My TyTN II is losing time - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

This is one I havent encountered before but apologies if its been reported already. I couldnt find an obvious thread.
I have noticed recently that my Kaiser is not keeping time - quite dramatically so!
When I turn my device on from standby, the clock is often 20, 30 mins or even hours behind.
I have tweaked the hell out of it recently so I am quite sure it is related to something ive done as it hasnt happened on previous builds.
I am using synchrotime almost everytime i turn it on just to make sure the clock is right (hope this doesnt clock up too much data :-( ).
Anyway just wondered if anyone else had come across this?

Try turning the auto time setting in the phone settings to OFF, early on we found this to cause random time problems as well as causing active sync to run all the time.

Thanks. I'll give it a go.

Mine did that last night - 40 minutes slow. Never had that problem since i first got it a couple of months ago. Once it got coverage again, it syn'd back up.

Did that fix your issue?
I've got another interesting one. My clocks are right, but my text-messages show as an hour ahead (received one at 3pm PST and it shows as 4pm PST in the list). I do have the 2007DST patch from Microsoft and everything else is configured right. Is there another setting somewhere for txt-msgs?

this happens for me too. i dont no what is causing the delay. when i have my phone on device lock, whatever time it was when i locked it, it stays like that until i unlock. i noticed it recently, almost missed an appointment because of it!
tried turning off that auto time thing that dont have any effect.

worked perfectly thanks


Tilt waking me up every night

My Tilt is waking up every night around 12:25 am. Since I also use it as my pager, I have to leave it accessible. It sits in a desktop charger. Hence, the light shines in my face and wakes me up (the backlight is turned down at night, but it's still enough).
So, why is it waking (me) up? Is it time for me to pee? Is it thirsty?
I don't see any running appts or anything that would cause this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Turn it over!!
while charging if you press the power button ( for standby) the light will be off but it will still be in use. It wil come out of the standby as soon as there is some message or call
^ word.
gandotratushar said:
while charging if you press the power button ( for standby) the light will be off but it will still be in use. It wil come out of the standby as soon as there is some message or call
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Ehm... so what you are saying that he is getting called or gets a text EVERY night at 12:35 am? thats a bit obvious isnt it?
My tilt wakes me up every night but the reason is cause I'm addicted to flashing the phone lol
Imperium said:
Ehm... so what you are saying that he is getting called or gets a text EVERY night at 12:35 am? thats a bit obvious isnt it?
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Nothing nefarious here...
I am not receiving any texts or calls at that hour. Emails do not wake the device day or night. There are no "notifications" that need to be cleared. I had spb Time running, but deleted it (I think it was slowing things down). Sprite runs nightly at 10pm.
Is there any other place where something may be scheduled?
By the way, not that it's related, but my old Treo (years ago, 600 or 650, can't remember) had a flaw where it would wake up every night at exactly 1:30 a.m. or something. This turned out to be a system flaw that was present on everyone's device.
I had a similar problem a year ago or more.
It woke me up very early a couple of times and I was to tired to check out why.
It turned out that If I created full day events, the default reminder time was 18 hours before as default, so it woke me up at 06.00.
So now when I create full day events with reminder, I have to set it to f.ex. 10 hours before.
And I still haven't figured out where to change the default value from 18 to 10 in outlook.. Pretty annoying.
P.S. If you are using push mail and you don't want to get mail during a period. Go into Active Sync -> Menu -> Scheduling. And define a day and nigh sync. So it doesn't check mail during nighttime.
Still happening nightly. I'm half delirious whenever it happens, but I think the actual time is 01:45 or so.
I do not have any events like you described in my calendar. I am not using push email.
Any other suggestions?
galenmd said:
Still happening nightly. I'm half delirious whenever it happens, but I think the actual time is 01:45 or so.
I do not have any events like you described in my calendar. I am not using push email.
Any other suggestions?
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Check with your power company. Maybe they are switching power grids about that time and it causes a 'brown-out'? The phone will always spring to life from sleep if the charge is removed then replaced.
In my area, this happens at around 00:30, somtimes OK, sometimes all the power drops for a split second.
I assume you mean the alarm goes off by itself? (It is possible to set alarms that only use the light, no sound.) I had this problem; the first day I got my Kaiser I stayed up late playing around with it and tested the alarm at around 2:45 am before going to sleep. The following two nights, even though I no longer had this 2:45 alarm in the clock settings, the Kaiser woke me up during the night, but I was too tired to check what was going on.
I remembered it was probably 2:45 am when the night alarms went off, so I figured my earlier alarm was somehow running in the background. What I did was, set a new alarm at 2:45 am, on the same slot that the old 2:45 was on (the first slot), set it on all weekdays, then toggle it on and off. I was hoping this would somehow ovrewrite/reset the information about the "ghost alarm", and I guess it did, since the Kaiser no longer goes berserk during the night.
Maybe there is some sort of bug or illogical functionality with the dismiss/snooze system in the alarms? Since the Kaiser has been around for a while I thought someone else would have run into it & figured it out.
my kaiser sometiems wakes up by itself too - i reckon theres some ackground task or process running that touches something inside and that wakes the device up - i dont know what causes it or why - simplest thing ive found is to literally just cover it up - bit 'hacky' but it does me fine - im not bothered if it does wake up just so long as it doesnt wake me up!
cant beleive you guys get nightly brown-outs - thats just crap - doesnt happen in this country

