I downloaded a few days ago a GPS enabled Radio ROM. I suppose it should be able to upgrade to GPS ROM just by changing the RADIO ROM.
Could it be done with the OFFICIAL Dopod ROM now available?
Would it work just by removing the non-RADIO files from the temp directory?
My goal is to KEEP my Trinity language unchanged, just enable the GPS functionality.
Any help is appreciated.
C'mon guys! No one there to answer....?
Yeah, have kind of like the same question... I've seen many update threads, but this is a very populare topic, so the threads are a bit hard to go through if you havn't followed them from day one...
so, question is as follows:
How to upgrade a Trinity and enabling the GPS without loosing your existing OS/language... A step by step guide for dummies like me would be _very_ helpfull, or just point me to the thread with the solution, that would also do the trick
@neofix: That is exactly what I am looking for, too. I would like to have the official dopod ROM update with all the features like GPS and so on but I would like to have my own language on the phone. It is currently really difficult to keep track with all the posts regarding the gps ROM. I am lost, please somebody help me out of this.
Any chances? Anybody?
enlite_de said:
@neofix: That is exactly what I am looking for, too. I would like to have the official dopod ROM update with all the features like GPS and so on but I would like to have my own language on the phone. It is currently really difficult to keep track with all the posts regarding the gps ROM. I am lost, please somebody help me out of this.
Any chances? Anybody?
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If you have your .cab with your default language (it is before the dopod update in the extended_rom) maybe i can help you.
I did upgrade from my german ROM to the dopod one already but i want to have the GPS in a german Rom. is that possible?
enlite_de said:
I did upgrade from my german ROM to the dopod one already but i want to have the GPS in a german Rom. is that possible?
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I say up i nead the cabs in the extended_rom before the update.
To do something.
If you whant you can download the german rom and flash it in your trinity and after speak to me to tell you what.....
After will take the interesting think you can flash again the gps dopod rom.
flashed it just now and found the following files in the EXTROM,, and a textfile named config.
It did not ask me to change my language or anything like that
enlite_de said:
flashed it just now and found the following files in the EXTROM,, and a textfile named config.
It did not ask me to change my language or anything like that
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So your lang is default with out any cab install after the flash.
You can't do anything.
Nonono there must be a way. There must be any kind of file or data which tells the device to write "Kontakte" instead of "Contacts". Maybe we have to change it manually.
Does anybody know something about such a file, such data on the phone?
enlite_de said:
Nonono there must be a way. There must be any kind of file or data which tells the device to write "Kontakte" instead of "Contacts". Maybe we have to change it manually.
Does anybody know something about such a file, such data on the phone?
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Look the translate is mui's files in the windows folder.
The mui file has the translated word's of the original dll's or exe's.
If your original dll's or exe's in the windows folder is german,
how you can take it out and after the dopod update add buck in the windows folder??.
You can't cause rom permision's.
If you whant you can find another away maybe a program to translate the win ce to your language.
search for that.
ausdim said:
If you have your .cab with your default language (it is before the dopod update in the extended_rom) maybe i can help you.
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I have the cabs in my ext-rom, since I did not update yet.
May I pm them to you?
Or I would post them in the ftp, should it work.
Let me know.
A better solution could be to let the original ROM installed and flash only the Radio ROM from the GPS enabled DOPOD ROM.
I do not know if this will work and if the original ROM "know" how to communicate with the GPS radio version - perhaps POF can give us the answer.
If there is no risk to flash the differnet radio ROM i will try it soon.
To get the radio ROM (Info from POF):
Use NBHExtract to extract GSM.nb from full rom, then use NBHgen to make NBH with radio only. Flash using SSPL-Trin.
mdacfan said:
A better solution could be to let the original ROM installed and flash only the Radio ROM from the GPS enabled DOPOD ROM.
I do not know if this will work and if the original ROM "know" how to communicate with the GPS radio version - perhaps POF can give us the answer.
If there is no risk to flash the differnet radio ROM i will try it soon.
To get the radio ROM (Info from POF):
Use NBHExtract to extract GSM.nb from full rom, then use NBHgen to make NBH with radio only. Flash using SSPL-Trin.
