there's a radio v2.61.21 for prophet, is there any 1 for wizard?
i am always ready to test a new radio for the wizard(as long as it doesnt screw anything up ofcourse)
i installed the prophet rom and i think my mda is done
Done as in working
or done as in "My, what a nice shinny brick you have there"
I would guess the "nice shiny brick" part, but maybe we'll get lucky...not a big fan of my 2.47 radio ROM...
I like to hear more about this new rom, but indeed, i guess he means that he dorked his device.....
paypalbid said:
i installed the prophet rom and i think my mda is done
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It works, but the battery-status doesn't work anymore. It doesn't brick your device, bull....t.
lol hmm interesting, extract the radio for us!
jacob-mda said:
lol hmm interesting, extract the radio for us!
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Just go to ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Prophet/Prophet-roms/Radio_ROMs
What I don't understand is why always people come up to this forum claiming the "bricked" their device. I don't know how many times I flashed mine, it's still working.
Also I must say my Wizard is the best, because no matter how hard I try it never acts in the way people write here sometimes, why's that....
WM6 installed with 47.11
* no switching of and/or on
* MMS works
* Camera Works
* No battery drain, it's even better now.
* Wifi works
* No carshes in the last weeks....
* GPRS working
* Phone's not constantly "searching"
* etc.
I'm going to look for a uncontrolled and/or beta release AKU 3.8 and a half HTC Blue angel ROM to flash on my Wizard, maybe that will do the trick.
"edit" there's is one thing though: No matter how often I flash my Wizard, I still have the Molski splash, how to remove this ?
anybody ?
Vilem said:
"edit" there's is one thing though: No matter how often I flash my Wizard, I still have the Molski splash, how to remove this ?
anybody ?
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This is the splash screen I use atm:
vippie said:
This is the splash screen I use atm:
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Heeeeeeeeeeelp I used this file, but was unsure so I stopped at 50% now I'm stuck with this coloured screen, did I brick my device.............
Kiddin, thanks Vippie, I know I could have looked for it, but while writing the post I came up with one thing which was bothering me.
It worked, it's gone...
Just flashed this on a CID unlocked G4 wizard with Orwell's Crossbow on. So far so good, full signal strength where I normally get it. Bundled utility works fine with the upgrade. About to test the power up thing by disabling batterystatus.
Vilem said:
Heeeeeeeeeeelp I used this file, but was unsure so I stopped at 50% now I'm stuck with this coloured screen, did I brick my device.............
Kiddin, thanks Vippie, I know I could have looked for it, but while writing the post I came up with one thing which was bothering me.
It worked, it's gone...
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You have to commit to the flash! If you start it, let it finish or don't start at all!
Take out your battery, put back in your battery, turn on your device, connect to your pc and reflash the SAME radio rom!!
This will atleast get you out of the bootloader cycle.
dwny said:
You have to commit to the flash! If you start it, let it finish or don't start at all!
Take out your battery, put back in your battery, turn on your device, connect to your pc and reflash the SAME radio rom!!
This will atleast get you out of the bootloader cycle.
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I think he was just joking...
installed the radio. works but no battery indicator anymore. battery status won't overclock either.
The strange thing that i encounter with this rom is also no battery indicator and no battery status, but most important, when i call to a voiceresponse system and i have to make a choice in a menu, let's say the voice says choose 1 to bla bla bla, then i press one but nothing happens. So i went back to radio 2.47.11 but the problem remains. How could this be? Could this have something to to with sending dtmf signals? Anyone knows how to make this work again?
Also with that new radio the battery isn't charged anymore.....
Downgrade to radio 2.19
the reason i thought my device was done because I was unable to charge the phone, I was unable to communicate the phone to active sync. But anyway worked things through and out and went back to 2.47. At least i took the plunge and installed it.
Anyone got from MyQtek new 2.61 radio ?
do the prophet radio roms work on the wizard?
