio quality, which was the reason I asked for it. It didn't come with release notes, so I don't know what else is included.
Strangely, although the updater worked, and as I say it has fixed my problem, when I look at device info it still shows ExtROM 1.06.117 WWE.
What have I misunderstood?
I think this is only an update to give Blackberry access.
Okay guys,
So you know the next question... can anybody extract the blackberry app so I can try it on my XDAiis as the other ones don't generate a PIN!
yes please, same for me. I would love to have the UK blackberry application.
thanks in advance for anybody who can remove the BB application out of this ROM update.
T-Mobile UK Official Rom Update
I have just received this update as well.
Can one of the technical wizards on the site (such as MDAIII user) have a look at what is in the extended ROM, as well as Blackberry.
T-Mobile say that they have included a number of other patches for bluetooth etc. Could someone list exactly what has been changed over the base ROM.
After buying my device nearly 6 months ago and waiting this long whilst all my O2 and Imate cousins have had lots of upgrades to the radio and base rom, I am deeply unimpressed. :evil:
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
Same Here!
Hey all,
Well Jason, I feel exactly the same way. :roll: Been long waiting any updates and hopefully this update solves some of the following problems. Just doing a Full Backup, before update is applied! I will reply when installed with any updates to software revisions for bluetooth/rom/extended rom/etc.
*Such as Bluetooth dropping its connection from Weak to Good continuously when connected to me Jabra BT200.
*Another problem is that when firstly I soft reset the device it hangs whilst booting on the second T-Mobile screen, and have to soft reset the device 2/3 times rapidly before it boots properly. This can be a problem if its hung and you urgently need to make a phone call.
Anyone else having these problems?
Apart from that everything else seems to be in working order.
Sunny D
I downloaded the upgrade and ran it agaist the new tool.
This seems to be a 3 version of the encription as the tool will not open the file.
unless somebody posts the cabs ( In a subdir of the root of the ftp site) I can't look at them.
As per my above post shows I was just about to update my phone but no-one said it would lock my networks!.....I just didn't think of that!
Well I've just installed it and it has Locked the networks. It was unlocked to all networks, and not anymore.
Looks like I'll have to pay again to unlock it! Unless someone can help me unlock my MDA III!?!?
Rom Version: 1.06.00 ENG (No change)
Rom Date: 08/05/04 (No change)
Radio Version: 1.00.00 (No change)
Protocol Version: 1337.30 (No change)
EXTROM Version: 1.06.160 ENG (Wasn't displayed before update on phone)
Bluetooth: Build 3500 (Was Build 1900)
So overall probably just a Bluetooth Update/Blackberry support and Video MMS. Not a great update, probably not worth the update considering I can only use my T-Mobile Sim for now!!!
Well MDAIIIUser what cabs do ya need? I'll try!.....Copy them of my Phone or PC??....& need to know where to find them??
Sunny D
Did I understand what you wrote
you had a phone that was sim locked
you had it unlocked so that you can use any sim
you ran the above upgrade on your unlocked device
now you have a locked device and you can't use any sim that you like but have to use a t.mobile sim
Well that is what I understood
As for the cabs
They are in the extnded_rom folder that is hidden
you need to download the tool, check wiki for the link (if its still around)
Zip the file, and uploaded it
If you paid T-Mobile to unlock your MDA they should unlock it again for you without charge.
Anyone managed to get the Blackberry CAB out yet?
MDA III UK Upgrade Didn't relock my phone
I have tested out my phone after the upgrade and I am pleased to advise that it is still totally unlocked.
T-Mobile unlocked the original ROM for me for the £15 charge and the phone has stayed unlocked even after the upgrade (just as well!).
SunnyD - thank you for your work in helping to analyse what is new in the extended ROM.
Hi guys. Never posted before but been around.
Was once able to access the ftp but lately I get a permission denied message. Anyone got any advice on how to overcome this?
Found the ext rom 1.06.160 ENG on ftp site and linked it to wiki, Thanks sunnyd24.
Will cook it and post in wiki as well as update this thread.
The file you are looking for is:
The rest of the rom seems the same (looked at it for 30 secs)
Managed to access the ftp in the end. Was being stupid really... :?
Posted this ship.exe in wiki
Moved it from root to the correct folder
Files to Examine......or Use!!
Hello all,
Not a problem Jason, we are all here to help each other. Well I just tried another sim (old O2 & Orange) after the success you had, & guess what It is unlocked!!!!
I've got a problem with a new O2 sim i'm using. Its new & was working in the phone before the update and kept sim card whilst the update. And now cannot use that sim in the phone for some reason!
Its wierd how an old O2 sim works fine but the new one has problems.
:?: Anyone got any ideas??
Well as for helping everyone with version info for MDAIIIUser I am going to upload the new extended rom files to the FTP Site (and attatched below as a Rar). Hope it helps everyone!
Well all for now,
Sunny D
Has anyone got the passwords for this old ones dont work
Has anyone got the passwords for this old ones dont work
Both the ship and exteneded rom for the 1.06.160 have been posted in wiki (as per the posts that i wrote before) Think the only file you need to attach is the one for BB (as ...)


