resize htchomeplug added icon - P3600 Software Upgrading

hi, just added 3 useful icon to homeplug, but they appear "wierd", smaller in size than the original ones (screen, battery, rotation...) with an hugly black border around them. any way to resize them like the others?
tks in advance


Changing the icon size on Diamond

Is it possible to change the size of the icons when you see them in setting or when you click on program as they seen a bit small with the text?

A very noob question

If your using Manila 2D and you use the bar at the bottom to navigate away from the home screen, the pic that I made as my backround dissapears. Is there a way to fix this, or tell me how to change them without changing my whole theme. I have already added a clock I really like, and neon icons. I just want to change the backrounds in places other than the home screen and maybe change the color or style or the bar itself.
The right place to ask is here: ..

Icon Resizing Help

Hey guys, I have a general question about home screen icons.
I want be able to add large icons (application shortcuts to be exact) to my desktop. I'm on ADW launcher, and know where the option is to change the icon size under the New Icons menu. However, changing the size here affects all my desktop icons. I just want a few larger, not all of them.
I've tried Multicon which does allow icon resizing, but resizing the icons makes them blurred and a little pixelated. I've also tried desktop visualizer.
So my question is: is there any way to resize a home screen icon without affecting the size of all the home screen icons?
Sent from my Desirable 4G Inspired HD using XDA
I'm pretty sure Desktop Visualizer should be able to do this. I know with widgets you can do this and I'm sure with icons because I've changed the size of my icon. Oh and you have to create the icon at least bigger than 72x72 in order for it not to be pixelated or blurry. Other than that I'm not sure. sorry.
I got it. There is an option to download add-ons for Desktop Visualizer. It's called DVRsizeconfigtool. Thanks man.
Sent from my Desirable 4G Inspired HD using XDA app.

Problem with icons

For some reason that I can't understand, most of my icons (those not included in the used icon pack) show as seen in attached picture, flat inside a colored square box.
This is so uggly and I can't get rid of this, no matter wich icon pack I use. It seems that theese square icons are shown as default (system) but I can't change it.
Please, someone give sn helping hand here...

Nova launcher on note 8 help

Okay so as you can see I have a dock and then my homescreen columns are 12x12
How do I lower the gap between the vertical icons? My margin height is set to none, I've tried setting it to small and still the same
Any idea? Screen shot attached
I've also tried making the icons bigger and trying without a dock and there's still a large gap between icons
I use a 7 column x 10 rows, and the gap between rows is somewhat like yours, I think there is no way to modify it, I tried with the normalize icon switch, but made no diference, I tried changing dpi in developer section, same thing

