Hi all,
After I did the ROM upgrade to the official HTC WM6, everything works fine, well apart from the GPS, which I never managed to get it working and the icon that I should get when I have a voicemail. Now I get a text message with this "[email protected]" characters? Any ideas.
Thanks in advance.
I got the same problem..
the mobile however should still be able to recognize it as a voice mail message. You just get an extra messages in your SMS messages folder
A kludge that works for me:
create a contact with the mobile number of "[email protected]" (just save it to your contacts) with a name like "Voice mail Notification"
install wm6_threader (find on this forum) and it will create a thread per contact!!
works better than original.. why? cause you have history similar to
incoming calls
outgoing calls
missed calls
but for SMS.
In Canada at Rogers Wireless we get additional SMS messages for missed calls when our mobiles are off.
I called it "Operator Notifications"
I also use it for SMS sent from Microsoft, Google and Yahoo. One per website.
The attached cab fixed it for me a while ago.
Not sure whether you need to install the sdkcerts before or not, so I include them just in case.
Reboot after installing.
The voicemail fix is included within rabdo's 1.6 cab for Orange UK network setup. (Also includes the necessary certs).
If you are on Orange UK, I recommend that (I use it with every flash....)
I am notifications of my servers and switches sent to me via sms message. under sounds and notifications for a new text message i select the sound i want but the "repeat" box is greyed out. i would like to enable this since i may not hear the first sms alert (like when i am sleeping). under the event catagory of reminders i can select repeat but not under new text message. any ideas? is it a reg change i can make?
I have the same request, looked around in the registry but can't find a setting for it. Can anyone suggest a solution?
I have the same role fella, the only way I found was through a piece of software called SPB Phone Suit, you can get it to repeat a sound every 5 mins, 10 mins whatever for missed/unread calls and SMS.
Very nice, I've been looking for an app like this for a while now. Just input a # you don't want to receive calls from and it will be blocked. Requires root, though.
Sure, you can use the built in "Send to Voice Mail" feature in Contacts, but that's not a good solution because 1) It clogs up my voice mail inbox and 2) I get an almost as annoying text notification every time someone that I have chosen to send to VM tries to call me.
The app is still pretty new, so it's lacking a few features I would like (such as regexp patterns), and I'm not sure it'll block text messages as well (which would be nice), but it's definitely a very good start.
I just downloaded it gonna start putting number in it. Do you know if you can use it to block unknown numbers?
I haven't actually tried blocking my home phone in it to try it out for myself, but supposedly what this app does is to send the caller directly to voice mail, just like the feature that's already available to us in the default contacts app. That's not quite what I'm looking for, as that means I will still get those annoying notifications and the voice mail inbox will (might) get clogged up.
Perhaps what I'm looking for is just not possible, but simply put I want an app that interceps an incoming call/text, cross-refs it against a black list, and if it's a match - mimics a red phone button press (decline)/refuse the text message - all within a few milliseconds. It would also be nice if it stopped the number from getting logged in the call log.
mannyb said:
I haven't actually tried blocking my home phone in it to try it out for myself, but supposedly what this app does is to send the caller directly to voice mail, just like the feature that's already available to us in the default contacts app. That's not quite what I'm looking for, as that means I will still get those annoying notifications and the voice mail inbox will (might) get clogged up.
Perhaps what I'm looking for is just not possible, but simply put I want an app that interceps an incoming call/text, cross-refs it against a black list, and if it's a match - mimics a red phone button press (decline)/refuse the text message - all within a few milliseconds. It would also be nice if it stopped the number from getting logged in the call log.
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I'm pretty sure that what this application does is to receive the phone call (it may do half a ring) and immediately answer it and hang up. This should avoid the problem of sending it to voicemail.
i have been talking to the dev since release, the callers do NOT go to voicemail so it won't clog your voicemail manny.
also it cannot be used to block Unknown numbers so fo that you would need to write your app(i am trying but it is very hard to do when you don't know exactly what you are doing). but the dev claims that if you put in 1800 in the block box then it will block ALL 1800 numbers that call you. seems pretty good but i haven't been able to test it yet(crazy ex might have finally gotten the hint)
EDIT!! as soon as i posted this i got an update on it and now you are able to choose between unknown numbers or blacklisted numbers, i suggested checkboxes to select both, as well as text message block, but i am not sure how possible that would be
tubaking182 said:
i have been talking to the dev since release, the callers do NOT go to voicemail so it won't clog your voicemail manny.
also it cannot be used to block Unknown numbers so fo that you would need to write your app(i am trying but it is very hard to do when you don't know exactly what you are doing). but the dev claims that if you put in 1800 in the block box then it will block ALL 1800 numbers that call you. seems pretty good but i haven't been able to test it yet(crazy ex might have finally gotten the hint)
EDIT!! as soon as i posted this i got an update on it and now you are able to choose between unknown numbers or blacklisted numbers, i suggested checkboxes to select both, as well as text message block, but i am not sure how possible that would be
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Ah, thanks for clearing that up mate. Very good to know.
where can we get that updateeee
does anyone have the update for this?
mannyb said:
Very nice, I've been looking for an app like this for a while now. Just input a # you don't want to receive calls from and it will be blocked. Requires root, though.
Sure, you can use the built in "Send to Voice Mail" feature in Contacts, but that's not a good solution because 1) It clogs up my voice mail inbox and 2) I get an almost as annoying text notification every time someone that I have chosen to send to VM tries to call me.
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Really? I use the built in feature and I don't get a text when someone on my blocked list calls. It will show up in the call log but I don't get a text or notification unless they leave a VM.
where can i download? please?
I decided to start developing my own version..
^^^That is cool let us know, I am willing to test it. The developer has stopped updating this app.
Good to hear your making a new app. This one bugged me as it wouldnt block 1-800 type numbers..
Joey3002 Please post it when completed. I cant find the other app anywhere. If you take paypal donations, I will send some $ after you post it. Thank You!
Hello all, I have a strange problem. When I get SMS or Email, I can only notice that when I look on my phone to see if there is new text message. I dont get ringtone, no buzzer and no notification on the screen that I have a new message. Where do I have to look? The settings on 'sound and notifications' are fine. Can someone help me with this?
I have stock rom of vodafone.
p.s. sorry guys, I see there is a kind of same topic already opened. Maybe I install a program which conflicts this, but its really strange.
Hi guys. This may sound prepostorous somehow lol. I am already diverting my voice calls from my s3 to another android device and now i would like to divert my sms messages also.
I've been reading a few things and i keep getting something about a gateway being needed or something along those lines. I understand ( i think ) the function of the gateway, but is there another way around them? Is there a way of diverting text messages from one android device to another without downloading free apps that don't work anyway or expencive apps that give you phone rage?
Oh, and i already know that text messages can be diverted to email addresses but it really would be neat is one can divert their sms messages from one android to another.