[Question] Pros & Cons of ROM mods - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys, simple question here.
So far I've seen a few ROM mods for the N1. Which among the popular few are the Cyanogen, Modaco's DESIRE, and ENOMTHER's TheOfficial. I've only used Cyanogen mod so far. Can anyone with the OTHER roms(or have tested them) report in with what advantage/disadvantage one rom has over the other? I'm tempted to switch over, but I don't want to do a wipe to only find out the rom wasn't up to speed with what I'm using currently.

Why don't you just do a nandroid backup and dual boot? Don't like the new ROM? Revert to your old ROM with all your applications and whatnot in minutes!

You got a point there. But it'd take me time to adjust to the rom and find out the advantages here and there. I thought it'd be easier to ask someone who's experienced with ROM hopping

I've only used Cyanogen myself, i'm gonna try Modaco on Thursday

Well, I've just tested Enom's mod, it didn't entirely feel different from Cyan besides the spare parts and the default configs it's been set. Also, it doesn't need SetCPU installed as Spareparts control that as well :O

LunatikBunnie said:
Well, I've just tested Enom's mod, it didn't entirely feel different from Cyan besides the spare parts and the default configs it's been set. Also, it doesn't need SetCPU installed as Spareparts control that as well :O
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How's the battery life... Cyanogen is raping my battery

S_Dot said:
How's the battery life... Cyanogen is raping my battery
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Enom's is what I have on my phone and what I'd recommend. It has a good balance to it. It's smoother enough for me to not notice anything, has enough addons, great battery life, good compatibility, etc.
Cyanogen has more addons and does run smoother, but the battery life was absolutely horrible.
I tired Modaco's DESIRE rom and switched back to enom's within 10 minutes. Sense just didn't do it more me.

With enom i REALLY like the landscaped homescreen, but it works weird because if i were to open up the drawer(That's the one with the 9 icon grid amirite?) and turn the phone to landscape, it jumps back to the homescreen landscape view. The battery seems SLIGHTLY better, but i'm thinking it's just a placebo effect.

The battery life is better. At least, better than the Desire ROM, whose later builds seem to be a bit more battery-sucking than usual.
I've tried Cyanogen's 5.0.1 (yeah, was a while ago), many alpha releases of Modaco Desire, and am now on Enomther's. I'm going to admit that I miss many features of Sense: pinchable homescreens (best homescreen overview ever), polish in certain aspects like search and contact management, the browser, and many more--but the performance greatly suffers. Enomther's brings wonderful configurable options, better performance, and superlative battery life. It's got a few... odd things here and there, like how sometimes in the browser multi-touch randomly stops working, but nothing major. I do like it overall, though I plan to go back to Modaco Desire when the next alpha is released.

grainysand said:
The battery life is better. At least, better than the Desire ROM, whose later builds seem to be a bit more battery-sucking than usual.
I've tried Cyanogen's 5.0.1 (yeah, was a while ago), many alpha releases of Modaco Desire, and am now on Enomther's. I'm going to admit that I miss many features of Sense: pinchable homescreens (best homescreen overview ever), polish in certain aspects like search and contact management, the browser, and many more--but the performance greatly suffers. Enomther's brings wonderful configurable options, better performance, and superlative battery life. It's got a few... odd things here and there, like how sometimes in the browser multi-touch randomly stops working, but nothing major. I do like it overall, though I plan to go back to Modaco Desire when the next alpha is released.
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Erk, the touchscreen is one of the things i get nit-picky about as i own the 3GS. I know the hardware's limited in the sense of multi touch, but i think it shouldn't be any dysfunctional than it already is. I'm going to give enom another try. I noticed i switched back to Cyan because i had already set up everything nicely, and that i didnt give enom's rom a chance to shine(yet) because it seemed bland without Beautiful Widget.

I'll try to make my comparison simple... Note that I am NOT trying to bash on any of the DEVs, I do appreciate all their hard work, each of their ROMs have pros and cons, so this is solely based on what I experienced. That being said, I suggest you should try em all and decide for yourself
- If you like flashing, and playing around with add ons I highly suggest this, since most of the Devs base their stuff from Cyan's ROM.
- Cyans ROM is very smooth and responsive, and "maybe} slightly faster than the other ROM's.
- Updates often so flashing is your cup of tea. Then you will probably enjoy this.
- Audio Boost.
- MMS interface is better. Black background.
- More choice of Ringtones on 5.0.3
- Option to save Apps to SD or Internal mem on 5.0.6
- Battery life is not great.
- Seems to give me more FC.
- Battery over heats with intensive use of app, specially navigation.
- Battery life is great.
- ROM is the most stable, and has mostly everything you need in a ROM.
- SpareParts makes the ROM highly customizable, so you dont have to flash stuff over. (Enom's SpareParts ROCKS!).
Here are the stuff included in spareparts:
* PID Prioritizer - A slight fix to the Launcher2 lag
* Hotweiss's Radio Mod - which improves Internet/data speed.
* A unique auto rotating launcher with Phone and Browser.
* Built in CPU settings so you can set your frequency without setCPU.
* LED Trackball settings.
* Swappiness settings.
* Statusbar Options.
* Quick Commands - Reboot / Reboot Recovery / Reboot bootloader / Power off.
- Less updates. (Enom wants to make sure its 100% stable before he releases his updates).
- No audio boost yet till his next release. But you can flash pershoot/persiansown kernel to get that.
Good Luck!

I FINALLY rooted my woewtp and flashed cyanogen's latest and my battery life is now horrible. I used my phone for 3 months totally stock and I was bragging about how good my battery was. I went from 100 % to 89 % in 12 hours.
But now I've just lost 16 % in 30 minutes. Why is cyanogen so power hungry? I tried searching for similar threads, I KNOW I've seen them around, but I can't find any of them.


