Rooting CRC37 (DREA110) - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys,
I'm feeling stupid asking this but i have a new G1 now, the old one went to pieces, after i've dropped it from the 10th floor.
It is saying that is CRC37
Firmware version = 1.5
Baseband version = 62.505.20.17U_2.22.19.26I
kernel version = 2.6.27-00393-g6607056 [email protected] #1
DREA110 - PVT32B - CPLD-4
What i have tried:
1. Downloaded to the formated |FAT32| SD:
recovery-RA-magic-v1.2.3H.img (EU)
2. Used ASTRO to install the APK file.
-> Run the program.
3. BackUp current recovery.
4. Type "/sdcard/recovery-RA-magic-v1.2.3H.img" into the text box.
-> Click "Flash Custom Recovery Image"
When Booting pressed HOME+POWER - Stuck at G1 screen for 30 minutes.
Removed battery .... restarted phone
Same CRC37 - nothing happened
followed these steps:
Now open up terminal and type
cd /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/
You will find a directory mmc1:XXXX which are random numbers of some sort
cd /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:XXXX
cat cid > /sdcard/cid.txt
The last line i do becuse USB is easy. Other people have found that just type; cat cid and then press the menu button and just email the terminal data to yourself :O.
Now that should have created a text file that you can now read of your SD card via the usb link.
Reverse the hex code like this and then zero the frist byte? (myne is below, it should be different for you.)
This is the string i got off the cid.txt file
03 53 44 53 55 30 31 47 80 30 ac a5 2b 00 91 ee
second row is all the bytes in reverse order. See the ee at the end is now the ee at the start and the 91 second from the end is now the second at the start.
ee 91 00 2b a5 ac 30 80 47 31 30 55 53 44 53 03
Finally zero the first byte which myne was ee now is 00
00 91 00 2b a5 ac 30 80 47 31 30 55 53 44 53 03
Go here to generate your goldcard
Just enter your cid and emailaddress, press the button "Continue" and
WAIT, only press Continue one time. It will then generate the goldcard and send it via Email.
Go grab HxD from
Follow the details in this post.
Which are
- format sd card to fat32
- download HxD Hex Editor and install
- open program and go to "extra" and then "open disk"
- choose physical disk and then the removable disk. that is the same as your memory card. I've you don`t know with one it is. just remove the card and restart the program and you will see witch one is disappeared.
- uncheck open as readonly !!!!!!!
- go to "extra" again and the open disk image.
- open the goldcard.img witch you have created from Viper BJK website.
- press ok (512 is fine) en then "select all" and "copy"
- go to the removable disk tab and select offset 00000000 till offset 00000170 go to "edit" and then past write.
- save it
- now copy dreaming.nbh to the root off your memorycard.
- turn of your phone and restart by holding the camera and the power button.
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Still same result - Not Allow ...
Tried with a few cards - 2 x 1GB Adata, 1x512MB Nokia, 2x2GB Sandisk, and 1x1GB Lexar.
What can i do ... what i'm doing wrong - ?
(ofcourse i press the right buttons). )

Help please ...

Erm, I have no idea what your talking about, lol, but if your just trying to root your G1, just start over and follow this;
Idk if your trying to do something special? If not, that guide should work perfectly for you.

The thing is that i receive a "Not Allow" at line 3 step 1 from the above guide.
Powering up G1 - holding camera button - Loading - Not Allow
Then Tricolor screen - Serial0
I think that the SPL is the problem. But i can't flash it - at least i don't know how ... or if that is possible ... Or maybe the BootLoader or FPL if something like this exists
Anyway ... thank you but i don't know what can i do ... for now i will use the soft i have without root ... maybe in time there will be an answer ...


