Clock not updating when sleeping - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

I've done a lot of searching, on here and on google in general, and still can't find a solution. Maybe I'm just not asking the right question...
I'm using Dutty's newest ROM, but had this problem when I was just using the stock Tilt ROM as well as when using an older one of Dutty's ROM's. I have the screen turn off after about 20 seconds, and when it comes back up the time is always off. It updates properly after about 1-2 seconds, but it's incorrect for the entire time the screen is off. This isn't normally an issue unless I want to use an alarm. With the clock not updating itself continually (like every non-PDA-type phone I've ever used), alarms don't work at all. I installed S2U2, and even with the screen waking up, once I hit the slide to unlock the phone that's when the clock updates. Not before. Any thoughts on how to fix this? Or am I missing something so obvious that I'm bound to get flamed for the question? Thanks in advance!

Mine does this too, stock AT&T Tilt OS for now, but my alarms and PhoneWeaver have absolutely no problem going off at their appropriate time. It looks like it's just not updating the video card with the current time while sleeping since the display isn't on. Not too much of a problem for me as I'm accustomed to wearing a watch, but I can see how it would be annoying for others.

Seems to me that's just normal for any computer when sleeping. My Vista machine and my Apple machines all do that too. When you wake them from sleep, the clock display is behind, but instantly updates once the system is back on line. The internal clock is still running the whole time of course, just the display does not update since the graphics system and cpu are in suspended mode.
Ya' can't very well have a computer go into power saving suspended mode AND keep real time things like screen graphics updated constantly.
P.S. My Tilt does it too, but alarms and reminders all work just fine.

gwnorth said:
Ya' can't very well have a computer go into power saving suspended mode AND keep real time things like screen graphics updated constantly.
P.S. My Tilt does it too, but alarms and reminders all work just fine.
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I agree that the screen shouldn't need to be updated constantly during power saving mode, but my problem is that none of the alarms work, and I'm just assuming that the system clock isn't updated because the display is so far behind. I'll do some more testing today... thanks for the replies so far!


Tilt waking me up every night

My Tilt is waking up every night around 12:25 am. Since I also use it as my pager, I have to leave it accessible. It sits in a desktop charger. Hence, the light shines in my face and wakes me up (the backlight is turned down at night, but it's still enough).
So, why is it waking (me) up? Is it time for me to pee? Is it thirsty?
I don't see any running appts or anything that would cause this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Turn it over!!
while charging if you press the power button ( for standby) the light will be off but it will still be in use. It wil come out of the standby as soon as there is some message or call
^ word.
gandotratushar said:
while charging if you press the power button ( for standby) the light will be off but it will still be in use. It wil come out of the standby as soon as there is some message or call
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Ehm... so what you are saying that he is getting called or gets a text EVERY night at 12:35 am? thats a bit obvious isnt it?
My tilt wakes me up every night but the reason is cause I'm addicted to flashing the phone lol
Imperium said:
Ehm... so what you are saying that he is getting called or gets a text EVERY night at 12:35 am? thats a bit obvious isnt it?
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Nothing nefarious here...
I am not receiving any texts or calls at that hour. Emails do not wake the device day or night. There are no "notifications" that need to be cleared. I had spb Time running, but deleted it (I think it was slowing things down). Sprite runs nightly at 10pm.
Is there any other place where something may be scheduled?
By the way, not that it's related, but my old Treo (years ago, 600 or 650, can't remember) had a flaw where it would wake up every night at exactly 1:30 a.m. or something. This turned out to be a system flaw that was present on everyone's device.
I had a similar problem a year ago or more.
It woke me up very early a couple of times and I was to tired to check out why.
It turned out that If I created full day events, the default reminder time was 18 hours before as default, so it woke me up at 06.00.
So now when I create full day events with reminder, I have to set it to f.ex. 10 hours before.
And I still haven't figured out where to change the default value from 18 to 10 in outlook.. Pretty annoying.
P.S. If you are using push mail and you don't want to get mail during a period. Go into Active Sync -> Menu -> Scheduling. And define a day and nigh sync. So it doesn't check mail during nighttime.
Still happening nightly. I'm half delirious whenever it happens, but I think the actual time is 01:45 or so.
I do not have any events like you described in my calendar. I am not using push email.
Any other suggestions?
galenmd said:
Still happening nightly. I'm half delirious whenever it happens, but I think the actual time is 01:45 or so.
I do not have any events like you described in my calendar. I am not using push email.
Any other suggestions?
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Check with your power company. Maybe they are switching power grids about that time and it causes a 'brown-out'? The phone will always spring to life from sleep if the charge is removed then replaced.
In my area, this happens at around 00:30, somtimes OK, sometimes all the power drops for a split second.
I assume you mean the alarm goes off by itself? (It is possible to set alarms that only use the light, no sound.) I had this problem; the first day I got my Kaiser I stayed up late playing around with it and tested the alarm at around 2:45 am before going to sleep. The following two nights, even though I no longer had this 2:45 alarm in the clock settings, the Kaiser woke me up during the night, but I was too tired to check what was going on.
