I am reading about NAND, seems that it is basically a way to flash Google ROMs instead of booting from the memory card.
I have a few questions, I have read that it makes linux run faster and the battery life last longer, my questions are about how much faster and about how much better is the battery life vs running from the card. I am still using a winmo ROM that runs pretty good and gets me a few days of battery life, but I am always itching for something new. I tried Ion and a few others but wasnt even getting close to a day on the battery and it would hang up and/or run slow at times.
Thanks for the guidance, I just wanna do my research before going around flashing with NAND, since I forgot which ROM I am using now and the ability to find it again if I want to revert back to it.
I would avoid doing a NAND flash unless you have a spare phone handy. I have a kaiser and I have been unable to find a build that is usable on a daily basis. Yes, running from NAND is definitely faster and better battery but its not worth it if you don't have another phone you can pop your SIM in if you get in a jam.
mikeschevelle said:
I am reading about NAND, seems that it is basically a way to flash Google ROMs instead of booting from the memory card.
I have a few questions, I have read that it makes linux run faster and the battery life last longer, my questions are about how much faster and about how much better is the battery life vs running from the card. I am still using a winmo ROM that runs pretty good and gets me a few days of battery life, but I am always itching for something new. I tried Ion and a few others but wasnt even getting close to a day on the battery and it would hang up and/or run slow at times.
Thanks for the guidance, I just wanna do my research before going around flashing with NAND, since I forgot which ROM I am using now and the ability to find it again if I want to revert back to it.
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see the FAQ thread, answers about battery life and nand and everything else.
Seeing as your in the vogue forum, I would assume you have a vogue, so I would ignore the polaris user
Nand runs great, it's nothing more than a flashed nbh with android, so you won't need windows mobile.
mikeschevelle said:
I am reading about NAND, seems that it is basically a way to flash Google ROMs instead of booting from the memory card.
I have a few questions, I have read that it makes linux run faster and the battery life last longer, my questions are about how much faster and about how much better is the battery life vs running from the card. I am still using a winmo ROM that runs pretty good and gets me a few days of battery life, but I am always itching for something new. I tried Ion and a few others but wasnt even getting close to a day on the battery and it would hang up and/or run slow at times.
Thanks for the guidance, I just wanna do my research before going around flashing with NAND, since I forgot which ROM I am using now and the ability to find it again if I want to revert back to it.
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mssmison, how long is your battery lasting?
mssmison said:
Seeing as your in the vogue forum, I would assume you have a vogue, so I would ignore the polaris user
Nand runs great, it's nothing more than a flashed nbh with android, so you won't need windows mobile.
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I am running from SD card in Haret and I agree with mssmison. I find Android quite usable on a daily basis and can only imagine that NAND would be even better! I am using Myn's Warm Donut. It's great. It has 8 themes to choose from.
mikeschevelle said:
mssmison, how long is your battery lasting?
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Before my vogue died.. It's hard to say cause I spent so much time developing, installing, uninstalling, flashing etc. But when I wasn't 'playing about' I was getting about 4 days +. Data always on, but I rarely ever make calls..
It really depends what you're doing though, just like in winmo.
mssmison said:
Before my vogue died.. It's hard to say cause I spent so much time developing, installing, uninstalling, flashing etc. But when I wasn't 'playing about' I was getting about 4 days +. Data always on, but I rarely ever make calls..
It really depends what you're doing though, just like in winmo.
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I want that vogue; I've never gotten much past 24h with mine with data on, background data off. I rarely talk on my phone, mainly texting, rare internet. have not noted a difference in battery life between nand and sd. people's experience with battery is very variable.
I am a Tilt 2 user... I have been playing with alot of the different roms out there and i find them all to be very similar. I dont know what the difference is in Manilla, and Sence. I kinda fingured out what HTC messaging is... Not a big fan of it.
Here is what I am looking for:
SPEED.... when I press a button... i want it to get to that screen fast! I dont use many apps other than basic features. MMS, SMS, EMAIL, PHONE, and Camera. I do sometimes use the GPS. but not often. I could care less about the stocks feautre.
I prefer the windows threaded mesages... not the HTC one.
I do like the Facebook integration on some of the roms but that is not required.
What would you guys say is my best option at this time? Titanium?
I second this. I have never worked with a phone that is so SLOW.
I have no choice but to use this phone as it is supplied by work.
Fast rom needed.
yes, go with the energy titanium rom, it's quite zippy if you're looking for that. but realize this phone only has a 528 processor so it still won't be all that fast if you're comparing to other people.
I realize that it wont be as fast as the 1GHz HD2 that is out now... but i just want to squeeze a bit more out of the device i already have.
The phone itself isn't slow... Bad made ROMs make it slow.