[SOLVED] 9 times of 10 I get tricolor at boot :s

A KAIS130 with original ROM was charging (with an charger from ebay but I use it already for months now). Now this morning I looked to my phone and i get a with 1 sec "image file not found" then the normal tricolor screen with the versions on it.
But if I boot many times i get lucky and it go to the normal OS.
This is my work phone, so I need to trust on it, when it hangs it need to boot like normaly.
Now i tryed MTTY but it does'nt seem to work (vista?)
Please help.. I could use paypal
thx to an very old PC that i found in the junk (lol) at my house with XP on it.
for other people.. download MTTY 1.42
and do the following:
1) Kill activesync processes: Ctrl+Shift+Esc in Windows to bring up Task Manager. Kill wcescomm.exe and WCESMgr.exe (by selecting the task on the processes tab, and clicking the End Process button below)
2) Phone needs to be POWER + Record + Pen Reset and on Serial/USB screen. COnnect it to the PC, and it should show USB, with the backlight remaining off.
3a) Run mtty1.42.exe. (or the attached mtty application)
b) Select USB from first list (where COM1 is displayed. Don't press USB button). If USB (or a list item containing USB) isn't in the list, then you have't connected to the PC properly.
(Leave default parameters: 8 bits / Flow Control NONE / Stop bits 1 / Parity None / Local Echo No)
c) Click OK
3) Run following commands:
[press enter first to get USB> prompt]
5. type "set 14 0" without the quotes to tell bootloader to boot the OS after reset.
USB>set 14 0
6. type "task 28 55aa" to get your device formatted
USB>task 28
7. type "task 0" to ask your device reboot
USB>task 0
after then I never had the tricolor again and did not need to do a hard reset.. did NOT lost anything that was on my phone.