I remembered it was probably 2:45 am when the night alarms went off, so I figured my earlier alarm was somehow running in the background. What I did was, set a new alarm at 2:45 am, on the same slot that the old 2:45 was on (the first slot), set it on all weekdays, then toggle it on and off. I was hoping this would somehow ovrewrite/reset the information about the "ghost alarm", and I guess it did, since the Kaiser no longer goes berserk during the night.
Maybe there is some sort of bug or illogical functionality with the dismiss/snooze system in the alarms? Since the Kaiser has been around for a while I thought someone else would have run into it & figured it out.
my kaiser sometiems wakes up by itself too - i reckon theres some ackground task or process running that touches something inside and that wakes the device up - i dont know what causes it or why - simplest thing ive found is to literally just cover it up - bit 'hacky' but it does me fine - im not bothered if it does wake up just so long as it doesnt wake me up!
cant beleive you guys get nightly brown-outs - thats just crap - doesnt happen in this country

Buggy damned Tilt official 6.1...

I've flashed my 8925 twice and hard reset it once, I've tried with and without having allowed the ATT customizations, and still there's a bunch of stupid little crap that is driving me nuts. Please note: these bugs are with no additional software installed.
Can't keep the backlight from timing out. I've always disliked the default of having the screen auto dim: if the screen is on I'm probably *looking* at it, otherwise I'd have turned it off... I've tried everything, setting no backlight time out, leaving it checked but matched to the screen shutoff, it shows the right thing in the control panel and stays on after I leave that screen, but usually within minutes or especially after I've used the phone it'll start dimming at 10 seconds again--even though turn off backlight is still unchecked in the backlight control panel.
Missed calls / call log badly broken: I'll get the missed call notification but when I try to see the caller it shows the log as empty, and when I go into the log manually from the phone app it also shows empty--doesn't even have my outgoing calls.
Voicemail notification got stuck on. I can probably call ATT and have them fix this on their end in minutes but it's bloody annoying that my phone's been notifying me of a long deleted voicemail message for days.
Anybody else having any of these problems?
Anybody know a fix for any of them?
I've already tried advanced_configuration, no great help there.
What's the latest/best cooked ROM? I like that the official has stuff like Voice Command and Sprite Backup, would like to keep them...
I haven't noticed any of those problems. I have however had problems with the phone being really sluggish at times. Still testing with no apps installed. I don't have the backlight problem. I have just used the settings in Kaiser Tweak and everything is working. Not sure that I will keep using it though. I will probably go back to Hyperdragon's newest ROM's. Those always seem to work really well for me.
No issues with the official AT&T ROM either.
wmg76 said:
I have however had problems with the phone being really sluggish at times.
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Are you using the right SPL?
I did not try the rom. But I heard cleartype w/ landscape problem still exist w/ this rom (like the official HTC 6.1 rom). It could be fix by replacing the ddi.dll but will probably break Opera mini 9.5.
Problems??? Pull up a chair! First I installed the ROM and none of my would work. I couldn't connect to the internet. I downloaded the ROM again and reflashed it. This time icons started disappearing on my phone. I did a soft reset. Nothing. Did a hard reset. Nothing. I reflashed. Loaded my apps, they actually worked. I set up my email, and I could connect to the internet. Great! Finally! One hour later, I got a phone call, but my phone didn't ring. Huh?Anyway, answered it, when the other party spoken it came out the speakerphone. I checked my device and there was no sound: ringtones,music games,alarms. Soft reset...Startup sound played..loaded up and no sound. Call ATT for a help, they decided to send me a replacement. Bad device, I guess. So I redownloaded the ROM and tried a different phone( i know, i know), can't get email to work, can't get MMetrics work. I quit!I will be going to custom ROM! I have a lot of reading to do.
Been using the new AT&T Rom since it was released and not having any issues. The only minor problem I have is that I'm seeing some compatibility issues with the version of S2U2 that I am using. Otherwise, good to go.
I don't get how people are having problems with this. Everything works flawlessly with me.
Except threaded messaging sucks, but with Kaiser Tweak, I turned it off.
I have had only 3 major issues with this rom.
1: Camera works, but doesn't show anything on the screen. I have a black screen, press the capture button, and I get a picture, but I can't tell what I am looking at until I take the picture. Working on this issue now. [Update] I just installed HTC Camera v5.04 b29195.00 . Works Perfect now!
2. Battery life was HORRID! After 10 minutes I was down to 90%, while it sat on the desk, screen off, nothing running. After switching from to, life was peachy. 8 hours with normal usage and only down to 80%.
3. Blue Tooth drops erratically. I connected my bt headset to the phone, made a call, after 10 or 15 minutes, it dropped the headset. BT stayed turn on, but headset couldn't be found. Turned off headset, turned back on, magically found. Haven't figured out what is causing this, but am researching that as well. OK, So I got on HTC's website to see if there was an update. There is no update for BT for the Tilt WM6.1. However, there is a fix for TYTN II WM6.0. I decided to try this fix, installed thinking I would get the whole "this program was built for a previous version" garbage, but I didn't get that. Anyway, I am going to try this tomorrow when I make my calls. I will update if I notice it fixes my issues.
