I got rid of my ISP , and now I am using T-Mobile Total Internet (with Internet Sharing) to tether it to my Laptop/Desktop. So far so good, right?
Wrong! I do not complain about the speeds that I am getting; I only complain about the fact that I cannot connect to my office VPN.
It seems that we need a 'real' IP address rather than the local NAT address that our PC is assigned with Internet Sharing. I found out that we could get a real IP address (i.e. if T-mobile actually provides it) by using our Kaiser as an actual USB modem. This was previously possible in WM6 by using a utility called WModem, which does not seem to work with WM6.1.
So, I would be very grateful if anyone has an answer to these,
1. Is it possible to use Kaiser as a USB Modem in WM6.1?
2. Is it possible to make WModem or a similar utility run on WM6.1?
3. Is it possible to obtain a real IP address with Internet sharing?
4. Is it possible to connect to VPN by any other means?
Comments on this issue are appreciated. Btw, I am using L26 V12 ROM, and I love it. I am not ready to part with it to downgrade to WM6, to make all of this work.
explorer82 said:
I got rid of my ISP , and now I am using T-Mobile Total Internet (with Internet Sharing) to tether it to my Laptop/Desktop. So far so good, right?
Wrong! I do not complain about the speeds that I am getting; I only complain about the fact that I cannot connect to my office VPN.
It seems that we need a 'real' IP address rather than the local NAT address that our PC is assigned with Internet Sharing. I found out that we could get a real IP address (i.e. if T-mobile actually provides it) by using our Kaiser as an actual USB modem. This was previously possible in WM6 by using a utility called WModem, which does not seem to work with WM6.1.
So, I would be very grateful if anyone has an answer to these,
1. Is it possible to use Kaiser as a USB Modem in WM6.1?
2. Is it possible to make WModem or a similar utility run on WM6.1?
3. Is it possible to obtain a real IP address with Internet sharing?
4. Is it possible to connect to VPN by any other means?
Comments on this issue are appreciated. Btw, I am using L26 V12 ROM, and I love it. I am not ready to part with it to downgrade to WM6, to make all of this work.
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i've got same issue & looking a solution for months, but not anwers yet. if it may help Here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=401110 is only one wm6.1 rom who has wmodem on it.
Have you tried connecting your total internet to internet3.voicestream.com?
it is supposed to work for VPN
Hello all,
I have been successful in loading the WM6 ROM: works great! I have been successful at using the phone for Bluetooth DUN. I have been successfull at setting up a VPN connection to my place of employment: I can look at the RRAS server GUI and see that I have established a viable connection.
What I have NOT been successful at is getting Remote Desktop to work. RD is one of the reasons I upgraded to this ROM. Has any one been able to get their Windows desktop on their Treo? If so, how did you do it?
I can't seem to find any pertinent information on how to make this work so anything you can tell me would be a great help.
joannaex said:
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thank you for the forum pointers. Alas, they did not help. I did try to load the cab file from one of the threads, but it loaded the same version of Remote Desktop Mobile that I already had. I still get the same errors encountered with the previous version. Maybe this behavior is due to the "unofficial" ROM not being fully functional in some way? I don't know. It would be interesting to hear from someone that actually got this to work.
PS: in occurs to me that this might be a routing issue in the 10.x.x.x/192.x.x.x space. I could verify this if there were a command prompt where I could run things like ipconfig, tracert, netstat, etc. Or a log file that could be viewed. Just wishful thoughts I suppose
PPS: Just found two great progs, one called VXIPCONFIG which give you the info you would get in you did an ipconfig /all. The other is called VXUTIL which you can do PING, TRACERT, WHOIS and a lot more. The utilities are available from http://www.cam.com/windowdsce.html.
I have been able to connect to remote desktop. What has been successful for me has been to already initiate my 3G connection then connect using remote desktop. It doesn't seem to be able to start up the connection itself.
andokai said:
I have been able to connect to remote desktop. What has been successful for me has been to already initiate my 3G connection then connect using remote desktop. It doesn't seem to be able to start up the connection itself.
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I am doing the exact same thing: starting my 3G connection, then my VPN connection, and lastly Remote Desktop Mobile. The RDN ALWAYS times out with one of these two errors: "Connection Status - Cannot Connect. Likely reasons are: 1. Specified computer name or IP does not exist, 2. A network error occurred while establishing a connection." So, I'm kind of at a loss here as the troubleshooting tools available are not great. Thank you for the response!
