Kaiser stucks at Bootloader, with "No image file" - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Hi there!
I have some trouble with my Kaiser. Each time I try to boot him, it stucks at Bootloader and shows me No image file. I already tried to flash another ROM, to reinstall a SPL, nothing helps. What can I do? Please explain me what to do, if there is a possibility to fix it.

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Help Me ---- Bootloader Screen Stuck

When i switch on my qtek 9100 it is stuck with boot loader. It says loading windows and stays that way.
can anyone please help me fix this problem.
how can i reset my device.
i tried to put a new rom image. but i cannot as the active sync connection is not on due to being stuck with bootloader.
CAN any one plese help me solve this issue.
aamer said:
When i switch on my qtek 9100 it is stuck with boot loader. It says loading windows and stays that way.
can anyone please help me fix this problem.
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Ok, you aren't stuck at the bootloader, you are stuck at the 3rd splash screen. To fix this you need to get to the bootloader.
Just follow this guide and you should be good.
You want to flash an official rom onto your phone at this point. Once you get it working then you can try doing a custom rom (or whatever you want).
You can also try it out this procedure if you are still feeling stuck!
Good luck!

Flashing ROM and SPL

Hello all,
first let me apologize for the long post, and my noobiness. I'm new to the smartphone world, I've sucessfully flashed my Kaiser (from work). Also, I would like to thank everyone who is cooking!
I have the HTC Mteor, which I'm trying to Flash to WM6.1.
When I got it (used), I did a hard reset, and it went back to WM5 in Russian.
I believe I successfully unlocked it, and can now get to the tri-color screen.
It reads:
Every ROM (including the original from HTC) opens, forces the phone to the tri-color screen, and then dies. Error 260, 262, etc.
I've searched the forums, and read that the SPL should be 1.10, but I can't get that to install either.
Any help/suggestions?
jjmorris100 said:
Hello all,
first let me apologize for the long post, and my noobiness. I'm new to the smartphone world, I've sucessfully flashed my Kaiser (from work). Also, I would like to thank everyone who is cooking!
I have the HTC Mteor, which I'm trying to Flash to WM6.1.
When I got it (used), I did a hard reset, and it went back to WM5 in Russian.
I believe I successfully unlocked it, and can now get to the tri-color screen.
It reads:
Every ROM (including the original from HTC) opens, forces the phone to the tri-color screen, and then dies. Error 260, 262, etc.
I've searched the forums, and read that the SPL should be 1.10, but I can't get that to install either.
Any help/suggestions?
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install this official rom from HTC
Its for RUS QTEK_AO7.
Then you will have SPL 1.10
I have similar problem
I had ROM 6.1 from Futureshock...still problem with radio (my phone couldn´t accessble but signal icon shows good signal, radio version 1.38.0000), so I decided flash some original ROM. Aftet that my booting stuck on HTC logo or Windows Mobile logo. So I can´t use normal way to flashing. Only from SD card or first turn on phone to boot loader mode and than attach usb cable and start flashing. From SD card (where is renamed ROM BREEIMG.NBH) after enter into bootloader mode start loading and than just turn to trhreecolour menu where is BREE100 - IPL-0.90 and BREE100-1.10.0000 and doesn´t want continue. If I flash ROM via USB cable (first go to threecolour mode, than attach cable) than run ROMUpdateUtility.exe and flash process is being started but always die on 2%, than autoreboot and again stuck on HTC logo.
I tried soft reset, I tried lot of ROM versions HTCRUS, HTCEUR, QTEKEUR, FUTURESHOCK but still same problem during flash ROM stop on 2%...
Any ideas how to back life to my MTeoR?
Can I use application like MTTY? Could me help this program?
Thanks for any help...
hi, can any1 send me a link for a ger version of wm6.0pro ?
Wigo said:
I had ROM 6.1 from Futureshock...still problem with radio (my phone couldn´t accessble but signal icon shows good signal, radio version 1.38.0000), so I decided flash some original ROM. Aftet that my booting stuck on HTC logo or Windows Mobile logo. So I can´t use normal way to flashing. Only from SD card or first turn on phone to boot loader mode and than attach usb cable and start flashing. From SD card (where is renamed ROM BREEIMG.NBH) after enter into bootloader mode start loading and than just turn to trhreecolour menu where is BREE100 - IPL-0.90 and BREE100-1.10.0000 and doesn´t want continue. If I flash ROM via USB cable (first go to threecolour mode, than attach cable) than run ROMUpdateUtility.exe and flash process is being started but always die on 2%, than autoreboot and again stuck on HTC logo.
I tried soft reset, I tried lot of ROM versions HTCRUS, HTCEUR, QTEKEUR, FUTURESHOCK but still same problem during flash ROM stop on 2%...
Any ideas how to back life to my MTeoR?
Can I use application like MTTY? Could me help this program?
Thanks for any help...
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I'm not sure that I understand well, but if you flash from SD, it finish in 100% and than go to three color boot screen? ....
Hi alebo caf Vašek ;-)
My problem is that always stuck on boot image HTC or Windows Mobile blue screen. I can´t use way copy necesseary files to root of phone memmory and than run sspl etc...I have to turn manualy to three-color mode, than connect USB cable and run upgrade utility but still froze instalation on 2%, If I use SD card methode with BREEIMG file uploading doesn´t start....
p.s.: Ak by si mal dáku radu tak možno lepšie vysvetliť po česky ;-). Moje ICQ 208-393-971
CZ Rom
I would like to install new ROM into my Mteor, but I have no experience doing it. I do not know which version to try, all I need is to be able to enter czech letters on HW keyboard as with original ROM. Any sugestion? I preffer personal answer in czech language ([email protected])

Stuck on 0% while flashing

Hi guys...
today i received my new Touch HD...
now i want to flash another rom...
as i can see in bootloader the preowner have installed the hardspl... 1.14.0000
but as i want to start a rom flash the progressbar get stuck on 0%....
trying to flash thru SD Flash the screen stucks on "Loading..."
can someone help me whats the problem??
If you get stuck at "loading" when you try to flash custom ROM from SD card, you probably have stock SPL.
Hi, there... i got it now with the old htc usb sync drivers for vista
and with uspl...
No problems. Welcome aboard the Blackstone train.


hi all ,
I tried to upgrade the device with new rom, and I make something wrong.
After Reset device stuck with the white screen and HTC logo in green, I tried to make HR a few times and it did not help, any creative solution?
ofer izhaki
what rom did you tried to install?
should be OK, if you can still get to the boot loader screen, you should be fine.
just try flashing a new ROM, or better, a stock ROM
Please post flashing issues in this thread
Thread closed

Rhodium Custom Rom Updater "No File Found!" [SOLVED]

Basically, I follow all directions to flash my new rom (this is my third new flash ) and when the boot loader runs, it starts to run the flashing program, but the programs just flashes "No file found!" then stays at the rgb screen.
EDIT: Solved.

