Hi all,
first wanted to say that it is a great forum.
I just came across it couple days ago, and there has been many things that I found here that improved my Qtek 2020i.
but there is one thing that i havent found in here.
I use tomtom 5.21 with a bluetooth GPS receiver. it worked fine until I bought a bluetooth headset. If im using TT to navigate and answer a call via bluetooth headset it works fine, but when i hung up the call, then Qtek looses connection to GPS, then picks it up again in about 10 seconds but runs with a big delay. I have to restart tomtom and then it is back to normal (quite annoying when driving thru town)
any of you have that problem??
thanks for help.
Hi there,
My problem might be related : the device seems unable to use both the headset and the GPS (with TT) at the same time. I don't know why. I've got a Qtek ROM at the moment, I'll see if the latest O2 ROM with upgraded radio stack does any good.
See you.
Right. Just switched to PUG's .162 ROM with O2 stuff stripped.
Alas, it comes with Broadcom stack and there's no SPP inside so I can't connect to my GPS ... Pug if you read this, help
Cheers !
seems strange: I replashed my stock O2 bloatware & buggy 169 Rom with pug's flavour, to give me the 162 rom and Radio version 1.04.
My GPS bonds fine tihe BT, and I can use TomTOm and a BT headset at the same time. Did you flash the Radio to the (far better) 1.04) when you upgraded the Rom?
I've heard quite a few people say on these forums that for Alpine, one of the most stable & speedy setups is the 1.10 WWE Main Rom, the .162 Pug rom with the O2 stuff stripped out, and the 1.04 Radio.
Yeah actually it works fine now. I made another post while I was looking for help, because the Alpine wouldn't find the SPP service when interrogating the GPS. I simply switched the GPS off and back on, and the problem was gone. I wish I'd tried that before the dozen ROM combinations I spent the afternoon testing
And indeed, I'm now running 1.11WWE/1.04.00/1.11.162 PUGS w/o O2 stuff, and finally TT accepts to work with the headset while using the GPS. What a trip !
Cheers !
BA WM5 Broadcom 1.7.1 Build 3400 Stack (Test)
This is just some test of mine to hv option with BT stack (MS/Broadcom), I only spend the last 3 hour workin on this little project, so it really possible if anything is missing or I forgotin something (its happens to me right?, but I've test it and it work like it should (With My v1.3 ROM), I dont know if this test hv a bug. maybe we can test it, especially A2DP and stabilty issues with this test.
Tested operation:
1. Activesync
2. Send/Recieve File
3. Headset via computer
4. Network Access
5. BT Serial Port
6. Dial-up Networking
Known Issue:
U tell me, not tested so much.
1. Install the HELMI_BA_WM5_BT1.7_TEST.CAB then soft reset
Uninstall (note the step its really neccesary, or u'll endup mess with ur phone):
1. Install Enable_MS_BT_.CAB
2. Delete registry value (or the folder)
and delete "Redirect" key on:
3. Reset
4. Uninstall HELMI_BA_WM5_BT1.7_TEST.
5. Delete file from \Temp dir
I forgot to mention, after u run ENABLE_MS_BT.CAB the Broadcomm/Widcomm file will be move to \Temp folder so u can delete it safely...
Dont expect to be perfect on this release, cos its only on earlier stage, to early, hopes someone might help for improvement, and workin together with me, and I hopes some1 can make a better Install/Uninstall process.
Dont install/try if u dont know what ur doin, and backup your data is a must.
Input is always welcome. cos I believe there's still much things to do.
Thanks for site and everybody there for the BT file.
and also thanks -=xXx=- for the info where to find it. thanks man.
gonna test it now helmi_c
Just intalled. The stereo works fine! Great quality for me! The hands free seems to be a bit tempremental. Worked once and then stopped afet receiving one call.. WIll try it out again..It looks like am stuck with an either. One observation: with the ms stack, there was a headphoen icon while using the phone. is absent here...wonder if that was a ms stack function?
hmm weird, after i installed the new wildcom stack, my pda cant see my headset anymore.
still testing though.
wish me luck.