Otherwise, it's fast, good signal, good sound quality, etc. Overall I am pretty happy. Will be happier when I finally get the BT to stop dropping, as I travel a lot and it's illegal to talk on the phone w/o a hands free on any military installation.... Sorry if I didn't answer any problems others are having on this actual forum, but maybe someone else will be having the same issue and see my posts for my fixes. Thanks!
zip, zero, nada.......UI is faster, apps are faster, threaded SMS is really nice to have, MSVC works as advertised with my JB2.
Different Alarm Sounds!!
I have a small WAV file that I use as an alarm sound but now can't get the sound listing in the alarm setup. I use to put it in application data/sounds. It now doesn't show up if I put it there or anywhere else (/windows, /my documents/my ringtones). Anyone else have this problem?
eltrebor said:
I have a small WAV file that I use as an alarm sound but now can't get the sound listing in the alarm setup. I use to put it in application data/sounds. It now doesn't show up if I put it there or anywhere else (/windows, /my documents/my ringtones). Anyone else have this problem?
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All my WAV and MIDI files in the root of Windows show up fine. How small is the file? 600kb is the size limit for sounds on AT&T ROMs unless you modify the registry key that restricts it. 600k may be large for an mp3 file, but that's only mere seconds of a WAV file.
I upgraded as soon as it was available and am seriously considering going back to the old WM6.0 ROM, which worked well. I have had several lockups and had to soft-reset. I have also had problems with calls. Once, it rang and shoed me the call, but wouldn't let me pick it up. Other times I have had echos. GPS lock time is also much longer. Oh, yes, the equalizer in TCPMP creates terrible distortion. It worked great in 6.0. And I am using the recompiled version.
It is great to get results of satisfaction with the new ROM, but I personally would like to know, for those who have been having problems and those, answers to some questions:
1 Which SPL
2 Which radio
3 Activesync or POP for email
4 Bloatware installed or not
5 PIE or other browser
I am sure that there are others, but those are what come to mind for the moment.
No Problems Here
FWIW, I think my Tilt is running much better with the new ROM. I've only had it (the new ROM) for a couple of days, but TT7 and Google Maps seem to run faster, and It seems to detect WIFI networks MUCH faster than with the old ROM. I'm a happy camper, at least for now.
I've noticed that its been alot slower and I don't like having a button devoted to the ringtone volume. The other HTC Tab I was using that was supposed to be an official use had Music allowing me to access Windows Media very easily now I can't. I also noticed my dialing pad is different and not the same as it was. I also don't like the threaded SMS on Windows Mobile it doesn't suit it. It makes it look very confusing and also I've noticed it has problems moving the screen upwards so that I can see what is being written in the space. Another thing I notice is randomly the HTC Home screen cuts itself off cutting off portions of the tab information. Its something to get used to but I don't see it happening cause I can't figure out what happened to some items on the phone like my GPS doesn't work, I am experiencing worse internet problems than before, Wifi dies frequently, and the dialer doesn't seem to work like it used to. Its a disappointment.
NotATreoFan said:
All my WAV and MIDI files in the root of Windows show up fine. How small is the file? 600kb is the size limit for sounds on AT&T ROMs unless you modify the registry key that restricts it. 600k may be large for an mp3 file, but that's only mere seconds of a WAV file.
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Which key? I have been hunting... and no luck so far.
Backlight timeout linked to lock??
When I re-downloaded the software and re-flashed a *third* time things seemed to work better. The only thing I did differently was skip the 'setup a password' that last time I flashed.
The phone worked pretty well all weekend, and then this morning I finally put in owner info and set a pin password.
And I just noticed the backlight has started dimming after 10 seconds (or less) again. Restart didn't correct it, nor did changing the setting in advanced config so the screen doesn't dim for unlock screen.
For now I turned off lock and went into the backlight tab and it's stopped doing it. BLOODY ANNOYING. I've seen mention of the backlight timeout bug in other forums too...
Even while the phone was working well over the weekend I noticed that fairly often the first attempt to bring it out of standby flashes the screen on then it goes back off, comes on and stays on when I press power the second time.
I ran into the idiotic bug where text is white on white when in landscape mode, know I saw something about that being a cleartype bug or something and there being a fix, but why the hell would it be released like that?
Also, I can NOT get the 'message sent' notification to disable... does 'advanced config' not actually work?
Buggy is an understatement!
Having been unable to bear/ignore the bugs I reverted back to 6.0
Here's what I along with you guys have issues with.
1)Ringtones revert back to it's default tone whenever I open: Settings>Phone
2) Back-light reverts back to 10 seconds at random and often.
3) Google maps will not display letters when searching for places, but it'll invisibly type
4) Typical freezes on pages and things of that nature
5) Bloatware..
SeekerJBP said:
Which key? I have been hunting... and no luck so far.
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I'll help you out here
Go into HKEY_CurrentUser --> ControlPanel --> Sounds --> FileSizeLimit ( it's a DWORD value)
Just delete the DWORD value, and bam, enjoy .
