First of all, sorry if this is a re-post. But after searching all morning, I couldn´t find any solutions for this.
My phone constantly freezes after I check my text messages, when closing.
This happens with all WM 6.5 roms I tried so far (and believe me, I tried many).
Is there a fix for this? Anyone else experiencing the same problem?
I do have a lot of text messages stored. Is it a capacity problem of some sort?
Thanks in advance for you help.
i have the same problem, it freezes for like 1 minute after hitting the X or menu>close after sending an SMS in native windows SMS threaded mode.
it works fine in manila but if a incoming call interrupts your text it would be gone after the call...
first of all you have to remember that WM 6.5 is not for the HD and is being ported so there will be issues, however I dont seem to have this issue at all and am using Duttys 6.5 v4 ROM which kicks ass.
It does seem to be a strange issue though. How many texts do you have stored. I have ad 600+ (incoming and outgoing)
does the manila work fine for sending? as this backs onto the WM interface i would expect some issue here
Thanks for the replys guys
I also have 600+ messages as, for personal reasons, I should not delete most of them.
I'm using standard wm interface and sending and all works fine. Only issue is that phone completely freezes when I hit the X for closing the messaging window. Sometimes it freezes for a minute or so, other times I have to turn the phone off and on again.
At first I thought this was a wm6.5 glitch, but now I see not many ppl has this. I will flash rom again and strip my phone from all aditional apps I installed. Maybe one of them is causing this...
simplistian said:
i have the same problem, it freezes for like 1 minute after hitting the X or menu>close after sending an SMS in native windows SMS threaded mode.
it works fine in manila but if a incoming call interrupts your text it would be gone after the call...
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Well I have a WM6.5 Rom working on my HD for already 2 weeks now and it's working perfectly. I don't have any problem with the sms as you describe. But i don't have them in threaded mode cause I don't like it. Have you tried to change the view to normal mode to see if the problem persists? Have a quick check and maybe it works that way without the freeze. Just guessin...
I am using threaded with no issues. If your going to go for a ROM hit up on duttys new 6.5 there is an issue with the weather tab after install but tere is a cab to fix.
I have the same problem. I am using Miri v.23.
I never had this problem before on wm6.5.
I think it is the new HTC Task Manager I did not have this problem on Miri v.20
I have the same problem on dutty R5 (and had the same on R4), I also think it has something to do with task manager because when it's "freezing" I'm able to open start menu, but not to open task manager nor to go on manila...
i have the same problem on dutty's R4, R5 and miri's v23 maybe it's about task manager but i flash back to winmo 6.1 i got no problem with version 2.1
how do you backup and restore your sms when flashing the device?
for example PIM Backup is known to make problems...
change to normal sms, then backup, restore in normal mode and after change back to threaded. maybe this will fix your problems...
Bimme said:
how do you backup and restore your sms when flashing the device?
for example PIM Backup is known to make problems...
change to normal sms, then backup, restore in normal mode and after change back to threaded. maybe this will fix your problems...
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I do backup and restore in threaded with PIM... I will try that, thanks for the suggestion
Hi everybody
I have upgraded to the official HTC WM 6.1 ROM... and I did not like that much.
naturally I wanted to change to another ROM, so I opened PIM Backup 2.8, and tried to create a backup of my contacts and SMSs ...
the Problem is the is NO "NEXT" button...
I can't complete the backup process...
and I don't want to risk using ActiveSync... I had all my contacts deleted once because of it.
PIM backup works in restoring info.. but I can't get it to backup
I have been searching the forum for the last three days to find a solution...but digging in through 94 pages of the same topic gave me nothing but headaches
I might have missed something....if so... Please share with me...
thanks in advance
P.S: I found that the device became a bit unresponsive after restoring my contacts ans SMS using PIM backup on WM 6.1, does anybody have something like that?
I could be talking out of my **** (wouldn't be the first time ), but I seem to remember reading somewhere on the forum that you need to disable the Threaded SMS before running PIM backup - assuming you've left it "ON" which is the default for WM6.1?? You can use Schaps' Advanced Config to disable it.
PIM backup works on my WM6.1 ROM (Garmin.DK.3 - Threaded SMS turned off) - have you tried just ticking the Contacts and not the Messages to see if the Next button is enabled then??
yeah, I have tried that before, and it did not work for me
I'll try search the registry and delete anything related to PIM Backup... then use it again...
BTW, I love your signature
I just updated my Tilt to 6.1 and found out after I did that the Sprint backup that comes with the Tilt has to be upgraded. I had to hard reset my phone and start over. You can get the newer version from HTC for free as an upgrade. The problem I had was with the Tilt saying my email accounts were locked and none of the fixes would work, but I read other post about other problems as well.
