Tilt waking me up every night - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

My Tilt is waking up every night around 12:25 am. Since I also use it as my pager, I have to leave it accessible. It sits in a desktop charger. Hence, the light shines in my face and wakes me up (the backlight is turned down at night, but it's still enough).
So, why is it waking (me) up? Is it time for me to pee? Is it thirsty?
I don't see any running appts or anything that would cause this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Turn it over!!

while charging if you press the power button ( for standby) the light will be off but it will still be in use. It wil come out of the standby as soon as there is some message or call

^ word.

gandotratushar said:
while charging if you press the power button ( for standby) the light will be off but it will still be in use. It wil come out of the standby as soon as there is some message or call
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Ehm... so what you are saying that he is getting called or gets a text EVERY night at 12:35 am? thats a bit obvious isnt it?

My tilt wakes me up every night but the reason is cause I'm addicted to flashing the phone lol

Imperium said:
Ehm... so what you are saying that he is getting called or gets a text EVERY night at 12:35 am? thats a bit obvious isnt it?
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Nothing nefarious here...
I am not receiving any texts or calls at that hour. Emails do not wake the device day or night. There are no "notifications" that need to be cleared. I had spb Time running, but deleted it (I think it was slowing things down). Sprite runs nightly at 10pm.
Is there any other place where something may be scheduled?
By the way, not that it's related, but my old Treo (years ago, 600 or 650, can't remember) had a flaw where it would wake up every night at exactly 1:30 a.m. or something. This turned out to be a system flaw that was present on everyone's device.

I had a similar problem a year ago or more.
It woke me up very early a couple of times and I was to tired to check out why.
It turned out that If I created full day events, the default reminder time was 18 hours before as default, so it woke me up at 06.00.
So now when I create full day events with reminder, I have to set it to f.ex. 10 hours before.
And I still haven't figured out where to change the default value from 18 to 10 in outlook.. Pretty annoying.
P.S. If you are using push mail and you don't want to get mail during a period. Go into Active Sync -> Menu -> Scheduling. And define a day and nigh sync. So it doesn't check mail during nighttime.

Still happening nightly. I'm half delirious whenever it happens, but I think the actual time is 01:45 or so.
I do not have any events like you described in my calendar. I am not using push email.
Any other suggestions?

galenmd said:
Still happening nightly. I'm half delirious whenever it happens, but I think the actual time is 01:45 or so.
I do not have any events like you described in my calendar. I am not using push email.
Any other suggestions?
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Check with your power company. Maybe they are switching power grids about that time and it causes a 'brown-out'? The phone will always spring to life from sleep if the charge is removed then replaced.
In my area, this happens at around 00:30, somtimes OK, sometimes all the power drops for a split second.

I assume you mean the alarm goes off by itself? (It is possible to set alarms that only use the light, no sound.) I had this problem; the first day I got my Kaiser I stayed up late playing around with it and tested the alarm at around 2:45 am before going to sleep. The following two nights, even though I no longer had this 2:45 alarm in the clock settings, the Kaiser woke me up during the night, but I was too tired to check what was going on.
I remembered it was probably 2:45 am when the night alarms went off, so I figured my earlier alarm was somehow running in the background. What I did was, set a new alarm at 2:45 am, on the same slot that the old 2:45 was on (the first slot), set it on all weekdays, then toggle it on and off. I was hoping this would somehow ovrewrite/reset the information about the "ghost alarm", and I guess it did, since the Kaiser no longer goes berserk during the night.
Maybe there is some sort of bug or illogical functionality with the dismiss/snooze system in the alarms? Since the Kaiser has been around for a while I thought someone else would have run into it & figured it out.

my kaiser sometiems wakes up by itself too - i reckon theres some ackground task or process running that touches something inside and that wakes the device up - i dont know what causes it or why - simplest thing ive found is to literally just cover it up - bit 'hacky' but it does me fine - im not bothered if it does wake up just so long as it doesnt wake me up!
cant beleive you guys get nightly brown-outs - thats just crap - doesnt happen in this country