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Hi, flashing only the radio rom is not sufficient for the gps to work , we also need the driver in OS.nb
but from what i've read, for the moment it's not possible to edit the OS
Looking Glass said:
I have the cabs in my ext-rom, since I did not update yet.
May I pm them to you?
Or I would post them in the ftp, should it work.
Let me know.
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Hello please tell me what the name's of cab's???
Here they are.
ausdim said:
Hello please tell me what the name's of cab's???
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It looks too simple to be the answer to our guesssings.....
Looking Glass said:
It looks too simple to be the answer to our guesssings.....
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It is look so simple to tell me the name's of the cab's included in your extended_rom.
After chek the name's of your's cab's and see if a language cab is there,i ask you to send me the cab and i will do my trick.
So the simple think is to tell me the name's of your cab's.
???????is any language cab to extract the .mui files in \windows folder???????
That is what i whant to know.
<i dont think to say anywhere (i do something magic with the name's only)>.........
Hi friends,
This is an interesting tread....
I've found this link in PocketPT (portuguese forum) and it looks good!
I Hope it helps....
I dont know how does it work, but lets investigate and try to make the same to our
ausdim said:
It is look so simple to tell me the name's of the cab's included in your extended_rom.
After chek the name's of your's cab's and see if a language cab is there,i ask you to send me the cab and i will do my trick.
So the simple think is to tell me the name's of your cab's.
???????is any language cab to extract the .mui files in \windows folder???????
That is what i whant to know.
<i dont think to say anywhere (i do something magic with the name's only)>.........
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Sorry, I had problems uploading the picture with the Explorer listing of the files. My previous post should be updated now. Just a picture to show you the EXACT thing.
NOKIAS said:
Hi friends,
This is an interesting tread....
I've found this link in PocketPT (portuguese forum) and it looks good!
I Hope it helps....
I dont know how does it work, but lets investigate and try to make the same to our
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IMHO this is exactly THE OPPOSITE to what we a are looking for....
It says explicitly that NO ENGLISH ROMS are supported.... so no GPS ROM is supported either.
It might well be a way to investigate, but is not a solution now :-(
Guess its a silly question, but I can use the hermes/tytn os and flash it to my p4350? I guess I have to answer my own question and say yes?
I want the norwegian base language on my phone
I have experience in flashing, so thats no problem, just wanna know if theres anything I should know that I might not know
Of course you cannot flash the Hermes OS to your Herald The Hermes has other drivers, and your phone simply will not allow it lol
dunno what i was thinking, I KNOW that....sorry 4 posting stupid question.
Guess Im just a bit to unpatient waiting for the official
itje said:
Guess Im just a bit to unpatient waiting for the official
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We all are! Especially the people who bricked there ones and do not have the RUU in their language!
Does anyone have a norwegian RUU for Herald ?
I'm guessing that i'll have to install this before i upgrade to WM60 since there is a problem with lower versions of radiorom ?
reidar.ostrem said:
Does anyone have a norwegian RUU for Herald ?
I'm guessing that i'll have to install this before i upgrade to WM60 since there is a problem with lower versions of radiorom ?
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No one found any other ROM's then posted in the WIKI (or just did not post them), I suggest you use IMEi-Check to CID-unlock and then flash etc..
I'm fairly new to flashing etc. so i guess i have to give it a try.
I downloaded aWizards tools for flashing. Can i CID unlock my device here ? I can upgrade radio rom and OS from here. Then install PDAVIETS wm60 rom..
Actually, I got hold of a original norwegian RUU for the Herald.
Where? Other people is looking for other languages (italian...)
Got it from a norwegian distributer, brightpoint. They had it on their support pages..
I italian.....sigh....
reidar.ostrem said:
Got it from a norwegian distributer, brightpoint. They had it on their support pages..
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How about dutch? Don't think so, but could ask
reidar.ostrem said:
Actually, I got hold of a original norwegian RUU for the Herald.
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Pleasy upload Here and post link Here !! Could be handy, maybe a higher Radio version etc..