I'm using HyperDragon III pro ROM, and the problem is still there...
any ideas?
duke911 said:
I'm using HyperDragon III pro ROM, and the problem is still there...
any ideas?
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Have you posted on the PIMbackup thread (here) - if not, you could try that?? If you have, and you've got no (satisfactory) response, you could always email Fred - DotFred - via his website.
Not wishing to cast aspersions, but, have you gone down the RTFM route - the PIMbackup user guide is on if you haven't already got it.
One last could check out the tutorial from @scotchua's signature (link here) - which suggest that PowerSMS may also work. There's a 14-day unrestricted trial on the website here.
That's me all out of ideas - hope this lot gets you where you wanna be
love the new r3 touch roms, however, with my massive usage of text, it renders it useless for me. my only option is to stick with the windows 6.5 rom because of sms. i posted a few times about my problem with sms, but i been having the same issue ever since r3 came out and people started using them in the roms. so my question is if theres any roms left that is based on r2 for sms/mms.
again, ill repeat that my problem with the new r3 sms is that it does not mark all text as read once i exit a thread, i would have to exit the thread as many times as i recieve a text in order to clear it.
at first i thought it was just a problem in my end, but after testing all the roms, they all have that problem, so i "assume" that it is a function of the r3 rom. unelss i am wrong.
bknewtype said:
love the new r3 touch roms, however, with my massive usage of text, it renders it useless for me. my only option is to stick with the windows 6.5 rom because of sms. i posted a few times about my problem with sms, but i been having the same issue ever since r3 came out and people started using them in the roms. so my question is if theres any roms left that is based on r2 for sms/mms.
again, ill repeat that my problem with the new r3 sms is that it does not mark all text as read once i exit a thread, i would have to exit the thread as many times as i recieve a text in order to clear it.
at first i thought it was just a problem in my end, but after testing all the roms, they all have that problem, so i "assume" that it is a function of the r3 rom. unelss i am wrong.
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try my Xperia Touch X ROM, its based on sms R2, mms Topaz, its working 100 percent fine...
smaberg said:
try my Xperia Touch X ROM, its based on sms R2, mms Topaz, its working 100 percent fine...
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i actually tried your rom last night and i loved it. however, it still has that sms problem. do you have the same problem as well? if you are saying that you rom uses r3 sms, then maybe its not the r3 sms thats causing the problem, and could be another issue associated weith the new r3 =/
bknewtype said:
i actually tried your rom last night and i loved it. however, it still has that sms problem. do you have the same problem as well? if you are saying that you rom uses r3 sms, then maybe its not the r3 sms thats causing the problem, and could be another issue associated weith the new r3 =/
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well the problem dosnt lie with either r1,2,3 or topaz, its the microsoft thing...
but what i can remember theres a tweak out, try searching for it, but strangly i dont have the problem, could be the fact that im using touchflo for reading.
smaberg said:
well the problem dosnt lie with either r1,2,3 or topaz, its the microsoft thing...
but what i can remember theres a tweak out, try searching for it, but strangly i dont have the problem, could be the fact that im using touchflo for reading.
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the problem happens when i recieve more than 2 texts. if you can, can you test out the problem? not sure if you understand exactly what my issue is but its like when i recieve lets say 5 text messages, i go into the thread and exit, and it will say i hav 4 new messages, and i would need to go in again and exit it 4 times ( so 5 total) in order to clear all the new message notifications. if you dont have that problem, then maybe its me...but i been having that problem ever since the new r3 cooked roms. but its weird i dont have this problem in windows 6.5
but iw ould love to use your rom if that issue is resolved :[ :[!!!
btw what is the tweak called?
I'm using only Titanium and every time I get a new SMS/MMS, the message does not appear in the INBOX. The moment I click on "view" from the today screen or click on the message on the TEXT panel, it would disappear. Is this a glitch or did I unknowingly disable something? Please help
I am also using WM 6.5 (AHEN 6G Full) and I'm not having that problem, I cannot think of any settings that would cause your problem. Maybe you should Hard Reset your phone and see if that works.
Dom1n8tr1x said:
I am also using WM 6.5 (AHEN 6G Full) and I'm not having that problem, I cannot think of any settings that would cause your problem. Maybe you should Hard Reset your phone and see if that works.
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I've hard reset many times. Though if I'm using XIP 21728 everything works fine. If I use a higher XIP like 21731 or 21806, then I encounter those problems. Not only does the text messages disappears, but I get no sound notification or notification on the taskbar either.