EDIT : wow, just realized this is my first post. I've been browsing the site since the Tilt came out, but I guess I've never found it necessary to post. haha!
TheCritic said:
Can't keep the backlight from timing out. I've always disliked the default of having the screen auto dim: if the screen is on I'm probably *looking* at it, otherwise I'd have turned it off... I've tried everything, setting no backlight time out, leaving it checked but matched to the screen shutoff, it shows the right thing in the control panel and stays on after I leave that screen, but usually within minutes or especially after I've used the phone it'll start dimming at 10 seconds again--even though turn off backlight is still unchecked in the backlight control panel.
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I have the exact same problem with my 8925. My work buddy across the hall does not have this problem with his 8925. Running WM6.0 my screen has ALWAYS dimmed at boot, as well as after a call ended; his has never done so. Now, after we've both upgraded to WM6.1, I have all my same problems, as well as the additional 10 second auto dimming that I did not encounter with WM6.0, he still has none.
No matter what settings I change, no matter if connected to power, USB, or none, my screen dims after 10 seconds. I can get it to temporarily revert back to the setting of my choice, by going into the settings and then back out, but if I manually dim the phone, get a call, or pretty much anything, it defaults back to the automatic 10 second dimming. I'm so pissed off about this. S2U2 also automatically kicks in on every screen dim, so I can't use it while the dim prob is going on. Certainly someone within this HUGE base of geniuses has a definitive answer for this.
Lots of little bugs in this release.
Google maps doesn't like it.
Can't get TCPMP to work.
Gets sluggish.
MSVC doesn't notify.
Other things I can't think of now.
Pretty irritating to say the least.

Clock Issue with Energy rom

The issue im speaking of is the actual home screen clock. Every morning I have to re set it because it ends up becoming off by a few hours. I searched this forum and couldnt find anything. I had also posted the question in the Energy rom thread, but it kept getting swamped out by random question. Im running a tilt 2 FYI.
Any help appreciated, thanx
uncleswoop said:
The issue im speaking of is the actual home screen clock. Every morning I have to re set it because it ends up becoming off by a few hours. I searched this forum and couldnt find anything. I had also posted the question in the Energy rom thread, but it kept getting swamped out by random question. Im running a tilt 2 FYI.
Any help appreciated, thanx
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Did you set your time zone? Did you turn on or off internet time sync? Did you uncheck get time from network under phone settings? Any of these could be the cause of your problems...
Im feeling really dumb this morning...My alarm didnt go off this morning because of this same problem. And I cant for the life of me figure out hwo to make sure the clock is auto updating to the network.
Im running Energy Cookie Reference. I have seen the settings before...but cant locate them today.
Time synchronization?
Do you have the automatic time synchronization on? Try to disable it.
Settings -> Personal -> Phone ->
Sense settings tab -> data services -> internet time sync ->
Hey thanks for the settings are different though. I found the setting in BSB Tweaks and turned it off...only time will tell if it helps though...we will see if my phone fails to wake me up again tomorrow...
Left Energy yet again because of this issue...I dont know a whole lot about the technicalities but it seemed to me that the phone is 'going to sleep' and actually losing track of the time thus keeping my alarm from sounding in the mornings.
When I hit the power button to wake the screen up in the mornings it would be displaying a time that was hours behind and seemingly random (what lead me to believe the phone was in a deeper sleep than normal). Possibly a really stupid theory...but like I said I dont know a whole lot. I just know it was way unacceptable in my case.
I will still monitor his threads like always and try the latest and greatest ROMS.
Clock Issue with Energy romArrow
I think the problem you are having is the windows alarm bug. I used to get this all the time until i started using g-alarm. it fixes the issue when you first install it. (note that its a paid app.) but here is the description and the registry edit that you need to change to fix the problem.
can't post the link soo you will need to copy and paste the url below if you want to view the webpage.
Windows alarm bug
Windows Mobile has on some devices a strange behaviour: Although an alarm is successfully added to the WM notification queue (it's like a scheduler) it doesn't go off.
Searching the web gave me following information:
At midnight WM rebuilds the notification queue, therefore it wakes up for about 15 seconds. If the notification queue is too big or the device too slow WM goes to sleep again before it could finish building the queue for the next day.
If you force WM too stay awake for a longer time, it should successfully build the queue on at least more devices.
If you start G-Alarm and it complains about the Windows alarm bug, you've got the default WM settings (15 seconds WakeUpTime). If you press "Yes" G-Alarm changes it to 120 seconds which should be enough.
Here are the registry values G-Alarm changes:
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[Q] nc randomly reboots

Hey guys, my nookcolor has been randomly rebooting since i rooted it. Never while i was using it, i just sometimes hear the bootup sound, and look to find that my book is now on.
Im just concerned this will affect my battery, and i also don't want it rebooting while im using it.
I noticed it doing this one time, but right after i powered it off. In use, it has never rebooted on me (yet)..
This is why we so desperately need a custom ROM. Remove the B&N bloat, and start with a clean 2.2 (or even 2.3 now) base, and really open her up..
Divine_Madcat said:
I noticed it doing this one time, but right after i powered it off. In use, it has never rebooted on me (yet)..
