Please Help - intshrui cannot be found - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

to make it short please take alook at the jpg attachments.
I want to use the Phone as a gateway to the internet, likte original ROM provided.
Sometimes after connecting the PDA with the PC the intshrui starts automatically but now I cannot reproduce this anymore.
Screenshots are the error, the phone details and the rom details
I googled around four days and tried on my own, but no success.
It would be very important that the ics is startable, because im lot on tour with my laptop at people to help,
but cannot establish an Internetconnection to load drivers or to seartch google for the problems people have.
somewhere i read it could be a simple "link" to the intshrui.exe is false in the start menu of Windows Mobile 6.5, but I could noct figure aout how to find and/or change the link to it.
sorry for my bad english I'm from Austria.
Robert from Linz

here is the solution for your problem....

thanks for the Link!
I changed my PDA because of the sudden death of my Diamond,
so this problem is "solved" i a way
But it's good to know what to do if this happens again.


Upgrade then backup question..C'MON PEOPLE I NEED YOUR HELP!

Hello all,
I am a total novice at this stuff but request a little help. If you have 2 minutes spare please humour me and help out :wink:
I decided to upgrade my ROm etc for the first time and went to the o2 XDA site to do it.
It seemed to go fine. Then I restored my full backup from the xbackup thing, from my SD card. Is this correct? Or have I just undone my ROM upgrade? All my programs are back on but it looks the same.
If I cant restore after an upgrade, how do i get all my photos and other things back on? I can reinstall programs no prob, and contacts and calender will sync from my PC, but what about everything else?
Sorry if this question has already been asked but I tried the search facility and got nowhere.
Thanks in advance
PS you never know, one day I might add something to this forum rather than just asking dumbass questions...
Well I got bored waiting so I bit the bullet and did the upgrade with no restore afterwards.
Seems all fine. Gotta reinstall everything I think so i'm slowly working my way through that. I'll keep posting....if anyones reading?! :!: :?:
Glad you solved your problem. The reason that you never got an answer is that the topic of should I restore a backup after a new rom flash has been covered so many times before.
I will add a line in wiki BlueAngel For Beginners
Yeah I thought that, but the search facility seems to give so many inaccurate results that it just takes too long to go through all of them.
I'm just not technically minded, as I'm sure many others on here aren't, so more often than not we are stumped by the simplest of things.
Oh well...still far better off with the xda2s than anything else!
I understand your point on the search, it takes time to work it out and some things you just can't search for as they seem to be blocked.
The problem that we have is trying to work out the post that are based on the fact the the user has tried to find a solution and the ones that just have not.
Take the upgrade issue, we have wiki and it points you to a thread that reads Wiki, help me and yes I have read getting started. So Why do we have new threads that read upgrade failed?
On good days some of us point new users in the right direction and on bad days some of us don't. Would be nice if it was not allways the same ones.
That's the problem I had also. I'll search for stuff, but when I get results, a lot of them conflict. Not only that, but in the wiki there are things that branch off onto multiple levels. If someone ran a graphical link checker, I'm sure one would find a spider web.
I've found that I got more precise answers by posting and getting a response than going to the wiki. Although, I actually learned more by reading through the wiki....after I did what I needed to do first.
I use Linux and in the config file for Postfix, there are a million things that you can change. Looking through it I thought I had to change everything. Turns out, after I asked, I only had to make 2 changes to get it working.
I'm sure the mods and the expert posters do the best they can, but I'm thinking some spring cleaning needs to happen....from a newbie's point of view.
On the wiki side its an open site, so if you have a login you can change what it says, correct it or even add to it. Thats the whole Idea of it.
I know that its not perfect well I should anyway. However its better than nothing, it can be fixed by us all and not just a chossen few. Please remember that these people don't have the newbie frame of mind so they write what makes sence for them, leaving out information that should be understood by the reader if he is in that section. (Like the kitchen)-
So if you feel that it needs cleaning up then please do it, you have the rights, you have gained the knowlege so its all up to you or others.
Well here's a little update as to my experience upgrading the ROM and all the other bits.
It sucks! My xda2s was damn perfect before I upgraded. Since upgrading I have had to soft reset about 5 times a day, just because it decides to freeze on me.
Then, when you take it out of its cradle, it freezes...EVERY TIME!!! So whenever it comes out its cradle i have to soft reset!!!
Shurely shome mishtake??!??!!
And surely it's been fixed with something by someone on here that has 'the knowledge' (for I definitely do not, in case you hadn't noticed!).
And the benefits?? Er.......well the phone screen looks a little different...ummm.....that's it. I think. Oh yes, did I mention it freezes whenever it bloody well feels like it??!?!
Here's what the figures are now....for those of you that know what they mean...
ROM version: 1.31.00 WWE
ROM date: 12/13/04
Radio version: 1.06.00
Protocol version: 1337.38
ExtROM version: 1.31.139 WWE
Annoyance setting: Maximum
Timescale to be thrown through the nearest window: Imminent
Have you got the O2 'today' screen still running (with O2 button top of screen)? If so that's the biggest offender of lockups in my opinion!
I followed instructions here:
and since then its only locked once in about about a month...before that soft resent 3 to 4 times per day!
sounds good I'll give it a go now.....will post my results soon!!
My word I think it's worked!
See I knew it would be something simple....just took someone 2 minutes to point me in the right direction :roll:
Cheers vince
I'll crawl back into my newbie hole now until the next problem.....!!!
i was in the same situation...only having had my XDA IIs for a month or so...was extremely hacked off that it was so unreliable! BTW did you have the connections.exe or connections.lnk? There seems to be some variation between machines...though moving out either one seems to stop the dreaded O2 software loading up!
by the way, are you using wifi connections? My XDA IIs (and others from searching on the net) seem to have a lot of problems connecting (it says 'connected' in wifi but when you try and go to a website it says "page is not available")....however I found something that said try re-entering WEP keys for known connections....and from my experience this seems to work for me. My Dell Axim organiser never had this possibly another 'feature' of the XDA IIs !!!
vincexda said:
(it says 'connected' in wifi but when you try and go to a website it says "page is not available")....quote]
For me it happends when your ip and subnet mask (in connection card settings) dont match with the wifi net you are connecting to... the pda found and connect but can not go online because is not a part of the right network (i.e. and usually..or subnet and byez!
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i need help with dead xda2i

