Trying to change rom from bell to verizon already for 2 weeks. May be some experts can advice. I am downloading SPL from verizon (extracted from updater) by jusmSPL or by program for S730 (spl inside it changed to verizon SPL) but when bootloader executed phone reboot and stay on power up logo. When experimenting with S730 SSpl-wing - it execute boot, switch to flash mode and show 0.91 SPL but mode - Serial and not change to USB. What i am doing wrong with verizon SPL?
I think part of the problem there is you have the phone loaded with the wrong spl. The htc libra is also known as the smt5800 htc fusion htc 5800. As far as I know there was never a spl created unlock created for this device to allow it to cross flash from one carrier to another. Now you say you actually got the spl from verizon nbh to flash onto the bell correct???
hey quick question what mem addresses are you using for jumpspl so I dont have to dump mine and go thru the work. I have a verizon spl I am gonna try soon as I get the mem address. Thanks
Any news on this phone as far as unlocking for different providers?
Can anyone of you geniuses help me?
I flashed my T-Mo MDA to 2.24 and it went horribly wrong. So I tried to restore my backed up SD image using Wizbackup which isn't "allowed". The net result is that I have IPL/SPL at version 1.01 and OS at 2.24.
But the phone will only go into bootloader and Activesync doesn't work.
I can connect through MTTY - but the "L" command gets refused.
Is this my bootloader preventing me from doing anything? How can I change it through MTTY (which seems to be my only method of communication)
Please help! The phone is a brick now.
jagroom said:
Can anyone of you geniuses help me?
I flashed my T-Mo MDA to 2.24 and it went horribly wrong. So I tried to restore my backed up SD image using Wizbackup which isn't "allowed". The net result is that I have IPL/SPL at version 1.01 and OS at 2.24.
But the phone will only go into bootloader and Activesync doesn't work.
I can connect through MTTY - but the "L" command gets refused.
Is this my bootloader preventing me from doing anything? How can I change it through MTTY (which seems to be my only method of communication)
Please help! The phone is a brick now.
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If you can get to the bootloader you're going to be just fine.
Get to the bootloader screen, connect your device, then run a 1.X version RUU installer. If you connect your device while in the 3 color bootloader screen there's no need to establish an activesync connection (which just gets killed anyway when flashing)
That will get you back to a working condition with a ROM that can be CID unlocked. (if you haven't already unlocked)
Then you should be able to flash to whichever 2.x ROM your little heart desires.
Here's a link to a 1.x Cingular ROM:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard/Roms/Cingular/Cingular_RUU_1.8.11.1.WWE.ship.exe
Post here how you gitalong.
Partial success
This is getting better...
I managed to recover the MDA by loading the Cingular ROM.
But I get Simlock and "Data crashes. Please contact your service center"
I've tried loading other T-Mobile USA versions to match my SIM card, but I can't get past this.
I also tried the SIM unlock applications, but none seem to clear this error.
What should I do now?
If you've gotten the "data crashes" error you're likely going to need to pay $40 to the boys at to get the phone properly SIM and CID unlocked.
Once that's done, you can flash any ROM you'd like to it.
You were right - it worked.
I paid the $40 for the IMEI unlock and everything is now working again.
I'm not sure why this couldn't be corrected another way - but phew!
Thanks for all the help. Greatly appreciated.
Hi all,
I'm trying to upgrade from Molski 2.26 to WM6 and now I am stuck on bootloader mode. Since I'm in bootloader mode, activesync is not seeing my device. Because of that, I can't even load any other rom images, the upgrade utility simply quits because of that. Can anyone help? Thanks.
IPL/SPL 2.26 --> G3
since your stuck in bootloader mode activesync won't be active. When you are in the bootloader screen, hook up your usb to you wizard. There look in the bottom left corner you will/should see usb displayed there. Once you can confirm that, run the RUU and flash an OFFICIAL CARRIER ROM. After that try flashing wm6 again. hope that helps you out. To find official carrier rom look in some of the stickies they should links for you.
I also have a T-Mobile MDA, and I got stuck at the bootloader screen. I tried flashing Wizard Love ROM, but it doesnt flash either. I bought the phone from ebay, and I'm not in the US. When I try to download the TMobile ROM, it asks me for a valid TMobile phone number, which I dont have.
Is there any other place where I can get the TMobile ROM to flash on the phone?
I dont get it. If you're stuck in bootloader, just connect the usb cable and run official RUU.
vlodeck said:
I dont get it. If you're stuck in bootloader, just connect the usb cable and run official RUU.
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Not being a customer of TMobile, I cant download the official ROM update from the TMobile website, cause they require a TMobile number in order to download the ROM
This should help you out <----- hope that helps you out latest t-mobile mda rom ipl/spl 2.26
I'm trying to flash my unlocked Rhodium from MicroSD. It gets through the tricolor screen, to the white screen that says "Loading..." and just stays there.
The SPL version says SPL-0.79.0000
Do I have to upgrade the SPL for this to work?
have you installed hardspl to your device?
are you trying to flash stock/shipped rom or custom roms?
read these threads first:
1. hardspl
2. flash your first rom
Mine came unlocked, so yes, it has HardSPL.
dementio said:
Mine came unlocked, so yes, it has HardSPL.