My TyTN II is losing time

This is one I havent encountered before but apologies if its been reported already. I couldnt find an obvious thread.
I have noticed recently that my Kaiser is not keeping time - quite dramatically so!
When I turn my device on from standby, the clock is often 20, 30 mins or even hours behind.
I have tweaked the hell out of it recently so I am quite sure it is related to something ive done as it hasnt happened on previous builds.
I am using synchrotime almost everytime i turn it on just to make sure the clock is right (hope this doesnt clock up too much data :-( ).
Anyway just wondered if anyone else had come across this?
Try turning the auto time setting in the phone settings to OFF, early on we found this to cause random time problems as well as causing active sync to run all the time.
Thanks. I'll give it a go.
Mine did that last night - 40 minutes slow. Never had that problem since i first got it a couple of months ago. Once it got coverage again, it syn'd back up.
Did that fix your issue?
I've got another interesting one. My clocks are right, but my text-messages show as an hour ahead (received one at 3pm PST and it shows as 4pm PST in the list). I do have the 2007DST patch from Microsoft and everything else is configured right. Is there another setting somewhere for txt-msgs?
this happens for me too. i dont no what is causing the delay. when i have my phone on device lock, whatever time it was when i locked it, it stays like that until i unlock. i noticed it recently, almost missed an appointment because of it!
tried turning off that auto time thing that dont have any effect.
worked perfectly thanks

Clock not updating when sleeping

I've done a lot of searching, on here and on google in general, and still can't find a solution. Maybe I'm just not asking the right question...
I'm using Dutty's newest ROM, but had this problem when I was just using the stock Tilt ROM as well as when using an older one of Dutty's ROM's. I have the screen turn off after about 20 seconds, and when it comes back up the time is always off. It updates properly after about 1-2 seconds, but it's incorrect for the entire time the screen is off. This isn't normally an issue unless I want to use an alarm. With the clock not updating itself continually (like every non-PDA-type phone I've ever used), alarms don't work at all. I installed S2U2, and even with the screen waking up, once I hit the slide to unlock the phone that's when the clock updates. Not before. Any thoughts on how to fix this? Or am I missing something so obvious that I'm bound to get flamed for the question? Thanks in advance!
Mine does this too, stock AT&T Tilt OS for now, but my alarms and PhoneWeaver have absolutely no problem going off at their appropriate time. It looks like it's just not updating the video card with the current time while sleeping since the display isn't on. Not too much of a problem for me as I'm accustomed to wearing a watch, but I can see how it would be annoying for others.
Seems to me that's just normal for any computer when sleeping. My Vista machine and my Apple machines all do that too. When you wake them from sleep, the clock display is behind, but instantly updates once the system is back on line. The internal clock is still running the whole time of course, just the display does not update since the graphics system and cpu are in suspended mode.
Ya' can't very well have a computer go into power saving suspended mode AND keep real time things like screen graphics updated constantly.
P.S. My Tilt does it too, but alarms and reminders all work just fine.
gwnorth said:
Ya' can't very well have a computer go into power saving suspended mode AND keep real time things like screen graphics updated constantly.
P.S. My Tilt does it too, but alarms and reminders all work just fine.
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I agree that the screen shouldn't need to be updated constantly during power saving mode, but my problem is that none of the alarms work, and I'm just assuming that the system clock isn't updated because the display is so far behind. I'll do some more testing today... thanks for the replies so far!

Diamond wakes up overnight - what causes it?

I tried searching, honest.
A couple of times a week I would wake up and notice that the Diamond screen is on and of course the power level is low. Something is waking up the device in the middle of the night. Any ideas what it may be?
As far as I know I have no scheduled tasks:
- I don't even have email set up
- ActiveSync is completely manual
- I have klaxxon installed but no alarms set up
- no other alarms
- no scheduled backups
Is there a program that logs events on the PPC so I can see what causes it to wake up?
Well maybe it needs to go to the bathroom or sumting?
Did you check if ur Broadcast channels or not on maybe? Under Phone/ Settings/More If its on it will happen if it switches to another reception tower
I have noticed this once or twice on both my Diamond and the girlfriend's Ignito, once I just happend to notice both screens come on at the same time and it was dead on midnight!! I couldn't explain it and to my knowledge it hasn't happened again on my Diamond but the ignito seems to do it once a blue moon!!
I shall stay up and watch it at midnight to see what happens.
Has anyone used acbtaskman? I read that it has logging capabilities which may shed some light on this.
liakat said:
I shall stay up and watch it at midnight to see what happens.
Has anyone used acbtaskman? I read that it has logging capabilities which may shed some light on this.
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nice pun there
when got incoming sms, diamond will wake up.
Maybe u had enable this feature.
maybe he wants some milk
i think if your phone loses signal and regains it, the screen will turn on. IF that's the case...why doesn't it turn off? So it might not be that... :/
if not SMS and not task something, maybe phone call by lovely girl every night when she thinking about u, and she close the call fast..