This is why we so desperately need a custom ROM. Remove the B&N bloat, and start with a clean 2.2 (or even 2.3 now) base, and really open her up..
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I still want to use the B&N stuff. Any rom that emits them, I will not be installing.
I think it likely that there are NC users in both camps-
Those who want the B&N stuff and those who don't.
I am one of those who don't; the Nook for Android software does better for reading ePub, imo and I am rarely near a B&N store.
Right now we have root and Market plus B&N and I would guess (could easily be wrong) that the first custom roms will be pure Android with no B&N.
We will probably end up with an option to set while flashing: retain B&N customizations or straight Android.
I base this guess on what I have seen in the other roms for various devices (mainly Droid) I have looked at.
Same here. If I want to read B&N books, I could still use their Android app on a custom ROM.
After switching to Cyanogen on my phone, it's been quite relaxing to not have to worry about provider updates bricking the thing or otherwise screwing up the rooted customizations (or just randomly resetting the thing back to factory defaults because I started up one of their apps and it got confused). Not to mention that the CM team does a far better job supporting the device than the manufacturer and my service provider does.
And yes, like other Android devices, there will probably be ROMs in both categories: completely built from scratch with no B&N portions at all, and improvements on the B&N system to add more functionality.
Fair enough for those that are interested in the reader portions - i have to admit, i bought this as a tablet, with literally 0% in it as an e-reader; i already have a Sony 505 for that. I may use it on occasion, but only as an afterthought.
However, this topic is really drifting - perhaps we should just bring it back to the rebooting issue?
Yeah, I installed the Uptime Widget on my NC today and picked it up a few ago and its uptime was 1:30; max 15h (from before it rebooted 90 minutes ago). I'll keep running it.
What we need to do is get a logcat when it happens.. So maybe overnight I'll leave it running or something. It just rebooted on me and I was semi-watching it, didn't even notice but Uptime Widget was reset to 7m up, 15:30 max..
I have started up a logcat and I'm going to leave it running while I get ready to go out for the day.. Although I just installed and fiddled with Google Earth, which failed badly, so I wonder if it caused some problem. Also saw it happen after playing with Google Maps, so I wonder about Location stuff maybe doing it.. Dunno. I just launched Maps a few ago and it's been up since. Hopefully a logcat will capture some info.
I have noticed that I've seen some crashes that don't show the Crash dialog.... TweetDeck is particularly bad about crashing viewing some Facebook posts, and in this case it just goes black for half a second then back to the list of posts. A logcat shows it crashed. But I don't know the two are related (not having the crash dialog stuff and the reboots that is).
I had it reboot on me twice last night, one time I didn't know about it until I picked it up later and noticed the uptime widget was down to some 30 minutes, and another time right before bed I hit the power button and about 10s later I saw the boot up text and a reboot happen.
Still haven't caught it on logcat.
My doesn't reboot spontaneously, but it does "lock up" and won't turn on with the power button from standby occasionally. If I remember to use the Nook Button to wake from standby, I don't seem to have this issue. If I use the power button, and it won't wake, I need to hold it down for ~15 seconds and it reboots.
AFIAK, it has done this since I purchased it (I rooted after about 1 hour with the NC in my hands).
Mine has never reboot WHILE I'm using it, it's sneaky about it. But I suppose I'd much prefer it reboot while I'm not using it than while I'm using it; I have yet to have it do a full reboot while using it.
Trying to set up a Delicious account.. yeah, that rebooted the Java VM. But only time I've made it reboot at all.
Hahah, damnit, it just rebooted after it went to sleep. I seriously think it has something to do with going to sleep. I've been sleeping it and waking it repeatedly on adb logcat and it won't crash. Figures.
I had this same issue a while ago. I don't have the logcat from it, but from what I could tell is was some sort of error coming from the system dimming the brightness before turning the screen off. I had Extended Controls installed and was using the widget to adjust my brightness. Whenever the screen would dim before turning off I would get a reboot. I have since uninstalled it and have had no issues with reboots. I'm not sure if this is the issue youre facing but thats my story.
isolated_epidemic said:
I had this same issue a while ago. I don't have the logcat from it, but from what I could tell is was some sort of error coming from the system dimming the brightness before turning the screen off. I had Extended Controls installed and was using the widget to adjust my brightness. Whenever the screen would dim before turning off I would get a reboot. I have since uninstalled it and have had no issues with reboots. I'm not sure if this is the issue youre facing but thats my story.
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Actually not using any of those on mine.. I have Beautiful Widgets in ADW and Beautiful Widgets + Note Widget in WidgetLocker.. Not adjusting the backlight at all either, in fact I don't think I have at all since getting it now that I think about it.
I have the same issue: rooted Nook Color reboots occasionally and it does seem to do it whenever I put it to sleep or it goes to sleep by itself (when the screen dims). It hasn't rebooted while in use, but it does reboot occasionally when left alone. Have no idea why.
From apps that control dimming I have Advanced Task Killer installed besides the stock app that controls dimming... Could it be the issue? I will uninstall Advanced Task Killer and see if that help.