i tried to update my xda2i rom and it is now dead i am running windows vista. the screen shows usb v1.01 i have read elswhere that all is not lost and some people have suggested trying to install rom again on a pc running windows xp i have tried this without success when i run the upgrade program it shows a communication error 101 i would really appreciate any help or suggestions
If screen shows USB 1.01, it means that your mobile is not completely dead. Worse case when it shows Serial.
Go to Windows XP and install ActiveSync 3.7(only 3.7, not later version) and try to flash again.
Don't worry, I think it will be ok.
peter111964 said:
i tried to update my xda2i rom and it is now dead i am running windows vista. the screen shows usb v1.01 i have read elswhere that all is not lost and some people have suggested trying to install rom again on a pc running windows xp i have tried this without success when i run the upgrade program it shows a communication error 101 i would really appreciate any help or suggestions
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Here's a way of rescuing an Alpine stuck on Bootloader...
man im really thnx to you. i tryed to update wm6 on my xda2i(sorry i didnt know) and same ****... im in sama stuation vista ect ect.... the worst thing is i tried on my dads phone he didnt understand what is going on(thnx god) and by the way really thnx to server too
Hi ... someone can help me ... I dont want to update my PDA is clear .. but I found a video
Ok this is not the point, I restar my PDA and stop´s I take out the battery and when I tray again dont do anything I plugin in my PC and dont dettect any light or system ... WHAT CAN I DO? HELLLLLLLP ME!
I've just been given an xda 2i but there is no OS on it at all..just the serial screen, i've tried to hard reset but it just goes back to serial..i think i may need to put a new 2003se onto it but cannot find one anywhere, can anybody help?
baltisalty said:
I've just been given an xda 2i but there is no OS on it at all..just the serial screen, i've tried to hard reset but it just goes back to serial..i think i may need to put a new 2003se onto it but cannot find one anywhere, can anybody help?
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you obviously canot read old post or anything relating to the forum, if you care to actually look there is a post in the forum about the update, and a link in the post to download the OS.
pls try looking before asking daft questions.
FYI the post is called... Deathnoise 1.11.171 ROM. Bluetooth patched, camera fixed. Radio 1.04
amazing isnt it? and that was just a few lines down from this topic, it took me ooo 1 second to find it.
and for the guy that posted teh rply before this one, your an idiot that was a XDA2 not XDA2i
this flame of a idiotic noob was braught to you by.. Flame
god sakes dont anybody ever EVER look to see if the few thousand ppl that have been here before may have had the same problem? try reading other posts before asking daft questions
Get a life..and a sh*g take life too seriously. Some people have meaningful and busy lives and don't spend hours and days like you trawling through all these posts, there is a world outside your bedroom you know
ps thanks for the link, i'm just too busy to have checked for my 'idiot noob self' but i've bought a new pda anyway after posting that
baltisalty said:
ps thanks for the link, i'm just too busy to have checked for my 'idiot noob self' but i've bought a new pda anyway after posting that
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you proved my point, nuf said.
It took longer for you to hijack this thread than it would have to check another thread. That would have been much faster to read than signing up to the forum and asking the same old questions.
its very annoying when someone asks a question that been asked a thousand times, I am a mod (not here) in a few pc based forums, you know how long we have to spend removing threads or answering the same olds which have been asked time and time again, even though there are forum search engines, stickies or other posts answering them?
To be honest its you who needs to learn how to use a forum. And READ the forum rules. just like the hundreds of other users out there that never bother.
fyi: I am a second chef in a restaurant and work 36 hours a week. I also run a small pc repair business in my spare time, I just happen to love my xda2 and xad2i, so frequent these forums. Odd really shame I cannot get out of my bedroom and getting a "sh*g"? Well not as often as I would like, but I do manage. And its not nice making this a personal slur, as I was only pointing out your ineptitude about the use and etiquette of the net and forums.
p.s. if you would care to actually read my post as well, i never called you anything, it was the guy that poseted before you that tried to update to wm5/6. that "idiot noob self" must be somthing you get called alot (thats a personnel dig, as i like to leave things even)
Server said:
If screen shows USB 1.01, it means that your mobile is not completely dead. Worse case when it shows Serial.
Go to Windows XP and install ActiveSync 3.7(only 3.7, not later version) and try to flash again.
Don't worry, I think it will be ok.
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HELp !!
My XDa2I has today started randam resets , 7 times thus far !
I changed the battery with no success and it has just settled down at last .
Each reset showed the serial numbers at the bottom of the screen .
Does that indicate something ??
ideas where I can get a cheap replacement battery for my dying XDA 2i ?