Phone keeps changing time

Wow, just let me start off by saying that sometimes I just feel like grabbing this phone and smashing it against a wall
Pheww, now that this is off my chest, here is my question :
My phone is set to time zone EST. Every other time, when it feels like it, it decides to switch the time to GMT London, Dublin - a good 4 hour difference.
I use my phone as an alarm clock and as some of you can imagine that can keep me in bed and miss work - not good. And no I don't want a real alarm clock
I'm currently using swtos' ROM and I had 1.93 also. Still the same problem.
I tried doing a search and came up with wrong timings only for received text message, which is also an issue I had but fixed.
Any ideas?
I am not sure what you experienced are same as mine or not. For my problem, every time i synchronise my devise with my laptop using activesync, it will automatically sync to my laptop time. My laptop time is 10 minutes faster. I have to manually change it back to the actual time after remove charging from my laptop.
I know when I first got my phone the time kept changing to Sydney time (daylight savings) where I'm in Brisbane.
This fixed it for me, don't know if this is the same issue though..
Settings > Phone > Time Zones > Untick "Automatic change time zones and clock"
upm15 said:
I am not sure what you experienced are same as mine or not. For my problem, every time i synchronise my devise with my laptop using activesync, it will automatically sync to my laptop time. My laptop time is 10 minutes faster. I have to manually change it back to the actual time after remove charging from my laptop.
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No, this is not related to active sync, it just seem to switch out to a different time zone. I just switched out ROMS and issue is still there.
IanKay said:
I know when I first got my phone the time kept changing to Sydney time (daylight savings) where I'm in Brisbane.
This fixed it for me, don't know if this is the same issue though..
Settings > Phone > Time Zones > Untick "Automatic change time zones and clock"
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I really hope this is the issue. Because it just did it again
I just switched daylight saving off - will report in a day or two. Thanks for the tio.
Well after switching off automatic time zone, the clock just reset itself back to London, Dublin time.
It seems to be switching only after 6PM - Any other ideas?
I have the same problem. I am on GMT+2 (Athens, Istanbul), and I choose this time zone. Pressing OK, and then again entering Time Zone Settings, it is changed to GMT+2 Windhoek. This is not the main problem (probably my provider did not set their settings, and sends me new settings).
Sometime (once in a 2 week period), time changes but not in full hour increment/decrement, but hours and minutes. This very morning, the alarm started at 7:15 (as it should). Few minutes later, I got up, switched on the phone and saw the right time: 7:23, but a second later it changed to 23:52 previous day. The time zone remained the same GMT+2 Windhoek.
This IS pretty annoying. Luckily, my wife has some old Nokia which works as supposed.
So I went into my IGO8 settings and I found that the time in there was set to London, Dublin time.
Not sure if this is the issue but I have now adjusted it to ET. I will report back in a while to give an update.
I used to have the same problem with my Hermes. I found that if I set the home and visiting time zones to the same time zone, it stopped changing.
I really hope this the solution as my IGO8 settings didn't do the trick.