Otherwise I love my rooted NC. It's fast, beautiful and works great as an E-reader and an Android tablet.
to summarize: Do you think it's the hardware issue or software. I've heard of people who have non-rooted (stock) Nook Color having the same rebooting problem, but apparently it doesn't have to do with rooting. Do you think it will adversely affect the Nook?
If anyone finds a solution please post here. It would be tremendously appreciated.
Thanks and have great holidays.
mastroiani said:
I have the same issue: rooted Nook Color reboots occasionally and it does seem to do it whenever I put it to sleep or it goes to sleep by itself (when the screen dims). It hasn't rebooted while in use, but it does reboot occasionally when left alone. Have no idea why.
From apps that control dimming I have Advanced Task Killer installed besides the stock app that controls dimming... Could it be the issue? I will uninstall Advanced Task Killer and see if that help.
Otherwise I love my rooted NC. It's fast, beautiful and works great as an E-reader and an Android tablet.
to summarize: Do you think it's the hardware issue or software. I've heard of people who have non-rooted (stock) Nook Color having the same rebooting problem, but apparently it doesn't have to do with rooting. Do you think it will adversely affect the Nook?
If anyone finds a solution please post here. It would be tremendously appreciated.
Thanks and have great holidays.
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I suspect it's a software thing, as it doesn't randomly reboot in use, it ONLY seems to happen going into standby, and I have YET to make it happen connected USB for adb.
You know actually, I think alogcat can log automatically now, maybe I should try that.. but it'd have to run for a day or so, as I only see this happen like twice a day at most.
Do you have setcpu installed? I was getting random reboots when I had it on conservative. Switched to ondemand for all profiles, and no more reboots!
wvcachi said:
Do you have setcpu installed? I was getting random reboots when I had it on conservative. Switched to ondemand for all profiles, and no more reboots!
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I myself had not played with SetCPU at all. So had you in the past and set it to conservative, and switched it back, or you switched it from its defaults? Reminds me, per my observation that it never has rebooted while on AC or USB, was there a default profile when plugged in that it's set to ondemand vs conservative? This could start making some weird kind of sense. I'll try it, but using something called CPU Tuner since it's free..
EDIT: I looked on USB and on Battery, both times was conservative, so looks like that's the default... Does the Nook have an automatic switching utility like cpuspeed in it? Hmm.. /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor is the file if anyone else wants to look.
BTW, has anyone on 1.0.1 auto-nooted etc not seen these random sneaky ninja power-off reboots? I swear mine waits until I'm not looking and reboots. I've only SEEN it do it once or twice, but in the last 5 or so days it's rebooted at least 10 times while powered off. Again NEVER while I'm using it, so I'm at least thankful for that. If it were rebooting while using it that would not be acceptable.
I have the Uptime Widget, kinda wished I had an uptime graph to see if there is a pattern.. I'm about 99% sure it never happens when plugged in AC or USB.
EDIT2: IT IS CLEARLY MOCKING ME. It just rebooted after I peeked at the governor files and let it idle to sleep.
I have the same random reboot problem since I upgraded to 1.0.1 and used auto-nooter. I only see it when it goes to sleep...or so I thought. This morning I heard it reboot and i hadn't touched it since last night. FYI, it was not plugged in when it happened. Thankfully it never reboots while in use. i havent used any CPU clocking tools. Also...never saw this on 1.0. So weird but I am sure someone smarter than I will figure it out.
UPDATE- Just got out of the shower and while getting dresses...heard the Book reboot twice within a minute or two.
Wondering if its an app that is causing a fatal crash when it tries to update.
Sent from my Nooxus One using Tapatalk
I haven't had a random reboot in 3.5 hours and i have used the Nook on and off. I did remove my email account from the Google email app (not gmail) and its been good for awhile now. I will update if this changes but I am feeling confident this fixed the random reboot.
Sent from my Nooxus One using Tapatalk
rckymtnrfc said:
I haven't had a random reboot in 3.5 hours and i have used the Nook on and off. I did remove my email account from the Google email app (not gmail) and its been good for awhile now. I will update if this changes but I am feeling confident this fixed the random reboot.
Sent from my Nooxus One using Tapatalk
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I've had one unexpected reboot today that I know of, I think this has helped, although I keep finding my Wifi turned off, even though this program I installed is only set to turn it off when the battery is extremely low. So I changed that profile and it hasn't turned itself off since, so seems to me maybe the battery reporting is a little wonky sometimes.
I've been watching, and I'll keep an eye out, but I think wvcachi is onto something.
BTW, the Nook has been primarily idle for the last 5 hours, just popped it on a few times to read an email, check on something, or see if it reboots so I haven't used it a bunch but it's lost a whopping 2% battery in that time. I also disabled the Phone stuff too, per this thread:
I am at 6.5 hours rebooting so far.