Asking for a little guidance in the ROM / Kernel / MOD-Dschungle

Hey everybody,
I spent the last two weeks since I got hold of my HTC One with flashing every Rom available, but still I couldn't find an entirely satisfying package.
Since I see all the mods and kind of got to know that a lot of options are available via Aroma Installer I am beginning to question my approach.
Maybe I got it all wrong looking for the one ROM that fits my needs...
But that was what I was used to on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
I basically sticked to one ROM for months and applied occasional updates.
Basically what I would want:
Good Audio Quality
It doesn't have to be Beats, but at least equally loud and not cracking like most of the AOSP roms I tried.
This is crucial as it was one of the main criteria for me to buy the HTC One. I want to make use of those gorgeous speakers.
Stock look preferred
I feel that Sense is way to bloated and I kind of like the stock Android Halo Look.
As I am using Nova Launcher anyways I wouldn't be missing the Sense Launcher. I find the Sense Settings Menu confusing, to be honest.
Battery Percentage on the right, no extra icon on the left
Notification Toggles / Horizontal Toggles
Well there are apps (like this one), but they require to display a notification icon permanently.
Power Saver Mode
This one is apparently working quite well...and I wouldn't mind having it in the CustomROM.
But if I can get a sufficient amount of daily use outof it I would be happy enough
Changing Screen-Density to 400 to 420dpi
Doesn't really matter if done via manually editing the build.prop or in a different way. It's just important to me that it can be done withouth making the Framework instable.
Hide IME-Switcher Notification, as I am using SwiftKey permanently
Longpress Back-to-Kill
I really make use of this quite often as I have a lot of apps that I use only once a day, such as banking or runtastic. After using them I am used to killing them, which saves me the detour of going to the recently used apps.
Kill-All in recently used apps
If I have to kill 10 or so apps I endorse having the kill-all button.
Home / HTC-Logo / Sweep 2 Wake
My hands are average size so it is quite a pain to reach all the way up to the power button. (Misplacement if you ask me.)
Something I thought I might get used to, but I just couldn't.
(...seriously, this is what works on the iphone. Waking the phone pushing the home button, while it is placed on it's flat unwobbly back. Hence the HTC One lays better in the hand due to the curved back.)
Some way to wake the phone up without using two hands would be great.
HTC-Logo to Menu or Option to have an onscreen-menubar
I kind of miss the menu button...if the 3-dot menu is just disabled in some roms.
I actually was considering getting the onscreen menubar back and linking the home and back button to apps such as Whatsapp and Google Now solely.
Enough of the wishlist :laugh:
Has anyone any recommendations how to get this jack of all trades stock rom?
I tried the following:
Android Revolution HD, TrickDroid, ViperOne, InsertCoin, bigxie Google Edition, the nandroid of the GE stock image.
PAC-man, CyanogenMod, ParanoidAndroid
At the moment I am running InsertCoin, which is not that bad. But still feels a bit bloated, due to the sense "look and feel".
If I would have to evaluate what bugged me the most and really surprised me on each "type" of rom the baseline would look like this:
Sense based roms:
+ Battery Life
+ Stability
+ Sound Quality
- "messy" Sense look and feel (Settings etc.)
Google Edition roms:
+ Stock look and feel
+ Sound Quality
- Battery Life
- Customizability (Battery-Percentage, Toggles etc.)
Non-HTC Base roms:
+ Stock look and feel
+ Customizability
- Battery Life
- Stability
-- Sound Quality very poor
Please don't get me wrong.
I am not someone who is too lazy to get through all the Roms and read myself into it. :angel:
But I think that I might be missing out on something or just overlooking an option, like a kitchen for the HTC One or so
Thanks in advance :good:
All the best.
Flash the ViperOne
you will have all you want.
Guich said:
Flash the ViperOne
you will have all you want.
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That's what I thought as well
And I tried it yesterday evening.
Though it felt bloated. It's not only the overwhelming sense-like UI, but as well all the features it offers.
Viper debloated and Google Edition based, with a leaner approach to all the used icons would be love on the first sight :good:
Thanks for the immediate reply
(just realized I called ViperOne "Venom" in my prev. Post)
You have to do a choise.
If you like the GE Rom, flash this, but the audio, the zoe function and much more there aren't.
ViperOne is the best rom for the customization
Okay Slim Bean for the HTC One seems to be the best compromise. :victory:
Not bloated at all, stock look and feel, true black theme and all the requested and beloved features are available.
The on thing I was worried about was the One-specific things, such as Hardware Key Controls and wake-options, but they are built right in the rom/kernel combination.
A user reported 22h (100% to 2%) with slightly over 4h of screentime, which sounds sweet.
Gonna try to install a sound mod to increase the soundquality.
Even though it is not as bad as on the other AOSP-based roms that I tried before.

