BT Headset problem (A2DP) - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

I bought the Jabra 320s stereo headphones but I can't get it to work with my Vario III for media.
When I pair it up I only have the option to select the 'handsfree' profile. How can I get this to work so I can use the A2DP profile?
The Jabra says it is A2DP and I assume the Vario III is too?
Any help appreciated
Warm Regards


Step-by-Step :All sounds to a Bluetooth Headset ?

Hi folks!
Is there some kind of step by step manual how to get to a working solution for the well known BlueAngel Problem with it's headset connections?
I found a thread talking about some registry tweaks, but that only enables the menu option to send the sounds to the headset, but finally doesn't produce any sounds...
What I want to have is the instructions, given by the Navigon Mobile Navigator 5 beeing transferred to a bluetooth device (a parrot free speach device or a logitech headset).
I am already running ROM 1.4 and tried all various BT versions, but nothing worked..
Thanks for your help,
err.. I am looking for using bluetooth headset to listen mp3 as well, any help and suggestions? :wink:
im trying to figure out how to do that aswell, (listen to media player using bluetooth on my SVP m2000)
me too is there any idea pls
You can listen mp3s if your headset supports advanced audio distribution profile and you have installed. But if your "advanced" headset does not support old profiles - you would not be able to use it to listen phone calls.
You CANNOT listen MP3s on normal headsets that support headset and hansdfree profiles. To use these headsets you have to sell PDA2K and buy PDA2.
mamaich said:
You can listen mp3s if your headset supports advanced audio distribution profile and you have installed. But if your "advanced" headset does not support old profiles - you would not be able to use it to listen phone calls.
You CANNOT listen MP3s on normal headsets that support headset and hansdfree profiles. To use these headsets you have to sell PDA2K and buy PDA2.
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Can you please provide the list of BT headsets (with make / model numbers) that supports this "advanced audio distribution profile"
ht820 does the job!
I have Motorola HT820 on Orange M2000.
The HT820 supports Hands-Free and High Quality Audio profiles and you can playback audio in stereo via the headphones.
I upgraded the BT stack to 3900 and radio to 1.13 and added the extra profiles (instructions are in the Wiki), and it appears to work as both .
When the phone rings, WMP pauses and the left headset button answers the phone. Once you finish the call and hang up, WMP starts playback again.
The only problem that I still have is with intermittent dropout of the High Quality Audio. Anyone got any clues on curing this?
Got mine for around £60 UK sterling.
Is this an hardware limitation? Is this a ROM limitation? BT stack problem?
GSM phone preempting BT handfree?
If not HW, can we expect an upcoming solution to this?
Or, the only "hard" workaround is to plug a BT adapter (like Jabra A210) to redirect mike/spkr, and to desactivate BA BT.
Christmas tree, like.
Re: ht820 does the job!
woodrjh said:
I have Motorola HT820 on Orange M2000.
The HT820 supports Hands-Free and High Quality Audio profiles and you can playback audio in stereo via the headphones.
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Thanks for the Info.... does the HT850 also supports MP3 playback with BT???????????
have a look at these (even though cant solve the prob on BA)
and this
you might wanna have a look here
Hi again.
So, we didn't really find a solution yet?
I once read something about a little change to the registry, so that a second profile for the normal BT Headset appears.
I searched but I can't find it again.
does anyone know which post I mean?
If so, can you give me a link to that, because I believe that is the right way to solve the problem...
the key is if your source (pda or notebook) is running BT audio gateway. centrino notebooks supports audio gateway. I have a Jabra BT800 and listens to MP3s played from an HP DV1000 notebook but cannot have it working through my XDA II mini (the latter does not support BT audio gateway)
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A2DP on 1.40 (3900)?

Has anyone got A2DP working on the BT3900 stack? I just upgraded and tried to pair my Stereo headphones (SONORIX OBH110) with them. But it does not pick it up.

BT headset and mic with BA

I need to get our BA (MDA III - MW2003) working with a BT headset and microphone.
I've installed the A2DP cab and now have the option to pair a high quality audio device but can't get the BA to detect the service on our HBH 610. the headset / mic works fine with our Origami in this respect.
Any ideas as to how / what I need to do in order to acomplish this please?

Help getting BT Stereo Headphones to work on Sprint PPC 6600

Im looking for some BlueTooth Stereo headphones, that will work with my Sprint PPC 6600. Its BT stack is 1.0 and dosn't have the A2DP profile. Is there a way to update my phone so it will suport the A2DP profile or is there BT Stereo Headphones that don't have the A2DP profile that will work on my phone? Please let me know what update or changes I will need to make. Thx.

A2dp Mda Vario

Jesus, ive been reading and reading and reading ive tried a bunch of different .cabs and nothing seems to be working for me.. can somebody please show me how to get A2DP working? I have a 2gb sd card and i wana listen to music through bluetooth. I have a Motorola H350 Bluetooth headset and the t-mobile mda vario. god help me
A2DP is for stereo headsets... as in left ear AND right ear.
To get music through a mono headset, try BTAudio.

