Here's the sequence of events, wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction for repair.
I am on Froyo, the initial leak rooted by Paul.
I wanted to get my market working, so I found this billg market fix + busybox update zip.
I installed RomManager, and it suggested I flash ClockworkMod Recovery, so I did. It guessed my phone correctly (I think) as the "Nexus One (GSM)". I'm now no longer totally sure - but that IS the T-Mobile version right?
Anyway, I flashed clockworkmod recovery, and then I chose the market fix, and then I rebooted.
Everything seemed OK but the first warning sign was no graphical boot screen (no sparking multi-colour X). It booted up OK but no connection to the network at all. I can not even enable wi-fi.
Not I'm not too sure what to do, would hate to make matters worse. I can boot into recovery and it is ClockworkMod recovery, but of course there are no backups on that thing I can restore to. I was using AmonRA recovery before.
Any thoughts?
TIA Paul
paulvallee said:
Here's the sequence of events, wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction for repair.
I am on Froyo, the initial leak rooted by Paul.
I wanted to get my market working, so I found this billg market fix + busybox update zip.
I installed RomManager, and it suggested I flash ClockworkMod Recovery, so I did. It guessed my phone correctly (I think) as the "Nexus One (GSM)". I'm now no longer totally sure - but that IS the T-Mobile version right?
Anyway, I flashed clockworkmod recovery, and then I chose the market fix, and then I rebooted.
Everything seemed OK but the first warning sign was no graphical boot screen (no sparking multi-colour X). It booted up OK but no connection to the network at all. I can not even enable wi-fi.
Not I'm not too sure what to do, would hate to make matters worse. I can boot into recovery and it is ClockworkMod recovery, but of course there are no backups on that thing I can restore to. I was using AmonRA recovery before.
Any thoughts?
TIA Paul
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find a froyo radio update from somewhere. there on alot of the rom pages
and flash a new rom after the radio and see what happens
The latest clockworkmod is buggy for me too. You can flash back to amon's recovery in fastboot.
Quick update
Flashing the Froyo radio update was no help.
I re-flashed Amon RA recovery and now I'm reapplying the original Paul's frf50.
Fingers crossed.
Phew, OK I'm back on the air.
Now I have to try to figure out how to apply the market fix without using ClockworkMod!!!
Thanks for help/advice.
paulvallee said:
Phew, OK I'm back on the air.
Now I have to try to figure out how to apply the market fix without using ClockworkMod!!!
Thanks for help/advice.
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Is it a zip you flash in recovery?
I recently bought a brand new Nexus One in the Netherlands, Tried it for a while in stock mode and decided that i didn't like the interface without Sense. So i wanted to flash the new desire build to it.
I Rooted my N1 with 1 click root ( and then installed the rom-manager app from the market.
I installed the Clockwork recovery from the rom-manager app.
Then decided to first upgrade the radio to the korean version ( using from the SD-card and the recovery menu..
This all worked like a charm. Booted my N1 and checked the new radio image and everything was fine..
Of course i still had to flash a new rom so i once again prepared an with the new CM6 mod. And entered the bootloader to go back to recovery menu. and that is when the sh*t hit the fan.. Couldn't boot recovery anymore..
I then tried a normal boot and no luck either...
since i could still enter fastboot i unlocked my phone (thought that was the problem (i know stupid but hey..)) and flashed everything back to stock. or at least V2.1 system image..
No luck either. no boot no recovery...
I finally managed to boot my phone when i installed the last cyan bootloader but now my SD-Card, and USB don't work anymore (USB still works in the bootloader)
Now i'am really out of options, the korean radio flashed my hboot to v0.35 which ensures that i can't flash any other system roms. I can't access my phone thru USD or SD card while booted so i can't revert my Hboot.
The only thing i could still think of is perhaps a full system.img of V2.2 but i can't find that anywhere only updates wich i can't install cause my recovery does not work and my SD card does not work
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks Laurens
Laurensvt said:
I recently bought a brand new Nexus One in the Netherlands, Tried it for a while in stock mode and decided that i didn't like the interface without Sense. So i wanted to flash the new desire build to it.
I Rooted my N1 with 1 click root ( and then installed the rom-manager app from the market.
I installed the Clockwork recovery from the rom-manager app.
Then decided to first upgrade the radio to the korean version ( using from the SD-card and the recovery menu..
This all worked like a charm. Booted my N1 and checked the new radio image and everything was fine..
Of course i still had to flash a new rom so i once again prepared an with the new CM6 mod. And entered the bootloader to go back to recovery menu. and that is when the sh*t hit the fan.. Couldn't boot recovery anymore..
I then tried a normal boot and no luck either...
since i could still enter fastboot i unlocked my phone (thought that was the problem (i know stupid but hey..)) and flashed everything back to stock. or at least V2.1 system image..
No luck either. no boot no recovery...
I finally managed to boot my phone when i installed the last cyan bootloader but now my SD-Card, and USB don't work anymore (USB still works in the bootloader)
Now i'am really out of options, the korean radio flashed my hboot to v0.35 which ensures that i can't flash any other system roms. I can't access my phone thru USD or SD card while booted so i can't revert my Hboot.