Problem on rooting my G1- RC9

I bought it from Germany, and the verison is RC9
I had tried to follow the How to guide from this forum, but i receive the following message after enter to the rainbow screen
1. Serial0
2. 0020288 and Not allowed
I have also try to load in RC7, RC8, and even RC 29, same result. Is it the MicroSD card issue? i am using the one it bundled, formatted it as FAT32..but just by passed that grey screen
I appericated with any comments or suggestion from any of you
sorry, i mean i could NOT by passed that grey screen...
please help...
jsonseven said:
sorry, i mean i could NOT by passed that grey screen...
please help...
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2 things I would check. Make sure the files downloaded properly (check the md5) and double check that the card is formated to Fat32.
my card is formatted as Fat32, and the file Md5 is (2F02DD9A3B7C7F2FE058047B9C7A0245)
does it look ok to you
Thanks for you reply
More info: my G1 is
Firmware = 1.1
Baseband version =
Kernel version = 2.6.25-01845-g85d4f0d [email protected] #27
Build number = TMI-RC9 128600
Please help... thanks
jsonseven said:
my card is formatted as Fat32, and the file Md5 is (2F02DD9A3B7C7F2FE058047B9C7A0245)
does it look ok to you
Thanks for you reply
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looks like your MD5 hash there is the leaked .nhb file used for the UK version to get root.
are you placing the WHOLE .zip on the memory card or just the .nhb file (which I belive it should just be the .nhb file like it is for the US version)
so you got the whole card set to FAT32 which is good
then you placed the .NHB file into the ROOT of the memory card (no folders)
You held down the camera + Power buttons and got into the bootloader
-Did you see the rainbow screen?
-Did you see the grey screen that said "press action key to start update" ( action key is the trackball)
and after it updates .. if it did or does go that far (it will say ok next to each line and completed) the you reboot the phone by pressing the Send + End + menu keys at the same time to reboot the phone from that grey screen.
NOTE: this is for the US version .. I am not really sure if this applies the same for the UK version ...
ALSO I found this for the UK version .. its a little different for the key presses .. not sure if they are right but here they are
1.Copy image file DREAIMG.nbh to the SD card
2.Turn the device power off and insert SD card
3.Hold Camera button, and press Power button to entry Boot loader mode
4.Press Power button to start upgrade procedure (the US version is the trackball as action key .. not sure if it makes a difference)
5.After it finishes, press the trackball and perform a soft reset by pressing "Call" + "Menu" + "End" to reboot. (not sure why you hit the trackball the US version doesnt require that .. just the Send+End+menu to reboot)
THEN the rest that you need to follow after it flashes (if you get that far) is all on this link here
steps are from that site
1.Restart your phone
2.At your phones desktop hit the <enter> key twice and then type "telnetd" and press <enter> again
3.Download an Android Telnet client and connect to localhost. If you are unable to connect, try steps 1 and 2 over again until you can. now have root!
intersetingly ... this method there is no recovery image or spl to download anywhere in this like there is in the US version ... may just the differences between the two phones BUT if you really wanted to compare or take a look at the US version to decide for yourself then go here:
hope that something in here helps ya
<My answer in blanket>
are you placing the WHOLE .zip on the memory card or just the .nhb file
(I unzip it, and put the .nhb file into the ROOT of SD)
You held down the camera + Power buttons and got into the bootloader
-Did you see the rainbow screen?
-Did you see the grey screen
(Yes, but after "Checking", i received a error message say, "0200230 Not allowed" message)
Hope it help, Thanks brilliant
OOOOOOOH... try this:
Thanks for your reply
I had tried that too, but stuck at 4. Select Dream from the list of devices, Click "Get SD Card Serial from WINCE Device"
the program close after i click on the "Get SD ..." button
I tried to do it inside G1, and also card reader..
by the way, my SD card is manufactured by Kingmax
jsonseven said:
Thanks for your reply
I had tried that too, but stuck at 4. Select Dream from the list of devices, Click "Get SD Card Serial from WINCE Device"
the program close after i click on the "Get SD ..." button
I tried to do it inside G1, and also card reader..
by the way, my SD card is manufactured by Kingmax
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I'd love to help here, but I have no experience with that method. I would try searching that thread to see if anyone else has that same problem. If you can't find anything there, start a new thread here describing your problem in the title (it will attract people who have an idea or know the answer).
How to check my SD card's CID? i just cant run the Qmat...
Okay pardon the bad formatting, I copied this from a site I googled and saved it as a html file. Basically you get your device rooted without Qmat or any WinCE device:
1. insert Transcend 8GB sd card into G1 (sandisk may not work. Lower capacities will work and may even be better. Other makes will also work)
2. download Terminal Emulator from the market and open it on G1
3. type “cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid” (without the quotes), and keep the code given (something like 1c5356555344202010041c71f0008c5e)
4. Reverse the code byte-wise ( my 1c 53 56 55 53 44 20 20 10 04 1c 71 f0 00 8c 5e became 5e8c00f0711c0410202044535556531c)
5. Overwrite first two digits with 00s: 008c00f0711c0410202044535556531c
6. On your pc browser, go to, paste your code and email address and hit continue (while thinking “thank you viperbjk” or donating some money)
7. format sd card to fat32 (may be good to rewrite partition table)
8. download RC7 from and extract
9. download goldcard from your email address (goldcard.img, less than 440 bytes)
10. copy DREAIMG.nbh to SD card (CASE sensitive! Filename very important)
11. unmount /dev/sdb1
12. type in terminal: “sudo dd if=goldcard.img of=/dev/sdd” (result: 0+1 records in, 0+1 records out, 384 bytes (384 B) copied) (assuming your sd is in /dev/sdd)
13. pull out sd card (now goldcard!) and insert into g1
14. hold camera button and press power button once
15. wait until the bootloader finds the rom and push power button when prompted. (if you do not see this instruction, you have done something wrong)
16. Continue with flashing recovery, HardSPL, RC8 etc...
If you do it exactly according to the steps listed, you should get your device rooted. I know mine worked
EDIT: Bleh, formatting was so bad, I had to fix it. Anyway, once you've done rooting, you should look for ways to change your keyboard layout. The German QWERTZ drove me nuts so I remapped mine to good ol' QWERTY
How to write the raw sectors without having Cygwin or a Linux device:
- download HxD Hex Editor and install
- open program and go to "extra" and then "open disk"
- choose physical disk and then the removable disk. that is the same as your memory card. I've you don`t know with one it is. just remove the card and restart the program and you will see witch one is disappeared.
- uncheck open as readonly !!!!!!!
- go to "extra" again and the open disk image.
- open the goldcard.img witch you have created from Viper BJK website.
- press ok (512 is fine) en then "select all" and "copy"
- go to the removable disk tab and select offset 00000000 till offset 00000170 go to "edit" and then past write.
- save it
You can't create the HTC GoldCard with your G1 or with a card reader. You need a phone running Windows Mobile (WindowsCE). It's the only thing (that I know of) that can write the goldcard.img to the correct RAW sectors.
torturedsoul802 said:
You can't create the HTC GoldCard with your G1 or with a card reader. You need a phone running Windows Mobile (WindowsCE). It's the only thing (that I know of) that can write the goldcard.img to the correct RAW sectors.
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You can actually. The process has been documented on the forums but it's in the middle of one of the threads linked earlier. Or you can just follow the guide I posted above. That'll guide you through the entire goldcard creation process.
It works, I did it for my German continental G1. Though there are reports that some Sandisk cards report wrong CID numbers. Mine gave the right one
EDIT: There's a way to write the raw sectors without using Cygwin (for sudo if you don't have a Linux box). If I recall correctly, I used HxD to perform that process. Might be wrong, I'll have to check when I get back home.
Thank you all contributor,, finally i am in RC 7 now.. Thanks soooo much
jsonseven said:
Thank you all contributor,, finally i am in RC 7 now.. Thanks soooo much
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so after all this help ... you could at least tell us what you did to root it... so others can find the answer if they have your problem
sure, will do it after home, thanks all.