Captivate random shuts down

I was wondering if anyone else's Captivate has shut down automatically? It happened 3 times yesterday the screen goes into standby mode but if you try waking it up you had to pull the battery.
Last night I let it completely drain then completely charged it. When I picked it up it read 99% battery immediately. I went to get ready for work and check my email and it was shut off. I had to restart it again. Since then it seems as if the battery is lasting longer.
random shutting down
Okay so i had this problem but it only arises for me when i do a few things. i have spent hours scratching my head about what it could be and through process of elimination i found on my phone it was one of two things.
1.) make sure that if you are using the auto kill feature in ATK that its not set to anything above safe
2.) if your using setcpu with profiles selected and have a very low profile for when the screen is off then try ramping that profile up a little bit to give the phone a chance to run background processes a little easier and actually wake up when you want it to!
hope it helps and if you give me info about what is going on then that should help us help you.
ice3186 said:
Okay so i had this problem but it only arises for me when i do a few things. i have spent hours scratching my head about what it could be and through process of elimination i found on my phone it was one of two things.
1.) make sure that if you are using the auto kill feature in ATK that its not set to anything above safe
2.) if your using setcpu with profiles selected and have a very low profile for when the screen is off then try ramping that profile up a little bit to give the phone a chance to run background processes a little easier and actually wake up when you want it to!
hope it helps and if you give me info about what is going on then that should help us help you.
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I havent been using ATK at all. Also does SetCPU really work with the hummingbird processor? When it boots it always kicks down to 19.2 which is obviously too low. I removed it just in case. I also set it back to the default settings. I would really enjoy SetCPU to save battery if it works of course. I thought it only works on HTC devices and Motorola devices?
i had setCPU on my phone yesterday and it was freezing like you describe when trying to bring it out of standby. I pulled the battery twice before i said F-it and took the program off. If you were using setCPU i'd say that was your problem.
domin8 said:
i had setCPU on my phone yesterday and it was freezing like you describe when trying to bring it out of standby. I pulled the battery twice before i said F-it and took the program off. If you were using setCPU i'd say that was your problem.
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I deleted SetCPU and I thought it might be Screebl so I disabled it. Sure as hell it just went to a black screen and shut off again. God this is beyond annoying. I dont want to have to bring back this great phone but I need the phone to work.
We've also got to think, Samsung just released this phone. The more we do to it from the market, the more things are gonna happen.
Most devs haven't had the time to really test and relay bugs from this phone that would cause other errors.
madjsp said:
We've also got to think, Samsung just released this phone. The more we do to it from the market, the more things are gonna happen.
Most devs haven't had the time to really test and relay bugs from this phone that would cause other errors.
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Yes but if I am correct none of these issues will be fixed until they decide to release FroYo?
EDIT: I just tried removing the MicroSD to see if that resolved the issue. didnt...
spyz88 said:
I was wondering if anyone else's Captivate has shut down automatically? It happened 3 times yesterday the screen goes into standby mode but if you try waking it up you had to pull the battery.
Last night I let it completely drain then completely charged it. When I picked it up it read 99% battery immediately. I went to get ready for work and check my email and it was shut off. I had to restart it again. Since then it seems as if the battery is lasting longer.
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This has happened to me once. Came out of a meeting, pulled it out of my pocket, and couldn't get it to wake from sleep. I have not installed SetCPU, so it's not that. Not sure what the root cause was.
What apps do you have installed would probably be the more relevant question. And what have you changed?
Mine is doing the same **** and it is driving me NUTZ!!! I thought SetCPU first so I uninstalled and rebooted. Phone is still doing it. Please someone figure this out quickly. I am going through my apps one by one and uninstalling them to try to pinpoint the problem. Subscribing to the thread.
Interesting.... I haven't heard this happen to me yet so its probably an application or process your guys all have in common.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I have a feeling it is setcpu. I just did a reboot after installing and now it is not happening. Cross my fingers!
I'm having the same issue and I never had setCPU installed. sucks..
Like a lot of you, I started uninstalling my apps one by one when this happened. It stopped restarting after I finally uninstalled Launcher Pro. After that, the phone stayed on the whole night last night. It's weird because it worked with Launcher Pro for a good 2 days.
I'm also experiencing this issue, ad i've only downloaded a few apps.
Has anyone exchanged their phone over this yet?
Teklock said:
I'm having the same issue and I never had setCPU installed. sucks..
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I reflashed to stock firmware and I'm still having an issue. I noticed that if you take the battery cover off the battery and push on it then it seems like it has a little give to it. Can anyone who is not having this problem confirm? Also, anyone who has this issue, please see if your battery has a little give to it.
It should be on the side WITHOUT the contacts. Also, if this doesn't work I'm bringing the phone back. I already had a problem with the first one and since this is my 2nd exchange AT&T wont exchange it anymore. They told me I need to go through the warranty. They are out of their minds the phone isn't even a week old. Never had these problems with HTC...
EDIT: I uninstalled ADW Launcher as a test to see if thats it.
EDIT 2: Make sure the battery door is covered tightly. I pushed mine all the way down until it clicks. Hold it down and then close the slider. I think this actually might fix the issue.
Anyone figure out why this keeps on happening? I've reflashed the stock as well and it still occurs randomly.
Strange this dosnt happen to me, and i installed setcpu(performance governor 1ghz/800mhz) but uninstalled it after seeing that it ****'s up gles 2 rendering...
I found this thread via Google search, and I just wanted to add that my phone started doing this last night, however, I have not added anything to my phone, nor is it modded in any way. It's completely stock. The only thing I have done thus far was remove all of the extra home pages and rearrange some app icons, and that was on Thursday and Friday. It does it both when it goes to sleep normally or if I hit the sleep/power button.
I narrowed mine down to SetCPU being underclocked while asleep. Bumped up the minimum clock and took off the profile I had set, phone hasn't rebooted in 4 days.

