How much heat can the N1 take? - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So the other day, I forgot to close an app down--the Schwartz Unsheathed, if you are curious--and when I fished my phone out again, it was hot. Very, very hot. Battery information indicated 41C which, in the grand scheme of things, isn't that high (wouldn't worry me with a PC's graphic card, for example, or CPU) but it felt incredibly warm to the touch. Fine, I shut the app down, removed the battery cover and let the phone cool down. No problem.
It might be the apps I've been trying since then, but I have been experiencing performance and stability issues. Things slow down sometimes. On the Desire ROM, Rosie kept force-closing every now and again. On Enomther's which as we all know is just about the stablest thing that ever stabled, Launcher2 does ditto (the Launcher Dock may be the culprit, though, as it seems to do some weird **** and I've removed it since. Fiddling around with BetterCut also seems to cause force-closes). So could that be it? Did the phone overheat (but if so, shouldn't it have shut itself down) and now something's broken? Getting antsy. :/

41°C should not be a problem, but consider that this was a measurement from the battery pack and that a sensor like that can easily go +/- 5 to 10 degrees.
so well, some chip on the nexus could have gotten way hotter than 41°C. maybe something fried, some defect that was already there and now its really broken.
still, this can be a bit subjective, the phone will seem broken if you think it's broken you can always do a factory reset, reflash the current rom and try from there.

Yeah, could just be my own jitters--I'd experienced issues before, usually caused by a ROM or whatever--and lately my PC's been having problems, so it might well be some kind of placebo effect. Unless it and my N1 magically entered a symbiosis or something.
Thanks for the quick reply.

once my phone accidently fell onto my bed and under my pillow while i was charging it over night and i woke up at 4 am and found a burning out nexus under my pillow. i unplugged it and nothing seemed damaged but it still worried me.

I think if you are worried about it and you are rooted you should install SetCPU. It has a profile designed so that is you his a preset temp it will down clock your CPU.
I use setCPU to save my batterylife ie.
100% - 50% run full cpu on demand.
Idle/Standby downclock to 400Mhz
50% or less down clock to 600Mhz on demand
20% or less down clock to min.
I also complement this with locale for low bat. dimness, wifi off, bluetooth off. etc.. etc.. ( a little off topic I know)

Well, looks like updating More Icons Widget was what did it; things seem to work okay now.

Was wondering what the maximum advisable temperature is?
Maybe the phone has protection for the CPU? but Li-ion batteries dont like heat, it shortens their effective life.
my battery reached 44.3C yesterday on a 4 hour journey in the car using co-pilot and the phone actually net discharged despite the fact it was on a 1A USB charger for the entire journey - about 80% at start of journey and 20% at end.
I've installed setcpu now and set the temperature profile to drop the max speed to 768 if temp is >44C and another one to drop the speed if power is less than 30%, may need further tweaking though. This was not in my car and the back of the phone was effectively unventilated, in my car I have an open backed holder near an air vent.


High running temperature

I know there is another thread about this, but I feel that it does need bringing to everyone's attention, as it may not be a hardware issue...
It seems that when I have my diamond on charge, the lower section of the rear of the case gets very warm. Now at first, I thaught the battery charging or being under load was the issue, but it seems more like the area which is heating up, is the area where I assume the CPU is (to the left of the sim card slot as you look at it form the rear). When I disable all of the wireless devices it has, the temperature decreases a little, but even when sitting idle on the desk with the backlight at it's lowest, it still seems to get warmer than i'd expect it to. Not only does the rear of the device become warm, the metal sides of the case become rather warm as well, and the lower panel with the buttons in it also warms up to about the same temperature.
Could this be a faulty device, or is this actually a recognised feature of the device? (I have an O2 XDA Insignia/Diamond running in GSM mode currently). I have read that others are suffering from warm temperatures, and I'd like to know the cause, even if it's not possible to fix it.
Thanks for any info...
I've got a compact IV and mine runs hot whenever I have tt6 running, suf the net, use youtube - you get the idea -so it's not the battery. It was a lot worse before I flashed a custom ROM.
Before I got my phone I phoned up T-Mobile to check for stock and one of the stores told me that they had to send their stock back for replacement as there were problems with the phone overheating. This was also discussed for the Compact IV on another thread.
I've had my phone for a few weeks and it seems fine - just hot when I run certain programs...
it is a documented aspect of the phone... read this PDF
when in idle htc isnt hot at all, but when chatging or using gps it becamo really really hot. but when using wlan,opera,msn,etc it isnt hot even worm, the temperatures are ok.
what he said
3 situations I've noticed mine the warmest.
1 - On charge (with the screen left on)
2 - Running TomTom 7
3 - After a long-ish phone call
It seems the temperature goes in line with the CPU usage and the battery discharge.
Sometimes I can feel the phone being hot in my pocket, even when in standby. I installed a taskmanager to see what application is taking so much CPU power. When I switch it on, I can see the historical CPU usage being around 50% (when the phone was in standby!). Unfortunately it drops immediatly to a reasonable 4-5% and so far I could not identify which application is the cause.

