Diamond wakes up overnight - what causes it? - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

I tried searching, honest.
A couple of times a week I would wake up and notice that the Diamond screen is on and of course the power level is low. Something is waking up the device in the middle of the night. Any ideas what it may be?
As far as I know I have no scheduled tasks:
- I don't even have email set up
- ActiveSync is completely manual
- I have klaxxon installed but no alarms set up
- no other alarms
- no scheduled backups
Is there a program that logs events on the PPC so I can see what causes it to wake up?

Well maybe it needs to go to the bathroom or sumting?
Did you check if ur Broadcast channels or not on maybe? Under Phone/ Settings/More If its on it will happen if it switches to another reception tower

I have noticed this once or twice on both my Diamond and the girlfriend's Ignito, once I just happend to notice both screens come on at the same time and it was dead on midnight!! I couldn't explain it and to my knowledge it hasn't happened again on my Diamond but the ignito seems to do it once a blue moon!!

I shall stay up and watch it at midnight to see what happens.
Has anyone used acbtaskman? I read that it has logging capabilities which may shed some light on this.

liakat said:
I shall stay up and watch it at midnight to see what happens.
Has anyone used acbtaskman? I read that it has logging capabilities which may shed some light on this.
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nice pun there

when got incoming sms, diamond will wake up.
Maybe u had enable this feature.

maybe he wants some milk

i think if your phone loses signal and regains it, the screen will turn on. IF that's the case...why doesn't it turn off? So it might not be that... :/

if not SMS and not task something, maybe phone call by lovely girl every night when she thinking about u, and she close the call fast..


Kaiser won't wake up to check email - why?

