record calls - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

does anyone try to record calls with the diamond?is it record both sides?

I could record both sides with speakerphone on... not with bluetooth handsfree or 'normal' phonecall... and if the screen shuts down the recorder stops...
Would be nice with a 'record' button when you make a call
EDIT!: I found this app... AudioNotes, still have to use 'Speaker on' but it starts recording when u make a phone call... (and stops when u hang up)

NisseDILLIGAF said:
I could record both sides with speakerphone on... not with bluetooth handsfree or 'normal' phonecall... and if the screen shuts down the recorder stops...
Would be nice with a 'record' button when you make a call
EDIT!: I found this app... AudioNotes, still have to use 'Speaker on' but it starts recording when u make a phone call... (and stops when u hang up)
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Can HTC Diamond record calls without use speaker?

mandargon2 said:
Can HTC Diamond record calls without use speaker?
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Nope, sorry.

NisseDILLIGAF said:
I could record both sides with speakerphone on... not with bluetooth handsfree or 'normal' phonecall... and if the screen shuts down the recorder stops...
Would be nice with a 'record' button when you make a call
EDIT!: I found this app... AudioNotes, still have to use 'Speaker on' but it starts recording when u make a phone call... (and stops when u hang up)
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Also, there are a lot of other, similar solutions; most importantly, Resco Audio Recorder.
Make sure you read my related reviews & articles.

not recording the other side is a hardware limitation, or vito doesnt do it?
does resco record the other person?

kourampies said:
not recording the other side is a hardware limitation, or vito doesnt do it?
does resco record the other person?
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1, hardware limitation. read my articles, I've explained this several times
2, nope

as the previous poster said it comes right down to what the hardware can and can't do.
Unfortunately it wasn't possible on the hermes either. It is possible on some other pdaphones (not any htc that i'm aware of). I had hoped they'd fix it for the diamond...unfortunately they haven't.
The most annoying thing about this for me is it prevents the development of an answering machine program (like a voicemail on your handset) which would be great as it would save you from having to PAY for call to your opperator's service.
Mind you that's also probably one of the things that motivates HTC not to design the phones to be capable of doing this.
It is very annoying.

I use Vito Audio Notes. I also use BT (Sony-Ericson). My previous phone's speaker/mic broke so the only way I could talk on the phone was through BT. Now I prefer it. I can't fathom having to dedicate one of my appendages to holding a phone to my ear anymore.
Anyway, Vito Audio Notes works fine to record both sides of the conversation. They have a setting for speaker phone. You turn that one and viola. And AFAICT, when talking on the BT headset the speaker phone in the Diamond is not, I repeat NOT blerting out the contents of your conversation.
On the rare occasions when I use the phone to talk instead of my BT headset, when I answer the phone the speaker phone turns itself on. I think that that is from Vito Audio Notes. I have since turned off the setting in Audio Notes to automatically turn on the speaker phone and my last phone call seemed to record both sides of the conversation.
In any event, it is indeed doable even with this hardware, using BT at least.

You can record the call, using your handsfree.

I am also using Audio Notes. It can record both side phone conversation, but it cannot record counterpart's voice when I am using with my bluetooth headset.


TyTn2 and Jawbone

I love this bluetooth headset. I was in a really noisy resturant, my friend could not even hear the noise on the other end. This jawbone has some serious noise cancelling technologies. Then I went into the bathroom where the music was insanely loud (mexican mariachi stuff) and still friend couldn't hear any music at all.
Weird but cool.
But when I press the button on my headset to hang up a call, it tries to open up the voice recorder/voice calling app on the tytn2. Very annoying.
Do any of you know how turn off this feature? I just want to stop the call. Thanks.
All I can say is that it isn't normal behavior...sorry.
I see that behavior all the time with 2 Jawbones, push button to end call, the call ends but voice dialer opens. I just keep quiet and it cancels itself, very irritating I agree.
RemE said:
I see that behavior all the time with 2 Jawbones, push button to end call, the call ends but voice dialer opens. I just keep quiet and it cancels itself, very irritating I agree.
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Never heard of that problem. MAybe its the dialer or even the rom ur using to cause this problem? Have u tried a different rom with ur bluetooth? Also try to install a different dialer and see if that helps. My jawbone works perfect on my att tilt!
deeznuts said:
Never heard of that problem. MAybe its the dialer or even the rom ur using to cause this problem? Have u tried a different rom with ur bluetooth? Also try to install a different dialer and see if that helps. My jawbone works perfect on my att tilt!
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You using stock ROM or custom ROM?
this happens to mine as well. From what I've observed, it seem like a delay of some sort when you press the button to hang up, and then the call has already hung up on the other end, and instead of hanging up the call, the phone will just turn on the voice dialer.
it is almost certainly what fakts13 posted as a cause. I've never seen mine launch the voice recorder when hanging up from a call.
It is exactly what fakts13 said. A single button press on the Jawbone can answer or hang up a phone call, but it will also activate voice dialing if no phone call is active. The only problem that you are experiencing is that your other caller is hanging up before you, so there is no active call whenever you press the button on your Jawbone. Since there is no active call, the button press launches Voice Dial on your TyTN II. You could always disable Voice Dial altogether if you never use it.

