TMobile Tilt GPS (We need a fix) - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Ok, so I been looking at the htc titans registry, and the entrys for the gps (hklm/software/htc sup gps). It seems a lot more emmaculate than ours.
Anyway, I noticed that there is a server, so I typed in the server address on my pc, and it ask for credentials (user name password). I believe thats why some of us cant get a fix.
The tilt's gps does work(communicating with satellite and towers), its just not getting the info from the towers/satellite to the phone! I assumed that what it is because I played around with several settings and finally got it to say "seeking position".
So if we can please get this thread going to fix the gps.

GPD4 ???
My Gps is being found on GPD4 not com4, dont think its the same!

I have an ATT Tilt running on tmobile. I have everthing working 100% perfectly.
If you're trying to setup AGPS with t-mobile you'll need to determine if t-mobile has an AGPS server (IPort). I've disabled my AGPS since I could never find this information anywhere. T-Mobile clains that the G1 has this feature, but nobody has been able to determine an IPort for configuration for AGPS.
Instead, use "SeaGee Quick Position", it's based on the data download instead of realtime. Read my responses in this thread.
Good Luck,

Thank you djcasual for the Quick Position Tip,
My gps aquires a signal much faster now...especially with TomTom 7

DJcasual, I am not worthy! Mines too is working with Tom Tom 7!
Thanks a million!

Yesterday reminded me why I don't use the built-in GPS..
First off, I use a bluetooth GPS with my Tilt because it's faster, more accurate, doesn't use any of the Tilt's battery, and doesn't *continue* to use it even after shutting it down.
I was out geocaching.. I was parked 300 feet from where I knew a cache was, so I didn't need the GPS.. And I knew another cache was about 600 feet from it, away from the car.. So I hit one cache, got about 400 feet towards the next one and went to start homing in on the cache to make sure I was going the right direction and realized I'd left the bluetooth GPS in the car.
So instead of sloshing back to the car, I waited for about 10 minutes for the Tilt's GPS to finally warm up only to be driven crazy by it's slowness and tendency to bounce around making caching impossible. I eventually gave up and went back to the car for the bluetooth GPS.
Then when I got home that night I had about 60% battery.. 4 hours later I went to grab the phone and it was at 5% and was warm. Stupid GPS was still running.


Does MAP4PDA kill Kaiser GPS?

So here's my story - I bought my AT&T Tilt last week. I stayed with the default Tilt ROM (until someone comes up with something better). Everything is working fine. I try out the GPS by running QuickGPS and then Google Maps. It worked great the first day and for the next week I fought with it and never did get it working again.
So, I broke down and hard reset my phone. It's a pain, yes, but oh well. It has been working just fine for the past couple of days. I have tried many different GPS apps including Pocket Streets, Google Maps, Windows Live Search, GPS Test, GPSinfo, Street Atlas, Virtual Earth, VisualGPSce. All of them work good and I can always get a signal lock within 30 seconds.
NOTE: I never ran QuickGPS.
Now today on my way home, some putz decides to create a huge traffic jam on I-94 west out of Minneapolis by getting in an accident. So I decided to put my time to good use by playing with my phone. I'm loving the fact that I can get a signal lock in seconds. Then, I open up MAP4PDA 1.4 because it works the same as GM and has a nice speedometer function (BTW, the speedometer in my Jetta is 2 MPH off up to about 80 MPH; after that it's about 3 MPH off).
BAM, the thing is hanging up my phone searching for the damn GPS and the ex-wife is calling me asking me when I'm going to pick up our daughter. So I soft reset. Now I can't get any of my GPS apps to work. NOTHING.
I am fairly convinced that MAP4PDA is the culprit, but I want your guys' opinions. I am off to hard reset my phone (again).
Opinions are very welcome. Have any of you guys been successful with MAP4PDA??

is kaiser's gps suitable for road trips?

