Unlock code reader for HTC TyTN II / Kaiser - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Noctua Tech team presents software unlock code reader which allows you to easily SIM unlock HTC Kaiser (HTC TyTN II P4550 / T-Mobile MDA Vario III / Vodafone VPA Compact V / AT&T Tilt 8925 / HTC Tilt 8900 / Vodafone v1615 / O2 XDA Stellar / HTC Kaiser):
Get the phone unlock code in just 3 simple steps:
Connect the phone to your computer using the USB sync cable
Launch HTC Multi Unlocker
See the unlock code for your HTC phone appear on the screen!
All codes are 100% correct for all networks and countries, code is read from the phone itself, no wrong codes are generated.
HTC Multi Unlocker will only display the phone's SIM unlock code, allowing you to use the phone with any GSM operator's SIM card.
This software does not perform CID-unlock or Security-unlock, this is done on purpose for those who want to remove the simlock, netlock and service provider lock restrictions and still keep the phone's warranty intact (it doesn't flash a radio, or SPL... nothing is modified on the phone).
How to get the unlock software?
* People who has donated 30 EUR to XDA-Developers can request a FREE unlock by sending your phone's IMEI via PM. (You must have at least 3
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above your name.)​* Everyone else, can purchase the software here: sim-unlocker.com (instant download after payment is completed)​


Help me with Simlock on Kaiser

Hello, ik bought a HTC tyn2 from someone in the netherlands, he said it was simlock free but when i got it it askes me a unlockcode, dont know if it is a simlock or cidlock. tried the internet and founf several treads but i think i am not smarted enough,
1é tried simunlockerV2 dind't worked
2é tried to hardspl but can't find jumpspl wich i need first......
3é payed 5euro's on a website for an unlock tool for PDA , but that keeps on putting points on the screen an nothing happens(+-30min).
i have contacted the seller and i can send it beck because with him it was unlocked, is it possible that ik workes in holland and not in belgium...
it don't know what to do next
I think your next step is to put this,
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to your temple and pull trigger.
@Kimtyson, bit harsh.
Search this forum for what you need. Theres a search button up at the top, Search for Kaiser SIMUnlock and see what happens, if you can't find JumpSPL, I bet if you put it in the search box it will be in the first page of results.
Maybe the phone is asking for the owners security code and not the carrier's sim restriction code...
You could try asking the guy from whom you bought the phone what code he was using for security...
I could be wrong just a thought and i am prety sure its better than the trigger option .. Funny Though
make sure you start w/ version wm6.1 or it wont work..
this is foolproof.
directions are simple,
if it doesnt work, be patient and try again
edit :: someone sez he started w/ wm6.0
perfect , that just means i wasted time finding and flashing generic 6.1
for nothing.. no biggie

Unlock code reader for HTC Touch Diamond

Noctua Tech team presents software unlock code reader which allows you to easily SIM unlock HTC Diamond (Dopod S900 / T-Mobile MDA Compact IV / O2 Xda Ignito / O2 XDA Diamond / ERA MDA Compact IV / HTC P3700 / HTC P3701 / HTC P3702 / Orange Touch Diamond / Vodafone Touch Diamond):
Get the phone unlock code in just 3 simple steps:
Connect the phone to your computer using the USB sync cable
Launch HTC Multi Unlocker
See the unlock code for your HTC phone appear on the screen!
All codes are 100% correct for all networks and countries, code is read from the phone itself, no wrong codes are generated.
HTC Multi Unlocker will only display the phone's SIM unlock code, allowing you to use the phone with any GSM operator's SIM card.
This software does not perform CID-unlock or Security-unlock, this is done on purpose for those who want to remove the simlock, netlock and service provider lock restrictions and still keep the phone's warranty intact (it doesn't flash a radio, or SPL... nothing is modified on the phone).
How to get the unlock software?
* People who has donated 30 EUR to XDA-Developers can request a FREE unlock by sending your phone's IMEI via PM. (You must have at least 3
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above your name.)​* Everyone else, can purchase the software here: sim-unlocker.com (instant download after payment is completed)​

