Buttons/keys and keyboard stopped working - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

I got a Kaiser/Tilt for Christmas. I've installed s2u2 and some of the cabs. Last night, for no apparent reason, all buttons and keys stopped working. When I press a button they light up but nothing happens. I've checked the button function assignments and they are unchanged. I uninstalled s2u2 and it didn't work. Soft reset does nothing.
Any ideas, anyone? I prefer not to do a hard reset, as I am traveling.

However, the screen alignment shortcut (center+IE button) still works.

And the PTT button still works. The one button I don't use.

You seem to be talking to yourself!!
Anyway, welcome on board.
I assume you have done a soft reset?
If so then I think a hard reset is called for. It may be related to something you have loaded, but tracking that down and rectifying it with the keys not working might be impossible. Oh and get yourself a good full backup app like SPBbackup or Sprite.
Hopefully this is not a hardware issue.

I backed up to gmail and did a hard reset. It's fine now.


tilt - power button issues

This just started happening:
I restart my tilt. I push the power button and the display brightness gets brighter but the device does not turn off. I push it again, the device turns off but then I can't get it to turn back on without soft resetting! What the crap??!!
Any clue what is going on?
I am just a n00b, but it sounds like your power button got mapped to your brightness control somehow, and when the screen goes black, the device is not off, just brightness set to 0. When you soft reset, the unit just sets back to default. I am not proficient in mapping the buttons, but a quick search on the forum should help. I know that there are a lot of threads having to do with mapping keys.
I experience the same problem and strange enough after I downloaded a patch released by HTC for potential issue with blue tooth and the phone.
A soft reset does not solve the problem, instead a Sync with the PC (even not a full one) cure it for a period of 2-3 days.
I have the impression that it is more complicated than just a registry issue. For instance I can not run the TOM TOM any more.
The HTC support only suggested a hard reset that I did but for complicated reasons I was forced to restore a back up I had.
So I am still affected by this problem.
I did a hard reset and used spb backup to restore everything to the day prior. The last thing I remember installing was s2u2 0.99c which seems that it would mess with how the device responds to the power button. I'm going to post over there and see if there is a chance it was the culprit.
You have to disable directdraw in s2u2.
persiansown said:
You have to disable directdraw in s2u2.
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It was and is disabled at least according to s2u2 settings. I did notice that for me in 0.99c DPAD was enabled but did not work.

All hardware keys on my Tytn II have stopped responding (including hard keyboard)