Try LBFAR or Simplicity. In my *PERSONAL* opinion they are a lot of faster then any Energy ROM.
Also they aren't bloated with crap...
dragonlord785 said:
yes, go with the energy titanium rom, it's quite zippy if you're looking for that. but realize this phone only has a 528 processor so it still won't be all that fast if you're comparing to other people.
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If speed is your main objective, give overclocking a shot.
Jackos said:
The phone itself isn't slow... Bad made ROMs make it slow.
Try LBFAR or Simplicity. In my *PERSONAL* opinion they are a lot of faster then any Energy ROM.
Also they aren't bloated with crap...
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Massive +1 to this. I use Simplicity myself most of the time. It's pretty light and fast. (Not to say that LBFAR isn't light or fast. It is both. It's just a little bit too psychadelically colored for me.)
Also, Jackos's ROMs are pretty nice as well, and are generally what I'm running if I am not on Simplicity. They're not built specifically for speed, but they're really well crafted and end up being faster than many other ROMs because of it. They're also rock solid. Just tossing that out there, as Jackos seems to have passed on the opportunity to toot his own horn.
I am downloading Jackos right now... if the silly file host didnt limit me to 1 file per hour i would have already had it.. but its going now. I am going to try a couple of differnt ones... as well as over clocking app.
Jackos said:
The phone itself isn't slow... Bad made ROMs make it slow.
Try LBFAR or Simplicity. In my *PERSONAL* opinion they are a lot of faster then any Energy ROM.
Also they aren't bloated with crap...
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yes, if your looking for speed improvement with lack of visual effects this is true
Use the standard ROM and disable HTC sense, it won't get any faster or stable.
Mirror in my sig.
Jackos, I just downloaded the rom from your previous post on this thread... once I installed it, It did not apear to be in english? did I download the wrong one? it also did not apear to include the radio from the rom... but that is easy enough to fix.
Dracothearies said:
Jackos, I just downloaded the rom from your previous post on this thread... once I installed it, It did not apear to be in english? did I download the wrong one? it also did not apear to include the radio from the rom... but that is easy enough to fix.
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you may have downloaded the polish version. Make sure the name of the file has WWE in it and not PLK. Im using Jackos S2 ROM WWE JackFULL v1.7 right now and it is flawless. Also the ROM download includes the Radio and task29. Hope this helps
FL5 said:
If speed is your main objective, give overclocking a shot.
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+1 to that
Shouldn't a new user first choose a RELIABLE ROM and later try some extreme tools like overclock?!
I disagree with this.
-1 to that
Jackos said:
Shouldn't a new user first choose a RELIABLE ROM and later try some extreme tools like overclock?!
I disagree with this.
-1 to that
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I didn't say that he shouldn't perhaps pick a new ROM that he likes, first. But I also wouldn't call overclocking an "extreme" tool - OCT seems to work very well and my phone is 100% stable, without dynamic overclocking.
I would never recommended an overclocking tool for a new user.
Firstly, how can you be sure that the tool doesn't deal damage to the processor? It's out for just around 2 months.
Secondly, it does shorten the battery life (it may does dmg to the battery too).
Thirdly, it may cause lockups, power management problems, SoD etc.
Yes I would call the current OCT1.5 tool stable enough running at 710Mhz and yes it does speedup our devices, but I still wouldn't recommend it.
Jackos said:
Shouldn't a new user first choose a RELIABLE ROM and later try some extreme tools like overclock?!
I disagree with this.
-1 to that
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Jackos said:
I would never recommended an overclocking tool for a new user.
Firstly, how can you be sure that the tool doesn't deal damage to the processor? It's out for just around 2 months.
Secondly, it does shorten the battery life (it may does dmg to the battery too).
Thirdly, it may cause lockups, power management problems, SoD etc.
Yes I would call the current OCT1.5 tool stable enough running at 710Mhz and yes it does speedup our devices, but I still wouldn't recommend it.
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Yeah, totally valid points. I kinda fired that suggestion out off-the-cuff right before class started last night, and very obviously didn't flesh it out appropriately.
Overclocking IS an advanced tool and it does impact the stability of a device. Some handsets tolerate it much better than others, but without first having a good working understanding and feel for both the hardware and the ROM you're using, it can cause no end of frustration trying to figure out what settings work for a setup individually (it's like voodoo magic; all settings very much have been found NOT to work for all people).
The first step should be to find a stable ROM and become familiar with how it works, and then start dabbling carefully only AFTER reading the bejeezus out of the OC thread (seriously, RTFM), should a person still be interested.
That being said, in my experience the settings that work seem to be more hardware-dependent than ROM-dependent. After pretty thorough experimentation to find the settings that work well for my TP2, I've been able to carry those settings across several different ROMs without issue. Of course, that being said, I will fully admit that I believe that no amount of care will cause an overclock setup to be as stable as a non-overclocked setup.