The only thing i could still think of is perhaps a full system.img of V2.2 but i can't find that anywhere only updates wich i can't install cause my recovery does not work and my SD card does not work
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks Laurens
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So.. your phone isnt able to boot?
Are you able to use fastboot?
If so, you can try this
This is all fastboot. This will take you to EPE76. then just download the FRF85B update. After that FRF91 should download from system updates.
futango said:
So.. your phone isnt able to boot?
Are you able to use fastboot?
If so, you can try this
This is all fastboot. This will take you to EPE76. then just download the FRF85B update. After that FRF91 should download from system updates.
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yeah i am able to use fastboot.. and i did try the thread you suggested.. but i couldn't boot my phone with the stock software.. if i replaced the boot with the last one from cyan it did boot but i am not able to use my USB connection and SD-card in EPE76..
I had upgraded to CM6 RC1 a while back, did the whole dangerspl stuff, and radio updates with no problem, from then on, I kept upgrading manually till I got to the stable release and thought I'd try to do it with the mod manager that's included in cm6.
It required me to install clockwork recovery manager and so I did, replacing the amon-ra recovery I had installed before.
I downloaded the rom with the google apps and tried to upgrade.
It is not stuck in the screen showing "T mobile G1" with no indication of progress or anything, it didn't load the recovery image.
I can still boot into the phone by removing the battery and placing it back, but I can't go into recovery.
What can I do now?
eladkatz said:
I had upgraded to CM6 RC1 a while back, did the whole dangerspl stuff, and radio updates with no problem, from then on, I kept upgrading manually till I got to the stable release and thought I'd try to do it with the mod manager that's included in cm6.
It required me to install clockwork recovery manager and so I did, replacing the amon-ra recovery I had installed before.
I downloaded the rom with the google apps and tried to upgrade.
It is not stuck in the screen showing "T mobile G1" with no indication of progress or anything, it didn't load the recovery image.
I can still boot into the phone by removing the battery and placing it back, but I can't go into recovery.
What can I do now?
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If you flashed recovery from within CM6 it's known to failure. You should use fastboot to flash your recovery when using CM5/CM6. There are several threats dealing with this topic.
AndDiSa said:
There are several threats dealing with this topic.
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Can you please point me (and anyone else who will read this thread in the future) to any of them?
I just fixed this by reinstalling the amon-ra recovery image
For example here
or use
I installed CM6 stable on my N1 after performing a nand backup. I restored to the original rom today to check something out. Now I can't boot into recovery. I get the exclamation android Guy. I used amonRA. Any suggestions?
i've got the same error and i tried with awrecovery.img instead of recovery-RA-nexus-v1.7.0.img and its working
I think the stock ROM flashes stock recovery when you reboot. You are actually in stock recovery when you see that screen. Try hitting the volume down and power buttons at the same time. Same exact thing happened to me.
I just decided to skip the stock ROM for that reason.
I bet there is a workaround for it though.
One work around would be to flash recovery using rom manager.
pwig is right, you replaced your recovery with the stock one.
You need to re-root (if the stock isn't rooted - which I believe it isn't, since the only builds that include recovery are completely stock), and after rooting re-flash the recovery with Amon_RA's recovery.
Hello all..
So I picekd up a t-mobile tab off craigslist yesterday, which was pre-rooted (no superuser though) and has the Roto JMI rom (if that's what it is) installed with the [email protected] #1 kernel.
Last night I tried rooting/installing CWM with the one click thing, run.bat or in my case since I'm on a mac. It wouldn't work and got stuck in a recovery loop. Every time I would boot, it would go straight to recovery. So I managed to get a data wipe done and now I'm back to the way it was before.
I rooted it with SimpleOneClick and it's rooted with superuser now. I've installed rom manager, tried to flash CWM, but when I do it just says successfully installed CWM.
When I try to boot to recovery, it just stops at the 'Galaxy Tab' loading screen. No stock recovery, no CWM, no nothing. The only way to get it out of this mode is to issue an ./adb reboot bootlaoder command. After I do that, it works fine. Can start up, shut down etc.
What did I do??? Is there any way to flash the recovery via adb push like I did the first time I rooted my phone? I can't seem to find the recovery to push to the phone, so yeah.. I'm confused here.
sanchez said:
Hello all..
So I picekd up a t-mobile tab off craigslist yesterday, which was pre-rooted (no superuser though) and has the Roto JMI rom (if that's what it is) installed with the [email protected] #1 kernel.
Last night I tried rooting/installing CWM with the one click thing, run.bat or in my case since I'm on a mac. It wouldn't work and got stuck in a recovery loop. Every time I would boot, it would go straight to recovery. So I managed to get a data wipe done and now I'm back to the way it was before.
I rooted it with SimpleOneClick and it's rooted with superuser now. I've installed rom manager, tried to flash CWM, but when I do it just says successfully installed CWM.