Sent from my Nooxus One using Tapatalk

One Marshmallow user's impressions
I'm definitely reverting back to 5.1.1 when I get the time and energy to fool with it .
sounds like that was written by someone who hasn't even tried marshmallow yet. I have yet to experience any missed notifications, alarms or any issues relating to time in any way. If some apps are being affected by this then its a sign to the developer to fix their ****ty code because all of my apps relating to time at all have been working just fine and alot of them are still the same version they were on lollipop. Doze has improved my batter significantly. It sounds like this article was probably written by a developer who cant code properly and instead of improving his skills he'd rather complain and convince everyone to stay away from updates because he is unwilling to evolve. Even the article looks like it was written in paint...
I had indeed a wrong time bug some days ago...really strange and worrying, a reboot fixed it. First time ever since Android Froyo that I experienced something like that.
That author seems to think that Marshmallow's Doze is a horrible thing that breaks all apps that rely on background services, namely alarms and notifications, and couldn't possibly be fixed in 10 years (rather than a few months) due to Google's horrible mistake (rather than devs not fixing their code).
Frankly, it sounds like a bunch of hyperbole.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH Fierce using Tapatalk
He's wrong about how doze works. And if he's in the camp that doesn't understand it nor wants to rewrite his app. Then yeh he's the idiot group that Google is targeting and was writing garbage code anyway.
lol complete nonsense, my alarm has worked everyday since i flashed M, even on dev previews...the only issues i have with M are really the "slow to connect wifi when using toggles" and the weird wifi consumption on battery stats
Another annoying issue on M is that if your leave your phone longer in standby mode (display off), wifi turns off and you stop recieving notifications until you turn your phone on again. This is with wifi set to "never turn off", etc.
Kustaa said:
I had indeed a wrong time bug some days ago...really strange and worrying, a reboot fixed it. First time ever since Android Froyo that I experienced something like that.
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This actually happened with me a couple of days back, I was travelling, so I put my phone connected to a power bank and went for a nap, woke up to see phone switched off, switching it on throws me a 2nd September date set on my device. Had to manually set the date as no network was available to automatically set the date from servers.
Ubichinon said:
Another annoying issue on M is that if your leave your phone longer in standby mode (display off), wifi turns off and you stop recieving notifications until you turn your phone on again. This is with wifi set to "never turn off", etc.
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This I had been noticing these days just because of WhatsApp Web. When in standby, WhatsApp Web shows phone not connected error. Just waking the phone reconnects to the WiFi, but happens every 30-40mins.
I have a feeling that folks who never see these problems have their phones charging at night and doze mode doesn't happen when you are charging. I have no convenient way to charge my phone near my bed, so it is not charging and totally idle all night. Email and messaging completely stops. Only the stock alarm clock works. My medication reminder stops working. It might as well be turned off completely. Plus when you do wake up and turn on the phone, all the pent up alerts come through and scare the hell out of you. I hate doze mode.
Settings -> Battery -> ... (menu)-> Battery Optimization --> All apps --> Select whatsapp, etc... and select not optimized.
Test again.
You're welcome.
I already disabled optimization in the battery settings for all the apps that weren't working. They still don't work after sitting overnight. It looks as if that setting has absolutely no effect.
Claghorn said:
I already disabled optimization in the battery settings for all the apps that weren't working. They still don't work after sitting overnight. It looks as if that setting has absolutely no effect.
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This is a real problem. I tested this on a Nexus 5. The device seems to enter Doze after about 1 hour and this is what happens.
What does work in Doze mode:
- Telephone: call can be heard.
- Alarm: alarm can be heard
What does NOT work in Doze mode:
- Receiving mail notifications directly: it seems to wait for the maintenance window. There is no "ping" from my GMail. No lock screen notification until I picked it up. I turned off battery optimalization as suggested. Like Claghorn says, it doesn't make a difference. When I was sleeping, the time difference between sending the mail and getting a notification can be hours. That is not acceptable: I want to determine whether or not I get a message. I got no control over Doze, except plugging it in. Also, when it sits on the desk at work I need to pick it up or turn the screen on every so often, because I don't know if it "dozed" off again.
Works partially:
- Notification light: It works once mail passes through the maintenance window. It does NOT work before the maintenance window.
I tested all of this with a unrooted, updated Nexus 5. Topic Starter and Claghorn have good points. Why can't I turn this off? I don't want this. I want notification on time, with ping, right now. If I don't I will turn the volume off or set priorities. They could have told me this behavior in a mail or during the update. Important mail from work, family comes in hours late. Not happy with this at all.
Tried all sorts of things, nothing seems to help. And no, battery optimalization is either not enough or has nothing to do with it. I love the Nexus 5. Marshmallow seems to be much smoother than Lollipop. I was happy with the update until I discovered this. Now, I am fustrated. I expect the phone to inform me when I need to be informed. Most days I don't need to save 10% of power anyway. For the first time I want to either root the phone and go back to Lollipop or even Kitkat. I don't know what else can be done. Fustrated.
Dennis de Swart said:
This is a real problem. I tested this on a Nexus 5. The device seems to enter Doze after about 1 hour and this is what happens.
What does work in Doze mode:
- Telephone: call can be heard.