Also, yes, overclocking definitely burns through battery life, just like turbocharging burns through gasoline, and this almost assuredly decreases the useful lifespan of your battery. While I'm less certain about the potential for processor damage, that does very possibly exist as well.
That being said, I'm a reckless jerk and always load OCT as one of the first steps on a new flash. However, I do so after having taken all of the above into consideration. It was hasty and ill-advised to recommend that a new user jump in uninformed. My bad.
I haven't noticed a big difference with overclock, so I decided not to use it... The truth is that the phone is perfectly fine. The biggest culprit in all of the slowness is HTC "Bloatware" Sense. I'm seriously considering paying for SPB mobile shell or something similiar and scrapping Sense completely right now, it just doesn't make up for how demanding it is.
/rant off.
I am open to the possibility that at least some of what I perceive could be a placebo affect, but I definitely feel that there is a difference when my TP2 is overclocked to 787mhz, and I currently feel no compulsion to discontinue doing so.
Thing is, I have to admit that the perception is primarily felt when trying to feed the Sense 2.5/CHT resource devourer combo, and even then the TP2 falls noticeably short. It is painfully obvious that Sense was not meant for the TP2, and OC is really just the slap-patch that allows it to limp along at an arguably acceptable pace.
I've been internally debating about going back to SPB MS myself. The amount of functionality that it has is incredible considering the scant resources it uses. I actually meant to drop it back in this past weekend before I got swept up in other nonsense, as I found a little app/toggle somewhere here on xda that claims to switch between manila and SPB MS. I've got CHT on right now, because it is oh-so-pretty, and I am quite fond of my current layout's aesthetics, but it is a total dog, even on Simplicity.
so i have the infamous samsung moment. you wanna know what really sucks about it? i listened to grooveshark for 10 minutes today. 10 minutes! the battery was at 75% when i started. when i was done, it was at 50%! yes, ive flashed to stock, yes ive tried other roms, yes ive done it all. disabled JIT, had the barest rom ever, and i still cant get a good battery life. so im pretty much set on switching to a new phone. but i need to know what the downfalls of the hero are. is battery life horendous? does it get really hot when you leave it in your pocket? how functional are the 2.2 roms? how much can i optimize it? give me all the info possible, especially stuff about signal strength and battery life. and rooting too, how easy is that? it seems a little unnecassarily complicated on the moment... thanks
Skip the hero and get an epic or evo....or wait a few more weeks and see what else there is. Sprint has already forgotten about the hero.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
i have like no money. id love to get one of those, but i barely got the moment to begin with. im only 15 btw
Sent from my Crapsung Moment using XDA App
There's a few 1-click methods for rooting your Hero, so not complicated at all. Also, Hero battery life is pretty decent. Mine lasts all day and then some with moderate use. Other people get some ridiculous battery life out of their Heros with a combination of Decad3nce's kernels and Collin's battery tweak.
CM6 2.2 is more than fully functional I would say. The only problem I've ever had with it was the camera freezing and having to reboot my phone, but with the latest themed CM6 Roms (I.E. Redglass, Extremely Blue, etc), I've yet to have the same problem.
The only time my phone ever got hot was running Wireless Tether and pushing constant data through it for a few hours +.
One of the moderators on the Hero forums (impaler, I believe) has a link in his signature to a website that has about 6 or 7 radios that are compatible with the Hero and the signal strength that you'll receive amongst the radios will depend on your location, but flash these at your own risk as they have the possibility to turn your Hero into a shiny paperweight.
the hero is a nice device. the 4g devices arent worth the premium. data will never be worth what they charge even WITHOUT the ten dollar upcharge on the terribly bulky epic or the over sized evo. no sense getting a 'flagship' device because they change constantly. soon we'll have dual core procs on these phones and even then, consumers wont be happy.
get the hero, my stock rooted is faster/more responsive than my friends stock evo
thesubliminaljuggalo said:
There's a few 1-click methods for rooting your Hero, so not complicated at all. Also, Hero battery life is pretty decent. Mine lasts all day and then some with moderate use. Other people get some ridiculous battery life out of their Heros with a combination of Decad3nce's kernels and Collin's battery tweak.
CM6 2.2 is more than fully functional I would say. The only problem I've ever had with it was the camera freezing and having to reboot my phone, but with the latest themed CM6 Roms (I.E. Redglass, Extremely Blue, etc), I've yet to have the same problem.
The only time my phone ever got hot was running Wireless Tether and pushing constant data through it for a few hours +.