I believe u guys both hv problem with MS Stack, hopes this stack will help for who having problem with MS Stack, but remember this is just some sort test, maybe still need a lot of improvement. but its seems work good with deepakr who hv problem with MS, imatrix hopes u'll hv the same result like he does. good luck.
btw In the rar there's a BTspeed cab, it might help for some headset, post on the Axim forum sites... there's also another app for controlin power if i'm not mistaken, I'll post when i get back.
A little note, this stack sometimes wakeup if gsm signal is lost/found, if the signal of gsm is good, it shouldnt happen (theoriticaly
Firstly great to see BT restarting automatically after handset is switched on from standby mode. After some fooling around I was able to set up activesync and it worked like a charm (useful for me especially since USB activesync does not work)
Couple of problems I faced
1. Turning off and restarting BT gave me a unable to load driver due to insufficient memory error. When I stopped my activesync, outlook and contacts and tried again it started successfully.
2. I was unable to find the DUN service and my PC did not recognize a DUN service either - am I looking/not looking at the right place?
Thanks and highly appreciate your prolific contribution
Hi Hemli
I have just installed this a minute ago,
Ill report back in a few hours with my experiances with this.
Hopefully it will be better than M$ BT stack with stereo headsets.
I've upload a patch that contain a newer BTCeIf.dll (1.7 the original was 1.6) and HTC_PCM_Routing.dll taken from htc device. well... in my device I dont hv problem with memory issues, even without this patch.. I dont know for sure, cos i dont test it much...currently test workin Simultaniously is BTSYnc, SerialPort 1 in 1 out, and Audio Gateway. and its still work fine.
btw please post comment here, and also what rom u currently use. Otw now, just come to trow the patch..
bro helmi,
Sorry if i asking you stupid question.
Can this file install/working with WM2003SE ?
hi have instal this, and find some issues
1- if i turn on bt the wifi dont work..
2- if i turn on wifi, the bt give the memory error
afther use 1 off the things (bt our wifi) need a soft reset to work the other
Riddler said:
bro helmi,
Sorry if i asking you stupid question.
Can this file install/working with WM2003SE ?
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No, it does not work on WM2003SE, I installed it and I had to hard re-set my Imate, it works only under Wondows 2005!!
Any way I gave it a try and I had to hard reset my PDA any way!!
Helmi, I just wanted to confirm, that Dial-Up with 2nd phone works fine. Tested also BT stereo headphones from HP (A2DP with additional profile for controlling playing - skipping to the next track and pause) - So far works as only BT implementation in BA allows: on close distance and not doing much in backgroud works fine.
Another happy user of your Firmware and other tools for BA!
Later on I will test GPS on BT, but do not expect any problems.
One small detail is left from old BT stack: while creating a connection you can still choose connection using "Bluetooth" that refers to M$ stack (selecting it reports hardware error - not rreally suprising
helmi_c said:
I've upload a patch that contain a newer BTCeIf.dll (1.7 the original was 1.6) and HTC_PCM_Routing.dll taken from htc device. well... in my device I dont hv problem with memory issues, even without this patch.. I dont know for sure, cos i dont test it much...currently test workin Simultaniously is BTSYnc, SerialPort 1 in 1 out, and Audio Gateway. and its still work fine.
btw please post comment here, and also what rom u currently use. Otw now, just come to trow the patch..
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Aha! The patch helped! I now have a fully functional headset, stereo on the headphones and a great speedy and stable ROM. Makes me one happy camper. Looks like now I can go ahead and finally configure this with all my apps. Thanks helmi
nice integration and thanks but i went back to ms as my sony ericson hcb-700 wll not pair for some reason after looks like the handsfree profile is not working
The Audio stream is great with this BT solution !
But when I connect to my parrot ck3300 carkit, It opens the connection like there is a active. when i press the hangup button on my carkit the BT connection is gone.
So it seems it is connected as headset and not as handsfree phone,
One other thing, when I connect to my BT Sony Ericsson HbH ds970 stereo headset I cannot shut off the screen in tcpmp player ???
(I think this also happened with th MS stack)
any solution for this ?