hi ever1 noob question

I bought blueangel and Im a complete n00b i must admit. Ok so i heard that i can upgrade wm and i would like to read complete step by step text about that + i need files files for that. Thanks in adv
btw can someone tell me how to setup wifi, my isp told me that i need to put ip in qtek... ????
and some1 pls tell me whats up whit led lights what does it means
ok, so ive read a little and now i have wm6 but I cant connect it to a active sync... whats up with that?
I have activesync 4.5 and cant connect, i have read all of possible solutions and i didnt solve the problem, is there some other program that could be in the same use???
is there some1 who can answer me???
Hi Sorry someone hasnt answered you
There could be lots of reasons why the device isnt synching - have you restarted the PC and the XDA?
When you put the PDA in the cradle what does the PC say does it detect the PDA at all? - It would help if you can tell us
1) what version of the WM 6 rom you have
2) exactly what device you have and what sort of cradle /cable you are using to synch
PS there are good people on here and given time you will get the help you need
Kind regards
John P
i found a problem in firewall!!! its working now, but do u know some good links for games programs and rest??
I found tons of them just by doing a google search.

HELP! needed with modem link program

For personnal convenience i want to to install modem link on my kaiser due to work network-restriction at work without not sucess....
i've found & installed "CDMA" version w/o no sucess with these issues
error: can't connect to COM8
kaiser is not recognized by desktop as usb-modem
my network signal is killed by program
i've foud & installed "WM6" version w/o sucess with these issues
kaiser is recognized as usb-modem
my network signal is not killed by the program
but when i try to conect it comes out this error: "End data call first"
if anyone could help me with these. i will appreciate so much...
Is there a need to do a register tweak or something else???
note: i know here is internet sharing program include on all wm6.x roms's but in my country still using 2g networks and there is a big difference in performance between IS & wodem link programs.
I'm pretty sure that not even 2 weeks ago this was discussed and someone put forth a good bit of effor to document their struggles. You may want to search back a bit.
ChumleyEX said:
I'm pretty sure that not even 2 weeks ago this was discussed and someone put forth a good bit of effor to document their struggles. You may want to search back a bit.
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did'nt notice - just found it thanks.
commander5555 said:
did'nt notice - just found it thanks.
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but no solutions with my problem even i've searching over a year...
i've searched & found a wmodem link program & i've searched i've installed but still got error message "end data call first"
even when i've read over 500's post on subject .... don't have i the right for asking a solution?????
i think is more reduntant of reduntant just keep saying "SEARCH" for a solution without given a positive solutions... i think is better just to don't reply at all........
thanks any way.......

Please help

Hey guys, great forum, I have a few problems with my diamond 2 t5388(has 192mbram and 806mhz marvell PXA310 processor)
1 is that when I now take a picture with the camera, the screen goes black but the photo is still saved but they are all corrupt when i try to open them on my pc or on the phone itself, secondly when somebody sends me a mms say a picture for example i click the download button and then it just says recieving and i dont even get the picture, lastly sometimes my pc does not detect my phone.
I have tried diffrent usb ports and sometimes that works but most times it does not although the phone still charges in the usb so it is recieving the connection from the usb port okay, i have tried a master clear but it does not help, I am running windows 6.5, will installing a new rom fix these issues, I honestly don't know much about these phones so I hope you can help me guys, thanks
You'll have more success asking here.
Thanks done
Will bump this because not getting any help what so ever in my other topic.
You see nobody viewing these threads has a cloned device and therefore would be unable to assist you. I apologize if you're not gettiing answers in the Clone thread, there is another clone thread for ROMs you can ask in, but asking outside of those threads will not help you at all.

