I am in the UK. I wanted to root my G1 so I did the 1Click Root method. I had no problem at all except that I didn't get internal root only the external root needed for updating the Rom.
When I updated my Recovery with Rav.1.2.0g it gave me an excellent menu (that also helps with SD Partition) that was overwritten. I again updated the revovery wit Rav.1.2.1g and that to has been over written with the standard recovery. Perhaps I should have wiped first?
A few points that might help. I used quick format and the Dreaimg was not high case and there was no problem. The main problem I see is finding an RC7 or RC29 image that is not corrupted possibly during download.
I am unable to run apps that require root so how do I now get internal root. I am happy to go through the 1Click method as it is so good and easy.
Isn't Ra's recovery image for Magic 32A's? If so, you need to 1-click root again and keep your Cyanogen 1.4 recovery image, as that's what gives you good root.
Please this in the correct area(Q&A).
prettyboy85712 said:
Please this in the correct area(Q&A).
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Ra's recovery does work on the g1, I believe it is meant for the 32b's like the mytouch. Anyways....did you flash to a custom rom, if not than the stock update or roms will cause you to lose root by putting the security back on and rewriting the stock recovery. If you are on a modded rom, you should have superuser, to check if you have root go into terminal and type su, if it says permission denied than you don't have root, if you get a # than you do
Permission Denied
gridlock32404 said:
Ra's recovery does work on the g1, I believe it is meant for the 32b's like the mytouch. Anyways....did you flash to a custom rom, if not than the stock update or roms will cause you to lose root by putting the security back on and rewriting the stock recovery. If you are on a modded rom, you should have superuser, to check if you have root go into terminal and type su, if it says permission denied than you don't have root, if you get a # than you do
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As I recall after doing the 1Click method I did check su and its was permission denied. That was why I did not update the Rom until I found out more about internal and external root. I did try the SuperUser app but it would not work on a non rooted G1.
As for the Rav Recovery image. Part of the unlockr 1Click states to ignore the recovery image supplied and use the Rav one as it is compatable with future updates.
My problem now then is how to back up what is on the phone?
Follow the guide in my sig for one click root ,if you have a g1/dream.
I have never used the one click but what what I hear, it does somehow overwrite the security so after you use it than go right into recovery and flash a custom rom right than and there or you will lose root<just my understanding from what I read and what I do know already> so reuse the recovery flasher again, make sure you got a rom ready to go and give it another shot, I would keep cyan's recovery or al least put it back on after you use ra's just so you have a terminal to cover your ass
I downloaded the mistakenly flashed android 1.6 recovery image while trying to flash Cyanogen 4.1.999 . And I lost my root . Now I am unable to root my G1 by 1-click rooting process. When I run recovery Flasher, both the i am not able to backup the recovery image and install the new recovery image. Is there any way to root it.
I did a similar thing. You lost your recovery image, yes? I used downgrade-firmware method... DREAIMG.NBH+g1 root in a google search should get you started...or search the forums here sucks you got to start from scratch tho...there may be a way to downgrade to doughnut and try running the 1-click root app to restore a custom recovery image?
That means i need to downgrade to android 1.5 before being able to run Recovery Flasher.
Find a tutorial on the non 1 click root method and reflash a custom recovery image via the rc29 exploit...the power of google is in ur hands or at ur fingertips.
Look through the q&a's there is a pretty straight forward tutorial that gets you back to a rooted state.
you dont need to reroot your phone. look at the last few posts i made in the cyan 4.1.999 installation support thread in this section. it should get you where you need to go. if you need help, post there or pm me
ok I lost root access some how flashing the update.
What i did was i flash the ere27 I downloaded from rom manager and then applied it through the gui and then flashed the froyo update through recovery.
I have froyo now but I lost my root along with custom recovery. How do I get my root back?
I tried to flash RA recovery and i get an error saying can not load. I'm lost and have no more ideas as to how to gain root.
MFK DGAF said:
ok I lost root access some how flashing the update.
What i did was i flash the ere27 I downloaded from rom manager and then applied it through the gui and then flashed the froyo update through recovery.
