Sound from PC to Dream? - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a way to send the sound coming from one's soundcard over wifi to a Dream phone?
Note: NOT to stream music or radio or video, there are lots of apps for that.

pardus said:
Is there a way to send the sound coming from one's soundcard over wifi to a Dream phone?
Note: NOT to stream music or radio or video, there are lots of apps for that.
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What are you trying to do then.

well, i dont know about transferring the sound coming out of the soundcard, but you can setup a samba share and then use Estrongs File Explorer to connect to it and you can play your music from your pc on your phone, but honestly you didnt give alot of in-depth info about what youre trying to do, so i dont know if thats what you want. I mean if you want to hear it in both places at once then thats not the way, but if you just wanna listen to music from your pc then its good.
You should always leave AS MUCH INFO AS POSSIBLE for people when you post looking for help, that way people dont have to GUESS how to help you.
So like i said, if you just wanna listen to music without keeping it on your phone, get Estrongs (free in market) and setup a samba share (Windows Share) and connect to it and play away...
Please reply back with more in-depth info about what it is you're trying to accomplish, and maybe youll have a better chance at getting some decent it stands your request is rather vague and your chances of getting a decent answer are slim so just let us know EXACTLY what it is you're trying to do and see if that gets you anywhere....hope this helps...

Well the question sums it up pretty well and it's fairly simple, I want to hear what my PC's is playing through the phone speaker or headset, eg if it's playing from a tuner card I want to 'pipe' the sound to the phone

You're going to need a compatible sound server running on the phone.
Look at pulseaudio.
Note: this is not going to be a simple project -- you need to get the pulseaudio server running on android. That means coding, compiling, etc.
Once pulseaudio server is running on the android phone, it is trivial to set the pulseaudio client on your computer to use the android phone pulseaudio server as its default output.
Good luck.

Not sure but is there a way to turn your phone into bluetooth headphones? That would probably be easier... Dunno.. Just putting it out there... If the phone supports it, programs like BlueSoleil (for pc) can pipe out all sounds over bluetooth.

do you have a wireless router? If so, you can use an app called Gmote. From there you can play music that's on your computer through your phone speaker. Also, you can use your phone to select music and have it stream through your computer. Finally, it also acts as a wireless mouse with your touch screen and you can use it to navigate instead of using your mouse if you are across the room. It's pretty convenient. I use it all the time.

I have Gmote and it's amazing, but one can only play files, I don't see a way to play the sound from the tunercard for example. Anyway not serious was just wondering if it were possible.


Help me screw 'The Man'

Okay, I'm an avid Met fan and I thought I outsmarted the system, but apparently I have not... Please aid me in my quest.
So I figured out how to get streaming radio to my bluetooth headset. For the massive Noob that I am, I was proud of my accomplishment. This pride was short-lived, however, after I realized that the radio station that broadcasts the games(WFAN) doesn't play the games over the internet. So the question is, how can I listen to games over my phone? I'm sure there are some resourceful baseball fans who have run into the same problem... So how do I get things working? offers a monthly service to get games streaming to my phone... But it is expensive, and I'm sure there's a way around it. Please help me out, Oh Wise Ones.
The MLB ownes exclusive rights to broadcast so if you are looking for the free way, forget it. You are better off asking your mom for a raise in your allowence.
Hardcorp said:
The MLB ownes exclusive rights to broadcast so if you are looking for the free way, forget it. You are better off asking your mom for a raise in your allowence.
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Are you kidding - OK -
right off the top of my head - here is a way that is free to you - you have a friend (he has to pay but you don't) go to the game and call you on your phone and tell you what is happening.
See - easy peasey...
FM Radio output to PC. PC encodes audio in to mp3 stream. Run Icecast on PC. Connect a player that'll listen to streams. Voila.
aacplus or ogg actually would be better, but considering it's just voice etc, you would run a pretty low bitrate with most codecs.
khaytsus said:
FM Radio output to PC. PC encodes audio in to mp3 stream. Run Icecast on PC. Connect a player that'll listen to streams. Voila.
aacplus or ogg actually would be better, but considering it's just voice etc, you would run a pretty low bitrate with most codecs.
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That's what I would have said
Ahh sound advice. Thanks for the help!
I wonder if broadcast games....

Odd request but new to windows mobile.. plz help.