Last test (with my clean AKU3.2 v1.3) with BroadcommPatch1 applied and no overclock:
Turn on/off 4 times and reconnect below service (get bored to turn on/off and play with it again):
currently active BT service at the same time is:
1. Activesync / Bluetooth serial Out (syncing)
2. Network Acces/ Bluetooth Networking
3. Audio Gateway / Calling my mobile operator and stream audio to my pc as headset
4. Send/Recieve file from pc and from pda
5. Bluetooth serial In
and currently active application (leave as background procces I dont close it):
1. Activesync (Syncing)
2. Calendar
3. Contact (580 contact display)
4. Excel Mobile opening 185kb file
5. Album
6. Word Mobile opening 220kb file (little bit slow on opening)
7. Powerpoint Mobile opening 350kb file till end slide
8. Notes
9. Task
10. Bluetooth Manager
11. File Explorer
12. Calculator.
lastly...activate Wifi...wifi detecting & connect to neighbor network... turn off wifi...activated again...detecting & connect to neighbor network again...
but I dont test the GPS (serial port) or A2DP stuff since i dont hv it.
turn off bt...turn on again...reconnect the above BT this 4 times.. still no memory issues. well maybe I'm just bein lucky... but the battery is drain more faster with this test, maybe because this is somekind of stress testing.
so far this Broadcomm stack still running well...the sound from Audiogateway while this test active is still ok, but if the gsm signal is bad, the sound is bad also, so its not bt problem its a gsm problem. btw the ShutXP Icon on the tray is GONE..thats weird.., that the only issue I hv..
btw does anyone know where to find a PC Widcomm/Broadcomm driver that support A2DP, I dont remember where to find it. My PC Widcomm driver version is v1.4.2 Build 12, quite old, I want to test the a2dp profile.
btw if u play with:
"SupportedFeatures"=dword:37 (default doesnt exist)
"AudioSetupDll"="\windows\HTC_PCM_Routing.dll" (default MkSpk_PCM_Routing.dll need to play with this and see what more widely support device)
"AudioHandling"=dword:13 (default 8 )
there's a Icon if headset is activated. but its seems unstable in my device, try it.
bigsteve said:
Hi Hemli
I have just installed this a minute ago,
Ill report back in a few hours with my experiances with this.
Hopefully it will be better than M$ BT stack with stereo headsets.
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Waitin for ur input...
jakubd said:
Helmi, I just wanted to confirm, that Dial-Up with 2nd phone works fine. Tested also BT stereo headphones from HP (A2DP with additional profile for controlling playing - skipping to the next track and pause) - So far works as only BT implementation in BA allows: on close distance and not doing much in backgroud works fine.
Another happy user of your Firmware and other tools for BA!
Later on I will test GPS on BT, but do not expect any problems.
One small detail is left from old BT stack: while creating a connection you can still choose connection using "Bluetooth" that refers to M$ stack (selecting it reports hardware error - not rreally suprising
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oops... well, maybe its a little bit tricky to strip out completely the old stack, but I'll try learn this... or any input is more then welcome
deepakr said:
Aha! The patch helped! I now have a fully functional headset, stereo on the headphones and a great speedy and stable ROM. Makes me one happy camper. Looks like now I can go ahead and finally configure this with all my apps. Thanks helmi
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Good to hear that deepakr, Btw I imatrix what u status man? is it workin with u (the patch)? if u still hv a static noise issues, try to delete the shortcut on the BTManager and re-create the Audiogateway Shortcut.
hey helmi_c,
Good to hear that deepakr, Btw I imatrix what u status man? is it workin with u (the patch)? if u still hv a static noise issues, try to delete the shortcut on the BTManager and re-create the Audiogateway Shortcut
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yep still have the static noise, will try your method later.
been bz this few days, i did not test much. I will play around with it tomorrow.
Thanks Helmi, great job!
A2DP works nicely, but now i get the same opposite as compared to microsoft stack. my A2DP is perfect whereas any calls that come in ring through the hedset, but i can't pick the calls up / talk through the bluetooth headset. weird uh?
Anyone hit the same problem?
I have no problems with static, just some slowdowns due to processor usage and i can't toggle the screen in WM or using display switch.
Great Job though!
maybe its because i'm connected as both headset and high quality audio? going to try connect as hands free and HQA.
edit 2:
can't for the life of me find out how to pair it in handsfree mode! Any pointers?