N1 Overheating While In Car Dock

hey guys,
I got my car dock a couple days ago and started using it day 1.
its sexy but a little hard to move around (prob cuz its new)
but i have a major problem with the nexus one heating up to almost 120 degrees Fahrenheit! and this troubles me cuz i dont want my battery to lose its charge capacity.
and if im on lets say 50% battery and i drive somewhere for 10-15 min using the navi on the car dock
the temp shoots up to 115-120 and the charge goes down to ~30%
anyone else having a problem with overheating while in the car dock?
i used it during the day and night (only to check if the sun was affecting it)
no change in results
i used it with every option on the power control widget off
i ran Advanced task manager and ended all apps before launching navigation
im considered a tech whiz
so ive put this thing through its paces
and they only way to not have my phone burn hotter than the atlanta summer sun is by turning the screen off and listening to the navi...not veiwing it while its on charge and keeping all wireless options and sync off except GPS
ideas greatly appreciated....
oh yeah
rooted n1
running cyan 5.0.6xx if its any consolation...
and its not undervolted...(problem? but then what about non rooted phones)
oh and today
after using the n1 and removing it from the car dock the screen was not responsive. couldnt use it to navigate
has to reboot the phone
I also noticed my Nexus heated up to 40-42 degrees C while using GPS with Screen on for 15 minutes. Burning hot.
no one has any problems?
ive been noticing its msotly because of the sun that it gets scorching hot but at night it does rise past 115 degrees F
120 degrees fahrenheit (49 degrees celsius) is not very hot for computer parts. The reason it reaches those temperatures I guess is because of google maps (if you used that for navi). When you use google maps it's almost constantly using your data connection and that is one of the most battery intensive tasks if I remember correctly.
Oh and I wouldn't classify a little over 40 degrees celsius as burning hot, I've been to places hotter than that, but I guess it's subjective
Seems that overheating is mainly an issue for those running Cyanogen's ROM, no?
My N1 can get hotter than 50 Celsius in under 10 minutes. It's really a bit frightening. I have noticed, however, that this ONLY occurs when the battery is not near full. Turning the screen off seems to help cool it down (more testing needed). However, turning off the screen doesn't help when you need it for gps.
I am using cyanogen, but not the cyanogen kernel. Overheating occurs both in sunlight and at night. I believe it occurred while not running google maps as well, but I can't remember for sure.
I've had no problems, but I did notice how hot it was. I figured it was because of the sun since I had it mounted on my window glass.
SBS_ said:
When you use google maps it's almost constantly using your data connection and that is one of the most battery intensive tasks if I remember correctly.
Google maps only uses a data connection when it initally pulls down the route information and when it needs to recalculate the route.
You can put your phone into airplane mode after the inital pull and google maps will still function as expected (Except it will not pull down new maps if you stray from the path).
The issue is that you are trying to charge the phone and use it at the same time. The mechanism for doing this charges the battery and depletes the battery at the same time, this makes a really hot battery.
Keeping the screen off when its not needed in the dock and you will have less heat issues when you need to charge your phone in the car dock.
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Devastatin said:
SBS_ said:
When you use google maps it's almost constantly using your data connection and that is one of the most battery intensive tasks if I remember correctly.
Google maps only uses a data connection when it initally pulls down the route information and when it needs to recalculate the route.
You can put your phone into airplane mode after the inital pull and google maps will still function as expected (Except it will not pull down new maps if you stray from the path).
The issue is that you are trying to charge the phone and use it at the same time. The mechanism for doing this charges the battery and depletes the battery at the same time, this makes a really hot battery.
Keeping the screen off when its not needed in the dock and you will have less heat issues when you need to charge your phone in the car dock.
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yeah this car dock i am really getting mad at
i wasted 60 bucks for something that heats the hell out of my phone
i listen to music so loud the bluetooth speaker isnt loud enough to tell me where to turn when the screen is off so...
i guess ill try out enomthers rom with the UV kernal and report back
the major cause of it is the sun
because at night the phone doesnt go over 100 degrees F when using the navi
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Does anyone having this problem use "set cpu"?
I had a the same problem because my cpu was set to 998 during charging. so then I had the three main things that cause heat ganging up. battery, gps and cpu. All i did was set the cpu to 806 while charging and the heat problem went away...
I imagine that the stockers don't have this problem because they are under-clocked...
The main problem is the sun. I have Rodriguez's rom with the overclock and the only thing causing it to heat up is the sun.
Setting the CPU lower I will try but on setcpu I don't set it to userspace anymore. Its set to ondemand and no profiles set. Ill set a profile for overheating at 120°F to max 806mhz
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