I've got mine to check email at regular intervals - but it won't wake up from standby to check mail. Does yours?
I did do something rash, I fear - used scarybears check notifications to clear all but 4 notifications, at which point activesync didn't recognize the device. I fixed that by adding a new notification (memmaid) but I wonder if screwing with the notifications has messed other things up. Any thoughts?
nb also posted on modaco
hard reset
McHale said:
hard reset
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eh - is that the ONLY solution?!
yes it is since yours is the only one messed up lol.. Guess leson learned huh
OK I tested this and my phone just retrieves all the mail, I send myelf several emals to several accounts and most of my intervals are set to 60 min and it gets retrieved (in standby mode).
I also have the same problem. Tried hard resetting but still no email check in standby mode. I have not installed any custom software in the device.
Any help would be much appreciated.
BTW: Also can it be the device?
Finally isolated the problem - fix?
Using ATT and if I have the band selection on AUTO and if the phone changes from 3G to EDGE back and forth the automatic email checking suddenly stops. But if I leave it on one band the email checking works flawlessly. I would really appreciate if someone could shed some light on this matter.
I just noticed yesterday that my email was also not coming in until after I took the phone off sleep.
cman6453 said:
I just noticed yesterday that my email was also not coming in until after I took the phone off sleep.
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So I am not alone on this.
I experience the exact thing. Moment I take it off standby mode it says connecting .... and so on.
I am trying everything under the sun will update if I get lucky. Although exchange mail gets delivered no matter what.
Frankyg said:
I've got mine to check email at regular intervals - but it won't wake up from standby to check mail. Does yours?
I did do something rash, I fear - used scarybears check notifications to clear all but 4 notifications, at which point activesync didn't recognize the device. I fixed that by adding a new notification (memmaid) but I wonder if screwing with the notifications has messed other things up. Any thoughts?
nb also posted on modaco
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So what'd you do to fix this? According to your modaco posting, you found the solution. Was it the hard reset?
I have only had my TyTN II for 10 days and now I'm getting this problem!
I am also trying to find a solution.
So far, I have uninstalled SBP Phone Suite, as their support forum talks about it messing up the Notification Queue - i.e. blocking new notifications. THis hasn't made any noticeable difference though.
I am left with the three installs that were supplied with the device - TTN6, GPRS Monitor (SPB software branded by HTC) and Sprite Backup....surely, if these are bundled with the device they shouldn't cause any disturbances?
Anyway....considering a Hard Reset unless anyone makes any breakthroughs....
Does this make sense?
I have my scheduled email check set at 15 minutes:
If I have new mail: it doesn't notify me, and seems to get stuck waiting to download the emails. Result: when I power-up it then starts downloading the emails and shortly notifies me of their arrival
If I have no new mail: it does notify me that I still have x number of unread emails in my inbox.
My only conclusion so far is that if it detects new emails on the server it cannot download them until you pull it out of sleep. Else it just checks as per the schedule and will notify you that you still have unread (previously downloaded) mail.
kavi said:
Using ATT and if I have the band selection on AUTO and if the phone changes from 3G to EDGE back and forth the automatic email checking suddenly stops. But if I leave it on one band the email checking works flawlessly. I would really appreciate if someone could shed some light on this matter.
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Kavi, please can you confirm if you "solved" the problem by fixing your band selection to EDGE? Obviously, this isn't an ideal workaround (when we've all spent a lot of dough on this device), but may help us narrow down the issue somewhat.
Still working on this issue. Figured out what the problem is but still no solution.
The sleep mode is termed as "Turn off device if not used..." in the power settings.
It receives calls fine AND wakes the phone while in this mode.
I configured my WLAN on the phone. When woken from sleep mode, I noticed that it was disconnected from the WLAN and connected to EDGE. The "E" would appear and then it'd change to show that it was re-connecting to the WLAN.
I found it strange that 1. It switched off the WLAN and onto EDGE during sleep and 2. It could not receive emails while on EDGE.
I turned the sleep mode off and once the backlight dimmed to indicate sleeping I shot myself a test email. Received no problem.
I turned the sleep mode off AND the disconnected from WLAN. No email.
So, for some reason, while on EDGE or, in my case, the AT&T data network, no email is coming thru.
Could it be something not properly configured for the data network or is there something on the phone that needs to be changed? *SHRUG* My investigation continues...
Finally found the solution but it could be valid only for my device. (finally I could get some sleep now ;-)
If I press the power button and put it into standby mode no emails at all. If I let it go into standby mode automatically then no problems at all.
I tested so many different settings but this is the only solution I found to work and the device has been checking mail every 10 minutes for the past 30 hours with no issues at all.
Give it a shot might work for you too.
Is this issue only related to POP email? Or is this occuring for Exchange Push as well?
sqadan said:
Is this issue only related to POP email? Or is this occuring for Exchange Push as well?
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First I thought exchange worked but in my case if I put it into standby mode even exchange push will not work.
But if I let it go to sleep automatically everything works fine.
Hi. some observations.
1) In my device Direct push works correctly when I turn off the device using the button.
2) Sometimes System Notifications (Stored on System queue) doesnt work correctly until I turn on the device.
3) Some programs that should react upon Radio events like CommMgrPro that should awake when GSM Cell changes arent notified by Windows until I turn on the device. It seems some events cant raise power mode from suspended to idle. It works correctly on TyNT and Athena.
kavi said:
First I thought exchange worked but in my case if I put it into standby mode even exchange push will not work.
But if I let it go to sleep automatically everything works fine.
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Hmmm.. Exchange works for me when the device is asleep... I even have the phone set to vibrate when mail come in.
I have not yet set up a pop account though.. I'll give it a shot.
I'm working with POP3.
Getting closer to the resolution.
It was, in fact, that my data services connection was incorrectly configured for AT&T. The access point was set to "isp.cingular" instead of "wap.cingular". Username was also incorrect. Once I reset that, I was connected fine.
My problem now is that the connection is intermittent. If it sleeps, it's as if it loses connectivity. This is an auto-sleep sleep.
I also noticed that the read emails get tossed out as the new email arrives...hmmm...another issue.