Hi idyllic,
Can you access a remote desktop when a VPN session isn't active? I have used the two separately without problems but haven't tried them together.
andokai said:
Hi idyllic,
Can you access a remote desktop when a VPN session isn't active? I have used the two separately without problems but haven't tried them together.
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no, I cannot access any system. I have tried my home system (firewalls turned off and on). I have tried my work systems (VPN on and off). Nothing seems to work. It's really frustrating to have a tool that you know can help you, but it doesn't work: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I'm assuming you're trying to use a local address because you are connecting with vpn first. Did you put the local address in the exceptions list? If not the vpn connection will disconnect anytime you try to use an address that is not in the exceptions list.
Exceptions list: start\settings\connections\connections\advanced\exceptions
then add the local url
Hope this helps. Used to be the problem I had when trying to use VPN.
chris44gw said:
I'm assuming you're trying to use a local address because you are connecting with vpn first. Did you put the local address in the exceptions list? If not the vpn connection will disconnect anytime you try to use an address that is not in the exceptions list.
Exceptions list: start\settings\connections\connections\advanced\exceptions
then add the local url
Hope this helps. Used to be the problem I had when trying to use VPN.
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yes, I'm trying to connect to a local addres, but that address isn't a URL. The address I'm entering is an IP address of the machine for which I want to get a desktop. Now maybe I'm wrong, but my understanding is that I can use Remote Desktop Mobile to get, say, a desktop/console of one of my servers.
I've been able to surf the web on the phone, I've been able to use the phone as a Bluetooth modem, I've been able to connect to each of my companies VPN servers. Still now desktop. Whether I enter a fully qualified domain name or an IP address it never works.
Now, I have a little more information. If I just connect to the AT&T 3G network I can do a traceroute to the VPN servers. If I then connect to the VPN (PPTP connection verfied and active) I CANNOT ping anything on the corp. net. It has to be a routing issue I'm thinking. It seems that it needs to be fixed on the phone side, but I can't seem to figure out where to do this.
Anyway, I appreciate the pointer about the URL exception list.
That's what mine looks like. Once I'm connected vpn wise into my 2003 server I can RDP into it and another XP machine on the network through the local IP. Only thing I can think of is if you have activesync connecting to an exchange server. It might disconnect the vpn. I think you've said you're verifying the vpn connections so I might look into the firewall on the computer or make sure RDP is on for the computer (although you've probably done that). Good luck though.
chris44gw said:
That's what mine looks like. Once I'm connected vpn wise into my 2003 server I can RDP into it and another XP machine on the network through the local IP. Only thing I can think of is if you have activesync connecting to an exchange server. It might disconnect the vpn. I think you've said you're verifying the vpn connections so I might look into the firewall on the computer or make sure RDP is on for the computer (although you've probably done that). Good luck though.
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thank you for the screen-shot. I gave this a try, but no luck. We don't use exchange servers at work and I've verified that no active sync is active during the connect process. Having downloaded a couple of tools to help troubleshoot, I've noticed that I CANNOT ping anything on the internal network: this after verify that the VPN connection active and viable. I have also verified that each system that I am connecting to has RDP turned on. I guess I'll just keep experimenting. I just can't help but think that there is ONE LITTLE THING that is keeping this from working.
PS: What encryption level does the Treo 750 VPN app use? 56bit? 128?
PPS: Upon further testing... when I connect to the RRAS server (and connecting to the RRAS server has NEVER been the problem) on the West Coast (Windows 2000 Server std. SP4) I cannot ping the "inside" network. When I connect to the East coast RRAS server (Windows Server 2003 SP2) I CAN ping "inside" network. In either case I still cannot get a remote desktop.
Have the same problem on Diamond
Hi all,
After upgrading to wm6.1 on O2 Diamond unable connect to Remote Desktop.
When manually connected to Internet it works perfect, but from RD Client there is always an error (dial up or Proxy settings). All other programmes can always correctly initiate internet connection via GPRS/UMTS. Via Active sync RD works always.
Sorry, never got it to work. Call me a traitor, but I now have an iPhone and everything works the way I expect it... with two major exceptions: 1. no cut-and-paste, 2. can't be used as a tethered modem without jail-breaking the phone (which I'm not willing to do).
