Will someone be kind enough for all the noobs out there and post a complete video of how to get from a completely stock firmware to (well in this case) this hero build, or the newest, latest, or best working hero build. While showing the order to flash radios, spls, and such using the ADB. It will help out a lot of people trust me. And from the looks of all the noobs right now youll have so many views, subscribers, followers or whatever your motive is. Please help noobs out.
If you need it you can find some free desktop recorders to enhance your video here:
Completey safe downloads from cnet.
Remember stock to hero!
I would do this myself but i myself do not know how and am on my second g1.
Thank you!
i will have a go at making that over the weekend. said:
i will have a go at making that over the weekend.
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Thanks a billion. You dont know how much this will help people. Post a link here when your finished please
Since this thread is for the "noobs", I have a couple of questions to ask.
Excuse my not using the search fully. There are just so many threads and so many responses and none of them are completely clear.
If I were to root my phone with the latest Hero ROM that has flash playet 10, will I still need to upgrade the firmware to 1.5 or is this particular ROM built on 1.5 or what??
Also, does this latest Hero ROM have the famed HTC virtual keyboard or no??
OutstandingO said:
Since this thread is for the "noobs", I have a couple of questions to ask.
Excuse my not using the search fully. There are just so many threads and so many responses and none of them are completely clear.
If I were to root my phone with the latest Hero ROM that has flash playet 10, will I still need to upgrade the firmware to 1.5 or is this particular ROM built on 1.5 or what??
Also, does this latest Hero ROM have the famed HTC virtual keyboard or no??
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Honestly idk but maybe someone will see this thread and answer that for you or you can start a new thread
There are quite a few videos out there already that show you how its done. Maybe not directly toHero but the whole process is the same -
So instead of using JF 1.31, simply use the Hero ROM of your choice, rename it as "" and put it on the root of your SD card. Turn off your G1, hold the HOME button and press POWER to get into the Recovery image. Press ALT+W (to wipe) then ALT+S (to flash the ROM).
EDIT: I forgot some very crucial information >_< IF you are going to Hero from Stock you do require a few other things. Namely the new Radio and the new SPL (depending on which Hero ROM you pick). Make sure though that whatever you do, you upgrade the radio first to avoid bricking your G1. Look at my signature for links to what you need, like the Radio, SPL etc.
Wait patiently and all should be well...
Hero is basically Cupcake (1.5) but with a different interface created by HTC using custom code. So you just flash the Hero ROM of choice and that's it.
root video
OutstandingO said:
Since this thread is for the "noobs", I have a couple of questions to ask.
Excuse my not using the search fully. There are just so many threads and so many responses and none of them are completely clear.
If I were to root my phone with the latest Hero ROM that has flash playet 10, will I still need to upgrade the firmware to 1.5 or is this particular ROM built on 1.5 or what??
Also, does this latest Hero ROM have the famed HTC virtual keyboard or no??
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YouTube has plenty of view on rooting that's where I learned how to do it, they also have the files u need to root it right there for u to download. Just search it and u will find it. The guy who's vid I followed is tony moreno look for his bids. I don't recommend jumping from 1.1 to hero. Go from 1.0 to 1.1 then jump to 1.5. Also hero is built from 1.5. I myself have tried it but even with all the optimizing its not fast enough for me. It also has the famed HTC IME keyboard. I myself use JF 1.5 APD. With the Hero theme in the themes section with the HTC keyboard. Flash would be nice but it still has issues with speed and force closings. Like I said YouTube the rooting process and search around the thread for other stuff like and and how to use fastboot.
I forgot some crucial information, namely to upgrade the Radio first and that you might need to upgrade the SPL. Have edited my post.
That is in part something that threw me for a loop.
I've seen multiple vids for rooting but none of them seem to address this whole "Radio" issue that you brought up and the steps surrounding that. From what I have been reading this is the most important part.
I love this site but the type of people that post here are guys that already know what their doing in most cases and they speak and post as such.
So have I ever developed an app for the G1, no, but I'm not Danny Dunderhead either. I can read a set of instructions if laid out for me.
So I ask you more experienced gentlemen, can someone either post a link or give me step by step help in checking my "radio", upgrading my "radio" and then installing the ROM??
I would greatly appreciate it.
I did it! I bricked my G1!
Yeah, well...what can you do. I read over the posts here, watched youtube videos, and searched the web as well. Read and viewed everything I could until I couldn't take it anymore. Then...I tried. Tried and failed? No, tried and died.