Just last friday I got my new Tytn II and yesterday I discovered that the Backspace button on my soft keyboard didn't do anything anymore. All other soft buttons where working fine. Then opening the slider key board and trying the back button it didn't work either. Same goes for all (!) keyboard buttons. Then tried the green and red buttons, the tilt wheel and finally all hard buttons on the device. Only the power on/off button works.
The phone can be operated using the stylus. No problems there . I only installed Tom Tom, Remote Desktop and Google Maps. I am thinking of returning the phone to the shop, but my personal data and settings will be gone I think.
It seems like the driver that triggers hard button functions in windows is missing, broken or just plain ignorant. Anybody any ideas on how to troubleshoot and repair this?
Thanks for the trouble.
Vitruvian said:
Just last friday I got my new Tytn II and yesterday I discovered that the Backspace button on my soft keyboard didn't do anything anymore. All other soft buttons where working fine. Then opening the slider key board and trying the back button it didn't work either. Same goes for all (!) keyboard buttons. Then tried the green and red buttons, the tilt wheel and finally all hard buttons on the device. Only the power on/off button works.
The phone can be operated using the stylus. No problems there . I only installed Tom Tom, Remote Desktop and Google Maps. I am thinking of returning the phone to the shop, but my personal data and settings will be gone I think.
It seems like the driver that triggers hard button functions in windows is missing, broken or just plain ignorant. Anybody any ideas on how to troubleshoot and repair this?
Thanks for the trouble.
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OK - obvious things first, this is either going to be a hardware or a software problem. If it's hardware, you need to return it to the shop as it will still be under warranty. If it's software, we'll be able to fix it with a Hard Reset.
Although a Hard Reset will remove all your settings and personal data, it will put the phone back into the state it was when you bought it. Seeing as the keys worked when you bought it, they should go back to working too!
My advice would be firstly to backup everything you need (contacts, e-mails, etc) onto your PC or your Exchange server. Then press and hold both softkeys and press the reset button with the stylus. Keep the softkeys pressed until you see a white screen warning about doing a reset, then release the softkeys. Press the green pickup button to start the reset, then the green button again when prompted to restart the phone. It will take a while to reboot first time, and then it'll go through the same screens it did when you first opened the box. Re-sync all your contacts/e-mails and you're sorted.
If the phone won't respond to the softkeys when you reset, and instead begins a normal reset, then it's definitely hardware. It could simply be a connector that's come loose, but opening the phone up will invalidate your warranty - so in your case, as it's so new, I'd say return it back to the shop and get a working one.
Good luck.
Perform a Hard Reset. That will rule out and correct any software issues. If it works after that it was the software that was messed up. If it doesn't work after that then its more likely a hardware issue and will need to be exchanged.
Confused Stu said:
Then press and hold both softkeys and press the reset button with the stylus.
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Where is "the reset buton" that can be pressed with stylus? I have read that on the XDA-Wiki page too, ...but I can't understand what is "the reset buton" (maybe is the power buton ...but I don't need the stylus for press it )
breakx said:
Where is "the reset buton" that can be pressed with stylus? I have read that on the XDA-Wiki page too, ...but I can't understand what is "the reset buton" (maybe is the power buton ...but I don't need the stylus for press it )
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OK for a soft reset there is a small hole to the left of the usb input on your device. Just simply insert the stylus into that hole and push
For a hard reset hold down both soft keys (first softkey to the right of the green button and the second soft key to the left of the "end" button or red button). At the same time insert the stylus into that little hole and give it a gentle push.
If you actually read wiki there would be a nice diagram there for you.
Oh ...I understand now ... Thank you!
This has happened to me twice. I'm not sure what led to it and I've not been able to reproduce it. I think it's a driver issue. A soft reset fixes it.
Confused Stu said:
If the phone won't respond to the softkeys when you reset, and instead begins a normal reset, then it's definitely hardware. It could simply be a connector that's come loose, but opening the phone up will invalidate your warranty - so in your case, as it's so new, I'd say return it back to the shop and get a working one.
Good luck.
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this has happened on my wifes tilt/8925......worked fine on the way home then after she got home the green pickup button the end call button the windows button and the ok button have all stopped working. I thought it would be hardware but flashed anyway. remapped a couple of other buttons to bring up dialer.............do you think this may be a connector also.......or something more detrimental?
chipsxj said:
this has happened on my wifes tilt/8925......worked fine on the way home then after she got home the green pickup button the end call button the windows button and the ok button have all stopped working. I thought it would be hardware but flashed anyway. remapped a couple of other buttons to bring up dialer.............do you think this may be a connector also.......or something more detrimental?
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Did you soft reset? I have this happen on my Tilt sometimes, but it's always fine after a soft reset.
khaytsus said:
Did you soft reset? I have this happen on my Tilt sometimes, but it's always fine after a soft reset.
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yes..........soft rest many times.......powered off and back on.........removed battery........attempted hard rest, but buttons did not work..........re-flashed phone....still doing it.

My Kaiser has issues. Any suggestions?

This morning I woke up to find that my kaiser's buttons were non-responsive. after about 2 min of testing, I found that only two buttons on my kaiser worked, the power button, and the center button (it acts like the windows button now WTF???). Also, when I power on the device, I see the dialer pop up, and the following W on the far right, wich is replaced with S, then Z, then X. (can you say WTF???) The touch screen works perfectly, and none of the keys on the keyboard work.
I would love suggestions on what to do to fix it (I am not afraid to take it apart, I just need a torx-5 bit), and barring that, suggestions on a new phone.
See here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMv3VONt0R4
Fenny said:
This morning I woke up to find that my kaiser's buttons were non-responsive. after about 2 min of testing, I found that only two buttons on my kaiser worked, the power button, and the center button (it acts like the windows button now WTF???). Also, when I power on the device, I see the dialer pop up, and the following W on the far right, wich is replaced with S, then Z, then X. (can you say WTF???) The touch screen works perfectly, and none of the keys on the keyboard work.
I would love suggestions on what to do to fix it (I am not afraid to take it apart, I just need a torx-5 bit), and barring that, suggestions on a new phone.
See here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMv3VONt0R4
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Try hard reset first.
first try soft reset, and if that doesnt work then uninstall some program and after each uninstall soft reset
if this doesnt do it for the device then there only one option---->HARD RESET
maybe it's a an issue using a creen locker like Sunscape, ThrottleLock or S2U2. Try uninstalling them (it), could help.
Well, I soft reset it a couple of times, same result, I can't hard reset it, because the button combination does not work, and neither does clearstorage. it looks like it's a hardware problem to me.

Call, End, D-pad buttons randomly stop working.

Like the topic says. The application, and power buttons and start menu buttons still work, but the end buttons and call buttons and dpad randomly stop working. Then I do a soft reset and they are fine. Its been doing this for quite a while. Stock Rom. Any ideas?
slowjett said:
Like the topic says. The application, and power buttons and start menu buttons still work, but the end buttons and call buttons and dpad randomly stop working. Then I do a soft reset and they are fine. Its been doing this for quite a while. Stock Rom. Any ideas?
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Try hard reset . Its the simplest and fastet test
I've had this randomly happen as well.. Sometimes simply hitting the power (standby) fixes it, sometimes a soft reset is necessary.
I've never had it not start working again after a soft reset, however.
any ideas short of a hard reset?
slowjett said:
any ideas short of a hard reset?
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I had the same problem since yesterday, did the hard reset today after searching the forum and reading this post (pressed both soft keys together and reset with the stylus, then when the message arrive, press SEND key) and is working perfectly now.... so.... it was a software problem... fixed now! woot!!!!
next time.... if i had this problem, i will stop doing as my first action, shaking the phone, pressing it harder, blowing it, etc... next time, i will start with a hard reset...