thinking about utilizing my kaiser's gps for road trip, i figure i'd ask for advice before jumped in buying gps software (since i don't have a guarantee to be able to load google map at all times). let me hear it if you've done road trips using kaiser as your main gps device & how reliable is it - of course it'll run on car's power plug - does it get overheat or have any issue receiving call when gps software is active etc?
thanks in advance guys.
I use AT&T's Telenav and have made trips with the Tilt running for up to 5-6 hours at a stretch, no problems. I just have it in a Brodit car mount, use a car charger and use my Jabra BT8040 for the street names and voice directions when I need it. Since Telenav is using a data connection, it drops out if a call comes in on an EDGE connection. Keeps going fine if in a 3G area though.
i use kaiser with garmin and adria route maps and everything works fine. no overheating, no problem with calls. you just have to make sure to get the right maps for your needs (up to date, covering your area of interests...)
i use my tilt as my only GPS, and with the tomtom6 software loaded onto it, its taken me hundreds of miles all over the US with no issues. I recommend using this and not buying another GPS, especially since the tomtom software makes it identical to any other tomtom device
It's nice to have google maps, windows live installed to use when you can, but it's hard to beat something like TomTom or iGo8 if you want to splurge..
Definitely recommend getting a car mount (that you can swivel!) and a car charger and your battery gets chewed up QUICK when using GPS...
i used it at a last min, with google maps on a trip, of course having gps and edge on at the same time kills the battery, but having it charge in car was fine it worked well, just wish i could have faster then edge connection with us tmo
Tomtom Navigator worked reliably under my TyTN IIs original WM 6.0 firmware (allbeit a little like watching a slideshow at times) but now under HTCs latest 6.1 release, GPS performance is very erratic and it takes ages to get a fix in most cases. HTC needs to come up with a fix to this issue so I suggest you steer clear of the HTC WM 6.1 update until it's been resolved.
It's perfectly suitable for this kind of use.
Don't forget about car charger, I've bought mine off eBay for silly price
Yep, I'll throw in my $.02 too. Great for road navigation, sucks for much else. It's off by 15-20 feet at all times, jumps around randomly, and altitude is always WAY off, but none of that matters with road nav software as they "snap to road".
There *is* the occational time I'll have TomTom suddenly think I'm on a nearby road, like if two are closely parallelling each other (say, interstate and small road beside it) and once or twice I've had it think I'm on a cross street I'm approaching, but rarely is it more than you might see it blip over to the wrong street, start recalculating, then jump back.
here is my 2 cents having just used it on a 1500 mile week-long roadtrip a week ago. simply, it was as awesome as it can get. i had tomtom 6 with the latest US-Canada map on my 2GB microSD.
before setting sail, i saved all the addresses i wanted to go to as FAVs, and just went off, no problems getting a signal, and the signal was accurate enough for driving.
when i needed to look for a POI that TomTom didn't have, I would just start Google Maps for Mobile and find it. I was also running Mologogo to allow family to know where I was. GPS photos where also nice to have.
as others pointed out, a windshield mount and a car charger are musts.
the only problem I had (couldn't explain, but didn't cause enough problems to research) was that it would heat up really good (of course being exposed to direct sun light helped) that it would start flashing red while being charged, and i had to stop charging to get it back to flashing green. I then found that brining it next to the AC actually helped in keeping it charging.
ya ill 2nd that it does get really hot while using gps and internet while trying to charge it... but i only used it for short times 20-30min and when you have a super long road u dont need it, i dont use it to tell me every direction i was a copilot
i think most gps sucks at accurate position or even giving live directions, thats why i dont use it in such a way, only to see the map and were I am in relation to the directions.
I think the GPS is very accurate. With Google Maps, if I stand at the end of my driveway and zoom into the sat view of my home, it's got me pegged to within a meter or so, easily (even clearly indicating which side of the driveway I'm on, and it's only about 13m wide at that point). And, as soon as I start walking, "my location" starts moving along too.
I use it with Garmin Mobile XT (GMXT) software for road navigation and it works quite well. Must have a car charget as it drains battery a lot. GPS is sometimes slow to lock (even with QuickGPS data), so you can't expect to turn it on and be navigating within 30 seconds everytime. Other than it is perfect - only one device to carry. Good maps, voice directions etc...
My suggestion is to get a entry level Garmin or Tomtom automotive gps cost less than $130 and is designed to be used for extended period of time repeatedly and have maps of entire North America.