Alright, so I've been lurking on this forum for quite some time now. I've flashed, reflashed roms. I thought I had a handle on everything but I guess I was wrong. I've been away from a Window's computer for quite some time now. And I recently saw the new 3.3 rom from the gods of xda. Well, I downgraded, to button's 1.01. and then here's where i screwed up. i forgot to go back up to a 2.xx rom. and went straight for the gold and went for the 3.3. yes i know i screwed up. well here's where I'm at now. still stuck with Button's 1.01 ipl/spl but i have the 3.3 OS. And now I'm not getting any active sync connection, my computer isn't recognizing my wizard. also. my 8125 is slow, i mean i tap the screen and i get nothing re-tap nothing eventually nothin happens, and it's stuck on the today screen. I should also mention it's G3, and yes, i unlocked it all the way. so now I'm basically stuck on the today screen with nothing to do. I foolishly finally tried to clear the storage and start from scratch, but now I'm stuck with no extended rom i believe, all the settings are wiped. am i screwed or what? Or does anyone know a way to at least get active sync back up and running, shouldi re-install it? alright so correction, I'm seeing that all the settings from the extended are showing up (i.e. the battery settings on the today screen, the one-touch voicemail/ 411 connect.) so any suggestions.??
also when booting up, it takes for ever. litteraly 2-4 minutes. And i tried soft rest via stylus, and then it went to button's boot screen shows ipl spl 1.01 and no radio rom but os was 3.3 and then it would reset showing the same damn beer mug, and then it would do it again. then the screen almost faded away and then it showed the same damn screen again. finally it will go to the crossbow splash screen. and no the battery meter at the bottom is showin -1%
you wizard is not dead yet
I did this...hurry...hurry, hurry but there's somethin' that you can do. Try flashing again button's rom by entering your ppc into bootloader, and then attach it to the pc. It will be recognized, and then you can start flashing.
Good luck. And from mistakes we all learn
Well I took your advice, put the 8125 into bootloader. And then connected to the laptop. Still no active sync connection, however the 8125 does recognize it I suppose, when I plug into the laptop the USB appears at the bottom left of my 8125's screen.
sorry... i hit the edit button in place of quote.
bootloader mode?
i haven't messed up any of my roms personally yet...but i've read in the past that there is a bootloader mode that you can try to enter and reflash your rom from there. maybe it'll work to try and reflash back to the 1.01 rom you started with?
gotta do a search on here to find it...i think it had something to do with holding the comm manager button and the voice dial button and hitting the small button on the right side of the phone between the voice dial and camera button...
It is how it's supposed to act. It shouldn't's in bootloader. Just after you hear the "device connected" sound start the button's rom upgrade. that's it. easy as pie
Or you can start with any 2.xx rom. i think it's going to work with that too.
Ok man, I'm such a spaz, alrigh, there's no active sync, but I am running the no id update utility. And it's running on the ppc, so hopefully, I'm making progress.
Exactly what I said
monkey_knight said:
i haven't messed up any of my roms personally yet...but i've read in the past that there is a bootloader mode that you can try to enter and reflash your rom from there. maybe it'll work to try and reflash back to the 1.01 rom you started with?
gotta do a search on here to find it...i think it had something to do with holding the comm manager button and the voice dial button and hitting the small button on the right side of the phone between the voice dial and camera button...
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That's what I'm trying to tell him. I went thru that. It worked perfectly for me, so it should for him.
anichillus said:
That's what I'm trying to tell him. I went thru that. It worked perfectly for me, so it should for him.
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It worked for me too.
Boo yah, well I'm back at button.s rom, time to try again. Thanks guys, you've been a world of help.
eightysixfilms said:
Boo yah, well I'm back at button.s rom, time to try again. Thanks guys, you've been a world of help.
