i'm about to install Hero by Maxisma v2.0.1 and need help to MAKE sure i don't brick. Requirements for it are "SPL 1.33.2005 (Called Haykuro SPL), and Partitions in this order: FAT32+EXT+SWAP" and when installing the SPL it says "MUST FLASH RADIO FIRST". so how do i make sure my G1 is compatible to work with the SPL and is there any guides for partitioning EXT+SWAP? i'm using Flash Cyanogen Recovery 1.4 and wanna thank you for the help.
Here's all my info from fastboot:
Sep 2 2008
and am i supposed to partition before or after installing the rom?
partition before flashing the rom.
you have the latest radio, so there is no need to flash the same radio again.
i followed this youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ve8pUk9dC4, partitioned it, ran the sdl first, then the Hero by Maxisma v2.0.1 and have failed. it's looping on the G1 screen, could use some help asap
Well, I followed the HOW-TO's... and sort downgraded my phone from HTC cupcake build to RC29... then I rooted my phone first and then directly loaded the J.F 1.51 (latest update by JF on the blog)
But here's the problem... (DOH!) forgot the install the new radio first!!!
Now i have JF1.5 with RADIO- (I know i need to install the radio with the ending that has 26I)... I already put on the HardSPL and have the PVT board
and here's my question:: I dont 3G as it is (AT ALL)... I got rid of the data plan a while back...
now Should I go ahead and perform the Update with the new radio without worrying? Do i Need to? or would I have to do anything else???
Thanks a lot every one!!
Here's the Radio Information and everything.
Here's what I have when i click the camera button + Power::
Hi. So I got my HTC branded Dream two days ago. Things are going great but I'm getting the urge to mod. I seem to read different 'facts' everywhere. Also people use EBI1 and 32A interchangably. If you guys could could just tell me if I'm on the right track or about to kill my phone...
SPL states:
Dream PVT 32B SHip s-on d
HBOOT-1.33.0010 (DREA20000)
So thats a 32B board with a EBI1 radio with the perfect SPL.
To get to cyanogenMod 4.2.5 from stock:
1.) Install FlashRec 1.1.3
2.) Use to flash Cyanogen 1.4.32A recovery image (cm-recovery-1.4-32A.img)
3.) Boot to recovery and Flash normal Android 1.6 Recovery Image (signed-dream_devphone_userdebug-ota-14721.zip)
4.) Flash CyanogenMod ROM (update-cm-4.2.5-signed.zip)
5.) Flash EBI1 radio port (bc-4.2.5a-ebi1-signed.zip)
Is that right?
Will the phone will be rooted in the process?
Can I change to developer SPL .0005 safely?
Can use any theme for regular G1s?
Does this mean I have 288MB?
and....? did it work?
You have to be rooted to do all that first.
It'll work, but you'll need specific 32B/EBI kernels for the ROMS. And not all EBI patches are alike.
And no, it won't magically give you extra memory.
HBOOT-0 95.0000
Sep 2 2008
My Phone :
Model number : T-Mobile G1
Firmware version : 1.6
Baseband version : 62.50SC.20.17H_2.22.23.02
Kernel Version : 2.6.20-00479-g3c7df37
[email protected] #19
Build Number : DMD64
RC29 or RC7 ?
The following files on the root of your SD card:
A compatible radio for your phone version: T-Mobile / US Non US or Rogers/Orange
which one ?
Anyone help ?
If you are confused .. may I recommend not following the procedure on that page.
That said:
You may be interested in the 1.33.2003 SPL and either:
The much safer instructions to install dangerSPL from there
alternatively not using danger SPL (ie only using 1.33.2003) and installing CustomMTD that will provide you aprox 28MB additional space for your applications in /data
Please regardless of method read everything carefully before flashing anything!
Note: Some people for instance get very confused that the 1.33.2003 link has not one linear set of instructions but 3 independent operations
A) Installing 1.33.2003 ontop of a 0.95.0000, 0.95.3000, 10.95.3000 SPL via update.zip
B) Installing 1.33.2005 from a full engineering SPL such as 1.33.2003
C) Installing 1.33.2003 from a full engineering SPL such as 1.33.2005
So I tried to install KingxKlick's Legend2G1 ROM onto my Rogers Dream. It's been rooted using the exploid method and I've successfully installed a few Cyanogenmod ROMs already. For some reason though, the KingxKlick ROM doesn't seem to want to stick - I flash it (using Amon-RA; SD Card formatted as directed in the thread) and it just sits at the Rogers splash, but never loads the ROM. I have DangerSPL and the latest EBI1 radio (since I had the E-911 update before rooting), and the SD card is partitioned properly (I think; FAT32/Ext4/Linux Swap), so I have no idea what's wrong.
Here's what I get in fastboot;
HBOOT-1.33.2005 (DREA21000)
Any ideas?
This ROM is for EBI0 radios but you have EBI1. Either flash an EBI0 radio or find a kernel port.
So where could I find a compatible EBI1 radio? Will any due?
Thats an Eclair ROM right? If so, you can try one of bcrook's CM5 ports. I have no idea if it will work though.
hi... just wanna ask.. is it normal to stuck at T-Mobile G1 logo for few a minutes after installing froyo by lazlo? i install the Froyo because im curious about it's speed. they say it's one the best rom out there, in term of speed. that's why i try to install it and i did it. but when my phone reboot after the installation, it just stuck at T-Mobile G1 screen. i've waited for about 5 to 6 mins. but it is still there. is it normal? or i've done something wrong or forgot something ?
What is your current SPL/HBOOT and radio?
Dream PVT 32B Eng S-off
HBOOT-1.33.2005 (DREA10000)
do i have a wrong radio and spl ? XD
junio07 said:
Dream PVT 32B Eng S-off
HBOOT-1.33.2005 (DREA10000)
do i have a wrong radio and spl ? XD
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
SPL: 1.33.0013d (hboot)
RADIO: / 28.25
you should have these
and ext partition then it should run fine
I learn something。Thanks
dani132 said:
SPL: 1.33.0013d (hboot)
RADIO: / 28.25
you should have these
and ext partition then it should run fine
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks !!!
first initial boot time is a little long, but subsequent reboots will be faster. froyo by lazlo is fast,
FroyoByLazlo is awesome ROM but does not contain CZECH Language,can someone help me?????Some tips how to add .... i have tried MoreLocale2,but it sucks... ..please...help....