In my opinion phones are not designed to be running for so many hours constantly, some inner parts might be aging (pcb boards becomes dark and burned looking) without you knowing it. Especially in the hotter areas where the dashboard temperature could reach 160 degrees easily since it's constantly exposed to the sun. GPS on the phone works as a backup when you are far from your car in a totally strange place. Automotive GPS are designed to be used in such harsh conditions.
Also consider the network coverage of the phones if you are using one of the free services, as when you are out of the internet service, you can't get any map update...... So in the long run an entry level GPS w/maps saves you more money, since they cost about same as a piece of software for your phone that probably does not get updated as often as each company's regular automotive GPS products.
So what I am trying to say is:
Save your delicate Tilt/TyTN II, and get a GPS! You can find discontinued Garmin GPS products on eBay for heck cheap, for example the Garmin C320 that my girlfriend still uses since I bought it years ago, and gave to her when I upgraded to C580, goes for around $60-70 and it's one of the best GPS I've used.
just went to georgia and back with garmin mobile xt + 2009 maps installed, no problems at all.
I have tried it on long journeys using tomtom, route66, garminxt and miomaps.
Works fine using any of this s/w. I found the new Diamond ROMs slowed tomtomt down when getting a satellite fix. It took at least 10 minutes at the best of times. I have gone back to one of Duttys 6.1 ROMS and it is all working fine again.
I use GPS tuner V5.0 for GPS, you can create your own maps, waypoints etc. No tomtom in this part of the world, but Mapking works good too.
Be sure to have a charger nearby though...
Thank you guys for the advice
It's awesome to hear from your experiences in a way that gives me an idea how much should I expect from my Kaiser, well I guess I'll try to use it only when I need directions the most (i.e. within cities) as opposed to "continue on highway XYZ for 80 miles, drive straight ahead, straight ahead, 79 more miles c'mon you can do it, ...."
and thank you guys also to be kind enough providing some info for the GPS software, I'm entirely grateful
If you're taking a long trips over 1 hour DO NOT USE GOOGLE MAPS!!! even if you have a car charger. Google maps requires a constant data connection to update its maps on top of keeping the screen on and powering the internal GPS receiver. The drain is more than the car charger can handle. The phone will get hot with in 30 minutes of google maps usage. If you dont have a car charger Google Maps will kill your fully charged standard battery less than 4 hours if you're on EDGE, less than 3 hours if you're on 3G. Stay away from Google Maps for long trips. The only time I use Google Maps on a long trip is to check for traffic.
A dedicated GPS navigation software like TomTom, iGuidance, Destinator, Garmin mobile work best for long trips. The drain is minimal. The car charger will handle TomTom, iGuidance or Destinator for hours and hours without any problem. The phone doesnt get as hot plus it actually charges the phone. As for its actual useage and practicality, TomTom software is just as good as the dedicated TomTom. The interface is the same. High end TomTom may have more options but that's about it. It gets you from point A to point B. It may not take you on a route that you like but it'll get you there. It automatically reroutes and recalculates if you miss a turn. Like any other GPS device, if you need to change destination or search for POI hand it to the passanger and let them do it.
I'd say you need a better car charger. I use AT&T Nav, which also uses a constant data connection for maps and real time traffic updates. When I've used mine for whole days of constant use (ferrying people around D.C. and greater area one weekend for a work function), my car charger managed to keep it fully charged the whole time (and I made/received quite a few calls and emails those days too, plus did a fair bit of web surfing).
Sure, the back got a little warm, but honestly, I feel the device is not harmed by it - in fact, I'd argue it's designed for such use. just like people who use wifi for long periods or who get tons of push mail daily and so forth. Heck, mine gets pretty warm just using wifi when updating my RSS and podcast feeds every day. Does it have thermal overload protection anyway? I would not be surprised if it did.
The screen LEDs are not likely going to burn out from constant use in the lifetime of the device (which for even the most infrequent user won't be more then several or so years). You figure an LED should be good for at least, say 50,000 hours (?) which is over 10 years if on for 12hrs every single day.
The heat may kill the battery a bit sooner then later, but after one year or two at most of 24/7 use (I never turn my phone off), the battery will be shot anyway.
I say just use the thing - what's the point of such a device if you cannot use it for the things it is supposedly intended for? Anyhow, that's how I use mine, and it's doing just fine.

