Ok so I dont know anything about this...I just flashed Drizzy's 2.7 after a wipe and partitioned my sd card for the first time...tried downloading paid apps but they wouldnt download...I believe this happens on any Hero ROM. is there a fix for this... does drizzy's 2.8 allow me to download them again?
This is an issue with the Drizzy ROMs so far. Not all Hero ROMs and has been thoroughly discussed in the thread if you searched. Apparently they fixed the bug in the new colab ROM that is dropping really soon.
Noobyflasher said:
Ok so I dont know anything about this...I just flashed Drizzy's 2.7 after a wipe and partitioned my sd card for the first time...tried downloading paid apps but they wouldnt download...I believe this happens on any Hero ROM. is there a fix for this... does drizzy's 2.8 allow me to download them again?
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well actually drizzy 2.2 works well with private apps. anthing 2.3 and above is based of the new hero release which contains the private app bug. i flashed all new the drizzy roms but i always went back to 2.2 just becuz it has a fully functional market.
New JACxHERO 1.0 supposedly has the private-apps fixed, why don't you take it out for a spin.
I just installed one of Drizzy's Hero ROM s and even though its awesome...its also very slow...I am not sure which version it is but I can't download protected apps... so I need a link to either JAC or Drizzy's Hero ROM but I want it to work quickly and I want to be able to download my purchased apps and install them... I already partitoned my SD card. So if someone could post the most stable Hero ROM that allows paid apps that would be nice.
Noobyflasher said:
I just installed one of Drizzy's Hero ROM s and even though its awesome...its also very slow...I am not sure which version it is but I can't download protected apps... so I need a link to either JAC or Drizzy's Hero ROM but I want it to work quickly and I want to be able to download my purchased apps and install them... I already partitoned my SD card. So if someone could post the most stable Hero ROM that allows paid apps that would be nice.
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All the information you'll ever want
I'd just wait till the end of today as it seems the JACDrizzy colab is dropping soon.
if i understand correctly there is a new market "look" with the 1.6 donut update
when i first rooted my g1 and accessed the market there were very few apps i could actually find when i went searching for them(i.e astro)
i dont know exactly why but im guessing it was because of the different firmware that was being used at the time?
so how will this 1.6 update affect new ROMs?
im using drizzys blur-hero ROM and it has the (i guess) 1.5 market
will the apps in the market with the new update be easily available or will i more than likely have to flash to a new ROM that uses more up to date firmware as time goes by?
im kinda hoping i dont seeing as how its taken me two months of reading the forums and trial and error to finally get a ROM i like thats stable enough for daily use...lol!
thanks for any input in advance!
What? The Market access the same downloads regardless of version because they query the same server.
well iirc
when i first rooted and went to rc29 i tried looking in the market for some of the apps i had been playing around with before and alot of them werent there...
i dont know why it was like that but i got to thinking that maybe the same thing might happen with the 1.6 update
no the market is way spiffier with the new 1.6 update. for shizzle.
freaktractor said:
if i understand correctly there is a new market "look" with the 1.6 donut update
when i first rooted my g1 and accessed the market there were very few apps i could actually find when i went searching for them(i.e astro)
i dont know exactly why but im guessing it was because of the different firmware that was being used at the time?
so how will this 1.6 update affect new ROMs?
im using drizzys blur-hero ROM and it has the (i guess) 1.5 market
will the apps in the market with the new update be easily available or will i more than likely have to flash to a new ROM that uses more up to date firmware as time goes by?
im kinda hoping i dont seeing as how its taken me two months of reading the forums and trial and error to finally get a ROM i like thats stable enough for daily use...lol!
thanks for any input in advance!
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well in some roms, there are market bug where some apps couldnt be found in the market this was a common proble in drizzys 2.3-the last 2.X update.
and why use drizzys blur now when maxisma took over his rom.
but drizzy will be releasing a fulll blur rom sometime today(according to his twitter)
My LEDs don't flash for anything.
I had the same problem when i flashed Herver a few weeks back. Other people aren't having problems apparently, and i was wondering what could be the source of the problem?