MAN, I WANT HERO! I am more jealous with every video I see. I don't care if it's a little slow. It is pure Android beauty. But...
There is so much information out there, not just at this forum, but all over the net. And although there are many similarities between the instructions (I use that term loosely for some), many have different steps so it's hard to tell which to follow. Apparently taking what you feel are the best from each is not the way to go. Really, I'm not stupid about these things...well...
So, here is where I started; a T-Mobile G1 running the latest OTA 1.5 update and the radio software. Used Parted Magic to create a 5GB FAT32 and a 1GB EXT2 partition on the SD card. I downloaded everything I though I would need or could find. The original boot and recovery img's along with RC29, RC30, and Cupcake zips. Then I got HardSPL and a bunch of files from Hayruko. I got JeseusFreke, CyanogenMod, and JACHero stuff. Hell, someone said to download the Telnet.apk and put it on the SD card as well. Did that. I found a great thread for installing the JACHero, but it did not go into rooting your phone first. Did that need to be done? I guessed it did. So I started there. Downgraded nicely to RC29. That was easy. Then even went through the telnet and terminal emulator steps. Then trouble. Which recovery.img to use? Some instructions reference the testkeys and some don't when rooting. Figured I would do it that way. So I went through those steps. Loaded CyanogenMods 1.3.1 and 1.33.2005 SPL on the SD card. Flashed (I thought) the recovery.img. Rebooted to get ready to install the SPL. Stuck at t-Mobile G1 now! They really do call it a brick for a reason.
So now that I got that off my chest, a few questions. First, I want to run HERO. I want it! However, I would like to make a request this time. Could someone please post step by step instructions for taking a stock G1 to the JACHero 2.3.4 release. Not just "flash the recovery and SPL" files. I would like more detailed directions. If you know of a good link to send me, please tell me. I thank you in advance for your time. I know it's a real pain in the ---, but I promise I will pass your knowledge along to another such as I!
A few questions first. I believe the steps are something like this:
1. Downgrade to RC29.
2. Copy recovery_teskeys.img and some recovery.img along with some SPL file to the SD card and "load" them properly. Which files should you use (does it matter), which order should you do it and how?
3. How do I do a Nandroid backup at this point? Do I need/want to?
4. Do I wipe now? Need to ever? Doesn't the image overwrite everything anyway?
4. Copy (the renamed JACHero 2.3.4 zip file) to the SD card and load it. Do you need to load any other image first other than JACHero 2.3.4.?
5. Enjoy HTC Hero goodness!
I know I am asking a lot, but I need the steps so I can replicate this easily. I am going to want to do this a lot based on what I see out there. Always something new to try and a lot of great developers out there. Thank you in advance for all of your time and effort. I promise to pass it along.
My G1 is rooted and I have updated it to RC33. (during the process, I used HARDSPL)
1. If I plan on using a theme from Drizzy (champion V2) do I still need to do the cupcake update AND the radio update?
2. Is installing this theme as simple as renaming the .zip to "update" and dragging it to SD card. THEN, do I Alt+W, or only Alt+S when I get to restore screen?
Please help if I am way off.
stevedawg85 said:
My G1 is rooted and I have updated it to RC33. (during the process, I used HARDSPL)
1. If I plan on using a theme from Drizzy (champion V2) do I still need to do the cupcake update AND the radio update?
2. Is installing this theme as simple as renaming the .zip to "update" and dragging it to SD card. THEN, do I Alt+W, or only Alt+S when I get to restore screen?
Please help if I am way off.
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If you are going to use a theme, you need to make sure the theme is intended for that specific rom. You should always update your radio, without updating it you will have BT problems and possibly dropped calls. If you have Cyanogens recovery 1.4 you don't have to rename anything to update any more cause it can flash any .zip file. And you don't have to wipe before flashing a theme.
Thanks for the help.
How do I find out which rom I have and which rom's the .zip support?
I followed a youtube tutorial from anthonymoreno24 and these are the files I used:
Recovery image & HARDSPL from:
I will update to cupcake during lunch (I have to use friends SIM cuz I have no data plan )
Just found this, do I follow these instructions after I update to Cupcake?:
Download image (right-click, save as):
MD5Sum: f5135a878c705215f4012786e4261cfe
To install image: copy it to your sdcard and run:
flash_image recovery /sdcard/cm-recovery-1.4.img
If you have problems with a "no space on device" error, try using fastboot and erasing first:
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot flash recovery cm-recovery-1.4.img
So have you not even loaded any rom yet? If you go to about phone under settings whats the info say?