Similar problem HTC Touch HD
Hi all, sorry in advance if my problem ends up being because I've missed something basic; I'm trying to setup RDC on my HTC Touch HD with no luck. Computer name is right, password is right, IP is right. Fail message:
"connection status. cannot connect. likely reasons are: 1. specified computer name or ip does not exist. 2. A network error occurred while establishing the connection."
I'm connected to my WiFi network which also has the machine i'm trying to connect to on it. I've also tried when out of network range, connecting via 3G/HSDPA. Steps I've taken:
-Enabled remote desktop in system properties on target machine. Haven't added any remote users as it already allows me (admin on target machine) and I'm using those login details to access.
-Allowed RD in the packet settings of Kaspersky antivirus, using the address as the ip of my mobile, found by going to whatsmyip.com, and name as the name I've set on the device.
-Probably unrelatedly, I've also allowed the HTC to access the wifi through the MAC address access list
I can connect via a standard windows machine on the same router (which just needs the computer name, not the IP). Have found this useful as I had the details around the wrong way, but even now it's not working. Based on the tips in the link above, I'm under the impression that I should set things up thus:
Computer: the ip address of target machine
User name: EITHER my username OR MACHINENAME/User Name, e.g. John Smith OR JOHNSPC\John Smith
Password: pw
Domain: either machinename or blank.
Anyone know if this is right / which of the options for username and domain is right?
Hi, I have a Tilt and do not have a problem tethering to a single computer. What I would like to do is share with all four computers in my home. I have tried bridging the sharing connection to my lan connection and have gotten dhcp on the Tilt to assign addresses to all computers on the network, but they still can't ping each other (other than the tilt and the computer its directly tethered to. I have turned off all firewalls and still nothing. Rebooted everything. Still nothing. Is it possible to do this? Thanks for any help.
There's a program around here somewhere that allows you to make your TILT a wireless router. If you do this, any machine with wi-fi can connect to the SSID and go.
Anyone have the link handy?
Wireless Router
Could I have it connect with my current wireless router to provide internet to my wired network through the rj45 ports on the router ? 3 of the 4 computers are on a wired lan. You see, we just got HSDPA on Monday and I love it. I got a bit ahead of myself and cancelled my home DSL connection. Now I'm realizing that I am stuck with only having one computer on the internet at a time. This has got to be possible. - I just found the thread on setting up as a wireless router. I will start playing with it. Any suggestions/instructions are appreciated.
OK, get connected to your carrier whilst tethered.
Then from any Explorer window on your tethered PC, select, 'Set up a home or small Office Network'.
Select the first option in the following box 'This computer directly connects...' and follow it through.
This should set up your Activesync PC as an IP address of (an access point IP)
If you connect any other PC/laptop to this PC via wireless or LAN (you do know how to do that I hope??) to this computer, it will share the internet connection..
Remember, this will change any prior Internet configuration you have on the PC/Laptop!
Hope this helps.
Internet sharing
Thanks for the suggestion. I am going to try that again. The first time I tried that I found out that the Tilt had already assigned itself the address of . On the XP machine, the computer will always use that same address to share its connection, so it immediately complained that another computer on the network is already using the required address for internet connection sharing. Maybe all I need to do is force the Tilt to use a different ip address like I am not sure how to do that since this is my first time using Windows Mobile as part of a network sharing its connection. The only reference I could find to in the registry was HKLM\Comm\BTPAN1\Parms\TcpIp. Should I change that?
jebrown1 said:
Thanks for the suggestion. I am going to try that again. The first time I tried that I found out that the Tilt had already assigned itself the address of . On the XP machine, the computer will always use that same address to share its connection, so it immediately complained that another computer on the network is already using the required address for internet connection sharing. Maybe all I need to do is force the Tilt to use a different ip address like I am not sure how to do that since this is my first time using Windows Mobile as part of a network sharing its connection. The only reference I could find to in the registry was HKLM\Comm\BTPAN1\Parms\TcpIp. Should I change that?
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NO, or 2.1 or.3.1 are all access point AD's.
You have to go into your PC/laptop Network Places icon to tel IT to then share the connection.
I am sorry, but if you have never shared an internet connection on your PC before (ie via modem or ADSL), you will not really understand how it is done.