I just bought the IMATE PDA2K and i am still exploring the device. The first problem i found is that i have a NAVMAN navigation software including the reciever model GPS 4410. I cant connect via bluetooth in the running software and have a fix on the satellite. On the bluetooth manage i can connect and the system finds it. Please can someone help me in this. I am running the second edition of microsoft windows.
I don't know if it might fix your problem but you should look at the imate club site in order to install the new ROM. In the ROM there are some fixs concerning the bluetooth (waiting time and more devices found), battery and other issue.
There have been a lot of negative feedback (check the imate forum to know more) regarding this new rom.
There should be also a One-off patch to fix just the Bluetooth problem (it shoud be available also on this site).
You should just "cook" your own Rom. That way, you can build your own rom just to suit your needs....not everyone's needs in general.
I too have a PDA2K but am running the 1.3.51 WWE w/WMP10, radio version 1.10, B/T build version 3900, w/Siemens SX 66 extended rom from this site. You can use an extended rom of your choice. I use the Cingular ext rom, as my service is with them.
That would help solve alot of your gps and b/t issues.
Do a bit of reading in the "extended rom kitchen" regarding this. There is a wealth of info to be found in this site.
Later...... 8) 8) 8)
p1227 said:
I just bought the IMATE PDA2K and i am still exploring the device. The first problem i found is that i have a NAVMAN navigation software including the reciever model GPS 4410. I cant connect via bluetooth in the running software and have a fix on the satellite. On the bluetooth manage i can connect and the system finds it. Please can someone help me in this. I am running the second edition of microsoft windows.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I’ve got a PDA2k and am on Cingular. I’ve been pulling my hair out with this thing trying to figure out how to get a better ROM installed. When I try to install the latest Siemens ROM (with the hack to get past the Country Code Error) I get stopped up with an ERROR 100: DEVICE ID ERROR.
The ROM you describe sounds perfect. Any chance I can score a copy?
The rom has a header with the device ID in it, the seimens is PH20B1 if you downloaded the orginal rom, your device is a PH20B, thus the error.
Back on the ftp site there is a hacked version, lot of people played with it but then went back.
Next there is the thred with media player 10 in it, think this was another cooked version dont remeber what the base was for that rom, think it was the imate EDVO. Lot of reading, get the "final" version, also on ftp.

Orange M2000 upgrading (device info)