What's your phone temperature right now?

I've been having some abnormal temperature in my N1 today, and it's got me a little bit worried. It's at 35ºC right now, while not doing anything. It's been a hot day alright, but I doubt that can have such a strong impact can it?
What is your phone's temperature when idle? What can be considered "outside normal"?
31c in the daytime, 28-30c at night.
i believe its safe, anything under 45c
It's weird though, it had never done that. I even turned it off for some time, but still. The antenna cover is definitely hot.
26.3°C right now.
26.6 'C here now..
frandavid100 said:
What is your phone's temperature when idle? What can be considered "outside normal"?
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Right now (indoors with cool temp) its at 80.6*F
Outdoors mine will get to about 90 - 95*F usually since I am using 3g, sometimes GPS, and the brightness is maxed out.
I dont let it get passed 99*F though since that would harm the battery. Good thing is though is it's never gotten to that point
32C right now. I've gone over 50C when using it as a GPS in sunny weather. Battery seems to be fine. Replacement battery at $25 (cheaper if you shop around), so I figured an average battery lifespan of 1 year isn't a big deal.
Damn, you guys have cold phones. Ive never seen my phone below 32c. Even if I check in the morning right when I wake up.
Lowest I've seen often is 21-22 C, but that is only overnight and I put my phone on airplane mode.
For those of you with hot phones, do you live in hot climates? I've noticed my phone stays warm when I'm out in the sun.
Also, make sure you don't have widgets/etc syncing all the time. I set them to 1 hour at most, and often 4 hours.
Running FroYo and OC kernel atm, so usually range from 26C-38C, anything higher than 40C freaks me out so I set up failsafe on SetCPU. Lowest I've got was 18C/19C with Enom's 1.8.1|IR's kernel.
Paul22000 said:
Lowest I've seen often is 21-22 C, but that is only overnight and I put my phone on airplane mode.
For those of you with hot phones, do you live in hot climates? I've noticed my phone stays warm when I'm out in the sun.
Also, make sure you don't have widgets/etc syncing all the time. I set them to 1 hour at most, and often 4 hours.
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Got widgets, news, contacts & email synching all the time. So my phone is constantly over 30c. Goes under 30c at night time (less activity perhaps). Regardless, the battery should be sufficiently warmed if you want to keep a charge. Just don't hit the 50C mark too many times though, which is pretty much unavoidable when you use GPS a lot.
But I've noticed that after upgrading to Froyo 2.2 the battery seems to run cooler and drains much less compared to 2.1. That and a boost in performance is short of ingenious on Google's engineer's part.
However, I reverted back to CM cuz it's just not as polished yet. Waiting for CM6 instead.
I think there definitely is something wrong with the phone... I woke up and it was cool when I took it from the stand, then I browsed a couple web pages and I canalready feel it getting warm. It got burning hot when I charged it yesterday, too.
In case it is a hardware problem, what could be the cause?
I've just removed the battery and, surprisingly, it's cool. It's the antenna cover, the plastic part at the bottom where it says HTC, that seems to be getting hot. Does that even make sense?

[Q] Does N1 heat up a lot when using GPS?