One of the moderators on the Hero forums (impaler, I believe) has a link in his signature to a website that has about 6 or 7 radios that are compatible with the Hero and the signal strength that you'll receive amongst the radios will depend on your location, but flash these at your own risk as they have the possibility to turn your Hero into a shiny paperweight.
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wow thats a good chunk of info. im pretty much set on getting one now. one more thing, it has to do with overclocking. i *could* overclock my moment to 1.06 ghz, but if i can kill this with 40 minutes of music, thats not gonna happen anytime soon. i know that many hero roms, by default, overclock to 700something, quite a bit up from the measily 560ish that is stock. with either a replacement battery or one of those battery hacks you mentioned (or both ), would it balance out the power needed to run the processor faster? and make it run for 8-10 hours while im at school all day? thanks for all the good feedback guys. now i just need to find someone selling one thats not too scuffed up
Sent from my Crapsung Moment using XDA app
tailsthecat3 said:
get the hero, my stock rooted is faster/more responsive than my friends stock evo
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Your friend must have jacked up his evo because my wife has one and it blows my OC'ed hero out of the water (CM6.1). You especially notice the speed in the browser and the games that I download on it without permission.
I agree the $10 extra a month is hard to swallow. Just remember that 2 years is a long time to commit to an older phone.
Hero is a nice device. It is small and does not feel like a brick in your pocket. The battery life is not bad. I have not tried any battery tweaks, but with some minor tweaks, I can get anywhere between 18-24 hours on a full charge. The only time I have felt the phone get hot is while wireless tethering.
I got it new earlier this year and as time progressed, I was getting annoyed with some of it's shortcomings, due to the software provided by Sprint. It felt slow, could not utilize the SD card for apps and such. The last straw was when "The Powers" said they won't be giving the Hero any more Android updates...
So, I rooted it and put CM6 (stable). Since then, I have been feeling like a child with a whole new toy. It works amazing, plus no extra 4G surcharge... .
oh something else i thought of. i think the hero has multitouch, please confirm. does it also have flash player? if it doesnt have either, thats ok. the moment has neither
Sent from my Crapsung Moment using XDA app
yeah its got multi touch. it doesnt have full flash, officially anyway.
steve19137 said:
wow thats a good chunk of info. im pretty much set on getting one now. one more thing, it has to do with overclocking. i *could* overclock my moment to 1.06 ghz, but if i can kill this with 40 minutes of music, thats not gonna happen anytime soon. i know that many hero roms, by default, overclock to 700something, quite a bit up from the measily 560ish that is stock. with either a replacement battery or one of those battery hacks you mentioned (or both ), would it balance out the power needed to run the processor faster? and make it run for 8-10 hours while im at school all day? thanks for all the good feedback guys. now i just need to find someone selling one thats not too scuffed up
Sent from my Crapsung Moment using XDA app
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What the battery tweak does is clock your CPU based on certain variables. You can set it's max and minimum limits whilest the phone is running on battery/USB power/AC power. Also, you can change it so it reduces the max CPU usage when the battery is below a certain percentage, as to suck the most time out of your battery.
I have my tweak settings maxed out at 729 mhz for any given variable and a min 176 mhz. My phone lasts all day and then some, for sure. I woke up with it at 75% (put it in airplane mode for the night because I was too lazy to find the charger) and currently it's at 55% after 8 1/2 hours of moderate use.
Results may vary, of course.
edit: I carry around an extra charged battery just in case. There's a Taiwanese vendor on eBay selling 2 spare batters + a wall charger (charges your external batteries without needing your phone with the option of USB charging as well) -- all for $12 or something. Definitely worth it and I think there's a post in the accessories forum with the link to it. Not sure if it died by now or not.
Good luck!
thanks for all this info guys! im cant wait to be able to get one of these things for myself!!! the hard part is the ebay bidding. i already lost 2 auctions that i was aiming for, trying for another one tonight, then done for the day. anywhere else that i might look to get an unlocked hero besides craigslist? i wont buy off there, no way.
EDIT: i finally won a hero off ebay!!! i got it for $110. i think thats a pretty good deal! but i was thinking about the rooting process, and i like the idea of a one click root, but i need a little more info. does the one click root install a recovery also? if it doesnt, is it possible that ROM Manager works with the Hero, and i can install clockwork recovery? i really appreciate all your info guys. thanks a bunch
im starting to feel really bad because im bumping this thread quite a bit, but i have so many questions, and my searches arent showing anything is there a way for me to bring a backup of the /data partition on my moment over to my hero? in the moments recovery, there is an option to backup the /data partition to a .tar or some sort of archive. is it possible that i could take that to the hero, load it, then create a simple nandroid backup? because i hate having to reload all my apps and preferences. thanks for all the help guys, i really REALLY do appreciate it.
steve19137 said:
im starting to feel really bad because im bumping this thread quite a bit, but i have so many questions, and my searches arent showing anything im looking for the one click root that was spoke of earlier in the thread. can someone link me to it?
also, is there a way for me to bring a backup of the /data partition on my moment over to my hero? in the moments recovery, there is an option to backup the /data partition to a .tar or some sort of archive. is it possible that i could take that to the hero, load it, then create a simple nandroid backup? because i hate having to reload all my apps and preferences. thanks for all the help guys, i really REALLY do appreciate it.