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Also, it's not showing that the 8125 is charging either. On usb, or regular wall outlet. What have I gotten myself into?simply put the device in booloader mode and flash the latest aku2 rom from your provider...this will bring it to live again. due to an hardware flaw wizards cannot be charged with out a proper working OS ....if your battery has drained you need to find an alternative way of charging it and then only you can flash the rom.
activesync is not needed once in bootloader ....
with pleasure
As i said...some mistakes come in handy
@ Faria ... man, I think that if you don't have active sync installed, it won't work... It installs some drivers, the first time it goes into bootloader(for an upgrade 4 example), but it's true that you don't need "active sync" ....course, it's verry possible that I'm wrong...but I had a motorola Mpx200 and it wouldn't recognize it for flash until I've installed active sync
anichillus said:
As i said...some mistakes come in handy
@ Faria ... man, I think that if you don't have active sync installed, it won't work... It installs some drivers, the first time it goes into bootloader(for an upgrade 4 example), but it's true that you don't need "active sync" ....course, it's verry possible that I'm wrong...but I had a motorola Mpx200 and it wouldn't recognize it for flash until I've installed active sync
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yes you correct you need the driver ..... what i meant to say is you dont need activesync in runing state.......but you do need activesyc in the pc in order to flash.....
thanks guys
Hey, got everything up and running, thanks to all those that helped out, ever in chicago let me know, we'll go out for some beers. But the newrom is up and running and everything seems to be going good. And hey I wasn't torn apart buy the elite on here. So thanks for making me not look stupid. haha
faria said:
yes you correct you need the driver ..... what i meant to say is you dont need activesync in runing state.......but you do need activesyc in the pc in order to flash.....
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Yeah I didn't know that either, I started to freak once i saw activesync wasn't picking up the 8125. But it's good to know that you don't necesarilly need it up and running.
Alright guys got my Diamond this morning - just flashed TLR 2 Olinex Hard SPL Signed - The screen on my device has a slight fuzziness to it sometimes almost like its radio interference its very subtle but not right nevertheless sometimes it seems to get worse. Anyone else experienced this - pls don't tell me I have a dodgy one !!!
Hi. I had the same experience last week just after flashing with hard SPL v 0.40. I found a solution : after flashing the rom, I downgrade the phone with a stock SPL. Work fine for me. Try it.
Thanks for the reply - phewwww
Where would I get the stock SPL - never actually flashed back to stock before...
Many many thanks
CutePinkSox said:
Where would I get the stock SPL - never actually flashed back to stock before...
Many many thanks
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Have a look to this post (#39) :
Yes, you should read this post (#39) !
I'm sure that you have the same issu like I had.
Some (few) people report this issue in this thread (mine) and in french forums :
i had the same issue with my diamond as i flashed Hard SPL 1.24 prior to upgrading the radio..
i didn't think it'd be ROM related, and thought perhaps it's just plain bad luck!
flashed back the stock HTC rom (didn't change SPL though) and took it back to the vendor who swapped it with a new phone..
i had many time this issue. Tryed with new SPL/ROM/Hard-Reset
sometimes works somethimes not...
What seems to help, or my impression:
Battery out for more than 10 sec, and plug/unplug charger. Tryed this
randomly, in most of case it work, no idea how.
Hi, I experience the same, but have a solution that works for me - dont have anything plugged into the phone (not even the plain cable) then suspend the phone(short click the power button) and start it again. Voila! At least for me it does the trick.
laser21 said:
Hi, I experience the same, but have a solution that works for me - dont have anything plugged into the phone (not even the plain cable) then suspend the phone(short click the power button) and start it again. Voila! At least for me it does the trick.
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christ! you're happy 'tricking' a ~$700 phone to get the screen looking normal!?!? HTC must be laffing out loud !
laser21 said:
Hi, I experience the same, but have a solution that works for me - dont have anything plugged into the phone (not even the plain cable) then suspend the phone(short click the power button) and start it again. Voila! At least for me it does the trick.
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Today after flashing, again the flickering....
Try thiz
1. Softreset device, without cables in.
2. Somethimes is still flickering while booting
3. After boot, suspend Device. Turn on again.
Voila, flickerless screen!
Worked 4me
Thx Laser 4 confirmation
The suspend trick solve for me too....
Using Unsigned HSPL
I noticed this too after flashing a new rom. But it just happend after a soft reset and the suspend trck does the work ...