Clock lagging since Gingerbread update

My clock has been keeping quite accurate time on Android 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 (not sure about 2.1, since it's only recently that I am saddled with a network provider that does not do NITZ). Since Gingerbread OTA, though, it seems that it's losing about 30 seconds or so per day.
Has anyone else seen this? There are previous reports of this issue for Galaxy S and MDA but not for Nexus One, and all the other threads predate Gingerbread.
yes, I can confirm this. The clock lags 30 seconds or more per day. I put it in the dock when I go to sleep to charge overnight.
I also confirm this.
I can also confirm this is happening on my nexus one running stock 2.3.3
My clock has been almost useless since Gingerbread and the switch to daylight savings. Before daylight savings, it worked perfectly when set to get the time from the network. Last summer on daylight savings it also worked fine, and Froyo handled the switch to standard time with no problem.
Now, if I leave it set to get the time from the network, it will eventually go way off. The time zone changes at some point to Western Argentina Time, when it should be Atlantic Daylight Time. The time will go behind by an hour, and then drift away more and more. The lock screen and clock app will show one time while the status bar shows another, and one or the other of these will not update as the minutes go by. These issues make alarms unreliable and worthless.
Rebooting the phone puts it all back the way it should be. Time zone goes back to Atlantic Daylight Time and the clock is set correctly. Then at some point later in the day, it'll go stupid again. If I turn off setting the time from the network, these problems don't happen, but then the clock will drift and be behind by 10+ minutes after a couple weeks.
So far, my solution has been to leave network time off, and occasionally turn it on just long enough for the clock to sync, then shut it off again. This is extremely frustrating.
Yeah, I have this on the latest stock N1. But, mine is slightly different. The time set from the network is 2mins behind GPS time. If I set the time manually, then hit the network time button it will drop 2 mins back. Doesn't do this on a Blackberry I have on the same network.
I thought I'd come back to this thread to report that my clock issues so far appear to be resolved after updating to 2.3.4 (manually via amon_ra + su zip to keep root).
I changed it back to set the time from the network yesterday, and have yet to experience any of the weird behaviour or lagging I mentioned in my previous post. Normally I would've seen something by now. I didn't see this mentioned in any of the bug fixes for 2.3.4, but so far so good...
I hope the update helps you guys out too.

Delayed or not receiving Notifications?