No GPS reception

Can someone please help me?
I have tried these programs:
Tomtom 6
Tomtom 7
GPS tuner
Google maps
I'm using the latest TLR ROM. My GPS setting are default. Com4 Baud rate: 4800.
Here's the problem. The programs seem to find the receiver and seem to find the satellites. (10-15). But I can get absolutely no signal at all. Indoors or outdoors.
I'm getting quite desperate
Have you used any of the tweaks for GPS? I ask as I did but my signal kept dropping - so I turned the tweak off and now it is fine.
I would also suggest using the QuickGPS application to get the Satellite information quicker
I've tried disabling agps. Didn't help. And yes I have used QuickGPS... but no luck.
Any suggestions? : [
slicker said:
Any suggestions? : [
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Was it the first try? When I tried first it was 6-8 minutes. Where do you try? In the outdoor?
Have you ever used it?
Do you have correct setting "GPS is managed automatically" ?
When I set to GPS is managed manually, I could not found any way to power on builtin GPS. You have to check box "GPS is managed automatically". I think, it may be point of your problem
I had the exact same issue dude... TomTom 6 didn't work so I installed TomTOm 7... still no signal... even with QuickGPS ran...
Google Maps didn't work either....
I'm not sure what I did in the end... took out the battery, set GPS to 'let windows manage automatically' and ran Quick GPS again.. then run TomTOm 7, go to the 'GPS Status' screen which shows the sat signal charts and stand in a wide open area for 5 mins.. ever since then it has worked fine
all the best.
btw you have to make sure your system date and time are accurate coz otherwise it'll be searching for Sats with a wrong reference to the Sat almanac..
Yes, it's set to manage automatically. I've been trying to get a signal by the window, I left the device just sitting there for more than a half hour and still nothing. I guess I'll have to try longer while being outdoors. Hope it helps... but thanks for your help.
I did that too and it didn't work for me. You have to be outside for the 1st time GPS fix and make sure you run QuickGPS before that. Ohh yeah use TomTom 7 to detect the signal... I find that the most reliable somehow... and be sure it's configured to use the built-in GPS receiver...
I know it feels odd... I nearly sent my unit back for warranty because I was very convinced that the patch antenna was somehow disconnected from the chip. lol.
I had the same issue at one point, due to my fiddling and inadequate hacking attempts!
see if you can track down the HTC GPS tool (it's here on XDA somewhere, but i can't find a link at the mo) and run that.
Chipset should be set to Q7200 (yes i know its actually a 7201A but it works the same) and com port to com 4.
Tap the open port button and you should see the GOS info scrolling through the grey window in the program.
If you see nothing, check the external GPS settings
program tab should be com 4
hardware tab should be non and 4800
last tab should be ticked.
if you still get no GPS info scrolling through the gps tool, then it seems you have the same problem i did. Sadly, i had to hard reset it to get it working again, but it has been perfect ever since.
FYI, this started happening once i had turned aGPS on, and even turning it off did not work for me, so if you have to hard reset, i wouldn't bother ever turning the aGPS on again.
where's the option to turn aGPS on/off?
I just remembered how I resolved my issue... I put a SIM card in I had previously been trying to use it with WiFi (to update QuickGPS) but once I had a SIM in there, the GPS worked. Could it be because I'm now using aGPS? hmm...
you need to install schaps advanced config tool to get to the setting to turn aGPS on and off again.
it seems to be off by default btw.
rhedgehog said:
you need to install schaps advanced config tool to get to the setting to turn aGPS on and off again.
it seems to be off by default btw.
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I also kept lossing the GPS signal with this on every few seconds. So I turned it off for good
did you maybe install voip on your diamond? If so that's your problem there. Hard reset you diamond don't install voip en there you go.
It worked! Thank you all.... I had to sit for half an hour in direct sunlight but it was well worth it... I'm new to gps... do you have to do this with every new gps receiver or is this just another great feature from HTC?
I'm, having the same probelm here.
I'm on my second diamond as the first one (a HK version) had a fault with the internal speeker. On the First phone the internal GPS worked fine with both TOMTOM 6 and Google maps. The initial setup only took about 30 secs.