Okay, I've searched and can't find this problem but hopefully somebody may have some ideas.
Quite frequently, I lose the top line of my display (the one with the start button and the system status icons). Everything else works but that line just disappears.
If I then lock the device it comes back. When I unlock it, it sometimes stays but sometimes disappears again once it's unlocked and I then have to turn my phone off and back on again.
I have a standard Orange UK phone, standard ROM and I've used some of the performance tweaks listed here. I've also disabled Touchflo and am using spb diary as my home page.
Anybody any ideas because this is driving me mad?
I had the same, but only when TF3D was deactivated. Since I use it again, it doesn't happen anymore...
It happens on my Orange diamond as well - stock 1.37 rom with TF3D enabled.
It seems to happen once every 4-5 days, and doesn't really have a pattern. Sometimes it's switching between Today and Second Today, sometimes it's rotating, sometimes it's unlocking etc..
flash a new ROM
Hello there.
Well i just recommend you to flash a new cooked ROM. I havent seen this behavior with a cooked ROM.
Best regards.
Well, at least it isn't just me but does anybody have any idea what causes the problem and how it can be solved.
Could it be something to do with glyph memory?
I used to see this sometimes on the orange rom. Since flashing a cooked rom makes the device twice as fast - and removes that problem - I would just flash it.
unwired4 said:
I used to see this sometimes on the orange rom. Since flashing a cooked rom makes the device twice as fast - and removes that problem - I would just flash it.
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I know it's the wrong forum to say this but I'm just a bit scared to flash it because I've never done it before.
I'm worried about either a) bricking it or b) losing some setting that Orange put in to connect to their network (voice, data, voice mail etc).
I've had a similar Problem!
It seems to happen when I take the phone out of sleep cos I've got a text and its locked (I've set it for 30min).
I press the power button but the screen only half lights and the top line doesn't display. It sometimes says 'password' in the top left but does nothing if I press it.
I can slide along the bottom line but it doesn't work properly.
Interestingly I also have a Orange Diamond 1.37 ROM (which I've unlocked).
I'm gonna flash with HTC's ROM from there site and I'll let everyone know if the problem persists.
Wish me luck
TheFlash007 said:
I've had a similar Problem!
It seems to happen when I take the phone out of sleep cos I've got a text and its locked (I've set it for 30min).
I press the power button but the screen only half lights and the top line doesn't display. It sometimes says 'password' in the top left but does nothing if I press it.
I can slide along the bottom line but it doesn't work properly.
Interestingly I also have a Orange Diamond 1.37 ROM (which I've unlocked).
I'm gonna flash with HTC's ROM from there site and I'll let everyone know if the problem persists.
Wish me luck
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And what happened?
Sorry for the delay. I tried the HTC site ROM but it just gave me a message saying 'Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device'.
So it looks like i'm stuck cos its still doing it about once a day just have to switch of and on again.
TheFlash007 said:
Sorry for the delay. I tried the HTC site ROM but it just gave me a message saying 'Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device'.
So it looks like i'm stuck cos its still doing it about once a day just have to switch of and on again.
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Okay. I still have the problem and am very, very tempted to try flashing a new ROM (and Radio). But I just can't quite work up the courage to do it since I've never done it before and it's the fear of the unknown.
dastewart said:
Well, at least it isn't just me but does anybody have any idea what causes the problem and how it can be solved.
Could it be something to do with glyph memory?
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This happens to me too. I have a T-Mobile Compact IV.
I've found that using FreeUP RAM (part of SKTools) not only releases memory, but also fixes this problem (until the next time it happens, which admittedly is not often).
Just wanted to say that I've upgraded my Orange ROM to the new 1.93 and I haven't had this problem....yet.
2 days without problems so I thought it may be safe to post.
IVe also had this on 1.37.x.x on my mda cmpct IV. Like everyone on here Im considering flashing but Im waiting for t-mobile to release an update (they keep telling me the will, presummably the 1.93.x.x) so that if I then brick the puppy - I can blame it on there rom upgrade.