Hi everyone,
I have had the Moto G 2nd Gen for about 10 days now and I have noticed that notifications from several apps (Exchange email, Gmail, Whatspp, Facebook...) are either delayed by a few hours or don't come at all. This happens on both Wifi or my network. Has anyone else experienced this ?
I have tried the following with no success:
1- disable Wifi optimization
2- factory reset phone
3- Installed PNF No-Root and set hearbeat to 5min
4- Cleared data & cache of apps
My phone is not rooted running 4.4.4
Yes I am having the same problem this is my thread on the subject:
I have tried 1, 2 and 4 of your attempts to fix it to no avail.
Before I reset the phone all notifications showed the correct time that they should have come, for example if I slept the phone at 10:40 and a notification came at 10:44, I then woke the phone at 10:50 the phone would immediately buzz and sound but it would say the notification came at 10:44 in the notification draw.
However after the factory reset of the device in the same situation the notification draw would show 10:50 but I know that is wrong because WhatsApp for instance will say the correct 10:44 timestamp on the message in the app.
Notifications when the phone is awake come through perfectly every time.
The problem is actually not limited to just notifications, I play music from my phone, when the the phone is awake it plays perfectly, when you sleep the phone, the music will carry on playing but occasionally it will have a hiccup where it will stop playing for a split second then carry on, and sometimes at the end of a song you expect the next song to start but it never will, if you then wake the device the song will start playing like nothing was wrong (exactly how the notification problem is).
I don't know what the problem is I suspect something to do with bad software or faulty hardware if there is a specific part of the hardware that only comes into play when sleeping (I don't know if there is or not).
What are the specifics of your phone? Mine is a XT1068 8GB Dual SIM Retail GB completely stock 4.4.4, the system version is: 21.11.14.titan_retgb.retbgall.en.GB retgb, will be good to know if this affects specific versions of the phone or any version, to narrow down the problem.
The problem is also completely random I cannot 'make' the problem happen it just does.
Mine is the same as yours XT1068 8GB Dual SIM Retail GB 21.11.14.titan_retgb.retbgall.en.GB retgb.
I also have the same problem with music, I also noticed this with chromecast, it seems to loose connection after playing one track.
I contacted Motorola assist and they said replace the phone. I'm not sure if replacing it will solve the problem, I'm guessing this is a software issue. I
I got it from Amazon UK, I'm thinking of returning this and going back to my Galaxy Nexus and wait for the new Nexus phone.
Because we have the same software version I more strongly suspect this is a software issue now, I'm not sure what to do, I don't really want to return the phone as I will be left phoneless and a replacement would just come with the same software.
Another option would be to re flash to a different software version (an international version) but that will invalidate the warranty.
Not really sure what to do, would be good hearing if any retGB people are not having any problems, if any are reading this thread? or if any non retGB are having this problem.
jay2the1 said:
Yes I am having the same problem this is my thread on the subject:
The problem is actually not limited to just notifications, I play music from my phone, when the the phone is awake it plays perfectly, when you sleep the phone, the music will carry on playing but occasionally it will have a hiccup where it will stop playing for a split second then carry on, and sometimes at the end of a song you expect the next song to start but it never will, if you then wake the device the song will start playing like nothing was wrong (exactly how the notification problem is).
I don't know what the problem is I suspect something to do with bad software or faulty hardware if there is a specific part of the hardware that only comes into play when sleeping (I don't know if there is or not).
What are the specifics of your phone? Mine is a XT1068 8GB Dual SIM Retail GB completely stock 4.4.4, the system version is: 21.11.14.titan_retgb.retbgall.en.GB retgb, will be good to know if this affects specific versions of the phone or any version, to narrow down the problem.
The problem is also completely random I cannot 'make' the problem happen it just does.
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For notification problem read description of
and yes I also have same problem for play music my phone is XT1068 16gb retaildsdsall.en.03.retin
I think you should create new thread for play music problem, seems like we all have that
bhavin192 said:
For notification problem read description of
and yes I also have same problem for play music my phone is XT1068 16gb retaildsdsall.en.03.retin
I think you should create new thread for play music problem, seems like we all have that
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:\ it doesn't look like that app fixes it even when changing the interval to 1min.
I've sort of found a way to at least make it happen to test stuff, using 2 devices I have installed Telegram on both and set each device up with different numbers so I can message from one device to the other, using the other device to the Moto G if I send messages sometimes the notification is instant, sometimes it is a minute later, there is no pattern on whether it will receive it instantly or delayed, however waking the device will always make the phone buzz if it is delayed.