When I try to boot to recovery, it just stops at the 'Galaxy Tab' loading screen. No stock recovery, no CWM, no nothing. The only way to get it out of this mode is to issue an ./adb reboot bootlaoder command. After I do that, it works fine. Can start up, shut down etc.
What did I do??? Is there any way to flash the recovery via adb push like I did the first time I rooted my phone? I can't seem to find the recovery to push to the phone, so yeah.. I'm confused here.
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Not sure about t-mobile tabs (I've heard they can be a bit tricky) but if you can install Modaco/paulobrian kernel (thread in the dev section) then that has a fully working CWM built in. Backups and restores work perfectly with this. The "official" one from koush (sp) is abandonware...
paulshields said:
Not sure about t-mobile tabs (I've heard they can be a bit tricky) but if you can install Modaco/paulobrian kernel (thread in the dev section) then that has a fully working CWM built in. Backups and restores work perfectly with this. The "official" one from koush (sp) is abandonware...
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I actually just got it all set up after trying many things using this thread:
Worked like a champ.
sanchez said:
I actually just got it all set up after trying many things using this thread:
Worked like a champ.
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Excellent .
more fun stuff for those of you that like to flash things...
clockworkmod version touch for the incredible
Please post any comments/questions/concerns/etc
Download (img): You must flash this one using fastboot.
Download ( You must rename this to and put it on the root of your sdcard, then boot into hboot and select yes to flash it.
This was built using this koush's cwm auto-builder:
Used a freshly built recovery.img from my cm9 nightly tree and a slightly modified recovery.fstab to be compatible with the newer cwm
Yeah the one that we had, dev seems to have moved on.
Its only a fakeflash anyway, is this the same or fully functional touch recovery? I've scratched my head wondering why we haven't had a touch recovery yet.
Before I do something stupid, fastboot? Do I flash this in CWM or do it through RM? If flashed I'm assuming it sticks and stays than be temporary?
Edit: Never mind, is there a possibility of it being a flash form through CWM or RM?
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he means to go through HBOOT (power down, then volume-down + power). I haven't installed this, but that would be my guess.
7he Messiah said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he means to go through HBOOT (power down, then volume-down + power). I haven't installed this, but that would be my guess.
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i'll look into getting a zip made up for it
posted a
I installed this, did a nandroid, wiped my fresh ROM install from three hours ago, confirmed phone did not boot (wipe works). Re-installed ROM, rebooted phone (only let it get to boot animation, but install seems to work). Rebooted to recovery, re-wiped, then restored nandroid. Booted back up, all is well.
Thanks man!
EDIT: Also, forgot to mention that the format functions under mounts work, as well as USB mounting. I found nothing at all non-functional in this recovery.
7he Messiah said:
I installed this, did a nandroid, wiped my fresh ROM install from three hours ago, confirmed phone did not boot (wipe works). Re-installed ROM, rebooted phone (only let it get to boot animation, but install seems to work). Rebooted to recovery, re-wiped, then restored nandroid. Booted back up, all is well.
Thanks man!
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Okay I did a nandroid aswell and then did the update, restarted phone and did phone+volDown to hboot. Skipped the update to get into recovery, I had an error at the bottom about USB mount. I ignored it and wiped and restored.
Everything went perfect, very good touch recovery! Thanks Invisiblek.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
Flashed okay and appeared to be fully functional, but doing a standard flashover of the latest CM9 nightly produced some... wonky results. All of my system and app data was randomly wiped, although all of my apps, strangely enough, are still there (I didn't wipe anything other than cache and dalvik) and my home button doesn't seem to work. Also, flashing a ROM and Gapps package worked fine, but trying to flash a kernel and the Ext4 mod did not work (said installation aborted with error 0 and nothing more specific).
Downloaded, renamed to and put it on root of card. I get the error "wrong zipped image". Am I missing something?
EDIT: Nevermind, redownloaded and all is good now. Thanks invisiblek!
Thanks for this! Installed fine from HBOOT. I have used it several times this morning and have had no issues at all. The large spaced out text will take some getting used to but it seems fully functional. Only gripe I have so far is that I feel like I could navigate the menus more quickly on the non-touch version... scrolling in this takes several swipes on longer menus.
Much appreciated though, gonna keep using it!
Edit: Spoke too soon..
polarimetric said:
trying to flash a kernel and the Ext4 mod did not work (said installation aborted with error 0 and nothing more specific).
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Just tried to flash these as well and ran into the same issue.
alexcolodner said:
Thanks for this! Installed fine from HBOOT. I have used it several times this morning and have had no issues at all. The large spaced out text will take some getting used to but it seems fully functional. Only gripe I have so far is that I feel like I could navigate the menus more quickly on the non-touch version... scrolling in this takes several swipes on longer menus.
Much appreciated though, gonna keep using it!
Edit: Spoke too soon..
Just tried to flash these as well and ran into the same issue.
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Yeah, I tried flashing kernel related mods and get the same thing. Seems only kernel related. I tried a battery mod and a no go. Get status 0.
But I could install Audio mods and flash and wipe roms though.
I'm sure Invisiblek plans on updating it.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2