Sorry, Im a newb, I'm literally following step by step instructions from the youtube vid
FW: 1.1
baseband: 62.33xxxx_1.22xxxx
[email protected] #1 (kool!!! just noticed this )
Build: kila-user 1.1 PLAT-RC33 126XXXX-xxxwordsxxx
This help? what specific info you need?
Bud, you are a long way off. Drizzy's is not a theme, it is a hero rom which I would not suggest you try since it needs the danger spl and I can see a brick happening already, download cyanogen 4.02 rom and flash that and stick with it before you consider anything else, read the sticky's at the begining of each forum here to get an idea of how android works instead of relaying on a couple month old out of date video. A lot has changed since that was made. Oh and make sure that your file you want to flash is in the root of your sdcard and not in a sub folder otherwise it won't work, biggest thing make a nandroid backup in cm-recovery 1.4
gridlock32404 said:
Bud, you are a long way off. Drizzy's is not a theme, it is a hero rom which I would not suggest you try since it needs the danger spl and I can see a brick happening already, download cyanogen 4.02 rom and flash that and stick with it before you consider anything else, read the sticky's at the begining of each forum here to get an idea of how android works instead of relaying on a couple month old out of date video. A lot has changed since that was made. Oh and make sure that your file you want to flash is in the root of your sdcard and not in a sub folder otherwise it won't work, biggest thing make a nandroid backup in cm-recovery 1.4
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Took the words right out of my mouth.
OP: If you want to flash anything hero related you need to read read read, if you are asking questions like this, and are this confused then you shouldn't/aren't ready to go hero. Try cyanogen or jacxrom (if you want a different look, it has a nice theme built into it) and after a week or 2 of studying them give hero a shot.
Has anyone else noticed how many people have been posting sh*t like this lately? It seems like noone can read anything anymore and wants us to give them specialized instructions instead of using the GUIDE's like we all did.
crpercodani said:
Took the words right out of my mouth.
OP: If you want to flash anything hero related you need to read read read, if you are asking questions like this, and are this confused then you shouldn't/aren't ready to go hero. Try cyanogen or jacxrom (if you want a different look, it has a nice theme built into it) and after a week or 2 of studying them give hero a shot.
Has anyone else noticed how many people have been posting sh*t like this lately? It seems like noone can read anything anymore and wants us to give them specialized instructions instead of using the GUIDE's like we all did.
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Agreed. I've noticed that people are like how to I root!?!? I'm such a n00b. There is plenty of literature out there and should learn how like the rest of us did. If you need to be babied into root maybe you shouldn't have root.. or let someone else do it.
I rooted my phone a couple months ago without asking any ?s, I have still not asked a ? Yet, before I even got my phone, I studied up on it, there is a ton of info and a lot is in the stickysand has been covered countless times. Now it is even easier to root and flash your phone than ever but the problem is people are following videos and blogs that do not provide enough info. I was lucky to find xda back when I had my wing so I knew right were to go from the begining. If people just took notice to the info here they would have no problem at all
gridlock32404 said:
I rooted my phone a couple months ago without asking any ?s, I have still not asked a ? Yet, before I even got my phone, I studied up on it, there is a ton of info and a lot is in the stickysand has been covered countless times.
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I completely agree, I too read the tutorials many times before I got my phone !
And when I got the phone, I invested almost 2 days ( around 20 hrs) to try different things (Thanks to all for providing guides to everything) and now I am running a fantastic ROM with root.
It feels much better now that instead of asking "How, Why,etc), I am writing "THANK YOU ALL" for fantastic guides and tutorials !
crpercodani said:
Took the words right out of my mouth.
OP: If you want to flash anything hero related you need to read read read, if you are asking questions like this, and are this confused then you shouldn't/aren't ready to go hero. Try cyanogen or jacxrom (if you want a different look, it has a nice theme built into it) and after a week or 2 of studying them give hero a shot.
Has anyone else noticed how many people have been posting sh*t like this lately? It seems like noone can read anything anymore and wants us to give them specialized instructions instead of using the GUIDE's like we all did.
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FYI, JACxROM requires Haykuro's SPL to run properly as well. If you're using the HardSPL, then your best choice is Cyan's 4.03 or enomther's rooted version of the stock Cupcake CRC1 build.
my bad, I guess since I flashed haykuros spl and the new radio when I first rooted I never relized you needed it for the xrom.
crpercodani said:
my bad, I guess since I flashed haykuros spl and the new radio when I first rooted I never relized you needed it for the xrom.
