Apart from some sound issues that were resolved, my G1 was working perfectly until now. I installed some apps then turned off the phone. A while later, I come back to the phone and turn it on but now the upper half of the touch screen won't respond. It was working fine just 30 minutes ago! What can I do? Do I have to get a new screen for it?
One night I was using the phone without doing anything special , some video watching . Phone went dark, tried to reboot. Blank Screen and the capacitive buttons flash. Left it to charge all night, in the morning it started but after I pressed the lock button blank screen but phone still working and receiving input.
Took the battery and SD card out left it for 30 seconds then started it again, Stuck at LG logo. Repeat , phone started ... Pressed lock button once then again to unlock , screen wouldn't start.
Used LG Mobile Update recovery tool to restore it ... Didn't solve problem. Sometimes it does not even start , just flashes buttons, other times it does without screen and last all works even the screen until first time goes dark , in the last two cases I can use LG On-Screen Phone without trouble, in doing so I installed a proximity sensor test app to see if it was causing my screen to not come back on , the sensor looked fine.
1. Two day old Optimus Black p970, worked like a charm until stated problem
2. The app that checked proximity sensor showed the sensor to be free when my hand wasn't on it
3. The warranty laws in my country are idiotic so I would do or buy anything rather than send it so they can give me a new one in 3 months.
4. Tried another battery from another Optimus, fully charged nothing different.
5. Stock rom.
Do any of you fine people have some ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance
Hi there...
Sometime ago [1 year and a half or so~] I worked at a cell refurbishing facility [there were samsung, motorola and palm devices from sprint] and that problem you have was quite usual. Blank screen, still the phone is somehow usable like reciving calls...
There's this thing called "flex" which is the connector between board and display and that is what we fix, most of the time not even "fix it" just getting it in the right place...
This happen because of excesive use in those sliding or clamshell devices, in OB could be for overheating, you could try to fix it yourself or pay $20 usd [that's what it cost here]
Would that connector explain the fact that sometimes it doesn't start at all? hmm I am thinking now and I guess if it moves and somehow the phone feels it has not display connected it could fail to start... Anyhow thank you
actually yes, it could be only for the flex [some devices don't start at all when not having display or keyboard if there's any] but since our OB is not sliding nor clamshell type probably was overheating.
you say you have stock rom, well now I'm using CM7 but when I was at stock and after using the phone a few minutes it felt warm and some more minutes [like playing gunbros where you need to use both hands and a lot of movement] it was really hot and had to stop playing for a while.
what I'm trying to say is that because of overheating flex could have moved, but because of overheating too may have move something else, you couldn't belive the huge number of micro-things that reside in the board.
so if it's only the flex, it's an easy task to do, just unplug and plug again, but if it's something else it's quite hard to know just looking at it, you need to do some electric measures and stuff, the recomendation is to take it to a tech center or something
Hi. I Have same issue. Two times when i press power buton, butons flashing and screen still black. Phone not responding. I must remove baterry.
Sent from my LG-P970 using Tapatalk
Hi there, got the same problem too with my optimus black. Screen goes flickering, shut down don't do any good, and the phone temperature is kinda hot. But in my case it work after I clean some cache and data in the phone storage through LG OSP. After that, the phone temperature back to normal and the phone screen back to normal also. I believe that in my case the phone is overheated.
Hi All,
Actually I bought a new Note-GTN7000 but later after four day's I've noticed that there is a tiny green dot appearing on the not exactly but middle of the OLED. It is not a dead pixel as it appears on a dark background only like when we go to the settings menu(Dark Background) & it disappears when I switch of my handset.
Could be a pixel stuck.
Q!: Is there a way to take it off.
Q2: Tried different apps like JscreenFix and pixel fixer for about an hour or two continuously but didn't work out.
Any other possible way from any body???
Please help.
I once had a stuck pixel on tytn 2 and this is what I did:
Hold your finger or "closed" pen on a pixel(so you'll know where it is)
Turn off your screen
Press the spot on the screen very hard
Turn on the screen
This procedure helped me to "unstuck" the pixel. I cant guarantee that it will work om amoled but I think it is worth to try
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
Pushing the spot hard and Switching the display on, Heating up the screen works for LCD Screens. Not LED.
Don't try these silly steps posted everywhere, You might end up permanently damaging your screen.
The only solution to this is, Stop looking at it. I have a stuck pixel on lower left corner as well. They don't spread nor hurt anything. In fact its so tiny that You wont notice it until you continuously focus your eyes on it. In a couple of days you will forget that It's their.
For LCD Monitors back in the days - Samsung only replaced Monitors with new ones if "only" they had Five or more dead pixels. If you have one , or two you're stuck with that for good. #yearsago
Hello guys,
i have a problem with my S5 Mini G800F, 2 or 3 weeks ago its started to get something like deep sleep but in fact notification LED was working all the time, after reboot it was working again. Couple days ago screen was black even after reboot (no samsung logo visable, only blue-cyan booting LED), then i realized that when i push screen with finger near the front camera, screen start working, but of course only with that finger pressed
There's my question, warranty services will fix that? Even if is a new rom on it? (Official 5.1.1) I hope not becouse its not soft side problem. I think that connection between motherboard and screen just disconnect and thats why it's stop working.
Thanks for help! :highfive:
Hi all, I have an old Sony Xperia V that's been working perfectly for a good few years now, but recently it's developed this infuriating problem with the touchscreen, where it randomly acts like somebody is holding down the onscreen back button, and you have to turn the screen off and then on again to make the problem go away. Sometimes it also does this with the homescreen button, but most of the time, it's with the back button. This problem has gotten to the point that the phone is almost unusable, as it does it every single time I turn the screen on, if I turn the screen off and then on again (as mentioned earlier) the problem usually goes away for a few minutes, and then comes back again, making the phone extremely frustrating to use. Any ideas on what the fault could be? I've never put custom firmware on this phone, and I've never used it underwater. I've cleaned the screen many times with no effect on the problem, and I do not have a screen protector covering the display.