EDIT: wait a second... does http://unrevoked.com/original/ really work? can someone confirm this for me?
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The unrevoked method really works, yes.
Personally, I used http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=803682 on my girlfriend's Hero, but I'm not sure about the Recovery, after trying a few different rooting methods, the Recovery just appeared after rebooting, so I'm not sure which one did it.
The method I used to root my Hero is long outdated and was used for Android 1.5 Heros, so no help there.
About the /data backup on your Palm, I highly doubt it. Not natively compatible for sure.
steve19137 said:
im starting to feel really bad because im bumping this thread quite a bit, but i have so many questions, and my searches arent showing anything is there a way for me to bring a backup of the /data partition on my moment over to my hero? in the moments recovery, there is an option to backup the /data partition to a .tar or some sort of archive. is it possible that i could take that to the hero, load it, then create a simple nandroid backup? because i hate having to reload all my apps and preferences. thanks for all the help guys, i really REALLY do appreciate it.
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Just start fresh on the hero. Put unrevoked on your hero(if you have firmware 2.27.651.5..... if it ends in .6 or .7 you will have to find the .5 somewhere and downgrade first, it's simple)
After using unrevoked, download Rom Manager from the market and flash clockworkmod recovery. Nandroid backup and then you can start flashing different ROMs.... I love the Cyanogenmod 2.2 builds....have fun!!!!!
steve19137 said:
im starting to feel really bad because im bumping this thread quite a bit, but i have so many questions, and my searches arent showing anything is there a way for me to bring a backup of the /data partition on my moment over to my hero? in the moments recovery, there is an option to backup the /data partition to a .tar or some sort of archive. is it possible that i could take that to the hero, load it, then create a simple nandroid backup? because i hate having to reload all my apps and preferences. thanks for all the help guys, i really REALLY do appreciate it.
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Here's a great site for you....should have everything you need plus a garbage load more.
thesubliminaljuggalo said:
The unrevoked method really works, yes.
Personally, I used http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=803682 on my girlfriend's Hero, but I'm not sure about the Recovery, after trying a few different rooting methods, the Recovery just appeared after rebooting, so I'm not sure which one did it.
The method I used to root my Hero is long outdated and was used for Android 1.5 Heros, so no help there.
About the /data backup on your Palm, I highly doubt it. Not natively compatible for sure.
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its not a palm... its a samsung moment that would quite peculiar if i tried to bring a webos backup to android... but i probably will start over. i have a bunch of crap on my phone anyhow. it would be a good thing.
winter128 said:
Here's a great site for you....should have everything you need plus a garbage load more.
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oh boy! thats alot of stuff! thanks alot for that! i didnt know xda had a wiki... but then again, sdx has one too, so i should have known.
winter128 said:
Just start fresh on the hero. Put unrevoked on your hero(if you have firmware 2.27.651.5..... if it ends in .6 or .7 you will have to find the .5 somewhere and downgrade first, it's simple)
After using unrevoked, download Rom Manager from the market and flash clockworkmod recovery. Nandroid backup and then you can start flashing different ROMs.... I love the Cyanogenmod 2.2 builds....have fun!!!!!
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yep, i read about the OTA updates to block the rooting. but take a look at this (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=753910). this implies that you can root the .6 OTA. is that a typo, or legit? the wiki link above also says that .6 is rootable. i know how to downgrade if necessary, though. as far as the unrevoked rooting, i was right then! unrevoked then rom manager will do the trick? awesome thats way easy. and i know that i change recoveries within rom manager... i think im set guys! thanks alot for all your help. ill be sitting on that wiki link for a while. im gonna read all i can before my hero comes im super duper excited!!! and i will have fun!!! i plan on flashing CM6 anyhow
.6 and .7 are both rootable, no need to downgrade.
stayclean said:
.6 and .7 are both rootable, no need to downgrade.
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how do i root .7 if thats what my phone comes with? will unrevoked do .5 .6 and .7?
steve19137 said:
how do i root .7 if thats what my phone comes with? will unrevoked do .5 .6 and .7?
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In the Development section, check for the Easy Root thread. Takes about 3 minutes.
But, where should I start?
Is it really necessery to flash a custom ROM, or is this phone snappy enough with Sense (but I'll probably use GoLauncher or LauncherPro, I only use 1 homescreen...)?