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Do you mean Sim-unlocked?
That's not Hspl.
If your TP2 has Hspl it should look like in the attached picture.
You get to the tricolor screen by shutting the phone off (hold powerbutton until promted on screen and choose shutdown) and then press and hold the volumedown button and press the powerbutton. Release both buttons when you see the tricolor screen.
If not.... Then you have to install HSPL first and then flash stock/Custom ROM.
Yes, it's hard unlocked.
Without trying to sound pissy/cocky, I've done this quite a few times with my old Kaiser, but I had it totally unlock it myself, this one came that way.
Are you using the new USB cable it came with? I had that problem and realized my old regular USB cable was not fully compatible with the TP2. Activesync worked fine with it but it won't flash for some strange reason. Then tried with newer style USB cable with no problems. opps, nevermind. sd flashing, huh... my works fine. I guess make sure its fat32 and no corrupted zip. thats all i can think of. I'm sure you already tried that though.
make sure the nbh file is RHODIMG.nbh If that fails, the zip archive is corrupted or you're still locked.
The file could be corrupted and I never actually thought of that since I haven't run into it before. I'll have to try again with a new file tomorrow.
I think you are confused as to the difference between "unlocked and Hard Spl'ed, these are two completely different things! if your phone came unlocked then that means it was SIM unlocked or not locked to a specific carrier! Hard Spl is not "unlocked" it is a passive form of Spl that allows us to flash non OEM ROM's to our devices! Go into the bootloader and look to see if your SPL version is 0.85 Olinex just to humor me! The fact your very first post in this thread says you Spl is 0.79.000 means you are in fact not Hard Spl and will need to flash Hard Spl to get any custom ROMs on your phone!
If you phone came with Hard SPL you must have bought it from someone who already put Hard SPL on your phone. No body ships phones with Hard SPL!
Check in the bootloader for the version amd if it doesn't save OliNex, you need to re-flash Hard SPL ask per the instructions.
Thread closed - please discuss ROM flashing problems in mskip's thread or Hard SPL problems in the Hard SPL thread.
While trying to root my Rogers HTC Dream I screwed the thing up and managed to flash a T-Mobile G1 ROM. In doing so, I inadvertently got rid of dangerspl, reverting to 0.95*. I found a thread here
where someone else managed to pull the same stunt. However, he was lucky enough to have a different spl on his phone that allowed him to flash a Rogers ROM. In that thread it was suggested that it might be possible to flash an RC29 ROM using a goldcard, hopefully making it possible for the phone to boot as a tmobile g1, thus making it possible to root as a g1 and re-install danger spl followed by a Rogers ROM. Unfortunately this isn't the case, because after going through the trouble of creating a goldcard and finally being able to flash the g1 ROM, the phone won't move past it's carrier logo screen. It still has the 0.95* SPL. I'm finally out of ideas here and am open to suggestions
Oh and I should probably mention that I can't connect to the phone using adb at this point either, so that's out
UPDATE: I tried placing a rogers dreaimg.nbh on the goldcard and flashing it, but the bootloader stops as soon as it starts, saying "Update Terminate UPDATE FAIL" I can only assume this has something to do with trying to flash a canadian image with the tmobile spl... I'm starting to think this thing's bricked.
weezerx said:
While trying to root my Rogers HTC Dream I screwed the thing up and managed to flash a T-Mobile G1 ROM. In doing so, I inadvertently got rid of dangerspl, reverting to 0.95*. I found a thread here
where someone else managed to pull the same stunt. However, he was lucky enough to have a different spl on his phone that allowed him to flash a Rogers ROM. In that thread it was suggested that it might be possible to flash an RC29 ROM using a goldcard, hopefully making it possible for the phone to boot as a tmobile g1, thus making it possible to root as a g1 and re-install danger spl followed by a Rogers ROM. Unfortunately this isn't the case, because after going through the trouble of creating a goldcard and finally being able to flash the g1 ROM, the phone won't move past it's carrier logo screen. It still has the 0.95* SPL. I'm finally out of ideas here and am open to suggestions
Oh and I should probably mention that I can't connect to the phone using adb at this point either, so that's out
UPDATE: I tried placing a rogers dreaimg.nbh on the goldcard and flashing it, but the bootloader stops as soon as it starts, saying "Update Terminate UPDATE FAIL" I can only assume this has something to do with trying to flash a canadian image with the tmobile spl... I'm starting to think this thing's bricked.
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If it changed your SPL and RADIO, then chances are that you already wrote an RC29 image on it. Root it as normal for RC29, update the SPL to 1.33.2003 <-- ends with a THREE. Fastboot flash radio. DO NOT flash any robbers B.S. onto it. From now on stick with proper EBI0 ROMs -- which means the majority of system images available.
Congratulations, your phone is now more compatible with everything. You are no longer stuck with EBI1 roms. This is a VERY GOOD thing -- don't throw it away.