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Yeah, actually even the devs didn't realize this until a couple of us did some experimenting. Fortunately, I had two G1s and the only difference with them were the SPLs... one worked and one didn't.
Hi all.
I had recently flashed cm6 rc2 without the radio via rom manager comming straight from froyo. While using the ROM today, I noticed a lot of processes crashed all at once including acore.
When I rebooted, I was stuck in a boot loop. I wiped stuff and did a nandroid restore to get back to my stock froyo, just fine.
Was it the radio that caused it (edit: seems like rom manager may have snuck it in). Since I flashed cm6 from ROM manager, I thought it would prompt me if I needed the radio. What went wrong?
The radio on the first post of the CM6 RC2 thread is the required radio and must be flashed separately if you are not already using that radio. If you are on stock froyo you most likely are.
Radio Firmware: (FROYO RADIO, REQUIRED!)
Check this by going to: Settings - About Phone - Baseband version
If you are not on the correct radio you can flash by downloading the zip on the first page of the CM thread.
If you update again try wiping and a reboot into the mod before your nand restore. Some common issues/fixes are in the link below.
Good luck to you.
Please read the instructions next time instead of posting a new topic.
Edit: Actually, after reading your other post, I'd say, stop what you're doing, reflash to stock, and please don't do anything more. I can see you'll be a headache for all the other users in the future as you refuse to read first then ask questions. Everything you need to know is in the first post of the CM6 RC2 thread and the wiki that is linked within that post. If you can't handle that much, please do us all a favor and don't flash custom roms.
I'm waiting for the "My phone iz bricked now" thread to arise...In the right forum next time I hope!
It's lame topics like this that get budding roms pushed to the back of the list.
chesh is right though, you need to learn by reading first. The search button is your friend.
chesh420 said:
Please read the instructions next time instead of posting a new topic.
Edit: Actually, after reading your other post, I'd say, stop what you're doing, reflash to stock, and please don't do anything more. I can see you'll be a headache for all the other users in the future as you refuse to read first then ask questions. Everything you need to know is in the first post of the CM6 RC2 thread and the wiki that is linked within that post. If you can't handle that much, please do us all a favor and don't flash custom roms.
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Mind you. I read those instructions 1 million times. I chose not to flash it because a website said you only need it if you are comming from froyo. I had also seen a video of someone running cm6 without the radio. So I thought I was fine
jrmurph said:
The radio on the first post of the CM6 RC2 thread is the required radio and must be flashed separately if you are not already using that radio. If you are on stock froyo you most likely are.
Radio Firmware: (FROYO RADIO, REQUIRED!)
Check this by going to: Settings - About Phone - Baseband version
If you are not on the correct radio you can flash by downloading the zip on the first page of the
If you update again try wiping and a reboot into the mod before your nand restore. Some common issues/fixes are in the link below.
Good luck to you.
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So are you saying that the is the radio needed to use cm6 or does it mean I need to flash the radio
GlobaL_TroTTer said:
So are you saying that the is the radio needed to use cm6 or does it mean I need to flash the radio
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Click to collapse is the Froyo radio that is required for using CM6 or Froyo roms. Froyo will work with the earlier radio, but you'll have issues with camera, video camera, MMS, SMS, and a whole slew of other things. There is another radio floating about that's from the Korean version of the Nexus Ones, and has a higher version then the initial Froyo radio, but at this time, doesn't seem to change anything. So, the way you check which radio you already have (as most Froyo roms don't come with the radio, you're required to flash it on your own) is to go into Settings -> About Phone and check what version of the radio you have listed in there. If it is anything other then the above version, then flash the above version.
Follow this guide to the "T" and you won't have any issues. And, BTW: this guide is linked in Cyanogen's original post in the CM6 RC2 thread. (Please visit the CyanogenMod Wiki for step-by-step installation walkthroughs and tons of other useful information.)
Strangely enough, i have that radio even though i didn't flash it. is it possible it came from rom manager when i installed cm6 or could it have been there when i got froyo
chesh420 said: is the Froyo radio that is required for using CM6 or Froyo roms. Froyo will work with the earlier radio, but you'll have issues with camera, video camera, MMS, SMS, and a whole slew of other things. There is another radio floating about that's from the Korean version of the Nexus Ones, and has a higher version then the initial Froyo radio, but at this time, doesn't seem to change anything. So, the way you check which radio you already have (as most Froyo roms don't come with the radio, you're required to flash it on your own) is to go into Settings -> About Phone and check what version of the radio you have listed in there. If it is anything other then the above version, then flash the above version.