Which tweaks are really necessery to make the phone's battery survive for more than 24 hours, when texting pretty much?
Perhaps the phone's battery survives even though I text a lot (between 100-500 texts/day, depending on how bored I am)?
How's the vibrator in this phone, can I have it in silent mode and have it in my pocket and actually notice when I get a text?
My current phone's vibrator is pretty crappy.
I've been browsing this forum for some time now but haven't found anything that answers my questions... I come from an Acer Liquid A1, without CM7 or MIUI that phone is probably one of the worst phones ever done. But, I sure hope this community is just as active as the one the Liquid had, and still have
(lol, "is this a question?" eh, it's many questions... )
oh, and one more thing; is this device brickable? or can you always reset it to default, like with the liquid? if something f...s up you can always boot into bootloader and reflash a *.bin
Help a newbie to get started, and flashing things and stuff is nothing new. Only the way to root it is new for me... :/
(hopefully I haven't missed a thread that answers all my questions, but of what I've found I haven't found anything that actually helps me. if I've missed it, just link to it and remove this thread )
Splux said:
But, where should I start?
Is it really necessery to flash a custom ROM, or is this phone snappy enough with Sense (but I'll probably use GoLauncher or LauncherPro, I only use 1 homescreen...)?
Which tweaks are really necessery to make the phone's battery survive for more than 24 hours, when texting pretty much?
Perhaps the phone's battery survives even though I text a lot (between 100-500 texts/day, depending on how bored I am)?
How's the vibrator in this phone, can I have it in silent mode and have it in my pocket and actually notice when I get a text?
My current phone's vibrator is pretty crappy.
I've been browsing this forum for some time now but haven't found anything that answers my questions... I come from an Acer Liquid A1, without CM7 or MIUI that phone is probably one of the worst phones ever done. But, I sure hope this community is just as active as the one the Liquid had, and still have
(lol, "is this a question?" eh, it's many questions... )
oh, and one more thing; is this device brickable? or can you always reset it to default, like with the liquid? if something f...s up you can always boot into bootloader and reflash a *.bin
Help a newbie to get started, and flashing things and stuff is nothing new. Only the way to root it is new for me... :/
(hopefully I haven't missed a thread that answers all my questions, but of what I've found I haven't found anything that actually helps me. if I've missed it, just link to it and remove this thread )
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I don't think you need a custom ROM. See if the battery is good enough for your needs. Remember to drain the battery completely multiple times to "train" it.
On another note, why get such an expensive phone, just for texting? It's going to drain a lot of battery while you are looking at the screen. Might as well go for a feature phone imo.
You should easily get 24 + hours if all you do is text mainly. Just remember to turn data off. It will help make your battery last longer.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA Premium App
sdxda said:
I don't think you need a custom ROM. See if the battery is good enough for your needs. Remember to drain the battery completely multiple times to "train" it.
On another note, why get such an expensive phone, just for texting? It's going to drain a lot of battery while you are looking at the screen. Might as well go for a feature phone imo.
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Well, my current phone dies pretty quickly when texting a lot. Today it went from 60% down to 5%, and I woke for 11hours ago and have been texting ppl since then.
And I'm buying a new phone since my 4 touch-buttons on this one is getting really weird, they only work sometimes and yesterday they all died so I was stuck in a conversation and had to reboot to get out of it.
And sending texts and stuff is what I mainly do, of course I browse the Internet, play games and everything. During school and such I only text people, and a lot. So I pretty much needs the phone to make more than 24hours without charging it, even though I text a lot and listen to music.
Won't be a problem. Already thought of that
Thanks for the replies
sdxda said:
I don't think you need a custom ROM. See if the battery is good enough for your needs. Remember to drain the battery completely multiple times to "train" it.
On another note, why get such an expensive phone, just for texting? It's going to drain a lot of battery while you are looking at the screen. Might as well go for a feature phone imo.
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I was going to suggest flashing, the stock rom is garbage for battery life. Android Revolution HD seems to be one of the more popular choices, but of course Cyanogen Mod is there if you decide the Sense UI isn't your thing
swatsor said:
I was going to suggest flashing, the stock rom is garbage for battery life. Android Revolution HD seems to be one of the more popular choices, but of course Cyanogen Mod is there if you decide the Sense UI isn't your thing
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I've made up my mind now, I'll use the official GB ROM for a couple of days/weeks/months (basically untill I'm tired of Sense 2.1) and then flash a Sense 3.0 ROM and hopefully I can understand which one of all those RUU's that's made for Europe too when I'm bored of Sense 2.1
You don't happen to know how it is with bricking this phone? Can you always reset it to stock, or can you actually brick it for real so it's 100% unusable?