Samsung Galaxy S5 - Omega Droid vs Cyanogenmod Camera and Calendar app

Hello everyone
I want to flash a new, fast and nice performance ROM on my Galaxy S5, but i want to keep the stock camera and calendar app.
As far as i know, if i install a new ROM it will delete and replace the stock camera and calendar, so my question is, which ROM Omega or Cyanogen let me do that .
Thank you very much for your help
cuaran89 said:
so my question is, which ROM Omega or Cyanogen let me do that .
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Omega will let you keep the stock camera. Not sure about the Calendar.
You lose both in CyanogenMOD for sure.
cuaran89 said:
Hello everyone
I want to flash a new, fast and nice performance ROM on my Galaxy S5, but i want to keep the stock camera and calendar app.
As far as i know, if i install a new ROM it will delete and replace the stock camera and calendar, so my question is, which ROM Omega or Cyanogen let me do that .
Thank you very much for your help
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Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about the stock ROM? The performance is on par with any of the alternat ROMs out there, so why risk borking your phone or losing apps that you want to keep?
Just get a different launcher to modify the look and feel of the phone to your tastes.
SquireSCA said:
Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about the stock ROM? The performance is on par with any of the alternat ROMs out there, so why risk borking your phone or losing apps that you want to keep?
Just get a different launcher to modify the look and feel of the phone to your tastes.
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you're mostly correct but there's one thing that it's very different between TW ROMs (that I've tried) and AOSP ROMs (like CM or Carbon) - the notification and quick settings panels; i'm not sure how much these can be customized on TW ROMs and how easy it is to do so but in their default implementation I find CM's notificaiton and quick setting panels vastly superior to those of TW's
whtvr said:
you're mostly correct but there's one thing that it's very different between TW ROMs (that I've tried) and AOSP ROMs (like CM or Carbon) - the notification and quick settings panels; i'm not sure how much these can be customized on TW ROMs and how easy it is to do so but in their default implementation I find CM's notificaiton and quick setting panels vastly superior to those of TW's
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In what way? Been awhile since I used an AOSP ROM...
I mean, the notification panel is such a trivial thing most of the time. Shows battery, clock and basic alerts... To me, it isn't worth the risk of messing up a good phone, or introducing instability or missing features, just to tweak the battery alert or whatever...
I was all into ROMs on older phones like the DroidX, Thunderbolt and some others... because the stock roms were crap. Issues, random reboots, horrible lag, etc... The ROMs got the phones to work properly, they way they were meant to.
But on my LG G2 and now this GS5, I just don't see the need. There is no lag, everything works beautifully, and when I research the ROMs, there is always some bug, some missing feature, something that just doesn't work right... So I don't see any point in switching, when you have 20 launchers to choose from that can make your phone look and feel any way that you want, with no risk and with not having to give anything up...
Each generation of phone and release of Android, makes ROMs more and more obsolete, IMHO... I think that 90% of the people that use them today, do it either out of habit, or just because they want to show off to their nerdy friends.
Nice work!
Well, you are so right, I will keep my stock ROM with the apps I want. But, now I have other question, my GS5 is on ATT and I want to remove the bloatware apps that I don't use, do you know where can I find the complete list for this carrier. Thanks for your time.
SquireSCA said:
In what way? Been awhile since I used an AOSP ROM...
I mean, the notification panel is such a trivial thing most of the time. Shows battery, clock and basic alerts... To me, it isn't worth the risk of messing up a good phone, or introducing instability or missing features, just to tweak the battery alert or whatever...
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What I meant by the notification panel was not just the bar across the top of the screen with a bunch of icons but also the pulled down notification menu as well as the quick settings panel. On TW half of the screen's real estate of the notification menu is taken by a row of toggle icons (which are duplicated on the quick settings screen), two buttons that launch apps that I never used (S Finder and Quick Connect, I don't even know what these apps actually do) and a brightness slider (which in fairness can be disabled, if I recall correctly.)
Then you get to the quick settings panel on which there's also not that many shortcuts that I would use (most of which are for the extra features of TW which I also have no interest in) and there's quite a few that I'd love to see there but they're not available. On CM, on the other hand, the notification menu is clean and simple; it's not bl(essed|oated) with some additional buttons which you may or may not use. The quick settings screen is also much more customizable than that of TW's which only allows for rearanging of toggle icons. On CM you can add, remove and freely arrange all icons on the quick settings screen. And yes, you can add that row of icons to the notification screen and get rid of quick settings altogether, if so you desire.
Some toggles that are available on CM but not on TW are screen time out, lock screen disable/enable or torch. Personally I happen to be using these numerous times throughout the day so while it is only a minor inconvenience to go to the settings and change something manually it adds up quickly if you have to do that often.
To summarize my little rant - the notifications menu and quick settings panel section of the system's interface is used quite often by me (and I'd say others as well) and I simply find inadequate what TW has to offer here. The rest of the TW is either virtually the same as any other version Android or can be easily "fixed", example of which was mentioned by yourself (the launcher).
Now, I agree with you that it may not be worth it for some people to "risk" using a custom AOSP ROM but it can't be denied that by definition such ROMs offer a much greater flexibility and allow one to use their phone exactly how they want (to a greater degree than can be said about TW). Differences can ofcourse be described as "minor" but whether they're significant is for everyone to decide on their own. After all, if there was no need for custom ROMs (whether it's just showing off to nerdy friends or some other reason) people wouldn't create them...
cuaran89 said:
Well, you are so right, I will keep my stock ROM with the apps I want. But, now I have other question, my GS5 is on ATT and I want to remove the bloatware apps that I don't use, do you know where can I find the complete list for this carrier. Thanks for your time.
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Have a look in this forum. There's a good few "debloated" ROMs over there, and a list of what's removed is sometimes included. As for what to remove the apps with, I would personally recommend Titanium Backup.

Google seems to have screwed it up with this one...