Tilt waking me up every night

My Tilt is waking up every night around 12:25 am. Since I also use it as my pager, I have to leave it accessible. It sits in a desktop charger. Hence, the light shines in my face and wakes me up (the backlight is turned down at night, but it's still enough).
So, why is it waking (me) up? Is it time for me to pee? Is it thirsty?
I don't see any running appts or anything that would cause this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Turn it over!!
while charging if you press the power button ( for standby) the light will be off but it will still be in use. It wil come out of the standby as soon as there is some message or call
^ word.
gandotratushar said:
while charging if you press the power button ( for standby) the light will be off but it will still be in use. It wil come out of the standby as soon as there is some message or call
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Ehm... so what you are saying that he is getting called or gets a text EVERY night at 12:35 am? thats a bit obvious isnt it?
My tilt wakes me up every night but the reason is cause I'm addicted to flashing the phone lol
Imperium said:
Ehm... so what you are saying that he is getting called or gets a text EVERY night at 12:35 am? thats a bit obvious isnt it?
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Nothing nefarious here...
I am not receiving any texts or calls at that hour. Emails do not wake the device day or night. There are no "notifications" that need to be cleared. I had spb Time running, but deleted it (I think it was slowing things down). Sprite runs nightly at 10pm.
Is there any other place where something may be scheduled?
By the way, not that it's related, but my old Treo (years ago, 600 or 650, can't remember) had a flaw where it would wake up every night at exactly 1:30 a.m. or something. This turned out to be a system flaw that was present on everyone's device.
I had a similar problem a year ago or more.
It woke me up very early a couple of times and I was to tired to check out why.
It turned out that If I created full day events, the default reminder time was 18 hours before as default, so it woke me up at 06.00.
So now when I create full day events with reminder, I have to set it to f.ex. 10 hours before.
And I still haven't figured out where to change the default value from 18 to 10 in outlook.. Pretty annoying.
P.S. If you are using push mail and you don't want to get mail during a period. Go into Active Sync -> Menu -> Scheduling. And define a day and nigh sync. So it doesn't check mail during nighttime.
Still happening nightly. I'm half delirious whenever it happens, but I think the actual time is 01:45 or so.
I do not have any events like you described in my calendar. I am not using push email.
Any other suggestions?
galenmd said:
Still happening nightly. I'm half delirious whenever it happens, but I think the actual time is 01:45 or so.
I do not have any events like you described in my calendar. I am not using push email.
Any other suggestions?
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Check with your power company. Maybe they are switching power grids about that time and it causes a 'brown-out'? The phone will always spring to life from sleep if the charge is removed then replaced.
In my area, this happens at around 00:30, somtimes OK, sometimes all the power drops for a split second.
I assume you mean the alarm goes off by itself? (It is possible to set alarms that only use the light, no sound.) I had this problem; the first day I got my Kaiser I stayed up late playing around with it and tested the alarm at around 2:45 am before going to sleep. The following two nights, even though I no longer had this 2:45 alarm in the clock settings, the Kaiser woke me up during the night, but I was too tired to check what was going on.
I remembered it was probably 2:45 am when the night alarms went off, so I figured my earlier alarm was somehow running in the background. What I did was, set a new alarm at 2:45 am, on the same slot that the old 2:45 was on (the first slot), set it on all weekdays, then toggle it on and off. I was hoping this would somehow ovrewrite/reset the information about the "ghost alarm", and I guess it did, since the Kaiser no longer goes berserk during the night.
Maybe there is some sort of bug or illogical functionality with the dismiss/snooze system in the alarms? Since the Kaiser has been around for a while I thought someone else would have run into it & figured it out.
my kaiser sometiems wakes up by itself too - i reckon theres some ackground task or process running that touches something inside and that wakes the device up - i dont know what causes it or why - simplest thing ive found is to literally just cover it up - bit 'hacky' but it does me fine - im not bothered if it does wake up just so long as it doesnt wake me up!
cant beleive you guys get nightly brown-outs - thats just crap - doesnt happen in this country

my phone is lighting up by itself... why?