Follow this guide to the "T" and you won't have any issues. And, BTW: this guide is linked in Cyanogen's original post in the CM6 RC2 thread. (Please visit the CyanogenMod Wiki for step-by-step installation walkthroughs and tons of other useful information.)
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turns out i have the radio, even though i didnt flash it (unless its not the baseband you mean) i think rom manager snuck it in- could this be possible
if you flashed froyo previously then the radio got updated with that full ROM.
one more thing, for some reason the clockwork recovery keeps dissapearing. it changes to an exclamation mark in a white triangle with a mini green android. it just dosent like me!
Once again, see my previous post where I linked you to the Cyanogen Wiki with complete, step-by-step instructions of how to install all of this manually. I would suggest the manual route, as it seems you need the practice with the commands.
chesh420 said:
Once again, see my previous post where I linked you to the Cyanogen Wiki with complete, step-by-step instructions of how to install all of this manually. I would suggest the manual route, as it seems you need the practice with the commands.
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what im saying is that every recovery image i use disappears after i have been in the recovery image more than once Even Amon ra's recovery!
Which means you haven't done some part of the process right. I remember hearing about this once before. Just start from the very beginning of those instructions (including unlocking bootloader). Not going to harm anything if it's already been done.
chesh420 said:
Which means you haven't done some part of the process right. I remember hearing about this once before. Just start from the very beginning of those instructions (including unlocking bootloader). Not going to harm anything if it's already been done.
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Are you sure. I searched slot and I didn't find anything about recovery images reseting. I am in need of help.
One thing about the rooting process, all I did was unlock the bootloader and install su permissions. It's hard to find detailed and I mean detailed instructions on rooting a nexus one and installing a recovery image.
do a wipe
i did everything again except unlock the bootloader again because i am not sure of the result of that if you have already done it. do you think a factory restore would do the trick in setting or do i need to
Did you do all the steps in the Cyanogen wiki that I linked you, exactly as they were? Because, if you did, you wouldn't still be having a problem. See, this is what I'm saying, you keep on posting, but you don't want to follow any instructions. Why don't you follow that t-mobile guide, and give up on installing custom roms.
And, are you saying this isn't detailed enough??
Or how about some video's in the sticky at the top of this forum?
Or, how about these:
I mean, I found all of those in the last 45 seconds. Come on man. You obviously just can't follow instructions. What you need is the 5yr old from down the block that keeps beating your a$$ at MW2 to do it for you.
why dont you post a video showing exactly what happens. show it booting into recovery, then trying again and recovery disappearing.
Would just let everyone know I fixed it. I've been reading alot and now allmost fully understand the rooting and flashing side of android. Sorry for this noobish post. Will never happen again
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
chesh420 said:
Did you do all the steps in the Cyanogen wiki that I linked you, exactly as they were? Because, if you did, you wouldn't still be having a problem. See, this is what I'm saying, you keep on posting, but you don't want to follow any instructions. Why don't you follow that t-mobile guide, and give up on installing custom roms.
And, are you saying this isn't detailed enough??
Or how about some video's in the sticky at the top of this forum?
Or, how about these:
I mean, I found all of those in the last 45 seconds. Come on man. You obviously just can't follow instructions. What you need is the 5yr old from down the block that keeps beating your a$$ at MW2 to do it for you.
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I fixed it differently from how you said I should do it even though I tried to do what you said.
Also. I OWN at WW2... you have no idea. Being cocky doesn't fix anything.
Also I know how it feels when there is a new generation of android hackers joining the community. I was with the iphone hacking community from the start. I miss the days when hacking was harder. Don't start saying I can't follow instructions on the rooting process because it was a nandroid restore that stuffed everything up. I rerooted twice just to make sure.
I hate being taken as a noob. Everyone starts somewhere.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Hi there, i bought recently Nexus One. As I discovered it is Vodafone version of N1. So as You guys know im stuck on Android 2.2.1. I would like to go stright to Gingerbread or CM7. And here is my question. (i know i could serch the forums for answers but many can be outdated or i just dont understand something). You guys are pro's so you will find solution for me maybe in seconds, where i will be serching this for hours.