One Marshmallow user's impressions

I'm definitely reverting back to 5.1.1 when I get the time and energy to fool with it .
sounds like that was written by someone who hasn't even tried marshmallow yet. I have yet to experience any missed notifications, alarms or any issues relating to time in any way. If some apps are being affected by this then its a sign to the developer to fix their ****ty code because all of my apps relating to time at all have been working just fine and alot of them are still the same version they were on lollipop. Doze has improved my batter significantly. It sounds like this article was probably written by a developer who cant code properly and instead of improving his skills he'd rather complain and convince everyone to stay away from updates because he is unwilling to evolve. Even the article looks like it was written in paint...
I had indeed a wrong time bug some days ago...really strange and worrying, a reboot fixed it. First time ever since Android Froyo that I experienced something like that.
That author seems to think that Marshmallow's Doze is a horrible thing that breaks all apps that rely on background services, namely alarms and notifications, and couldn't possibly be fixed in 10 years (rather than a few months) due to Google's horrible mistake (rather than devs not fixing their code).
Frankly, it sounds like a bunch of hyperbole.
Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH Fierce using Tapatalk
He's wrong about how doze works. And if he's in the camp that doesn't understand it nor wants to rewrite his app. Then yeh he's the idiot group that Google is targeting and was writing garbage code anyway.
lol complete nonsense, my alarm has worked everyday since i flashed M, even on dev previews...the only issues i have with M are really the "slow to connect wifi when using toggles" and the weird wifi consumption on battery stats
Another annoying issue on M is that if your leave your phone longer in standby mode (display off), wifi turns off and you stop recieving notifications until you turn your phone on again. This is with wifi set to "never turn off", etc.
Kustaa said:
I had indeed a wrong time bug some days ago...really strange and worrying, a reboot fixed it. First time ever since Android Froyo that I experienced something like that.
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This actually happened with me a couple of days back, I was travelling, so I put my phone connected to a power bank and went for a nap, woke up to see phone switched off, switching it on throws me a 2nd September date set on my device. Had to manually set the date as no network was available to automatically set the date from servers.
Ubichinon said:
Another annoying issue on M is that if your leave your phone longer in standby mode (display off), wifi turns off and you stop recieving notifications until you turn your phone on again. This is with wifi set to "never turn off", etc.
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This I had been noticing these days just because of WhatsApp Web. When in standby, WhatsApp Web shows phone not connected error. Just waking the phone reconnects to the WiFi, but happens every 30-40mins.
I have a feeling that folks who never see these problems have their phones charging at night and doze mode doesn't happen when you are charging. I have no convenient way to charge my phone near my bed, so it is not charging and totally idle all night. Email and messaging completely stops. Only the stock alarm clock works. My medication reminder stops working. It might as well be turned off completely. Plus when you do wake up and turn on the phone, all the pent up alerts come through and scare the hell out of you. I hate doze mode.
Settings -> Battery -> ... (menu)-> Battery Optimization --> All apps --> Select whatsapp, etc... and select not optimized.
Test again.
You're welcome.
I already disabled optimization in the battery settings for all the apps that weren't working. They still don't work after sitting overnight. It looks as if that setting has absolutely no effect.
Claghorn said:
I already disabled optimization in the battery settings for all the apps that weren't working. They still don't work after sitting overnight. It looks as if that setting has absolutely no effect.
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This is a real problem. I tested this on a Nexus 5. The device seems to enter Doze after about 1 hour and this is what happens.
What does work in Doze mode:
- Telephone: call can be heard.
- Alarm: alarm can be heard
What does NOT work in Doze mode:
- Receiving mail notifications directly: it seems to wait for the maintenance window. There is no "ping" from my GMail. No lock screen notification until I picked it up. I turned off battery optimalization as suggested. Like Claghorn says, it doesn't make a difference. When I was sleeping, the time difference between sending the mail and getting a notification can be hours. That is not acceptable: I want to determine whether or not I get a message. I got no control over Doze, except plugging it in. Also, when it sits on the desk at work I need to pick it up or turn the screen on every so often, because I don't know if it "dozed" off again.
Works partially:
- Notification light: It works once mail passes through the maintenance window. It does NOT work before the maintenance window.
I tested all of this with a unrooted, updated Nexus 5. Topic Starter and Claghorn have good points. Why can't I turn this off? I don't want this. I want notification on time, with ping, right now. If I don't I will turn the volume off or set priorities. They could have told me this behavior in a mail or during the update. Important mail from work, family comes in hours late. Not happy with this at all.
Tried all sorts of things, nothing seems to help. And no, battery optimalization is either not enough or has nothing to do with it. I love the Nexus 5. Marshmallow seems to be much smoother than Lollipop. I was happy with the update until I discovered this. Now, I am fustrated. I expect the phone to inform me when I need to be informed. Most days I don't need to save 10% of power anyway. For the first time I want to either root the phone and go back to Lollipop or even Kitkat. I don't know what else can be done. Fustrated.
Dennis de Swart said:
This is a real problem. I tested this on a Nexus 5. The device seems to enter Doze after about 1 hour and this is what happens.