my phone seems to just pick up random reception while sitting idle on my desk. the phone screen just lights up for no reason and the signal tweaks my computer speakers and makes them make a weird crackling noise. does anyone know how i can remedy this on my AT&T Tilt? help please because it's annoying. it keeps looking like i'm getting a call so i look and then there's nothing. so on a few occasions when my ringer is off and my phone lights up i've ignored calls because this is just irritating. PLEASE HELP! thanks in advance...
The buzzing in the speakers is common to all GSM phones. Some do it more than others (my friends without smartphones seem to be surprised by the sound). I've gotten used to the sound and gotten to the point that I can tell the difference between stray sounds and when a call is coming in.
I'm not sure if I understood your post correctly, but if the screen and keyboard are lighting up at random times - not just when a call is coming in or there's an alarm or you turn it on - then you have something odd going on.
Are you using Xpress Mail? It wakes up the phone when there is an incoming push message. If you turn off push, it doesn't do this.
my phone is lighting up by itself... why?
maybe it fancies a smoke?
lol couldnt resist...
right are you sure any of the email accounts arent set to automatic polling for say every 2 hours, 1 day etc?
^^^^ haha very funny lol well anyways, i don't have push set up nor do i have any alarms set up. i really don't know what the hell is going on. sometimes it even messes with my computer speakers as if there is a call or text coming in... i don't know what in the hell is going on. it was doing that originally then it stopped after installing a bunch of programs on the phone. then i did some spring cleaning and got rid of things i wasn't using and then this crap started up again... maybe it's aliens lol
^^lol aliens picking up reception on your phone!
but seriously.... my hermes was doing that too a couple days ago, but i havent seen it do it ever since.
i dont even have xpress mail set up, nor do i have it installed. the only thing i can think of is i have a reminder on my calender that shows up on the today screen.... but i doubt that's the problem
anybody figure it out? for future annoyances, tho im glad i havent seen it do that anymore
I think it may be possesed, may need to call in an exorcist
I'm experience that too..I'm suspecting that someonne try to discover bluetooth device in range and this wake-up my device...
Two things I would check
Are there any apps running before and;or after the wake-up, in particular Active Sync.
Are you in a band swapping area. If so try (temporarily at least) setting to GSM only.
Also, ensure any apps that use a data connection are not set to poll automatically. eg weather, news etc etc

Phone randomly silences itself, why?

My phone has been silencing itself randomly for some reason. I'll leave the phone for a while, and come back to it and have missed calls, sms, etc. and don't even know it because the phone has been silenced. I have had this problem on the last two roms from dutty. I always hard reset after flash. I do not have any programs set to silence my phone at certain times of the day, as this happens randomly.
Today before a class I had closed out a program and was just looking at the home screen and watched the sound/volume icon at the top just switch by itself to mute!
This is driving me nuts, I can't figure out why! Please help!
Thanks in advance.
I can't help ya, but it's happening to me as well...
Similar thing here. Had that happen on Dutty's. On LCS now, and instead the sound level from Microsoft Voice randomly goes off entirely so I can't here it confirm my request...really annoying
this happens to me sometimes when i switch the vibrate function on and off, and im using the AT&T Rom too
Same here...
Same thing has been happening to me since I switched to Dutty's ROMS. Could it be because of the new HTC Home plugins?
I remember seeing that it you are BUSY (outlook schedule) that the phone will silence itself if you have that in your settings.
I have also seen this happen with voice talk - where it misunderstands what you told it to do ("Call Tom Smith" and it thinks that you said silence the phone or something like that )
My best guess would be the first thing I suggested - are you using schedules on your phone?
In my case, it usually doesn't drop the volume itself to zero, but sometimes when switching from mute to normal volume, the phone soundbar remains at zero.
Simularities were reported over here.
This generally happens when you have selected automatic ringer setting in HTC Home
I don't have the automatic ringer setting set.
Yes, I am having the exact same problem as in that other thread.
I guess this thread can be closed and moved on to:

Blackstone WakeUp Without Touching!!!???