I've installed a lot of different Duttys roms but I'm keeping sms sending problems.
I used USPL to flash, I used Hardspl to flash.
I installed the wm6.2/6.5 roms.
Problem is that when I send a sms it sticks in my outbox..
It wont tell me if it send. If it does its about 20 min later.
Now I have the original stock dutch rom and it works fine.
Some [NL] guys have the same problem?
(The dutty roms are great!)
Yeah, i've got that too. Only sometimes it sends it over 24h later.
I have tried many Dutty ROM's (both WM6.1 and WM6.5) also but I never had any problem with SMS so far. It will only be left in the outbox if there is no signal to send the SMS. Then I have to manually resend the unsend SMS.
Can you do a Hard Reset first and then try to send out an SMS before you install any other programs? Maybe it is one of the program or language pack that cuased the problem?
If your having problems with a particular rom, even if it is a series of roms by same cook, post query in one of his rom threads. Do not create a new thread for this!
i had a very old and fast 6.1 rom with panels (i think it was charge'of's rom). i have about 14k sms and i don't want to delete them. i backed the sms up with pimbackup.
now i have the problem that all roms here with HTC Sense can't handle this amout of sms. after i restored them the x1 starts lagging like hell.
is there a rom out who can handle this? a good panel rom without htc sense e.g.?
agreed. the latest wm6.5 rom that could barely handle 3000 of sms is valkyrie 28323. the stablest wm6.5 rom ever.
i got 3000 sms only, but it already giving me headache to simply wan to reply a sms.. gosh!
but it seems it has something to do with htc-sense... i tested so far energy rom, valkyrie, xperilo, xkan etc...
i noticed @ valkyrie who has htc-sense as default disabled that the speed is good (could be better but ok). after turned on htc-sense it was no longer possible to use the phone with this amount of sms...
There are a some ROMs available without Sense, you can try them.
EnergyROM Titanium
Christian's Clean ROM
Jerpelea's X2 ports
Lacko's Clean revolution
spikegotti UnOff Infinite of X1.5
thanks for help
energy was the best rom so far even with htc-sense (but it will extremly slow down too after importing the sms).
im restoring atm the sms @ energy cookie with 21904 but i don't have much hope it will be better there....
so titanium seems a good option but as you said in the description it lacks features (eg. no panels?).
ill try christians if this try fails again.
thx again for help
DreamDiver said:
thanks for help
energy was the best rom so far even with htc-sense (but it will extremly slow down too after importing the sms).
im restoring atm the sms @ energy cookie with 21904 but i don't have much hope it will be better there....
so titanium seems a good option but as you said in the description it lacks features (eg. no panels?).
ill try christians if this try fails again.
thx again for help
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In post 5 from the Energy thread you will find a link to a tutorial on how to install the PanelManager from R3A beta or X2. Panels will work without any problems on EnergyROM.
Mod. edit: not dev related, moved to general
im running now energy cookie with 21904. the speed its quite ok so far.
but entering threaded view takes serveral seconds. but the main problem is - leaving (back button) the threaded view takes up to 1min
im getting crazy
ok its definitly related to htc sense. it was freezing all the time. after disabling htc-sense everything is fine...
dont bash the roms, check the htc hd2 forums for the solution, the problem lies with sense itself but someone happened to find a solution to load the sms faster than normal...
yes it also loads slow on the htc hd2 as well, so dont expect the x1 to perform any better
you are right its not related to the rom. like i said its just related to htc-sense what is included in most of the new roms.
i had a look in the hd2 forum but i found only a solution to load the sms faster. but the problem is that as long as htc-sense is activated everything will slow down, freeze and lag. every tab takes time to load and could freeze for few seconds. to exit sms threaded view takes atm 2 mins.
after deactivating htc-sense everything goes back to normal. no lags, no freezes, entering and exiting threaded view takes just a sec.
so i think the only solution atm is to use a rom without htc-sense...
I have 7k sms and on with energy rom i dont face any probs with my xperia .. it rocks with HTC Sence on takes a bit time to load but cant be said un-useable ... i can operate the phone without any probs
[Flashed About A Month Ago !!]
i tested all of the top roms here. and in all roms it was the same.
as long htc-sence was activated the phone was slow and freezed all the time.
after deactivated htc-sense the speed was good and no freezes...
no problem before restoring the 9k sms with pimbackup in all roms....
no speed or freeze problems in all panel roms without htc-sense (except a freeze leaving a sms conversation with over 200sms in christians 5.419 but i heard this is a problem related to some wm 6.5 versions)