I repartitioned my SD card totally before installing the rom, so i have a brand new ext3 and 128MB swap. I also whiped everything before flashing the rom.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
You need the latest HeroLED app by Fictionles
search for it, its somewhere here on the forums (or you can download one of the roms that already have it)
also is it the sense mlign or regular hero mlign?
I thought it was suppose to work natively now though...
And it's Hero Mlign V3.0
HrtSmrt said:
I thought it was suppose to work natively now though...
And it's Hero Mlign V3.0
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Not natively.
I looked in the 3.0 zip and didn't see the app.
Best Eclair Rom in your opinion,
Cannon Complete or OpenEclair.
OpenEclair hands down lol.
I like Cannon ;D whoever gets video first wins, which will be open eclair probably though...
when is a poll not a poll
when its not a poll
can you edit OP and set as a Poll ?
about to flash 1.2.2 OE
I tend to not keep OE roms for long, I have a look see and drop, King's ROMs are much better imo.. and since CaNNon's was King based....
I was on Complete Eclair until King's Hero Eclair ( which is very nice )
but as I said flashing OE 1.2.2 , but I do read it has lots of stability problems, and isn't all that fast..... we shall see.
for the moment with a choice between OE and CE its CE easy
having said that CE 1.2 had problems ( Wifi, FB Contacts ect ) but if you read the thread I got round them quite quickly
Firerat said:
can you edit OP and set as a Poll ?
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i tried making a poll but have no idea how lol
if youd let me know how its done ill make it happen.
personally, im using CE right now with SetCPU @ 528 and its
quite quick!
Muuuuuuuuuch better than the laggy xRom build i had before.
with xRom, SetCPU would slow it down even more for some reason!
protomanez said:
I like Cannon ;D whoever gets video first wins, which will be open eclair probably though...
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same here, i havent tried openeclair yet, but i like what i see in cannon's so far, so i'm not going to really change until a major update like working video/youtube comes out
More importantly how do you remove Eclair?
I've put Cannon on my wifes and now I can't get rid of it!!
Cyanogen Nanfroid will not restore and you can't wipe and flash another rom as you get a bootloop.
Amdathlonuk said:
More importantly how do you remove Eclair?
I've put Cannon on my wifes and now I can't get rid of it!!
Cyanogen Nanfroid will not restore and you can't wipe and flash another rom as you get a bootloop.
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Did you wipe everything?
If so. Backup everything on the phone and then partition it again.
Just a safety measure
So im still on Cannons Eclair w/ SetCPU at Min:528 ; Max:528 and its running pretty smoothly.
hows everyone else running?
canon's eclair is pretty nice and smooth , i havent tried open eclair yet, but i think the next version will be promising and stable, also as i mentioned in another thread, canon and kings eclair seem to only have partially working led's as they tend to turn off when the screen is on for notifications, supposedly openeclair has fully working leds...not that that has anything to do with performance lol. but if you can mind the partial leds, canons is faster at the moment from what ive heard
Amdathlonuk said:
More importantly how do you remove Eclair?
I've put Cannon on my wifes and now I can't get rid of it!!
Cyanogen Nanfroid will not restore and you can't wipe and flash another rom as you get a bootloop.
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Need to flash the Defanged DRC83, then without rebooting flash the CM Rom you are after, as per instructions here
I swear there was an identical thread just last week o_o' Cannon has firerat's patch for 3D and video but openeclair will probably take over in the next update xD
Does one exist? I've done a lot of XDA searching and reading, and can't find one single rom that has all of these features..
I am looking for greater performance. I've gotten 3.0 MFLOPS with Linpack
I dont mind if the rom has sense or not.
Yes, I have practiced: rooted, nandroid BU, titanium backup, and have wiped and flashed multiple roms (DC, Aloysius, FreshToast, PureHero, Superhero, Darchdroid)
(I have flashed dconfig and the apps2sd on top of the roms and it undoes theming)
Should I just flash what I want on top of DC, or wait for new builds?