What does work in Doze mode:
- Telephone: call can be heard.
- Alarm: alarm can be heard
What does NOT work in Doze mode:
- Receiving mail notifications directly: it seems to wait for the maintenance window. There is no "ping" from my GMail. No lock screen notification until I picked it up. I turned off battery optimalization as suggested. Like Claghorn says, it doesn't make a difference. When I was sleeping, the time difference between sending the mail and getting a notification can be hours. That is not acceptable: I want to determine whether or not I get a message. I got no control over Doze, except plugging it in. Also, when it sits on the desk at work I need to pick it up or turn the screen on every so often, because I don't know if it "dozed" off again.
Works partially:
- Notification light: It works once mail passes through the maintenance window. It does NOT work before the maintenance window.
I tested all of this with a unrooted, updated Nexus 5. Topic Starter and Claghorn have good points. Why can't I turn this off? I don't want this. I want notification on time, with ping, right now. If I don't I will turn the volume off or set priorities. They could have told me this behavior in a mail or during the update. Important mail from work, family comes in hours late. Not happy with this at all.
Tried all sorts of things, nothing seems to help. And no, battery optimalization is either not enough or has nothing to do with it. I love the Nexus 5. Marshmallow seems to be much smoother than Lollipop. I was happy with the update until I discovered this. Now, I am fustrated. I expect the phone to inform me when I need to be informed. Most days I don't need to save 10% of power anyway. For the first time I want to either root the phone and go back to Lollipop or even Kitkat. I don't know what else can be done. Fustrated.
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A quick suggestion -
You may use Doze Mode Editor and edit the script so that your phone never enters Doze mode.
That way you can enjoy Marshmallow without Doze.
Sent from my Nexus 5
Achilles. said:
A quick suggestion -
You may use Doze Mode Editor and edit the script so that your phone never enters Doze mode.
That way you can enjoy Marshmallow without Doze.
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Thanks, I will look into that. I'd like to keep Mashmallow as a whole if possible. I think it is a good update in general.
OK, I've looked at the doze mode editor thread and I find that the descriptions of the parameters I can set to be totally confusing, however, the flowchart pointed at in that thread seems to indicate that if I set the "inactive_to" value to something like 24 hours, then all the other doze mode nonsense is unlikely to ever happen (because I'll probably turn on my phone at least once every 24 hours). Does that seem like the best way to essentially turn off doze mode?
Claghorn said:
OK, I've looked at the doze mode editor thread and I find that the descriptions of the parameters I can set to be totally confusing, however, the flowchart pointed at in that thread seems to indicate that if I set the "inactive_to" value to something like 24 hours, then all the other doze mode nonsense is unlikely to ever happen (because I'll probably turn on my phone at least once every 24 hours). Does that seem like the best way to essentially turn off doze mode?
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I will look into this over the weekend. I find it odd that there isn't simply a switch to turn Doze off, which is a pity. It seems to me it's part of saving energy in general. A switch under Battery would do nicely. It should not be this complicated. That said, I think the UI of Marshmallow is silky smooth, much better than Lollipop. Marshmallow in general in good. It' just this that annoys me.
i'm baffled by google's aversion to end user config. This kind of b.s. is how I found xda and drove me to become a chronic flashaholic. All or nothin I guess.
ElwOOd_CbGp said:
i'm baffled by google's aversion to end user config. This kind of b.s. is how I found xda and drove me to become a chronic flashaholic. All or nothin I guess.
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I get the feeling Google assumes the customer is a developer. A few examples:
- The Nexus 5 does have a notification light: I didn't know until I read 5 reviews and even then I couldn't find any documentation on it. Needed an external app to get it working.
- Battery indicator: I like to have small numbers indicating battery charge: it could be done by hacking KitKat and Lollipop I think. Then at Marshmallow finally there's a (hidden) switch.
- I don't recall having any user guide in the Nexus 5 package. Not that I needed one. But some landing page doing a walkthrough would have been nice. Although there are some walkthroughs in every app
Not fatal flaws, but you wonder why does it need to be that difficult. It scares people away. Not me. I handed the Nexus 5 to some friends on numerous occasions and most found it too "empty". As for me, I want all developer stuff on. So it suprised me, there is no Doze fine tuning. Again, overall I give the Nexus a 8 or 9 out of 10. It fits me. In general I like it. So it's just constructive criticism. The empty layout and raw speed of the Nexus 5 works good in development of apps afterall.
Last night I ran an adb command (generated by the doze mode editor app) to set inactive_to to 24 hours (86400000 milliseconds). I then set an alarm for the next morning in the "Alarm Clock Plus" app (which completely ceased to function after Marshmallow showed up). This morning, the alarm actually went off on time, but the big "Dismiss" button it draws on the screen was totally non-functional. I had to hit the power button to get control (which then caused a popup saying alarm clock plus was non-responsive). I have no idea what caused all that behavior, but at least the alarm actually went off.
Also, with doze mode essentially disabled (in theory anyway), the power dropped from 100% in the evening all the way down to 97% in the morning.
With the exception to facebook and game type apps, Google's apps are the only ones I find that excessively waste resourxes and need to be forced to sleep. If they would get off the constant location polling, media scanning, and logging or at least tone it down a bit some they wouldnt need to implement thier half baked versions of solutions that they hijacked from xda devs

