Last night I noticed that my Menu/Phone/Home/Back/Hangup was lit. It was in the dim mode like right before it goes into the locked mode.
I turned it off and of course they went off. As soon as I plugged it into the charger they came back on again. Really dim so its hard to tell.
This morning I pull it from the charger and again as soon as I turn my phone on the Menu/Phone/Home/Back/Hangup buttons are on, but dim.
I've tried to pull the battery and no change. Am I going nuts? I could of sworn the phone sitting there was in complete dark unless you pushed the Menu button.
Backup all your information and hard reset?
Beats me it magically fixed it self since I posted the "Help' request.
I did make a phone call earlier, but I'm not sure what I did.
I was using my atrix and put it down went to get something to eat came back 15mins later and it wont turn on! It was at 56% battery! So i plug it in and the green LED turns on but I can't do anything. I have pressed the power button, and I have pressed the power and volume down together both for 10+ secs and nothing is happening please help!
Ever get it back on? My battery drained to 1% last night, so I shut it down, charged it all night, and now mine wont turn on. Has the green light just like yours.
Sent from my phone.
Markyzz said:
Ever get it back on? My battery drained to 1% last night, so I shut it down, charged it all night, and now mine wont turn on. Has the green light just like yours.
Sent from my phone.
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I had to reboot mine in to flash mode in order for mine to come back up. I had to hold the down volume (or up cannot remember right now) + power for a minute nearly. Then it rebooted correctly into normal mode.
Markyzz said:
Ever get it back on? My battery drained to 1% last night, so I shut it down, charged it all night, and now mine wont turn on. Has the green light just like yours.
Sent from my phone.
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So I ended up calling AT&T and they went ahead and shipped me a new MAHD.
I took the dead phone to work and tried charging with my work charger, and now it works! When it finally turned on, the battery level was at 3%. So lesson learned: Do not let your battery drain to 1%!
Sent from my phone.
me too....
Lionsbane said:
I was using my atrix and put it down went to get something to eat came back 15mins later and it wont turn on! It was at 56% battery! So i plug it in and the green LED turns on but I can't do anything. I have pressed the power button, and I have pressed the power and volume down together both for 10+ secs and nothing is happening please help!
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I am having the same problem. I can get the boot screen up if i hold the buttons in at a certain time while the phone is plugged in and attempting to turn on. however, the phone cuts out no matter what and repeats the cycle even with the boot screen up. during the few seconds i can get the boot screen up, i'm unable to select an option, only scroll up or down and highlight them. then the phone cuts out and 20 secs. later attempts to turn on again but never gets past the motorola icon. Any suggestions? I originally thought it was the battery so i ordered one and installed it correctly and charged it, but still the same thing is happening. When plugged into a pc, charge light comes on but phone won't attempt to turn on....?????????
katlic said:
I am having the same problem. I can get the boot screen up if i hold the buttons in at a certain time while the phone is plugged in and attempting to turn on. however, the phone cuts out no matter what and repeats the cycle even with the boot screen up. during the few seconds i can get the boot screen up, i'm unable to select an option, only scroll up or down and highlight them. then the phone cuts out and 20 secs. later attempts to turn on again but never gets past the motorola icon. Any suggestions? I originally thought it was the battery so i ordered one and installed it correctly and charged it, but still the same thing is happening. When plugged into a pc, charge light comes on but phone won't attempt to turn on....?????????
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Our phone doesn't receive power from the cable until it's fully booted. Factory cables are a good work around.
Sent from my MB886 using xda premium
I have the same problem.
I think it's impossible to fix.
I tested with original charger.
I have also tried every possible button combinations.
and does not start
Has anyone been able to fix it?
On Friday night the tablet ran itself down and shut off after watching some movies before bed. The screen and the rest of the tablet was functioning normally up to this point. I didn't bring my charger home with me from school, so it stayed dead for a few days. The tablet is now fully charged (or at least almost full. I left it on the charger overnight and this morning when I unplugged it I couldn't get the screen to turn on. At first I thought I forgot to plug the charger into the wall, but now I realized that the tablet *is* on, but the screen wont come on. My computer reads the device, and I can transfer files to/from.
When I hit the power/home button I immediately get a lock/unlock sound. Holding the power button to try to hard reset just makes it make the lock sound twice. Any advice here? Is my screen dead?
tdnookhd said:
On Friday night the tablet ran itself down and shut off after watching some movies before bed. The screen and the rest of the tablet was functioning normally up to this point. I didn't bring my charger home with me from school, so it stayed dead for a few days. The tablet is now fully charged (or at least almost full. I left it on the charger overnight and this morning when I unplugged it I couldn't get the screen to turn on. At first I thought I forgot to plug the charger into the wall, but now I realized that the tablet *is* on, but the screen wont come on. My computer reads the device, and I can transfer files to/from.
When I hit the power/home button I immediately get a lock/unlock sound. Holding the power button to try to hard reset just makes it make the lock sound twice. Any advice here? Is my screen dead?
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How long are you holding the power button. When I get the sleep of death under CM11 I have to hold the power button for a slow count of 15 then wait a few seconds and hold it again for a slow count of 3.
I've never understood how the screen works while charging, while the phone is off. Is this some sort of system partition, or low powered mode? The reason why I ask, is whenever I try and charge it, the screen stays on, along with the LED Notification light. It never changes, and thus, I can never tell when it's 'fully' charged.
Any help? Is there a way to fix this by flashing something? I feel weird having my screen on all night trying to charge my phone.
Also, I forgot to mention, I can't turn it on, while it's off and charging. If I try to, it seems to freeze, and the only way to turn it on, is to disconnect, and hold the power button until it reboots. Have I messed up something crucial?
I have an HTC One. I was using it normally today, but got home and it was one percent. I plugged it up to charge and went to check a notification I had, and it turned off. It has happened before, and the charge light was on and it went straight to the screen where it shows the red battery and percent below it. This was normal - like I said, it's happened to me before. Then, it completely turned off instead of charging. A short time later, the orange charging light went off.
I plugged it up into the wall as advised a forum I was looking at for this problem, and apparently it is a common thing with these phones. I've let it charge for about an hour and it still isn't turning on and both the charge light and the red LED light have not come on at all. I tried to trick where I held it under my lamp light and held the power button and both the up and down volume buttons but it still hasn't turned on. Maybe I just haven't left it plugged up long enough?
Any advice? I use my phone a lot, so I really need it!
I went to turn on my phone this morning and everything stayed black (no LED, no capacitive buttons were illuminated).
I've tried every single button combination involving home, volume, and power, but nothing is awaking the device.
When I plug the phone in, it gets warm, so I don't believe the battery is completely dead.
Thank you so much in advance for the help.