So, I took my Nexus One for a spin using Google Turn-By-Turn navigation and it was like a 25 minute drive and when I got home, the phone was really hot, to the point where i was afraid this thing may be close to being fried on the inside. The touch screen wasn't working properly (not responding to touch and being very inaccurate than normal). I left it on the desk and after 5 minutes it cooled down again and was fine.
What the heck is wrong? is it cause I kept it on the dash board against the dials, that area was kind of warm but nothing to heat up the phone that much, should I be using a cradle or something?
Its a fully stock Nexus with 2.2.1 FRG83D, not rooted and no other apps running. Same thing happened with the free program MapDroyd, so it isn't Google Navigation only issue either.
I don't use GPS much, but when I first got it, I did and it was fine. After about 9 months though its started getting pretty warm, within minutes of using 3g, roughly 38degrees celcius (about 100 fahrenheit), but apparently it's been tested and works fine up to 57 celcius (134 fahrenheit) or something like that.
it's not the gps .. it's the turn by turn navi.. it uses massive amounts of CPU that is what heats up
It is a number of factors, including the previously stated turn by turn navi. You also have the screen on permanently, plus at least where i live, anything in a car not in an air conditioning stream is going to heat up a lot.
I suggest getting a setcpu widget or some other temperature monitoring widget. I also set my cpu to underclock when it gets above 48 degrees C.
Heavy CPU usage, GPS probably generates some amount of heat, but mainly it also adds to the battery draw which adds heat. Screen is on, and you're possibly also downloading quite a lot of data unless your maps are entirely offline.
Also, your phone might be sitting in the sunlight, or in the winter might have the vents blowing over it.
So just the GPS? Not really. Run GPSTest sitting on your desk. You'll see significant battery usage (probably adds 120mAh to what it'd normally use) but it won't get hot.
Yeah, turn by turn navigation does seem to heat it up a lot, even when caching the map offline entirely on a Wifi network beforehand. My phone isn't rooted, but maybe I'll root it and use setCPU thanks.
Will actually heat up more if plugged in. Although mine never gets past 115 or so and this is with GPS and music playing.
Not Sent from a pc/mac

Fried Milestone

My Milestone seems to have given up it's ghost.
I was driving along, tracking my position in google maps, and it froze up. After removing/replacing the battery, it will no longer turn on. No M logo, nothing. It was rather hot to touch at the time it crashed (OC'ed to 1ghz, GPS on, charging, GoogleMaps SatelliteView) so I suspect it simply fried itself. Bummer.
In some thread somewhere, someone mentioned to leave the battery out for a while so that an internal capacitor can discharge but no luck.
Anybody else run into this?
It may sound stupid but. Have you tried connecting the charger while the phone is off?
EDIT: the milestone always get very hot when running navigation or maps no matter what you do
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I realized that your Milestone is overclocked to 1ghz. What ROM are you using?
It was running HO!NO! CM7.2.0-RC0 at the time, but since any CM-based rom will let you overclock I dont blame the rom.
I'm giving it 24 hours of no battery before trying again, pretty sure the battery had around 70% charge at the time it died.
shimbob said:
My Milestone seems to have given up it's ghost.
I was driving along, tracking my position in google maps, and it froze up. After removing/replacing the battery, it will no longer turn on. No M logo, nothing. It was rather hot to touch at the time it crashed (OC'ed to 1ghz, GPS on, charging, GoogleMaps SatelliteView) so I suspect it simply fried itself. Bummer.
In some thread somewhere, someone mentioned to leave the battery out for a while so that an internal capacitor can discharge but no luck.
Anybody else run into this?
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​It always get hot especially when it is charging. Good luck...
1ghz its not too much? XD im OC 800mhz max
Yay! It's back! Left it with no battery for 3 days and it powered right up after putting the battery in. Phew!
Bummer though, was looking forward to getting a captivate glide. oh well.
In the middle of September, I've added an option (in CM7 for Milestone) to automatically limit the max CPU frequency when the phone is in Car Dock.
It's there for a reason .
From the changelog (it's there since 7.1.0-RC15-11.09.14):
- added options to limit max CPU frequency when screen is off and when phone is in car dock
(When the phone is in car dock it can easily overheat as there is usually: heavy navigation app running, gps in use, battery charging, 3g in use, sun shining directly at phone behind front car window. All this together can lead to battery temperature rising above 50C at which point the charging is automatically stopped to prevent battery damage and you can end up with phone battery empty after some time despite phone being connected to charger. So the CPU freq limit for car dock is there to help with this temperature issue.)
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kabaldan said:
In the middle of September, I've added an option (in CM7 for Milestone) to automatically limit the max CPU frequency when the phone is in Car Dock.
It's there for a reason .
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Yes I use it, except in this case it wasn't in the dock, it was on my lap as I was the passenger.
Although I'm curious. I've disabled the dock observer (car mode just annoys me at the moment). I'm assuming a disabled dock observer means it doesnt reduce frequency when docked, right?
What ROM would be ideal to use with it ?