Ok, questions:
- Can i root my phone using a oneclick? (If i will go fot CM7)
- If i would like to go for offical, stock updates, can i use PASSIMG method from wiki? So then i shuld just download downgrade (FRG33 as i remeber) and, step by step upgrade it to gingerbread, or i must do something before it ?(like downgrading to shipping version, mentioned at wiki before passimg method, im a bit confused). Will i get updates then from google and i wil be mo longer depended to Vodafone?
I will be grateful if You will answer my questions or just dp some quick guide. And sorry for my horrible grammar.
Yes, I also bought a Nexus One with a non standard ROM. Like you said you can use the PASSIMG method to downgrade to a stock froyo ROM (i.e. FRG33) and you will be able to then upgrade OTA stait to 2.3.4.
Best to do some research so that you understand all the ins and outs. Check the wiki.
As Dirk said, the best place to start doing your research is on the WiKi. After you have enough information to ask more specific and focused questions, then we will be able to help you a bit better.
PS. I would recommend just using the standard fastboot OEM unlock method of device unlocking and something better than stock such as CyanogenMod since you're new to the phone. You won't be able to relock the bootloader, but if you're not returning it, that's not an issue.
The answers are:
- Yes.
- Yes, no, yes.
I've been doing a lot of reading regarding rooting the Nexus one and unlocking the bootloader etc. I wish not to unlock the bootloader at this stage (as you can't lock it again, and the fact that i'm gonna be playing around with my dad's phone and wouldnt want anything to happen to that)
Right now, the phone has stock 2.3.4 installed, which I believe needs to be downgraded to be rooted.
So I downloaded the FRG83 release.
Now is the following right/possible:
Flash the phone with FRG83 by going into the phone's recovery - so the phone is downgraded
Root the phone using the superoneclick method
Now the phone is rooted and I can flash it with any custom ROM eg, CyanogenMod 7 etc..?
Sorry if this has been covered earlier, however I tried my best to read as much as I could, however there were always a few more steps involved in the process which I thought could be left out
So would the above process be okay?
You have to use the PASSIMG.ZIP method to downgrade.
I would just read the WIKI
Read the wiki. You said you been doing a lot of reading but still do not know how to root/downgrade from 2.3.4. That makes no sense.
The steps are there for a reason.
You don't know what you're doing but come to conclusion that you can skip/leave out steps. That is flat out stupid.
Thanks baseballfanz Yeah I've read the wiki and I was going to use the PASSIMG method, hence downloaded the FRG83 file, but somewhere else I had read that you had to flash it to froyo then back upto gingerbread :/ hence was a bit confused.
The problem is there are too many threads about it. And there are a few tiny differences in all.
So I guess I have to flash down to froyo and then use superoneclick.
And after that, I can just flash any ROM from the forum?
Alubundy2010, mate I did read it all and understood it. However I still had a few questions. If you didnt wanna help, it would've been best to keep your mouth shut.
It is clear you did not and still don't understand it.
Yeah probably not, hence why I posted asking for help in the first place. Just spent an hour trying to do it, but stuck at froyo for now till I do an official OTA update tmrw morning and have a stock unrooted phone, cus I honestly don't have the balls to brick my dad's phone. So not rooting till I'm 100% sure of what I'm doing.
Thanks a lot for all the amazing the help.
Wiki clearly says:
"Gingerbread 2.3.4 can be rooted only when downgraded to 2.3.3 or to Froyo, using PASSIMG method, which will wipe the phone"
And the link is given - landing you on the same page, a bit upwards. The link contains EVERYTHING needed to downgrade.
Moreover, the following sentence points you to a VERY simple guide, which says: when you downgrade, you root. Without any additional steps. And from that point you do whatever you want.
The main guideline of XDA should say - "if you don't know what you're doing - stay away from rooting until you do". Obviously you don't, and you don't seem willing to learn by reading the proper guides, even when pointed to.
And just to make sure you got it: you can't root the latest OS version. Which means, if you downgrade and wait for the OTA to upgrade you back to the latest version, you'll finish (again) without the ability to root, and this time also without the ability to downgrade. Not quite smart, yes? If you want to avoid unlocking the bootloader, that is.
Now that the phone is running froyo you can root.
You should also have gotten the ota notification basically as soon as the phone finished booting.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
I've read through
think that's a fair few guides I've been through, and that's probably why I can't get it write cus I'm jumping from one page to another :|
Oh well thanks for the help guys, and I did actually do all the reading that was required.
Oh and I also rooted the phone when it was on Froyo through the manual superboot process.