After updating my MDA2 from WM 2003 to WM 6.1 there will be no more sound connection with my original T-Mobile car kit. What the hell is changed in 6.1? Is there a registry tweak? If not, how can I downgrade to WM2003? I don´t find any ROMs for 2003 here. I can get a MDA2 with WM2003. Can I create a image from this one and restore my MDA?
No, problem to get a T-Mobile WM 2k3 ROM, you can download it there:
or O2 ROM here:
Which of the 6.1 roms do you upgrade to? I have got a car kit too, but I usually don´t use it. I´ll try it if I can find some time to spend it, on it.
Interesting issue
Ups, that was my first double post, so I have to edit it.
Which FSE do you want to try? Mine is the original xda II car kit and it worked well with teijaks WM6.0 german rom, as I tried it last time.
Or do you miss the possibility use the phone without pressing it on your ear, if it to loud around like in a car. In this case try to install the small app speakerphone. It gives you back the (free speaking) function to switch the speaker loud.
BTW: It took me about seven seconds the links, by simply google (xda update rom download). And don´t be pissed:
There is a very strong medicine, to the most interesting issues, called: search in the top row of buttons of this forum.
So use you brain power, it the best weapon you have.
And a good hint for all the brave guys, who want to upgrade for the fist time:
First you have to collect all you need, to switch back to your original rom, cause:
The good girls go to heaven, but the bad girls go everywhere!
So, good luck
To Rolf PM me if you have probs to discuss.
Hello muckelmaus,
It´s the wm6_1_Himalaya_GER_rom_by_efsane.
You think it´s a bug in this ROM?
Do you have another?
But where can I download a T-Mobile 2K3 ROM?
I tried searching for hours in the net. Also in the WIKI. Nothing. Or I am blind?
The MDA will be charged, but there is no switch to the car speakers. Only the build in speaker is working. So the FSE is sinceless. So it must be the OS, cause it is no hardware switch. I checked with my XDA2i, and this is working. But the sound is bad. No basses. Maybe the FSE is only working with WM2003 (not with WM2003se)? I connect it with a high/low level adapter to my radio, and this is working fine with the MDA2 with WM2003. Great sound with Pocket Music. I also buyed a original XDA car kit at ebay for € 2,46 but didn´t test it at this time. I was really happy after finding the registry tweak that don´t cut my notes in the contacts, cuase everything seemed to be working, and now I am pissed.
So I really need help.
On you qestion of your fist post, there is a way to ripp your rom out of your device, as swampy395 described it, to recook roms, but then you are on the way to build your own rom.
I don´t know if it is a bug of this ROM you tried but ther are some other german rom in here: including my fully loaded version of Athers Dark Edition
Btw: which reg tweak you are talking about?
Hello Sebastian,
Thank´s for reply.
My FSE ist the original T-Mobile. Before upgrading to 6.1 my MDA2 is working fine with the car speakers. Now he is sending no sound to my radio, only the MDA internal speaker is working. Before I can listen to musik over my car radio, and a call is coming, he will switch to telefone, after ending, the musik is comming back. I don´t install the added speaker, cause I want to hear stereo. So the HL/LL adapter.
The links that you found are WM2003se links. But I am looking for WM2003.
Wait, I send you a PM.
EDIT: Found T-Mobile WM2003 at [URL="[/URL].
Downgrade and now car kit is working.
But why?
When I flash my HD with a 1.56 cooked rom, I'm unable to connect with my handsfree. I can pair with the handsfree through bluetooth but I can not hear or speak to anyone.
If I flash with the stock HTC 1.56 rom, I can pair and talk through the handsfree.
Is there a fix for this? I've tried several cooked roms and the outcome is the same.
backstep said:
When I flash my HD with a 1.56 cooked rom, I'm unable to connect with my handsfree. I can pair with the handsfree through bluetooth but I can not hear or speak to anyone.
If I flash with the stock HTC 1.56 rom, I can pair and talk through the handsfree.
Is there a fix for this? I've tried several cooked roms and the outcome is the same.
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I have DavidEuck 8.5 running and the bluetooth handsfree with my JVC carkit works fine. Can you try to pair with another bluetooth handsfree set and see if thats works fine? I would recommend at least upgrading to the latest radio.
backstep said:
When I flash my HD with a 1.56 cooked rom, I'm unable to connect with my handsfree. I can pair with the handsfree through bluetooth but I can not hear or speak to anyone.