5.0 was something I really looked forward to...once I got around to flashing it however, man it's taking a huge decrease in the performance department compared to 4.4.4. Here are some of the things I noticed:
1. Laggy UI overall - opening apps, loading, caching is all much slower now - not the animations, just the time lag before the animation/after animation.
2. Bad battery life - is it me or has the battery really taken a hit? Today I got out of the house at 8AM and by 3PM I get the 15% battery saver notification. With about 2.5 hrs of SOT. Before I used to get at least 3+.
3. Unnecessary animations - I do not understand the whole "logical part" of L's animations. They claim apps now "open from somewhere". All I'm seeing is that they slide up now. IMO, it was more logical before, the app used to extend diagonally FROM its icon itself. On top of that, the animations are more laggy too.
4. Colours/Icons - what is with the colour choices of teal, etc. in the backgrounds and all over the UI? Starting to look like Touchwiz. And, the triangle/square/circle are totally random choices of shapes...the arrow, home, etc. were more logical.
5. Google Apps - Google apps are ever-more confusing to use now with a plethora of headings under the swipe menus (i.e. Gmail, Inbox, Photos, etc.). More importantly, the font is now super small...the nice big font in KitKat was way nicer and had easy-to-understand menus. Chrome is way worse - tabs have become "apps" and the only way to switch between them is to access recent apps. No more new tab button, no more swipe between tabs, and it crashes like no tomorrow. Calendar is so-so..it's harder to delete events now.
Overall KitKat was way smoother, cleaner UI, very accessible, but only lacked a couple key features. Looks like Project Butter is gone. An update is fast needed.
The Good:
Dialer and Messenger apps are far better than the stock on KitKat (UI/usability-wise). I really like lock-screen notifications.
(1) Wat? No lag here. (stock, no root)
Won't comment about (2) and above (yet).
OnlySkills said:
5.0 was something I really looked forward to...once I got around to flashing it however, man it's taking a huge decrease in the performance department compared to 4.4.4. Here are some of the things I noticed:
1. Laggy UI overall - opening apps, loading, caching is all much slower now - not the animations, just the time lag before the animation/after animation.
2. Bad battery life - is it me or has the battery really taken a hit? Today I got out of the house at 8AM and by 3PM I get the 15% battery saver notification. With about 2.5 hrs of SOT. Before I used to get at least 3+.
3. Unnecessary animations - I do not understand the whole "logical part" of L's animations. They claim apps now "open from somewhere". All I'm seeing is that they slide up now. IMO, it was more logical before, the app used to extend diagonally FROM its icon itself. On top of that, the animations are more laggy too.
4. Colours/Icons - what is with the colour choices of teal, etc. in the backgrounds and all over the UI? Starting to look like Touchwiz. And, the triangle/square/circle are totally random choices of shapes...the arrow, home, etc. were more logical.
5. Google Apps - Google apps are ever-more confusing to use now with a plethora of headings under the swipe menus (i.e. Gmail, Inbox, Photos, etc.). More importantly, the font is now super small...the nice big font in KitKat was way nicer and had easy-to-understand menus. Chrome is way worse - tabs have become "apps" and the only way to switch between them is to access recent apps. No more new tab button, no more swipe between tabs, and it crashes like no tomorrow. Calendar is so-so..it's harder to delete events now.
Overall KitKat was way smoother, cleaner UI, very accessible, but only lacked a couple key features. Looks like Project Butter is gone. An update is fast needed.
The Good:
Dialer and Messenger apps are far better than the stock on KitKat (UI/usability-wise). I really like lock-screen notifications.
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Please tell us your method of installing 5.0?
Sent from my Android 5.0 Nexus 5
1. Not laggy for me too. It works smooth. Did a clean install.
2. Battery life seems to be fine.. Did not see any improvements yet..but definitely not a deterioration..
3. This may be a personal preference. I actually like the animations.
4. Again personal preference. I love the color scheme of lollipop. Bright colors and white just works.
5. I agree there is a confusion with Email app redirecting to gmail and Inbox which manages Gmail..haha what a mess. But I can get used to it. Agnostic about the font size change. I hated the chrome tabs which showed up in multi tasking, but I just turned the feature off. Now I have all the swipe to switch tabs, swipe down to see tabs etc.
Even though I like Lollipop overall, I agree with several of your points:
Battery life is much worse than the first DP released months ago. That was amazing. Now, I still have a better battery life while actually using the phone, compared to KitKat, but the standby power consumption is worrying: I get a 5% drop by just leaving my phone in airplane mode for one night, which would barely take 1% on android 4.4...
The UI doesn't look laggy at all to me, but I must admit that some animations are pointless; others are pleasant though.
I like the UI of some of the new Gapps instead: gmail is really well made, especially in the tablet version, calendar is ok and the changes in the other ones (maps, keep, newsstand) didn't affect usability.
At first I didn't like chrome either, but after you get used to the new way to use it, it's not that bad. Anyway, you can disable the new tab view and revert to the classical UI whenever you want
Sent from my Nexus 5
Lags what?? Come on. Mine is running butter smooth like never before. Much much fluid and consistent than Kitkat 4.4.4. And stop criticizing UI based on colors and all. These are subjective elements and opinions always vary greatly from person to person. Most of the people are liking this new UI. It does have a character and feel of liveliness unlike any previous android UI.
PS: And for once in a lifetime, do checkout settings under Chrome.
Got no lag issues
Battery is better for me
3 ~ 5 are taste choices not issues, i love the new ui and animation
Maybe its time to see if any oem offer better looks to your taste
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