Hello guys, i have some problem with my Blackstone from around 2-3 weeks and this never heppand befor.
Also the problem heppand with diferent ROM`s and i always do a Task 29 befor flashing and etc.
The problem is that sometimes my Blackstone WakeUp without touching.. for example its on the table and the device just wake up with no reason ?! also sometimes wake up in my pocket..
And the strange things is that this not heppand all the times i mean sometimes wake up few times for one hour sometimes for the whole day or two didnt wake up..
1st i was thinking that maybe i have problem with the power button and somehow he give a contact and the phone wake up i chek already this and my power button seems fine.. from what i can see.
I decide to post this new Thread and hope that im not the only ONE in the whole Forum with Blackstone who have this heppand.
I don`t know why the Blackstone start to wake up by himself?!
I use this device from the time he was on the market around 2 years and i never had a problems befor.. also the device is in good shape and i never drop it.. just one day befor 2 weeks or maybe even more i saw that the device wake up with no Reason..
All sugesstions here are Welcome, please if anyone know the issue to write here!!!
Thanks in advance
P.S I know there is a ROM Section, and i already Post this to the General but seems that not many peoples visit that page and nobody have any idea.. because here most of the Cheif Masters are here and alot of other peoples for that reason i decide to post it here and maybe someone will be able to help me out if u know already this problem.
Please the MOD`s dont delate the Thread if its posible, Thanks
tsalta said:
Hello guys, i have some problem with my Blackstone from around 2-3 weeks and this never heppand befor.
Also the problem heppand with diferent ROM`s and i always do a Task 29 befor flashing and etc.
The problem is that sometimes my Blackstone WakeUp without touching.. for example its on the table and the device just wake up with no reason ?! also sometimes wake up in my pocket..
And the strange things is that this not heppand all the times i mean sometimes wake up few times for one hour sometimes for the whole day or two didnt wake up..
1st i was thinking that maybe i have problem with the power button and somehow he give a contact and the phone wake up i chek already this and my power button seems fine.. from what i can see.
I decide to post this new Thread and hope that im not the only ONE in the whole Forum with Blackstone who have this heppand.
I don`t know why the Blackstone start to wake up by himself?!
I use this device from the time he was on the market around 2 years and i never had a problems befor.. also the device is in good shape and i never drop it.. just one day befor 2 weeks or maybe even more i saw that the device wake up with no Reason..
All sugesstions here are Welcome, please if anyone know the issue to write here!!!
Thanks in advance
P.S I know there is a ROM Section, and i already Post this to the General but seems that not many peoples visit that page and nobody have any idea.. because here most of the Cheif Masters are here and alot of other peoples for that reason i decide to post it here and maybe someone will be able to help me out if u know already this problem.
Please the MOD`s dont delate the Thread if its posible, Thanks
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O thats because someone is trying to call you wile the overall network is busy or overcrowded! that problem always happen to my phone when the network is overcrowded or busy
Don-Maco said:
O thats because someone is trying to call you wile the overall network is busy or overcrowded! that problem always happen to my phone when the network is overcrowded or busy
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Yes men but its not normal someone to try calling me 20 times a day and never to be able to call me also not missed call is here and the phone wake up by itself... this things never heppand befor. also the device wake up sometimes in around 2-3 a clock on the night on this time nobody will call me and never someone call me in the last 10 years..
Now i disable everything..
I disable the Actyvesync, all Data like MMS ISP GRPS etc.. also Desable Location Services now will see do the device will wake up..
I think that is posible to wake up if there is abalible some Location services and need to transfer data etc..
Also i do my Operator to be choiced manual to not search for new network and also i set it to GSM mode.. not Auto not Any other just Simple GSM mode..
If after all this the device still wake up.. I don`t know what to do.
tsalta said:
Hello guys, i have some problem with my Blackstone from around 2-3 weeks and this never heppand befor.
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Hi there,