I want this phone to be better, I know it can be with a ROM change...but I dont want to brick it and for once in my life will have some patience to wait.
Howdy, i have looked at all the guides, done loads of research into upgrading my Ignito.
I have tried to use the Olinex 1.40 and also the signed version....
But when i load it all up, go through the correct steps etc.. My phone screen looks like its just had some dodgy virus and looks like its about to die and then slowly turns off...
It then does a full reboot and its like i have a brand new phone again...
I am at a loss as to why it does this..
Anyone have any tips or tricks as to how to get around this problem ?
Any help at all will be very very welcome
when you do the hard spl, you will only get a black screen and then it will reboot, just as you describe.
Hold the volume down key and then soft reset, if you see OLI anywhere, then it worked.
The problem is when i try the upgrade the screen seems to die aftera bout 10secs and then it says its fully done.
So there isnt enough time for the Hard SPL to be upgraded....
Anyone ?? Please....
The problem is when i try the upgrade the screen seems to die aftera bout 10secs and then it says its fully done.
So there isnt enough time for the Hard SPL to be upgraded....
Anyone ?? Please....
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Maybe you could give more detailed information, what exactly are you doing, what does the PC end of the process say etc.
Can you take any screenshots, what SPL do you have now - the guide suggests that 1.93 could be better for you than 1.4?
It says complete after about 10seconds and then the phone reboots fully.
The current one i believe is 1.93.....
I have tried both of the Olinex versions to no avail at all.....
MuDvAyNeX said:
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I guess no one is helping because you're not giving us enough information, procedure, XP or Vista, have you tried Hard-SPL 1.93, screenshots or better description of the problem.
Screen goes funny and then reboots just isn't enough
Well i have tried both of the Olinex versions both the 1.4 and the 1.93.
I am using windows vista and the mobile device center, its fully connected as i do a sync etc before hand.
I then load the Romloader that does the usual tick this, tick that etc.
Once that has happened i click the upgrade button, it then confirms i am going from the current SPL do the one i have chosen.
I click ok and then it goes to the progress section where it says it could take upto 10min, the screen on the phone then looks like it has got a virus and starts to look like its dying.
Meanwhile after about 10 seconds it tells me that upgrade is done, this is while the phone reboots and starts like its a brand new phone again with no changes that i can see...
In all honesty i can't see what i am doing wrong
Scrath what i just put, as i was typing that i was trying the upgrade via my mates XP laptop and it now says in the bootloader 1.93 Olinex...
I am going to guess this is upgraded... lol
MuDvAyNeX said:
it now says in the bootloader 1.93 Olinex...
I am going to guess this is upgraded... lol
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Great, glad it's sorted, I was gonna say I don't have much experience with Vista (an' I don't want to )
I'm sure that I've read that there can be issues with the Vista device center(sic), A quick search of XDA-Dev will help.
If you want to eliminate the PC <-> Ignito pitfalls maybe try Suillers method of upgrading direct from the device Internal Storage.
Wouldn't open up a thread for this question but any custom ROM (RECENT EDITIONS) I've tried (NRGZ's, Sergio's, Ark's, Athine's and some others) for several days now have the "dead aka black" screen issue. Tried to find an answer in the original ROM-threads but haven't got any substancial responses. It seems like only few people have these issues. This would make me think the problem is my hardware (German Generic TP2) but the older ROMs of same chefs then run normal and without the dead screen issues.
Please any ideas, solution suggestions or experience share?
Thanks! Ibster
Edit: confirmed solution method described in post# 10 . Thank you agent 47 big time for the tool you provided!
Ibster said:
Wouldn't open up a thread for this question but any custom ROM (RECENT EDITIONS) I've tried (NRGZ's, Sergio's, Ark's, Athine's and some others) for several days now have the "dead aka black" screen issue. Tried to find an answer in the original ROM-threads but haven't got any substancial responses. It seems like only few people have these issues. This would make me think the problem is my hardware (German Generic TP2) but the older ROMs of same chefs then run normal and without the dead screen issues.