People if you read all his comments, all items are so subjective. Colors can look ugly to you but not to everyone. Battery would be because of how you use it. Gapps, are made not your sake and fonts that are small for your is enough for someone. Again, post issues that are show stopper.
@OP: Damn right they have. The OTA updates have stopped as well. I think the rest of us (99%) should be receiving Android 5.0.1 or something next month. Till then... no updates.
In chrome you can change the tab style under settings
I sideloaded the OTA and my phone was laggy and had a few force closes so I flashed the factory image and it's fine. Fast, smooth and works.
This is the price you pay for being an early adopter. It has happened before on nexus devices in the past. It's going to take them at least one or even two more updates to polish it.
Concerning chrome tabs, go to settings in chrome and turn off "merge tabs and apps".
You can turn off system animations from developer options in settings, or make them a bit faster by setting the value to .5x
As for unnecessary apps, you can disable the apps you don't want to see, or if you're rooted, you can delete them for good.
I want to say that after week od testing Lollipop (AOSP version with Hybrid Kernel) I went back to Omni ROM based on KitKat. Why? Because for me Lollipop is not as smooth as KitKat. I mean especially animations that are often laggy. Check out for example Play Store. Search any app with huge description, click "More informations" and then click "x" button to close whole description. For me this animation was very laggy. It's only example but I just felt worse smoothness and responsive in compare to KitKat. Even recent apps panel opens slower than KitKats one. It should not supposed to be so. I feel on KitKat 100% comfortable in daily use, not on Lollipop. I like new look and features but KitKat is faster.
And I will not change my mind, I'm not a noob and I can see the difference. I will wait month or two for custom ROMs and I will check out Lollipop again.
rayiskon said:
This is the price you pay for being an early adopter. It has happened before on nexus devices in the past. It's going to take them at least one or even two more updates to polish it.
Concerning chrome tabs, go to settings in chrome and turn off "merge tabs and apps".
You can turn off system animations from developer options in settings, or make them a bit faster by setting the value to .5x
As for unnecessary apps, you can disable the apps you don't want to see, or if you're rooted, you can delete them for good.
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Do you know long did previous nexus devices had to wait for the "polish" it out updates in the past?
and313 said:
Do you know long did previous nexus devices had to wait for the "polish" it out updates in the past?
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I've been on the nexus line for 4 generations, but no one can answer your question with 100% certainty. It might take a x.x.1 or even x.x.2 update to iron things out.
I would say this transition is even bigger than gingerbread 2.3 -> 4.0 ICS was.
Choppy animations, FC's and inconsistencies in apps are normal at this stage. Apps will update in time. And i mean all apps in general, not just GApps.
1. No lag here.
2. Getting 4 hours + SoT, even on Developer Preview I was getting nearly 5.
3. Everything looks better in slow-mo.
4. Touchwiz is so much more random. Colors everywhere, heavy theming, where as Google has a constant flow. Maybe they just got tired if everything being black(might've been nice in the N6)
5. I always hated the Photos thing, but getting use to it quickly. I can see where Google is trying to go.
The font is beautiful to me. I love it.
Chrome, you can change it from recent apps back to normal in Chrome settings(I don't know if you read the instructions for that)
Calendar looks beautiful, but haven't used it yet.
Now. Remember that Lollipop was JUST released, therefore only the start of things to come. KitKat had many improvements done to it to become what it was.
Curiousn00b said:
1. No lag here.
2. Getting 4 hours + SoT, even on Developer Preview I was getting nearly 5.
3. Everything looks better in slow-mo.
4. Touchwiz is so much more random. Colors everywhere, heavy theming, where as Google has a constant flow. Maybe they just got tired if everything being black(might've been nice in the N6)
5. I always hated the Photos thing, but getting use to it quickly. I can see where Google is trying to go.
The font is beautiful to me. I love it.
Chrome, you can change it from recent apps back to normal in Chrome settings(I don't know if you read the instructions for that)
Calendar looks beautiful, but haven't used it yet.
Now. Remember that Lollipop was JUST released, therefore only the start of things to come. KitKat had many improvements done to it to become what it was.
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This exact same thing, minus #3.
Sent from my Nexus 5 on Lollipop 5.0
TheLastSidekick said:
This exact same thing, minus #3.
Sent from my Nexus 5 on Lollipop 5.0
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Ohno, I meant the animations. You see it more in slow-mo. I'm not saying put your phone animations like 2x's slower.
In an Android Police post, they made GIFS of the animations. To the eye it looks like a slide, but in thebGIFS it was beautiful.
No lag here.
Battery is improved in my case ( on avg-extreme usage).
But apps takes longer time to install. But I know its due to the ART , but performance wise its a clear winner.
No force closes even on extreme multitasking.
My device is rooted just to install ViperFx everything else is completely stock.
OnlySkills said:
5.0 was something I really looked forward to...once I got around to flashing it however, man it's taking a huge decrease in the performance department compared to 4.4.4. Here are some of the things I noticed:
1. Laggy UI overall - opening apps, loading, caching is all much slower now - not the animations, just the time lag before the animation/after animation.
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Yes, I noticed this since first preview came out. I thought it would be fixed in final factory image, but it didn't.
I installed Lollipop with full wipe option (-w) and still laggy everywhere(Drawer, multi-tasking, even opening setting).
Third party apps which have services running in background are only Facebook Messenger and Yahoo!Weather, tried removing them but no help.
I am so jealous of you guys who didn't encounter this issue :crying:
BTW, I also noticed taking some HDR+ shots makes system holding more memory (and never release them).