If I flash with the stock HTC 1.56 rom, I can pair and talk through the handsfree.
Is there a fix for this? I've tried several cooked roms and the outcome is the same.
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i have the same problem with most of the cooked roms specilly some times i can not hear the voice of other party this problem arrises with Miri's rom that i like it and Duty's rom that is very famous
for me stock roms and kwbr rom works fine
i have tested 3 devices Motorlla car kit, the expensive new Nokia sterio bluetooth headphone and sony erecsson sterio bluetooth head phone they all have problem with some cooked roms; i hope i can find a wm 6.5 rom that does not have this problem specially with good memory management like miri and kwbr that doesn't eat lots of memory.
Me, too. I am using daviddeuck v6. After 3 weeks sometimes it works and sometimes I cannot hear the other party.
I tried 2 jabra models with the same results.
Same issue
I had the same issue with my parrot 3200LS and Dutty's extreme 2.2/ Laurentius26's L26_THDV2.2_Ultimate Roms.
I even tried JETware Hands-free Extension for Windows Mobile phones ( --supercool program btw!
But all to no extent.
Reflashing back to Laurentius26's L26_THDV7.5_WWE CE OS 5.2.20769 (Build 20769.1.4.5 L26) ROM "solved" the problem for me.
Now I get my phone's ringtones through my parrot (and thus my car-hi speakers ). Hope the problem is solved in newer roms...
(Btw, great job with your ROMs guys!! )
Happens to me to.
dutty v3.4
perhaps we could make a List of working/not worling Roms.
For me it's an essential feature for ROM choice.
Epecially bought a Radio for this feature...
Almost same for me.
Duttys v 3.4 ROM
Ford Car Kit (just talk, no music) connects and works without any problems.
iTech Clip R35 (A2DP, AVRCP) will not pair at all.
(I don't know if the profiles mean anything. Just remembered that there was a lot of talk about supported profiles in the R35 manual.)
Use Onkologs Lite-Rom and it works perfect.
I found i couldnt pair my phone with a few handsfree devices i was testing in a shop - seems there is a problem with the bluetooth stack and the newer roms. Odd this hasnt been reported sooner
i feel there is a problem with the configuration between windows and manilla some where or the driver for blue tooth is not complete that is why it loses the connection somewhere for most of the cooked roms
I agree, there must be something wrong with the bluetooth stack.
When I use a 1.14 ROM, I can hear and speak to people through my hands-free. But, when I flash a 1.56 ROM all I get is "dead air" when I answer a call through my hands-free.
I've tried flashing to Dutty's, Miri's, Laurentius26's, Topix's and a few other rom's, with the same result, I am unable to hear & talk to the other person on my hands-free.
I also tried updating to the 1.14 radio and I've tried older radio's and I still have the same problem.
Starting July 1st, my state will require drivers to use hands-free devices when dialing and driving.
backstep said:
I agree, there must be something wrong with the bluetooth stack.
When I use a 1.14 ROM, I can hear and speak to people through my hands-free. But, when I flash a 1.56 ROM all I get is "dead air" when I answer a call through my hands-free.
I've tried flashing to Dutty's, Miri's, Laurentius26's, Topix's and a few other rom's, with the same result, I am unable to hear & talk to the other person on my hands-free.
I also tried updating to the 1.14 radio and I've tried older radio's and I still have the same problem.
Starting July 1st, my state will require drivers to use hands-free devices when dialing and driving.
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after trying almost all the new roms i returned back to the latest stock rom (28-4-2009) Bluetooth and every thing works absolutely perfect and it has got excellent memory management (only 32% with full loaded program), i use this rom when i want to rely on my HD.
by the way i think all the kwbr roms also works fine with bt. i wish i can find a 6.5 rom that works fine with blue tooth and has got good memory managemt, just waiting may be miri will do something, his rom got good memory management that is very imprtant for me
After the "SD card not shown", this is another weird report by using cooked ROM
has anyone got bluetooth devices to pair with a cooked 6.5 ROM ?
if not this is a pretty major problem ??
Yes I have.