How to change MAC address in Diamond ?

Hi, if this subject was here before ...... sorry , but i had a problem to find something like this here in this forum.
Is there any way to change MAC address of my wifi card ?
It can be temporary, maybe some registry changes ,or a program ?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks, but this link was not clear enough (maybe i'm stupid ?) .
Is there any chance to do a program to change this MAC (temporary of course)?
Many people here could use it.
Could donate for fully working program.
used MTTY 1.4 maybe you can change your MAC address
make sure your useing a Cracked SPL
1. enter Tri-color screen connect your PPC with USB
2. in the port list of MTTY Choose USB and click OK
3. then you will to the Cmdline press Enter there will be CMD>
4. type : emapiwlanmac 01 02 03 04 05 06 (DO NOT COPY AND PASTE YOU MUST TYPE IT,PASTE IT WILL NOT WORK)
Hope this can help you ,my english not very well
This is word on C730

Sim Unlock Guide [Desire C]

"This Shouldnt Do Any Damage To Your Device However You Always Run The Risk Of Bricking It...
Always Back It Up!"[/QUOTE]
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[B]Please Make Sure You Are As Follows;
- Bootloader Unlocked
- CUSTOM Sense Rom Installed (Deodexed Rom)
- [URL=""]Busybox Free Installed From Play Store[/URL][/B]
Required Files In Attached Area.
1. Download the files below at the bottom of the post. Also ensure that you have completed a "Smart Install" in Busybox.
2. Once done… Open up the files and extract them into a folder… Hold Shift & Right Click to open a CMD Prompt from the folder location.
3a. You have 2 options here.… Look at the simunlock.txt file and follow those steps otherwise do as follows. Make sure you have the HTC drivers installed and type as below;
- ADB Shell
And you should get something similar to the below;
Type SU and look for the SU prompt on your device. Remember to have Busybox installed. After this youll get the same as above again.
Type “strings -n 8 /dev/block/mmcblk0p7” and then you should get various bits of info such as your IMEI, CID etc. as shown below;
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Your looking for the code around by the IMEI which is 8 digits long. This code isn’t like 00001111, it is a selection of numbers.
4. Then take note of this code and turn off your device.
5. Insert a SIM card into the device and type in the unlock code. It should either reboot or startup from that point and you should register on your respective network. Please remember that for Warranty repairs, this may void your Warranty, depending on your device region and Service Provider
Alternate Method Continued;
3b. Type the following code step by step;
- adb push simfinder.txt /sdcard/
- adb shell
- su
- sh /sdcard/
You will then see as per below;
You’ll see under this;
“Searching mmcblk0p7...
/dev/block/mmcblk0p7: 00000170
/dev/block/mmcblk0p7: 11111111”
And a third line with your unlock code 
Follow as per above to insert the code.
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Just successfully unlocked my Desire C using Method 1
So easy and quick
Just a note to any CM9 users, you can only use the unlock code with a sense rom so:
1. Backup current rom with cwm
2. Download a stock/sense based rom
3. Flash stock kernel, full wipe and flash the stock rom
4. Go through the setup process, reboot with another sim, type in the code you got from this and you will receive a confirmation
5. Flash custom kernel, full wipe and restore.
6. Profit
Sorry for the noob question, but should it works on another HTC device like Wildfire s ?
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda app-developers app said:
Sorry for the noob question, but should it works on another HTC device like Wildfire s ?
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No harm in trying!
Zibbsy said:
No harm in trying!
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Great! After sharing how to unlock... Next ota will be for sure with encrypted sim lock and you will pay for unlocking next time
munjeni said:
Great! After sharing how to unlock... Next ota will be for sure with encrypted sim lock and you will pay for unlocking next time
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Jammy git, haha, very funny
Probably but i found something interesting, the Desire C has quite a similar layout storage wise to the HTC Sensation.
Can you find super CID, so we can flash different ruu
einstein.frat said:
Can you find super CID, so we can flash different ruu
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Howdi Einstein... dont we need S-OFF to do this? I thought we might....
Search for S-OFF ! You can see by hex searching in your dumps:
s-on hex part:
98 FE 32 54 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
s-off is achieved if you find a way to change 01 to 00:
98 FE 32 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Super cid is 32 bytes before 98 FE 32 54 something like in hex: 48 54 43 5F 5F 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 37 34 (string: HTC__00100000074), for example you need to set super cid (string: 1111111100000074).
Hope it helps, hope you find a way to unlock emmc and write 00 to gain s-off
munjeni said:
Search for S-OFF ! You can see by hex searching in your dumps:
s-on hex part:
98 FE 32 54 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
s-off is achieved if you find a way to change 01 to 00:
98 FE 32 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Super cid is 32 bytes before 98 FE 32 54 something like in hex: 48 54 43 5F 5F 30 30 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 37 34 (string: HTC__00100000074), for example you need to set super cid (string: 1111111100000074).
Hope it helps, hope you find a way to unlock emmc and write 00 to gain s-off
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I could try but i dont have a Desire C anymore, Unless someone could post a dump for me to go through? ID look then ?
Hmm I've got my thinking cap on today... I'll come back with an idea after work for you... See if I could do it.
Is this permanent unlock? Even if I go back to stock, unroot?
Thanks by the way, great job!!!
ljesh said:
Is this permanent unlock? Even if I go back to stock, unroot?
Thanks by the way, great job!!!
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Should be permanent
can someone to be more specific how to unlock my desire c? i dont get the point with sh-3.2 thing.. so i need someone really bad to explain it for me... for newbies...thanks.
deffecto said:
can someone to be more specific how to unlock my desire c? i dont get the point with sh-3.2 thing.. so i need someone really bad to explain it for me... for newbies...thanks.
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Its your lucky night im on here tonight, what do you need help with exactly?
im stuck at the beginning... can u give me skype or facebook some instant chat messenger if u use any, so we can chat in real time?
im stuck at
C:\Android>adb shell sysrw
adb server is out of date. killing.
* daemon started successfully *
/system/bin/sh: sysrw: not found
if i use the guide made by AirCombat,
If following your guide, im stuck at the sh-3.2 i dont know how or what to do to get that message.
deffecto said:
im stuck at the beginning... can u give me skype or facebook some instant chat messenger if u use any, so we can chat in real time?
im stuck at
C:\Android>adb shell sysrw
adb server is out of date. killing.
* daemon started successfully *
/system/bin/sh: sysrw: not found
if i use the guide made by AirCombat,
If following your guide, im stuck at the sh-3.2 i dont know how or what to do to get that message.
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Facebook is fine, check my profile for the link to my profile.
Really good thread, even for a dumb like me, the op helped me ( and he did know i am a newbie) to unlock my phone, answered every dumb question i asked! Great! Thanks, Thanks!
fkofilee said:
Reversed Engineered From HTC Sensation Method & May Work For Other Devices.
Guess What… Im Not Responsible For Any Damage You Do To Your Device… But In Theory This Should Be Flawless ^__^
Required Files In Attached Area. Busybox needs to be installed and ideally you need a Sense Rom.
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Brilliant!!! This worked a dream for me on an HTC Desire C locked onto the T-Mobile network. Thanks very much for sharing
Ma Pleasure ^__^, Was it TMo UK?