If I add my tablet into the mix (tablet and Moto G on the same number) the difference is very stark, sending 5 quick fire messages the tablet buzzes for every message, the Moto G may buzz for the first and maybe the 2nd but then nothing for the other 3, or none at all, or none and then double beep on the last message or a little time after the last message. (all this is on WiFi)
The best news is that it has eventually beeped within a couple of minutes for every message, but in a conversation on WhatsApp a couple of minutes is a long time.
Again if the phone is awake or playing music while sleeping it works perfect a beep for every message every time (WiFi Again). (I know PNF is only a partial fix for WhatsApp and Telegram but I can't test it easily with Gmail and the main concern is WhatsApp as I want those messages without delay)
It's definitely something to do with keeping the phone 'active', if it's playing the music it works, if it's doing nothing it is literally like it's sleeping on the job.
I'm going to test on 3G but seems to work almost perfect so far (I haven't really used my phone on 3G much as I'm normally on WiFi)
@katkat911 can you tell me about your WiFi setup it isn't TP-Link is it? because I'm wondering if it could be a WiFi setup issue as my phone originally couldn't even detect my router until I changed some settings. (I know you have the problem on 3G too)
Apologies if this is a bit rambly I want to put my casual findings out there in order to let others have the information.
Been testing on 3G, after the phone is slept all notifications work perfectly for 10 minutes with the phone buzzing a second or 2 after my tablet, if you sleep the phone and send a message after 10 minutes the phone will only buzz after 30 minutes from being slept (ie the heartbeat).
I've reinstalled PNF app and will experiment more tomorrow, still not sure how I will fix WiFi but I think a little more experimentation is required (yet doesn't make sense why my tablet always works 100% and the phone doesn't when using the same router)
jay2the1 said:
:\ it doesn't look like that app fixes it even when changing the interval to 1min.
I've sort of found a way to at least make it happen to test stuff, using 2 devices I have installed Telegram on both and set each device up with different numbers so I can message from one device to the other, using the other device to the Moto G if I send messages sometimes the notification is instant, sometimes it is a minute later, there is no pattern on whether it will receive it instantly or delayed, however waking the device will always make the phone buzz if it is delayed.
If I add my tablet into the mix (tablet and Moto G on the same number) the difference is very stark, sending 5 quick fire messages the tablet buzzes for every message, the Moto G may buzz for the first and maybe the 2nd but then nothing for the other 3, or none at all, or none and then double beep on the last message or a little time after the last message. (all this is on WiFi)
The best news is that it has eventually beeped within a couple of minutes for every message, but in a conversation on WhatsApp a couple of minutes is a long time.
Again if the phone is awake or playing music while sleeping it works perfect a beep for every message every time (WiFi Again). (I know PNF is only a partial fix for WhatsApp and Telegram but I can't test it easily with Gmail and the main concern is WhatsApp as I want those messages without delay)
It's definitely something to do with keeping the phone 'active', if it's playing the music it works, if it's doing nothing it is literally like it's sleeping on the job.
I'm going to test on 3G but seems to work almost perfect so far (I haven't really used my phone on 3G much as I'm normally on WiFi)
@katkat911 can you tell me about your WiFi setup it isn't TP-Link is it? because I'm wondering if it could be a WiFi setup issue as my phone originally couldn't even detect my router until I changed some settings. (I know you have the problem on 3G too)
Apologies if this is a bit rambly I want to put my casual findings out there in order to let others have the information.
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I agree with you that it has something to do with phone going to sleep. My WiFi router is Netgear. I have they same problem with every other WiFi network and also on 3G. I didnt have this problem on my previous phone Galaxy Nexus.
PNF doesnt seem to work at all.
Notification problem is proved. I also have the issue. that 10 mins theory is absolutely right. as both of you have done good research, I would suggest one of you create a question at and summarize all your findings. Some one from Motorola will respond definitely. I see this as a deep sleep issue with the kernel. Once submitted, you can share the link of your thread here. I and others will comment confirming this as a common problem.
You may have to first register with your moto id or may be google id.
anshumandash said:
Notification problem is proved. I also have the issue. that 10 mins theory is absolutely right. as both of you have done good research, I would suggest one of you create a question at and summarize all your findings. Some one from Motorola will respond definitely. I see this as a deep sleep issue with the kernel. Once submitted, you can share the link of your thread here. I and others will comment confirming this as a common problem.