Will do, when i get home from vacation
Edit: ( Norwegian RUU for Herald )
reidar.ostrem said:
Will do, when i get home from vacation
Edit: ( Norwegian RUU for Herald )
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Thank you, i'll edit the WIKI for you
I was wondering if anyone got their hands on a norwegian RUU for kaiser?
anyone? lol
Rrr .. I think not everybody understood what does "RUU" stands for
Because this is international forum. For sure, there are a lot of members from .NO but ...
well, the RUU, is the official "installation" for wm6 from htc
look here
That is what I need, just norwegian
Or if anyone has a nbh, or a os.nb (norwegian ofcourse)
Actualy, RUU stands for ROM Update Utility...
I guess what you are looking for is either a norwegian ROM or a custom RUU wrapper you can use to install custom ROMs...
Ihaven't seen them around yet and I'm pretty sure they're not yet available...
rvdgeer said:
Actualy, RUU stands for ROM Update Utility...
I guess what you are looking for is either a norwegian ROM or a custom RUU wrapper you can use to install custom ROMs...
Ihaven't seen them around yet and I'm pretty sure they're not yet available...
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yes, I tried to put it simplified
But no, im after the sys folder of the norwegian kaiser rom, so I can rebase it to Herald.
I have done so with the wwe, and its a good and stable build, and I would love to make one in my native language too
But if anyone have a norwegian kaiser, I could go for the dump from the phone too
btw, Im gonna get a kaiser in next month or so, so I will join the effort in searching for a way to make custom roms for kaisers.
I have the Swedish version of Touch HD and I installed a custom Rom.
So my question is can I restore my original ROM meaning making my phone the way I bought it? o yeah my ROM was "1.14.413.0 (24011)SVE"
Thanks in advance
a little manual:
load the kitchen
unzip in a empty folder (Pass: you'll find in the text file contained)
open your swedish stock rom and copy ruu_signed.nbh to BaseRom folder on kitchen
open BlackStoneKitchen.CMD and choose e (e = extract Rom)
wait a few minutes it takes something now
when it is finished, you will find the folder OEM ROM and SYS
make your changes and start again BlackStoneKitchen.CMD
choose c, f, or cf = cook, flash or cook and flash
hmm sounds good exept that that I dont have a swedish ROM :/
Any idea where I can get1?
and btw can I use HardSPL to install an offical ROM?
If you could wait at least until tomorrow I might find time to dump my original swedish rom. I haven't had the time to "upgrade" to WWE yet
X3Cutor said:
If you could wait at least until tomorrow I might find time to dump my original swedish rom. I haven't had the time to "upgrade" to WWE yet
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would be great, I'll be waiting.
I've got limited time for playing around with this today and since I'm unable to find a RUU_Signed.nbh at the moment, all original rom mirrors seem down I'm unable to create a rom at the moment. Correct me if I'm wrong anywhere here, rom-cooking is completely new territory for me.
At least I've dumped the rom following this guide:
I have Part00.raw and Part03.raw but as far as I've understood those are not needed and thus I'm not adding them to the upload. I could send these on request if anyone explains what they're for. I don't wanna upload Part03 if it's an image of my installation...
I realized I didn't specify so in the file name but obviously this is a dump of Blackstone Swedish shipping rom.
Was planning to host on rapidshare but it doesn't like me so here's an ftp-share: ftp://guest:[email protected]:21
Hosted there until 2009-01-01
i think you dont need to to through any steps. I restored my rom just simply open up the stock rom and start install it. i have installed HSPL.
Well, the problem is that he didn't have a stock rom. And so far nobody's posted any swedish rom's as far as I can tell.
Anyway, rapdishare finally managed to complete my upload, choose which one you prefer - if you're based in sweden you're likely to download faster from my ftp.
Help me please I really have no idea what to do now.
I read this
and well didnt go very well. so plox help!!!!1
After a few hrs I finally managed to install it.
Thanks for your help guys, especially X3Cutor thanks a lot mate. <3
Rebaz1337 said:
After a few hrs I finally managed to install it.