I had the same issue from time to time and the phone would wake me up in the middle of the night.
I tried disabeling the data-connection before going to sleep and since then I didn't have the problem anymore.
Maybe this will work 4 u?
Good luck!
OMG i think i need to call Exorcist to chek out my Blackstone
I disable Almost Everything
Disabled: My Location, Active Sync, Auto Search for Network, Toggle All DATA conecctions like GPRS, ISP etc, Disabled
And my Device still WAKE UP by Itself Random when HE want... i can`t understand WHY
You need to look at your problem logically...
Some 'event' is waking up the phone..
This could be a genuine event.... sms / phone call / touch screen / button / wifi discovered etc...
OR it could be a false event caused by some malfunction.... a button that's 'sticky', some software on your phone attempting to create some connection etc...
I would suggest the following to TRY to identify the issue...
1) Reflash your device
2) Do NOT setup any APN / GPRS connection at all
3) Do not configure any weather settings or wifi etc etc
4) Turn ON the airplane mode
5).... wait and see if the problem still exists
If it does, then you DO have some issue
If it doesn't, then turn OFF airplane mode (to connect to your network) but do NOT do anything else...
see if the problem exists... if it does, then it's related to network activity
do the same with Wifi ON...
Then weather ON
then start adding apps etc
Just attack the problem logically...
TheBrilliantMistake said:
You need to look at your problem logically...
Some 'event' is waking up the phone..
This could be a genuine event.... sms / phone call / touch screen / button / wifi discovered etc...
OR it could be a false event caused by some malfunction.... a button that's 'sticky', some software on your phone attempting to create some connection etc...
I would suggest the following to TRY to identify the issue...
1) Reflash your device
2) Do NOT setup any APN / GPRS connection at all
3) Do not configure any weather settings or wifi etc etc
4) Turn ON the airplane mode
5).... wait and see if the problem still exists
If it does, then you DO have some issue
If it doesn't, then turn OFF airplane mode (to connect to your network) but do NOT do anything else...
see if the problem exists... if it does, then it's related to network activity
do the same with Wifi ON...
Then weather ON
then start adding apps etc
Just attack the problem logically...
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Thanks for the advice i think to do the same...but the strange thing is that this heppan without reason i mean i was using one ROM for example 2 months and never have problem then one day i saw this heppand... the strange thing is that this heppand without to do diferent setting or install app and i start to wonder why from 2 years i dont have problem like this and right now its just start random to wake up...
I want to ask expert do is posible the device to wake up by Network activity? i mean NOT SMS calls etc.. just my network Operator to do something in the Network that cause my blackstone to wake up by itself?
tsalta said:
Thanks for the advice i think to do the same...but the strange thing is that this heppan without reason i mean i was using one ROM for example 2 months and never have problem then one day i saw this heppand... the strange thing is that this heppand without to do diferent setting or install app and i start to wonder why from 2 years i dont have problem like this and right now its just start random to wake up...
I want to ask expert do is posible the device to wake up by Network activity? i mean NOT SMS calls etc.. just my network Operator to do something in the Network that cause my blackstone to wake up by itself?
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Freaky thing, but there can be a million reasons (not common though), like your neighbour having installed a new router, some trash of any app you tried and was not completely uninstalled, and so on.
TheBrilliantMistake is absolutely right, that's how I would deal with a problem like that.
Anyway, please post wathever you can find.
Good luck.
I think i found why my device wake up itselfs.. maybe this is was a ROM`s problem i have this wake up in TOPIX 6.5 Sense 2.1 and also in few of the latest NRG ROM`s..
Befor 48 Hrs i flash with the new Kwbr for Touch HD 1.7 its a WM 6.6 Build 21907 with Touch Flo 2.1XXX Manila and now since 48 Hrs the device didn`t wake up by itself..
Im using always the same settings, the same application and etc and till now no Wake Up.. so i think is posible to have something in the ROM that make my device Wake Up by itself.. because like i say i saw this when i flash NEW Nrg ROM... and till this i never drop the device or have any problems with it.