When I got this phone I told myself I wasn't going to be a flashaholic. I'm no newcomer to root or custom rims but the vivid isn't that bad. Almost doesn't need to be cleaned up and OC'd. But the little things are getting to me.
1. Choppy scrolling
2. Choppy Rosie
3. Small lag with daily use
I don't want to sacrafice the good battery life i have been having.
What are your opinions and what Rom should I flash for stability and smooth scrolling.
If the majority doesn't seem to think it's worth it I'll stay stock. Thanks for all of your opinions
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
I'd say it's worth it. My battery still has a good 20-30% battery by the end of the day.
I can't say much about which ROM to get, considering I've only been able to get the VjRaider to work, which I love by the way.
Those choppy things were bugging me as well, VjRaider fixed 'em up. Along with some pretty cool features.
I have rooted but kept the original rom still... I wont become a flashaholic until I can get something like cyanogenmod or miui... not enough benefit for me to be bothered flashing and resetting up all my config
In a word, Yes
My biggest beef with stock was CIQ. It was not acceptable to leave it on my phone, regardless of the good intentions.
What I'm seeing with the better custom roms are tremendous increases in speed and fluidity, and excellent battery life. It would be painful to put the stock rom back on.
If battery life is a cocern for you, rooting lets you get rid of the juice hogging bloatware. Wild Childs Illuminati series are great roms. He has Sense 3.0 and 3.5 versions, stock kernels, oc kernels and voltage controllers. I you like the stock look, thats the way to go. Better than stock battery life and moar speedz.
oooh, I forgot also, this was WELL worth it for me, because I can't stand the stupid battery meter that sense has, I like having the percentage there, and after I rooted I could edit that then
davidcampbell said:
I have rooted but kept the original rom still... I wont become a flashaholic until I can get something like cyanogenmod or miui... not enough benefit for me to be bothered flashing and resetting up all my config
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Check out the app MyBackup by Rerware. I would post a link for you, but I don't have enough posts yet.
You can backup your system configurations, all the apps you have, what all your pages look like on your home screen, pictures, almost everything. And the best part about it is that you can do it online, or onto your SD card. Makes everything so much easier .
Yeah I already use titanium backup for apps, smsbackup+ for sms and call recordd and clockwork mod for full zip backups... I dont feel the need for more heh. Plus the main deal for me is I dont care enough, Im cool to hang with stock a while... My hd2 i flashed weekly... It got out of hand
Sent from my HTC Velocity 4G using XDA App
davidcampbell said:
Yeah I already use titanium backup for apps, smsbackup+ for sms and call recordd and clockwork mod for full zip backups... I dont feel the need for more heh. Plus the main deal for me is I dont care enough, Im cool to hang with stock a while... My hd2 i flashed weekly... It got out of hand
Sent from my HTC Velocity 4G using XDA App
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That's what I am afraid of.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
rawb123456 said:
That's what I am afraid of.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
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Don't be afraid to get your hand dirty. Most of the custom ROMs available now are already in its 4th or 5th edition, at this point they are all pretty much very very stable. Think of it this way, whatever it is you like about your phone's current form, custom ROM does EVERYTHING better. It is smoother, faster, more stable (I used to get random reboots 3 times a week on stock ROM, not to mention the stupid carrier bloatwares and CIQ) and the ability to control the power usage through cpu control.
Trust me. It's not even close....
im very happy with that one very fluid after draining the battery than fully charging im getting 20 hours of real used (over 300 texts an hour of calling, internet browsing reading Engadget app, about 30 emails, and 10 pictures)
i do get random reboots about once every two days or so tho
so if you want something more stock tho
i hear this one is good
here is what I did to satisfy my lust for now, keeping in mind that I get no random reboots and I don't seem to have any issues with my phone at all.
I figured there would be some level of erasing my data so I wanted to get rooting out of the way when I first got the phone, within about 20 minutes of ownership I had unlocked the bootloader (which cleared personal data), installed CWM and taken a backup of my stock rom, I then applied the root update through cwm to get root, I am still running the stock rom and I can squeeze 24 hours out of my phone which is pretty impressive vs my htc hd2, I'm in a 3G area so I havent really used my 4G radio yet.
Then I went about installing an update to get my percentage on the battery instead of the stupid battery icon with no percentage, and replaced the home screen with ADW.Launcher and the lockscreen with WidgetLocker, and I'm pretty happy with the speed and capabilities of the phone now, I'm content to wait until ICS I think as I have not really had any stability issues with this setup, everything just works, one annoyance is there is a little lag on scrolling things, something I see is mentioned as fixed in the ROMS... so far its not a big deal for me, I think maybe if ICS cm9 isn't out by march then I will look at flashing a custom rom at that point "
I do really miss the polish of the MIUI rom I had on my HD2, MIUI did some amazing ui stuff and everything was where it needed to be... even simple things like a TOGGLE FOR WIFI in the notification bar... it seems extremely weird for that to not be there lol.