"Until next alarm" option missing in Marshmallow update?

I had been waiting with bated breath for the Marshmallow update to arrive, mainly because of the expected addition of the "Until next alarm" setting to the "Do not disturb" feature, but woe to me, no such luck! "Do not disturb" doesn't seem to have changed at all from Lollipop, and there is no "Until next alarm" option to be seen anywhere. What's going on, T-Mobile and Samsung? I have a really hard time using my alarm clock without this feature. Every once in a while, I forget to disable "Do not disturb" after I get up and then walk around half a day incommunicado, wondering why no one calls me. This is ridiculous! Doesn't T-Mobile realize how freakin' important this feature is to people?
Does anyone know anything about this issue?
No reason to walk around with it in at day. You can set up your days and times.
rile1564 said:
No reason to walk around with it in at day. You can set up your days and times.
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Thanks, I am aware of this option and have already started using it, but it is terribly inefficient, as it requires me to go through about 20 clicks EVERY SINGLE night just to set up the alarm and the Do Not Disturb mode for the next day. And it is impossible for me to set it up in advance for every day of the week, as the time I go to bed and get up is never the same day to day. With the Until Next Alarm option, it takes only two clicks to activate Do Not Disturb.
Best Regards...
I set mine up once, checked the box "Turn on as scheduled"and never had to touch it again. Once 10pm, on the days I set up, hits the Do Not Disturb automatically turns on. Then at 7am it automatically goes off.
ogrfnkl said:
Thanks, I am aware of this option and have already started using it, but it is terribly inefficient, as it requires me to go through about 20 clicks EVERY SINGLE night just to set up the alarm and the Do Not Disturb mode for the next day. And it is impossible for me to set it up in advance for every day of the week, as the time I go to bed and get up is never the same day to day. With the Until Next Alarm option, it takes only two clicks to activate Do Not Disturb.
Best Regards...
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I never touch my Do Not Disturb. I use AlarmDroid for my alarm clock. It makes me do maths to turn it off in the morning. Annoying, but effective.
rile1564 said:
I set mine up once, checked the box "Turn on as scheduled"and never had to touch it again. Once 10pm, on the days I set up, hits the Do Not Disturb automatically turns on. Then at 7am it automatically goes off.
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That works great for people who always go to bed and get up at the same time. I don't...