[Q] what rom has the most bells and whistles

Just got my N6 yesterday and as a crack flasher i have already flashed a few things. Wondering what rom out there has the most crap to play with in it
Most of them more or less have the same amount of features.
Euphoria, Liquidsmooth are both pretty packed with every feature.
Liquid Smooth has some nice ones and it's updated daily the app circle is my favorite new feature. You can swipe from the side to open it.
Just a little status update. I did install LS as the right when i opened the box. As i have been a fan of their work in the past. I went back to stock for a day just to verify stuff worked and then jumped right back to LS.
So far so good.
I loved the battery circle mod, the network stats in status bar, quick pull downs, the dark settings, and i am sure there are more but i don't have my phone in front of me.
The only thing i have noticed was worse battery life, but I haven't given it a fair shake yet, as when it drained i was on the road, or gaming non stop.
I will add more features to this list when i get my phone in hand again. Anyone else feel free to add your favorite features. I did try the circle mod but that just isn't my style.
JustusIV said:
Just a little status update. I did install LS as the right when i opened the box. As i have been a fan of their work in the past. I went back to stock for a day just to verify stuff worked and then jumped right back to LS.
So far so good.
I loved the battery circle mod, the network stats in status bar, quick pull downs, the dark settings, and i am sure there are more but i don't have my phone in front of me.
The only thing i have noticed was worse battery life, but I haven't given it a fair shake yet, as when it drained i was on the road, or gaming non stop.
I will add more features to this list when i get my phone in hand again. Anyone else feel free to add your favorite features. I did try the circle mod but that just isn't my style.
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My battery life has been excellent with LS and Franco kernel. I get at least 6 hours SOT. The other night I flashed a nightly for it and did a TWRP backup of my current ROM and here was my battery life for it.
blisspop has some extra addon features...
Blisspop has the most features so far. Its my new fav rom. Liquid Smooth is pretty good as well
Blisspop and Lean kernel are my daily's, feature rich, fast and stable. Battery life is excellent.