You watch, someone will reply now and say that a particular rom has that feature and I'll be like Fuuuuuuu and flashing a new ROM before tomorow... I can feel the urge to flash rising hahaha
jherbold said:
My biggest beef with stock was CIQ. It was not acceptable to leave it on my phone, regardless of the good intentions.
What I'm seeing with the better custom roms are tremendous increases in speed and fluidity, and excellent battery life. It would be painful to put the stock rom back on.
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Completely agree, I couldn't go back to stock, the speed is far superior, I've tried a couple of Roms, I've just flashed vjraider, great Rom! And I foresee an even better future! Thanks devs,
Sent from my HTC Raider 4G using XDA App
Personally, I find rooting to be worth it. First and foremost, it is the most in depth procedure of customization you can do to your phone to make it "yours". The speed and battery increases are pretty well worth it as well. I am currently running HoliRaider 1.5a with no problems whatsoever. Speed is amazing and I haven't had any stability issues. Considering HTC has allowed for the bootloader to be unlocked, most of the difficulty that comes with rooting has been taken out. Take a chance! Just follow instructions and read them twice before doing anything major, you'll be alright.
Root is a must for me... All the bloatware they put on my phone i had to get off xD my OCD kicks in and i need a way to delete EVERYTHING i can and still make the phone functional haha
I use WCX http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1454521 3.5 and with his newest build I have been getting no reboots at 1.5ghz and its running like a charm
Battery life is a lot better now thank goodness! and I forgot to quote whoever said this but I too cant wait for something like CM7 or CM9 (not miui I hate it) Sense itself is too much for me though its beautiful its not needed I'd rather have INCREDIBLE speed than looks So im sticking with WCX untill CM9 becomes doable or they quickly get CM7 ready to go
I'm with the stock LG ROM on the LG Thrill.
Can I do something to make my phone faster.
Yes roms and the right tweaks and this phone is awesome
sent from my acidhazard thrill
A custom ROM will make your phone run faster. There are you can tweak the build.prop and other things like scripts to improve the phone as well. Right now I just flashed the Mokee v1.0 ROM and it is the best ROM I have ever used on this phone. I would definitely recommend getting a CM7 ROM as long as you don't care about 3D and HDMI as they are broken currently with CM7.
I find the phone quite snappy, but then again I'm coming from a Samsung Epic. That phone was good but is getting very long in the tooth. I'm using Thrillseeker 2.1 on mine and so far I can say yes, it does improve the phone's speed. Next on the to try list is CM7(which is downloading on my phone as we speak). It's a boring day at work, might as well be productive, right?
N3M3S1S357 said:
I find the phone quite snappy, but then again I'm coming from a Samsung Epic. That phone was good but is getting very long in the tooth. I'm using Thrillseeker 2.1 on mine and so far I can say yes, it does improve the phone's speed. Next on the to try list is CM7(which is downloading on my phone as we speak). It's a boring day at work, might as well be productive, right?
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The right kernel is really all you need ... But you need to know about basebands also if you wanna get into that .. if you wanna keep it simple just download a few different roms and see what works best for you
Sent from my Inspire 4G running CoreDroid [email protected] Ghz
WattB006 said:
A custom ROM will make your phone run faster. There are you can tweak the build.prop and other things like scripts to improve the phone as well. Right now I just flashed the Mokee v1.0 ROM and it is the best ROM I have ever used on this phone. I would definitely recommend getting a CM7 ROM as long as you don't care about 3D and HDMI as they are broken currently with CM7.
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hi dude can you explain further about that scripts and how to usw that? tnx a lot dude
Actually, I've been fighting this for a while.
Sometimes the phone is blazing, other times it chugs like molasses.
I've slowly chipped away at the issues, because it's obvious not everybody has these issues, but considering how many times I've tried custom ROMs and kernels, and nothing fixes it, it has to be something I'm running.
Over time, I got rid of Folder Organizer, because that seemed to make it chug. The device seems to have very little RAM and it goes REALLY slow when it's close to full. I also tried things like deleting the downloaded files for the GameLoft titles to speed up the media search on boot. (Less files searched, less RAM used, right?)
Recently one change I made that seemed to help IMMENSELY was uninstalling SwiftKey. I'd LOVE if I could get some help confirming. The circle-swipe to unlock seems much smoother, even after a day, after getting rid of SwiftKey. I'm guessing it just used too much RAM.
At this point, I'd be at a lost otherwise. I changed launchers and used CPU monitors to see what's using up all the CPU, but came up empty.
Additionally, if you haven't tried using Seeder, I'd install that. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1987032