Unlock code reader for HTC S730 / Wings

Noctua Tech team presents software unlock code reader which allows you to easily SIM unlock HTC Wings (HTC S730 / O2 XDA Atmos / HTC Volans / HTC Wings 730):
Get the phone unlock code in just 3 simple steps:
Connect the phone to your computer using the USB sync cable
Launch HTC Multi Unlocker
See the unlock code for your HTC phone appear on the screen!
All codes are 100% correct for all networks and countries, code is read from the phone itself, no wrong codes are generated.
HTC Multi Unlocker will only display the phone's SIM unlock code, allowing you to use the phone with any GSM operator's SIM card.
This software does not perform CID-unlock or Security-unlock, this is done on purpose for those who want to remove the simlock, netlock and service provider lock restrictions and still keep the phone's warranty intact (it doesn't flash a radio, or SPL... nothing is modified on the phone).
How to get the unlock software?
* People who has donated 30 EUR to XDA-Developers can request a FREE unlock by sending your phone's IMEI via PM. (You must have at least 3
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above your name.)​* Everyone else, can purchase the software here: sim-unlocker.com (instant download after payment is completed)​

Atmos, S730 have GPS ?

can someone please clarify for me as to which of these HTC models have in-built GPS ?
my web searches (at Gsmarena.com & Pdadb.net)
indicate that the S730 does have GPS chip, but that the Atmos/Wings does not,
yet many adverts on ebay etc state HTC S730 aka Atmos !
just bumping this as I'm surprised that in over 90 viewings,
no-one has been able to offer a quick answer.
some apps recognize a gps integrated
but it DOES NOT WORK (on my wings)
there are some oldie threads about the gps and the possibility to activate it.. search for them...
wings, as the HTC specs says do not have GPS (only eralyer promo model have it)
specifications on HTC page
Comparison Table [4] | SoftBank X03HT | O2 XDA Atmos | HTC S730 US | HTC S730 on PDADB
many thanks for that - I will avoid s730 models then ....
I actually had tried to search the 'wings' forum on the phrase 'GPS'
and, believe it or not, get no hits ! .... even though my own posting includes it.
My Wings
I finish The New Home screen.My Gps is Work.
I will try to build a english rom if i have time.
BTW,Show my wings to you
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Ccwav, please, if you're going to do your ROM in English, as a tester of it I suggest the following changes by priority:
1. Bluetooth Manager
2. The folder with the Tweaks of Menu etc... I somehow changed some options and my home screen is not the same, is kinda ugly now
Thnx in advance.

[Q] Change default search provider - Lumia 635

Hi guys,
I've recently purchased a Lumia 635 from Vodafone (UK) as I was interested on giving the WP platform a try.
I've been using Android since the HTC Magic was released, and I'm fairly competent at rooting and flashing devices on that OS.
I've got a few teething problems with my 635 which are mostly app related, but my main gripe is that I can't seem to change the default search provider to Google in Internet Explorer.
I've had a look on the web, and it appears on some devices that going to 'settings' > 'advanced settings' has an option to change from Bing to Google.
I don't have that option, and was wondering if it was due to carrier restrictions? The phone is branded with a Vodafone splash screen, and I've had experience with them making OS level changes on other android devices.
Basically, I was wondering if flashing a stock (non-branded) firmware would restore the option to change the search provider in IE, or is the restriction implemented across all versions of the OS now?
I can confirm that my German unlocked device has this option.
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Maybe flashing could help? Maybe someone with more experience than me can help. I'm quite new to windows phone. ? sorry.
sent from my Nokia Lumia 930
Change from Bing to Google
To make default search provider Google, you should go to settings->region and Country/Region option change to Uzbekistan. I have done this trick with both WP8.1 Lumia 925 and 928.
BigTi said:
To make default search provider Google, you should go to settings->region and Country/Region option change to Uzbekistan. I have done this trick with both WP8.1 Lumia 925 and 928.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That didn't work.

