Automatically end data connection ?? - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

Is there anyway of automatically ending data connection after phone
has downloaded email,
I set phone up to automatically download email from my hotmail account
every hour and it works just fine but after downloading email the data
connection stays on

You might want to have a look on GB-SOFT GPRS/UMTS Tweak.

Top_S said:
You might want to have a look on GB-SOFT GPRS/UMTS Tweak.
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...or set "Long Press End Key" to "Terminate data connection"

or if you double tap the 'end call' key, it also appears to kill the data connection if it's not in use


Email question

i use outlook on my Tilt, when i get email i get a pop like notification every few minutes, and i can selet dismiss or view(or something like that) is there a way to stop that notification popup? also i have my phone light set to turn off after 2 minutes, which it goes into a standby type mode, basically the same thing as when you hit the power button on the right side once how it stand byes until u hit it again, when it does that i cant receive messages, my send/receive is set to check every 5 minutes, but with it in this standby type mode it wont send/receive to get new messages until i basically wake it up, is that a way to get it to send/receive while in this mode?
for your first question: SEARCH THE FORUM !!!!!!!
just kidding (but if you do you'll find your question answered a few times...):
You have to go to Settings/Personal/Sounds and Notification, select New e-mail from the combobox and uncheck the box saying "Display message on screen"
For your second question: I don't know but there are more people complaining about this
thanks man, appreciate it, i guess i had to make things more complicated than they really are lol
I have the same problem. My device (TyTn II) is set to download mails "as items arrive" from my Exchange server. I always have my device in standby-mode using VJDevicelock. The problem is that when it is in standby it doesn't receive e-mails. I then wake it up and suddenly get a barrage of mail.
Search the forums, there was a long thread on this that has sort of died out. Basically, the fix has been identified (we think) and is in the KaiserTweak app. Basically, get the latest xml version of KaiserTweak, and in there are options for "Notifications": change the values under notifications to somehting other than 1 second, and it should fix the problem. Also, it could be a result of having the HTC Home screen installed (if you're using a tilt and installed it as a separate app), the Task Manager seems to contribute to this issue as well (disable it by going to task manager and uncheck the "Enable Quick Menu on Today Screen", and a third possible cuplrit is having the "automatic set time zone and dater" option checked on in Settings > Phone. (This has not bothered mine, but others reported that it did.) But, if I were you I'd start with teh Kaisertweak settings and remove the HTC HOme screen (if installed), and go from there.

Disabling Annoying Connect Messages?

I've been trying to use LiveSearch and Google Maps to drive with my GPS unit to areas I'm not too familiar with. Unfortunately, the TILT continually has this Connecting to MediaNET message that pops up just below the menubar. It has a hide button but it often messes up the map when I touch it as I'm having to hit it quickly with my finger so I can continue to see where I'm going via GPS.
Is there a way to disable this message? I can't find an option within the Advanced Config or Kraiser Tweak applications...
Thanks a lot!
sounds and notification

Why Send & Receive option is grayed ??

Hi folks,
I tried solving this issue or finding an explanation for it with no use ... usually you have the option for outlook e-mail sync either "as item arrived" or manually or scheduled ... if you select manually or secheduled you should find the menu option "Send & Receive" is enabled and the outgoing messages are sent as you select "Send".
My problem is that I don't use the "As item arrived" option because it drains my battery but the menu option "Send & Receive" is always grayed in case I need to check new e-mails ... I do have to use the ActiveSync application to make a full syncronization and this is also the only way to push the outgoing message out.
Just a hint, it works properly after hard reset and fresh setup, but in case I restored from a backup I usually face this problem ... any idea ???

Background window called "Message"

Since Build 23017...When I start my background pops up a window which appears as "Message" in the taskmanager. I can't see what it is, because wm home or manila is in front of it. But before I can use the phone I always have to press the "X" button. This happens with every phone start...what can I do to solve this issue? Any Ideas? Is there a registry entry to avoid this window?
after a reboot, i wait it out for a minute or so.
Change this setting in BootLoader Pkg
I think it is required for periodic mail check and push mail to work.
tomal said:
I think it is required for periodic mail check and push mail to work.
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It is still there it just runs in background. Your right if you remove the entry you might have problems.
I think it's caused by windows live set to push mail. No real biggie for me as it only pops up now and again and doesn't cause any problems.
I checked the reg entries and for me it works fine!!! Thanks!!!
Solution found, thread closed