I'm a new member to this community and i have been able to find all the answers i need in regard to my new phone here. I've learned how to remove as many of AT&T's "IMPROVEMENTS" as i could possibly remove. I'm not happy with the way it looks but that's ok. it works.
The question I have is this. My phone does everything for me now including email, gps, internet, internet for my laptop, play movies, play music. I'm curious about what else it can do. I've seen applications that just use the flash on the camera as a flashlight and it can be bound to the PTT button.
Is there an application that will be able to interface with my computer and route the sound through the external speaker on my phone for those ocassions that i lan and forget my speakers.
I don't believe there is the ability to rerout sound. That seems like it would take some crazy drivers...
Anyways I don't know of any program.
If your new to the community you may want to look at getting a new ROM. That may help remove the AT&T bloatware and make your device look better and perform much better. There are guides in the ROM development section to flashing your first ROM.
You can do this through bluetooth create a bluetooth partnership then under the bluetooth devices you will see your laptop select and hold on it and it should give you the option to set as wirless stero
Good luck!!

[Q] Stream video from home computer?

So, Ive looked around the internet, and this forum, and cant seem to find an easy way to stream video from my home computer to my phone. I can use gmote when Im at home, and thats neat and all, but it would be nice to not have to download everything to my phone. I know Iphone has a few apps for that, are there any decent ones for android?
Thanks in advance for the help!!
commander2k said:
So, Ive looked around the internet, and this forum, and cant seem to find an easy way to stream video from my home computer to my phone. I can use gmote when Im at home, and thats neat and all, but it would be nice to not have to download everything to my phone. I know Iphone has a few apps for that, are there any decent ones for android?
Thanks in advance for the help!!
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Are you talking about a different app you could you at home over wifi? Or remotely over 3G? I use Allshare at home and it works well.
Oh sorry, I mean when Im out and about over 3g or wifi from another source. Ive used allshare and Gmote and they both work wonderfully when Im home. But as for when Im out and about, I havent heard of anything reliable.
Why not give Winamp Remote a try? I used to use that on my old iPhone 3G. You run a server-app on your PC, select which directories to share (video/audio), and access these directories from your phone via a login that you setup. On the iP3G, access was established through a normal browser.
Interesting. I tried something like that today, by using a different server type program and a certain video player, but it gave me a lot of errors and the videos had a lot of trouble playing (well, sound but no video, at the most). Not just HD movies either, movies that play just fine from my SD card wouldnt play (just to test it out). I wonder if this program would have those same problems? It sounds almost identical is why I say
Well, audio worked for me without a hitch. The UI was alright, and synchronicity was superb. Video worked well for me too, but I must admit that I didn't use this feature so much because iPhones were/are really finicky with resolutions and file-types. I was forced to pre-convert every video I intended to stream beforehand to an appropriate format and reso', and store two copies of everything on my HDisk: the original high-quality copy for desktop-viewing, and another for iPhone streaming... but that's just Crapple, right? Android is much more flexible when it comes to video-containers (among other things), so I see no potential problems for you—especially if you're using videos that play back fine on stock if stored locally (on your phone). Why don't you give Winamp Remote a shot, and report your findings...? It shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes to setup.
That actually makes perfect sense, well, I think Im going to call it a night tonight. but by thursday or friday I will get on that and report my findings!! thank you very much for the help and I will get back to you as soon as I get the chance. Oh college life lol.
Sure man, no proll'em. I hear you
Try using a program called orb. Works wonders for me!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897
Dude, Orb is Winamp Remote! Hahaha...
"Vlc stream & convert “from the market (freeware is doing the job - but the $4 are worth it for the Pro version)
Quality wise is the best.
You need to do some work on your router at home to forward 2 ports.
This one is the best so far.

[Q] Streaming mp3 from PC

Anyone uses this?
We all have gigs of mp3's on our PC's and I found only one app which can simply stream music, using wireless router for connection - Gmote. So this way I plug in my headphones and can listen to anything on my PC from anywhere in the house.
Sadly, it seems that it isn't developing anymore and a lot of my music is encoded in a way that Gmote doesn't like. I think it has problems with variable higher bitrates, maybe.. not sure.
Is there anything else that can do the job? DLNA maybe?
You can easy convert al your MP3-files to a right format.
Let your computer do the job at night, and in the morning you're a smiling human
No way, that would permanently lower sound quality . And PC is also connected to hi-fi
I'd rather find an app that works like it should . DLNA could be beter option, that way PC would recode music on-the-fly, just for listening on Hero. Ill try 2Player, looks promising
u never heard of orb or sugersync or oh there are tooo many to list
Not really the same thing. SugarSync uses "personal cloud", so it's over internet and Gmote uses home network which is free, fast and local. No upload/download.
As far as I remember, Orb was for internet radio? Can't find it on AppBrain.
Anyway, 2Player works with Tversity as DLNA server. Music only. Good to know

