LiquidAux Bluetooth communication problem - HD2 Accessories

I'm using the Kensington LiquidAUX Bluetooth Car Kit in my car with my HTC HD2.
Connection and reconnection working fine, and the music over Bluetooth sounds really good. (better than before with my Samsung Omnia i900).
But a little problem is there, when I using the adapter with my phone to take a call.
All the people who talked to me over the LiquidAux adapter, the told me that I was so far away.
I don't know in which way I could increase the micro signal , but LiquidAUX doesn't support any changes. Could I change any Bluetooth paramater settings in the Pocket PC Windows Registry ? Or any other idea ?
regards, palmchen


Bluetooth Car Kit - Poor performance with Kaiser

Anyone heard of a fix for this? My old RAZR worked great with my bluetooth car kit, the kaiser's sound quality is poor. Meaning the people on teh other end of the phone can't hear me very well...
Ive found the opposite....
My motorola RAZR2 and Lexus don't really get on well... it never connects. ever. I need to mess around re-pairing it before it will connect.
But the HTC Kaiser and Lexus get on well.
nokia ck-1w work perfectly with kaiser (rom from htc)
stereo bluetooth headphones sony dr-bt30q too work great.
(kaiser have small bug when plaing sound from network on bt headphones. after turn off kaser, wifi is disconnected on wires headphones kaiser don't disconnect wifi after turn off.)

Car Handsfree issue - sound & interferance

Hi, I have purchased a THB Bury cradle for my cars existing phone system. the TyTN II works but gets bad feedback to the person i am talking too. If i switch the cradle to my old crappy nokia it works with no interference. Also the TomTom program wont go through the car radio like the phone when connected to the cradle. Has anyone else fixed these issues?

Wireless sterto via bluetooth to car stero

Quite a while ago I bought a Sony BT3600U car stero as it was bluetooth enabled so I could stream music from my Kaiser direct to the car speakers.
All was working well until I moved the car stereo to my new car.
Now although it's all paired up fine when I turn on the car stero it just links to the handsfree bluetooth but doesn't automatically go to wireless stereo.
Instead to get the wireless stereo to work I have to go into bluetooth settings click on xplode (which is the car stereo) and then choose set as wireless stereo.
I know from before that I managed to get it to automatically switch to wireless stereo when in range of the partnered car stereo but I can't for the life of me remember how I did it.
Does anyone have any clues?
Sounds to me like it's an issue with the stereo, not the Kaiser.
Perhaps try disabling the handsfree service (for that pair) on the Kaiser? I can't remember exactly if you disable certain services.
cotc2001 said:
Quite a while ago I bought a Sony BT3600U car stero as it was bluetooth enabled so I could stream music from my Kaiser direct to the car speakers.
All was working well until I moved the car stereo to my new car.
Now although it's all paired up fine when I turn on the car stero it just links to the handsfree bluetooth but doesn't automatically go to wireless stereo.
Instead to get the wireless stereo to work I have to go into bluetooth settings click on xplode (which is the car stereo) and then choose set as wireless stereo.
I know from before that I managed to get it to automatically switch to wireless stereo when in range of the partnered car stereo but I can't for the life of me remember how I did it.
Does anyone have any clues?
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I have an XCarLink and I have the same behaviour which is a bit annoying. I did a bit of searching a while ago but never got anywhere. If there is an (easy) answer to this I would be interested.
No it's def not the stereo , i've got it working sort of using A2DP toggle but it's not automatic.
Installed A2DP toggle and linked it to the audio manager on the kaiser.
So I just click the play button on my home screen and it kicks in the wireless stereo and launches the audio manager at the same time and it all works.
It's just annoying as I know that before I moved the stereo from my Honda civic to my hyundai Coupe all I had to do was just start audio manager and the wireless stereo kicked in automatically.
I've seen this too; I have a Sony BT5000 (basically the same as the OP), and I've seen it with both Wizard & Kaiser devices.
A bit more testing - expected behaviour?
I went out in the car earlier and had to do the 'set as wireless stereo' trick to get the BT streaming working with the XCarLink. When I switched off the engine and the head unit powered off the headset icon disappeared from the phone (which is normal) indicating there was no connection. I then left the car but left the bluetooth enabled on the phone instead of switching it off as I normally do. When I returned and drove off the partnership was re-established and the headset icon re-appeared and I was able to stream music etc without doing the 'set as wireless stereo' trick.
I tested this a couple of times and the behaviour was the same - i.e. leave BT enabled on the phone but switch on/off the XCarLink (car kit) and the partnership re-establishes each time with Wireless Stereo working. Switch BT off and then back on on the phone and you have to manually select Wireless Stereo.
Is this the expected behaviour or is there a trick to getting this working seamlessly?
That didnt' work for me. I even did a hard reset on my phone to see if there was something I had installed causing it not to relink.
If I had any hair, i'd be pulling it out by now
It's so frustrating knowing that I had worked it out once before but when it comes to the crunch you can't remember for the life of you how you did it.
Well i've been searching for an answer and found this here
@ debully>
There is a very simple fix to enable the Pioneer to recognise and connect to your phone. You see the Pioneer is searching for a phone or a Smartphone, the Trinity identifies itself as a PPC and so the Pioneer ignores it.
The Class of Device or CoD must be changed so that the Trinity identifies itself as either a phone or Smartphone.
If you change the Dword Data value in.... HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Bluetooth\SY S\COD"
to 5374476 (decimal) and set bluetooth to discoverable in your Trin, you should find that it connects automatically.
It took me 8 months to find this out.
PS. I don't have the problem with not hearing the callers.
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But it didn't work for me - on the plus side though I did find a really cool mortscript from the same guy which when I plug the kaiser into my car cradle/charger it recognises the car stereo (but doesn't set to "wireless stereo" and automatically loads up my media player
My search continues
EDIT: Ok found that once the initial partnership for wireless stereo is done, if I turn off the radio and turn it back on again, the partnership is lost as usual until I press channel 6 (pause) on my head unit and then it comes back on.

MDA IV in car -mic problem

hi all !!!
i connected my mda IV to sony car audio using adapter cable (3,5 mm jack) sound is great (music,films ,navi) but when i try to make a call nobody can hear me because cable is connected and internal mic is switched off !!!
Do you know the way how to force internal mic working while cable is connected? ( i know i can buy bluetooth car radio but i am curious if it is possible to turn on that mic) THX
I'm looking for the same solution on my diamond. Anyone has a solution?
I don't know the solution, but there is a workaround.
If you download bluepower, this will activate bluetooth when your phone is charging. Then you can use a bluetooth headset to make and receive calls. This seems to take priority over the connection with the in car audio.....
Hope this helps.

Blutooth and Radio. HELP!!

I am the happy owner of a HTC Topaz.
I ride a motorbike, and have recently bought a bluetooth crash helmet with built in speakers / mic which works a treat for answering and making calls and also for listening to TomTom navigation instructions from my HTC Topaz.
However, I have yet found a solution to allow me to listen to the built in radio via bluetooth. Because HTC requires the plug-in headset to act as an antena the radio doesnt work without it.
However when I plug in the headset, i get instant radio reception but then the sound is routed to the plug-in headset , rather thean the bluetooth speakers.
My logic tells me that there must be some way to use the plug in headset as ONLY an antena allowing the sound to be routed by deafault to the bluetooth headset. Surely this is software driven?
I am not a software Guru, but keen to learn and frustrated that there doesnt seem to be a yet obvious solution to this problem.
Any help would be appreciated.
Why 4 threads?