[GUIDE][A11] ROM PICKING GUIDE [2nd October 2021]

I'm Hummusman and I've been flashing ROMs and modding my phone since the Galaxy S5 (KLTE) days. I'm making this guide in hopes that it makes it easier for you to pick a ROM as per your needs. I will not mention any ROMs that I haven't used.
Decent amount of customization.
One of the best, if not the best fingerprint scanning implementation IMO.
Good Ambient display implementation.
Pretty smooth UI.
Dolby audio genuinely makes your earphone listening experience better.
OnePlus Camera works perfectly as expected. (Unlike some ROMs which have issues with video/portrait mode and on the lockscreen).
Poor battery life even while using naptime.
Heating issues even while using a custom kernel.
Pushy Oneplus account sign in and cloud services "ads".
No always on display (I don't use it anyway).
Dark mode is not black.
I'd personally not use it based on the two inital cons. I have heard many people say that they do not have this problem but I do even after clean flashing and restoring using MSM multiple times over multiple updates. Use it if you're lazy or afraid of bricking your phone by flashing a ROM. (Highly unlikely)
This is by far the best version of oxygen os so far but I would not use it and also don't recommend you use it for only one reason and that is thats its old and has older security patches.
Pixel Experience (Plus)
I'm not including the non plus version here because I haven't used it. But I presume that it is very similar and I recommend using the plus version.
Very stable
Excellent battery life. I don't use my phone a lot (~3.5-4 hours of SOT) so I get around 1.5-2 days on a single charge. Keep in mind that I use naptime (not very agressively)
OnePlus Camera Included
Good Fingerprint Scanning Implementation
Unlimited Photos Storage
Like the name suggests, mostly stock pixel experience
If it matters to you, there aren't many features in this ROM. Styles and wallpapers theming is also very limited with only a few accent colors. There is only one clock style.
Just like many ROMs, the Fingerprint scanning area is not as large as stock OOS.
This is the ROM I'd recommend if you're priority is stability and battery over all else. Not recommended if you're interested in tweaking your phone to the max.
Best in class features and themeing options. Has lots of UI styles, accent colors and clock options. Lots of other tweaks are present.
Pretty stable with minimal bugs.
Above average-great battery life.
Good FIngerprint scanning implementation
Unlimited Photos Storage
OnePlus Camera Included.
All in all a well rounded ROM
Fingerpint scanning area is not as large as OOS.
Inlcuded OnePlus camera does not have macro mode as of now.
I initially had a bad impression of derpfest when it was a beta release as it had bad battery life and some heating issues. Now, since the release of the stable version, this is a very nice ROM and I recommend it for a good balanced experience. I personally use this ROM a lot.
To be fair, I haven't used these ROMs lately. I used to use crdroid as my daily ROM while derpfest was in its beta stage. Thus I will skip the pros and cons and jump to the conclusion. I recommend that you try them yourself first.
Both are solid ROMs and XTENDED has one of the most personal theming experience with lots of customization. But something feels off about this ROM and I can't put my finger down on what exactly causes this. My guess is that its something to do with it being based on Lineage OS and IMO something feels off about Lineage OS as well compared to AOSP. Its worth mentioning that both include the OnePlus Camera.
Pretty stable with minimal to no bugs.
Good fingerprint scanning implementation with the correct sized scanning area.
Has working screen off fingerprint. Keep in mind that this will disable ambient display.
Unlimited photos storage
OnePlus camera included.
All existing features are very polished and are well implemented.
All in all a very smooth ROM.
HORRIBLE BATTERY LIFE. Idle drain is ridiculous even with naptime installed. I slept with 90-95% battery left at 1130PM. Woke up the next day with 72%. If you sleep with 20-30% left, YOUR PHONE WILL BE DEAD WHEN YOU WAKE UP.
Fingerprint animations are turned on by default and this causes fingerprint to not work at all for some reason. (Turning animations off makes it work)
I had been using havocos daily on my OnePlus 3 and I felt that it was one of the best if not the best ROM in existence. I am severly dissapointed that I cannot use havoc os daily because of its poor battery life.
DOT OS [Update 17/10/2021]
I love the unique material you port that this ROM offers which picks an accent color from your wallpaper.
Good feature selection. Has all of the essentials with some goodies.
Interesting MIUI based theme (can be considered a con based on your preference but IMO its a breath of fresh air from all the generic AOSP ROMS)
Decent Performance (some lags in the qs panel) and decent battery life (~3 47mins with medium to heavy use (16%left)) (Have only used it for one cycle at this point)
Fingerprint scanning implementation is hit or miss. Works fine now with the white scanning icon.
UI can be a tad buggy at times. I feel that the MIUI skin contributes to this.
Hasn't been updated in a while. (5.2 has been announced and not yet released)
No OnePlus camera app currently.
Nice ROM which is let down by the poor implementation of core features. I would daily drive this ROM if the fingerprint implementation was good and OnePlus camera app was included. (I hope both of these are fixed with the 5.2 release)
Paranoid Android Ruby Beta
I've only used this rom briefly becuase of its single and old release and the lack of the OnePlus camera app. Its a good ROM but I wouldn't recommend you daily drive it as it seems pretty dead in its current state.
Android Ice Cold Project
Again, I used this ROM only briefly as
Installing it was a pain in the ass.
No Gapps included.
Developer came off as a bit hostile
Lacks some core features while focusing on niche features.
All this might have changed as the last time I used this ROM was a atleast 5-6 months back. Try it if you want and if you know what you're doing.
Lineage OS
Lineage OS is Lineage OS. Nothing more to say.
My Personal Favourites
Flashing Tips
Since this phone does not have a fully working TWRP, it might be tricky for people to figure out how to flash ROMs for this device. Many ROM developers tell you to extract the payload.bin and flash each partition to each slop separetely. This is very tedious and boring and I hate doing this. It is not even foolproof and doesn't work many times.
So, the most foolproof and easiest way to flash a ROM is...
Using the guide on the lineage os downloads page.
You can skip some steps if you are alraedy on a custom ROM. (Pre install instructions and before)
Just replace the lineage os ROM zip with your prefferred ROM and flash. I have tested it to work with every ROM in this guide.
How I switch ROMS (Custom -> Custom not OOS -> Custom)
Use Migrate to back up all apps and their data. (Requires Root) (Don't forget to copy zip to your PC)
Boot to recovery. Enter fastboot (in advanced)
Perform fastboot -w
Boot to recovery and format data
Adb sideload ROM
Set up ROM
Boot back to recovery and flash magisk using adb sideload.
Install migrate helper to restore all my apps and data.
Some things to note:
You can use the lineage os recovery to flash magisk very easily. Rename magisk.apk to magisk.zip (get it from github), go to recovery and abd sideload it. You will have to skip signature verification.
If for some reason, your ROM does not boot after you have sidealded it, go back to the recovery and click on format data. This fixes it 99% of times.
Tweaks I Use
Youtube Vanced and YT Music Vanced
Naptime and servicely
Rboard themes (get from telegram)
Franco Kernel Manager to reduce vibration intensity in some ROMS. I also sometimes apply an underclock.
Thank you for reading. Please ingnore spelling and grammar mistakes as I'm to lazy to install grammarly and I'm not a native english speaker.
A real thank's for your feedback. I have a question that I asked in Derpfest forum, Im on OOS and my bootloader is unlocked, can I root without wiping data? The goal is to backup all my apps with data for restoring on Derpfest rom
Thank you again
mehditop said:
A real thank's for your feedback. I have a question that I asked in Derpfest forum, Im on OOS and my bootloader is unlocked, can I root without wiping data? The goal is to backup all my apps with data for restoring on Derpfest rom
Thank you again
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Thank a lot, just saw your answer there
Ok, but... what ROM should i flash if i need a vanilla one(without gapps)? I just used Lineage OS microg version on xda topic, and it has few bugs. Like, the fingerprint is working decent when i configure it, but after a day is not working at all, performance is not that good, even with a custom kernel, and the battery life is not great. I don't want Google's sh!t.
SohrabHamza said:
I'm Hummusman and I've been flashing ROMs and modding my phone since the Galaxy S5 (KLTE) days. I'm making this guide in hopes that it makes it easier for you to pick a ROM as per your needs. I will not mention any ROMs that I haven't used.
Decent amount of customization.
One of the best, if not the best fingerprint scanning implementation IMO.
Good Ambient display implementation.
Pretty smooth UI.
Dolby audio genuinely makes your earphone listening experience better.
OnePlus Camera works perfectly as expected. (Unlike some ROMs which have issues with video/portrait mode and on the lockscreen).
Poor battery life even while using naptime.
Heating issues even while using a custom kernel.
Pushy Oneplus account sign in and cloud services "ads".
No always on display (I don't use it anyway).
Dark mode is not black.
I'd personally not use it based on the two inital cons. I have heard many people say that they do not have this problem but I do even after clean flashing and restoring using MSM multiple times over multiple updates. Use it if you're lazy or afraid of bricking your phone by flashing a ROM. (Highly unlikely)
This is by far the best version of oxygen os so far but I would not use it and also don't recommend you use it for only one reason and that is thats its old and has older security patches.
Pixel Experience (Plus)
I'm not including the non plus version here because I haven't used it. But I presume that it is very similar and I recommend using the plus version.
Very stable
Excellent battery life. I don't use my phone a lot (~3.5-4 hours of SOT) so I get around 1.5-2 days on a single charge. Keep in mind that I use naptime (not very agressively)
OnePlus Camera Included
Good Fingerprint Scanning Implementation
Unlimited Photos Storage
Like the name suggests, mostly stock pixel experience
If it matters to you, there aren't many features in this ROM. Styles and wallpapers theming is also very limited with only a few accent colors. There is only one clock style.
Just like many ROMs, the Fingerprint scanning area is not as large as stock OOS.
This is the ROM I'd recommend if you're priority is stability and battery over all else. Not recommended if you're interested in tweaking your phone to the max.
Best in class features and themeing options. Has lots of UI styles, accent colors and clock options. Lots of other tweaks are present.
Pretty stable with minimal bugs.
Above average-great battery life.
Good FIngerprint scanning implementation
Unlimited Photos Storage
OnePlus Camera Included.
All in all a well rounded ROM
Fingerpint scanning area is not as large as OOS.
Inlcuded OnePlus camera does not have macro mode as of now.
I initially had a bad impression of derpfest when it was a beta release as it had bad battery life and some heating issues. Now, since the release of the stable version, this is a very nice ROM and I recommend it for a good balanced experience. I personally use this ROM a lot.
To be fair, I haven't used these ROMs lately. I used to use crdroid as my daily ROM while derpfest was in its beta stage. Thus I will skip the pros and cons and jump to the conclusion. I recommend that you try them yourself first.
Both are solid ROMs and XTENDED has one of the most personal theming experience with lots of customization. But something feels off about this ROM and I can't put my finger down on what exactly causes this. My guess is that its something to do with it being based on Lineage OS and IMO something feels off about Lineage OS as well compared to AOSP. Its worth mentioning that both include the OnePlus Camera.
Pretty stable with minimal to no bugs.
Good fingerprint scanning implementation with the correct sized scanning area.
Has working screen off fingerprint. Keep in mind that this will disable ambient display.
Unlimited photos storage
OnePlus camera included.
All existing features are very polished and are well implemented.
All in all a very smooth ROM.
HORRIBLE BATTERY LIFE. Idle drain is ridiculous even with naptime installed. I slept with 90-95% battery left at 1130PM. Woke up the next day with 72%. If you sleep with 20-30% left, YOUR PHONE WILL BE DEAD WHEN YOU WAKE UP.
Fingerprint animations are turned on by default and this causes fingerprint to not work at all for some reason. (Turning animations off makes it work)
I had been using havocos daily on my OnePlus 3 and I felt that it was one of the best if not the best ROM in existence. I am severly dissapointed that I cannot use havoc os daily because of its poor battery life.
I love the unique material you port that this ROM offers which picks an accent color from your wallpaper.
Good feature selection. Has all of the essentials with some goodies.
Interesting MIUI based theme (can be considered a con based on your preference but IMO its a breath of fresh air from all the generic AOSP ROMS0
Fingerprint scanning implementation is hit or miss.
UI can be a tad buggy at times. I feel that the MIUI skin contributes to this.
Hasn't been updated in a while. (5.2 has been announced and not yet released)
No OnePlus camera app currently.
Nice ROM which is let down by the poor implementation of core features. I would daily drive this ROM if the fingerprint implementation was good and OnePlus camera app was included. (I hope both of these are fixed with the 5.2 release)
Paranoid Android Ruby Beta
I've only used this rom briefly becuase of its single and old release and the lack of the OnePlus camera app. Its a good ROM but I wouldn't recommend you daily drive it as it seems pretty dead in its current state.
Android Ice Cold Project
Again, I used this ROM only briefly as
Installing it was a pain in the ass.
No Gapps included.
Developer came off as a bit hostile
Lacks some core features while focusing on niche features.
All this might have changed as the last time I used this ROM was a atleast 5-6 months back. Try it if you want and if you know what you're doing.
Lineage OS
Lineage OS is Lineage OS. Nothing more to say.
My Personal Favourites
Flashing Tips
Since this phone does not have a fully working TWRP, it might be tricky for people to figure out how to flash ROMs for this device. Many ROM developers tell you to extract the payload.bin and flash each partition to each slop separetely. This is very tedious and boring and I hate doing this. It is not even foolproof and doesn't work many times.
So, the most foolproof and easiest way to flash a ROM is...
Using the guide on the lineage os downloads page.
You can skip some steps if you are alraedy on a custom ROM. (Pre install instructions and before)
Just replace the lineage os ROM zip with your prefferred ROM and flash. I have tested it to work with every ROM in this guide.
How I switch ROMS (Custom -> Custom not OOS -> Custom)
Use Migrate to back up all apps and their data. (Requires Root) (Don't forget to copy zip to your PC)
Boot to recovery. Enter fastboot (in advanced)
Perform fastboot -w
Boot to recovery and format data
Adb sideload ROM
Set up ROM
Boot back to recovery and flash magisk using adb sideload.
Install migrate helper to restore all my apps and data.
Some things to note:
You can use the lineage os recovery to flash magisk very easily. Rename magisk.apk to magisk.zip (get it from github), go to recovery and abd sideload it. You will have to skip signature verification.
If for some reason, your ROM does not boot after you have sidealded it, go back to the recovery and click on format data. This fixes it 99% of times.
Tweaks I Use
Youtube Vanced and YT Music Vanced
Naptime and servicely
Rboard themes (get from telegram)
Franco Kernel Manager to reduce vibration intensity in some ROMS. I also sometimes apply an underclock.
Thank you for reading. Please ingnore spelling and grammar mistakes as I'm to lazy to install grammarly and I'm not a native english speaker.
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your analysis is good.
Dragos1221 said:
Ok, but... what ROM should i flash if i need a vanilla one(without gapps)? I just used Lineage OS microg version on xda topic, and it has few bugs. Like, the fingerprint is working decent when i configure it, but after a day is not working at all, performance is not that good, even with a custom kernel, and the battery life is not great. I don't want Google's sh!t.
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Try the new dotos 5.2. Peformance is ok and battery life is decent.
SohrabHamza said:
Try the new dotos 5.2. Peformance is ok and battery life is decent.
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Thank you!
Thinking about to install custom rom again. One thing I wonder is if custom roms has impact on Widevine. Perhaps Widevine only affects if you root?
I was first thinking about trying out Pixel Experience but seems the feature with date in statusbar is not there? Perhaps CrDroid might be a good choice...
DandeSolu said:
Nice topic, love it
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I will be using the materials from the thread in my essay, I will be ordering it from https://www.wiseessays.com/ so that would be great if anyone shared more information
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I don't understand what you mean. What info do you need and what is the essay about?
Hello, is this guide still actual in 2022 with a12 released?