Have read the wiki and all the information and would like to upgrade however when it states select your original shippers rom, none of them match my details
I think i must have one of the first ones though cause i received my M2000 before all the stock issues occured with orange
Rom Details:
Operator Version:
ROM Version: 1.12.22 WWE
ROM Date: 09/27/04
Radio Version: 1.04.00
Protocol Version: 1337.35
ExtROM revsion: 1.12.139 WWE
any help would be appreciated as I really think its an old old release version
Thank You in advance
Welcome to the forum.
Your rom is old and we dont have many if any new Orange roms.
So if you want to upgrade the rom your best choice is the 1.40 and radio 1.10 or 1.12. (you will have to work out which one you need based on what you read here).
How to upgrade is on wiki.
You might have to think about your Ext rom, unlocking it and saving the Orange related things.
Read the stuff again in the kitchen and here is what you have to work out what you want to save.
Have fun and yes most of your questions have answeres in wiki.
got an m2000 also. didnt read the instructions before doing a rom upgrade. the first couple of times i thought i had destroyed the phone cos it wouldnt boot up. installed the imate latest update and works like a beauty. latest everything on it.cant see any major differences from old rom that i can notice. apart from different wifi icon (prefer new one) and windows media player 10 (great). as fro expternal rom i also installed the imate one cos the orange was nothing special. dont miss any of the setting from it apart from the gprs which i barely use just latch on to wifi wherever i go. too many unsecure wifi connections in north london anyway
my upgrade to the Imate rom is complete, however i am wondering if i use XBackUp's backup or the backup i made prior to the ROM upgrade using ActiveSync, will actually just revert the roms back to how they were or will it just keep the same info and just restore my missing data??
Thank You for helping
hmm started restore anyway (thought i'd go on an adventure) then read some posts and found its not a good idea.
so my question has now changed to not if i shud restore but how do i save the txt msgs from the fone and put them back once i have reflashed the phone again?
Thank You

Newbie Problems with XDAIIs

Have been reading the forum for a number of hours now....
I have big problems with my XDAIIs locking up. I am pretty certain it relates to the rom / image supplied with the phone - It locks up far more when O2 active (v3.6) is running.
I have read the sections on which upgrades but am more than a little confused. Can someone point me at the correct ROM to use. I downloaded the Qtek 1.40 rom but get region errors when i try and install. I have being trying to get my head round how i avoid this but guess im being stupid.
my rom 1.31.00 WWE
radio 1.13.00 (managed to update this)
ext rom 1.31.139 WWE
Paul, if you can, try doing a hard reset and when it asks for corporate or personal select corporate and put in the code 0506. It will then not install the O2 active software. It stopped mine hanging.
Hope it helps mate.
cool. will try that...
i actually managed to get it on 1.40 rom now.... just wish i had written down the gprs settings for o2...
Oh also read this
but to be honest I tried that 1.40 rom and I had camera problems so I went back to the 1.31.00 WWE and it's fine for me mate (yes my radio is 1.13.00 as well now and my extended rom is an allsorts mix, but I'd read a lot more before fiddling with it!)
Ah, you've sorted it (I was typing as you replied). You could go back to the standard rom and then take note of the settings (I didn't as I'm too tight to pay for GPRS so I don't use it at all).
Let me know how you get on mate, especially try your camera.
Good luck.

sx66 urgent help

i need help with my phone, ive tried almost all, just udpated my cingular sx66 from wm2003 to wm6 through wiki, almost nothing is working perfectly, my wifi has to click many times in order to turn on, bluetooth paired with my jabra, awful, intermitent sound, can't watch youtube, and many times the phone icon turns off and when i turn it on, it says no service, ive tried with many sims but i have to soft reset almost always in order to read the sim, i already unlock it with the unlocker provided here, ive tried searching for the latest radio rom but i have no idea how to update, tried to install extended rom, no idea, did all the instructions in the sx66 standardization project, it is just a folder with a lot of cabs but not even the auto install runs or do anything, please i need help, i cant use the phone, ive searched and couldn't find anything
thanks for the help
mine working fine... try to hard reset again. btw ur flasing who's ROM?
ok the first thing is that whenever u take the battery out from BA u must soft reset it by the stylus.
and radio link is
upgrade procedure is same as u did before.
i just upgraded using the wm6 Ba wiki, no issue with that, i used the same radio rom you posted 10 times but it never updates, it stays, in "updating device, don't disconnect" for more than 8 mins, so I suppose is not working
rom version: 5.60.00
rom date: 03/02/05
Radio version: 1.02.10
protocol version 1337.35
extrom version: 1.40.125
i think that the extrom installed,
this is something wrong with ur device radio cause i hv sucessfully updated my radio using that files. and also given it to other xda-developers.com members for update and they did it sucessfully.
Too Bad, Ive Tried Everything, The Worse Things Is That I Have Three Exact Phones
please visit :
for make sure your upgrade is valid.
and i suggest this rom :
thanks, this new rom worked perfect, the only thing is that i don't see the htc home as I used to see it with the hour, weather, i just see on the bottom, the ultimate launche but is different, i installed all cabs,e xt roms and extra cabs, im i missing something, thanks