Looks like Buufed 2.0.1 or BlueEcho 2.1.6
Any other ideas?
40+ people looked at this... clearly they had the same question.
Most of the roms u saides u tried have all the things ur looking for purehero would be the fasest of those i'm guessing cause it's senseless and it has a2sd already in the rom and also has dconfig inculded and dd2.7 also has a2sd imcluded but it's more like the froyo a2sd as in the a2sd is controled in settings>manage apps>app name and both those are oc'ed and dd2.7 can be undercolted as well so I would try them agaim and linpack does work the best with our prosser so it will be hard to get more than 3mflops with amy rom till mayne froyo. But I have heard of giys getting around 5 with dd2.7
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Thanks, gobi. I didnt know that darchcroid had the .29 kernel
DD2.7 I was getting around 2.8 to 3.1 MFLOPS.
maybe it was A2SD in menu
The Darktremor A2SD/Apps2SD will work for just about any rom out there (if it doesn't work on a particular rom, let me know and I'll check it out). I currently run it on DarchDroid 2.7. Previously, I was running it on Buufed, Fresh, Blue Echo, modified stock rom, DamageControl, FreshToast...you can tell I switch roms a lot (have to test the program on various roms to make sure it works).
So, if you want the Darktremor Apps2SD, just pick a rom you want to use and download the 2.7 Update 3r1 or 2.7.5. Preview Fix 2.
2.7 Update 3r1: http://www.darktremor.info/files/a2sd/a2sd-2.7-update3r1-signed.zip
2.7.5 Preview Fix 2: http://www.darktremor.info/files/a2sd/dtapps2sd-2.7.5-pf2-signed.zip
DarkDroid 2.7 has the .34 kernel:
[email protected] #10
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mighty21 said:
Thanks, gobi. I didnt know that darchcroid had the .29 kernel
DD2.7 I was getting around 2.8 to 3.1 MFLOPS.
maybe it was A2SD in menu
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Oh my bad trikiton I thought it was his .29 cause he was still working on his .32 kernerl when j posted that
And if i'm running an aloyiosm based rom with dconfig is flashing ur a2sd going to break dconfig??
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
DarchDroid 2.7 for me is between 4.5 & 4.8 MFLOPS.
Hey, I want to listen to driving direction thru my bluetooth...Hero with plantronic pro any suggestions. Thanks
I too am hitting 4.5-4.8 MFLOPS on DarchDroid 2.7 with the UV/OC #15 kernel. Didn't realize it was .34 based until I read this thread. =)
The crazy thing to me is, I downloaded the Froyo build a few days ago, and I can't get above 2.5 MFLOPS with it. Was really shocking, and made it incredibly worth it to stick with DarchDroid 2.7. I'm missing the HTC phone (in-call, mainly) and contacts, but otherwise 2.7 is a dream come true!
Thanks to all of you...
Thanks, Ive found that Buufed was the smoothest.
I love the way PureHero Snowmaps looked, but in the end I think I'm going with DarchDroid.
tkirton thanks for your help.
Guys, thanks for your feedback on Darchdroid.
I cant find any info yet on the UV kernel. I look at that next.
Which version
Is there any notation on which version to use?
One for JIT, one for A2SD?
Do i flash both?
tkirton said:
The Darktremor A2SD/Apps2SD will work for just about any rom out there (if it doesn't work on a particular rom, let me know and I'll check it out). I currently run it on DarchDroid 2.7. Previously, I was running it on Buufed, Fresh, Blue Echo, modified stock rom, DamageControl, FreshToast...you can tell I switch roms a lot (have to test the program on various roms to make sure it works).
So, if you want the Darktremor Apps2SD, just pick a rom you want to use and download the 2.7 Update 3r1 or 2.7.5. Preview Fix 2.
2.7 Update 3r1: http://www.darktremor.info/files/a2sd/a2sd-2.7-update3r1-signed.zip
2.7.5 Preview Fix 2: http://www.darktremor.info/files/a2sd/dtapps2sd-2.7.5-pf2-signed.zip
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