- Alarm: alarm can be heard
What does NOT work in Doze mode:
- Receiving mail notifications directly: it seems to wait for the maintenance window. There is no "ping" from my GMail. No lock screen notification until I picked it up. I turned off battery optimalization as suggested. Like Claghorn says, it doesn't make a difference. When I was sleeping, the time difference between sending the mail and getting a notification can be hours. That is not acceptable: I want to determine whether or not I get a message. I got no control over Doze, except plugging it in. Also, when it sits on the desk at work I need to pick it up or turn the screen on every so often, because I don't know if it "dozed" off again.
Works partially:
- Notification light: It works once mail passes through the maintenance window. It does NOT work before the maintenance window.
I tested all of this with a unrooted, updated Nexus 5. Topic Starter and Claghorn have good points. Why can't I turn this off? I don't want this. I want notification on time, with ping, right now. If I don't I will turn the volume off or set priorities. They could have told me this behavior in a mail or during the update. Important mail from work, family comes in hours late. Not happy with this at all.
Tried all sorts of things, nothing seems to help. And no, battery optimalization is either not enough or has nothing to do with it. I love the Nexus 5. Marshmallow seems to be much smoother than Lollipop. I was happy with the update until I discovered this. Now, I am fustrated. I expect the phone to inform me when I need to be informed. Most days I don't need to save 10% of power anyway. For the first time I want to either root the phone and go back to Lollipop or even Kitkat. I don't know what else can be done. Fustrated.
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A quick suggestion -
You may use Doze Mode Editor and edit the script so that your phone never enters Doze mode.
That way you can enjoy Marshmallow without Doze.
Sent from my Nexus 5
Achilles. said:
A quick suggestion -
You may use Doze Mode Editor and edit the script so that your phone never enters Doze mode.
That way you can enjoy Marshmallow without Doze.
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Thanks, I will look into that. I'd like to keep Mashmallow as a whole if possible. I think it is a good update in general.
OK, I've looked at the doze mode editor thread and I find that the descriptions of the parameters I can set to be totally confusing, however, the flowchart pointed at in that thread seems to indicate that if I set the "inactive_to" value to something like 24 hours, then all the other doze mode nonsense is unlikely to ever happen (because I'll probably turn on my phone at least once every 24 hours). Does that seem like the best way to essentially turn off doze mode?
Claghorn said:
OK, I've looked at the doze mode editor thread and I find that the descriptions of the parameters I can set to be totally confusing, however, the flowchart pointed at in that thread seems to indicate that if I set the "inactive_to" value to something like 24 hours, then all the other doze mode nonsense is unlikely to ever happen (because I'll probably turn on my phone at least once every 24 hours). Does that seem like the best way to essentially turn off doze mode?
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I will look into this over the weekend. I find it odd that there isn't simply a switch to turn Doze off, which is a pity. It seems to me it's part of saving energy in general. A switch under Battery would do nicely. It should not be this complicated. That said, I think the UI of Marshmallow is silky smooth, much better than Lollipop. Marshmallow in general in good. It' just this that annoys me.
i'm baffled by google's aversion to end user config. This kind of b.s. is how I found xda and drove me to become a chronic flashaholic. All or nothin I guess.
ElwOOd_CbGp said:
i'm baffled by google's aversion to end user config. This kind of b.s. is how I found xda and drove me to become a chronic flashaholic. All or nothin I guess.
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I get the feeling Google assumes the customer is a developer. A few examples:
- The Nexus 5 does have a notification light: I didn't know until I read 5 reviews and even then I couldn't find any documentation on it. Needed an external app to get it working.
- Battery indicator: I like to have small numbers indicating battery charge: it could be done by hacking KitKat and Lollipop I think. Then at Marshmallow finally there's a (hidden) switch.
- I don't recall having any user guide in the Nexus 5 package. Not that I needed one. But some landing page doing a walkthrough would have been nice. Although there are some walkthroughs in every app
Not fatal flaws, but you wonder why does it need to be that difficult. It scares people away. Not me. I handed the Nexus 5 to some friends on numerous occasions and most found it too "empty". As for me, I want all developer stuff on. So it suprised me, there is no Doze fine tuning. Again, overall I give the Nexus a 8 or 9 out of 10. It fits me. In general I like it. So it's just constructive criticism. The empty layout and raw speed of the Nexus 5 works good in development of apps afterall.
Last night I ran an adb command (generated by the doze mode editor app) to set inactive_to to 24 hours (86400000 milliseconds). I then set an alarm for the next morning in the "Alarm Clock Plus" app (which completely ceased to function after Marshmallow showed up). This morning, the alarm actually went off on time, but the big "Dismiss" button it draws on the screen was totally non-functional. I had to hit the power button to get control (which then caused a popup saying alarm clock plus was non-responsive). I have no idea what caused all that behavior, but at least the alarm actually went off.
Also, with doze mode essentially disabled (in theory anyway), the power dropped from 100% in the evening all the way down to 97% in the morning.
With the exception to facebook and game type apps, Google's apps are the only ones I find that excessively waste resourxes and need to be forced to sleep. If they would get off the constant location polling, media scanning, and logging or at least tone it down a bit some they wouldnt need to implement thier half baked versions of solutions that they hijacked from xda devs