Access points
Thanks for your reply. The problem is that we are trying to make the pc an access point and trying to make the tilt an access point at the same time. They both are using as the default ip address and as far as I tell there is not a way given to change that. The Tilt automatically uses and when you using the sharing wizard on the pc it also uses the same address for its network card thats connected to the home wired network. Unfortunately for me, two devices on a network cannot have the same ip address. There must be a way...
jebrown1 said:
Thanks for your reply. The problem is that we are trying to make the pc an access point and trying to make the tilt an access point at the same time. They both are using as the default ip address and as far as I tell there is not a way given to change that. The Tilt automatically uses and when you using the sharing wizard on the pc it also uses the same address for its network card thats connected to the home wired network. Unfortunately for me, two devices on a network cannot have the same ip address. There must be a way...
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OK, set all computers on the network to fixed IP's of 192.168.0.xxx in Internet protocol (under TCPIP on network)with the same subnet mask with a default gateway matching your device! Try that...
That was my first attempt at a work around. The problem is that there are
actually two network connections to the pc. One for the Tilt (usb) and one for the LAN (nic card). They don't seem to see each other even when they have matching ip addresses and subnets. Thats why I tried right clicking them and selecting "bridge these connections." It seems that internet sharing "requires" DHCP to be used. I tried setting all the computers to use DHCP and actually had the Tilt assigning ip addresses to all of the computers on the network by bridging the two connections and using dhcp. Oddly, though, the computers on the network could not ping the Tilt. I think its because bridging uses the data link layer of the osi networking model?
There must be a hack to change the ip address that windows uses for the sharing access point. Alternatively, it would be nice if there were a device out there that could act as a hub to network usb and 100baseT devices together. In other words, plugging usb and cat5 cable rj45 plugs into the same box and having them all be on the same network.
OK, I have asked smitty to get on this but both of us are WAYYYYy past our bedtimes.
He should get back to you tomoz on this. (he's the Network buff..)
Hope it works out..
this is the app mentioned earlier and may help your solution...
I can't make this work. I don't have WiFi on all of my computers. I was hoping to use WMWifiRouter to connect to my wireless router and then to my whole wired network. Is there a way to make the Tilt wireless router to connect with another wireless router? I'm thinking what I will do is go back to an AT&T rom and use "wireles modem" instead of "internet sharing". That way I can share the modem with the whole network. There doesn't seem to be a good way to use the Tilt internet sharing with the whole network. What do you guys think?
For any future readers of this thread: I put the stock AT&T rom back on this phone and did a soft reset during the initial boot to stop the bloatware from loading. I went to start>settings>connections and tapped the wireless modem icon to open the app. I selected "usb" and tapped done then plugged the usb into my computer. My win xp computer found the new modem hardware and installed the HTC modem driver. I then setup a new dialup connection on my computer, and used the following to setup the login and dial:
username: [email protected]
password: cingular1
dial #: *99***1#
When I clicked on dial, it quickly connected to the AT&T network and I had internet access on my computer! I went to a speed test website and clocked my download speed at 1.2mbs and upload at 300kbs. I then opened "my network" and started the network setup wizard. I selected "this computer connects directly to the internet" and "file and printer sharing". To make a long story short, I am now able to share the Tilt's HSDPA internet connection with my whole network! I could not do it using the internet sharing function of the Tilt with either the AT&T rom or the kaiser rom. It would be awesome if someone more educated than me could make this function part of the HTC kaiser rom.
Nojnaworb wrote:
.....the problem is that we are trying to make the pc an access point and trying to make the tilt an access point at the same time. They both are using as the default ip address and as far as I tell there is not a way given to change that. The Tilt automatically uses and when you using the sharing wizard on the pc it also uses the same address for its network card thats connected to the home wired network. Unfortunately for me, two devices on a network cannot have the same ip address. There must be a way.......
I have same problem. I agree with Nojnaworb, this is the reason why its not working.
I have no Wifi at home and have to use LAN for my home network (2 PC + 1 ppc).
Under WM5 it was easy to share Internetconnection with all Lan adapters.
I cannot believe there is no way.
PLS Networkexperts, tell me how to setup !!
Its really quite simple.
You dont connect all the computers to the tilt. You use ICS on the tilt to provide one pc with an internet connection.
You then share the internet connection from that pc to the other pc's using the networking wizard.
I think part of this persons problem was that he needed to bridge the 2 connections.
here have this.
You should be able to connect the Tilt, (let it use whatever address it wants) and then make a bridge from the tilt to your nic in the server. Then I beleive you just use internet connection sharing to disperse the lovely packets to the rest of the network. Without the bridge, there is no way to share from one network to another.