[Q] Newbie begging help

I am looking for something that does not seem to exist. I registered here in hopes that the brilliant minds of XDA might be able to offer me a solution.
I want Bluetooth hands-free calling on my desktop PC.
Let me explain: I work in my garage. I use my garage PC as my only music source. I use it for email and web stuff too, of course, but its main job is providing a streaming source for music from the server in my house.
When I am working and my phone rings, I cannot hear my phone. Tablesaws and routers and sanders are noisy, and the music is blasting.
What I want is the same thing my $200 car stereo does: mute or pause the music and announce the caller ID through my speakers. When I am done with the call, resume the music.
Seems simple, doesn't it? I have been googling this for quite some time. No answers anywhere, it seems.
If/when I push the button to answer, I want to use a microphone and my speakers to talk on the phone...simple as that. Yes, I know, there are a hundred ways of doing this other than my PC (stream to tablet, BT to tab, tablet to stereo, etc.) but nothing is going to live very long in all this sawdust (including my PC, but I don't care) so the goal is to have to buy nothing but a BT dongle and some software.
So...since I work on stereo stuff for a living, the stuff you guys do is a complete mystery to me, but I know what I want.
Does anyone know of an app that does this? If not, it seems to me that this would be a fairly marketable thing, does anyone have an interest in developing this?
Thanks for looking, and hope you have some brilliant answers for my dilemma.
Luke Fisher
well if you plug your phone into the speakers and play music of it like Pandora or even download your own music. Then when you get a call the music will stop and your ring-tone will play through the speakers till you pick up the call or miss the call.
ladclothing said:
well if you plug your phone into the speakers and play music of it like Pandora or even download your own music. Then when you get a call the music will stop and your ring-tone will play through the speakers till you pick up the call or miss the call.
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Yes this is true, there are no cross platforms apps that really do what you want. This will happen probably in the next years it has to do with getting the platforms to work together.
I looked into this a couple of months ago, I did find a work around if you want to operate in linux........ then you can get the phone and computer to work together but then you are doing your own custom programming...... and you just want an app sounds like you do not want to be the programmer
Maybe someone else knows more and chime in............
oka1 said:
Yes this is true, there are no cross platforms apps that really do what you want. This will happen probably in the next years it has to do with getting the platforms to work together.
I looked into this a couple of months ago, I did find a work around if you want to operate in linux........ then you can get the phone and computer to work together but then you are doing your own custom programming...... and you just want an app sounds like you do not want to be the programmer
Maybe someone else knows more and chime in............
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Linux? Isn't that Charlie Browns best friend? Has a sister named Lucy, right?
Guys, my phone is a POS, ain't gonna go there at all. Samsung Instinct S30, until I find what I need a phone to do I am not giving up any money at all.
I know I can connect a cell phone to a PC with nothing but a simple BT dongle, but getting it to pause the music is the tough part.
Maybe I will just get another JVC KD-R900 and use it for shop tunes. I could run the shop stereo from it, just use the AUX in on the JVC from the PC.
Oddly enough, I listen to full albums, often several from the same artist, so I have no use for broadcast radio, nor sattelite or internet radio, just full CDs on my hard drive.
Thanks for the input so far, guys!
Stereoinstaller1 said:
Linux? Isn't that Charlie Browns best friend? Has a sister named Lucy, right?
Guys, my phone is a POS, ain't gonna go there at all. Samsung Instinct S30, until I find what I need a phone to do I am not giving up any money at all.
I know I can connect a cell phone to a PC with nothing but a simple BT dongle, but getting it to pause the music is the tough part.
Maybe I will just get another JVC KD-R900 and use it for shop tunes. I could run the shop stereo from it, just use the AUX in on the JVC from the PC.
Oddly enough, I listen to full albums, often several from the same artist, so I have no use for broadcast radio, nor sattelite or internet radio, just full CDs on my hard drive.
Thanks for the input so far, guys!
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Hmm... I have just done something similar with my phone.
Here's the setup:
You'll need:
1. A hi-fi system
2. An Android phone (any would do, but some of the apps in Andriod is critical)
3. 16-32gb sd-card
4. Bluetooth dongle for answering phones
Plug your phone into the hifi using the stereo sound jack, and plug your phone into the charger. Play music straight from the phone, and when it rings, you can set certain music apps to mute the music while letting the ringtone through. I'm quite sure that the default music app from el Goog, does that well.