With the new phone (UK spec) I have tried TT7, TT6 and Google maps. I have also run quiick GPS, hard reset and enabling and disabling assisted GPS using the advanced config tool.
Is there anything else I should try or is this likely to be another hardware issue?
Solution To Gps Problem
if you installed VOIP you should hard reset...gps dead...:-( no other solution.
Help! My Diamond GPS reception is MUCH worse than on my Touch Cruise
I've just got a Touch Diamond, and the GPS reception is absolutely appalling. I have hard-reset twice, after which I've done nothing except download a QuickGPS update, but still the signal strength and its ability to connect to satellites is completely inconsistent and unreliable, even outdoors. I CAN get a good signal occasionally, but it's very rare. Most often I get no GPS signals whatsoever, or else I get just a couple of weak greyed-out signal bars in TomTom.
I can lay my Diamond down next to my Touch Cruise (both have identical TomTom 6 software loaded from the same CAB), and the Cruise always launches the app faster, finds the GPS device faster, AND finds adequate satellites faster. The Touch Cruise has a lot of problems, but the one thing it has always been very good at is GPS, and it has NEVER failed to find adequate satellites in TomTom 6, even indoors. It always takes well under a minute to do so, too. It's surely not unreasonable to expect at least the same level of performance from the next generation of device. Why should the Diamond's GPS performance be demonstrably so much worse?!!
Nine times out of ten, my Touch Diamond will simply sit there for an hour or more with the TomTom status bar reading 'Waiting for valid GPS signal...". Quite often when I open the GPS configuration option in TT6, it shows absolutely NO SHRED of a GPS signal whatsoever, even outdoors. (My Diamond and my Cruise have identical GPS settings in both Windows and TomTom, by the way).
The annoying thing is that the Diamond's GPS HAS worked on a couple of rare occasions, and the signal strength has been at least as good as on my Touch Cruise. The Diamond is much worse at holding the signal however, and is totally and utterly unreliable for navigation. It certainly isn't the 'Ultra-sensitive GPS' that HTC's marketing promised - it's nowhere near as good as the GPS on the Cruise, which is the previous generation! The Diamond's GPS DOES work well on very rare occasions - it's just that 95 times out of 100, I'm not getting anything at all. This makes me wonder if it isn't a WM 6.1 compatibility problem or a conflict of some kind. It's almost as if Windows is having difficulty activating/waking the GPS fully. When (and if) it finally gets going, reception is actually very good.
I have also downloaded the HTC GPS Tool as someone here suggested, and it reveals the same results as TomTom - I usually get either no satellites at all, or I get two or three red satellite status bars and a message saying 'Fix not available'. It ALWAYS shows a data stream coming from COM4 though, so there doesn't seem to be any problem actually finding the GPS device. On the rare occasions when I have got a usable GPS signal, the HTC Tool then shows two or three red status bars and three or four green ones as well. During those rare periods, Google Maps can also find anything from three to ten satellites, even indoors. However, the next few times I try the Diamond's GPS, nothing will happen at all - it's suddenly as if all the satellites have fallen out of the sky.
By the way, would QuickGPS make ANY difference on the Diamond? As other have pointed out, aGPS is disabled on the Diamond by default. Aren't QuickGPS and aGPS the same thing? I don't know. But if so, surely the QuickGPS data is useless on the Diamond?
Does anyone have ANY idea how to make GPS on the Diamond work as well as it does on the Touch Cruise? Does anyone know why it doesn't already? Has anyone else done a direct comparison between the Diamond and another HTC device using the same GPS software?
I really like the Diamond, but it's incredibly frustrating that the GPS is unreliable to the point of being unusable. At the moment, I'm having to carry the Cruise for GPS navigation and the Diamond for everything else! Certainly not what I paid for. It should do this stuff straight out of the box. Since it doesn't, I can only assume my device is faulty so if I can't get it fixed by the weekend, I'm returning it for a replacement.
P.S. Sorry for such a long post, but I needed to vent.
Hi there, I'm having the same problem as RH Photography.
All the programs are trying to communicate, but no fix at all. Once I got a fix, but only 4 sattelites, when in my car GPS BT had fixed to 9!
Will try hard reset and install HTC GPS tool an try to fix