Please any ideas, solution suggestions or experience share?
Thanks! Ibster
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Is this the same as the "Sleep of Death" (SOD)? In which the phone won't wake from sleep/suspend state and has to be soft-reset?
If not, what's the symptom exactly?
MCbrian said:
Is this the same as the "Sleep of Death" (SOD)? In which the phone won't wake from sleep/suspend state and has to be soft-reset?
If not, what's the symptom exactly?
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that's exactly what I'm talking about. I didn't know it was called the "sleep of death". I jusst have to softreset the phone all the time. The phone becomes just unuseable.
Ibster said:
that's exactly what I'm talking about. I didn't know it was called the "sleep of death". I jusst have to softreset the phone all the time. The phone becomes just unuseable.
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i also experience it on my Tilt 2 AT&T unlocked, so i reverted back to Sense 2.1 Euro 1.86.401.0. any solution there, i bought mine from Negrielectronics USA.
Ibster said:
that's exactly what I'm talking about. I didn't know it was called the "sleep of death". I jusst have to softreset the phone all the time. The phone becomes just unuseable.
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i also exprence it on my Tilt 2. is there any help out there
It's because chiefs have updated their XIP. Ask them to cook a rom for you with the old XIP from stock HTC WM6.5 Sense 2.1 rom.
Ach, that's just my theory based on my experience. I might be wrong, so keep that in mind.
I have a similar issue, but not exactly the sleep of death
A lot of times when I unlock the phone, Sense would not show up, only the taskbar and occasionally the bottom bar
Everything is responsive, the taskbar notification works, hardware buttons works, but not the sense part in the middle
This usually happens when I'm having an SMS conversation
I run this setup most of the time:
WM 6.5.x
Sense 2.5
HD mini lockscreen with Smartlock 2.0F or Lockdevice 1.6
Same here on the SMS black screen
ctbear said:
I have a similar issue, but not exactly the sleep of death
A lot of times when I unlock the phone, Sense would not show up, only the taskbar and occasionally the bottom bar
Everything is responsive, the taskbar notification works, hardware buttons works, but not the sense part in the middle
This usually happens when I'm having an SMS conversation
I run this setup most of the time:
WM 6.5.x
Sense 2.5
HD mini lockscreen with Smartlock 2.0F or Lockdevice 1.6
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I just started having this problem with the newest Leo Cell Pro, I have not had it with any NRG or Deep Shinig ROMS though but I do like The cell pro details and the others are not without there faults. I like your screenshots and I can hardly wait for that new white theme to come out. I think it will make my phone so much better outdoors and enhance the Windroid look I am workin on.
Apical said:
I just started having this problem with the newest Leo Cell Pro, I have not had it with any NRG or Deep Shinig ROMS though but I do like The cell pro details and the others are not without there faults. I like your screenshots and I can hardly wait for that new white theme to come out. I think it will make my phone so much better outdoors and enhance the Windroid look I am workin on.
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Yes....interesting that I've never had this issue on Energy' guess is he doesn't cook in the latest HTC SMS client which can be unstable at times
Are you talking about Elcondor's GTX theme? Yes that is a very awesome theme
I couldn't wait until 201x version comes out so I made my own Not as good as GTX but I'm half satisfied now
Apical said:
I just started having this problem with the newest Leo Cell Pro, I have not had it with any NRG or Deep Shinig ROMS though but I do like The cell pro details and the others are not without there faults. I like your screenshots and I can hardly wait for that new white theme to come out. I think it will make my phone so much better outdoors and enhance the Windroid look I am workin on.