I'm pretty sure that you will need to set the address to on the server or any other number were the 2 is. If your using a router then I would suggest turning off dhcp and not using the WAN port on it. Just treat the router like a switch/hub because it will just makes things even harder to figure out.
wish we had service that was worth sharing to my network.
Hi I could connected to the internet with my 6.0, but after upgrading to 6.1 i cannot get an internet conncetion via usb (active sync).
how do you get that to work?
more info would be helpful.......for example, are you trying to share the phones internet with the pc, or the other way around. which rom are you using, and if you are using a cooked 6.1 rom, please post in that rom's thread, you are far more likely to get a helpful response that way
if you mean internet connection as, let your computer use your mobile as a modem.
Then you use the internet sharing program.
Activesync is disconnected and the sharing takes over.
Wireless activesync doesn't work either when using internet sharing.
Thought I read somewhere here recently that with 6.1 your provider can track and distinguish your data useage now while tethering..ie BILL YOU $$$ if you dont have a tethering plan
Searched through old threads and found out that this question was asked before in different sections of the forum but couldn't find a solution though...
in order to connect my Diamond to my broadband wireless connection (I get the signal throughout the whole city) I need to setup my PPPoE User name and password.
Is there a way to connect my Diamond to the internet?
Basically, what I need is a PPPoE client for Windows Mobile...
Yes, pleaseeeee, I also really need a PPPoE connection on the phones, so I beg you if you can come up with an app that does that, I'd be moore then thankful!
mircha said:
Searched through old threads and found out that this question was asked before in different sections of the forum but couldn't find a solution though...
in order to connect my Diamond to my broadband wireless connection (I get the signal throughout the whole city) I need to setup my PPPoE User name and password.
Is there a way to connect my Diamond to the internet?
Basically, what I need is a PPPoE client for Windows Mobile...
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what kind of setup do you have that you get WiFi connection all over the city?
do you find any solution?
I need to a pppoe connection in wm 6.5.... I don't find any good news here yet
Have a look
Hey all.
I've tried searching Google and the XDA, but I still can't seem to get my remote desktop to work.
I'm using the AT&T version (Fuze) and Windows XP Media Center Edition. I went through the steps on my PC to enable and allow RD in the system and firewall sections, and still keep getting the "Cannot connect" error message when I try and use RD on my Diamond. Any advice?
All stock ROM, progs, etc.
If it's anything like T-Mobile in the UK, Remote Desktop may be something blocked at the carrier.
I managed to get around it using an SSH tunnel. It's not actually as difficult as it sounds I describe what I did in this post:
Before that I'd try connecting to remote desktop through a wifi connection which you know allows RDP, just to make sure your cellular network is at fault. If it is, you could try complaining - some people on T-Mobile UK have had RDP enabled on their "standard" data contracts which aren't technically supposed to have it from what I have heard.
Hey, thanks for the tips.
I actually tried it on a WiFi connection and got the same result.
I'll try looking into your other suggestion, but aside from that, are there any other troubleshooting options? Thanks all!
See if another computer can remote into your computer. It might not be an issue with your phone.
I was able to connect using another computer in the house...they're not networked but using the same internet connection. Gonna try and have my cousin connect to my comp from his house when he gets home...but so far it doesn't seem like it's my computer...
Still need assistance.
try it without the router. u probably need port fordwarding.
You will also need either a static ip address from your isp or setup dynamic dns resolution (i.e dyndns.org). If you have a dynamic ip address the ip address of your router is issued by your isp every time you connect(not neccessarily a different ip every time, but it might be). As mentioned above you will aslo need to setup port forwarding on your router for port 3389 (default rdp port) to the ip address of the machine you want to remote onto.
Forgive me but...how do you set all that up?
I appreciate all the assistance thus far!
I couldnt get mine to work, so I forward port 5900 on my PC and use RealVNC (free/shareware)
I'm also having problems getting my remote desktop to work. Been trying to connect since I picked up my Fuze on the 11th.
I have three different computers that I can successfully administer via my desktop. I've tried using 3G to connect, no success. I've tried using Wi-fi to connect, no success. I've used local computer names, IP addresses, properly forwarded ports --
It has to be a setting I'm missing on the phone. Any ideas? TIA
(and yes, I'm sorry, I know this is the Diamond forum, it's just the only thread I've found)