I have froyo now but I lost my root along with custom recovery. How do I get my root back?
I tried to flash RA recovery and i get an error saying can not load. I'm lost and have no more ideas as to how to gain root.
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why don't you just start over, from the superboot blah blah blah. should only take 20minutes from scratch
which superboot do i use? sorry i've never used superboot before.
MFK DGAF said:
ok I lost root access some how flashing the update.
What i did was i flash the ere27 I downloaded from rom manager and then applied it through the gui and then flashed the froyo update through recovery.
I have froyo now but I lost my root along with custom recovery. How do I get my root back?
I tried to flash RA recovery and i get an error saying can not load. I'm lost and have no more ideas as to how to gain root.
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Here is Modaco's 2.2, u will not loose Root (once u get it back ). http://android.modaco.com/content/g...o-com/309299/how-to-upgrade-your-n1-to-froyo/
Same issues
MFK DGAF said:
ok I lost root access some how flashing the update.
What i did was i flash the ere27 I downloaded from rom manager and then applied it through the gui and then flashed the froyo update through recovery.
I have froyo now but I lost my root along with custom recovery. How do I get my root back?
I tried to flash RA recovery and i get an error saying can not load. I'm lost and have no more ideas as to how to gain root.
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Im having the same problem.. I've re flashed & rooted my phone from superboot in the process I've seen strange things happen.. Like home key not functioning & power button.. LOL.. I don't even have a recovery image once i upgrade to 2.2... the first time i installed 2.2 using Cyanogen advice everything went flawlessly I was even able to flash his kernel mod to get super user permission... Steps took: Rom manger used to flash ere27 and then stock 2.2.. I dam near bricked my phone making changes to my build.props to enable viewing of protected apps... Now I'm stuck on stock froyo with an outdated slow market place version 1.82
OK, im losing it. I have a FRF91 Bootloader unlocked N1. I am trying to install the RA Recovery, so i can root. Everytime i have used ADB and installed RA recovery, i get the completed message, but when i attempt to run the recovery, i get stuck with the android and the !.
Will the RA Recovery that worked for EPE34B work with FRF91? Or is there another recovery version?
same issue, so I suspect its a fix somewhere on the forums. I shall go look and will post back here if I find something
EDIT: Its a rooted FRF91 found here. Appears to give root then RA should work. I'm trying it to see for myself...
Direct download: http://www.multiupload.com/L69XPNYDWP
thread: http://htcpedia.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3033
EDIT EDIT: Dont work if your already on FRF91. Nevermind then....we must wait for a Superboot to be released.
Use this, it should give you root back. Shouldn't matter what version of Froyo you are on.
Markdental said:
Use this, it should give you root back. Shouldn't matter what version of Froyo you are on.
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The very last sentence on that post...
cyanogen said:
You need to reflash your recovery with Clockwork or Amon first if you installed from the OTA.
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..my problem is that i cannot install Amon over my stock FRF91 ROM. That is the first step for root, and yet i cannot do it.
Are you flashing the recovery, then rebooting? Try it without rebooting.
When I did this last night with FRF91, I noticed that after flashing the stock recovery would return if I rebooted before actually running the Amon RA recovery I had just flashed.
You have to delete/rename 2 files in /system to stop the phone reverting to stock recovery. They are install-recovery.sh and recovery-from-boot.p
I have been trying to update my rooted 2.2 FRF50 to FRF91 for a day noe and all I get is error messages
E: not verified files
I just got an OTA and it's doing the same and stuck at RA recovery with same message. I reboot and still on FRF50. Any ideas?
Nexus One using XDA App
Oh for the love of jeebus, not again. You want OTA, lose the custom recovery.
Rusty! said:
You have to delete/rename 2 files in /system to stop the phone reverting to stock recovery. They are install-recovery.sh and recovery-from-boot.p
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that might be pretty handy come the next OTA update. So as long as i remove the .sh and .p the phone shouldnt be able to find them to apply them when i reboot. Perfect.
..this should be somewhere in the stickies..