TD's GPS thread

Hi all,
Could you please, be kind and post you experience with TD's GPS...
Since I got my TD(4 days) I have not been able to test the GPS at all
I have loaded some soft that could help me here. ( I travel a lot between Korea and Japan). Cannot really use the phone here, but WIFI works great and I thought I would give the GPS a test luck YET..
TD's own: QuickGPS has downloaded(through WIFI) all the info and it is up to date......But how do I set up the GPS itself???
Phone did not come with preloaded GPS software so,I have loaded following soft on itnone of them would recognize the gps)
i.e. " no GPS found."
1.Google Navigator 3.4
2.GPSvp (
3.Effica GPS Utilities (
I would really like to test out the GPS here first.I am returning to EU (home) in october or november and I would like to use it there as well.
sorry for the bump
I tried the search...not just this forum but all of XDA.....I cannot seem to find one successful step-by step activation as of yet???
Nobody has internal GPS running on their TD??
Runs perfect and is good quality.
Make sure you let windows manage gps (in external GPS settings):
programport COM4
hardwareport none
and in last tap check the checkbox.
Programs find gps at Com4 at 19xxx baud.
thank You for you reply.
Will try tommorow morning.
Riel said:
Runs perfect and is good quality.
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Don't you have a problem with the static navigation? This behavior "drives"
me nearly crazy, because beside of that, the GPS in TD is superb...
On mine, no programs can access the GPS and the programs will lock and crash the phone when it tries to connect to GPS.
The onlt one that does not lock the phone is TomTom, but it wont connect to GPS.
I've tried combinations of the recommended port stttings, but I still get no GPS.
I have not activated A-GPS, so I don't know if the phone came with this already activated - how would I check this?
My GPS is a pain in the arse, From what i have read its because of the static navigation. So far it says i live in house number 20 when I live in house number 16 and when i'm on route I'm yet to hear a " You have arrived at your destination" because its accuracy is off about 50 metres.
Hopefully there will be a fix for this very soon.
can someone get me up to speed a bit? what is the 'static navigation' that i keep hearing about..
admittedly, i find sometimes the gps is slightly less accurate at placing my exact location compared to my old Trinity, but otherwise its worked great for me..
PaulusUK said:
On mine, no programs can access the GPS and the programs will lock and crash the phone when it tries to connect to GPS.
The onlt one that does not lock the phone is TomTom, but it wont connect to GPS.
I've tried combinations of the recommended port stttings, but I still get no GPS.
I have not activated A-GPS, so I don't know if the phone came with this already activated - how would I check this?
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Hey, have you got installed TomTom 7? I'm running TT7 and when I select "internal GPS receiver" it connects perfect. I know this doesn't exist in TT6, but I can also get my GPS running in TT7 if I set it to use a BT receiver on COM4 at 57600 baud. (Assuming you didn't mess around with the standard GPS settings, like HTC meant them to be )
Google maps is using the selection of "use windows settings".
racerx_ said:
can someone get me up to speed a bit? what is the 'static navigation' that i keep hearing about..
admittedly, i find sometimes the gps is slightly less accurate at placing my exact location compared to my old Trinity, but otherwise its worked great for me..
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Check this thread out.
and this.
hi guys
Same problem here. AGPS is disabled. I have tried Garmin,TomTom, iGo and google. 95% of the time it can not lock onto the sats. Once in a while it will work fine. Last night it picked up the sats in my bedroom on the second story and this morning outside in clear sky it found 4 sats but with very low signal and could not give me my cordinates, gave up after 15 min.
I have tried GPS tools and even that won't lock onto the sats. Data is upto date with quick gps.
So is it the hardware problem or has it to do something with radio? It can't be faulty TD because there are a lots of people with the same problem, and why lots of other users have no problems accessing the sats?
How is your gps working?
great going sofar...thanks to all. We still have no real answers.
Let's keep this one going.
Looks like GPS is an issue with TD.
( Other than GPS...I am loving this sweet phone )
Now I am trying different roms to see if it is related to that. Will let you guys know if find anything.
Strange, on all ROMS my GPS reciever just works perfect.
Almost the best piece of hardware on the device
As I mentioned in Another topic, I use the GPS for TrackMe, at the same time I am navigation via Igo, and at the same time I showoff Google Maps with GPS support.
It functions very well!
Did you get the GPS-Fix downloads? It speeds up a lot.
Yes got the gps fix downloads but still no go. Still have not lost the hope. I hope its not some hardware problem.
I was fed up messing with mine, so I did a hard reset, and its sorted ...... for now!
same as Paulus
I did a hard reset....and it works perfect. No other adjustments done.
Tried the TomTom, Tracky Pro, GPS VP, and the HTC GPS Tool....all work no problem...outside I get a fix within a minute sometimes seconds.
I think one of the quirks that the TD's GPS has is that, when it's in Acquiring Satellites mode it doesn't seem to spit out any sort of status. The first time I noticed that I thought my internal GPS wasn't working, since with my external Holux unit I can see the satellites which the Holux was trying to lock onto.
Whereas with the TD's built in GPS it just snaps from nothing to.. acquired. So it's hard to see wheter it hasn't gotten a signal because it's in a poor area of reception or not. Usually I'll just try and stay still till I can get a lock.