I just got Miri's V15 pairing with my factory fitted Range Rover bluetooth kit and it works perfectly including giving access to the address book.
Previously I was using WM6.1 and many of Dutty's ROMs and I had intermittent drop outs with the car and phone.
Miri's ROM has upgraded my radio so I can't be sure if WM6.5 fixed the problem or if it was the new radio, but for the first time in 6 months I actually have a working hands free kit in my car
Royan said:
Almost same for me.
Duttys v 3.4 ROM
Ford Car Kit (just talk, no music) connects and works without any problems.
iTech Clip R35 (A2DP, AVRCP) will not pair at all.
(I don't know if the profiles mean anything. Just remembered that there was a lot of talk about supported profiles in the R35 manual.)
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Well, that's me fixed...
Both car and iTech Clip works with Duttys 3.7/2.1 ROM.
And I'm ashamed to say; that the clip didn't connect earlier was my fault...
I used default code 0000 as stated in iTech's documentation, not the real default code of 8888...
Once I used the correct code, all was well...
I am using now Laurentius 2.1. My bluetoothheadset that suports only handsfree talking works properly. With my Jabra BT8010 only stereo music works, handsfree is a game of luck.
Hope any ROM expert will fix this in the future. For me it is one of the most important features of my TOUCH HD.
yesterday I flashed to Duttys 3.9 Turbo - and I love it!
BT works as A2DP & Handsfree!
beside it's very fast - what else we need
frottage said:
has anyone got bluetooth devices to pair with a cooked 6.5 ROM ?
if not this is a pretty major problem ??
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Using Energy's 6.5 june 16th version.. Works PERFECT with my brand new Nokia BH-904 (which also is great)
it works in miri's rom as well plus you have lots of free memory when you really need it
Your bluetooth disconect when you use your handsfree in your car????
Then try this software: JETware Hands-Free Extension 1.31.
I have four days without disconect.
(sorry for my english).
UPDATE 27-07-2009:
Versions of JETWARE:
1.11 (ShareWare)
1.20 (ShareWare)
1.31 (ShareWare)
1.31.178 (ShareWare)
1.40 (FreeWare??)
the good: The program solutions the disconnects of the bluetooth
the bad: BUT, in my handsfree (Saab 9-3 2008), i can make a call but i cant cut a call (i must to cut the call in the phone)
and if i uninstall i lose mi contacts in the car.
It is not perfect.
Hopefully this works mate.
Gonna try now & report back later
Hopefully this works mate.
Gonna try now & report back later
This Works so far. Gonna keep on trying & report back shortly. Will post another thread if it continues to be successful as this needs to be seen !
Just right.
This Works.
(sorry for my english again).
Great find hcorreo. This DOES work !
Been testing for a week now and i have had ZERO disconnections.
Thankyou so much mate
How exactly does this work?
Thats the work of 6 month looking for.
Thank you.
Screen won't stay off
I loaded the extension but now my backlight won't stay off. Is there a registry fix for this? Otherwise, it looks like a great BT extension.
Problem of the light:
I have the same problem with the version
Try with the version 1.31.
Could this issue be fixed without having to buy a third party application?
Iam using my X1 with my builtin BT handfree in my Volvo and the problems just keeps coming.
The BT logo newer disappers like ive read about in other threads but the car and the phone seems to have massive communitcation trouble. Adressbook sync like it should but when i try to call from the car, it takes about 30sec until the phone reacts. Same goes for answering. When i press my answer button it takes about 30sec again for the phone to swallow that command. Sometimes it works, but then after 20sec the car reports that it lost its connection and if iam lucky, the connection is restored automaticly by the car.
The strange thing is that ive moved from my HTC Tytn to this phone, and the HTC never had any kind of trouble. I was running WM6 on the Tytn. Could it be WM6.1 that causes the trouble or is it the hardware in the phone?
Updated first post with info of versions and more info.
flashed to EnergyRom WM6.5 and disconnect is gone too
Used to disconnect randomly after 50-80second on my car's bluetooth
I have another problem, my bluetooth headset(SE HBH DS-205) disconnecting when i use WiFI
Jet Ware is good for the bluetooth desconexion.
Someone have a idea about how can i hang a call with the JetWare installed?
Thats the only thing to be perfect...