Http requête when connectons wifi

I'm searching to make a trick but never find how to...
Someone can help me here ?
Sorry for my poor english...
I would like to make a http request when connecting to my wifi SSID but only when I go home...
Make a http request is ok for me.
Connecting to my wifi SSID ok.
The problem is during the night my phone is in airplane mode, and when I turn on I don't want to make the http request.
Thank you helping me ?
Create an location profile for your home. Add an enter task which sets an variable e.g. %Location to "Home" if you're at home. Add an exit task which sets the variable to "Unknown" as soon as you've left the home location.
Add an action to the end of your HTTP request task, which sets an variable e.g. %HTTPRequestMade to "1" if the HTTP request was made.
Then add two IF conditions to the HTTP request action, so that the request is only running if %HTTPRequestMade is not "1" AND the %Location is "Home".
Create another profile which is triggered if the variable %Location changes (Event "Variable Set"). Add an task which sets %HTTPRequestMade to "0" if $Location is not "Home".
So if you're coming home the request will be executed and the variable %HTTPRequestMade will be set to "1". If the task is executed again it will not do the request because %HTTPRequestMade is still "1". If you leave your home the variable %Location will change to "Unknown". That will trigger the new profile which will set the variable %HTTPRequestMade back to "0". Next time you're coming home the HTTP request will be executed again.
It seems so hard to make it...
For the moment i have linked with my Xiaomi bip lite and the button pressed for the http request and it works well.
The objective is to have the request made automatically and when I'm front of my house the portal should open but it seems hard to made it and to have something which react very quickly...
The challenge is to recognize if you've left your home or not when you get connected to your wifi again. In my opinion a location profile is the easiest and most reliable way to do this.
Maybe it will be easier for you to implement it when I shorten my first idea:
Create an location profile for your home. Add only an exit task which sets the variable %HTTPRequestMade to "0"
Add an action to the end of your HTTP request task, which sets the variable %HTTPRequestMade to "1" when the HTTP request was made.
Add an IF condition to the HTTP request action itself, so that the request will be only executed when %HTTPRequestMade is not "1".
So when you've left your home the exit task of the location profile will set %HTTPRequestMade to "0". Next time you get connected to your home wifi the HTTP request task will be executed and set %HTTPRequestMade to "1". When you reconnect to your wifi without leaving your home before, the request will be not executed because %HTTPRequestMade is still "1".
Or you add an time depence to your profile so that the task will be not executed in the morning or whenever you wake up.
Yes i have this Idea also but after a single test when connecting wifi, it works not immediately si not really usable as i would like...
I'm searching for another Idea...
Have you checked if the profil gets active (green) as soon as you're connected to your wifi?
I had the same issue that the profil need some seconds until it became active. The issue was that I'd configured the SSID and a single MAC address for the profile. But my wifi router supports 2,4 and 5 GHz wifi for the same SSID, and therefore it has two different MAC addresses. Thats why the profile became only active in the 2,4 GHz wifi.
Due to that the first six chars of both MAC addresses are the same, I've changed the value to AA:BB:CC:* , which is fitting to both MAC addresses (AA:BB:CC are only an example. Add the first six chars of your routers MAC address).
It's cause that my smartphone take a little time to connect to the wifi...
You can try to force the connection with action "WiFi Net: Reconnect" as soon as your mobile phone is near your wifi. Or, if you have configured a lot of wifi profiles in your mobile phone, delete the unnecessaried ones. Maybe this will speed-up the connect.
What is this action ?
How to force it ?
And how to delete wifi profiles ?
I have a Xiaomi Mi 9
Profil "Near Wifi" -> Yours
Add task with action "WiFi Net" -> Action "Reconnect"
I mean the known wifis in your wifi settings. Every wifi that your phone was connected to creates an profil. Delete the ones that you don't need anymore.
I will try but not really sure it will works...
JasMan78 said:
Profil "Near Wifi" -> Yours
Add task with action "WiFi Net" -> Action "Reconnect"
I mean the known wifis in your wifi settings. Every wifi that your phone was connected to creates an profil. Delete the ones that you don't need anymore.
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It's not working better...
It take long Time to connect to the wifi...
So my tasks make long time to run...
diabolyk34 said:
I'm searching to make a trick but never find how to...
Someone can help me here ?
Sorry for my poor english...
I would like to make a http request when connecting to my wifi SSID but only when I go home...
Make a http request is ok for me.
Connecting to my wifi SSID ok.
The problem is during the night my phone is in airplane mode, and when I turn on I don't want to make the http request.
Thank you helping me
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Perhaps you need to contact technical support and check the Wi-Fi router ...