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like i mentioned in the the post#1 I had these problems with almost all recent (last two weeks) custom ROM releases, ROMs of different chefs. Because others or the majority of people don't have any problems with that I thought the reason must be hardware issues. yesterday I saw this thread opened by agent_47 where he provides a modified tool:
agent_47 said:
when u flash a rom, you are copying files onto the internal memory (like duh!) but if u repeatadly flash different roms, sometimes files from older version stays behind as when u flash a rom, you just copy and sometimes overwrite files without deleting the older ones. hence at times these older files may create bugs\instability. hardrest donot always fix we use MTTY
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Well I used it and have flashed to Sergio's Leo Cell Evo 6 and I can confirm that I haven't had any "sleep of death" issues, well still haven't and hope I won't have this "SOD" issue anymore. And when I tried this same ROM before I wasn't even able to make a proper configuration and set up the phone because the phone always froze or as soon the screen went off I wasn't able to activate it back without soft reset.
So maybe this is a solution and could help others who also are having this issue of "sleep of death".
Please if you try the tool from the mentioned agent_47's thread, let know us here because it will be very useful for the rest of the users to finally figure out "the dark side" of their phone and fix it.
Cheers, Ibster
I had this just recently. Funny side was that I installed an official new ROM from HTC which I just updated. Somehow the phone just didn't want to turn on and show the screen. So just like you guys said, hard-reset did the thing but just when the screen went off, same thing happened.
So what I did was wipe/clean or any other name. Practically did the installation of the rom again. Now, the device works normally and without any problems.
Maybe this happens because some old files of older ROMS sayed on the device itself and started making problems. Anyways, check this thread too, maybe it will explain something more:
Or, final explanation. Our Rhodiums have soul inside their little chips and they just simply fu.k with us They tell us they're too tired of so many ROM changes.
I have also had this problem with my two latest official swedish roms (manilla 2.1 and 2.5) cant remember if I had it when I used 6.1. Now I use a cooked rom and still have the issue several times a week. The only thing I had done with my Rhodium before using cooked Rom was flashing hard spl for future use. If its not an inbuilt hardware/software problem from the beginning the only thing I can point at in my case is hard spl?
Originally Posted by agent_47
when u flash a rom, you are copying files onto the internal memory (like duh!) but if u repeatadly flash different roms, sometimes files from older version stays behind as when u flash a rom, you just copy and sometimes overwrite files without deleting the older ones. hence at times these older files may create bugs\instability. hardrest donot always fix we use MTTY
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back with my kaiser you always had to flash back to stock before going to a new ROM no matter what, for just this very reason...
could flashing back to stock be a 'best practice' that we as users should start doing to help with this issue?
I - have had some xperience with the issue in a few ROMS. Im a loyal flasher of Agent 47s masterpieces. And a month or so ago he had like 2 or 3 builds that had this issue. From what I remember he said that he thought it had to do with some sys evrybody was using to cook roms. and after her came out with this diagnosis and "fixed"(i dont know the technical part of what was fixed) this problem it has never happened since. But a good thing I would say to try is in Agents thread about 4 or so pages from the last page(maybe more or less) but close to the last page he posted a .zip file for this mitty fix. and you essentially flash this zip just like a rom then reflash which ever rom you had or a new one and ta da. Ive also heard of people reflashing a stock rom with results from doing so but from what Agent said is flashing a stock rom then back technicaly "shouldnt" do anything and to definately use mitty. But one of the other frequent valkyrie users that I chat with all the time Mcbrian who posted here on the first page has used the stock rom and did have whatever issue he had cured dont remember what that was tho.
UPDATE- Oh I guess that Agent has a thread for Tool29 so you dont have to search through his thread to find it.
I can confirm agent 47 method is working for me. I no longer have the sleep of death. But its only been half a day. I will report back in a few days.
aichemist said:
I can confirm agent 47 method is working for me. I no longer have the sleep of death. But its only been half a day. I will report back in a few days.
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Great! I'm glad to hear your confirmation. I now on my side haven't had a sleep of death for three days on the ROM (Cell Leo V6) that previously, before I used the agent_47's tool, couldn't even start normally at all or had extremely many "sleeps of death". But I also noticed overall improvements even though the speed slows down but there are barely any freezes and stability is much better.
Cheers, Ibster
aichemist said:
I can confirm agent 47 method is working for me. I no longer have the sleep of death. But its only been half a day. I will report back in a few days.