I can't root it, though. I can't get it to boot into anything other than it's bootloader. Recovery won't work, fastboot won't work, and booting normally to the rc29 image won't work either. It just says "T-mobile G1" on the screen and can't move past that. I've looked around and couldn't find a way to change the SPL with only access to the bootloader. Can you give me an NBH that I can try to flash that might boot up allowing me to gain root access so that I CAN change the spl to what i need? Or just an NBH that would work with this phone/spl?
Phone's current state...
HBOOT 0.95*
CPLD - 4
Re flash rc29.. you will need a gold card now.. once you get rc29 to boot root as if its a T-Mobile phone.
Sometimes nbh files fail when changing partition sizes.. and 1.33.2005 allows unsigned nbh files so possible something was corrupt.
Edit: BTW to flash a non rogers nbh you needed to already have an engineering spl thus you had to be rooted.. and able to fastboot to any working configuration desired.
ezterry said:
Re flash rc29.. you will need a gold card now.. once you get rc29 to boot root as if its a T-Mobile phone.
Sometimes nbh files fail when changing partition sizes.. and 1.33.2005 allows unsigned nbh files so possible something was corrupt.
Edit: BTW to flash a non rogers nbh you needed to already have an engineering spl thus you had to be rooted.. and able to fastboot to any working configuration desired.
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Let me clarify. I tried to root the dream as per the usual method. After installing dangerspl i accidentally flashed a t-mobile nbh onto my dream. After that happened, dangerspl disappeared and i was left with the 0.95*, which won't work with any rogers rom I've tried so far, even on a goldcard. I am always left with the "Update terminate update fail" error.
I DID use a goldcard. I DID flash the t-mobile nbh (rc-29). When I turn on the phone it says TMOBILE G1 and doesn't move past that screen, and the only other way I can get it to boot is into the RGB bootloader. All I can seem to do from there is flash different nbh's with the goldcard I made, and the only one that works without giving an "Update Terminate UPDATE FAIL" error is the nbh that won't move past the t-mobile screen. Is it even possible to root the Dream as though it was a g1 if it isn't moving past that screen? What can I do?
lbcoder said:
Fastboot flash radio.
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I can't get to fastboot, it simply doesn't work. All I can do is bootloader or a t-mobile g1 screen that hangs.
Never had an issue with a clean rc29 install booting on a rogers phone.. connecting to rogers sure (making login harder) but always booted fine..
Try removing the sdcard after a re-flash of rc29 nbh, and make sure the sim is in the phone.. Otherwise I wish you luck.
Could the fact that it's a fido sim have anything to do with it? It worked fine on the dream before i even knew what rooting was, and i didnt have to change any settings or anything on the phone to get it to work, i just fired it in there. Do i need to borrow a Rogers one from somebody to get this to work?
EDIT: Just tried re-flashing rc-29 with the sim card in and no luck. tried it again, this time removing the sd card before turning on the phone, and it still just hangs at the G1 screen... ughghghghghgh
ezterry said:
Otherwise I wish you luck.
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seems to be all I'm running on I grabbed the sim out of my dad's Rogers phone and tried to boot it up yet again after re-flashing rc29 with the sim in the phone... still no luck. Still hanging at t-mobile g1... anyone have any ideas as to where I could take it to be JTAG'd? I'm stucking using a barely functional LG Neon TE365, yet another great Rogers product...
I have a Bell Mobility HD7 but it's stuck thinking it's a Telstra HD7 T9296 rather than a Bell HD7 T9295...
Because of this, I believe, I haven't received an update from Bell for the "disappearing keyboard" thing.
Any idea how I can make it a "fully bell" rom? Do I need to do the "GoldCard" method?
sounds like you are running a custom rom. Is the spl an hspl or original spl (the tricolor screen seen when booting with vol-and power at the same time)? It should say the SPL v1.x.x or whatever version of it is the ospl, meaning the rom is stock and can only be flashed with another stock (i.e. Signed) rom, although for this you shouldn't need gold card, any rom updater should be able to flash provided it is a signed rom you try to flash. You will need to find the rom that came with your device originally, and the rom update package, should be easily available here though. If your SPL screen says HSPL Cortulla then you have a custom spl and can flash any rom you like if it is compatible, i.e. custom roms. That is as much as i can help you there, all the info is in the q&a stickies
Good luck with the hd7, i found it a pain in my
(just stay away from the schudiag.img utility!)
Yeah, it's actually a legitimate signed ROM. If I try to flash a BellMo RUU it fails. One of Ansar's ROMs changed my device id and whatnot. So strange.
For some reason, some ROMs flash over others better..when I half-bricked my HD7 into a USB host bootloop, the only ROM that would take it out was an O2 UK signed ROM, and the phone is TMOBUS all the way..once I got 02 to work, then it seemed the ROMs that were failing previously suddenly worked..strange, I didn't investigate to determine a cause or way of deciding which one goes on top of which- I just flashed with trial and error since my phone was already half-bricked and useless already
By the way did you try to install a HSPL via the DFT XSPL installer? I would try and see if it would install the HSPL then try to flash another signed (or custom) ROM on top, that should fix the problem..