fix for fastboot on windows 8.1

There is a fix for people running Windows 8.1 who want to fastboot flash their phones.
It is fairly technical, so DO NOT attempt if you don't know what you are doing.
Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
Locate and then click the following subkey in the registry:
On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key.
Type 0BB40FF00100
for the name of the new key. (those are zeroes)
On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click “Binary Value”.
Type SkipBOSDescriptorQuery
for the name of the Binary Value, and then press ENTER.
Right-click SkipBOSDescriptorQuery, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type 01 00 00 00 , and then click OK.
Exit Registry Editor.
Unplug and re-plug your phone (if it was plugged in.)
I hope this helps!
I had to do a little work to get this fix to work, because when the phone is plugged in and in fastboot mode, it doesn't list a VID/PID/REV in device manager. The VID is 0BB4 (for HTC) / the PID is 0FF0 (which I am assuming is the Vivid, but only in fastboot mode. The phone in normal mode gets a PID of 0CBB) / the REV number is 0100 (for my phone. If this fix doesn't work, then this is most likely the reason: you have a different REV number.)
Yo any tips for getting my Windows 10 x64 to recognize my HTC Vivid in Hboot/Fastboot?
I can mount fine from recovery, but I think there is something wrong with the recovery, and I can't reinstall it from recovery.