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I did tried agent 47 method at least three times this weekend. I did exactly what agent 47 instructed, flash Energy ROM 23547 with MaxManila = failed to initiated. Flash Tool29 again, reflash Energy ROM 23545 from MicroSD = Failed. Flash Athine OS XTreme = Worked, install MaxManila 3.0 on top of Athine OS Xtreme = Corrupted the manila display. Reflash stock ROM. Flash Deep Shining X.23544 = Worked. Flash Deep Shining X.23547 = Failed.
Look like I can get my phone to work but can't move on from now on! Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!
kienkham said:
I did tried agent 47 method at least three times this weekend. I did exactly what agent 47 instructed, flash Energy ROM 23547 with MaxManila = failed to initiated. Flash Tool29 again, reflash Energy ROM 23545 from MicroSD = Failed. Flash Athine OS XTreme = Worked, install MaxManila 3.0 on top of Athine OS Xtreme = Corrupted the manila display. Reflash stock ROM. Flash Deep Shining X.23544 = Worked. Flash Deep Shining X.23547 = Failed.
Look like I can get my phone to work but can't move on from now on! Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!
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I'm not very clear about what you mean by failed. Do you mean you can't flash some of the ROMs or you get screens of death with them?
What I did was this: I took out the SD card. Ran the tool29 modified by agent_47 (see post 10 of this thread). After the tool finished cleaning all internal memory the phone went back on but got stuck in loading. I took the battery out of phone for few seconds and then put it back in. Then I connected the USB cable to the phone and started it in the bootloader mode by quickly pressing and releasing the switch button and then hitting the volume down. On the tricolor screen then it shows USB. Then I just flashed my ROM of choice normally with USB without need to flash from SD. I've done this several time with several ROMs without problems.
Ibster said:
I'm not very clear about what you mean by failed. Do you mean you can't flash some of the ROMs or you get screens of death with them?
What I did was this: I took out the SD card. Ran the tool29 modified by agent_47 (see post 10 of this thread). After the tool finished cleaning all internal memory the phone went back on but got stuck in loading. I took the battery out of phone for few seconds and then put it back in. Then I connected the USB cable to the phone and started it in the bootloader mode by quickly pressing and releasing the switch button and then hitting the volume down. On the tricolor screen then it shows USB. Then I just flashed my ROM of choice normally with USB without need to flash from SD. I've done this several time with several ROMs without problems.
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Thanks for quick response. Yes. I did exactly what you spelled out in the message. i.e: Remove the memory card, Run Tool29, remove the battery, got into the bootloader mode, then flashed with USB connection. The phone went to the initial setup, I clicked the T-Mobile connection ....etc... then it restart - then stopped at "Launching HTC Sense...." This is = failed for me. i.e: Failed to clean the internal memory!
By the way, if the internal memory is cleaned, shouldn't the Start->Setting->Device Information->Software Information: Incoming Call & Outgoing Call reset to 0?
kienkham said:
Thanks for quick response. Yes. I did exactly what you spelled out in the message. i.e: Remove the memory card, Run Tool29, remove the battery, got into the bootloader mode, then flashed with USB connection. The phone went to the initial setup, I clicked the T-Mobile connection ....etc... then it restart - then stopped at "Launching HTC Sense...." This is = failed for me. i.e: Failed to clean the internal memory!
By the way, if the internal memory is cleaned, shouldn't the Start->Setting->Device Information->Software Information: Incoming Call & Outgoing Call reset to 0?
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Your steps should be
1. Shutdown tp2..
2. Remove memory card( I also removed sim card).
3. Turn on tp2, connect through the computer through active sync.
4. Run task 29. Let it load flash, whatever it is doing until it actually reboots.
5. At this point, everything should be cleaned, you don't have a rom or radio anymore, so its blank, so you "pull battery out."
6. Put memory card/sim card back in. Flash radio through boot whatever menu. Soft reset it yourself. Pull battery out again.
7. Flash rom this time, and soft reset it again. Now rom should start setting up.
This shouldn't be rocket science.