Weird Kaiser Hardware Button Failure

Hi all, please can you help me with this!?
Firstly when my phone boots or is taken out of sleep mode it immediately activates voice record as if this button has been pressed. It then opens the dialler and types ‘EDFC’. If I open pocket word and then wake the phone up it also types ‘EDFC’ before doing the above.
My keyboard is not working and the only hardware buttons that function are the power button (only for a while), the camera button and the silver select button in the middle of the d-pad. The jog wheel and silver directional d-pad buttons occasionally come to life. The others don’t work (green call and red end buttons, ok, windows etc).
When I use the standard keyboard SIP on the screen the directional buttons and delete do not function?!
I’ve reverted to a stock ROM to make sure this isn’t the problem.
It appears as though my Kaiser thinks these buttons are being depressed, but I’ve checked them and they click normally and release when pressed (even though they don’t perform a function) so nothing is stuck down etc….
I’m going to use AE Buttons to try and unhinge the button functions for now, but it would be great if someone has any suggestions!!
Thanks in advance.
Update - AE Button won't unhinge the buttons or change their function to anything else (e.g. nothing). I can't stop this from happening every time the phone boots/wakes up!
Mine got the same symptoms last week except it opens quick something or other,and then the dialler dials 2547.The screen for my pin then comes up,which I can enter normally.Home screen fires up normally but the keyboard will not work or any buttons except the silver one in the middle.Searched a bit and this problem is very common although I cannot find a solution anywhere.Can someone please help
AE button didn't work?
When mine did that, I reset all the hardware buttons (not the keyboard, just the buttons reachable from the outside. A soft reset and viola!
That's the only solution I have. It's worked for me 2x.
Also try pulling the battery for 20 seconds or so and restarting. That has fixed my touchscreen not working after it gets spashed 3x. Yeah, my phone is old and abused, but keeps working.
wasilvers said:
"I reset all the hardware buttons (not the keyboard, just the buttons reachable from the outside. A soft reset and viola!"
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Thanks for your replies - I've got Orange sending me another one in the morning now and sods law it's just stopped happening.... Taking the replacement anyway in case it happens again.
For my knowledge, how did you reset the buttons? I deleted some registry keys to completely stop them working (although I couldn't find the registry keys for the red and green buttons).
Searching on Google there are quite a few reports of this, but no one has ever posted the cause!
I am having the same problem... please help. My phone is going crazy. I did a hard reset but still didnt solve the problem....
I am also having this issue. Phone starts typing EDFC and then initiates the voice recorder. I reflashed various ROMs and regardless of what was flashed.. initially they appeared okay, then it started happening again. I also tried hard and soft resets. Nothng has worked so far.
I resorted to disabling the keys and some of the applications which I dont use which appear to be getting started/run (Voice recorder for one). So far I havent had the issue, knock on wood.
I think this is more than likely a hardware error. My tilt is actually pretty old so I wouldnt be surprised. If someone finds either the cause or a workable solution please post. Im trying to hold off until January when my contact expires to get a new HTC.
I searched and searched but found no solution for this and ended up getting the phone replaced.
HTC seemed to know nothing of such a problem....
Have you tried whacking it?!!?
Hope you get it sorted.
brandall said:
Have you tried whacking it?!!?....
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Hmm, yes, but I don't see how that helped my phone.
lol, all jokes aside, my friends, I ask in this thread as well,
what is causing this problem? I ran into this issue after ALL my buttons stopped working (except for the power).
I installed a new rom (I forget which one), and still nothing works except for power button.
It would be even better if someone knows the solution!
-Calling for Help-I'm still convinced it is a software/registry problem...
Okay, so there's no solution available for this weird problem of ours.
On the bright side, however, it is amazing that we can still use the phone, even after it requires servicing (some way or another). I have accepted this handicap that has been placed on my phone for now, simply hoping it will grow out of it one day.
But something isn't right. When I looked in the registry (trying to follow some directions I found within the wiki for when your keyboard STILL doesn't work properly), there was a discrepancy between what was supposed to be found in the registry and what was actually there. It wasn't that the values were wrong, it was the names of the values that were different. Why could this be?
Or even if you have moment of time, and you have an AT&T Tilt, and it works perfectly, maybe you could write up a run down of what you have hanging around in that section of the registry?
Hey, just so I can be sure, is there some place I can cross check what I have in my HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP with what is supposed to be there in a fully functioning AT&T Tilt?