You may have to first register with your moto id or may be google id.
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I have posted this on the Motoral forums here
I have been experimenting again today, the problem is significantly worse on WiFi notifications are much slower than on 3G, the problem seems completely unreplicable, sometimes notifications come though aOK even after I have left the device sleeping for an hour (using WiFi) or sometimes the notification will be delayed for several minutes even if it has only just been slept (again using WiFi), 3G on the other hand there is a definite 10 minute cut off from sleeping the device.
I've had PNF installed since last night and it doesn't help WiFi at all, but 3G it might, I say might because sometimes after 10 minutes (even an hour later) if I send a notification I do receive it straight away (something that never happened before I installed PNF) but then sometimes it doesn't and it's delayed for several minutes again.
I will join the Moto forum and add my weight to that when I get back to my computer as you need to sign in with a Google account.
I've also noticed that if the phone is sleeping whilst charging notifications work flawlessly in much the same way playing music while the device is sleeping they do. I've posted this finding in the Moto forums as well.
Fingers crossed we get a solution :fingers-crossed:
jay2the1 said:
I've also noticed that if the phone is sleeping whilst charging notifications work flawlessly in much the same way playing music while the device is sleeping they do. I've posted this finding in the Moto forums as well.
Fingers crossed we get a solution :fingers-crossed:
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I have also noticed that. It seems that many are having this issue, so far no reply from Motorola
Motorola might be investigating about it. Yesterday i went back to dalvik from art. I tested the notifications the while day. On Wi-Fi, i didn't see the delays any more. In 3g many tests were successful even after 1hr of deep sleep. Only at 4pm India time i found a delay of 22 mins for whatsapp notification. There i also realized that it had switched to 2g due to bad signal in that room. I was definitely having problem when i was on art. Last night i also got the ota for build 23. I see that the kernel is updated. I will monitor one more day and report here.
Motorola has at least seen the post even with no reply, I just hope they are busy behind the scenes working out what is wrong so they can fix it.
I've never used ART (I'm completely stock), and all the problems are still happening today, unfortunately Telegram is being DDoS'd today so haven't been able to test anything out.
It will be interesting to hear if the update you received helps in any way, esp with the updated kernel, since your retGB device received it hopefully ours may do soon too.
As far as I can tell it doesn't affect calls and SMS, but I simply don't use SMS or calls at all (WhatsApp ftw) so my testing has been the odd 'prank' phone call from my 2nd phone and it rings every time, but it's not enough to confirm if it's a fluke or if in fact it does not affect phone calls/SMS.
SMS and calls won't be impacted due to this. It's mostly related to deep sleep state of the phone. It will impact data connectivity mostly.
I have been testing as and when possible after the update. On Wi-Fi, I didn't see any delays for WhatsApp, Facebook notification, exchange mails through nine app even if the phone was in sleep mode fur an hour or so. I saw 1 min delay in Viber twice.
anshumandash said:
SMS and calls won't be impacted due to this. It's mostly related to deep sleep state of the phone. It will impact data connectivity mostly.
I have been testing as and when possible after the update. On Wi-Fi, I didn't see any delays for WhatsApp, Facebook notification, exchange mails through nine app even if the phone was in sleep mode fur an hour or so. I saw 1 min delay in Viber twice.
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That's good news, hopefully the update has indeed fixed it, there's no indication when the update will hit the UK but if it does fix it then ASAP I hope.
anshumandash said:
SMS and calls won't be impacted due to this. It's mostly related to deep sleep state of the phone. It will impact data connectivity mostly.
I have been testing as and when possible after the update. On Wi-Fi, I didn't see any delays for WhatsApp, Facebook notification, exchange mails through nine app even if the phone was in sleep mode fur an hour or so. I saw 1 min delay in Viber twice.
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How is the phone with the new OTA update ? are notifications still delayed?
There's still no word from Motorola
katkat911 said:
How is the phone with the new OTA update ? are notifications still delayed?
There's still no word from Motorola
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In a different thread Motorola amin had mentioned that they are investigating the notification delay issue. I don't see much delays after the update. There are few mins here and there, but mostly good. If you haven't received the update yet, check the ota thread and update manually. It's the same update. Then see if you find any improvement.
I got the OTA update yesterday and I'm still having the same issues