Tomtom 6 driving me nuts...finding satellites one day, none the next...

I have a cross-country road trip coming up and I'm hoping to use TomTom on my phone as my navigation. Problem is, it only seems to work half the time. Sometimes it takes forever to acquire satellites, sometimes it doesn't at all, and sometimes it pops up fine. I'm always either outside or in my car, too. Are there any special settings I need to mess with? I see there's an "external GPS" setting on the Tilt, but I thought the GPS is built into the phone? I've searched around and found people changing the baud rate and COM number, but these don't seem to work for me. Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated.
EDIT: My apologies, it's TomTom 7.
Destinite said:
I have a cross-country road trip coming up and I'm hoping to use TomTom on my phone as my navigation. Problem is, it only seems to work half the time. Sometimes it takes forever to acquire satellites, sometimes it doesn't at all, and sometimes it pops up fine. I'm always either outside or in my car, too. Are there any special settings I need to mess with? I see there's an "external GPS" setting on the Tilt, but I thought the GPS is built into the phone? I've searched around and found people changing the baud rate and COM number, but these don't seem to work for me. Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated.
EDIT: My apologies, it's TomTom 7.
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I use tomtom 7 on my kaiser with no problems at all. You shouldn't need to play with gps settings. so long as quick gps app downloads its stuff every 7 days. It should work fine on standard install. If still problems you could try using a different radio as some are better that others for phone signal and gps locks and battery life. Which radio is best for you will depend on where you are and can be a bit of a black art to find the right one. I am in UK and use and its fine. Check out the radio thread in the rom development section.
All the looking I did for a fix and I never heard of radio settings...will look into that, thanks.
The day I posted this thread, I left work and TomTom worked no problem at all. This morning it worked for 2 minutes then lost the signal the rest of the way.