Thanks for your help guys, especially X3Cutor thanks a lot mate. <3
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do you mind sharing hoe you did git an original Swedish ROM. i searched over all with no luck . i got also a Swedish ROM and i want to flash it with an english one (not used to Swedish on machines ) . And also i don't want to lose my guaranty. i did read the thread " " but it is not easy to follow . and specially when it says that you need an BaseROM , can we use the WWE to reconstruct a Swedish one .
thanx in advance
There may be similar question, but please accept my apology as I am new member of this forum.
I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia mobile phone(PDA) where by its operating system is in Germany (Dutch). Should i flash it or is there any means to change the language to English?
Thank You
Welcome to the forum!!! It all depends of you if yiu want to flash my opinion i think you should... a quick start guide you should find here:
and a nice operating sistem (ROM) you can find here or here
Andualem said:
There may be similar question, but please accept my apology as I am new member of this forum.
I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia mobile phone(PDA) where by its operating system is in Germany (Dutch). Should i flash it or is there any means to change the language to English?
Thank You
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Germany (Dutch)???!??!! (thought it was Netherlands (Dutch) and Germany (German))
Most custom cooked ROMs are in WWE (World Wide English), so if you flash them you'll get the English language on your phone. There isn't a setting where you can change the language from German to English for example. But you can also download and flash an official English ROM for X1 (find latest in sticky by PavelX1).
If you want a cooked ROM in Dutch or German or any other language you'll have to search cause there aren't many floating around.
gl and hf
Lokatho said:
Germany (Dutch)???!??!! (thought it was Netherlands (Dutch) and Germany (German))
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Lol, thought the same Was wondering if they could understand me in germany when speaking dutch
definetly u should try... otherwise wheter u ain't happy enough... come back to stock ROM
Don't be shy, c'mon !!
Flash a STOCK (Sony official) WWEnglish ROM or a cooked one
Your choice
We are all here to help each other
Have fun !!
Yes, just take a look around here and read a bit and choose your favorite rom and flash it!!!!
Well, it much depends on you: are you ok with you stock, standard phone? do ypu use your X1 just to make/receive calls?
If yes, so probably you are ok with the stock ROM (however... why do you bought a PDA to only receive calls?!)
Otherwise yes, you definitely should try as many ROMs as you can. It is like a suit: you can buy the stock, standard one or get one that really fit you perfectly (that is, a cooked ROM!).
1 flash.......and you want nothing else!
Tuncal said:
1 flash.......and you want nothing else!
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should make that you want even more heh
i could not wait for the next version of the rom im currently using; and have yet to be disappointed. unlike the stock rom, which was utterly laggy.
with custom roms, they a lot more optimized but with a very small sacrifice of losing some features which can be negliged or replaced depending on the rom your flashing.
just be careful and follow each step precisely and you wont hit any brick walls.
read the instructions a couple of time before you attempt to flash it. make sure you hard-spl first :d
if you decide to flash it, which i definitely suggest, then be aware of some incompatibility issue between some roms and certain cabs (due to existing file or clashing of those installed files).
installing such prog can slow down the performance overall; but of course, these cabs/progs can easily be uninstalled
please do ask us questions if you need help and advise :d
I was just like you today....I was not sure if I should flash my Windows Mobile 6.1 to a custom 6.5 Rom with TouchFLO 3D. (manila)
I just said to my self...DO IT NOW !
so I did...
Turns out the phone is sooo much faster and better to use ! its so worth it man,
Tuncal said:
1 flash.......and you want nothing else!
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No, you would want more and moree It's an addiction - but don't worry - that's happiness with no side effects
u should try it dude yeah.. whats the point of getting an X1 right? Xplore it!!!
Is there a problem with the keyboard if you flash from for example a Swedish ROM to a WWE. Will I still be able to use the Swedish letters or is there a fix I need to apply? I want to try a ROM with WM 6.5.......
cooin said:
No, you would want more and moree It's an addiction
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Very true
On another note, for the OP:
German = Deutsch.
Dutch = Nederlands
The languages seem kind of similar, but one telling detail about Dutch is that it looks like they just randomly double every other vowel in a word.