Tasker making sure my Philips M2BT bluetooth headphones will not ring

My son called me while listening to an audiobook yesterday where I recently swapped my iPhone for one of my older Androids (Samsung S3 with custom Omega v61 ROM). I had already silenced everything in settings (power button mute etc) and to my surprise the Philips headset was ringing - and LOUDLY too I might add (almost died).
So I spent a lot of time with Tasker and SoundAbout (vibrate on all profiles but none seems to do the magic) but really havenĀ“t been able to sort this one out. I do want the headset to be able to be used for calls also but my "optimal setup" would be that the phone vibrates while a caller calls me muting the BT headset until I have answered making sure the "ringer stays quiet" both on the phone and headset.
The weird part is that the ringtone is not the default of my phone (which has a custom silent.mp3 tone). So I thought it was built into the Philips headset but then I remembered that if I muted my iPhone it works as expected leaving me in hope of solving it for Android as well.
If anyone have time to solve this with me I would be very very grateful.
Thanks guys.
Root Call Blocker
I am very happy that I found Root Call Blocker. It makes sure that my eardrums stays clear of "incoming ringtones at max volume" while listening to my audiobooks. Great.
It seems they "block" the call before the system "acknowledges" it which perhaps explains why its possible where other fails. Are there any way of RCB asking me (popup etc) if I want to "take the call"? As in: it solves my issue, but on occasion it would be great to be able to answer if I want to. Can it be setup in a more clever way or solved with another app than this? Again: the whole point is to make sure that the BT headsets dont "call / alarm" when theres incoming calls. I do however want the phone to "vibrate" (which it now does thanks to RCB). So there only one wish left and that is if RCB could "notify" me that there are a call "ringing" asking me if we should continue to ignore or "answer" the call..

Screen Timeout During Calls (speakerphone/bluetooth/headphones)

I use the phone a lot handsfree for work and it bugs me when the screen times out and locks on a handsfree call. I can't then easily mute, unmute, look at call durations, enter digits etc. without interacting with the phone in a clunky manner.
As an example i might be on a long conference call on speakerphone, mute my audio input to get up and walk around a little and then have to quickly unmute. To do this i have to press the side volume button and then the on screen unmute which sounds easy but can make for an awkward second or so of silence.
Basically i want the screen to stay on when in call and the proximity sensor detects it's not against my face.
Samsung has a phone app option for this i remember (keep screen on during calls).
Any suggestions ?
orbital247 said:
Any suggestions ?
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Use a bluetooth earpiece/headset and add that as a trusted device. All the time it is on and connected the phone won't lock. Then just set screen sleep to something more appropriate like 5 minutes..
you could try something like this:
i haven't tried it, but i think it could solve your problem
EDIT: i just tried an app called "WaveUP" and it did the trick. also has a lot of other cool features, as well.

Problems with Bluetooth earphones on Note 8

Hi Guys,
I have a few problems with using bluetooth earphones on my note 8, I'm hoping you guys could help me with this:
1. Is there a way to remap the buttons from my bluetooth earphones. Right now a single press on the play button plays or pauses music, but when i click it twice it calls the last called number. Usually this is supposed to skip to the next song. (Skips songs on wired earphones)
2. I usually make and receive a lot of whatsapp calls, but the bluetooth button which I use to answer normal calls doesn't work with whatsapp. It starts playing music rather than answering the call (Face the same problem even with a wired earphone)
3. When I get a normal call while on whatsapp call, the whatsapp call goes on hold until I finish the normal call. Things are fine till then, but once the normal call is over, the bluetooth earphone disconnects from the whatsapp call. I have to open whatsapp and press the bluetooth button again to connect. Gets quite annoying when you're driving especially.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I would appreciate any help possible.

p40 pro speaker essue with apps

hello all,
I face some problems did anyone face the same,
when I talk to someone by Whatsapp by video or audio and open the speaker, and while I speak I have another call by whats also or normal phone, and I do not want to answer this call because I already talking in my first call when the second call ended without answer the audio for the first call transfer to mobile earphone speaker, not the outside speaker, I try to re-put the call on out speaker again by press the button on and off by Whatsapp but not working until I end the call !!
I face this problem with Webex also and other speaker apps when I activate it and talk with the second call coming.