OK friends, I will pass the favor to others for current information. I've been all over the forums looking for the safest way to root the FRF91. The problem is, the pages with some instructions have dead links to files and missing information about recovery. The stickies are gone or are showing how to root older roms only. The information is partly available in multiple places only. There are people searching and still confused on the correct procedure to root with or without an unlocked bootloader. I for one, am not sure when to use a recovery file or if any is needed. If some veteran or experienced user can finally post accurate and complete instructions on the exact procedure to root the FRF91 rom, others will be eternally grateful.
1) Please explain how to root FRF91 (aware 91 has to be downgraded).
2) If a recovery rom is needed.
3) How to downgrade to an earlier rom for root access.
4) How to upgrade back to FRF91 (or custom rom).
Yes, this question has been asked a number of times and most of these posts are passed over and ignored. People want to know and will keep asking because there are not clear instructions on rooting or recovery for this latest rom.
Thanks for your time.
1) Wait for [email protected] modaco to update his superboot.
2) Use that.
1) Flash AmonRA recovery using adb/fastboot.
2) When flash is done, reboot into recovery using fastboot, or pull the battery when it's done being written (but NOT before!!!!) and reboot into recovery with the trackball+power combo. If you boot normally without root, it will overwrite the recovery with the default one.
3) From within AmonRA, flash a rooted ROM using .zip file.
what i did is installed a clean 2.1
Then i just let the OTA do its job.
Installed OTA
downloaded Root Access via LINK
Flashed it in Amon Ra
If you allready have un-rooted FRF91 just use the link.
Which clean 2.1 are you referring to? Please post a link.
Can I downloaded Root Access via the "LINK" only without downgrading to 2.1 and flash Amon Ra Recovery if FRF91 is already OTA installed?
1) Please explain how to root FRF91 (aware 91 has to be downgraded).
To downgrade to get root:
2) If a recovery rom is needed.
Custom recovery rom is not necessary to root, only to flash custom ROM
3) How to downgrade to an earlier rom for root access.
See #1
4) How to upgrade back to FRF91 (or custom rom).
Go here and pick a rom that based on FRF91 Froyo. Cyanogen Beta is out, as well as Enomther's Official Rom 2.9.2
A couple of months ago I rooted my N1 FRF91 with Universal Androot. Later I flashed psfMod (based on CMW) custom recovery using flash_image recovery.
Now I don't have any use for custom recovery or a rooted device anymore, and want to get back on track to be prepared OTA 2.3.
I have received notifications for 2.2.1 OTA (2-part update), but the device just locks up during the upgrade and gets back to rooted 2.2 after a reboot.
So how do I apply the 2.2.1 update? Could I just flash the original recovery with flash_image (and what file should I get in that case), unroot with androot and just use the OTA? Or is there any better/easier way?
The question feels kinda nooby, but the only guides I find is to get back to shipping conditions (Which I don't want to keep my settings and so on),using fastboot which I can't since my bootloader still is locked or assumed that you are using a custom ROM which I don't.
Thanks for your help!
There is no need to get rid of a custom recovery or root to apply those updates. This has been covered in many threads.
This is what I would do. Use flash_image to flash Amon_RA 1.9.0 recovery. Then download the update (make sure you download the correct one: there is one that is FRG83D from FRF91, which is what you will need if you are running FRF91)and save it to the root of your sdcard. Then boot into recovery, and flash the update. (You will lose root and your custom recovery, but just root again if you want.) That covers part 2 of 2 of the update.
If you want to flash the first part, dowload the HBOOT 0.35 update file (floating around the forums) and place it in the root of your sdcard. Boot into recovery and flash that. You may have problems flashing certain custom recoveries after you flash the 0.35 HBOOT.
Thanks for your reply. If I follow your steps, the 2.3 OTA will work when it eventually comes?
F-Forward said:
Thanks for your reply. If I follow your steps, the 2.3 OTA will work when it eventually comes?
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If you keep a custom recovery, you will still get the notification, but you will have to manually apply it. If you keep the stock recovery, it should be able to apply it automatically. No word yet on if the newer HBOOT is a requirement for 2.3 or not.